

Jeff laughs and nods. "Yeah, that's Beej alright. Poor Rosetta..." Though he did think it was funny. Rosetta could take a lot, but Jeff knew she disliked snakes. 

Enjoying a cold treat with Hunter and Katie was very much appreciated, as far as Jeff was concerned. Once they got to the little place and ordered, they were able to sit outside and it felt so much better than a hospital room. Jeff knew he needed to be careful but... he did want to get home and to a regular routine again. 

It seemed like in no time they were pulling into the ranch driveway. It probably seemed a shorter trip to Jeff since he'd dozed off several times. But he wasn't going to let his tiredness get the best of him. Getting out of the car, he thanks Hunter and Katie again and says he'll see them at supper. For now though, he heads to the main office. 

Knocking before entering, Jeff slips inside to find Rosetta at her desk. "Hey, Sis..." 

Outside, Hunter leans  back against the hood of Katie's car and gives her a questioning look. "Guess there's a little while before supper," he muses. "What are your plans?" 

"Nothing but a taco?" Justin grins and turns his truck into the Mexican restaurant's parking lot. "We'll have to remedy that. I bet we can find something you'll like."

After parking, Justin waits for Beth to escort her inside, holding the door for her and accepting a booth not far from the door. Getting settled across from her, he scans the menu. "Mm... they have a pretty good variety. I might go for some fajitas..."

It was kind of strange. Being here. It was warm and cozy, yet just as lonely as a hospital room. 

Jared lies in bed, staring up at the ceiling. At least the walls weren't stark white and at least the house didn't smell like sterile cleaning substances. But it was still quiet. He was still alone. 

Settled in the spare room on the main floor of the house, he could hear his mother working in the kitchen. She came to check on him often - help him, since he couldn't get up out of bed by himself. He'd be embarrassed if he hadn't spent so much time being helped in the hospital. He'd learned to take it in stride, even if it really did bother him. All he wanted at this point was to get to the bathroom and back on his own... even that wasn't possible yet, but he was too well to stay at the hospital any longer. 

Apparently Justin had assisted their mother in rearranging furniture in the house so that a wheelchair could get around fairly easily. And last night, Justin had been working on the porch to build a ramp...even though he hadn't come inside to talk to him. Even so, with all this help, Jared felt out of place - like he didn't belong. Even though his mother doted on him and tried to keep him occupied, he was still bored... still lonely. And oddly enough, there was a part of him that missed the number of people passing by at the hospital. 

Glancing around the room, he sighs. It was a nice sized room... but everything but the bed and a small nightstand had been moved out to provide room for him, a wheelchair, and whatever Grace needed. 


Jared's eyes move up to the clock on the wall. Today was the first day Grace would come here for his physical therapy. He was looking forward to seeing her, but not to the therapy. He knew it was good that his legs were feeling more, but the more he felt, the more pain he was in, and it wasn't fun. 

A car's engine makes him cock his head to listen, and he wished he could get up and go to the window to see who it was.

Twila looks quickly to Alice, her eyes wide. They'd become pretty good friends after spending so much time together lately, but Twila never would have thought she'd be asked something like this. 

"I'd... I'd love to." Her smile spreads from ear to ear. "I mean, I'd like nothing more so yes... of course I will." 

Clasping her hands with excitement, her eyes dance. "I'm just so happy for you and Kyle. You both deserve this." 

Something new

Getting in the back seat after all the commotion inside Katie wonder how it was her that ended up back there. She didn't mind to horribly much other than she would of rather sat in front with Hunter but her dad deserved to be up there to so she said nothing.

   "Awww, You remember the place I like to go. You DO have a good memorie."

Katie gives a little giggle as she pats her dad's shoulder. She was only teasing him all in good fun.  Leaning back and looking out the window Katie lets out a laugh at her dad's command of eating there. She would of guess he'd say that and since it wasn't really anything stressful Katie figured it would be ok. She only hoped this wasn't the start to his same old stubborn habits.

   "Wow, I guess I do get my bossiness from you huh?"

As her dad pats her knee Katie brings her hand to his and gives it a squeeze. She was happy her dad was coming home. There she could know it was ok, and monitor what he was doing. Though she would try to give him space it just made her feel better being closer.

   "Nah, nothing to exciting except for your brothers picking on poor Hunter. Other than that the ranch had been pretty quiet. BJ found a snake yesterday and it took everything for Rosetta to get him to leave it alone. Finally Wendy bribed him with cookies!"

Exiting the house and locking up Beth continues to hold Justin's hand till she got  into Justin's truck. Taking note to it being a little cleaner and smelling a little nicer Beth gives a smile to herself. She didn't mind Justin's truck at least it got him from point a to point b but the fact he had done his best to clean it made her feel good that he at least tried.

