
Please tell me...

Looking back up at Reese again Sapphire understood what he was say and she new Scott probably didn't want anyone right now. So even if she did want to run up there to see him she would wait.

"Yeah I understand whats your saying. Thank you for letting me know Reese. Is someone taking care of Domino while Scott is gone?"

Sapphire new she was going to have to tell her parents later, and she wasn't sure how they would take it. She could only hope it well, and find the right words to say to lesson the blow.

Hearing Alec's words sends a whole new chill down her spine. Alec really...missed her? It felt odd hearing him say that but it felt oh so good as well. It gave Ryan a whole new reason to want to help him all she could.

"I guess getting you to Rick would be smart huh before I killed you from sitting on you."

Moving a little Ryan opens Alec's side of the car and and gets out, before leaning down again and slinging Alec's arm over her shoulder and helping him out. Slowly making there way inside she new the down perfectly having been there so many times before.

Once inside the main floor she makes her way to the infirmary. Seeing Reese out of the counter of her eyes she yells for him.

"Reese...I need you help. Alec needs to see Rick. He's got some broken ribs and I don't know what else. The Agency kidnapped him that night when he was walking back here. Please tell me Rick is in."

Continuing to make her way with Alec twords the infirmary didn't let go. He wasn't heavy and she was use to haling car parts around all day to even mind anyways.


Reese nods to Sapphire, remaining gentle. "People will be able to see him just about whenever they want. It's a good place up there... real friendly," he assures, nodding again. "We... we hope he'll be okay. He didn't want to go but... Hope and I got him there. It's just going to take some time... time and patience and prayer."

He stops for a moment, knowing there was more he better say. "If... you're thinking about visiting him, you might want to way a little while. I don't think... he wants to see anyone right now and it might just make things harder if you go before he's ready to see you."

As Ryan comes in closer and begins to plant her kisses on him, Alec draws in a sharp breath, wanting to return the affection, but held back by his pain. Feeling her on his neck, his one arm tightens around her, his fingers digging into her back as he gives a low growl.

Once her lips return to his and she draws back again, his hand moves from her back to her face, his fingers outlining every curve from her forehead and nose, down to her lips, touching them lightly. Her combing of his hair makes his eyes go closed and he tilts hes head into it. "Maybe it's good I'm in pain," he teases. "I don't wanna get another bruise."

Pulling her head closer, he brushes his lips against hers lightly, but with passion, ignoring his wound for just a moment. "I missed you too," he admits in a whisper.

Even though Ryan was being careful, the close proximity and slight pressure were making it slightly hard to breathe, and he cringes just a little, his eyes apologizing. "We'll have to pick this up later." A crooked grin forms. "I'm afraid a trip in to see Rick is going to interrupt us here."

How much

Pulling into the parking lot Ryan gives Alec a sidelong glance at the mention of the spark in her eyes when she was mad and the grin on her face grew even more.

About to reply and get out of the car Ryan stops being pulled over to Alec. Looking down at him his questions sends her grin to widen and she eyes start to dance, and the fire is ignited. Leaning in a little more Ryan's lips brush Alec softly minding his cut lip. Pulling away a little her eyes still dance.

"You have no idea how much I missed you..."

Shifting around in the car a little and still taking great care Ryan moves and puts her one leg over top of Alec so she was facing him sitting in his lap. Leaning in close Ryan's eyes stair into Alec before giving his nose a kiss, and than his cheek, the side of his face and than moving to his ear where she gave it a tiny nibble.

"...I missed you a lot..."

Moving from his eat down to his neck Ryan gave it continues light kiss, around his neck, and under his chin till she goes to the other side of his neck giving it a gently nibble for a few seconds. Finally finding his lips again she grins giving them a light kiss because of his lip.

"...and I can't even give you the kind of kiss I want because of your lip. I don't want to hurt you."

Ryan's hands move on on the back of the car seat to hold herself off of Alec a little not putting to much pressure on his injures and her other hand finding his hair running her fingers though it.

Finishing what she was doing quick Sapphire finally looks up at Reese giving him a smile. Seeing the look in his eyes though as he comes in and sits down in a chair Sapphire new something was wrong. Before he even said he she could feel it was something to do with Scott. They were twins, it was a simple bond that seemed to warn the other.

