

Dan can't help but laugh at Jade's comment as he comes over to her side. The rains in his hand to leave the horse Dan slings his other arm over her shoulder.

"Lucky horse. I though for sure tonight would be a treat and you'd tuck me in. However hiding int he brush sound might fun too."

Continuing to walk with Jade leading the horse back to the stall Dan takes his time. After all the excitement it just didn't feel like it should be close to bed time. Maybe after they had a little to eat the could find some fun in playing a game or just snuggling together to watch a movie.

Quirking an eyebrow as Mick left the office Rosetta could see the anger in his eyes and new where he was heading. If it hadn't had been for the little hand that was in hers she would of went after him. She could only hope maybe someone else would stop him.

Shifting a little Rosetta takes one of the kid books Angel had sitting on the counter for the little kids who came in. Sitting in the chair and leaning her side over onto the bed Rosetta runs her hand lightly through BJ's hair opening the book to the first page.

"Once there was a Prince far far away..."

Though BJ wasn't sleeping she never let him go to bed without a store she couldn't start now. She probley wouldnt be leaving his side tonight ether, so this was something to do.

Poor fella

Jade becomes thoughtful as Dan explains. Her rubbing on the horse slows a little as she concentrates before Dan's hand bumps hers and she returns his smile. "Yeah... I guess it's good I wasn't out there. I probably woulda have fallen to pieces and you'd end up rescuing me too."

She grins at him slyly. "Not that I'd mind. We could always hide in the brush and you could tell them later that it took you positively hours to find me." She giggles and finishes up her side of the horse. "Okay... I think it's time to put this brute to bed. Poor fella looks worn out."

Petting the horse's neck, she gives Dan another glance. "No, I was talking about this horse. Sorry."

Hearing that BJ was going to be okay sent a wave of relief through Mick. The boy was hurt, but Angel was positive about his recovery. A silent praise went up to God.

Walking to the other side of the bed from Rosetta, Mick looks down on his adopted son. BJ had become such a part of their family... it was hard to imagine what life would be like without his energy and constant questions. He might not be Mick's blood, though he was a nephew. Stronger still though was the fact that Mick had taken him on as his own and it wasn't something he took lightly.

A dark cloud seemed to come over as he continued to dwell on this evening. This little boy could have died tonight. BJ shouldn't have wandered off, that was for sure. But stronger yet was the point that Dylan never should have let a child wander back to the ranch alone. And that was as close to unforgivable as it got.

Mick reaches down to stroke BJ's hair before withdrawing and joining Rosetta in gratefulness. "Yeah... thanks, Angel. Never been so glad you're a doctor."

Hesitating a few more moments, he nods to both her and his wife. "I'll be back."

Without giving time for questions, he heads for the door and back out into the night air. Turning the corner, he aims straight for the bunkhouses, his stride firm and determined. Anger coursed through his veins. Maybe he really had been wrong to bring Dylan mere. Maybe he should have let the kid go to ruin just so he'd finally learn. But no, he'd been so determined to bring him here, and all that had happened since was disaster after disaster.

Getting to the right bunkhouse, he doesn't even knock, but barges in unannounced.

Dylan sits straight up on the bed, his eyes wide. Luke jumps, startled by the intrusion. "Mick... what's wrong? Is BJ okay?"

Mick grits his teeth and nods. "He'll be alright." He turns his gaze to Dylan. "No thanks to you. Outside. Now."

Dylan hesitates. He didn't like the look in his father's eye and he was downright scared to go outside with him. "Why?"

"Because I said so!" Mick barks.

Luke gets to his feet and slowly positions himself between father and son. "Mick... take it easy. I know you're upset but-"

"Upset doesn't cover the half of it. Get out of my way, Luke. It's high time Dylan learned a lesson about consequences."

"A consequence should never be the exemption of love," Luke returns sharply.

Mick stares into Luke's eyes, frustration boiling. "Are you telling me how to raise your son?"

"No... unfortunately the world has already raised him for you. But if you want to give him one more reason to hate you, go right ahead. Think on it first though, will ya? Clear your head before you do something you'll regret for the rest of your life."

Though still incredibly angry, Luke's words did strike deeply enough for Mick to second guess his motives here. So instead of doing as planned, he simply points to his son. "If I hear you got so close as fifteen feet from BJ, you'll have me to answer to. Got it?"

