
Everybody else does

Looking at Ryan for a moment, Eli's first reaction would be to pounce, but he refrains. Instead, he nods slowly. "Okay."

It might not be what he would do, and at this point, he wanted to keep Ryan from any more heartache... but if she wanted to sit with the man she'd come to love, Eli wouldn't stop her.

"If you want a ride or... if you want someone to sit with you, let me know."

In the hospital, the back room in the ICU remained guarded by two officers: one from the police and one from the Elite. And inside the room on the bed lay their prisoner - his body fighting for its life. Yet even now, hours after surgery, his sleep seemed peaceful. After being on so many machine to keep him alive, now he was breathing on his own again, lacking only the desire to live. His wrists were handcuffed to the side rails of his bed to keep him there, should he awake, and to keep anyone from taking him, should there be a rescue attempt from the enemy. But even after surviving the surgeries, flight and care, doctors would not promise Alec's survival.

Carson appreciates Misty's attention, and lets her hold his hand while he eats. He's quiet for a long while, just eating and trying to allow his mind time to process. Eventually though, he fills Misty in on some of the details he hadn't related over the phone, and admits some of what he's feeling.

"I just... thought I was right, you know? After hating the guy, then turning around and defending him, I feel stupid for having tried to get him out."

Carson leans back in his chair and sighs, his meal finished. "Thinking about it that way just makes me mad. And then when I see him again... just asking to get shot..." He shakes his head. Looking down, he turns his hands over on the table, revealing the scars still visible on his wrists. "Guilt was what almost got me killed when I tried to take my life. But what about Alec? Did he just want the easy way out? Or is he still human?" His thumb runs along one of his scars and he's taken back to what seems so long ago... back when the only one giving him hope was a spunky doctor who wouldn't give up on him.

He smiles a little and looks back at Misty. "We've had our share of troubles, ay?" Getting up from the table, he takes his dirty dishes to the sink before turning around and leaning back against the counter. "Shouldn't bother me... this whole thing. I've seen worse, and it's not like Alec and I were close." He shrugs. But it did bother him. Whether he got along with Alec or not, he was still his brother, and he was still on the brink of death without having turned to God - it wasn't a pleasant thought.

Mustering up another small smile, he pushes of the counter. "I better get some sleep before I fall over right here. I'll have to relieve the others at the restaurant tomorrow morning."

Rocky chuckles, finding Thundercat easy to chat with and seemingly nice - at least online she was and that's all he had to go on at this point.

rockin_gts: Thanks - you too.

rockin_gts: I do plan on coming back on Wednesday. I tend to lurk, so I'm sure you'll see me around.

He gets ready to exit the chat when he stops and gives a little grin. What the hey.

rockin_gts: And call me Rocky - everybody else does. ;)

rockin_gts: Been real. Goodnight.

Logging off before he had any more time to fiddle around and ignore his need for sleep, he gets up from his desk and stretches tall. "Alright, Puzzle... come keep me warm and I'll keep you warm. Just keep your claws to yourself."

"So... thought any more about getting off the antidote?" Jason runs his fingers up and down Katie's arm as they lie together on the couch - him half-sitting in the corner, allowing her to sit between his legs and use him as a backrest. The movie was one they'd seen, so they'd talked here and there between scenes and between eating their supper. Now though, Jason really wanted to know what Katie thought about them getting back to normal.

"I think it'll be fine. I mean, maybe Rick's wrong... maybe this was just one last hurrah and it's over now, ya know? Maybe as strangely as it appeared, it's disappeared and we don't have a thing to worry about."

Have to...

Looking up at the clock and seeing what time it was Michaela couldn't help but be a little shocked. This was later than she usually stayed up that was for sure and she had class in the morning.

Thundercat5: Wow, I new it was late but not this late. I'm never going to wake up in the morning. I guess eating can't wait till tomorrow.

Stopping for a moment her fingers move over the keyboard but doesn't type anything. There was a strange feeling she didn't want to get offline tonight. It had been nice talking and getting to know someone new and it had been a long time since she didn't want to stop talking to someone even though she new it was a must.

Thunderccat5: It was really nice chatting with you tonight. I hope to see you Wednesday for our first new meeting.

