

Jared looked up quickly at Grace's voice, startled. She looked...pale. But she was alive and as well as could be. She was in one piece and it had been a terrible event but she was okay. The relief Jared felt was indescribable...and so was his guilt. 

Being hugged wasn't what he expected either. But nothing could stop his arms from wrapping around her. All he wanted to do was be able to stand on his own two feet to hold her...but he couldn't. So instead, he let her slide down into his lap. "I'm so glad you're okay," he whispered. "I was so worried." 

It was uncertain how long they'd sat there, but it wasn't too long before Rick showed up. And though he didn't want to interrupt them, he didn't want to be here all night either, so he convinced them to let him take them back to Lydia's where Grace could stay in peace for the night...

"Thank you." Justin nodded to Jamie, then glanced at Pete. A quiet moment followed, before he turned to aim back to the hall. "Goodnight." There was nothing more he could say. Nothing more he wanted to say. He felt...numb. And he'd rather feel that than the pain that was underneath it all. 

Going back to the spare room, he paused, just looking in at Beth's form. And his heart broke a little more. He wanted to go to his own room and crawl in his own bed and forget anyone else existed. But he couldn't. Not now. Not yet. So instead, he slipped off his shoes, came to the far side of the bed, crawled on top of the covers behind Beth and wrapped his arm around her tight. And that's all he could do. 

...Jared knew the late hour would catch up to them all tomorrow. But his mind was still reeling. After he and Grace had gotten here, his mother had, of course, made sure Grace really was okay before going to bed, then Jamie and Pete had decided who would take first watch at the other end of the house. But in the living room, Jared sat with Grace on the couch, with only a small lamp providing some dim light. 

Sitting next to her, his hand fiddled with hers while he sat rather stiffly. He'd been quiet up until now, with more tension in the air than anyone deserved, and he knew it was his fault. "I'm...sorry," he finally apologized quietly. His eyes remained on the floor. "Not just for what you've been through but...but for how I treated you the other day. I...said some mean things and... and I'm just sorry. You didn't deserve that. I was mad and I just took it out on you." 

It was the next morning at the Elite. Aaron paced the cell...as much as he could, anyway. He could only stay standing a few minutes at a time before he couldn't take the pain in his knee anymore. The weird thing was why they'd put him down here. He still hadn't figured that out. Something had happened - he'd heard the scuttlebutt. But what it was, he wasn't sure. Then there was this cell. He'd expected no more than a stark prison cell. But instead, the cot was decent, there were nicer necessities than he would have imagined, a small table and chair, and even a couple magazines. A change of clothes was there too, which boggled his mind even more. After being cuffed to a bed since getting here, this was quite a change. He really had thought as soon as his leg was stable, they'd ship him off to prison. Why were they keeping him here? And why wasn't he cuffed or shackled or anything? Why weren't they beating him to a pulp for Agency intel?

Wincing in pain, he finally half-sat, half-fell back onto the cot. There was a part of him that would have preferred remaining cuffed upstairs in the infirmary. At least then he caught glimpses of what was going on. Down here, there were no windows. No view to the open world at all. Every once in a while he heard something, and he had a pretty good idea that Garret was right next door. Of course, that traitor had free run of the place, which made Aaron sick. He'd lost track of the days, he'd lost the man he'd respected most, and his future was more uncertain than it had ever been before. He didn't know whether to prepare for a life behind bars, a life stuck here, or try and plan for escape back to the Agency where at least he was secure. He'd go for the last choice if it weren't for this blasted knee. He automatically scowled when thinking of Victoria. At the very least, he should be able to somehow get in contact with the Agency even if he couldn't physically leave. Then Victoria and Garret would both pay.

Reese would just as soon have taken today off. After getting home so late last night, all he'd wanted to do was stay in bed for at least two more hours, then just spend the day with Angelica. But this job wasn't something he, or she, could ignore, unfortunately. At least he always had her by his side, even when he'd come home at ungodly hours of the night. Right now though, he couldn't daydream about the love of his life. He had work to do, and it wasn't pleasant. "Are you aware that the second target died last night?"

Garret stood in Reese's office mid-morning, along with Nate. He'd heard from no one until being called upstairs. Hands clamped behind his back, he stood with feet apart, evidence of his past training when in the presence of the commanding officer. "I was not."

"It was a young woman." Reese leaned back in his chair thoughtfully. He'd included Nate in on this because of him being Garret's handler, and he also wanted a witness. And... he'd never say so out loud, but he wasn't so sure if confronting Garret alone was the wisest thing to do. "Sister of Justin's girlfriend."

Garret pursed his lips. Justin would be feeling that one, just like the Agency wanted. "That's too bad. I'm sure the Agency has had her as a possible target for longer than you think."

"That's a good possibility. Of course, we might know for sure, if we had a certain operative in our custody instead of in the morgue."

One of Garret's eyebrows rose. "I doubt you would have gotten any information from him."

"But you realize that's not your call to make."

"Sir?" Old habits died hard as his response mimicked that which always gave Medridge.

Reese fiddled with a pencil. "We have clear evidence that your earpiece was removed before your fight. That means you lied about what happened. So I'm giving you once chance right now to tell the truth."

Garret glanced at Nate before looking back to Reese. "It happened very fast." He wasn't about to reveal the truth - he couldn't. "Details tend to get lost in a situation like that."

"Not good enough." Reese shook his head. "Either you give me a satisfactory answer now, or your time here is over."

"Seriously? You've got one less Agency idiot to worry about and now you wanna get rid of me. You really don't make any sense, you know that?"

Reese looked to Nate. Somehow, Garret was going to have to learn. He'd told Nate earlier that he wanted to get to the truth, but it wasn't being made easy. "Garret, around here, killing is the last option no matter who it is. All I'm asking is the truth about why you took that man's life instead of bringing him in. If you can't even do that, then this is obviously not going to work."

Garret gritted his teeth as he could feel the Elite reins beginning to tighten. "So basically the fact that I advised the team, suggested the correct plan of attack, helped execute the rescue and assisted in bringing back the girl alive has no bearing whatsoever?"

"Not if you continue to lie." Reese was not willing to play this game. "I don't send thank you cards - we're a team and do what needs to be done. The truth. Now."

"And when will you start believing me? Or is this all because your little boy got squeamish around a dead body?"

Reese set aside his pencil and folded his hands. "Is this display of attitude due to the fact that we're questioning your honesty, or because you know we're not going to like the actual truth?"

Garret threw Nate a glare. So this is what he got for helping? Why had he even tried? "If any of you want to have a decent conversation, I'll be in my delightful little cell," he hissed.

As he spun on his heel, Reese called after him. "Stop right there." Garret kept walking. "Garret, I'm warning you!" But his words did no good, and Garret disappeared around the corner. "Dang it." Reese growled before running a hand over his face. "This has got to stop."

"Hey, um...sorry to interrupt."

Reese looked up quickly and withheld an expression of disdain. "Yes. Kirk. What can I do for you?"

"I was just wondering if I could get a copy of the report from last night."

"As soon as it's written."

Kirk bit his lower lip and remained paused in the doorway. "I don't think I need to tell you the thing that will hurt the Elite most when it comes time for change is your stubbornness to keep that walking timebomb around."

"No...you don't need to tell me," Reese stated flatly.

"If I were you, I'd–"

"And what authority do you have?"

Kirk redirected his train of thought. "I guess I'm just considering what options you may have in the not so distant future, and I think it's only fair to warn you that your tolerance for rogue behavior may not go over so well."

Reese's eyes narrowed. "Thank you for your opinion, Agent Young. And how long did you say you were here for?"

"I didn't." Kirk moved to leave. "I'll be awaiting that report."

Once alone again, Reese let out a groan. "Nate, is it worth it? Is all this really worth it? Maybe we should just pack it in and let the police and FBI take on the Agency."

"Hey, Reese?"

"Now what?!" Reese looked to Gunner who had just poked his head around the corner. "Can I not be left alone for two minutes?"

Gunner quirked an eyebrow. "Fine by me, but your pigeon's flying the coop."

"What?" Reese was on his feet and came out to the main floor just in time to see Garret heading for the door.

Garret had his backpack slung over his shoulder and ballcap on just as he'd been the day he'd come. But this time he was going out instead of in.