Dylan watches numbly as his father spins on his heel and stalks out again. His face pale, he swallows hard. Apparently tonight had been the last straw. He might as well start packing tonight.

Nothing Major

Working on the other side of the horse with Jade Dan was quiet but he was very thankful for her company. Even if she never said anything still knowing she was close that he could touch her was all he needed.

Looking up at Jade's question Dan gives her a nod. He hadn't though he looked that obvious but than again he felt silly thinking he could pull one over on her. Trying to give the best smile he can Dan continues to rub the horse down.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I just...seeing BJ like that its hard seeing someone so little get hurt and know there is nothing you can do to help them. I guess I am shook up a little just seeing his body so still there, I was so scared."

Continuing to rub down the horse Dan falls silent before reaching over the horses back a little high hitting Jade's own hand. Looking to her and giving a little bigger smile Dan's eyes twinkle a little letting Jade know he would be ok.

And time torched those who waited as the hands on the clock ticked. Everyone waiting to see what was going on and if the small child they cared a great deal about would be ok. Those seeking the comfort of the ones they loved, the arms around them to help help know they were not alone.

Opening the door to the infirmary Angel steps out and gives a nod to Mick and Rosetta to come in. Knowing them would follow she steps into the room. BJ still nessled in the bed his eyes still closed, a bandage spread across his for head, His arm in a cast, and an IV hooked up to him. His form seeming so small.

"First off..He's going to be ok. I want to keep him here at least till he wakes up. He has 4 stitches on his head, his arm was fractured more than likely from trying to break his fall. He was a little dehydrated, and he didn't lose to much blood. He has a few other scratch but nothing major."

Walking over to BJ Angel check the iv that was hooked up to him making sure the flow was ok as she continued to talk to Mick and Rosetta.

"As to when he will wake up, I am not sure. Right now since he is here and out of danger I think his body will be able to relax. It's possible he will be asleep for a while so he can heal and honesty for a child with energy it could be a good thing. But all in all He will be ok. I just want to keep an eye on him to make sure his concussion doesn't grow worse, but as far as I can tell there is no brain damage but I wont know more on that till he wakes."

Holding Mick's hand Rosetta lets out a sigh of relief knowing BJ would be ok. They weren't out of danger yet, but BJ for now would be ok and for that Rosetta was so thankful.

Moving over to the bed where BJ was Rosetta runs a hand through his soft hair gently. He still looked so small in the bed, with the cast around his arm. Rosetta couldn't help another tear that slipped from her eye.

"Thank you Angel."

The worst

Mick didn't want to leave BJ with Angel. He would have insisted he be allowed to stay had he not known it would just upset things further. So he retreats with Rosetta, his heart still beating out his fear of what might happen.

Lost in his own world, he doesn't even notice what's going on until he finally realizes that Rosetta is pacing, and sees the tears in her eyes. Immediately he feels guilty. It was his job to be the comforter and protector here and he was ignoring her and wallowing in his own misery over this thing.

Swallowing his own fear, he opts to postpone showing it until later. For now, Rosetta needed him.

Moving to her, he stops her pacing as he wraps his strong arms around her and pulls her into a firm hug, rocking her slightly. "He'll be okay," he whispers, kissing the top of her head. "Shhh... it's not your fault any more than it is mine. Don't blame yourself, alright?"

In his heart, blame was pointing in the direction of Dylan, and Mick had yet to formulate the words he would later say to his son.

"It'll be alright... BJ's in good hands." Waiting for Angel was the worst part.

Jade feels something different as Dan hugs her closely. He felt weary in her arms, almost scared like she hadn't seen him before. Was it hidden somewhere behind her gaze? She returns his kiss gently, then nods, managing a smile.

"Yeah... I'll help you." Taking his hand, she walks with him to tie up the horse and then she helps untack it and begin to rub off the sweat with a towel. Pausing once though, she leans on the horse's back, looking across at Dan thoughtfully. "You okay?" she asks quietly. "You seem kinda shook up."

Be ok

Hearing Dan over the walkie Rosetta grip tightens a little around Mick. Something was wrong enough with BJ that Dan needed them to come, and it sent a sicking feeling through Rosetta's stomach. Not caring for one that Mick was going faster than normal on the four wheeler Rosetta wanted to get to BJ as fast as she could. Her little boy was hurt, and she had to at least see he was alive or she would lose it right there.

