
The Only Gift!

Katie's smile grew bigger receiving Jason's words back to her. This connection had almost torn them apart, but in the end it brought them closer together. There love had grown, and there lessons learned along the way had been hard one, but in turn they wouldn't be soon forgotten.

Mmmm...and thank you, for opening my eyes those years ago. Showing me what I was missing out on.

If it hadn't been for Jason, Katie might have never broken out of her shell. She might of still be miserable, quiet, and with draw from the world.

Looking around at the table she gives a gentile nod at all the smiling faces. So many friends she had made along the way, and some how

...Katie looked to Ryder and Thirteen....

Even the ones who wernt from here, ended up here. This place really had a magic draw to it. For those who needed healing, for those looking for a second chanse, for those who wanted to be safe, and for those who just wanted to relax...this was home.

Thirteen can't help the laugh that escapes her lips as Ryder kiss the top of her head. She liked Cindy already, she was such a nice last and her voice was so soft. Hearing Ryder was prouded of her made her smile grow even bigger. She felt warm on the inside like a blanket had been wrapped around her.

After that it seemed like the ice had been broken and though Thirteen still didn't talk much, the strangeness of being in this place was broken. Her face expressions, and her gentile nods here and there showed she was listing and taking everything in. The smile on her lips saying it felt good, to be around these people and feel so safe, almost shut out from the cold world. 

.....And dinner rolled on, the meal and the laughs. New friends, and old the warmth in the room was amazing and the feeling of a calm had come. Soon it drew late and those who could breave the late night stayed and those who retreated did....

Shaking her head at Ryder's story's Thirteen rolls her eyes too. She always hated the ones about the alligators and crocodiles. But somewhere along the way of the last few weeks Thirteen had gotten use to him dealing with those animals even if it still scared the crap out of her and she wanted to kill him every time he did something dangerous. She had even been to the Zoo on the less busy times of day once or twice learning about the different animals and actually starting to like it.
Giving a yawn Thirteen trys to hide it but knows it was a lost cause. Now that the group had died down even more Thirteen felt comfortable and hated the thought of leaving. Listing to all the story's was so nice, living through them since she had non of her own. Giving a sigh and a nod she didn't want to but new she probably should.

"I'm ready now, even though I don't really want too."

Thirteen was a little nervous about sleeping in this strange place by herself. It was filled with new lights, noises, sounds...she wasn't use to in the house in Nevada. She new sleep wouldn't come easily as her nerves were already high thinking about it.
Leaning her head on Jason's shoulder Katie could feel her eyes getting tired thought she refused to go to bed this early. She was home, and this called for a card game at least still, and she just...new how Jason felt.

I agree, staying like this would defiantly be nice.

Letting out a sigh Katie wraps her arms around Jason just holding him while she sat in his lap. He was so warm, and he smelled good tonight it up to her Katie could fall asleep here no problem.
Lifting her head a little Bree looks at her Uncle. Everyone had been so supportive, and she was thankful for all there help, but the one person she needed right now she couldn't even talk to. Tomorrow was there first Christmas even and she couldn't even spend it with him. 

Leaning her head back down on the pillow Bree looks out the window she only opened at night to reveal the stars she had grown to love. She miss Gunner so much and each day without word, was another day of torcher.

Not moving her head from the blanket Bree just slowly blinks her eyes her voice low, and it lacked the life it once held. 

"On Chrismas, can someone call Gunner for me and get him on the line, than hand the phone to me. If only for a minute I'd like to talk to him on Christmas. Can...that be the only gift I get please?"


Cindy holds her smile and nods to Thirteen. "Sure he did. He usually does tell me about his friends. Oh, he can't tell me everything about his job, but he did tell me about you and how you're doing such a good job with everything." 

Ryder's faces gains a warm expression of pride as he looks to Thirteen. "See? And you thought nobody noticed." Giving her a kiss to the top of her head, he chuckles. "But I dare say I'm the proudest."

"As is your right," Cindy agrees. She catches Thirteen's eye with a motherly gaze. "When your man is proud of you and believes in you, you know you've got a winner." She glances to Wes, then back to Thirteeen. "And I know that for a fact." 

