

Feeling the tap to the foot it surprised but that didn't stop the smile that spread across his lips anyways. Even if this wasn't much affection it was a different kind that what he was use to and he was starting to like it. Moving his foot a little bit Trey returns the nudge.

   "Yeah, having someone come with me would be nice. I have a price range I have to stay in for TJY to pay it but they gave me a list of some places. So if you could come and look with me..that would be great."

Having Clint come into the room Chad gives a little smile but seeing the look on Clint's face it soon fades. Hearing about Rosalyn's father not being to happy he was here Chad could feel his stomach churn a little bit. He's really hoped everyone would respond to him well but it now seemed like at least one person wasn't going too.

Once Clint was gone Chad turns a little to Rosalyn. Listing to hear and hearing her explanation Chad could feel his heart break. She really had been conflicted between doing what she family asked, and happiness. It must have been truly hard for her and he couldn't blame her at all for how she had been feeling.

   "Oh Rosalyn!"

Taking a few short steps twords her Chad puts his arms around her and just holds her for several long moments. One hand rubbing her back and the other running his fingers through her hair. He offered her all the comfort she could.

   "Never be scared to tell me something...ok? We can face the challenges together, we don't have to do it alone as long as we have each other."

Pulling away and putting a finger under her chin Chad tilts her head up so he could look her in the eye before giving her a soft kiss on the lips and pulling away again. Maybe he if talked with Jim, and showed him that he meant no hard they could build a friendship, it was worth a try anyways.

   "Maybe I could try talking to your dad? Do you think that would help?"

Worse than I thought

Rosalyn giggles and looks up to give Chad a sly grin as they walk. "I don't remember being attacked..." 

Helping him get his stuff into the bunkhouse wasn't hard and it didn't take too long. They met a few others along the way that seemed a little curious as to why Chad was back again and why Rosalyn was sticking so closely to him, but nobody asked. 

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Rosalyn sighs and glances at the clock. She'd left some kitchen work unfinished when BJ had brought her the cryptic note. She really just wanted to sit and spend time with Chad, but she also knew she had responsibilities. Watching Chad unpack some of his things, she stands and goes to him, slipping her arms around his waist from behind and leaning her head on his back. "I gotta go finish cleaning the kitchen... Do you want to-"

Her words are stopped short as someone knocks at the door, followed by, "Rosalyn? You in there?" 

She quickly withdraws from Chad as she answers, wondering why her brother was bothering her. "Yeah. What?" 

Clint opens the door and pokes his head inside. Seeing Chad, he nods. "Hey. Long time no see." His eyes go back to his sister, with a look of concern. He hadn't known there was anything going on between her and Chad... until a few minutes ago. But at this point, he really didn't have an opinion yet. "Look, unless you want to make things worse, I suggest you hang out together somewhere other than a bedroom. Dad's furious." 

Rosalyn's face pales as her pulse quickens. "How did he find out?" 

"I dunno. He probably noticed the jeep and asked about it. I was just walking past the barn when he blew up. Mick's trying to cool him off but he's only gonna be in there as long as it takes him to unsaddle and wipe down a couple horses."

Rosalyn swallows hard as her stomach starts to churn. "Okay. Thank you, Clint." 

"Yeah..." Clint looks between the two of them again, the wheels in his mind turning as he tries to figure out just what had been going on here, but right now there just wasn't time. "See ya later." 

Once he was gone, Rosalyn can feel the hot tears pooling behind her eyes. She knew she owed Chad an explanation... now. Before he got in the middle of a fight. Turning around slowly, she looks up at him hesitantly. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Her voice quivers. "I just couldn't. When you left last time, my dad confronted me - he'd seen us... seen us kissing, and he wasn't happy. Because I knew he didn't approve, I kept our letters a secret. Mick was the only one who knew and he always made sure I got my mail before anybody else saw it." 

Putting a hand to her forehead, she paces in a small circle, feeling sick. "When you sent the flowers, my dad found out they were from you and he was very upset that I'd ignored his previous warnings about getting involved with you. I let him believe I would let it all go." She shrugs lamely. "But I didn't want to." 

Turning back to Chad, her eyes were full of the fear she felt - fear that her father was going to say regrettable things to her and/or Chad, and fear that Chad wouldn't want anything to do with her after this. "I should have told you. If I would have known you were coming, I could have warned you not to. I guess I thought maybe my dad would just be a little upset was all but..." Clint never overreacted about anything. So if he found it that vital to warn her their dad was upset, then he must have been quite angry. "...if my brother said Dad's mad then... it's gotta be worse than I thought it would be." 

Hunter smiles and gives Katie's hand an extra squeeze. "Feels good to have my head on straight again. It's... been quite a while since it was." 