"Reese...whats wrong?"

Listing and hearing what had happened with Scott Sapphire's heart sank a little. Her brother had been worse than she though. It hurt knowing he was not ok, but at the same time she was happy someone had taken controlled to make him better. If she had lost her brother again Sapphire wouldn't know what to do.

"Are people able to go see him?"

There was worry in Sapphire's eyes not ever hearing of this place before and wondering how her brother had reacted. They had, had a falling out recently but that didn't mean she loved him any less.

"Is...he going to be ok?"

How much

Reese nods knowingly and doesn't say anymore. They both needed time to think about this whole thing. Hope more than he. Getting inside TJY, Reese knew he had one more job to do today. He wasn't looking forward to it either, and he almost hoped Sapphire was gone for the day. No such luck though. As he heads for his office, he sees that she's still in her cubicle. It was only right that he told her what was going on.

Taking a deep breath, he musters up whatever courage he had left and approaches her desk. "Hey, Sapphire?"

He waits to gain her full attention before speaking quietly to her. He didn't want to drag her into his office and make a huge deal out of it, but he didn't want to just blurt it out for everyone to hear either. "Um... there's something you should know."

He retrieves a chair from an empty cubicle and comes closer, sitting down to be at eye level with her. "There's no easy way to say this, so... I'm just gonna say it." He pauses, collecting his thoughts. "Hope and I... we just got back from Brookshire Care Facility about two hours from here. We... admitted Scott there today."

Reese purses his lips, still trying to figure out the best way to explain. "He hasn't been... well, he hasn't been taking care of himself the last few weeks. He's gotten pretty depressed and... Hope and I were afraid he would get down too far to get back up again if he were left without help. So... he's in a safe place where hopefully they can help him. I just... I wanted you to know."

Alec lifts an eyebrow a little, wondering at Ryan's statement. "Wildcat..." He gives her a sidelong glance. "You?" A small smile emerges. He could only imagine. Had it been over Jason coming after him? Probably. He grins a little more as they pull into the TJY parking lot.

Shifting a little to the side, he shakes his head at Ryan. "The though of you taking on Jason... Mmm... I wish I coulda seen that." His tone grows sly. "I like that spark in your eye when you're mad."

Reaching over with his hand, he takes her jacket collar and pulls her over to him, unable to lean in himself. "How much did you really miss me the last couple days?"

Wild cat

Finishing her beer off Ryan lets out a small sigh. She felt bad and could only hope the people at TJY would understand and at least listen to him. He'd come this far to have it all go away.

"Hey, at least here you still have someone who will come and see you eh? Ya never know too the might understand more than you think. And yes I will drive slow."

Coming back over to Alec Ryan helps him up. Taking it slowly she new Alec was in pain and didn't want to jerk him around to much and causing more damage.

Finally getting him into the car and starting out Ryan drives slow. It was a little on the late side so she had no idea if anyone would be at TJY but she could only hope.

Glancing at Alec Ryan lips form a grin as she thinks about the event that had happened with Jason and she still found some humor in it.

"If you happen to see Jason, don't stair at him to much ok? I think he got in a fight with a wildcat."

Giving a small smile as Reese have her a hug Hope returned it. The comfort was nice though she didn't want to let it linger to much and start second guessing herself.

"Thanks Reese, I'll be ok. I'll keep the offer in mind though in case I need it."

Backing away a little Hope follows Reese inside before going to her makeshift office to gather a few things she needed. After that she'd had back to Scott's and grab Domino to bring her back to her house for a while.


Once Scott is left alone, the tears start again, knowing that no one was near to hear him. He couldn't believe this was happening. He knew he hadn't been feeling well, but he hadn't thought anyone would do something like this to him. They said they cared... they said they loved him... but he felt like he was being abandoned. He'd been uprooted and forced into strange surroundings where he knew no one and was without the safety of his own home. He didn't know if he felt more rejected or angry. Both were prevalent. Burying his head into his pillow, he closes his eyes tight, hoping that somehow this was just some horrible nightmare and he would wake up back in his own room at home again.

Reese is waiting for Hope, and once they sit down with Dr. Hawks, it takes a while to get all the paperwork done and all the information shared. In the end, they are assured that Scott will be well taken care of and that both of them would be notified immediately if anything happened.