"Garret!" Reese barked. "Where do you think you're going?"

Garret stopped and looked over his shoulder. "Even if I told you, you probably wouldn't believe me anyway." He kept walking.

"Garret, you stop right there or you will regret it."

Garret just kept walking.

Reese was halfway to he door himself now, and stopped, drawing his gun. "Stop! Or so help me, you won't be able to walk out of here. I cannot let you go free."

Garret's hand was already on the door handle and he turned slightly, looking at the handgun. The corner of his mouth turned up. "Really?" And without a second thought, he was gone.

Reese's jaw couldn't have been more tight as he returned his gun to his holster. Garret had known he couldn't fire...and he'd been right. Reese looked around at the pairs of eyes that had watched the scene. No one else had dared interfere - they all knew no one here was a match for Garret...and he'd just made a total fool out of their leader.

Reese spun on his heel and stalked back to his office, slamming the door after entering, which kept anyone from even trying to find out what to do next.

Outside, Garret's stride didn't break as he headed across the parking lot. He had no idea where he was going - it was the only time he could remember, ever, that he didn't have a plan. He just knew he couldn't stay here. He'd been wrong to think it could work. 


Of Course

Knowing Justin was there helped Beth relax just a little more. She was still hurting, she still wanted to cry but his comfort meant a great deal to her. She didn't know what she would do with out him. As he want to leave she tried to force the best smile she could. Though she was hurting she wanted Justin to know she would be ok, in time, even if now it hurt.

Once Justin was gone Beth changed into some sweat pants and an over size sweat shirt. Sitting down on the bed a few tears ran down her face. She still didn't understand how this all happened. It was confusing. How was her sister find one moment and not the next. Maybe that it what made this whole thing so hard.

Snuggling under the covers she tried her best to just forget about everything for now. It wasn't easy, and her mind races, but maybe tonight sleep would come. She doubted it though.

Looking up at Justin as he came back into the room Jamie glaces at Pete for a second question in her eyes. She understood why Justin wanted them there still but it seemed like there was a little more there than what was being told.

Hearing the Justin was pretty sure Sarah had been the second target Jamie's expression dropped to sadness all over again. It was said the girl had died, but to know she had been killed hurt even more. She felt sick to her stomach and angry at the same time. She would never understand how or why anyone would do something like this.

   "Of course we will stay just to make sure everything is ok."

Searching Justin's face for a long moment Jamie's heart ached for him too. He didn't say it but she could see the pain, fear, and guilt in his eyes. This wasn't his fault, this one no ones fault but the Agency. She only hoped he new that, and believed it.

Giving a small smile to Rick Grace slipped down from the table and just winced a little bit. She didn't feel like anything was majorly wrong she was just sore all over. Her want to see Jared over ruled that though. She just wanted to see someone she was close to.

Making her way down the hall to where Jared was Grace looks in the room. Seeing him she let our a small breath he was there, and she did find him ok. Just standting there for a second she takes him in. She didn't know if she'd see him again, she didn't know anything was she was kidnapped.


Finally going the rest of the way into the room tears sprang into her eyes. Wrapping her arms around him and pulling him into a big hug she bury her face into his shoulder. She couldn't help the tears that rolled out of her eyes.

   "I thought I was never going to see you again. I was so scared. "

Sitting on the couch Angelica was curled up in a blanket the radio playing soft music. She was drifting in and out of sleep but she told Reese she was up still and she had a pot of coffee on. Her day was long but she could only imagen how long his was.  She'd be there no matter how tired she was.




Wrapping his arms around Beth, Justin hugged her tight. If only an embrace could take away the pain. The sorrow. The injustice. But it couldn't. No matter how closely he held her, it wouldn't take any of this away. It wouldn't fix anything. And it wouldn't remove the despair clinging to the very depths of his soul. For he had caused this pain. Just letting Beth cry into his shoulder though, he withheld his own emotions. For now, she was his priority.

Seeing Jamie, he gave her a nod. "I'd like it if you and Pete spent the night," he answered quietly. "I have some things I need to share with you." Gently, he prompted Beth down the hallway to one of the spare rooms. "Come on," he encouraged. "It'll be okay. Just change into something comfy and crawl under the covers." He kissed the top of her head and brushed some tears from her cheek. "I'll be back in just a few minutes. I won't leave you."

But for the moment, he needed to. And he would rather let the others know what was really going on without Beth present. He couldn't tell her to her face...not yet. Slipping back into the hall, he returned to the living room. His mother looked at him with worried question. Pete wandered in from the kitchen, also sensing something more was up than he knew, and he took up his stance next to Jamie.

"I'm pretty sure the threat is over for now," Justin admitted. He hoped Beth would stay in her room and wouldn't overhear. "I received a message that confirmed Beth's sister was the second target and...knowing the Agency, they'll let me take time to lick my wounds before attacking again, so..." He pursed his lips, desperately trying not to show how much pain he was in. "Anyway, I'd feel better if you stayed the rest of the night just to be sure nothing else happens." It was already almost one o'clock in the morning. "I'm assuming Jared will be back soon as well - possibly Grace. So a few extra eyes won't hurt until tomorrow when things are more clear."

Rick nodded to Grace. “Of course. I think he’s a couple doors down on the left. As long as you don’t have any other discomfort, I think we’re done. You’re more than welcome to spend the night here in a room we’ve got set up, or I can take you and Jared back to his mother’s house. We have a couple agents stationed there already so you’d be safe. It’s completely up to you, though.” He gave her a reassuring smile, knowing that if the Agency stuck to their pattern, they wouldn’t use her anymore to get to Justin. They’d find something else, but for now, Grace was probably just as safe as she’d been before Justin got involved here. “You don’t need to be afraid. The worst is over.”

In the breakroom, Jared still sat alone. He’d aimed for the door several times, but had never made it all the way into the hall. After Justin’s fast exit, he didn’t have much choice but to stick around here anyway, but facing Grace was a whole other subject to tackle. He really had treated her badly. He hadn’t liked the way she’d walked away from him when he’d fallen. He hadn’t liked it that she’d forced him to make it back to the house himself. He hadn’t liked it that she’d proven a point while he’d felt humiliated. But he also knew good and well she’d only been trying to help. And he might never admit it, but being forced to take care of himself had only proven that he could – painful as it had been. The words he’d spoken to her in anger had been uncalled for…and he was sorry. She could have been killed…and his last words to her would have been hurtful ones. What must she think of him?

His hands gripped his chair’s wheels again, but he remained frozen in place. What did it say about him that he couldn’t even go see her when she’d just had one of the most traumatizing experiences of her life? Maybe he was more of a coward than he thought.

"...And what, you mind that we've got one less Agency operative to worry about?" Jason slipped off his boots and looked at Wyatt who remained stood in the doorway after escorting him home.  

Wyatt was still worked up after his brief confrontation with Garret, and fiddled with his car keys. "It's not that. It's the fact he just executed a guy with no apparent reason. Sure he was a bad guy. But not only did Garret snap his neck, he also lied to us about what happened, and that makes the whole thing even worse in my book. But apparently he can get away with whatever he wants just 'cause he's got my dad scared."

Jason sighed and folded his arms. It was super late. He was tired. He was annoyed he'd had to wait at the office so long just to be babysat on the way home. And he had no way to help Wyatt. "Garret mighta had some personal issue with that thug - who knows? Coulda been someone he'd rivaled for years. Or maybe even though the evidence doesn't add up, he really did feel he didn't have an option but to kill the guy. I agree his behavior is questionable, but I'm also sure your dad will deal with it in his own time."

"But how can we-" 

Jason held up his hand to stop him. "Wyatt, my head hurts, I'm tired, and you're mad. Can we continue this conversation tomorrow?"

Wyatt clamped his mouth shut and shrugged. "Whatever. But mark my words - Garret is gonna cause trouble for all of us." 

Staring into Chad's eyes, Rosalyn felt a shiver run down her spine. There was no denying Chad's genuineness and honesty. She'd finally realized he was serious about them...but this sounded just about as serious as he could get without actually getting down on one knee. 

Her cheeks flushed as he gave him a small smile. "I kind of have a feeling I'm not ever going to get tired of you," she responded quietly. She leaned towards him and gave his lips a soft kiss. "And I can't promise I'll be perfect either." She gave him another kiss before leaning her forehead against his, and she brought a hand up to cradle the side of his face. "I would follow you to the moon," she whispered. "Just love me and don't let me fall."