Interrupted by their waiter, Hunter withdraws his hand to sit up straight again as they receive their food. Glancing back over at Katie, he cocks his head. He'd always let her do the praying when they'd had meals together. He'd never wanted to do it, but hadn't ever been offended or stopped her. Tonight though, things were different. 

Taking her hand once again, he gives her a little nod. "I'd like to do the honors tonight... if that's okay with you." It felt a little awkward, but... it was something he wanted to do. 

"God... I just want to thank you for this evening. For getting me back to Nevada in one piece and for keeping me in Texas for as long as it took to knock some sense into me. For putting a friend like Katie in my life and friends like the people back at the ranch. Thank you for new starts... forgiveness... and really good food that we're gonna eat right now before we starve. Amen." 

Ariel laughs and shakes her head. "Don't thank me yet. You might still get that slap and I'll definitely make sure it hurts." 

Giving him a teasing smirk, she nudges his leg with her foot under the table. "So... you want any help looking for a place?" 



Looking up and catching Ariel's eyes again this time they hold his own in place. The light reflecting off them, there was just something different this time about the way she looked at him. There was a hope in her eye maybe, or at least the willingness to try and that meant to much alone to Trey.

   "Just if you slap me make sure it hurts ok?"

Giving a rather large smile Trey just can't help the feeling he had in his stomach. It was excitement and scaired at the same time but what was starting a new life here with out something or someone new to be with. He did  like Ariel too and it was worth a shot.

   "Thanks Ariel...for everything!"

Listing to everything Hunter said Katie nodded her head here and there letting him know she was listing but not saying anything and breaking his train of thought. He was opening up to her now a little bit more the last thing she wanted to do was interrupt him and have him close himself off once more. So she waited till he was done.

   "I'm really happy you were able to work everything Hunter and no reason to be sorry. I am just happy it worked out."

Taking a sip of her water Katie's eyes search Hunters. She could tell something about him had changed. Maybe there was a new closeness to God once again. Even if it was small it was still there and that meant there was more room for him to grow. It made Katie happy to know that, and happy to be able to help and be part of Hunter's life.

   "Now...we can keep growing together, and thats something I am excited about."

Giving a nod of thanks to Mick Chad was happy things were going so smoothly. He didn't really expect a hard time but he was happy it went smooth anyways at least with Rosalyn's uncle. He seemed like a really nice guy and he was eager to get to know him better.

Once Mick was gone and being pulled by the hand Chad gives a laugh and follows Rosalyn. He's pull his jeep where she directed him so he could unload some of his stuff into the bunk. He'd come right form his last job so he did have some important items that couldn't be left out in the cold.

   "That room was great, I have fond memories of that room...and the sheets. Think they will attack us again?"


Rosalyn's heart starts beating faster again when Chad says he wanted to stay at least a week. A whole week? He would be here and she could see him for a whole week? It was so much more than she ever would have hoped for. But just as excited as she felt, she also felt worry. How was it going to even work? 

Mick nods to Chad. "We've got more than enough room. Actually, we don't have any other guests at the moment, so your timing is great." He turns his sights to his niece. "You want to show him to one of the bunkhouses and help him get settled? I'll take care of the paperwork." It wouldn't be much since Chad had been here before and they still had his information on file. 

"Yeah, sure." Rosalyn finally pulls away from Chad, but lets her hand slide into his. Catching Mick's eye, she wonders if he would have any advice on how to keep her dad from throwing a fit. 

Mick reads her expression well, but he doesn't have an answer. All he could do was give her a little extra time to figure things out. "In the meantime, I'm going to go join your dad where he's exercising some horses in the back corral." 

That mean Jim would be busy and distracted for another couple hours most likely. Rosalyn nods her thanks for the tip. "Okay. See you later then." Waiting until Mick had walked away, Rosalyn aims for the barn door, pulling Chad by the hand. "Come on... I'll give you the same bunk you had before if you liked it."

Hunter nods slowly and smiles as his thumb runs along Katie's hand. "Yeah... yeah, I do feel better. I, um... guess I didn't realize how much stuff I'd been ignoring for so long. And being at the ranch where there was actually time to just sit and think..." He shrugs. "I apologize if I was ever offish. I didn't mean to be. I guess when I got to processing stuff about myself and... and my past..." 

Pausing, he sighs deeply. He'd told Mick his story, but never had shared it with Katie. "Well, I guess there was stuff I couldn't talk about yet. Mostly things about me and my dad. I never realized that being rejected and on my own at seventeen could make me as bitter as I was, or have such an affect on my other choices and actions." He bites his lip. "Like me and Kyle... my drinking... I never realized that most of that was just me trying to work through stuff I was refusing to look at. Until... I got dunked in a river and was told to let things go." 

He smiles again. "Not exactly the wake-up call I would have chosen, but I guess God knew how stubborn I was and He was gonna keep me at that ranch til I worked things out, whether I liked it or not." He chuckles softly. He'd tell Katie the story of his past sometime soon, but for now, that wasn't his point.