   "Mmmm...lets see what am I in the mood for."

Beth watches the building as they pass not sure what she felt like having tonight. Something different...today had a been a day for change why not keep it up and go for something new.

   "How about mexican? I've never had anything other than a taco before."

Giggling along with Twila Alice can feel her cheeks go slightly red about the baby's. Alice new how much Kyle wanted a family, and she did too it was something neither of them talked to each other about because they already new they shared a common ground. 

   "A more solid schedule would be nice for sure at least for a little while till everything gets planned out. Than it can go crazy again."

Alice didn't mind being on the road she rather liked it. But with so many different things coming up and getting ready for some different changes in her life just for at least a year something solid would be ok with her. Just a little less stress.

   "Yeah, we have to get the house fixed up a little bit and the outside weeded, and trimmed but we really want to have it there. It's big, and than afterwards we can just have the reception there too. Saves a little bit of trouble."

Scooting a little closer to Twila again and looking down at the book Alice thinks for a moment before looking up at her friend again. It had been such a blessing to find such great people who just seemed to click with Kyle. Alice would give all that credit to God, and it made her so happy to see him so happy and full of life. It made her feel good knowing she got a good group of friends out of it too.

   "Hey Twila, would you like to be my maid of honor for the wedding?"


Letting the whole secret conversation go by, Jeff doesn't ask what it was between Hunter and Katie that seemed so funny. Maybe he didn't want to know. 

Once in the elevator, he smirks as Katie turns her back on them. Looking to Hunter he shrugs. "I thought it was logical that she was in on the whole thing. I mean.... she does have an ornery streak. And I know this, 'cause she gets it from me."

"Oh, I have no doubt." Hunter leans back in the corner, hiding his smile. "I have a feeling that one of these days, it's gonna rear it's ugly head and I'm gonna be right in the firing line of some well-executed prank." 

"Ah." Jeff nods. "Yes, indeed. That's wisdom right there, boy. You just keep on having that feeling and don't let your guard down. That's when she's most apt to strike." 

As the elevator reaches the ground floor, Hunter slips out - to hold the door and make sure it didn't close and... to avoid getting whacked, kicked, or anything else he deserved for picking on Katie. He does offer her a sweet smile though, and a little wave.

It doesn't take long to get outside, and Hunter pulls the car around so they can ditch the wheelchair and not have to walk back far with it. Settled in the front passenger seat, Jeff lets out a long, weary sigh. He'd only been here a couple days, but it felt like forever to him, and he was tremendously glad to be going home. 

Sliding in behind the wheel, Hunter glances in his rearview mirror at Katie, making sure she was ready to go too. "Alright.... frozen yogurt... which way?" 

Jeff points to the right. "That way.... go one block then hang a left." He didn't need to ask where Katie had in mind - he knew the one favorite spot.

"Got it." As Hunter pulls the car out of the parking lot, he gives Jeff a sidelong glance. The man looked pale and bone weary. Not that it was surprising, but Hunter was sure it wasn't easy on Katie, seeing her dad like this. "You wanna pick up and go so we don't have to hang around town long or...?" He just wanted to be nice and not make it seem as though he were eager to stay here longer - the ranch was where Jeff's rest would come. 

"Nope." Jeff wags his finger in the air. "The sooner we get back to the ranch, the sooner I'll be cooped up again. I'm going to enjoy this, so we're gonna go, relax, eat our frozen yogurt and then head home.... And that's an order." 

Hunter's eyes widen a little and he nods. "Yes, sir. Got it." 

"Good." Jeff grins and reaches a hand back behind his seat to pat Katie's knee. "Thanks for coming and getting me. Have I missed anything exciting the last couple days?" 

Justin chuckles and curls his fingers around Beth's hand. "We can't have you cooking on our first date - that wouldn't be right, now would it?" 

Looking down into her eyes, he imagined how different it was from the first day he'd met her. There had been dark clouds in her gaze - storms of suppressed emotions and hidden dreams. But now, the light was shining through, adding brightness to the world. Tonight she almost seemed like an excited little girl, finally set free on a new adventure. Justin was used to girls who had dated before - who were confident in going out with a man. Beth's innocence was rather refreshing and... perhaps he enjoyed being able to take the lead.

Within five minutes, they were in Justin's pickup - which was cleaner than it had been in a long time. He'd worked hard at eliminating the odor of dogs and fish... well, maybe it wasn't entirely eliminated, but it was at least tolerable now, having been scrubbed and accented with a mirror air freshner. 