My Promise

As Justin leaves again to answer his phone Grace just lets Rick finish. Her mind drifted to Jared. Was he still mad at her? Or was he feeling bad about there might and than what happened? All she new is she wanted to see Jared as soon as she could.

Seeing Rick was done Grace looks at him searching his face. She wondered if she was ok to go or if they needed her to stay around longer.

   "Can I go find Jared since Justin said he was here? I wont leave, I just...I need to see him."

Sitting with Lydia Beth's tears had stopped but she sat there still, her cheeks stained with tears and her eyes blood shot. She had cried hard, harder than she had in a long time. Her only family left was gone. On the inside she still was crying but the tears just wouldn't fall anymore.

Hearing someone come in the front door Beth didn't even move. Maybe it was Justin, or maybe it was someone else she didn't know. Looking up though as they came into the living room she was thankful it was Justin.  At the moment he was really the only person she wanted.

Standing and going over to Justin when he held out his arms Beth just buried her face into his chest. Tears find her eyes once again and she shoulder shakes. She just hoped this was a dream, but with every hour that went by she new it wasn't/

Seeing Justin Jamie gives a nod and a sad smile. In the pit of her own stomach she couldn't help but wonder if this had been the second target. They had taking so much care in making sure everyone was safe and still the Agency had the upper hand. 

   "We can stick around longer if you need us too."

Nate sat in his cubical alone going over notes. Today had been a success, or had it really. Garret killed someone, someone bad, someone who might have ended up killing another person. If not this time, another time would come. So had it really been wrong? Nate new the answer to that question, but he also new everything that revolved around this whole thing with understanding. To Garret this was nothing, this was't even a kill that would of satisfied him. But this was normal. Nate tried to build a defense in his head before anyone even asked. He new time would come someone would...He just wanted to be ready. 

Giving a nod to Rosalyn's response Chad understood. He new too though this would even be harder with just a phone call. He just hoped her mom and bother would understand, and they were doing the right thing.

Going over to the couch and sitting down Chad motioned for Rosalyn to sit down next to him. Turning a little to look into her eyes his gaze was still loving, but perhaps more serous than he'd ever been before, at least around Rosalyn.

   "To be honest, I'm scared to death too. Not just of this threat we are facing but the love I have for you too. "

Stopping for a second Chad searches Rosalyn's face. Would she ever tire of him? Would he let her down sooner or later? These were all his own fears he had even if he seemed very confidant.

   "I've never loved some one as much as I love you. I didn't even know it was passable honestly.  I can't promise you I will be perfect, and I can't promise things will be easy. But I can promise I will always love you no matter what life throws, I'd make you do anything you didn't want too. You'd always have a choice.  I just hope...you'll never get tired of me."



Seeing Justin was joining them, Rick just offered Grace a warm smile. Yes…yes, this place was “more.” But it would take more than a few minutes to explain. 

Justin nodded thoughtfully as his eyes took in everything about how Grace was reacting to her situation. Her first thought was of her confusion about what had happened. But directly after came her want to see Jared. His brother was an idiot. 

“Um, yeah. Yeah, he’s here. We’ve been taking turns worrying about you all day.” He grinned a little. “This whole thing has been hard for all of us to understand. The Elite here is a branch of law enforcement and I’ve been doing some work for them. Apparently some really bad guys didn’t like it so they decided to get back at me. And…you got caught in the crossfire. That’s why I’m sorry. This never should have happened. I’m just glad you’re okay.” 

He paused as Rick bandaged a cut on the side of her face. “As for Jared… he’s okay too. Just shook up and…having some trouble imagining you want to see him after your apparent…shall we say…conflict.” As his phone buzzed in his pocket, he checked the screen. Beth. She probably wondered if he was coming back tonight since it was so late. “Give me a sec,” he apologized. “You’re in good hands.” Turning and heading to the door, he answered on his way into the hallway. “Hey. What’s up?” 

Hearing the tone of Beth’s voice, Justin stopped in his tracks. “Whoa, whoa, slow down.” His pulse started to race. Sarah was dead? She’d been physically fine. With as much care as she had every day, a sudden death was a very strange occurrence. “Oh, Beth, I’m so sorry. Just hang in there, okay? I’ll be home soon. Stay there and tell Ma what’s going on.” She’d take care of Beth until Justin could get there. “I’ll see you shortly.” 

It was only after he ended the call that he allowed his mind to travel to a very dark place. A dark place that caused fear to surge through his veins. A dark place with facts he didn’t want to acknowledge. This whole thing with Sarah was far too coincidental. And in that dark place, he knew. He knew the truth, whether he had evidence or not. But evidence was what he needed. 

Pushing aside his emotions, he quickly walked down two doors, glad to see Dalton was still there. He needed some fast calls…and hacking into Brookshire’s system if necessary…

…Fifteen minutes later, Justin was behind the wheel of his pickup. He’d left Jared in the Elite’s hands, unable to wait. Getting to Beth was his only focus. As he stopped at a red light, his phone buzzed again. Dalton. He was even faster than anticipated. And the news wasn’t good. There was no official confirmation yet, but they suspected Sarah had been poisoned. And before Justin could even begin to process what that meant, he received a text message from an unknown number. 

Happy with your choice?

And that was all the confirmation Justin needed. Sarah had been murdered. And it was all his fault.

Parked in the driveway with the engine off, Justin sat in the dark. He should go inside. He needed to go inside. Beth needed him. Or did she? If it weren’t for him, her sister would still be alive. How could he even face her? He had feelings for Beth that ran deeper than he’d had for anyone else. And he had effectively murdered her own sister by thinking he was immune to the Agency’s schemes. 

A barrier was lowered to shelter his heart as he finally exited his pickup. Beth needed his support. And that came first, before he’d be able to tell her why Sarah was gone. 

Getting inside, he was greeted with a silent nod from Pete, before he went to the living room. His mother was dressed in comfy clothes for the night, but her subdued greeting proved she’d been with Beth as Justin had hoped. Then there was Beth. He remained standing as he saw her, and simply held out his arms. 

Once the team was dismissed from Reese's office, Wyatt, unhappy with the results of the night, aimed for Dalton's office, hoping the giant was still there. "Hey, Dalton?" He knocked on the open door and wandered closer, pulling a small device from his pocket. It held the recordings of the entire communication that had taken place during the mission. "Do me a favor?" He chewed on the inside of his lip. He hadn't asked permission. But he needed to know. "Garret's set got knocked off his head...or so he claims. But it was still on. All we can hear is static, and some muffled words. Think you might be able to clean it up so we can hear what really went on?"...

...The sound of scuffling.
The thump of the communicator being dropped onto the ground.
More scuffling.
An unfamiliar voice. "Garret. You s-"
"You're not walking away from this," Garret threatened.
"Kill me and you kill another innocent life."
"They're dead anyway."
More scuffling.
The voice returned, strained now. "You're as good as dead, Garret, you know that."
More scuffling.
Finally it was Garret's voice again. "All clear. Target in hand and headed your way."

Wyatt's face was tense with anger. Garret had been heartless when it came to the mention of a second target. He hadn't thought twice about killing the other guy. And he'd gotten rid of his earpiece before the fight had even begun. "I gotta take this to Reese. Thanks, Dalton."

Halfway to his dad's office, Wyatt's anger had piqued. And passing Garret didn't help matters. Instead of continuing his route, he stopped in the hallway, blocking Garret's path. "You're a heartless killer," he hissed. "And you have no place on our team."

Garret stopped in his tracks and straightened as Wyatt's words immediately got his hackles up. "You wanna run that by me one more time?"

Wyatt presented the thumb drive that now held the new recording. "That operative recognized you, didn't he? And you knew that if he lived, you were as good as dead. So you didn't think about anyone else, but decided right there that you were going to kill him. Didn't you?" By now, he was face to face, glaring at Garret.

Garret's eyes narrowed. "And here I thought we were all on the same side."

"You'll never be on our side."

Garret held up his first finger as a warning. "You better just let me by and-"

"What's going on?"

Neither man moved as Reese approached.

"Here." Wyatt shoved the thumb drive towards his dad. "It wasn't self defense. Garret here just killed that guy so word wouldn't get out he was alive."