Sitting next to Katie, Jason closes his eyes for just a moment, holding his breath as she draws on the emotions that made him feel the warmest. He knew now she really was happy, and so was he. A lot had happened this past year... a lifetime had gone by. There was a time when Jason wouldn't really have cared to be here. But now... things were different. He was different. And here, he finally felt like he was a part of this family. Maybe he wasn't even related to all these people here, but it didn't seem to matter. They accepted him, and that's what counted. 

Thanks for sharing your family, Hero... it's been a long time since I felt like this. 

Supper continues with much talking and laughter. Though only seated at one table, chairs get moved around, people sit sideways and more chairs are crammed around than should be, just so everyone could talk with everyone they wanted to. By the time the meal is over, it's starting to get late but no one wants to get up and leave. Cindy and Wes are the first, needing to put Kaylee to bed, and it's not long before Clint and Wendy follow suit with Chase. Despite the lack of a few people though, the others still stay, lingering inside to avoid the cold. 

"...so after that, it was a piece of cake."

Jeff bursts out laughing at the end of Ryder's story. Both men were straddling their chairs backward to face each other at the corner of the table, swapping stories and jokes left and right.

Ryder laughs just as hard, having to wipe tears from his eyes. Taking the last swallow of coffee from his mug, he sighs deeply. "And that is that." Looking over his shoulder to Thirteen, he cocks his head. "Whenever you want to go to bed, let me know and I'll help you get settled." 

Jason leans back in his chair, his arms around Katie, whom he'd pulled into his lap a while before, setting his feet up on an empty chair. 

Can we just stay like this forever? No stress... no worries... just good feelings. I don't even want to go to bed, I'm so comfortable.

Outside under the stars, Trent sits on the steps of his bunkhouse. Leaning back against the railing, he was cold, but he didn't want to get up yet. He'd kept an eye on the dining hall since he'd retreated. He'd seen a few people leave for the night, but had yet to see the visitors emerge. Too many thoughts ran through his mind. Wrong... right... did it matter? Was he at fault? What was best? Was it too late?

Sighing, he stuffs his hands a little deeper into his pockets. If he could only go back oh so many years and change the past.

"How ya doing, kiddo?" JT sits on the edge of the bed once more before bedding down for the night. Looking at his niece, she seemed so tired and distant. He hated it. They'd drawn away from the crowd a little earlier tonight, feeling quite welcome, but still a little awkward with that many people. 

He pulls up the blanket for Bree a little bit more, his eyes filled with concern. Nothing from David or Angelica yet and the holidays would push things back further. But they had to wait it out. 

"You do not need to be alone." 

"I'm not." A wry grin toys with just the corner of Gunner's mouth. "I've had visitors." 

"But you need the company of God." 

Gunner leans back on the bench in his cell, looking across at the other chair. "Father, I got God right here with me." 

The priest has a kind look on his face, but somewhat confused. "But you broke the law, Brent... you have sinned." 

"I didn't sin by rescuing someone who needed help." 

"But the law was broken."

"It was. But I believe it was right in the eyes of God." 

A smile finally comes to the older man's lips and he shakes his head. "You never did like playing by the rules, did you?"

"No." Gunner chuckles. "You know that." 

"Mmm... I do." The priest fingers his Bible. "I will pray for you, Brent, that justice will be served and that you will be released. You can't do the world any good by sitting behind these bars." 

"I know. And I intend to get out. I got people working on it." 

"No greater help has a man, than he who relies on the Lord's strength."

"I'm relying on that too... trust me... in here, with nothing but the sound of my own thoughts... I gotta have something to keep me sane. And there's only two things that do that." 


"God... and a constellation." 

The priest lifts his eyebrows. "As in the stars? I don't understand."

"It's hard to explain." Gunner takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "They'll be closing up visiting time here shortly. You better get going or you'll be spending the night in here with me." 

The priest chuckles and rises to his feet. "I can think of worse things, but you're probably right. Stick to the faith, Brent. I will see you soon." 