"Okay... let's see..." Heading down the main street in town, Justin glances from left to right. "We have the ever-popular greasy fast food.... coffee joint... ah, there's a buffet.... and that nice mexican restaurant... What are you in the mood for?" 

"Oooh, I like baby blue." Twila turns the book around to look at the pictures Alice had been talking about. "If you think it's too light, maybe go with like a periwinkle or something? I think either would be fine though, and I like the idea of baby's breath." 

She gives Alice a sly look and a grin. "Of course... all this talk of babies and you might give someone the wrong idea." Giggling, she shakes her head. "Not that Kyle doesn't constantly  talk about you and having a family. I tell ya... between the band and him being engaged, I think he could talk non-stop, twenty-four/seven and still be alert for the wedding." 

It was pretty close to the truth. The band had been able to play at several local concerts and next week would travel out of state for three bigger shows before coming back again. Things were going well, and all the while, Kyle was his normal hyper self - although with a new twinkle to his eye. It was obvious to everyone that he was excited about marrying Alice and no one could have any doubt of him being head over heels in love. It was the source of a lot of teasing, but Kyle never minded, able to dish out just as much teasing back at them. It was all in good fun though - everyone was excited for them.

Twila had enjoyed becoming closer friends with Alice. Coming over to her apartment today was a treat and she was glad to be sharing in the wedding plans and ideas. It wasn't something she'd done a lot of, but it was fun to her and she was happy to help if she could. 

"I heard him telling Theo that he hadn't set on a date with you yet because he wanted to make sure we were out on the road. I think he's been talking with Wayne and Jackie, trying to pin them down to a more solid schedule...which... I'm sure you already know." She laughs, flipping a page in the book while still thinking. "You guys still wanting to have the wedding on the grounds of your guys' house?"

Baby Blue

Once Jeff was settled into the wheel chair Katie starts to push him out of the room and down the hall. Listing to Jeff and Hunter go back and forth Katie can't help but laugh. The banter was kind of nice and hearing it gave the reassurance that Jeff liked Hunter too.

Hearing about the delightful treat and than Hunter's words that followed Katie's eyes got slightly wide before she busted out laughing. She couldn't help but find it slightly funny.

   "That's right, to never have a delightful treat again would be a tragity special when the spell had just been broken."

Looking to Hunter Katie gives a wink before continuing to push she dad. She new if anything more would be said they would probley embarrass both of themselves. Katie new her dad wouldn't understand the reference but that was more than likely a good thing.

   "Me...know about it. What if with both of you and thinking I had anything to do with this?"

Stepping onto the elevator with Jeff and Hunter Katie pushed the button before leaning against the wall and looking at them both. Her face was full of shock and amazement yet humor, and teasing.

   "You realize I want to keep Hunter around not drive him away right? The nerve of you guys."

Turning around to have her back to the guys Katie folds her arms over he chest acting like she was mad. But a smile spread across her lips and she watched the others reflection in the metal of the elevator. She couldn't help but mess around with them and it was nice to see her dad had a little of his humor back.

   "Well those people can just go suck an egg. I think you look dashing and really...thats all that matters right?"

Giving a smile and pulling the vase out from the cubored Beth fills it with a little bit of water and than the plant food that came with them. Than cutting the ends of each one she places them in the vase and arranges them nicely until she was satisfied.

   "These flowers really are very pretty. Thank you so much Justin I love them."

Coming around to the other side of the table where Justin was standing Beth slips her hand into his and gives a smile. Holding hands...so simple to some people, but to Beth it was a challenge and...she rather liked it. Letting her eyes give a twinkle she looks up at Justin and gives a nod.

   "I think I like that idea, drive and see where we come to. Worse comes to worse if we can't find something we like than we can just end up back here and cook. As long as I get to be in the car with you, I am happy."

Beth's face lite up so bight if it had been dark than maybe just maybe it lite up the room. She had much to smile about though. She was feeling great, she felt pretty, she had a very handsome boyfriend, and she was getting time to spend time with him. What more could a girl ask for.

   "So I was thinking baby blue for the bridesmaid dressed, and little baby breath for in there hair and that could match the little flowers in my hair. I like the idea of a light blue but I don't know if that would be to light or not and on top of that we don't want the whole thing to be TO fancy, but I'd like to have it a little bit. What do you think?"

Alice slides the book across the table to let Twila look at it. It was the only real girl that Alice was close to besides Karla and she was busy today with Kip. She was going to meet up with Kyle who new when but at the moment she just wanted a little girl time.

   "We really haven't even set a date yet and here I am planing. I just can't help it though I am to excited not to and to top it off I still have to pick how I want to fix the house up with Kyle and and...there are not enough hours in the day."