Reese frowned. "That's a pretty serious accusation." He swung his gaze to Garret. "Care to explain?"

"I don't need to explain myself," Garret retorted. "I told you what happened, now if you'll kindly excuse me..."

Wyatt folded his arms. "You're not going anywhere."

Garret shifted his weight, and lifted one hand, ready to use force.

A sudden surge of fear coursed through Reese's veins, causing him to step between Garret and his son. "Garret, you're dismissed."

Considering his options for just a moment, Garret relented, then skirted around Wyatt to head downstairs. Instead of going to his cell though, he went to the rec room.

Back upstairs, Reese turned around to face his son and took a deep breath to keep from raising his voice. "What on earth were you thinking, confronting that man?"

Wyatt's eyes widened. "I'm not scared of him!"

"Well you should be!" Reese shook his head. "He just broke a man's neck for goodness sake. Do you really think you could handle him?"

"I'd like to think I could hold my own and-"

"You wouldn't last sixty seconds." Reese didn't mean to belittle Wyatt's skills, but there wasn't anyone in this entire building who would be able to take Garret. There was a chance Carson could stand his ground for a little while, but Reese would still put his money on Garret.

Wyatt scowled at him. "Nice. So let's keep him here so he can throw his weight around and get away with whatever he wants just because no one has guts enough to stand up to him."

"I didn't say that. I think we-"

"Forget it." Wyatt tossed him the thumb drive. "I gotta get Jason home."

Left standing alone, Reese sighed. This was getting out of hand. Maybe he could catch Nate before he left. Heading to the main floor, he turned only to almost run right into Agent Young. "Oh, excuse me."

"No worries." Young cocked his head. "Been pretty exciting around here."

"That's one way to put it."

"You, uh, think it's a good idea to allow Garret that much free rein?"

"I think he's a success story in the making if I give him a chance."

"No matter who he kills in the process?"

Reese bit his tongue from retorting, and forced a smile instead. "I need to wrap things up before I leave. I assume I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight." Sidling past Young, he changed his route and went to his own office. He'd talk to Nate another time. They were all tired, and it was late. He took his phone out of his pocket as he walked and thumbed a text message to Angelica.
Still up? I'll be home soon.

Downstairs, sweat poured down the sides of Garret's face as he beat the punching bag with pent up energy.

Rosalyn remained nestled into Chad's arms, but shook her head. "I can't go back to the ranch. They don't want anyone coming or going right now - not even me. I can call my mom and brother though."

Despite the joy mixed in with this bizarre situation, a tear escaped to soak into Chad's shirt. "I'm scared," she admitted. "I don't want to make the wrong choice. I trust you... Its me I don't trust because I would go anywhere with you and do anything you asked."



Just standing there with Rosalyn Chad soaks in the moment. They we be together a lot more now, but this moment he still wanted to remember. Every moment with Rosalyn he wanted to always remember and cherish. How had he gotten so luck to find someone like her? Did he deserve to be this happy? He didn't think so, but he wouldn't let it pass him by, never again would he take what he hated for granted.

   "I am guessing you will want to say goodbye to your friends, mom and brother. So why dont we go to the ranch tomorrow to spend a little time with them if you want. Than we can leave the next day."

Chad looks down searching Rosalyn's eyes for a long moment. He really hoped this was what Roslyn wanted this and was ok with he. She wouldn't have agreed if she wasn't but still there was that little fear he had.

   "I know I was going to stay a little longer, and we still can if you want. I just think it would be best if we got as far away for right now as we can. But I want this to be what you want too and not just what I think it best. So shoot some ideas at me. I'll follow you anywhere."

Getting back to the Elite Grace followed everyone inside before heading to the infirmary with Rick. Looking around she takes in everything. What a strange place that she new so little about. Everyone seemed really nice so she hoped that this place really was safe, and not just another tactic from the people who took her.

Sitting down and letting Rick look her over Grace was quiet and just let him work trying to keep calming her nerves. She didn't understand any of this. She new Justin helped people, but she really didnt know what he did beyond that.

   "What is this place? I though Justin just helped people. This feels....more."

Hearing Justin's voice and seeing him come along side Rich Grace breaths a small sigh of releaf. If Justin was here than these people really where there to help her. Her nerves seemed to calm down a little. 

   "It's ok Justin...I don't think anyone could of known. I dont even understand any of this."

Falling silent again as Rick cleaned some of her cuts that were a little more sore Grace had a moment to think. Letting the pain pass she finally looked at Justin again. even if her nerves were calming down a little but her min was still turning, and she still was shook up. But she did have one question she did want to asks.

   "Is Jared here? He is ok? I'd like to talk to him if I can."

Feeling her phone ring Beth pulls it out of her pocket. They had gotten word that Grace was safe and she felt releafed.  She really didn't know Grace that much but still she could only imagine how frightened she must have been. Seeing it was the hospital she answers it.

   "Hello...What when?..."

Beth's fast went ghost white as she gasped for air, and tears sprung into her eyes. She couldn't believe what was happening nor did she understand it. Not saying anything else Beth hung up the phone and just stood there for a long moment before taking the phone and dialing Justin. 

Waiting for him to answers Beth was quiet even after his hello. Only maybe her soft sobs could be heard from the other end. Finally trying to compose herself as best as she could she squeaked out what she could. 

   "Justin.....She's dead....Sara is dead....they said it happened suddenly, and.....and they dont know what happened because she was healthy. She's...gone....what am I going to do."


Self defense?

Rosalyn blinked as Chad stopped her and forced her to look up at him. All it took was gazing into those eyes to make her melt. Maybe that's what she feared the most - realizing he had that much power over her. And yet it's also what she loved the most. She swallowed hard as tears surfaced but she didn't let them spill over. Would she ever stop being surprised at his sensitivity and care?

She finally nodded. "Okay," she whispered. "I'll go with you." Wrapping her arms around him, she burried her face against his chest and just breathed deeply his warmth and strength. Was she doing the right thing? Was she making the right choice? She could only hope and pray that she was.

Lifting her face, she stood on her tiptoes so her lips could reach his. Her hands crept around and up to his shoulders before her fingers found the nape of his neck to toy with his hair as she kissed him. Would she ever tire of this? She was pretty sure that would be impossible. Was this really forever? In the depths of her heart, she hoped so. 

Drawing back just a little, she lowered from her tiptoes, and nuzzled her head into his shoulder, giving his neck one last kiss. "When do we have to leave?" 

The ride had been silent for twenty minutes, but Mick's patience was growing thin. Though concentrating on the dark road as he followed the other pickup, his eyes kept glancing at his brother who hadn't said a word since leaving Rosalyn's.

"You've got about a half hour left," Mick finally warned. "If you don't start talking, I'm going to pull over and wait until you do."

Jim leaned his head back on the seat's headrest and sighed. His gaze remained on the passing lines on the road that were lit up by the headlights. It had been hard enough to confess everything to Chad and Rosalyn. He was so tired and just wanted to be left alone. But he knew his brother was serious - Mick really would pull over if he didn't get any answers. "Chad's here. Rosalyn will probably leave with him so she'll be safe. I'm pretty sure they'll get married one of these days. And I don't know if or when she'll be back."

Mick's fingers toyed with the texture on the steering wheel. What had happened at the house? "Did you fight with them?"


"Why did you come into town?"

"To warn them about the Agency and to give my daughter my blessing."

Mick lifted one eyebrow. "I find that hard to believe."

"I know." Jim adjusted his seatbelt and sighed again. "I just want her to be safe and happy. So that's what I told her. And Chad promised he'd keep her safe."

"And...you're just...suddenly...okay with this?"

"The only sudden thing about any of this is the Agency. My love for my daughter hasn't changed, nor has my disdain for Chad, but I respect him as the man my daughter has fallen in love with."

Mick's brow furrowed and he concentrated on the road for a moment as they came to an intersection and turned. "Who are you?"

Jim's mouth upturned slightly. "A man. Just a man."

"So why did Rosalyn call to have us drive you back?"

That was an even longer story. But Jim shared it as well. It was pointless to try and hide his fast-declining eyesight. By the time they arrived back at the ranch, Mick had a much better understanding of exactly what had been going on. Jim's behavior was still inexcusable but at least now it made more sense. The others would need to be told. But Mick would allow Jim to tell Becky and Clint first before spreading the word.  