"Yeah... thanks for visiting." Once he's alone again, Gunner stands up and moves to crane his neck to see out the tiny window. Tomorrow was Christmas eve. And though he spoke with confidence to the priest of his church, on the inside, he'd never felt more lonely.


Taking another bit of her food Hope continues to give Scott smiles. She was so happy to see him even if it hurt to see him like this. He had a lot more bottled inside from what Dalton had told her one the phone and she only wished he would consider talking about it. Hearing that he would not though Hope would be pashent, even if she wanted him to be ok now. It was a process and she wait for him on this one, keeping the councilor and girlfriend sepret was hard but she had too.

Hearing about Scott's sister Hope holds a sympathetic look on her face. She new Scott and Sapphire had just started to rebuild there relationship and were doing just fine. Now to know a monkey wrench was thrown into it was sad.

"Ah, Scott...I'm so sorry to hear that."

Moving her hand to Scott's arm Hope gives it a gentile rub and pat. She wanted him to know she was there for him, and cared very much. She always had, and always would.

"Things will you sister will work out Scott. Your family after all and can't stay mad forever. As for Christmas It's no problem like I said. There will be many more opportunity to meet your family, and just doing something special you and me will be nice as well. As long as I'm with you, anything is fun."

Reaching to unwrap her hamburger Hope takes a bit of it. Today had been a long day and she was starving. If her stomach had to make anymore noises Scott would hear them for sure, and THAT would be a little embarrassing.

Giving a laugh at Kaylee Wes can't help his surprise but doesn't scold Kaylee knowing she was just excited to see her brother.

"Man, she might be little but I think she has your strength already Jason."

Handing Kaylee off to Jason Wes just gives a small shake of his head. It was nice to see brother and sister together like this. In someways Kaylee looked so much like Jason when he was a baby he was sure they both got there good looks from mom, and maybe a little of his charm.

"She can't get enough of me at home. Sometimes I think Cindy gets jealous."

Wes wraps his arms around Cindy from behind for a moment clearly stating he was joking throwing Jason a wink knowing it would get her riled up. 

Coming up behind Jason Katie rolls her eyes as she pulls on Jason's laughter that was inside drawing it to her, and soaking in the joy.

"Calm...you calm..hardly. If anyone is the calm on here its me."

If you mom new I was worse than you I think he would worry. Two peas in a pod we are and that means trouble.

Katie pulls a little stronger on Jason's happy emotions as her own small laugh forms and a smile makes its way to her face. Being home...it just...made her feel so good, and once getting here it almost felt like all the stress was gone. Things that happened in the outside world from this place didn't enter here until they had to.

Looking up at Ryder Thirteen gives her the best smile she can. Squeezing Ryder's hand just a little her moves her feet with his. She was scared and nervous of these new people, but they all look friendly, and happy, a family! Thirteen would try her best to be brave but at the same time it seemed to send a new strange pain to her heart. This family was grand, and they welcomed home there own with open arms. This was something Thirteen longed for, but would probably never have.

Sitting down, Thirteen smiles at Ryder again slipping her head into his once more feeling the protection of his touch. She new she'd have to let go sooner or later but at least a little while longer till she was warmed up more she just wanted to actually feel him.

Turning her attachen to Cindy Thirteen just watched, as the woman stared back at her. When was she looking so hard, why did her eyes hold so many questions? Thirteen couldn't help but feel a little strange as she finally looks away and around the room. She wanted to be so brave, she wanted to show she could do this but how? This place was so new, so different and in a way it was so antimanating. Turning back to Cindy once again as she hears Jason talked about her Thirteen looked to Ryder  and than Cindy again. Her voice finally came out soft almost like a whisper clearly showing she was shy.

"Jason...talked about me?"

Good people

Scott shrugs and reaches for a french fry if only to try and get something in his stomach. He hadn't been eating much again lately, and he knew Rick was unhappy with his lack of weight gain, but with everything going on, he just hadn't been hungry.

"Not really," he responds to Hope's question. He really didn't feel like talking about all that had happened. It was bad enough what he'd gone through without having to rehash it. And he'd get some questions answered later. But still...

His eyes rise to meet Hope's. "Alone time isn't the reason I wanted to change Christmas plans," he admits quietly. "Sapphire and I had it out today and... I think it would just be better if we didn't put ourselves within close proximity of each other for a while."