The ride back to TJY was long and silent. All the while, Reese was trying to convince himself that what he'd done was right... that he and Hope had been right. God forgive him if he'd been wrong.

He knew Hope needed her own time, so he respects silence, just letting the radio fill in the gaps.

Two hours passes by slowly, but eventually they were at TJY once more. It was early evening by now and a few people were already gone for the day but most were still there. Reese parks and gets out, waiting to walk inside with Hope. Getting to the door though, he pauses and turns to her. She was young enough to be his daughter and he cared about her like he did all of his agents. And he knew that right now, she was hurting even worse than he did.

Though very much out of character, Reese reaches out and gives her a gentle hug. "If you need anybody to talk to... my office is always open, okay?"

"I don't know." Alec lifts the beer to his lips even though it hurt a little, and took a nice long sip. He felt like he could use something even stronger, but it was probably best he didn't or else he'd just wind up in more trouble at this point.

Sighing, he looks down a few minutes before glancing back up to Ryan. "I'm screwed no matter what, aren't I?"

He flinches as he twists in his chair a little too quickly. "I guess I might as well rot at TJY than a dingy Agency basement." He lifts his beer can in a toast. "Here's to my life gone down the tubes."

Taking another swallow, he nods. "Alright. You win. But please... drive slowly for once."

So where

Following Jenny around Hope's own smile held on her face though on the inside she was hurting too. To see Scott like this, knowing he didn't want to come here it was hard, harder than anyone could imagine.

Finally getting to Scott's room Hope enters with him setting his bags down on the small table. Taking a glance around the room it was very nice, Hope new if Scott could come out of his shell just a little he might enjoy being here for a little while.

Starting to unpack his bags Hope pulls out Scott camera and a small box that contained his film and some pictures that had already been taken. Going to unpack his clothing Hope receives his cold words and they stung. She didnt want to leave Scott yet, she wanted to stay with him longer but after what they had put him through already the least she could do was respect his wishes now.

Going over to Scott Hope bends down over him and kiss him a kiss in the for head and small hug.

"Try and get some rest and I will see you tomorrow. I love you Scott."

Exiting the room Hope closes the door behind her. Turning and leaning against the wall for a second Hope collects herself before heading down the hall once more finding her way back to Reese and Dr. Hawkins.

Letting out a sigh and sitting down across from Alec Ryan thinks for a long moment. Alec didn't want to go back to TJY she wasn't going to force him, but that didn't mean she wouldn't try to continue getting him to go back on his own as a suggestion.

"Than you need to go to the hospital to get you ribs looked at Alec and they are going to know you there to but there they would be more apt to just throw you in jail outright, so I think it would be smarter to go to TJY, but...I won't force you."

Getting up again and going to the fridg Ryan pulls out two beers popping the top on both. Going back to the table she hands one to Alec. He looked like he needed something a little strong for the pain. Sitting down again in the chair flipping it around so her arms leaned on the back Ryan takes a sip of her own.

"So, if your not going to go back to TJY, and the Agency is after you...were are you going to go?"

Cozy room

Dr. Hawks listens to Hope with respect and nods to her. "I'll have one of the nurses show you to his room. It will be in a separate building than this to start out, based on the evaluation we received from both you and Mr. Reese."

Turning, he waves one of the nurses over. She was a little heavyset with black skin and long hair done up in attractive cornrows that were pulled back into a ponytail. She smiles brightly at Hope. "Hi, I'm Jenny." She cocks her head and looks to Scott. "Hello, Scott. It's nice to meet you." Even though she didn't receive a response, she holds her smile, very used to this kind of thing. Looking to Hope again, she gestures down the hall. "Please, come with me. It's just a short walk."

Scott was still tempted to turn and run, no matter how friendly these people pretended to be. His legs barely wanted to walk though, let alone run, so it wasn't even an option. No... he'd lost this battle. He was defeated, and his body language proved it.

Jenny leads the way down the hallway, past several rooms, then through a bright glass tunnel that led to the next building. This one was warmer with carpet instead of tiles and comfy furniture instead of waiting room chairs. Scott can't help but look up just a little bit to look at everything. There was a large foyer, but it felt more like a living room. There were open doorways that led to other rooms yet to be seen.