Thundercat5: Have a great night Rockin_gts. Don't work to hard tomorrow!

As Carson leaves to get changed and clean up Misty sets the table. No plat for her because it was late but makes a cup of tea so she could at least sit with Carson. Once he comes back and she puts the plate in front of him Misty sits down at the char next to him leaning on the table slightly.

Studying his face for a long moment Misty could see in his eyes that the whole thing was bothering him more than he let on. It was plan to see at least for her. Not really sure what to say to make it any better Misty just reaches out and takes Carson's free hand in her own. Giving it a little squeeze she gives him a smile just trying to reassure him everything would be ok.

Just letting herself soak in her brother comfort Ryan moves with him to the couch continuing to just let the tears fall. She always had been able to find shelter in his arms and today had not changed that. Now she was more happy than ever that Eli was here.

As the minutes pass by and a little explanation on what had happened Ryan's tears seem to slow though her eyes were still red showing that she had been crying. Leaning away from Eli and whipping her face she felt crappy and a show was a must.

"I'm going to take a much needed shower I think that would help me feel a little better. Than I think I'm going to go up to the hospital."

Giving Eli a sidelong glance Ryan new he wouldnt approve of her going and she might be upset and hurt over this whole Alec thing but if he wasn't going to make it the last thing she wanted was for him to die alone or with her mad at him. That just wasn't her.

"I just...have to make sure Alec is going to be ok. Or at least be there in case he doesn't make it he wont be alone. I guess....I still care about him."

Quit worrying

Jason thinks a few moments, glad right now that Katie couldn't read his emotions. He shrugs then ducks to get into her car, trying not to let it show that he was upset. He was tired of thinking about him dying. He was tired of walking on eggshells just in case something might happen. "He said I'd be fine," he answers as he puts on his seatbelt. He looks out the window instead of looking at Katie.

"I'd just have to be careful that's all. Try not to get too stressed out." Smiling, he turns back to her. "But I try not to get stressed out every day anyway, so that's no big deal. I'm feeling good... no reason keep torturing ourselves with the antidote, right?"

Leaning over, he gives her a soft kiss to the lips. "Quit worrying about me, huh? I'll be fine." Straightening again, he points out of the parking lot. "Now I'm starving. Let's go."

Seeing the look in Ryan's eye is enough to make Eli hurt all the more for her. He just wished he could make all of this go away.

As she comes to him, he doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her and hold her close, just letting her cry. It was unusual to see her cry at all, let alone like this... a sign that this whole ordeal really was something that wasn't simple. Moving back a little, Eli guides Ryan to the couch to sit down with her, keeping his arm around her and offering himself as her shelter. And again, he's glad he hadn't left for Florida.

"Shh... it's okay." He combs his fingers through her hair and gives her an extra squeeze. "Things are gonna be alright..." He wasn't sure how or when, but he knew they would be.

"I know sometimes I'm not around and maybe I'm not sensitive enough but... if you ever want to talk about what happened, I'm here, okay?" He rubs her arm lovingly. His sister was his priority over everyone else, and that was a fact.

"Mmm.... a good meal sounds fantastic." Carson gives Misty another little squeeze. "I'm happy I'm home too. Just give me a minute to go clean up and I'll come back to eat." He still had on the jeans that were bloodstained enough he'd throw them away... he'd take a quick shower and at least throw some clean clothes on. "There's no point in walking around like a living crime scene."

Giving her head a kiss, he goes to clean up, and as promised, he comes back and sit down at the kitchen table. He wasn't sure if he were more tired physically or mentally - but no matter... he was worn out.

Managing a smile for Misty though, he does his best not to let on he was as bothered as he was about the whole Alec thing.

rockin_gts: Got the late night munchies, huh?

rockin_gts: When that happens to me, I usually wind up at the nearest 24/hr. corner store - there's always a bag of Doritos with my name on it.

Rocky leans back and stifles a yawn. Half an hour ago, he would have welcomed the drowsiness. Now he wished he wasn't getting tired.

rockin_gts: Unfortunately, I just yawned. I guess Mr. Insomnia decided to take a hike. Oh, to be young and irresponsible again without worrying about work in the morning. Looks like I better go though.