Hurt showed in his gaze. Hurt and anger. "I'm the bad guy now so... I guess from now on I get to just stay out of her way." There was so much more to it than that. There was anger and hate towards Gage, and the feeling of being totally out of control. But how could he admit all that? It just made him sound like he was in the wrong and needed to shape up. When really, he didn't know how. It went a whole lot deeper than selfish emotions, even if it came across that way. He was having trouble dealing with anyone connected to the Agency, plain and simple. But admitting that was admitting that he still hadn't gotten over his capture, even after all this time. And maybe that was one thing he was afraid of voicing.

Jason trots along behind BJ, letting the boy pull him to their table. Smiling at Wes, he accepts the hearty handshake and nods. "Nah, I wouldn't change my mind. Can't seem to stay away from this place." 

Kaylee bounces around in her daddy's arms, her own hands flailing. "Ja! Ja!" She giggles, her free hands without much control and accidentally smacking Wes upside the head. She giggles some more and yanks on his shirt collar, a big of drool dribbling from her chin. 

Jason laughs, his eyes shining as he sees how his little sister was glad to see him. "Nice to see you too, Kaylee. Staying out of trouble?"

A bit of babble is her response and she reaches out to Jason, wanting more attention. He gives Wes a wry grin and accepts his sister, holding her on his side. "What? Daddy not good enough?" 
Kaylee squeals and flails her arms again as she scrunches her nose and smiles as if telling Jason he was being silly. Jason can't help laughing. "You're being a real quirker tonight, aren't you?"

"Not as bad as you when you were her age," Cindy comments from the table. 

Jason turns around, grinning. "Aw, but see how calm I turned out to be?"

Cindy quirks a skeptical eyebrow. "If you call running after bad guys calm, sure." 

Jason passes Kaylee back to Wes so he can give his mom a hug, then move some chairs so he and Katie could sit together. He gestures to Ryder and Thirteen too, not wanting them to be left out. "Come on, guys. Have a seat." 

Ryder looks down at Thirteen for a moment and gives her a wink. "They won't bite," he promises. Still holding her hand, he moves towards the table, glad they'd been invited. Yeah, it was a little awkward, but it was still nice to be among people. Not so long ago, Jason wouldn't have wanted him along, but lately they'd been getting along well and Ryder was glad. He could be stubborn, but he only had a small handful of friends, and those he had, he wanted to keep. 

Pulling out a chair for Thirteen across from Wes and Cindy, Ryder sits down next to her, taking off his hat to hang on the back of his chair. He nods and smiles to Cindy. "G'day." 

Cindy smiles back. "Hello. You must be the one from Australia."

Ryder chuckles. "Dang accent."

"Aw. No, it's lovely." 

Ryder feels a little heat to the back of his neck. "Well thank you. Yours is lovely too."

Cindy laughs, not having thought of it that way before. "We're glad to have more people here for Christmas... the more the merrier." She turns her gaze to Thirteen, not being able to help but study her for a moment. The last she knew, this young woman still didn't know who her father was, so Cindy was a little confused at her presence, but didn't want to say anything. 

Ryder follows her gaze and can read the look in her eyes. "Yeah, we were just gonna be alone for the holidays, so Jason and Katie were kind enough to invite us here. Figured it would be good to get out and get some fresh country air." 

"Well that we have." Cindy nods, her smile returning to Thirteen. Apparently that's all this trip was really about. "I'm glad you came. It's nice to meet people that Jason tells me about."

Ryder squeezes Thirteen's hand to continue reassuring her. This place was safe. These people were good. 

Back in the corner, Trent watches. It didn't appear that Jasmine knew any more than she did before - otherwise she would have responded differently to seeing them. But whose idea had this been? Katie's? She'd hinted before about pointing Jasmine in this direction - had this been a plan? And what about Ryder? Did he not think this was a bad idea? It looked like they were just coming here to enjoy Christmas and no more, but it was downright uncomfortable. 

Without saying a word to anyone else, Trent quietly slips back out the side door. He didn't feel very hungry anymore.