
Feel good emotions

Karla lets out another sigh. She hated how this whole thing made her feel, let alone how obvious it made Kip feel as well. She just wanted things to be ok.

"I won't enjoy my day as long as I am not with you. You make my days good and make me happy Kip."

Sitting up on the bed and rubbing a hand over her face Karla didn't know what to do. Kip wanted to be left alone was it best if she did that? Karl didn't know what to do in this situation.

"I guess if you want to be left alone though who am I to try and force my company. I'll be back in a little while. You need anything...just yell."

Leaning down and giving Kip a soft kiss on the cheek Karla turns and heads out of the room and down the steps. Wondering into the kitchen she just wanted to let Gram know she was leaving for a little bit. Entering and seeing Eric too she gives a smile and nods.

"Good Morning! Something sure smells good. Did you out due yourself again?"

Leaning her head into Justin's touch Beth couldn't deny how nice his skin felt on her own. It was all so different but all so nice. Opening her eyes and looking at him again Beth could feel her own heart pick up and start to thump even harder in her chest. She felt as though Justin himself might even hear it.

Having a million and one thoughts go through her mind as the gap closes and Justin's lips brush her own Beth's eyes fall shut again. Guys had tryed to kiss her before but she'd always pushed them away, with Justin though it was different and it felt nice.

Drawing back again and searching Justin's eyes Beth count help the small amount of guilt she felt. Justin had a girlfriend was it really right she felt this way? It was only a small peck and maybe it was just one out of friendship?

"It's nice to know I was able to help. I feel good knowing that I was here for you."

It had been a long time since Beth felt useful, but now knowing she had helped Justin it seemed to give her a new spark. She was good for something and he'd appreciated her. It was a nice warm thingy feeling she would hold close to her.

Giving a chuckle of her own and leaning into Eli a little Scarlet can't help the smile that spread across her face. Knowing Eli was going to stay was the best news she got all day. Just having Eli feel that strongly about her made her feel good as well.

"Your what keeps my life int resting Eli. There is never a dull moment with you around and I think I like it that way too."

Doing great

Kip sighs and stares over at the wall as he continued to lie on his side. This whole thing was just messed up. Why try and make any sense out of it? It didn't seem worth the bother anymore. And Karla... he knew she was trying her hardest but... he just wasn't feeling it today.

"Go home, Karla," he comments quietly. His tone was one of defeat - giving up on this mess. "I can 'do nothing' on my own, and you should enjoy your day."

He curls in just a little tighter. "I want to be alone."

Justin's hand slides back until his palm rests against Beth's cheek and the corner of his mouth turns up ever so slightly. "You're doing great," he assures, his voice still quiet. "I'd be in trouble if you weren't here right now."

His eyes follow hers, down, then up again, and for a moment, it seemed the silence was going to last an eternity. He gazes into her stare, just remaining in the depths as if lost. His thumb moves a little on her cheek. And slowly, slowly, the few inches that separated them grew shorter and shorter. Justin's eyes continue to survey her face, ensuring that he was not doing something that made her uncomfortable. "If you get sick, blame me," he muses softly.

Tilting his head just slightly, his lips give hers a gentle brush, pressing in lightly as if kissing something precious. Pulling back several inches again, his eyes return to hers. "That's for all you're doing for me. Thank you."

Receiving Scarlet's kiss to the cheek, Eli grins. The mention of dessert makes him laugh. "Mmm... I could go for that too."

Quirking an eyebrow, he tosses her a sly glance, though his smile gives away his true feelings of pleasure. "I'm glad you want me around, you know that?"

Slipping an arm over her shoulders, he gives her a hug and kiss to the top of her head. "I want you around too. Life's too boring going it alone."


Not really saying more on Kip not wanting to do anything Karla lets out a small sigh. She new he didn't want to do anything and she also now that was the worst thing but what was she to do? She couldn't force him but she could only hope he'd be ok and able to over come it.

Going to put her arm round Kip again Karla stops at his comment. Normally she might have laughed but today it just didn't seem funny to her.

"I happen to like it when your hyper and as far as normal goes I like you that way too."

Karla's eyes held a sadness as she looked down at Kip. She cared so much it hurt her so bad to see him this way. She almost felt so helpless not knowing what to do for him. She was trying her best but it felt like she kept failing.

"Nothing we shall do than."

Taking a sip of her tea and hearing Justin's words Beth couldn't help but smile. It felt nice hearing someone say that there was more on the inside of her than she showed, or that she was strong. Over most her life she never felt very strong so hearing someone say it really did make her feel good.