Wyatt kept a close eye on Grace as they headed back to headquarters. She looked okay other than being shook up, but he'd feel better once Rick checked her over. As far as the front seat was concerned, Wyatt wanted to know exactly what had happened with Garret tonight and why there was a dead body in the trunk. He hadn't heard any shots being fired...

..."Hi, Grace, my name is Rick." He gently led her to the table where he motioned for her to sit. "You don't have to worry any more," he assured. "You're safe here. I just want to make sure you're really okay, then we'll make sure you're with someone safe until this whole thing blows over." He smiled warmly as he started by shining a light in her eyes and beginning his routine surface examination. 

"I know you're probably very confused," he continued, keeping his voice as gentle as always. He'd been given the rundown on this entire case. "It's just that your boyfriend's brother unintentionally made some enemies by working here, with the Elite, and they decided to get to him through a back door - you. They probably want Jared to blame Justin for all of this just to cause psychological strife. But now that they failed, everything is going to be just fine." 

Justin was on his feet the instant he saw Nate, Wyatt and Garret heading down the hallway to check in with Reese. Told that Grace was in the infirmary but okay, his relief was beyond description. By now it was close to midnight, but all tiredness was forgotten. "Come on," he urged his brother. "Let's go see her." He left the break room, but when he realized Jared wasn't following, he stuck his head back around the corner. "You coming?" 

Jared swallowed hard. He was so incredibly glad Grace was okay. She really was okay. They hadn't killed her. They'd found her. Rescued her. She was safe. And yet...he found it difficult to move. He'd been so mean to her. He'd said such cruel things. He was pretty sure she wouldn't even want to see him. It might just make things worse. He finally shook his head. "Go on," he requested quietly. "I'll... I'll see her in a while."

Justin knew exactly what was going on without asking, and though he didn't think it was a healthy reaction, he wasn't going to sit here and baby his brother. "Fine." He aimed for the infirmary himself, and was even more relieved when he saw Grace with his own eyes. He didn't know her all that well, but even so, this was all because of him. "Grace..." He came up beside Rick. "I'm so sorry about all of this. I had no idea my involvement here would put anyone in danger, let alone you."

"Okay. So..." Reese stood in his office, arms folded as he looked between the three men. "The girl is safe. Congratulations on a successful mission." He was actually just relieved Garret hadn't turned on anyone or disappeared. "And I'm told we also have one dead Agency operative that I have to get to the morgue. Who wants to explain how that happened?"

Wyatt frowned and nodded to Garret. "Nobody saw it but him, so I guess he's up."

Garret's eyes narrowed slightly before he looked calmly to Reese. "It was self defense. The guy had a gun and I took him down."

"Yeah?" Wyatt interrupted. He'd taken a good look at the body after they'd gotten back. "Since when is breaking someone's neck self defense?"

Reese's eyes widened. "Excuse me?"

Garret's expression didn't change. "He came at me and I took him down. End of story."

Wyatt wasn't finished. "Why did you break communication?"

"I told you, my earpiece got knocked off in the scuffle."

Reese glanced at Nate, his son, then Garret. Why was the air so tense? "Anything else we should know?"

Garret remained standing tall. "No, Sir."

The "sir" made Reese quirk an eyebrow. "As far as I'm concerned, breaking someone's neck is not considered self defense. Why didn't you lay him out like you did Aaron?"

"I had to act fast, and he gave me no choice."

Wyatt scowled, not happy with the answer. How could they possibly keep someone around who would actually be this brutal? Even a gunfight would have been more acceptable. But the fact alone that Garret actually knew how to break someone's neck like that was reason for concern.

Reese wasn't done mulling this one over, but for now, they had more immediate issues. "Do we know anything about the second target?"

Garret spoke again. "The operative confirmed a second target does exist, but he didn't give any indication of who it is or where they are."

"Well, I know Justin's entire family is safe, along with those he cares for, so I'm tempted to think the Agency is bluffing just to make us worry."

"Then you're making a very big mistake," Garret warned.

Reese pursed his lips and thought a moment before looking to Nate. "Make sure someone picks up the body, then I'll need a full report about this entire incident. We may get away with it since it's the Agency, but we're going to have to make it look awfully good on paper."


Different Night

Hearing Chance's confirmation he would take care of his family till they could join him was a releaf. He didn't know Chance, but there was something about him that he new he really meant it. Giving a nod Xander didn't need to say anything else about his family. There was other things to talk about an arrange. He felt nervous that was for sure, this was going to be a whole new life once he was out from being undercover. For him and his family, he just hoped they would all adjust well.

Taking the ticket and looking at it Xander was slightly surprised by how early the fight was. He'd have to be up even earlier to get there in time and it was starting to get late. He couldn't help biut feel tonight was going to be a sleepless night.

   "Bright and Early, sure do know how to run a guy ragged. I'll be ready though."

Knowing it was best that Chance go now Xander stands and walks with his to the door his hands in his pocket. Giving a nod as Chance and a wave he shuts the room before leaning against it for a long moment. This was really happening. Finally pushing off the door he wondered into the kitchen and puts his arms around Abby before turning to the kids and smiling.

Leaning into Xander Addy is silent for a long moment. She could tell something was wrong just by how silent he was. Turning and looking up at him her eyes held much question. Cocking her head and looking up at her husband she finally speaks.

    "It's finally happening isnt it?"

Xander looked down at his wife his eyes filled with sarrow for a long moment. No one would ever know how his heart was breaking even if he didn't say anything. He new how much Abby loves this place, and this was the kids home. IT was going to be so hard and he new it.

   "It is...we wont be back this time either."

Abby couldn't help the tear that slipped out of her eye as she buried her face into Xander's chest. Feeling him squeeze her she felt so bad she was crying now. This had to be just as hard on him as it was them.

   "I know when I married you what I was getting into, I new this could happen but its still hard. I'll follow you anywhere, and never regret it, even if I am crying."

Giving Abby a hug his heart broke even more. When he had married her so long ago, and they decied it was time to start a family, had it really been the right thing. Was he being selfish wanting this? He was just so thankful she was understanding and willing to stick it out.

    "I have to leave tomorrow morning around five. The gentalmen who was just here is from The Elite, his name is Chance and he will be here at the house to make sure you guys are ok till you can join me in Texas. Pack as much as you can, and what you want to bring right away, the rest we can put in storage, and get it later. Well also sell the house later on as well. It's going to be ok..I'm so sorry this is happening. I love you!"

   "I love you too Xander...always."

Tonight would be a different kind of night for the family...the kids would stay up late, games would be played, more snacks would be eaten than normal, and laughing would ring through the house for one of the last times. Till finally all three were asleep..Xander would carry the boys to bed, and Abby would carry there little girl to bed, before they both went to bed. The morning would come early, but it was worth it to be with his family.

Just letting Rosalyn talk with her dad over everything Chad's expression never changed so Rosalyn would know he meant what he said. But his eyes were soft, and caring. He really had meant what he said and he really did want to keep her safe. Whatever she decided though he would respect. He would just have to do a little maneuvering to change things around.

Chad couldn't help but be a little suprised by Jim writing a check for Rosalyn but at the same time he was revealed so it helped her make up her mind. If she was close, he could keep her safe and not have to worry.

   "I'll take good care of her for you Jim, that I can promise."

Once Jim was gone Chad sat on the couch just watching Rosalyn walk the floor. He new she was probley was nervous, and rightfully so. Though he was sure about all he said, he was nervous too. He didn't know what to expect from all of this.

   "I am sure."

He'd said it so many times but he didn't get irritated or upset. He just wanted to keep assuring her that everything was ok, He'd do it till he was blue in the face. Finally as she asked again Chad stood and stopped Rosalyn in her tracks. Taking her face in his hands he tilts it so she can look at him in he eyes. Giving a soft smile his eyes sparkled looking down at her filled with love.

   "I don't know what to expect with this whole thing. But I know I want to keep you safe, and that is something I am absolutely sure about. We will worry about everything else as it comes. Take one day at a time is all we can do. I think once you are there though you are going to fall in love with it. When its safe, and you are ready to come back...we will...ok? Than I can worry about the next step of finding a place here to stay."

