

Backing away from Chad, his last few poetic words bring a little smile to Rosalyn's lips and she shakes her head before finally turning around. What ever possessed him to behave like that would always be a mystery to her. There was no harm in enjoying it though, right?

Getting to the house, she slips quietly inside, managing to get to her room without seeing either parent. After showering and donning her pajamas, she flops down on her bed, her eyes staring up at her dark ceiling. Turning her head, her gaze falls to her window and the moon. A small smile emerges once more. Chad was certainly something else, that was for sure. She didn't believe she was anything special - even if Mark had hinted Chad wasn't always like this. No... whatever this was, it would last a couple days tops, then Chad would be gone.

Rolling onto her side, she scrunches her eyes shut tightly, trying to find sleep. But all that came to mind was her close encounter with Chad at his bunkhouse. Another tingle runs down her spine and she pulls her blanket up a little more, fighting a new smile. Now that it was over, she felt like a schoolgirl with a crush, and it made her giggle at her own silliness.

Sleep eventually did come, but the night was too short...

...Rosalyn yawns and flips on the light in the kitchen of the dining hall. Becky had woken with a migraine, so Rosalyn had offered to take care of breakfast. Jade usually came in to help serve, but she'd have the kitchen to herself for a while yet.

Dressed in her usual fitted jeans, cowboy boots and tucked-in t-shirt, she glances in the microwave above the stove to use it as a mirror as she combs her hair back with her fingers before putting it in low ponytail. Yesterday felt very much like a dream, and she had woken this morning void of that odd warm sensation. It was just as well though. Yesterday was gone on the wind - something to be fondly remembered and tucked away in the back of her mind for those rainy days when she dreamed of finding her prince charming. She'd think of Chad and his poetry, and it would make her smile.

Opening the fridge, she scans the food and her options. Despite her determination to forget about yesterday though, it lingered closer to her heart than she'd admit. She knew she would see Chad at some point again today and... even if she was trying to convince herself that there would be nothing there... her insides still gave a small flutter.

Shaking her head, she tries to concentrate on her task at hand. Let's see... Yesterday it had been biscuits and gravy. And today....

"Blueberry muffins," she confirms aloud. Spying some mixed fruit that needed to be used up, she nods. "And fruit." Eric would whine if there wasn't any yogurt. She checked to make sure they had some before gathering the ingredients to make the muffins.

It wasn't long before the scent of coffee wafted through the dining room as Rosalyn mixed the batter. She had donned a short apron tied around her waist, and her face sported a smudge of flour that she didn't realize was there. Strands of hair had loosened themselves from her ponytail to hang down along her cheeks, and since she was alone, she had tuned the radio into a classic rock station. With luck, she'd have the first muffins ready when Dylan came in - he was usually the first to be seen, then after him usually it was Sparky, Mick, then it varied from there.

There were no clients staying at the ranch at the moment, so at least she didn't have to worry about making another batch or setting additional tables. Adding the extra room on to the dining hall this summer had made things a whole lot easier when clients were here - it was easier to separate mealtimes, allowing everyone as much privacy or fellowship they wanted. This morning, not needing to worry about clients though was bad for business, but good for Rosalyn.

Bobbing her head slightly, and singing a word here and there, she cradled the mixing bowl in one arm while she stirred with the other and checked the oven temperature at the same time.

Good Night

Walking with Rosalyn in silence it didn't bother Chad, the silence was nice and it spoke more words than he could possibly think of. In the silence was a romance of its own, with the cool wind blowing it was almost perfect. Keeping her hand in his own it felt so small but he didn't mind, it was rather nice actually.

Coming to a stop and looking a little ways down Chad guess the house with the lights on was hers. He'd seen a few houses like that one here. Different each in there own way but far different from the bunk houses most of the other people slept in. Chad wondered if these houses belonged to the family's who called the ranch there permanent home. Like a little community, close knit, loving, looking out for each other, it was definitely a nice feeling to knowing how much love was at this ranch.