Going to say something Beth stops as Justin's fingers run over her skin. His hands were soft, his eyes...she felt like she could fall into them and feel completely comfortable. Feeling some heat creep up the back of her neck Beth could feel her cheeks going red as well.

"Thanks Justin, it means a lot hearing you say that."

Looking down at Justin again and giving a smile Beth's smile softens a little as her eyes search his and her stomach starts to feel the butterfly in her stomach move. It was a strange feeling to have one Beth was not use to and a strange urge seemed to come over her. Glancing down as his lips Beth bits her own a little bit before looking up at Justin again.

"I'm here for you, and I'll do all I can and know how to."

Taking a bit of her sandwich Scarlet just listens to Eli. Giving a little nod she was listing. She didn't want Eli to leave for FL, though she would try and still make it work with him it would be hard knowing he would be gone for a whole years and it did make her sad.

About to say something Scarlet is stopped once again as Eli continues. Hearing his words she could feel her own heart pick up and pound in her chest with an indescribable feeling. He was going to stay...for love. Letting her grin grow even bigger Scarlet leans over to Eli and plants a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you Eli and am sure Ryan will be too. Now thats something worth having dessert over."

My turn

Kip remains quiet and still, his mind mulling over a thousand things, while his voice expressed none. Not even Karla's suggestion for later brought any spark to his eyes. Rolling over onto his side again with his back to her, it hurt a bit, but he didn't let on that it did.

"I don't feel like doing anything," he finally responds. He didn't want to stay in bed all day, but he didn't want to get up either. What he really needed was a good hot shower - he needed one badly, not to mention, he was starting to need to shave as well. He wanted to clean up in the hopes that it would make him feel better... but he didn't want to either. It felt like all the life had been sucked out of him.

A wry laugh - or something close to a laugh - emerges. "I guess y'all would be glad I'm not bouncing off the walls." It was probably good he couldn't see Karla's face as he spoke. Otherwise he might not have dared say what he was, especially with the amount of sarcasm he used. "A lack of hyperactivity might give someone a heart attack. But I suppose I'd finally be 'normal.'"

Reese nods slowly. He had no idea if Scott would want Hope to visit him or not. Despite almost losing her and despite the young man's love, Reese knew that Scott had just as strong feelings about not wanting Hope to see him in such a weakened and vulnerable state. Wrong or right, Reese could understand how he felt, but at this point, he wished Scott would give in for the sake of Hope. She was in need too.

"I..." He stops and smiles, rerouting his speech. "I know he'll be so relieved that you're doing well - we all are. We're going to-"

His ringing cell phone cuts him off and he's tempted to ignore it, but the ringtone was the office and he knew he should answer it. "One sec," he apologizes.

Retrieving his phone from his pocket, he answers. "Yes? Hmm, really? Did he say what he needed? Okay. No, I'll be in shortly and I'll call him back. Yes, thank you. See you in a bit."

Hanging up, he sighs. "Apparently Mick Henson has been trying to get a hold of me. I hope that doesn't mean anything is wrong at the ranch." Thinking for a moment, he finally rises to his feet, taking Hope's hand one last time. "It's been good to see you, Hope. I'm sure a few others will be up to see you today if you feel up to it."

Leaning back against the tree, Eli takes a bite of his sandwich, letting the silence drag out before he answers. "Well... I was talking to Tal about it earlier, and you know how important it is to me to get out of debt and all that." He shrugs. "And I figured if I just limit things to a year, then it would be safer - you know, not commit to any longer than that so I'd be free after a while and hopefully have everything paid off with a little extra to spare."

He chews thoughtfully, keeping his eyes on the nearby park fountain. "So, it seemed the logical answer to take the offer." He pauses again and reaches for his drink to take a sip through the straw before he resumes his stare at the fountain. "But then this silly little thing called love trumped all that and my heart said that I could go if I wanted to, but it was staying here. So I figured I better stick around, so I wouldn't wind up heartless in Florida. I'm... calling Nick tonight to turn him down."

Justin listens quietly until he lifts his head, turning to face Beth with his eyes only inches from hers. Though his gaze reflects the feverish state he was still in, there was also the look of sincere contemplation. "You don't need me," he replies softly. "You are so much stronger than you think. Every time I see you... and I look at your eyes..." His hand reaches up and he uses a finger to lightly trace around the outside of her eye and side of her face. "...I see so much more than I did the last time I looked at them."

For a few moments, his chills and upset stomach are forgotten. His voice is still but a whisper. "I think it's my turn to need you."