
In Anything

Ridding in the car with Hunter was nice and Katie enjoyed the fresh air. She loved driving but being the passenger was nice too. It gave her more time to think, and taking in all the sights she had never really seen because she was trying to pay more attachen to the road than anything else.

Glancing over at Hunter Katie just study's him for a long moment as she watched him drive. His side view was as good as the front view and she couldn't help but smile. Feeling her hand twitch Katie wanted so bad to reach over and hold Hunter's hand. She liked how warm it felt, and the tingles it gave her. But seeing his hand on the steering wheel she new not too, not right now anyways.

...Getting to the hospital Katie and Hunter both know the way and the only time they stop is to ask about the wheel chair. Finally after some hunting and getting one they were on there way and at Jeff's room. Giving a know on the door Katie enters with Hunter.

   "We have arrived...and you chariot awaits. No arguing just get in this dang thing and lets get out of here. The fast we do, the faster we can stop and get frozen yogurt. How's that sound?"

Looking at Jeff and giving a grin Katie was happy to see him. She'd missed him over the last few days of not having him at the ranch and she hated not being close encase something happened. Katie also new Jeff didn't like her to worry but she was his father so she did. Now bringing him home she only hopped things would be a little different so they wouldn't be back here to soon.

Feeling her cheeks grow red Beth couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. Zach had told her the same thing but hearing it from Justin there was just something different about it, and it made her feel really good. To know Justin though she was pretty meant a million things to her. 

   "You totally don't look like a mess. You're one of those people who could have anything on and make it look good."

Looking up at Justin finally Beth's eyes give a little twinkle as she takes the flowers from Justin. They were very pretty and she liked them. Bringing them a little closer to her nose and taking in the soft scent her smile widens just a little bit more.

   "Come on in, I want to put these in water before we leave. Oh an watch out you don't run into anything I'm in the middle of painting the living room. It's how I have been keeping busy in the little free time that I don't see you."

Stepping back into the house Beth leads the way into the kitchen. The living room had thick plastic over most of the furniture as one wall was painted a soft lavender color and the other was only half pained. Another slow change Beth was trying to make, to make this place her own and chase the shadows the lingered away.

   "So what did we have planned for tonight anyways since you wouldn't tell me over the phone?!"

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