Letting a smile comes in return to his own lips and he holds his hand out as far as it would go till finally he had to let go of Rosalyn's not matter how much he didn't want too. Letting his eyes dance his lips twitch for a second as he watches her walks down the road a little more.

  "Look up at the moon and promise me tonight that you will be here tomorrow, So my heart will feel no sorrow. Now and forever, No matter what happens, promise me tonight there will be a tomorrow. Good Night my sweet Rosalyn, till tomorrow."

Sticking his hands in his pocked Chad just stands watching her, and he would continue till he couldn't see her anymore. Finally satisfied she was safe, he can't help but grin a little more before looking up at the sky and just standing there. He's seen many pretty women before, he's seen girls who drooled over him but he's never wanted to give them the time a day. But Rosalyn she was different, he cared to her to know her, he cared to be near her and he cared if she liked him too. There was something very different about her and he liked it. Why God had chosen now he wasn't sure but he sure wasn't going to throw this gift away.

Finally turning Chad starts the slow walk back to his bunk. Not in to much of a hurry as it was a nice night and he was just feeling to good to want to be cooped up. Maybe he'd just sit on the bunk deck for a little and enjoy the quiet that didn't come often.

   "Very intrusting. It didn't seem like she was upset, or didn't want him around her."

Stacy shifts a little before giving a little shrug. She couldn't really do anything with there being no threat. And it didn't feel like anything was off either that she should be worrying. Maybe Rosalyn did know him, or many she was just showing him around the ranch and it didn't look as bad as it seemed.

   "Well, I'll just have to keep an eye on it. That's really all I can do at this point."

A Man

Feeling Chad take her hand, it was Rosalyn's common sense knocking at the door again that made her tense slightly. Her first reaction was to pull away. He'd already crossed a line far into her comfort zone back at his bunkhouse. She'd been hit on by guests a few times before, but she'd ignored them or gave them a bad enough time that they'd given up - none of them had ever recited poetry out of nowhere, taken her in closely or, heaven forbid, let her touch their bare chest, let alone let her feel their heart beating. What was she thinking?!  

Maybe it was as simple as that she was a woman without a partner and this was a highly attractive man. For whatever the reason she hadn't fought things, she found herself not wanting to withdraw her hand from his. His skin was warm... rough but gentle. His hand was much bigger than her own, making it feel as though he had her in a protective, sheltered grip. 

Keeping her eyes to the ground as they walk, Chad's words seep into her heart, whether she wanted them to or not. She was sure he was just a big flirt and probably wherever he went, he tried to pick up a girl with his smooth lines and irresistible demeanor, just to have a bit of fun before going on his way again. Even so, calling her a woman instead of a girl like most people did, gave her a nice feeling of warmth. She felt... respected. And whether she was really all that special or not... she couldn't help it that she liked hearing him say it. She might feel foolish tonight, but she was still a woman who longed for a man's affections. Needed them. So even if she believed Chad didn't really mean any of this, she couldn't help but enjoy the attention. 

Not knowing how she could even respond, she opts for quietness. She knew it would probably make him wonder if she was pleased or offended, but at this point, leaving him a little confused was okay with her - it was the only card she had to play at this point. 

Walking past the rows of bunkhouses, she leads the way down the driveway a little ways before turning onto another path. More than likely he had no idea where she actually lived, but she just quietly walks until the house comes into view. Seeing a couple lights still on, she stops, still a short distance from the house. Turning and looking up at Chad, she studies his rugged features in the moonlight, a small smile coming to her lips. "And this is where I say goodnight."

Glancing down at their hands, she memorizes how it looked... how it felt. This wasn't the same as any boys that had ever held her hand. This was a man. 

Finally sliding her hand from his, she takes a step back and raises her eyes again. She was glad it was darker out here so her red cheeks wouldn't be quite as noticeable. "Sleep well, Chad. I'm sure I'll see you sometime tomorrow." 