"In through there is the kitchen," Jenny explains, "and down there is a lounge and right around the corner is a library." She stops for a moment, looking at Scott again. "And you can go wherever you want, okay?"

Scott looks back at her dimly. "I want to go home."

Jenny's eyes have an extra kind look to them. She'd had a lot of practice with this, but her compassion never diminished. "I know. And you will. But for now, you have the run of the grounds, okay?"

Scott looks back at the floor. He really didn't care. He didn't want to go anywhere else around here anyway.

Jenny gives Hope an encouraging nod. "Follow me." Still leading the way, she takes them up a flight of stairs to the second floor, then another flight to the third. There was an elevator a little ways away, but most people in this area used the stairs.

There weren't too many rooms on the third floor. It was quieter here. Some doors were open and a few faces looked up as they passed. Scott felt so uncomfortable that his dizziness worsened. Trudging behind Jenny, they reach the last room. Opening the door, Jenny motions inside. "Here we are," she welcomes cheerily.

The room was bright with two windows. A few small paintings were on the wall, and the bed was made up with a comfortable-looking quilt. A small nightstand held a little lamp and there was a dresser with four drawers and a mirror hanging above it. A small closet was in the corner and an empty shelf ran along one wall for whatever the occupant wanted.

Jenny glances to Hope and Scott again, then back to Hope. "I'll leave you two to get settled. Scott, I'll be back later to tell you everything you need to know, and I can give you the grand tour when you feel up to it, okay?" Scott doesn't respond, but she smiles anyway and nods her farewell, leaving the room.

Scott wanders to the bed and sits down for a moment, then leans over onto his side, bringing his feet up to curl into a ball. "You can go now," he mumbles.

Alec winces again as Ryan continues to clean and bandage his face. "It's the way it works," he responds. It sounded as though he were talking with rocks in his mouth - it felt like it, too. "They don't trust anybody. If I've been with the Agency, Reese will think I ratted out the Elite. Agency die-hards will get themselves beat up just for show. Not to mention, even if Reese thinks I'm legit, he'll say I led them straight back here and they'll be waiting again for a good shot at his agents."

Leaning back a little, his arm is still wrapped around himself. "I don't even have any information," he mutters. "I was blindfolded from the getgo. All I know is I found my way from the east side of town."

He closes his eyes, trying to ignore the pain he was in. "I can't go back... they won't believe me."

Best bet

Heading inside with Scott and Reese Hope stays close with her hand on Scott's back. Even if he hated her, wanted nothing to do with her Hope wanted him to know she was there. She would be visiting him often in the hosp, almost every day taking the two hour drive. Just because he was here in this didn't mean she wasn't his Dr anymore or his friend.

Extending her other hand to Dr. Hawking Hope smiles and gives a nod. She was leery herself yet of this place only because she didn't know the people but from her research she could tell no one here would harm Scott.

"Can you show Scott and I to his room? I'd like to get him settled and he's probably tired from the trip. I know you will have questions and what not but I think its best he rested first."

Still offering her smile Hope new what the protocol was and everything that had to be done inside the hospital having worked long side a place like this before. But Scott did need to rest a little before he fell down with the sedative still wearing off.

"Reese can brief you a little while I get Scott settled and than if you need to know anything more, or the copy's of his paper work I have them with me and would be more than happy to talk with you. Though I will be here quite often myself any questions you have I'd be more than happy to answer."

Continuing to clean Alec up Ryan listens to him. A small grin forming on her lips at his mention to making out with him.

"And you were worried I'd sock you if you tried anything."

Going back to the first aid kit and getting some ointment and bandages Ryan places them over his cuts still listing to him. So thats why he hadn't made it back to TJY the Agency got him. He was lucky to have gotten away before they killed him. A seeming of re leaf washed over Ryan Alec really hadnt left her.

"Well first off, there Dr at TJY can do a lot better with fixing you up than I can. Plus if you double crossed them why would you go back? If you don't go our only say yes thats what I did. Taking one glance at you Alec I don't think they are going to think that. I think your best bet, is going because if you don't than when they catch you there will be no explaing... I will come with you."