"I still got a lot to sort through, but... I'm a whole lot further than I was. If it weren't for you though, I probably never would have gone to the ranch. So for that... thank you."

Ariel cocks her head, a little smile emerging. Was that why it had been so hard to read Trey? Because he did like her and want to be more than friends, but didn't make any advances for fear of ruining things? Maybe her difficulty in figuring him out wasn't as much of her having poor people skills as she'd thought.

Pursing her lips in thought, she studies Trey's downcast gaze. Was he the kind of man she wanted to date? She liked him in general. He had problems, but who didn't? He'd changed since she'd met him, for sure. He was softer now, and seemed to think more about others than just himself all the time. He didn't have a relationship with God - and that was a pretty big thing to Ariel. But at the same time, even if they dated, who was to say it would become something serious? They might have fun for a while then part. And who knew... maybe Trey would come to God through all this too.

Waiting for Trey to look up at her again, her calculating eyes twinkle, her cheeks flushing slightly. She might be a confident individual, but dating wasn't exactly her area of expertise. And she had a feeling Trey had a whole lot more experience than just casually dating and kissing a girl,which gave him an upper hand. But what Ariel had was the power to say yes or no. 

Smiling at him, she shrugs. "It won't ruin our friendship if we really are friends to begin with, right? So let's try it out." She gives him a teasing grin. "And if I slap you, you'll know I didn't like something."



   "I told you I could never forget you, and I meant it. You're one of a kind Rosalyn."

Brushing her cheek with his hand Chad looked deep into Rosalyn's eyes. They were endless like the find time he'd looked into them. They still held mystery and wonder as well as the did the first time he'd looked into them. There was always something there, something new to be expected and he liked it. It was one of the many things he liked about Rosalyn.

Hearing someone clear there throat and feeling Rosalyn jerk up Chad can't help but look up quickly himself. He'd forgotten they were out in public and didn't want to get Rosalyn in trouble or anything. He still remembered how she wanted to keep this relationship quiet for the time being.

Seeing Mick's hand extended to him Chad can't help the smile that spreads across his face as he keeps his one arm around Rosalyn. He was happy someone seemed to accept them before even knowing they was anything going on. If Mick accepted them than everyone else would too...right?

   "Hey Mick, Its great to see you again and be here. I really meant it when I said he ranch was amazing."

Giving Mick's hand a firm shake Chad kept his smile please that Mick had taking this well. It made him feel good and confidant that everyone else would as well. Feeling Rosalyn's arm tighten around him he can't help but wonder what that was about. Maybe she was scared he had come at a bad time and there was no room for him.

Hearing Mick's question Chad looks down at Rosalyn and gives a smile before looking back up at Mick once again. He had quite a bit of time he could take off work but how much he wanted to take at once was the mystery.

   "I was hoping to stay for a week if not a little longer. I'd like to get to know the ranch a little bit better this time around. That is if you have the space for me to stay that long."

Getting onto the back of the bike Katie wraps her arms around Hunter and was ready to take off when he was. She loved the way riding felt taking the long rout was no big deal to her at all. She enjoyed it an was happy Hunter had deiced to go that way.

Finally getting to there destination Katie thought ti was perfect timing and she was hungry. Settling down across from Hunter Katie gives him a smile before ordering. Letting her fingers lock with his she looks up at his eyes. Seeing the emotion they held and the depth there was something different about Hunter. Not bad different but something non the less.

   "So it helped you being there? Do you feel better about things now?"

Looking across the table at Ariel Trey tried to read her. There was no real expression though and Trey couldn't tell if saying something would be good or saying the other would be bad. When did this become so hard? He use to be able to tell a girl straight up when he liked her and not it seemed to have become harder with Ariel.

   "Well....I....I think it would be nice to go one more dates, and...spend more time together. I like you...but you know that because I told you once before. I just..."

Trey looks down at his food for a few more moments thinking about the words he wanted to say, about what was on his heart he'd only recently realized he had.

   "...I don't want to rune our friendship even if I want more."

How long?

Feeling Chad's hands on her face, Rosalyn stares into his eyes. And quite suddenly, it's as if all of a sudden she realizes that he really is here - right here in front of her. Blushing, her excitement is joined by shyness. It had been a little while since he'd been here, and having been so close to him for such a very short time prior, it felt almost like a dream - like she'd forgotten what his touch felt like. His words were so sweet... and he'd come... just to see her. 

Despite the sudden nervousness, as she's pulled in for a kiss, she feels as though she might melt right there. His kiss was sweet... passionate, but tender. Slipping her arms back around him, she can't resist returning the kiss. It still felt just a little awkward as she has to figure out once again how it should work, but as the world around her fades, the awkwardness does too. It didn't matter if she was nervous seeing Chad again or not - he made her feel safe, wanted and warm all over.