Walking alongside Stacy, Eric enjoyed the night air. Most nights he found himself walking with her on her nightly rounds - and if not, they'd meet up in the hayloft for a little while. Being with her, it gave him purpose. Something to look forward to, and he wouldn't trade it for the world - nor would he trade his time spent with her daughter either. Every day he grew just a little more fond of the girl, and each day he wondered what the future might have in store for the three of them. 

"Yeah, I'd love to go into town tomorrow. There's nothing I'm really needed for, that I know of." 

Stopping his train of thought to follow Stacy's gaze, he raises his eyebrows in surprise at seeing Rosalyn and the other man. "I... certainly didn't think so..." He continues to watch, finding it very odd indeed. "She didn't act like she knew them when they showed up for supper." He squints a little in the dark, before the two moved almost out of sight. "Hmm." That was about all he could say about that. It wasn't like Rosalyn to be loose around guests, let alone male guests, let alone male guests who appeared to be quite a bit older than she. But it didn't look like she was trying to get away from the guy, so Eric really couldn't interfere. "Interesting." 


Hearing Rosalyn agree to him walking her home Chad gives a smile before grabbing some socks and shoes. Quickly putting them on she was already out the door, maybe she just needed the fresh air, or maybe she was just trying to get away but if it was the later one why would she let him walk her home. 

Standing and leaving the bunk house Chad button's up his shirt as he joins her. Just leaving the top few buttons open the cool breeze felt nice against his hot skin. Join Rosalyn and walking just a few steps Chad reaches over and takes one of her hands in his own locking fingers. Chad still didn't understand why he was feel like this, and couldn't explain the flood of emotions he only hoped with Rosalyn he didn't over step his bounds.

Walking and looking to the side and down at her he smiles again. Words seemed to be jumble though he wanted to say something he new what but when playing it in his head it sounded dumb. Than again maybe Rosalyn thought this whole thing was dumb so what should his words matter if they came out wrong.

   "You're a very lovely woman Rosalyn, and I can't explain what got into me today more than anyone else can...all I can say thought is whatever it is, I'm glad. You should feel mighty special though it's been a long time since I read poetry to anyone."

Continuing to walk Chad wasn't sure witch bunk was her but he'd let her lead. If the walk was long he didn't mind it was nice out, and if it was short he'd enjoyed him time tonight being with Rosalyn. Tomorrow would be a new day and he wondered of odd things it would hold once more.

Walking slowly with Eric it was most night that Stacy had his company and she didn't mind one bit. Keeping herself alert, and focused seemed even easier with him around. Maybe it was because the feeling of being lonely was not gone that she could just considerate one things more. It actually took someone being with her to make her realize that she really had been lonely.

   "So I was thinking maybe tomorrow for lunch You, Ash and I could go into town and just do something special. Still not totally sure everything to do around here but I am sure we could figure something out."

As movement catching her eyes Stacy turns her head stopping for a moment. It was one of her jobs to know who came and went from the ranch so she new the man was one of the newcomers About to start walking again she stops seeing Rosalyn with him, hand in hand. That was odd or so she though, did Rosalyn know them? It would seem kind of strange to just meet them today and already be hand in hand with one of them.

   "Do you know if it was just Katie who new the new group of people who came or did Rosalyn know them too?"

Continuing to just watch nothing seemed out of place and it didn't look like Rosalyn was trying to fend him off or stop him from holding her hand. It looked normal like nothing was wrong at all. Maybe she had known them, or make it was something else that she didn't know about. Trying her best not to jump to assumptions she just watches for a few moments longer.

Wrong Impression

Having her hand placed more firmly on Chad's chest, it's impossible for Rosalyn to lift her eyes. His skin was so smooth and warm and... yes, she could feel the fast pace of his heart, which only served to make her realize that her own pulse was racing - for how long, she didn't know.

Swallowing again, she doesn't even know how to respond to him. She felt his finger brush her cheek lightly as he tucked away her loose hair, sending another shiver down her spine. Why was this happening? Why did she have this enormous wave of emotions for a man she didn't even know? And why was he being so sweet? Was he really telling the truth when he spoke words like that? But why? It didn't make any sense at all. But even so... she couldn't deny the beat of her heart and the flutter in her stomach.