Once seeing Dan, and he blanket with BJ's lifeless body under it Rosetta gives a gasp the air being sucked from her lungs. Not even sure how she found the strangth to go to her son's side Rosetta was there in a flash. Taking his tiny hand in her own Rosetta lets Mick check him over and very little words are said from her as a tear ran down her cheek.

"Thank you Dan!"

His keen eye had found BJ just like anyone else could have but if Dan had missed him the first time, how long would it have been before someone tried coming down this way once more to check. It could have been several more hours. Rosetta was just happy he Dan had found him on the first pass.

Heading back to the four wheeler Rosetta gets on again making herself comfortable in a position she new she would be steady once they started moving again. Taking BJ from Mick, Rosetta nessles him in her arms keeping the blanket around him and holding him firmly so he wouldn't bump around to much.

"Hang in there Bud."

Placing a soft kiss on his for head Rosetta keeps him close as they set out. Though she new they had to move slow Rosetta wish they could go a little faster. Finally seeing the ranch come into voice and getting to Angel's office she lets out a sigh of releaf. At least BJ was home now.

As Mick takes him from her again Rosetta hopes off the four wheeler and quickly follows behind Mick up and into Angel's office.

Looking up as the door opens Angel new who it was already. Most everything was ready since Dan had given her the head up.

"Mick set him on the bed over there."

Pointing to the bed on the far right Angel had prepared it already with fresh linen so they could keep BJ there. Looking around the room quick it was a bit crowded and Angel new she would need the space and air to work. Not to mention not having both BJ's parents in here would be a good thing right now.

"Mick, Rosetta I need you guys to wait outside please. He'd in good hands, I promise."

Once Mick and Rosetta are gone Angel is able to set to work looking BJ over making sure she left nothing unturned of injures the small boy could of suffered.

Once outside Rosetta pases back and forth. She didn't know what she would do if BJ wasn't ok. He was her son, and she had become so fond of having him around. His laighter, the padding of his feet, the silly questions he asked when he just didn't understand something. She loved it all.

"How did this happen Mick? How could I not have been paying more attachen? I should have been checking on him more and I didn't. I just...I though he was safe here, and I never though he would of wondered off."

Rosetta's eyes were etched with emotion and worry. Small tears made there way down her cheeks. The silent prayer on her heart that BJ would be ok.

Feeling Jade's arms go around him Dan lets out a long sigh. Seeing BJ like he had, send a horrible fear into his heart and made his blood run cold. He hated seeing anyone hurt, let alone a child who could hardly defend themselves.

Letting his own arms lips around Jade he pulls her a little closer turning his head a little to nestle into her hair and let the sweet fragrance of her shampoo fill his nose. Just keeping his head there he talks a little muffled but to comfortable in this moment to move.

"He was knocked out when I found him and he has a nice gash on his head from a rock he hit. Other than that I couldn't tell. Mick and Rosetta took him over to Angel's to get him checked out."

Finally moving a little Dan lowers himself down to Jade's level to give her a kiss on the lips letting it linger a few moments before pulling away. Just looking down into Jade's eyes for such a long moment without her even saying anything he found the comfort he was looking for. She was so special to him, his shining star when everything else had gone out.

"If you want to help me rub this horse down, we can go grab some dinner and than see how BJ is doing."


The atmosphere was tense. Even though it didn't appear that this was an Agency threat, a little boy's life could still be in danger. It was already getting cold as the sky grew dark and everyone knew that unprotected, someone could theoretically freeze to death overnight.

The search party starts out, all intent on finding BJ. Mick guns the 4-wheeler and swings wide of the trail at first, in case BJ had decided to wander into the pasture areas instead of staying in the woods. Nothing. He and Rosetta call and call, but there is no sign of their son.

Mick's worry increased. Heading down one trail and another to sweep the area, he was glad he knew these trails so well so he could concentrate on looking for BJ instead of keeping his eye glued to the ground as he drove.

Finally stopping in a little clearing and looking around, Dan's voice comes over the walkie. Hearing he'd found BJ, Mick's heart leaps into his throat. By the sound of Dan's tone, BJ was in trouble. "Alright, Dan. Sit tight. I'll be right there."