Though still upset, scared and angry, Scott keeps still for the duration of the ride. He didn't even know where they were going, but it felt like he was being led away from his life. Defeat loomed over him like a cloud, dark and menacing.

Remaining the way he was, he keeps his head in Hope's lap and tries to fight against his raging emotions. Under the hurt and anger, there was a feeling of failure. He had failed to recuperate. He had failed Hope. He had failed to get back on his feet. He'd thought he felt weak before... now he felt even weaker.

Finally the long drive brings them to Brookshire Care Facility. It was a large complex with large well-taken grounds surrounding the buildings. Though they had a critical care center for those who were a danger to themselves or others, less threatening structures were also available. Trees were scattered throughout the campus. Compared to Northside or Crescentview, this could be considered homey.

Reese drives to the main building and parks, sitting in silence for a long moment. "We're here," he offers gently.

Scott is awake and staring into nothingness. He hears Reese and grits his teeth. "I guess if I fight, you'll just give me another sedative, won't you?"

Reese sighs, feeling rotten. He gets out and goes around, opening the back door. "Come on," he prompts. "We'll walk you inside and help you get settled."

Scott would like to make this as difficult as possible, and wanted to fight. He wanted to scream and yell and tell them to take him back home. He wanted to make a run for it. Or tell the workers here that he'd been kidnapped. Anything to get away. But he knew that none of it would work. He knew fighting was futile. There was nothing he could do. They had won.

Finally he sits up and eases out of the car, feeling a little dizzy at first. Reese leads him around to the front of the car and waits for Hope to come too, helping carry the two small bags that she'd gathered from the house.

Entering the building, Scott's eyes remained glued to the floor, his shoulders slouched and his hands in his pockets. The middle-aged, male doctor behind the counter looks up and smiles warmly at the three. He comes around to greet them, offering handshakes, but doesn't bat an eye when Scott doesn't interact. "Hi, my name is Doctor Hawks." He was tall and broad, his hair mostly gray. "You must be Mike Reese and Dr. Hope Garrison. And... this must be Scott."

Alec practically falls into Ryan as she comes to him, numbly letting her help him inside. Easing down at the kitchen table, he winces, his arm still tucked around his ribs.

Feeling the sting of the cloth on his face, he flinches, but doesn't fight off the help. His gaze finds Ryan, though she looked a little blurry today. "Agency," he manages. "I shoulda made out with you in the car instead."

A smile would have come had it not hurt too much. Drawing in his breath, he stops as pain shoots through his ribcage. "I couldn't... go back to TJY." His words are a bit mumbled. "They'll... they'll think I backstabbed them."

Oh my goodness

Finally Hope's own walls crack she couldn't do it any longer and her own tears seem to fall from her eyes as her fingers just continued to run through his hair.

"Your going to be safe Scott, and your going to get to feeling better. You are going to be ok I promise."

Leaning her head back against the seat Hope's tears still streamed down her face. She only hopped they were doing the right thing. In her heart she new it was, but second guessing yourself on someone you have come so close to was normal. She just wanted to see Scott himself again.

Listing to the door shut as Eli leaves Ryan lets out a long sigh before finally shutting the tv off. Maybe she would work on her car a little, it was a nice day out after all. Letting out a long sigh she just leans her head back against the couch.

Suddenly sitting up at a knock on the door Ryan just looks for a moment waiting to see if it was Eli coming back in. Seeing nothing though Ryan stands heading to the door. Opening it at first she didn't see Alec but movment on the right catchs her sighs. Seeing Alec there in a blood heap Ryan's heart starts to race as she exits the door.

"Alec, Oh my goodness...Alec...come on lets get you inside and cleaned up."

Slinging his one arm over her shoulder Ryan helps him inside shutting and locking the door behind her. Ushering him to the kicthen she has him sit down at the table while she grabs a bowl of water, a washcloth and the first air kit.

"Alec, what happened to you?"

Gently Ryan starts to clean the cuts and bruises around his face trying to get the blood cleaned up, and the dirt to keep the infection away.

In need

Scott tries to process everything, feeling a bit sick to his stomach. The soft music... Hope's fingers combing his hair... he wanted to just fall asleep, but something wasn't right... something had happened... what was it?