Finally she slowly looks up again, finding his eyes still staring down at her. He... wanted her to stay? That thought alone makes her cheeks flush all over again. She wasn't sure exactly what he'd meant by that, but hearing him deny himself whatever pleasure it was that he wanted, she can't help but feel a little bit of respect starting to grow. She really wasn't sure how to take him at all... but never had she been in a more vulnerable position than this, and if he wanted something from her, now was the time. But instead of making her stay, he was offering to walk her home.

A silly smile creeps across her lips and she looks down again, pulling away from him as she backs up a step. "Okay," she relents. "Um... you might wanna put some shoes on though and... button up your shirt."

She clears her throat, glancing away. "Just so somebody doesn't get the, um... the wrong impression."

Stifling a laugh, she turns and steps out onto the porch, opting to just wait for him out here - he'd come, and he could fix the bed himself this time

Breathing in deeply the night air, the crispness felt good in her lungs. Only now does she realize just how warm she feels, and she's glad that it will take a few minutes to walk home so she can compose herself. Thankfully, both her parents should be in bed by now. Not that she was doing anything wrong, but they might get the wrong idea, seeing a stranger bringing her home.

Once Chad joins her, Rosalyn skips down the few steps and hooks her hands in her jeans pockets before setting out down the gravel driveway. "It's just down this path here," she explains. "Only takes a couple minutes."

Must not cross

Still breathing heavy from the workout dance they had just done Chad dosn't let his eyes break to long from Rosalyn's. Letting her one hand go and than feeling her touch on his chest he finally does close his eyes. It was light once again, and it sent chills through his whole body, her hands so soft it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

What was happing here, what was forming he wasn't quite sure, and than he wasn't to sure it was the fresh air doing it to him either. This whole thing was just unexplainable but he really didn't feel much like figuring it out to much least it rune whatever was going on.

Bringing his hand up to her once again while it was on his chest he softly lays his hand on top of her stopping her fingers from moving and just holding it close to him. Chad couldn't help the small tremble he felt. 

   "Feel that?"

His question lingers as he pushed Rosalyn's hand a little harder on his chest to feel the fast rythem of his heart. It was faster than it had been in a long while, and it was her that sent his heart racing.

   "That's something I haven't felt myself in a long while."

Feeling another urge to lean down and place a kiss on her lips Chad holds himself back. There was play, there was feelings, but there was still also a line and it was a line he must not cross. If there was something good going on here, something that was meant to be, than he couldn't throw it away in one silly act.

Letting go of Rosalyn's other hand he brings it to the side of her face and brushes a loose strange of hair from her face and behind her ear. It must have escaped in there dancing frenzy.

   "I'd rather have you stay but I know it would be smarter if you did go. Will you at least let me walk you home so I know you got there ok."

You certainly aren't

Seeing Chad grab hold of the sheet with that mischievous look, Rosalyn's eyes widen. "Don't you dare. Chad, you-"

Too late. He'd ripped the sheet off the bed. Just about to put her hands on her hips and chew him out for messing up the bed, she doesn't even have time. All at once, her hand is being held by his and sweet poetry is ringing in her ears once more. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as the sheet twirls around them and she's spun in a fairytale dance. Her little shriek of surprise gets caught in her throat and never does reach the surface.

Staring up into Chad's eyes, she finds them full. Full of laughter. Energy. Life. His words make her knees weak and her common sense screams at her that this whole thing was ridiculously close to crazy and she'd better get out of there before something bad happened. But being brought to a halt, she finds her feet stuck solid to the floor.

With both her hands in his, and held so closely to him, every nerve on her skin felt his touch. Her ears absorbed his mellow voice as her nose picked up his sweet scent of soap from his recent shower. The common sense that had just screamed at her was all too quickly forgotten.

His final statement makes her swallow hard, her eyes still locked with his. "No," she manages a whisper, "you certainly aren't."

