

Kip waits for Karla to get to the door, noticing her reddened eyes. He nods a little. "Yeah... try to eat a little at least."

He thinks a moment, shifting his weight. "Um... not everyone is here. Just Kyle, Alice, Erik and Twila. And Twila wanted me to apologize for her. She felt bad for coming on so strong earlier, but she really does want to help if you'll let her. We... we all do." He shrugs lamely. "We care about ya and well... sometimes a person just isn't quite sure how to show it properly. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable."

Leo laughs, his eyes sparkling. "Well I guess I'm glad you're in a dress then..." He gives her a little once-over. "For more than one reason."

Drawing back a little, he takes her hands in his. "Just don't tell the guys that I'm graceful - I'll never hear the end of it."

Eli ambles up behind Ryan, setting his hands on his hips and just shaking his head. "Leo Barnsworth... you're something else." He grins a little. "I was on my way to suggesting some pizza but... if you got a little thing going on back here, I might just head back to the apartment."

Leo shrugs. "We're not gonna have a party until after the last show this weekend. I can leave anytime."

"Well?" Eli looks to his sister. "What do you say? Pizza?"

"Mmm... yeah." JT understood what Amanda was saying, and he could relate. "I know what you mean. I like helping people... but sometimes I have to remind myself that not only am I not God, but I'm not the only doctor that can help people either. I can't kill myself to be in the operating room twenty-four/seven."

He grins as he walks beside her. "Not that I always take my own advice, but it's a good thought."

Breathing in deep, he looks around the ranch, quiet for a few minutes. "So you're picky, huh? What sort of qualifications does a guy have to have with you anyway?"

If I wasnt...

After crying herself to sleep Karla now woke to the sound of Kip's voice. She must have been out for hours and never would have known. Sitting up and looking at the closed door Karla just thinks for a long moment. She was still a guest here and everyone was being kind the least she could do was join them for dinner even if she really didnt want to. Calling back she pulls the overs back on the bed.

"Just a minute."

Getting out of the bed Karla walks across the floor to the door and slowly opened it looking out at Kip. Her eyes were still so tired, but it was mostly from stress and crying that had done that. Trying to give the best smile she can Karla opens the door a little more.

"I'll join you guys for dinner. I should probably eat something."

Looking up at the knock a smile forms on Misty's face as Axel enters. She had just finished preping a table for him that she would do the surgery on, and the extra bedroom with linen and other items. For the first night he would stay in the infirmary with her so she could watch him than he would move to the extra bedroom as he recovered and she watched over him.

"Hey there Axel. Your right on time. Come on lets get you prepped and everything ok its gonna take about an hour before we can do the surgery. So we can get you comfortable and than worry about signing the papers and what not ok?"

Misty shows Axel to where the grown and pants were that he was to wair, and the table and bed he would be staying in the infirmary on.Checking his vittles, giving him a shot that would work slowly but put him to sleep.

Once dressed and ready Misty brings out the paper work. There wasnt much but it was enough to go through that kind of made it look like a lot.

" I just want you to read over this Axel and sigh if you agree. Its pretty much a form that says yes you have given consent to this and you understand the risks so on and so forth. I know you trust me and all but its just something I have to have you do."

Fearing she was to late Jess quickly makes her way across JTY to the infirmary. She had promised Axel she would be there for him even if she couldn't be in the room she wanted to be there when he woke up. It was the whole reason she had taken off work today and now she was running late.

Giving a knock on the door and opening it slowly Jess give a wide grin as she see Axel and Misty. She always liked seeing him, but for some reason in a hospital gown he looked uber cute.

"Hi, sorry I am late. My car wouldn't start this morning."

 Wrapping her arm tightly around Leo Ryan dosnt let go for a long moment. He was hot, and sweaty but she didn't care. At this moment, she just wanted to hold him, not to mention she was use to being a little dirty after working in a auto shop.

Finally pulling away a little Ryan just looks up at him smiling for a long moment. She was so impressed with him, and she felt like she was over flowing with a whole new emotion that she herself couldn't even identify.

"If I wasnt in this dress right now, I'd kick the crap out of you for standing me up the last two weeks."

Ryan can't help the grin that made its way on her face. She wasnt really mad at Leo anymore, but she couldn't let him get away that easy.

"But, I do think this was a nice surprised so I will let you get away with it this once. You were amazing up there Leo. Who ever thought you could be so graceful."

A little humor dances in Ryan's eyes as she leans in and give him a small kiss on the lips before pulling away again just smiling.

Zipping her hoodie a little father up under she chin Amanda sticks her hands in the pockets. It wasnt to cold here, but there was a definite chill in the air. It felt good though, being out here in the open space a smells, the sounds it was all so amazing. It made her lungs feel good, better than being in the town all the time. She could deffintly tell the difference.

As JT comment about being a workaholic Amanda gives a laugh that grows at the comment of having to do something for fun.

"You actually think I have fun outside of work? I work, come home am exhausted read, watch some tv and go to sleep. Well...I do have a flower garden I work in on my days off. I guess I have gone on some dates too but that was months ago. I wouldnt consider that fun thought they always ended badly. I'm a pretty picky person."

Continuing to walk Amanda takes in the sighs of the ranch. Some of the buildings you could tell were older, and you could tell some were new. The mixtures of the old and new seemed to blend in so well though. It really did give the feeling that each build had to have ment something to still be standing next to the newer ones and look like they fit just right still.

"Mmm...you know I like to hike, and go camping too but I haven't done that in years. Now that I think about it, it really is kind of sad how much I work and let my life pass me by. I guess I just simply think its fun to save other people's lives. Sometimes I forget its my job and I just do it. "

Looking at JT Amanda gives a smile to him as her eyes gave a small sparkle. She did love her job and forget thats what it was sometimes. Maybe thats why she never took time off. But maybe, maybe she would have to start. Saving other peoples lives maybe she needed to learn to save her own and have a little more fun.