

Gunner didn't know how Hope would help. She was no investigator, and he'd uncovered just about all the leads there were. But at this point, she was the only one who had offered, so he couldn't be mad about that. At least she hadn't started in on some psychology mumbojumbo, other than the "non-obsessive" manner in which he was supposed to conduct himself...which he wasn't exactly sure how to accomplish, but at this point, he wasn't going to ask. 

Her offer to give him something to help him sleep brought his eyes back up again. It was pretty tempting. He was so tired, even after having caught a few hours of sleep here at work. It just seemed any sleep he got was never restful anymore. 

He eventually nodded. "Yeah..." His tone had dropped - the anger was gone for now. "That would be nice." 

Jared nodded his approval, hiding a little smile. It sounded like a pretty good idea to him. He loved Grace's laugh, and having a bit of cuddle time, well...he wasn't going to say no to that. 

"Alright," he agreed. "I'm sure we can find something to watch." He helped clear things from the table, but let Grace do most of it. He didn't want to admit how much he was hurting right now after all the activities of the day. 

Only after getting to the living room did he stop and wonder how this was going to work. Still in his wheelchair, he glanced to the couch, to his legs, to the couch, then up at Grace. "Hmm." A new sheepish sort of grin slipped out, but he wouldn't admit why. He'd had some good ideas, but hadn't thought about the fact that he couldn't maneuver very well, let alone get in a good comfy position on the couch. 

Making do, he did accomplish getting from his wheelchair to the couch, allowing Grace to help. Putting his feet up on the coffee table was as good as it was going to get for him. 

Carson chuckled and nodded. "You're welcome." Since she'd started working here, Thirteen had kind of grown on him. She was sweet and caring, and did her best, even on days when she struggled with fears. Overall, he'd seen an improvement in her, and was glad to see her adjusting so well. That many years of being with the Agency was hard to overcome, but she was getting there, little by little, and he could see it. 

Getting back to work, Carson tried to concentrate again. Whether he liked it or not, this was his job and livelihood. He couldn't afford to sit and stare off in space all day, even if he wanted to. 

It wasn't until he was cleaning dishes later in the day that things took a nosedive again. Dropping a knife, reflexes kicked in and he grabbed for it, only to catch the blade by mistake. By the time the knife hit the floor, it already had Carson's blood on it. 

Grasping his left hand, Carson winced in pain. "That was real smart, Carson," he grumbled under his breath. After rinsing the wound in his palm and going through numerous paper towels, it was pretty obvious that he wasn't going to get the bleeding to stop on his own. And of course...it was a busy afternoon for the restaurant. 

He shed his apron and wrapped a towel around his hand, trying to at least slow the blood flow. "Aerith?" he called. Waiting for her to appear, he nods her into the kitchen. "Take over here for just a few minutes, would you? I just cut my hand and I think it's gonna need stitches. Don't let Thirteen worry though. If you need help, call Herb." 

He didn't wait for a response. He knew Aerith was responsible enough to take over, and he didn't want to waste any more time standing around chatting. It was a short drive to TJY. He'd rather go there than the ER at the hospital. Even with all the looks of question he got when he entered the building, at least this was better than strange doctors and nurses, not to mention a higher medical bill. 

Carson only stopped when he pushed open the door of the infirmary. Unfortunately...Rick wasn't there. Only Misty.

Stopping short, he looked to Misty and swallowed hard. His hand was still wrapped in a towel with blood starting to seep through. And all of a sudden Carson was taken back to what seemed a lifetime ago. He'd been in a similar predicament before...but it had been his finger he'd cut, and Misty had come to the restaurant to patch him up. They'd been apart for so long...but her coming to his rescue had ended with a kiss and both of them admitting they'd missed each other. 

Pain coursed through Carson's eyes. But not from the wound in his hand....rather, it was the wound in his heart. 

"Um..." He tried to get his brain to function again. He'd assumed he'd walk in and Rick would be here. What he didn't know was that Rick had taken the afternoon off. "I'm sorry...um... Is Rick here?"


Cocking her head Hope just listens to Gunner. Not saying a word, not making a sound but just listing. Hope new he needed to vent and she would let him. What he said didn't offend her, or make her angry. He was talking, venting something he needed to do any Hope would never scold him for that no matter what he said.

  "You want help finding the truth than let me help you find the truth and a healthy none obsessive manor. I want to help you and if that means finding the truth than I will. I don't pretent to know what your going through Gunner, but through God I can do what I can to try and understand."

Hope wasn't the enemy though many people would argue with the way she did thing or what she had forced people to do. It was all out of love and caring that she did what she did. Cocking her head a little bit Hope smiled softly. That rant alone Gunner had was a good step twords the right direction already.

   "Go home, get some rest. Would you like something to help you sleep without dreams? At least than you will have a clear head?"

Seeing the sad look in Carson's eyes Thirteen new he was thinking about Misty for a moment. He always got the same sad look when he thought, talked, or someone made mention of her. Thirteen felt bad, and though she didn't understand the whole thing she new it stemmed from The Agency and she hated it.

   "I wont forget. Ryder is working late tonight and I haven't quite gotten the hang of cooking on our gas stove yet. So those will be dinner for sure. Thanks Carson."

She liked working here, and she liked Carson. He was a good mad, human just like all of them. Thirteen liked working for him, and spending her time here. This was her safe haven, her get away, here she felt safe too.

Helping clear the table Grace was happy to help clean. Jared had made dinner so she could help him clean up. It was a join effort and she didn't mind one bit. Placing the dishes into the dishwasher Grace turns a little to look at Jared and smile. 

   "I have off from work tomorrow so I kinda dont have a time limit. However I do need to be home by midnight or I will turn into a pumpkin."

Grace can't help the grin the played on her lips. She liked this alone time in the house with Jared. It was nice just being them and enjoying the joking, and time together.

   "Lets watch something funny. I am in a giggle mood at the moment and we can cuddle together."