Sitting back in her chair Alice felt so out of breath from rambling she felt back for Twila having to listen to her. She was having fun though and she could only hope her friend was too. Planning a wedding again, making the day to come a special one it was important to her and she wanted it to be special for Kyle too.

Delightful Treat

Finally having Katie and Hunter arrive, Jeff gives her a big grin. "Hey, Kiddo."

Rolling his eyes at her, he huffs a sigh, but also does as he's told. Flopping down in the wheelchair a little harder than need be, he points to the door. "Onward. And frozen yogurt sounds fantastic. Just don't say it too loud or I'll get chided for eating something unhealthy."

Looking back over his shoulder as he's pushed down the hall, he glances to Hunter. "By the way, she's being awfully bossy. Is she like this with you too?"

"Oh, all the time," Hunter agrees quickly. "I can't get a word in edgewise most of the time. And when there's a pause, I've learned just to smile and nod." As a precautionary measure, he takes a step to the side, out of reach of any flying fists, should they be aimed at him.

Jeff laughs and reaches back over his shoulder to pat Katie's hand. "You know we love you."

"And frozen yogurt," Hunter adds.

"Yes that too. That's why we're not going to complain about bossiness anymore, 'cause other wise we might not get that delightful treat."

"The wha..."

Jeff shoots a look to the side, questioning the confusion.

"Oh, the yogurt." Hunter nods. "Right."

Catching the drift that there was something more there of which Jeff was unaware, he laughs again before shaking his head. "Get me out of here. It's a nuthouse."

Hunter smirks. "That's what that ranch of yours is."


"Yeah, apparently your family - at least the guys - wanted to see if they could get rid of me." Hunter stops at the elevator and presses the down button. "Mick had me riding Bonzai this morning and-"

"Bonzai? Are you kidding?" Jeff looks up at Katie. "You actually let them do that to this poor boy?"

"Ha!" Justin shakes his head at Beth's comment. "Well I'm glad you think I look alright. A whole lot of people would probably beg to differ."

Following her inside, he looks around at the partially painted living room. "Hey, it's looking good. I'm glad to know that when I'm not around, I'm replaced by a paint can."

He grins, having fun teasing her. "And I couldn't tell you over the phone where we're going because... well, I don't know where we're going," he admits. "I thought we'd drive around and pick a spot."

In Anything

Ridding in the car with Hunter was nice and Katie enjoyed the fresh air. She loved driving but being the passenger was nice too. It gave her more time to think, and taking in all the sights she had never really seen because she was trying to pay more attachen to the road than anything else.

Glancing over at Hunter Katie just study's him for a long moment as she watched him drive. His side view was as good as the front view and she couldn't help but smile. Feeling her hand twitch Katie wanted so bad to reach over and hold Hunter's hand. She liked how warm it felt, and the tingles it gave her. But seeing his hand on the steering wheel she new not too, not right now anyways.

...Getting to the hospital Katie and Hunter both know the way and the only time they stop is to ask about the wheel chair. Finally after some hunting and getting one they were on there way and at Jeff's room. Giving a know on the door Katie enters with Hunter.

   "We have arrived...and you chariot awaits. No arguing just get in this dang thing and lets get out of here. The fast we do, the faster we can stop and get frozen yogurt. How's that sound?"

Looking at Jeff and giving a grin Katie was happy to see him. She'd missed him over the last few days of not having him at the ranch and she hated not being close encase something happened. Katie also new Jeff didn't like her to worry but she was his father so she did. Now bringing him home she only hopped things would be a little different so they wouldn't be back here to soon.

Feeling her cheeks grow red Beth couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. Zach had told her the same thing but hearing it from Justin there was just something different about it, and it made her feel really good. To know Justin though she was pretty meant a million things to her. 

   "You totally don't look like a mess. You're one of those people who could have anything on and make it look good."

Looking up at Justin finally Beth's eyes give a little twinkle as she takes the flowers from Justin. They were very pretty and she liked them. Bringing them a little closer to her nose and taking in the soft scent her smile widens just a little bit more.

   "Come on in, I want to put these in water before we leave. Oh an watch out you don't run into anything I'm in the middle of painting the living room. It's how I have been keeping busy in the little free time that I don't see you."

Stepping back into the house Beth leads the way into the kitchen. The living room had thick plastic over most of the furniture as one wall was painted a soft lavender color and the other was only half pained. Another slow change Beth was trying to make, to make this place her own and chase the shadows the lingered away.

   "So what did we have planned for tonight anyways since you wouldn't tell me over the phone?!"