Getting in the van and having a blanket put around her Grace curled into it and wrapped it tight trying her best to stop she shaking. Now that she was safe in the van and the adrenaline was gone she couldn't help how much she was shaking. She just wanted to be gone from this place. 

Taking the bottle from Wyatt Grace nodded taking a sip before putting the cap back on and leaning her head back aganst the van wall. She was tired, oh so tried.


Dead Body

Watching Xander's reactions and observing the little family, Chance felt for them. This was a warm, happy atmosphere and they didn't deserve to be uprooted. But this was a war that had started long, long ago, and it was the fault of no one here. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, at the tiny commotion in the kitchen as he took a sip of coffee he'd accepted from Abby. As sorry as he felt about all of this, he also knew that Xander was well aware of the dangers when he'd taken on this job in the first place - he'd just been lucky to have gone this long without incident.

"You have my word, I will guard your family with my life." Even now, as casually dressed as he was, he was carrying more weapons than anyone would care to know. "Heaven help the poor sap who tries anything while I'm on duty." His eyes showed how serious he was. He hadn't always been the most faithful agent, nor had he always turned away from trouble when he should have, but the Agency would have to kill him to get to this innocent family.

"I was hoping you'd say yes," he concluded. Reaching in his pocket, he pulled out a printed plane ticket. "Your flight for Texas leaves at six in the morning. I'll be here at five to see you off and then stay here. Someone from the ranch will pick you up and from there the mission is all in their hands."

He paused and listened to some more chatter from the children in the kitchen. "I'm sorry this is such short notice. If it weren't for the situation in Texas, you'd have more time to prepare to move. But I'll do all I can to make the transition easier, whether it's simply standing watch or helping pack boxes. The Elite will pay for all moving expenses, so you won't need to worry about that."

Chance took a glance at his watch before setting down his coffee cup and standing. "I should go before prying eyes start to wonder why I'm here. See you bright and early?"

For several moments, Rosalyn just sat with her mouth still partially open, her mind reeling. She stared at Chad, almost trying to figure out if he was actually serious about this. He'd almost convinced her he really did want a deeper relationship with her, but this? To basically take on responsibility for her well-being until this thing blew over?

"We don't even know how long this will last," was the first thing out of her mouth.

Jim pursed his lips. "No, we don't. If we get Travis out in the next couple days, that could be it."

"But how...how do we know if the Agency will retaliate? How do we know they won't just sit quietly until a month from now? Or six months? How do we live like that, not knowing?"

Jim tried to smile. "Just like we have all our lives." When he saw how much his daughter was struggling, he decided to add more. "The Agency can't dictate where you go or what you do. It's just about how we each deal with the threat the best we see fit. Sometimes that's as a group, and sometimes that's individually."

Rosalyn swallowed hard. "You'd rather I come back to the ranch wouldn't you?"

Jim's emotions started to surface again and his gaze dropped. "I want you to do what's right for you." It was hard to say it, but he managed. "And...if it was me... I'd go with the one I love."

Tears entered Rosalyn's eyes and she looked to Chad again, her grip tightening on his hand. "What...what about what I have here? I help the girls with rent and, and, and... I have jobs and..." She stopped when she saw her dad reach in his back pocket. 

He pulled out his checkbook and grabbed a pen off the coffee table. As he started to write though, his world suddenly went black. Gripping the chair's armrest to find his balance, he scrunched his eyes tight.

"Dad? Are you okay?"

He nodded, then blinked several times. "Yeah....yeah, I'm okay." Thankfully, his surroundings came back into focus, but it was no less scary than any other episode. Resuming his task, he finished writing a check before tearing it out and handing it to Rosalyn.

She took it, confused especially when she saw the amount written. "What..."

"That should help with keeping up rent here while you're gone so you have something to come back to and it won't burden your friends."

Rosalyn swallowed hard before showing Chad the check too. "But...this...Dad, it's... This would keep my rent here five months, with enough left to help live on elsewhere."

He nodded. "That's the idea."

"But you and mom can't afford this," she argued. 

"How do you know? Besides... If I would have been half the father I should have been, I would have spent that money on you a long time ago to give you a better chance at life outside the ranch."

Rosalyn wiped her eyes and sniffed. "Thank you," she returned softly. "I guess..." A little laugh surfaced. "I guess this means I'm going to the gulf coast." 

Jim stood and retrieved his keys. "You might wanna tell your mom yourself. Just saying. But, um... I'll head back now."

"No you don't." Rosalyn got to her feet. "I'm calling the ranch to have someone come get you. I'm not letting you drive back like this."


"No buts." She grabbed her cell phone, her tone stern. "It's time they knew about this too anyway. It's either that or Chad takes you back and I have a feeling you don't wanna long ride with him..."

...It was over an hour later and the house was quiet. Mick and Jeff had come and gone with Jim, left to find out just what was going on once they got back to the ranch. In the meantime, Rosalyn had afforded her dad a hug, although it was obvious that mending of hearts would take much longer than just one evening and a couple apologies. But things were at least finally turning around. As for her and Chad...

She paced the living room, her arms folded in worry. "Are you sure about this?" She'd repeated that question twice already, but hadn't given Chad a chance to answer yet. "I mean, really? Not just the whole taking care of me thing, but getting involved with the Agency watching? Taking me with you could put your whole team at risk too. And what if the Agency did come after me? What about the others? Is this fair to them?" She kept pacing. "Besides all that, you say you're dedicated to whatever this is we've got going, but even with all this? It's downright stupid you know. Completely absurd for you to take me with you. And, and, and...well it's just insane is what it is."

Wyatt folded his fingers around Grace's in a reassuring grip. "It's going to be okay."

Static, a muffled partial sentence, then more static from Garret distracted him for a moment. Had that been someone else's voice, or Garret's? What was going on? "Garret?" No response. "Garret, where are you? Talk to us," Wyatt prompted. All he received was more silence. This wasn't good.

He looked back to Grace. "Follow me. We have a car waiting." Hurrying, he got her across the warehouse, then out into the night air and led her at a fast jog across the complex. "Headed your way, Nate." With the vehicle in sight, his eyes ricocheted around their surroundings to make sure the route really was clear. Everything was quiet. Getting Grace to the SUV, he opened the rear door and helped her in. "Just take a seat. You're safe now. This is Nate - he's on our team."

He looked back into the complex, worried. "Garret?" he asked again. "Where are you?"

"All clear," finally came the response. "Target in hand and headed your way."

Wyatt glanced into the vehicle at Nate. Garret had actually pulled it off? Movement pulled his focus back to the complex where Garret appeared to be carrying a figure over his shoulder.

Garret carried the limp body to the SUV where he popped the back hatch and deposited it inside. "Is the girl alright?"

"Yeah, she's okay. What happened?"

"Comm got knocked off my ear when I went head to head with this guy."

Wyatt quirked an eyebrow. "And this guy is...?"

"Dead. Let's get out of here before anyone else decides to show up."

Wyatt blinked. He'd just thrown a dead body in the back of their car? Seriously? "Are you out of your mind?!" he hissed. "You should know better than to move a body! This puts our badges on the line! And why, pray tell, is he dead anyway?! What happened?"

Garret didn't react, but glanced into the SUV. "Don't you think we ought to get this young lady out of here and to safety before flying off the handle?"

Wyatt glared at him before sliding into the backseat so Garret could take shotgun, then shut the door. If this wasn't an Agency case, he'd make more of a fuss, but unfortunately, when it came to the Agency, rules were bent in favor of everyone's safety - not just protocol. And since they had Grace with them, they couldn't very well hang around and risk her safety again. At any given moment, they could be ambushed. He swallowed his emotions and gave her a warm smile. "We're only a few minutes from headquarters, so just hang tight." He pulled out his cell phone and dialed Rick. "Yeah, it's Wyatt... Yes. She's okay but been roughed up a bit. We'll be there shortly. Thanks." After ending the call, he grabbed a bottle of water and offered it to Grace. "Here. Have you had anything to eat?"

