

The atmosphere was tense. Even though it didn't appear that this was an Agency threat, a little boy's life could still be in danger. It was already getting cold as the sky grew dark and everyone knew that unprotected, someone could theoretically freeze to death overnight.

The search party starts out, all intent on finding BJ. Mick guns the 4-wheeler and swings wide of the trail at first, in case BJ had decided to wander into the pasture areas instead of staying in the woods. Nothing. He and Rosetta call and call, but there is no sign of their son.

Mick's worry increased. Heading down one trail and another to sweep the area, he was glad he knew these trails so well so he could concentrate on looking for BJ instead of keeping his eye glued to the ground as he drove.

Finally stopping in a little clearing and looking around, Dan's voice comes over the walkie. Hearing he'd found BJ, Mick's heart leaps into his throat. By the sound of Dan's tone, BJ was in trouble. "Alright, Dan. Sit tight. I'll be right there."

Hooking the walkie back onto his belt, he throws a glance over his shoulder at Rosetta. "Hang on," he directs. He could get to the fork in the trail blind folded, so he didn't hesitate to to take the path faster than normal. The engine revs, its headlight throwing a beam into the dark woods. It was a bumpy and winding ride, but finally the headlight shines on Dan, his horse and the blanket that covered the little bundle that wasn't moving.

Parking, Mick lets Rosetta get off first, then dismounts and is quickly behind her, going to kneel next to BJ. There was blood still trickling slowly from a gash in his head, and blood on a rock proved what had happened. No foul play - he had probably just tripped and fallen.

"BJ?" Mick runs a hand through the child's hair, trying to rouse him, but he didn't move. "His pulse is weak," he confirms. He looks up at Dan and nods. "Thank you." Would someone else have found him? Maybe. But it had been Dan and Mick would forever be grateful.

Gathering BJ carefully in his arms, he directs Rosetta back to the 4-wheeler, letting her get settled before handing the boy off to her to hold on the ride back. "Keep pressure on his head." Mounting again, Mick starts the engine and waves to Dan. "Make sure everybody else gets back okay... see you at home."

Wasting no more time, the 4-wheeler pulls forward and Mick guides it down the trail once more. Though he wanted to hurry, he held himself back, taking it slowly over the bumps and around branches. He didn't want to make BJ's injuries worse by giving him a jolting ride.

It seemed like forever, but finally the ranch yard comes into sight. Mick speeds up a little once they hit level ground and doesn't stop until they're in front of Angel's office. Getting off first, he takes BJ again so Rosetta wouldn't have to struggle, and heads for the porch, letting her get the door open for him. Once inside, his eyes meet Angel's, begging for direction. "He's got a gash on his head. I don't know if he's hurt anywhere else but he's been unconscious."

Dylan sees the lights and stands up, going to the bunkhouse window to look out. He couldn't see much, but he figured it was the lights of the 4-wheeler. Did that mean they'd found BJ?

He glances back to the chair where Luke was sitting. "You can go if you want," he suggests. "I'm not going anywhere."

Luke cocks his head, studying the young man. "And how do I know you won't split?"

"I guess you don't."

"What are you running from, Dylan?"

Dylan hooks his thumbs in his pockets, not angry, but not happy either. "Myself. What does it look like?"

Luke couldn't help a little bit of surprise. People didn't usually recognize something like that, let alone be willing to admit it. "What's wrong with yourself that you're running?"

"You tell me. I'm a doped-up loser, remember? I like to shoot myself up to have a good time, party and keep my school grades nice and low just to torture my parents. I thought you were observant enough to know that."

Luke squints back at him. "I don't think that's the truth."

"Why not?"

"I'm not sure... but I think you want a father's love just as much as any other man ever did. I think that's why you're jealous of BJ."


"Sure. He gets all the attention. He's the one that gets hugs and encouragement and special privileges. You're the one who keeps getting the short end of the stick. I think that's why you yelled at him earlier and I think that's why you didn't offer to help find him."

Dylan crosses his arms, starting to scowl. "I'm not cruel. But if my dad thinks I'd purposely hurt his little angel, then so be it. I don't care."

"Yes you do."

"What do you know?"

"Enough." Luke remains seated, his tone calm and laid back. "It's not easy keeping up the tough guy act. Why don't you just try being yourself for once?"

"Who says I'm not?"

"Your family." Luke nods. "I know your dad very well. I know your sister. I've heard a lot about your mother. You can't blame your actions on bad blood or a lack of love, kid. What you're doing.... they're your choices. And you've chosen an awfully rough path for yourself."

Dylan turns back to the window. "What do you care?"

"Oh, I don't know. I guess life has taught me a few things. You can't spend it trying to get the world to bend at your beck and call, 'cause it don't bend and it don't give any breaks. But it's a whole lot more bearable when you're not alone. Standing out there all by your lonesome though... who's gonna rescue you? Who are you gonna lean on?"


"Yeah, and where has that gotten you? You're a punk. You got yourself in a heap of trouble and you're pitting your own family against you for reasons I'd be very interested to know." Luke shakes his head. "That's no way to live, Dylan. You keep it up, you're gonna be dead before you hit thirty. Abuse on your own body and mind lasts just long enough to eat you alive. Be glad you have a father who cares enough to try and help you see how to let go of that death."

"Not after this."

"You think he's gonna be mad because of what happened tonight?"

"Don't you?"

Luke shrugs. "Probably. And you'll have to deal with it. And it'll be painful. But that's a consequence of your carelessness. Would it have been so hard to walk BJ back here?"

Silence. Dylan's shoulders droop as he trudges over to his bed and flops down. "I said you could go," he repeats.

"I know. But I'm comfortable."

Jade paces in the barn until she hears the clip-clop of horses hooves. Seeing the riders back, she feels more relief. Meeting Dan after he's dismounted, she throws her arms around him in a big hug. "I saw them bring BJ back but I was afraid to go see what was happening. Was he hurt badly?"

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