Never had she felt like this before. Told such romantic things. Held so closely to a man. A grown man. An older and more mature man. Her hands tremble slightly. It was a frightening thrill as her common sense begs to be let back in again.

Rosalyn's eyes lower and she tries to get her feet to move, but they were still nailed to the floor. As her gaze falls to his chest, she gives in to the unfamiliar urge that moved one of her hands from his. Her fingers graze his chest lightly, running over his smooth skin and pushing aside his shirt just as little so she could see his tattoo better before tracing the cross with her fingertips.

Opening her mouth, it takes a moment for any sound to come, and even then, it's quiet. "I should go..."

Night Princess

Stepping aside and just watching Rosalyn he wasn't sure if she wanted help or her comments made him wonder did she want him near, should he back off he had no idea because she never really said back away. In a way though he had a feeling if he really was bother her she would not hesitate to say something.

   "Please call me Chad. Mr. Mason is my dad and I am definitely not him."

Continuing to watch her put the sheets on the bed and having them fall in all the right places it wasn't till all of them were gone from his arms that he realized he still had no shirt on. Feeling a bit silly, and like he hadn't been a very good gentlemen Chad moves quickly to the desk chair that had his button up shit on it and throws it on. Leaving it un buttoned still at least it was something coving him a little bit. No wonder Rosalyn had been so red...it now made sence.

   "More than likely it would have taken us twice as long if not three times. I never have been so good at making my bed. How ever..."

Coming over to the bed and taking the one sheet by the corner he looks to Rosalyn and gives a grin.

   "...I could always just mess it up again."

Ripping the sheet off the best Chad was quick as he takes Rosalyn by the hand and twirls her a little under the falling sheet bringing her closer to him, and it almost seemed like time had stopped once again. His words strong but soft.

   "How you travel across the nights sky and pass me by. How I dream to grow a pair of Valiant wings to reach you night princess. Oh how I dream to fly..."

Moving a little to the left and taking the sheet again to let it fly up in the air again twirling Rosalyn away form him a little and around to switch places almost as if dancing but letting himself lead.

   "...To take on the world by storm, beside you, where you can see me. How I wish this wasnt just a dream. To talk for an eternity and travel the galaxy far..."

Moving again and pulling Rosalyn close to him so the sheet can just fall where ever Chad's eyes sparkled, and danced as he gazed into her eyes looking deep into the pools.

   "...To have a scene under the radiant stars. Just one moment to be where you are. Oh night princess how you seem so far. You shall forever be in my heart."

Letting his words fall silent for a second and Chad himself didn't even know what had gotten into him but it was a warm feeling, an awaking feeling, Rosalyn a woman he didn't even know did in fact take him by storm and made him feel alive. His breath was heavy, but his smile held anyways as Rosalyn was still close.

   "But I'm not like every other guy you've known."

Every other man

As Chad steps out from behind the door, it's several moments before Rosalyn realizes she'd been staring - again - and she blinks, forcing her eyes back up to his face instead of focusing on his muscular chest. "Um..." What had he just said anyway? It takes all she has to ignore how hot her face was.

He'd invited her in. Right. Dropping her gaze dumbly, she steps inside the very familiar bunk. Except tonight, it was feeling awfully small. As Chad's hand brushes hers, it shoots a tingle all the way up her arm, and she gives a little shiver.

Finally coming to her senses, a sarcastic snort surfaces. "Some people need more than one shower - so pouring cold water on you is still an option."

Aiming for the bathroom with a couple towels, she feels like she ought to be covering her eyes or something, so she just leaves the towels on the counter instead of taking time to hang them up. Returning to the bedroom just in time to hear his comment, all she can do is roll her eyes. "Apparently you have not yet been cured of this fresh air, Mr. Mason."

Instead of telling him whether or not she wanted his help, she sets to work on the bed by herself, stripping it down like she'd done a million times before. She knew just where to yank and tug to get all the sheets and pillow cases off within seconds.