Garret slid into the passenger seat and tossed his earset onto the dash before taking off his ballcap to run a hand through his hair. He didn't look at Nate, nor did he try to explain himself or why the Agency operative was now dead. "He threatened a second target again." He kept his voice down to avoid scaring Grace any more. "I suggest we get back before they decide to take us out instead." It was unfortunate, but he doubted Justin would have another chance at saving whoever else the Agency planned to use. He knew how these things worked as he'd tried to explain earlier. He knew there had been two targets from the beginning - the Agency was just banking on them continuing to hope they could actually rescue both, just to make the failure that much harder to accept. Someone was going to die. Now that they had Grace, it was inevitable that the other target would be killed. Maybe the Elite thought they could pull off total success, but Garret knew better. Whether Justin thought all his loved ones were safe or not, Garret had been playing this game too long to think they were free and clear.

Main Concern

Sitting in the living room with Rosalyn and Jim, Chad kept his fingers intertwined with his. He could see how nervous she was and it made his heart hurt. He hated seeing her like this and not being able to help in any way.

Listing to everyone all over again the wheels in Chad's head had already started to turn. He didn't really understand The Agency, and why any of this happening but it wasn't going to cause him to run. He couldn't, he couldn't let Rosalyn face whoever these people were alone. So his brain worked, processed, and figured things out while Jim talked.

Once the talking was done Chad was quiet for a moment still. Looking to Rosalyn, than to Jim, and back to Rosalyn he took in a long sigh.

   "That's a lot to take in at once, and I dont quite understand it all, but first and for most, they would have to kill me to keep me from Rosalyn."

Drawing quiet again Chad thinks a moment again. What he would say next had to be said delicately or it could be taken the wrong way. He felt like he was getting somewhere with Jim and the last thing he wanted was to make it all so south.

    "I have to leave in a few days to get back to work. I would suggest Rosalyn ether head back to the ranch with you today or come with me so she would be safe. I have an extra room at my place, My twin bother lives there with me, along with another woman who works with us."

Since they all worked together it was just easier to live together as well and in the long run saved money with how much they travailed.

   "We still have an extra room and that could be your room. It even has its own bathroom, so you would have your own privacy, with a little patio on the back as well."

Chad looked to Jim and searches his face for a long moment hoping he wouldn't think worse of him now for suggesting this. Than looking back to Rosalyn he smiles.

   "As for money its not something you wouldn't have to worry about since I am guessing it wouldn't be permanent, and with how we travel I would assume you would come too and that could be hard with a job. But if you really want one, you can always work with me and do some odd jobs, or there are a lot of part time jobs that are flexible. But that is my suggestion and the best possible way I can keep you safe. Ultamitly it is up to you Rosalyn and how you feel, but do not think it a burden, because it wouldn't be. Having you around more, would definitely be a bright spot."

Xander just listened as Chance started to talk. When it came to a lot of stuff that happened at the Elite he was clueless. Being out in the field would do that, and though he was out of the loop and felt lost he new it was best. But if he was being told all this now, that what would it mean for him, what would it mean for his family.

Smile as Abby came into the room Xander accepted the cup of coffee, and waited while she asked if Chance wanted anything too. Once she had left again he took a sip of his coffee before nodding for Chance to continue. Abby new about the Elite, and she new about The Agency, but still he wanted to avoid talking about it in from of her or the kids. This whole thing was dangerous, and heaven forbid if anything happened He wanted them to be able to deny they new anything with a mostly clear continuous to give them a better chance of survival. 

As Chance continues and mention of the ranch was brought up Xander couldn't help but perk up a little. He remember everyone who had been there when he was, he could still see all there faces. Even if they more than likely had aged now, he remembered them.  They say home is where your heart is, and while his heart was with his family, the ranch in Texas would always be the second place his heart would rest. 

   "Of course I remember them...how could I forget. That was a big part of my life for a long time."

Falling silent again he lets Chance continue once more and he took everything in. This was sudden, and this was unexpected, but this was something he did know would come sooner or later. As much as he wished it was later, it was happening now. 

Hearing voices from the hall break his consideration for a moment as two boys appear for a moment and than disappear into the kitchen as some laughter follows. Leaning to the right on the arm rest it was just enough room to see into the kitchen. Both boys helped there mother with plates, and little Violet despritly tried to get the older of the two boys attahen. Putting the plate down the boy finally turned to his sister and picked her up swinning her in a circle for a moment as she giggled, before disappearing again to place her in her high chair.

The smile grew on Xnader's face. He'd gotten so lucky with his family, it was everything he ever could of wanted and he felt blessed. Now it was his time to put away his selfish wants and protect his family. Turning back to Chance he nods there was no second option.

   "I'll do it, as long as you do stay here still my family leaves for Texas. There safety is all I care about. Promise me that, and I'll help. No matter what happens to me, they are my main concern."

As commotion insured outside the dark cold room Grace wrapped her arms about herself scared. She didn't know what was going on, but she hoped the new where not back to ask her more questions. Everything they asked confused her. Why was Jared's brother so important to these men and why where they asking her? 

When the door opened and the light shone in Grace couldn't help but cower a little as her eyes tried to adjust. She didn't know who was standing there or what they wanted but it made her heart race. Hearing a voice she didn't know the tone was much different than her chapters, This one brought comfort, help and trust. 

Looking up again and seeing Wyatt'd hand Grace took it her own shaking. She didn't know if she could walk let alone run even if she was standing but she would try, and someone was there to rescue her. Still not saying anything she move forward to be even with Wyatt. Looking up at him, and than looking at the door she was ready.



"I'm sorry." Jim's brow furrowed slightly. "I just assumed Rosalyn would have explained our family history to you." If Chad was really serious about pursuing Rosalyn, he had a lot he needed to know. One thing Jim couldn't deny though - and that was the seriousness with which Chad promised to do his best to take care of Rosalyn. Whether Jim liked it or not, this man seemed genuine.

Coming back around to the other topic, Jim's gaze fell again. He wasn't so sure he believed Rosalyn had missed him. Not after the way he'd treated her. He nodded anyway, though. She needed to know what was going on as much as Chad.

It took a few minutes of silence before he finally got to his feet. "Okay. Let's go inside." He would just as soon have Chad present in case Rosalyn decided she really didn't want to hear this.

Back in the living room, Rosalyn sat up straight and tensed as her father entered with Chad. With...Chad? Together? And nobody had any black eyes? Her gaze bounced back and forth between both of them as she stayed frozen in place. What was going on?

Jim wandered to a chair and motioned to it with question. When Rosalyn nodded, he sat, still fiddling with his hat. "I, um... have a few things we need to talk about."

Rosalyn's hand found Chad's as he joined her on the couch. Her face had gone pale. "Okay..." She wasn't going to give up Chad. She couldn't. She refused.

Seeing the fear on her face made Jim even more sorry. "First, I want to apologize for all the things I did and said to push you away. It wasn't my intent, and I never wanted to hurt you..." He went on to explain the same things he'd told Chad about his eyes and how that's what he'd really been angry and scared about.

By the time he'd finished, Rosalyn's fear had turned more into pity. She swallowed hard. "You...seem to see fine."

Jim nodded. "It comes and goes. Any given moment, everything goes blurry and dark. Sometimes it lasts a second or two, and...sometimes several minutes. But it's getting worse and...one of these times, it will just stay that way. I shouldn't have driven myself into town - I had to pull over twice. But they're locking down the ranch and no one else knows about this so I couldn't very well ask for a ride."

Rosalyn frowned. "What? Why? Is everything okay?"

Jim shook his head. Next came the story of Travis.

"I didn't know Angel had a nephew," Rosalyn commented, confused.

"She didn't either. But at any rate, that's it and, um... I came to... make sure you had someone looking after you."

Her cheeks flushed slightly. "And...you're okay with this?"

He shook his head. "Not really. But I love you. And I trust you. I just want you to be safe and happy."

A tear trickled down Rosalyn's cheek and she quickly swiped it away. She'd thought those words would never come.

Jim cocked his head. "Chad tells me he doesn't know who the Agency is."

She hung her head. She should have told Chad about all this sooner. She'd just hoped she wouldn't need to. That somehow she'd be beyond the Agency's grasp since she was the next generation. And perhaps she feared it would have scared Chad away. Her fingers fiddled with his.

