

Feeling her weight shift and being lifted up Misty doesn't even open her eyes. She doesn't have to, she new how Jason felt and she new his smell so she new it was his arms around her. Nuzzling into him a little more Misty was to tired to care where he was taking her but new no matter where she was safe.

After a few minutes feeling the bed under her Misty smile nuzzling her head a little more into her pillow. As Jason comes down for the kiss Misty returns it softly still half away asleep but awake enough to know some what of what was going on.

   "Nite Jase, I'll talk to you tomorrow my handsome prince."

Rolling on her side Misty snuggles even deeper into her bed. It would be a good night sleep tonight as her thoughts where filled with Jason. Maybe he's never know just how must he'd helped her but he had and sleep now came easy.

Ryan gives a small nod to her brother. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do or where she was going with the whole thing. All she new was this whole thing was one big ball of mess.

   "How about we leave it at you don't say anything to him about it unless he says something to you. I'm not sure if I am going to tell him or not at this point and than at least if I do, he heard it from me first."

Giving a smile to her brother she was thankful he respected her enough to at least ask about telling Tal. It made her feel good that her brother would think about that. Not many people would and that could cause more problems and stress.

   "Thanks Eli, for everything. You'll never know how much it really means to me."

Standing behind Hunter and just watching him for several moment's it took all she could not to burst out laughing herself. Neather Hunter or Kaylee had see her yet and she was happy for that. Katie was enjoying just watching there innocents and seeing Hunter with the small child it put a smile on her face. She sure was going to miss them once she was gone again.

Finally bending down Katie gives Hunter's shoulder a tap as she smiles. She new he was going to be a little embarrassed but it was going to be something she'd enjoy a little bit.

   "So, once I leave Saturday morning am I going to have to worry about this little chick here?  I mean I'm not even gone yet and she has taken all your attachen."

As the excitement goes on inside a tan colored van pulls into the packing lot and rolls up the driveway parking next to the office. Exciting was a tall, slim woman who looked to be middle aged it not younger. Her long honey colored hair was tired neatly back in a pony tail. Her jean short, and light top prove maybe she was prepared for this heat, but only last minute. Getting out of the passenger seat was another gentil men, along with another woman and male from the back all about the same age.

   "April do you know where your going?"

The woman with the honey colored hair looked over at the others and just smiles shaking her head. Honestly she had no idea where she was going but if she followed the sign that said office maybe she would be lucky enough to have someone there.

   "Nope, but Katie said we could show up anytime if we just wanted to get away from work for a little while and relax. Personally after the episode and the night stay at the hospital I could use a few days to relax a little. Come on lets see if anyone is in the office."


Jason only chuckles and tucks Misty in a little closer, not caring if she fell asleep or not. He was dangerously close to sleep himself, so he couldn't blame her a bit. And as silly as the idea had been in the first place... managing to both sit in one chair was rather comfortable. 

It wasn't until several hours later that Jason opens his eyes only to realize that it was close to one o'clock in the morning. Yawning, he glances down to find Misty still sound asleep on his lap. A little smile curls his lips. He hadn't intended on staying this long at all, but he sure had slept soundly there for a while. He knew he really did need to go though. He had Trooper to take care of, and, after all, this was Alec's bedroom at the moment. 

Moving his arms so one remains around Misty's back and the other slides under her legs, he stands up, holding her close. He knew she'd wake up, but he says nothing as he heads down the hallway and up the stairs carrying her. Getting to her bedroom, he nudges the door open wider with his foot before entering and gently laying her down on the bed. Leaning over her, he smiles and runs his hand along her cheek before bending down to place a soft kiss on her lips. "Goodnight," he whispers. "Sweet dreams."

Eli falls back into silence for a moment or two as he considers the possible consequences of either path. If they told Tal what Alec had been doing, he would most certainly be concerned for Ryan and maybe even himself - for more than one reason. If they didn't say anything, he could find out later then be upset because he'd been clueless. The problem now was that Eli didn't know which was worse. 

Finally, he shrugs lamely. "I don't know... I understand why you wouldn't want him to know... then I think if I was him, I'd feel like I should know about it. We are talking about his girlfriend's ex, and not only that, but the same guy who beat him to a pulp then almost had him killed." 

He sighs and shakes his head, turning to study Ryan's face. "As much as I like being in control... this one's on you. Tal's your boyfriend, not mine, so I guess it's gonna have to be your call. I just gotta know so I don't say something to him I shouldn't." 

The day had been rainy, keeping more than one person cooped up. Though the ranch needed the moisture, it was no fun not being able to go riding or walking or do anything outside unless one wanted to be drenched.