Hooking the walkie back onto his belt, he throws a glance over his shoulder at Rosetta. "Hang on," he directs. He could get to the fork in the trail blind folded, so he didn't hesitate to to take the path faster than normal. The engine revs, its headlight throwing a beam into the dark woods. It was a bumpy and winding ride, but finally the headlight shines on Dan, his horse and the blanket that covered the little bundle that wasn't moving.

Parking, Mick lets Rosetta get off first, then dismounts and is quickly behind her, going to kneel next to BJ. There was blood still trickling slowly from a gash in his head, and blood on a rock proved what had happened. No foul play - he had probably just tripped and fallen.

"BJ?" Mick runs a hand through the child's hair, trying to rouse him, but he didn't move. "His pulse is weak," he confirms. He looks up at Dan and nods. "Thank you." Would someone else have found him? Maybe. But it had been Dan and Mick would forever be grateful.

Gathering BJ carefully in his arms, he directs Rosetta back to the 4-wheeler, letting her get settled before handing the boy off to her to hold on the ride back. "Keep pressure on his head." Mounting again, Mick starts the engine and waves to Dan. "Make sure everybody else gets back okay... see you at home."

Wasting no more time, the 4-wheeler pulls forward and Mick guides it down the trail once more. Though he wanted to hurry, he held himself back, taking it slowly over the bumps and around branches. He didn't want to make BJ's injuries worse by giving him a jolting ride.

It seemed like forever, but finally the ranch yard comes into sight. Mick speeds up a little once they hit level ground and doesn't stop until they're in front of Angel's office. Getting off first, he takes BJ again so Rosetta wouldn't have to struggle, and heads for the porch, letting her get the door open for him. Once inside, his eyes meet Angel's, begging for direction. "He's got a gash on his head. I don't know if he's hurt anywhere else but he's been unconscious."

Dylan sees the lights and stands up, going to the bunkhouse window to look out. He couldn't see much, but he figured it was the lights of the 4-wheeler. Did that mean they'd found BJ?

He glances back to the chair where Luke was sitting. "You can go if you want," he suggests. "I'm not going anywhere."

Luke cocks his head, studying the young man. "And how do I know you won't split?"

"I guess you don't."

"What are you running from, Dylan?"

Dylan hooks his thumbs in his pockets, not angry, but not happy either. "Myself. What does it look like?"

Luke couldn't help a little bit of surprise. People didn't usually recognize something like that, let alone be willing to admit it. "What's wrong with yourself that you're running?"

"You tell me. I'm a doped-up loser, remember? I like to shoot myself up to have a good time, party and keep my school grades nice and low just to torture my parents. I thought you were observant enough to know that."

Luke squints back at him. "I don't think that's the truth."

"Why not?"

"I'm not sure... but I think you want a father's love just as much as any other man ever did. I think that's why you're jealous of BJ."


"Sure. He gets all the attention. He's the one that gets hugs and encouragement and special privileges. You're the one who keeps getting the short end of the stick. I think that's why you yelled at him earlier and I think that's why you didn't offer to help find him."

Dylan crosses his arms, starting to scowl. "I'm not cruel. But if my dad thinks I'd purposely hurt his little angel, then so be it. I don't care."

"Yes you do."

"What do you know?"

"Enough." Luke remains seated, his tone calm and laid back. "It's not easy keeping up the tough guy act. Why don't you just try being yourself for once?"

"Who says I'm not?"

"Your family." Luke nods. "I know your dad very well. I know your sister. I've heard a lot about your mother. You can't blame your actions on bad blood or a lack of love, kid. What you're doing.... they're your choices. And you've chosen an awfully rough path for yourself."

Dylan turns back to the window. "What do you care?"

"Oh, I don't know. I guess life has taught me a few things. You can't spend it trying to get the world to bend at your beck and call, 'cause it don't bend and it don't give any breaks. But it's a whole lot more bearable when you're not alone. Standing out there all by your lonesome though... who's gonna rescue you? Who are you gonna lean on?"


"Yeah, and where has that gotten you? You're a punk. You got yourself in a heap of trouble and you're pitting your own family against you for reasons I'd be very interested to know." Luke shakes his head. "That's no way to live, Dylan. You keep it up, you're gonna be dead before you hit thirty. Abuse on your own body and mind lasts just long enough to eat you alive. Be glad you have a father who cares enough to try and help you see how to let go of that death."

"Not after this."

"You think he's gonna be mad because of what happened tonight?"

"Don't you?"