"The Agency is a crime organization that has been subtly destroying lives for a very long time," Jim explained. "The public doesn't really know about them because of how well they infiltrate and fool the system. But basically they like to play games and torture people - psychologically or physically. Their leader is a psychopath that sees humans as lab rats he can experiment on just to see how they react. For reasons we still don't know, our two families - the Hensons and Pents - were targeted when we were children - perhaps even before that. We've been battling them all our lives. They've lured several of us into their fold, they have kidnapped a number of us and our family members, they have wreaked havoc in ways such as destroying property, and they have torn apart marriages, like Mick's fist. Anything they can do just to see how we react, and see how long it takes for us to break."

It all sounded so horrible. Rosalyn's grip on Chad's hand tightened but she didn't dare look at him.

Jim studied Chad's face to see if there was any fear. "When my kids were still small, I left in order to protect them - they'd already been kidnapped once right after they were born. We even gave up our third child just to ensure he wouldn't grow up with the dangers of the Agency. That's how serious it is." He paused and looked again to Rosalyn. "If all goes well and we get Travis out, this whole thing could be over in the next couple days. But there's always risk of retaliation from the Agency. So...I've asked Chad to make sure you're safe. Whether that means he stays here or...you leave with him."

Rosalyn's mouth opened slightly in shock. Not only had her father apologized, but he was now suggesting - asking - that Chad take care of her, even if it meant taking her away? Finally, she dared turn to Chad and searched his eyes. What did he think of all this? Would he even want to stick around now? She knew he couldn't stay because he needed to get back to his home on the coast for work, but...it was asking an awful lot of him to take her with him, not to mention it could be looked upon as inappropriate. Surely he wouldn't want the responsibility anyway - not yet. Not when they were just starting out...would he?

Chance followed Xander to the living room and eased down onto one end of the couch, moving a doll over before he sat on her. It made him grin at the corners of his mouth. "No, no late reports." He leaned forward to prop his elbows on his knees. "Long story short, the FBI is getting involved..." He went on to explain how the FBI wanted to force the Elite to work beside them instead of on their own, and while there was some good in it, that move would form a long string of new restrictions, and it would also open up all the Elite files to the FBI, which, in turn, would expose anyone like Xander who had been working undercover in the Agency. Once the change happened, the Agency would undoubtedly know a lot more than anyone would like to think. "Reese is afraid for your family's safety," he continued. "So that's why I'm here."

He pursed his lips in thought. "And...on top of all that, there's a situation in Texas that needs our attention as well." He might as well just get right into the second reason he was here - time was of the essence. "Consider it your last act undercover. I assume you remember Angel Lachey - now Trahern, and you might remember her brother Lane, who used to go by Mississippi. It's his eighteen-year-old boy. The Agency has him." He explained the situation in detail - all they knew from Lane, along with the intel from Con.

"They need someone who can walk into their camp without being questioned. While we can't intercept their communications, we can throw them off balance for just long enough to get the kid out. You walk in, flash your identity with a phony story about being handed the task to move Travis. That should give you just enough time to get to Travis and be on your way out. By then, they'll probably have contacted their superior and found out you have nothing to do with it. We've got a sharpshooter - Conrad Gibbs - who will be within range - he'll take out anyone in your way, then meet you with a vehicle to get Travis back to the ranch." He grimaced. "It's a risky plan with a lot of holes and a lot of assumptions, but it's all we've got and there's no one else to help."

He glanced around to where he knew Abby was in the kitchen with at least one of the kids. "Your family will need to move as well. I can stay here with them until they're ready to go, and I'll bring them to join you in Texas. From there, we'll need to find a secure location where you can get settled again. The Elite will take care of you until a new plan of action is formed."

Folding his hands, he studied Xander's reactions. "I know this is an awful lot all at once, and I'm sorry. I wish we weren't so pressed for time. It's up to you, though. You have the right to decline this case, or even moving at all. But it's Reese's recommendation for your family's sake." 

Garret just nodded and followed Nate to get ready to go. Though confident his judgement call was right, he knew in the pit of his stomach that if anything went wrong, Reese would blame him. 

It wasn't hard to lay everything out with Wyatt and set up communications with Dalton in case they needed anything, and doing a quick check on the warehouse complex went without a hitch. It didn't appear there was any kind of setup, and Garret was convinced there would only be one Agency operative inside, just as they had suspected. Now there was only one thing left to do - go in. It was agreed Nate would stay with the vehicle to get them out of there fast when needed. Garret would go in first as a decoy, allowing Wyatt to get to the girl. Anything else in between would have to be played by ear...

"It's going to be okay." 

Jared glanced up at his brother from the same spot in the break room where he'd been for hours now. Sitting in his chair all day was causing more pain than he'd like to admit, but he wasn't going to ask to go home. Not when they were so close to getting Grace back...or so he hoped. "You really think so?"

"Of course." Justin was standing near the open doorway, leaned back against the wall with folded arms. Although he remained calm on the outside, his insides were still churning with worry. Something wasn't right. He didn't know what, but even with the plan to rescue Grace, it didn't feel like everything was alright. He again glanced to the table where Jared's cell phone sat. No more calls...and they were considering that a good thing. Despite his uneasiness, he gave his brother a nod. "They're going to find Grace, and she's going to be just fine. You'll see." 

"How long have they been gone?"

Justin's lips curled into a small grin. "Not long. Want anything to eat?"

Jared shook his head.

"Okay. Well, I'm going to call Ma and make sure she and Beth are doing alright back at the house." He'd rather be there, but while the Agency was still contacting him through Jared, he needed to stay put so the Elite could act if necessary.

The warehouse complex was dark, except for a couple dim lights near the perimeter. Both dressed in black with black ball caps, it would be hard to spot Garret and Wyatt making their way to the rear row where they suspected Grace was. Garret remained in the lead, moving without hardly a sound. Even Wyatt was impressed - and it reminded him just how experienced this ex-Agency man was. Which was a comfort and unsettling at the same time. Both were armed, and both wore earpieces to keep in contact with each other and with Nate as he waited for them. 

"Nothing so far," Wyatt mentioned quietly as they approached their targeted building. 

Garret silently motioned to a side door that had been left slightly open. All the other buildings appeared to be locked up tight. This one's padlock was lying broken on the ground. Wyatt hadn't even noticed it, and quirked an eyebrow. Garret nodded to the door and cautiously slipped inside. It was even darker, except for a single light at the far end with a messy desk where someone sat. There was a single, separate room set up, which looked like it probably used to be the office for a foreman or the like, before this place was abandoned. Old crates and empty pallets were haphazardly stacked around the perimeter, and several old vehicles had been left in rusted heaps. 

The man at the desk stirred, and Garret pointed, then motioned for Wyatt to stay back. Wyatt understood, and hid in the shadows to wait until the coast was clear. Garret went about half the length of the warehouse before stopping. Glancing around, he tested a stack of boxes, finding most of them were empty. Making sure he still had a clear route back outside, he gave the stack a hefty bump. As they all tumbled onto the floor with a clatter, it was inevitable that the thug would get up, spot Garret and come after him. Garret immediately sprinted for the door, despite yelled warnings. A bullet whizzed past his head, but he kept going, then skidded outside and around the corner. One quick glance over his shoulder warned him to slow down just a little - he needed to stay within sight so the operative would keep following him. 

Once both men were outside, Wyatt aimed for the closed room. "The chase is on," he reported to Nate as he ran. "Garret just ran out with the guy hot on his heels - and by hot, I mean shots were fired." Finding the door locked, he didn't hesitate to give it a swift kick, breaking it open before shining his flashlight inside. The beam met the face of a frightened looking young woman. Thankfully she was on her own two feet. It looked like she'd been through the wringer, but not nearly as bad as could have been. "Grace?" He lowered the flashlight. "My name is Wyatt. I'm with the Elite and I'm here to get you out, but we have to hurry." He held out his hand. "Come on."

Outside, Garret dodged another bullet and gritted his teeth. His own gun remained in its holster though, despite his desire to drop, roll and fire to end this now. At least the idiot was still behind him. Best case scenario was to bring the thug in. Worse case scenario was simply avoid getting caught himself, and making it back to the waiting vehicle empty-handed. But Garret was going to try for the best case. Skirting around the corner of a building, he skidded to a halt and waited, his ears calculating when to step out and stop his pursuer. No one else would know for certain exactly what happened after that, but the scuffle lasted only a few moments. It would be up to Garret to explain what he'd just been told, and why now he would be carrying a body to the car instead of leading a prisoner.