Hunter had found himself sitting in the barn almost all day. He'd helped Mick clean some tack, watched Eric give Ashlee a riding lesson in the indoor arena, spent some time with the orphan kitten (who, by now, had been dubbed "Uno"), assisted Mick with checking supplies, and spent a while on the main building's porch swing just relaxing. In between times, he spent some sweet moments with Katie, just being together, even if they didn't talk about much. Without anywhere to walk, it was mostly just sitting together, holding hands or just nestling into each other on the porch to watch the rain...

...Having made good time in cleaning up for the evening, Hunter was one of the first into the dining room for supper. Though making smalltalk with a few people, he sat alone at one of the tables, waiting for Katie to show up.

Letting his eyes roam the room, he saw Becky, Jade and Rosalyn busy in the kitchen - he wonders how they could do the cooking and cleaning every day without going insane, but then... he didn't like housekeeping much at all and maybe they did. Mick had told him how they'd had hired cooks and housekeepers at one time, but after a while, the jobs had evolved into family tasks, saving the ranch money and giving the family purpose as well. It really was like one big family here - something strange. Unique. But in a way, Hunter wondered if perhaps this was the way things should be. That maybe it was the rest of the world that was messed up.

He watches Dylan over in the corner, pouring over his school books. He hadn't talked much to the young man, getting the impression he was pretty offish. He'd found out bits and pieces from some of the others, along with Mick, and had learned quite a bit about him. And in a way he could relate to that strained relationship. It was all too familiar, as he and Mick had said in not so many words.

Eric and Stacy were sitting off to the side, grinning at each other while making small talk and from his position, Hunter could tell they were playing around with their feet under the table. It gave him an inward grin. When asking Sparky if those two were dating, his response had been, "Apparently." It was rather amusing to Hunter and he wasn't sure of the story behind it all, but Eric and Stacy did seem happy - just like everybody else here. Well, almost.

His eyes roam back to the kitchen where Cindy had just entered. She seemed different. Not out of place, but not quite fitting like everybody else either. It was no surprise though. Hunter had learned about Wes, and he felt badly for this woman who had lost so much. It felt a little odd, too, having figured out that she was the mother of Jason - Katie's ex, and a good friend of Kyle's. It was a weird kind of connection to have here.

Hearing a squeal and a small sound of a crash, Hunter looks quickly over his shoulder, to back in the corner near the couches and fireplace. Kaylee was sitting on the floor, surrounded by blocks and a few other various toys. She was babbling to herself and having a grand ol' time, apparently left to play while Mom took a break to help in the kitchen.

Unable to help his grin, Hunter gets up from the table and wanders over to the corner. Lowering himself down on all fours, he sets aside his one crutch then crawls nearer Kaylee, careful of his knee, before flopping down on his stomach, propped up on his elbows.

Kaylee holds a block in her hand and eyes Hunter inquisitively. "Block," she states flatly.

Hunter grins. "I see that. Can I play too?"

Kaylee scrunches up her nose and giggles before picking up a different block and handing it to him.

"Oh, thank you." Hunter accepts the toy and fiddles with it a moment before placing it on the floor in front of the little girl.

Kaylee immediately sets her own block on top of it before shooting Hunter a silly smile, her eyes almost daring him to keep building.

Accepting the challenge, it isn't long before a nice-sized tower was being built as the two took turns placing the blocks one on top of the other. Soon though, apparently Kaylee was satisfied that it was tall enough. Standing up she claps her hand. "Fin'shed!"

"Yay!" Hunter claps with her. "High five." He holds up his hand which is met with Kaylee's small palm... after a couple tries and misses.

Turning back to the tower, Kaylee eyes Hunter with a mischievous glint. And within the blink of an eye, the tower is knocked over, tumbling down into a pile of rubble. Kaylee bursts into giggles, laughing hard enough that she hangs onto Hunter's head to keep from tumbling over herself.

Hunter laughs outright, finding Kaylee's giggling quite contagious. All his laughter does is feed her silliness though, starting a landslide of more giggles and squeals. A second tower must be built after that, and the antics continue, getting sillier and sillier. By the time the third tower is knocked over, Hunter is sprawled dramatically on the floor having "fallen over" along with the blocks with a resounding "Kaboom!"

Kaylee follows suit and throws herself down as well... using Hunter's stomach as a landing pad.

"Oof..." Hunter catches Kaylee before she rolls off onto the floor and he starts to laugh again. With Kaylee still on his stomach, she starts to bounce with his laughing and she finds it quite funny - enough so to stay right there and giggle all the more.