Slowly, the earlier events come back to him, and the feeling of dread descends on him once again. Still unable to move much, he simply rolls over a little so Hope couldn't see his face. "You took me anyway," he murmurs. Tears well in his eyes from so many pent up emotions. "You knew I didn't want to... you knew I was scared... and you took me anyway."

The tears escape from his eyes, rolling down sideways on his face onto Hope's lap and he sniffs, wanting to sit up and curl up by himself, but his muscles still were too weak from the sedative.

Reese glances in the mirror, pain on his face. He hated this. Oh, how he hated it. At least Scott was calm, but Reese would almost rather have a fight than see the suffering like this.

Scott manages to move enough to wipe his eyes, but remains lying down. He knew it was useless to fight right now. The most he could do would be jump from a moving vehicle and that would be stupid. The had taken him... ripped him from his home against his will. He hadn't been strong enough to fight them off. He'd been too weak. And now he was a prisoner again.

A few more tears fall.

Eli's eyebrows rise as Ryan talks. He stares at her, absorbing her words and blinking once or twice. He shouldn't be surprised she'd figured it out. It had been a few days with lots of time to think, and she was smart. He hadn't meant to cause a rift between them. He'd only wanted to do what he thought was right the other night and hadn't meant for Alec to run. If he'd known Alec would run, he probably wouldn't have called anybody. But it was too late now. His sister was obviously upset with him, and there wasn't much he could do about it now.

"Well..." He straighten up, pursing his lips. He willed himself not to become upset back at her - at least not on the outside. "I guess I'll get going to work then." He really had nothing else to say. "I'll... see you later."

Giving a little nod, he aims for the door. "Call me if you change your mind about needing something from the store, Speedy," he mentions over his shoulder. Grabbing his jacket, he slips out the door.

Alec squints at the door, hoping he'd found the right one in his mental state. He could barely see through one eye that was purple and swollen. His lower lip had been split and more bruises accented his face. His right arm was wrapped around himself to hold his ribs. To say he felt like he'd been run over by a truck would be accurate. He hears a motorcycle engine rev, and doesn't realize that he'd missed Eli by seconds. It was just as well though.

Swallowing hard, he manages to knock, though both his hands were so sore. Closing his eyes, he just leans against the wall and waits, hoping he didn't collapse before someone came. He'd seen Ryan's car, so all he could do was hope she was actually home.

I know

As Scott starts to wake Hope looks down giving a warm smile. She didn't want him to be scared or upset, and maybe her smile would comfort him. The last thing she wanted to do while driving was upset.

"You're save Scott, we are in Reese car. Everything is going to be ok, I promise."

Looking up for a second to catch Reese eyes in the mirror to let him know Scott was awake Hope looks down again. Running her fingers through Scott's hair softly to keep him calm.

Looking at her brother Ryan's eyes seem to be fulled with emotion as she sat and though about everything that had been going on. Looking back to the tv Ryan just keep flipping channels. Her stomach felt sick, and she hated thinking Alec had really left, and left her behind. He had his reasons, but...Ryan would of went with him. But worse than that someone else lied heavy in her mind. She been betrayed by someone who new how much she cared and saw how happy she was. That hurt more than anything in the world.

"You could help me find where Alec went...but than again your the one who called him in so I guess you wouldn't help me with that."

Finally Ryan looks to her brother again, her look not of total anger, but one mixed with hurt, and the feeling of betrayal.

"I know it was you Eli. No one else at that track new who Alec was, let alone who to call. And Jason mentioned your name today before I tackled him. Thats what really gave you away."

Ryan's words wanted to waver, and her eyes wanted to flood but she willed them not to. She stayed strong as she looked back to her brother.

"I told him he could trust you, because I though you'd understand. He would of went back after the race on his own free will, but being treated like an animal he's not thats what made him go away. He's done a bunch of stuff to help the Elite and yet they still treated him like they did. It's not right Eli."

Coming to

Reese nods to Hope and reaches for the radio. He goes through the stations until he finds one he knew Scott would enjoy. It was a classical station. Reese himself didn't care for classical music, but he knew it was Scott's favorite, and right now he'd be willing to do just about anything to make Scott more comfortable.