Grabbing the fitted sheet from him, she easily gets it on the mattress before taking the other sheet and throwing it up so it would fall neatly into place before she tucked in the corners. As she puts the pillows into the clean cases, her eyes remain on her task. "Maybe you should have chosen to help me," she muses dryly. "It probably would have taken us twice as long - that is, if you have as much skill in this as every other man I've known."


Hearing the knock at the door Chad comes out of the bathroom having just got out of the shower and slipping his cotton pajama pants on. It had been a long day with quite a bit of driving. Getting a shower now and thinking about relaxing really did sounds nice. But with the knock at the door now all he can do is roll his eyes. What was Mark here now to yell at him a little more for everything at dinner?

   "What Mark scared of the dark?"

Poking his head around the door when his brother didn't come storming right in Chad was a bit surprised to see Rosalyn standing there with some sheets in her hand. For a minute he just stands there feeling a little stunned. He's expected to see and even talk to her again, but not so soon.

Forgetting he's just come from the shower and the lack of his shirt being on Chad steps away from behind the door and opens it more so Rosalyn can step inside if she'd like. His chest glistened as a few beads of water were left on his skin, and a tattoo on the right side of his peck was now viable as well of a cross. Letting a grin form on lips his eyes dance.

   "You can come in if you want as long as you promise not to dump water on me. I just took a shower."

Reaching out and helping her with some of the sheet his hand brushes her lingering for a second before taking the top few and stepping back inside. He could make the bed himself but he wasn't sure if she wanted the old sheets or what to do with them.

   "I can make the bed I think but your more than welcome to help me so you can grab the old sheets or at least tell me what to do with them so I don't make you do all the work. Than again if it keeps you around a little but longer tonight with me than...I might just let you do all the work."


Jeff supposed April was right. He was glad somebody would be around to look out for Katie. Would Hunter be the one to take care of her too? Only time would tell. What he was confident of was that no, he knew he wouldn't be replaced in Katie's heart. They'd always had a special relationship, and he knew that would never change. 

The rest of the meal is relatively quiet, though Jeff enters some more smalltalk, interacting with the others at the table too. Studying April just a little more a time or two, he didn't really get a chance to know her better by the time the meal is over. He was the first to leave the table, having eaten only half of his meager meal, but he was ready, all too soon, to call it a night. So bidding farewell to the new acquaintances and giving Katie a kiss on the cheek, he takes his leave. 

Feeling Chad's eyes lingering on her didn't help Rosalyn as she tried to decrease the heat in her face. Pouring Mark's water, she gives him a grin. "Don't worry. I've experienced worse. It's probably all this fresh air just getting to his head. It happens sometimes, though usually to those who simply have very little control over themselves." She purposely avoids looking at Chad, letting her teasing grin do all the communicating it needed to. 

Quietly finishing up with the water, she goes back to the kitchen before returning to her seat to finish her meal. Though there was no further interaction, every once in a while, she found her eyes sneaking another glance at the other table. 

The evening went by quickly, and as soon as Rosalyn was finished eating, she was in the kitchen washing dishes as usual. She heard talk of a card game, but it seemed there weren't enough players tonight, and by the time she finished with the dishes, the dining hall was almost empty,  except for a few stragglers. Only after she got home would she find her work wasn't quite over yet for the day...

Stepping up on the bunkhouse porch, she shifts the clean towels and sheets in her arms. She'd already been to Mark's bunk, and April and Tina's too. Chad's was last, and for some reason, she could already feel the heat creeping up the back of her neck. She'd almost asked Jade to help her and given her this bunk, but she told herself she was just being silly. 

Clearing her throat, she knocks on the door and waits for Chad to answer. Looking up at him, she smiles, trying to ignore the fact that now the heat had gone from her neck to her face. "Sorry to bother you," she apologizes. "We only realized just now that some of the bunks needed fresh linens." 

She holds up the sheets and towels. "You can figure it all our yourself, or I can come in and put everything away if you like." It was business as usual... that's all. Surely he was done with his little flirting games by now anyway.