Cindy leans on the kitchen doorframe and watches the scene, a smile on her lips. Watching Hunter play with her daughter made her miss Jason, and she wonders for a moment how he is. He hadn't talked much with her lately - it had been like pulling teeth to get him to admit he and Katie had broken up... even after she'd already found out herself. He did seem to have mentioned Misty a lot the last time they'd spoken on the phone... was there more he wasn't telling her? She wondered.

Bringing her attention back to the present, her own chuckle slips out, just listening to Kaylee laugh. She really was doing well, and Cindy didn't mind one bit that she got extra attention from everyone here. If Hunter wanted to play with her, Cindy wouldn't stop him. He seemed like a very nice man, and Kaylee apparently thought so too.

Totally caught up in playing with the toddler, Hunter is clueless that more people have filed into the dining room and that several pairs of amused eyes were on him. He'd almost forgotten that he'd been waiting for Katie.

Don't Worry

Finally finding a halfway decent show on tv Misty sets the remote down and cuddles a little bit closer to Jason. Taking sips here and there of her tea till it was gone. Setting it down and leaning her head back a little bit it wasn't till she looked up to check on Alec that she smiled. She was happy he was asleep again, he needed it and if they'd helped than she was happy.

Looking to Jason she could see the sleepy look in his own eye. Nuzzling into his neck a little more Misty can't help the small smile that forms on her lips too. It had been a while now since she fell asleep in anyones arms and she really did miss it, but she new if Jason wanted to go, she had to let him.

   "When your ready to go Jase just let me know and I'll let ya go I guess. But I am warning you I will more than likely fall asleep here."

Bringing her legs up a little bit and setting them on the chair next to Jason she keeps herself cuddled in her lap. She'd better take this advantage while she could. Soon her tummy might be to big and this would be imposable.

Like Misty predicted she drifted off comfortable, happy, and into a soft sleep. She wouldn't wake again till Jason was ready to go and she'd have to see him out.

Giving a nod and smiling at her brother Ryan thinks for a second. Did she want Tal to know about this or was it something she really didn't want to share? It was hard to try and deiced what to do. She didn't want to feel like she was hiding something from him but she didn't want him to feel badly either.

   "I don't want to lie or hide anything from Tal but I don't want him to worry about it either. He's got enough stuff on his plate at the moment that this would just be one more stress for him."

Looking down at her oil stained fingers Ryan lets out a small sigh. Tal accepted her for who she was, she was a rough and tumble chick who could fix a car when no one else new what was wrong. She raced with the best, face danger, and got adrenalin rushes. He never asked her to stop or be something she was not. Tal accepted her for who she was from day one.

   "Gah...I guess to save Tal the worry for now we should just let it bet. Unless you think we really need to talk to him about it."


Jason grins as Misty sits on his lap, slipping his arm around her waist. Still able to drink his tea, he nods. "Yep, I'm comfortable. And Alec thought it couldn't be done." 

Alec rolls his eyes, but is grinning too. He can't help but wonder for just a moment though... if Carson knew what he was missing. Misty was... indescribably kind, smart, strong, and downright gorgeous. She was showing just a little bit - one might not even guess she was expecting yet. But Alec saw that new sparkle in her eye and that glow in her face - he wondered if Carson even knew at all what a beautiful thing he had chosen not to witness. And it was a pity.

Just relaxing in the chair, Jason lets Misty pick whatever she wanted on television. This wasn't how he'd planned his evening - if she hadn't texted him, he'd still be sound asleep at home. But he was glad she had. Even if they weren't alone, he still enjoyed being here. 

Once his tea was finished, he sits back a little and keeps both arms around Misty, making sure she's comfortable. If he wasn't careful, he might fall right to sleep again. 

As it was though, it was Alec who drifted off. The tea had done the trick, and though trying to watch the program on television, he just couldn't keep his eyes open any longer. Soon, he was resting soundly once more. 

Being told he took after their dad was probably the biggest compliment Eli could receive. Their father had been everything to them, and as a boy, Eli had always wanted to be just like him. He could only hope that he would be as kind, wise and strong. 

Returning Ryan's hug, Eli grins as she kisses his cheek. It wasn't all that often that she was affectionate, but he didn't mind one bit. Sometimes it was nice to reinforce their close sibling relationship. 

Her promise brings a little sigh - he wanted to go straight to Alec right this minute and knock his block off. But if Ryan would rather wait and see if he did anything else then... Eli knew he should respect that. 

"Okay... You better keep that promise." He gives her shoulders a squeeze. "And... is this something you'd rather Tal not know, or...?"