Luke shrugs. "Probably. And you'll have to deal with it. And it'll be painful. But that's a consequence of your carelessness. Would it have been so hard to walk BJ back here?"

Silence. Dylan's shoulders droop as he trudges over to his bed and flops down. "I said you could go," he repeats.

"I know. But I'm comfortable."

Jade paces in the barn until she hears the clip-clop of horses hooves. Seeing the riders back, she feels more relief. Meeting Dan after he's dismounted, she throws her arms around him in a big hug. "I saw them bring BJ back but I was afraid to go see what was happening. Was he hurt badly?"


When one of there own was missing it was easy for worry to spread no matter who it was. Out here so many things could happen, and to someone of BJ's size more dangers lurked.

As the search congregated around the barn everyone was worried. BJ never ran off like this it was just not him. So minds started to work more, race turn wondering what could of happened to the small boy, the worry only increased when Dylan was found.

Worry coursed through Rosetta's eyes as she keeps her arms around herself. BJ was lost somwhere in the woods. Why hadn't she kept a better eye on him? Maybe if she had this wouldn't have happened.

Hearing Mick was going out on the four wheeler Rosetta nodded. She would go with him and help. She was to worried to stay here, and to worryied to go out by herself. She would be more use to Mick going with him.

"I'm going to grab some blankets. It's pretty cold out right now and I want to wrap him when we find him."

Hearing back to the house Rosetta grabs a few blankets to pass out to the people back in the group. Not taking long Rosetta returns and is ready to go. She didn't want to wast to much time. BJ had been out here alone long enough probably scared out of his little mind.

Not to far away Wendy stands on the porch holding Chase close to her. His little eyes falling asleep. She couldn't imagine how Rosetta and Mick must feel right now not knowing where BJ was. Closing her eyes Wendy says a quick prayer that the little boy would be ok.

Looking down at Jade for a moment Dan runs a hand along her face reassuring her everything would be ok. Not lingering for long Dan new this was no time to mess around. So turning and heading to the barn he gathered a few horses to use. Saddling them up he starts to head out of the bar again but his eyes catch sight of the walkies talkies. Grabbing five of them Dan continues out of the barn and back to the group. Holding out the walkies.

"Mick I though we could use to communicate so we dont keep looking if someone finds BJ. Though I'd take one, one for you, Angel in case he comes back here, Clint, and than Trent could take one too."

Passing out the walkies and heading out Dan hits the trail first. Keeping the horse at a steady walk Dan didn't want it to move to fast in case he could find any clue of where the BJ could be. Letting the light from his flash light scans the tree's Dan could hope maybe BJ would see the flash light.


Silence and the faint call from the others was the only sound that greeted Dan in return to his call. Continuing on Dan keeps his eyes open.

Time slowly ticked by and with every moment the worry of those looking for the small boy grew.

Finally making it to the ridge and seeing no sigh Dan deiced to backtrack. Continuing to take it slow till he came to the fort in the road. About to go a different way from the way he had come Dan stops thinking she saw something in the brush.

Dismounting from his house Dan talks his flash light and shines it into the brush once again. Wondering closer his head races as he see the little lifeless form laying on the ground and blood the trickled from his head.

Moving quickly Dan goes back to the horse grabbing the blanket and bringing it back to put it over BJ to keep him walk. Giving him a quick once over Dan wasn't sure how bad his injurys were and the last thing he needed to do was put BJ on the horse and make it worse.

"Hang in there Bud, We are gonna get ya home."

Pulling the walkies from his belt belt Dan's own voice had a little quiver to it.

"Mick, I need you out on the trail at the Y in the road. I'd found BJ..Hurry! Angel we are going to need to meet you at your office."

Dan didn't want to make anymore worry to much but she had to know to be ready when they got back.


Scott nods a little, not minding if Hope stopped by again before she took off. Waking up just to realize he was still here had made him feel lethargic again, wishing he were somewhere else. "Okay. Tell Jenny not to bring up too much... it mostly just goes to waste."

"Hmm... no, I didn't check there." Mick shakes his head. "I thought he was going to come help me with chores but when he didn't show up, I figured he was still hunting frogs."

He shrugs and turns for the door. "I'll go check out back of the house. Oh, and if you see Dylan... let me know. Apparently he didn't stick around today." Sighing, Mick continues his route outside. What next?