The ride is a long one. A two -hour stretch never seemed to take so long. But long before the time was up, Scott begins to stir.

Shifting his weight a little bit, Scott opens his eyes groggily. Everything was a bit blurry. He had a really nice feeling though... it felt like someone was running their fingers through his hair. It was soothing... relaxing... wait, who was doing it?

Trying to move and finding it difficult to move any of his muscles, his heart rate picks up. Where was he? Why were they moving? Why couldn't he get his body to move? He realizes his head is in someone's lap and he sensed who it was now.

"Hope?" His voice is hoarse and weak as he tried to pull out of the first sedative. "Where am I? What's going on?"

"Hey." Eli leans over the back of the couch to look down at Ryan. "Thought you'd be pampering your car on your day off." He looks at her inquisitively. She seemed extra quiet today.

"I gotta go into work for a few hours but that's it. Gotta run to the store later - need anything?"

In the wind

It hurt as Hope stood at the outside of the car contemplating for a long moment. Later she new the tears would come, but for now they were head at bay. Even though the sick feeling was in her stomach.

"I'll sit in the back with him. I have another sedative if we need it."

Slipping into the backseat Hope puts Scott's head in her lap as she gently hand her hand through his hair. This was the least she could do was keep him comfortable while they drive.

Leaning her head back as they started out Hope watched the scenes fly by. Every thing was in a blurr to her as her mind was wondering. To filled with her own thoughts that nothing seemed to take shape or form.

Finding Reese eyes in the rear view mirror she tried to give a smile but it didn't come out to good.

"Can you put a little soft music on? When Scott wakes it might help him stay calm."

Sitting in the couch with a bowl of ice cream in hand Ryan flipped through the tv channels. Nothing was one, there was nothing to do. The ice cream seeming to bring her a little comfort. It had been a few days since Alec had been gone, no word, no call nothing. Was he really gone? Leaving the memories of Ryan in the wind?

Front or back

Scott continues to struggle, not caring what either one said now and not listening. All he wanted was to be freed and left alone.

Seeing Hope draw near, then feeling the prick of the needle, his eyes widen slightly and he just looks at her, emotions flooding his eyes as if saying, 'I can't believe you just did that.'

Reese still holds him firmly, his heart pounding. For now, his adrenaline was taking over his emotions and he was fine with that. Later on, this whole thing was going to hurt. He nods to Hope. "Yeah. Go ahead and get some of his things. I'll keep him still here and we'll get everything out to the car."

Within moments, Scott's world starts to blur. His muscles relax against his will and his knees buckle. His last words come out lethargic and slurred. "I hate you."

Feeling dead weight in his arms, Reese is brought to one knee, panting. "I know you do," he answers lamely. "I would to." Sighing deeply, he takes a few seconds to breathe before hoisting Scott up in his arms and aiming for the door.

Within no time, Scott's in the backseat of the car, his things in the trunk. Reese looks to Hope again, trying to not let his emotions get in the way. "He's not going to be out for the whole two hour drive. Do you want to be up front or in back with him when he comes to?"

Gonna be ok

Shaking her head Hope's heart hurt so much. She didn't want it to end like this, she didn't want anyone to get hurt and the last thing she wanted was to put Scott into a panic.

Seeing Domino Hope reaches down to grab her and holding the little dog close understanding why she was upset.

"Shhh...its ok Domino. He's gonna be ok."

Moving quickly Hope brings the small dog to the bathroom and sets her down inside before closing the door. She didn't want to see Scott's dog hurt on top of everything else. And she would be back later to come get Domino and take her, to her house.

Coming back into the living room where Scott was still fighting Reese Hope could feel the tears in he eyes that wanted to come as she held them at bay.

"Scott, please calm down before you hurt yourself please."

Seeing her words did not good Hope took the syringe from her pocket. Quickly removing the cap and making sure there was no air bubbles. Going over to Reese and Scott she looks in the eyes for a moment.

"You know I would never do anything to hurt you Scott. This is to calm you down so you don't hurt yourself ok."

Taking the needle she puts it into his upper arm administering the sedative. She hated having to do this but she new it had to be done.

"Reese he should be feeling the effects in a few moments, do you want to take him to the car and I will grab a few of his thing quick?"