"...BJ?!" Mick stands with his hands on his hips behind the house, scanning the area. The sun was sinking lower, providing little light. There was no sign of BJ.


Mick whirls around to see Jade. "Hey."

"What's wrong? Can't find BJ?"

"No..." Mick was a little more worried now. This was unusual. He'd been gone part of the day to town, then had been engrossed in the office most of the day, not even being in the barn since this morning until chore time tonight. It wasn't odd that he didn't notice Dylan gone or even had lost track of BJ, but he should have been more careful. "Haven't seen him, have you?"

"Not for quite a while, no."

"What about Dylan?"

"Not since right after lunch. All he'd do was glare at me. Why, is he gone too?"

Mick frowns. "Looks that way."

Jade's eyes widen just a little. "Do you think... these two things are connected?"

"Don't know. Hope not. But if Dylan stormed off and said anything mean to BJ in the process, BJ might be hiding out somewhere."

"And Dylan?"

"Your guess is as good as mine."

Jade bites her lip. "Do you... think he's really run off?"

"Don't know. But I'm gonna go check his bunk. Start looking for BJ, will you?"

An hour passes. By now, half the ranch had been looking for both boys. The sky was growing darker and hearts were growing genuinely concerned. Nothing had been found in Dylan's bunk to indicate he'd taken off for good. And BJ was nowhere to be seen. Jade had scoured the bunkhouses, recruiting Dan's help, while others had checked outbuildings and pastures.

Now a group stood outside the barn, wondering what they should do. Mick looks to Rosetta, a deepening worry in his eye. Supper had been postponed - no one wanted to eat until they found out what had happened. In this bunch, the question of the Agency always came up as a very real threat, but no one wanted to voice that possibility.

A figure coming out of the shadows catches Mick's attention and he spins around. "Dylan!"

Dylan stops in his tracks and blinks at the group. What was going on? Surely this wasn't about him - no one cared enough to worry. "Yeah...?"

Mick's eyes narrow. "Where have you been?"


"Don't give me that," Mick hisses. Now was no time for games.

Dylan sees an almost-scary look in his father's eye. "I just went for a walk," he defends. "What's the big deal? Sorry I didn't clean all the stalls."

Mick rolls his eyes. Dylan had simply gone for an afternoon to evening walk. Great. Here they were, considering the Agency and all he'd done was go for a walk. Mick throws Dan a sidelong glance of irritation for not keeping an eye on things before he turns back around. "Forget about the stalls. Do you know where BJ is?"

Dylan quirks an eyebrow and looks around at all the other faces. "He... didn't come back?"

"What do you mean?" Mick takes a step closer to his son.

Dylan looks up at him hesitantly. This was no time to mess around and he could feel it. "I took off after lunch. BJ caught up to me with a stupid frog to show me and I told him to go home."

Mick bristles. "And where was this?"

"I don't know." Dylan points off to the back trail. "Somewhere there, close to the pine grove. I didn't come back that way though."

Mick can feel his temper rising. "You were halfway to the ridge and you sent a little kid back on his own? Are you insane?!"

"It's not my fault he followed me! I didn't wanna see his stupid frog anyway! He should know better than to come after me like that, especially when you told him to leave me alone!"

Mick couldn't believe it. Oh, how he wished he would have checked on Dylan earlier. This sixteen-year-old punk kid couldn't care less about anybody but himself. He'd let BJ walk back on his own without even blinking. Mick's fist starts to tighten at his side but Jim steps in.

"Easy." He knew if Mick struck Dylan that it would be a wound that might never heal. "Let's head down the trail. I'll get the flashlights."

Mick relents and points a finger at his son. "You get to your bunkhouse and you do not move until I tell you to, is that clear?"


"Luke." Mick gestures to him. "Go with him and make sure he doesn't leave."

Luke nods. He'd had a rough day getting around and wouldn't do any good trying to find BJ. But he could sit on Dylan if he had to. Walking off with the teenager, the group is left alone again.

"Jim, you and Trent and Dan get on horses. Becky, go get the flashlights." Mick had no hesitation, giving everyone orders. "Jade, you stay here and keep an eye out, here by the barns in case BJ comes back. Clint, take a truck around the block and see if you spot anything. Angel, stay here and be ready for anything. Rosetta..." He looks to his wife, tense with worry but trying to hold himself together. "I'm taking the four-wheeler. You can come with me or grab a horse."