As he draws away, she looks up at him, biting her lip as a new smile emerges. She felt like a little girl who just wanted to curl up in his strong arms and stay there forever. "Of course I'm happy... I was afraid when I didn't hear from you again that maybe you'd forgotten about me." 

With her arms around his waist, she nuzzles her head into his chest and closes her eyes. Was this real? She hoped so. Oh, how she hoped so. 

As she hears someone clear their throat, her head snaps up and she looks to the side to see Mick standing just feet away. Her face grows even redder as she remembers they're standing in the middle of the barn - she'd forgotten about watching for other people's eyes. "Um... Mick... this, um... you remember Chad, don't you?" 

Mick can't help a smile, although there is just a little bit of concern in his eyes - not from any fear for his niece's decisions, but for the reaction of someone else in particular. He knew about Jim's opinion. He knew about the father/daughter discussion after a certain bouquet of flowers had arrived. He obviously knew about all of the secret letters as well. 

Stepping forward, he extends his hand to Chad. "Howdy. Good to see you again."

Rosalyn sticks like glue to Chad, almost afraid to let him go. Her eyes plead with her uncle for help, and she doesn't realize that her grip had suddenly tightened around Chad's waist. "He... just came to visit." She swallows hard, knowing that if Mick knew his brother would be unhappy, he had every right to turn Chad away and tell him he couldn't stay. "We have plenty of empty bunks.... right?"

Mick purses his lips and studies her face, seeing how badly she wanted Chad to stay. How could he say no to that? He didn't understand how these two could be this close after one encounter and a few letters, but who was he to say it wasn't possible? "Yeah... we do." He gives her a wink before looking back to Chad. Did he know that Rosalyn's father was not happy about her relationship with him? If he didn't, it wasn't Mick's place to tell - this man would find out soon enough. "How long you planning to stay?"

Jason grins as Misty approaches,  tossing her a wink. "How 'bout we take my truck? That way I get you the whole time instead of just part of it." 

Opening the passenger door for her, he stops her right before she can get in, to wrap his arms around her and pull her close for a passionate kiss. Drawing back, his eyes twinkle. "My mom tried to teach me dessert was for after supper... but I've always been rebellious."

"Mexican. I think I can handle that." Hunter nods and dons his own helmet before mounting up on his bike. Waiting until he feels Katie get on behind him and get settled, he fires up the engine. Aiming for the street, the bike lurches a little as he shifts gears. 

Smiling to himself, he reaches one hand back to give Katie's leg a teasing squeeze. "Hang on." 

The best Mexican restaurant really wasn't all that far from TJY, but for some reason it takes at least twice as long as it should have to reach their destination. Perhaps it was all the back streets and meandering that Hunter did, just to have Katie hanging on to him a little bit longer. 

Finally getting to the restaurant and going inside, Hunter chooses a nice quiet table off to the corner. It was a little nicer place than they usually went, and neither were dressed up, but he didn't care one bit if he got a couple funny looks from still wearing his leather and boots. 

Getting settled and ordering, Hunter leans his elbows on the table and just studies Katie in the dim light, a soft smile on his face. Quiet for a few minutes, he finally breaks the silence. "I'm glad to be back." His hand slides across the table to take hers. "I think I was supposed to stay in Texas that long though. I, um... thought through a lot of things after you left." 

Ariel cocks her head and takes a sip of her water, still trying to figure out Trey's motives. Was he saying he liked how things were, or he wanted to date, or...? Once again, she couldn't tell. He was being cryptic, whether he knew it or not. 

She takes another bite of food before giving him a teasing sort of grin. "You talking more casual hanging out like we have been or... something more than that?" Her expression didn't reveal if she preferred one over the other because in reality, she really wasn't sure if she wanted more or not. But she did want to know Trey's intentions.

As long as...

Finishing up what she had to Misty puts her folds away in her desk and puts away a few other things. Her day was done and she didn't want to worry about it much more. Spending time with Jason as well was part of the bright spot in her day. How could she not enjoy that.

Heading up and outside Misty finds Jason and gives a little wave and a smile coming up to him. She was happy they could spend the night together. She'd already told Alec already she wouldn't be home and he was ok with it.

   "Hey there hot stuff. Should we take your car or both?"

As Hunter puts his arm around her Katie can't help but lean into him. It was good to feel his arms around her again and she wasn't going to complaine. It had been to long since she had felt them and she was proud to have someone like Hunter next to her.

   "I'll keep an eye on you but how do you know we wont both get in trouble?"

Giving a laugh and going up and outside Katie gladly took the helmet from him and put it on only half way before replying. Where did she want to eat? What was she in the mood for? Thinking for a second Katie wanted something different, something she didn't normally have.

   "How about Mexican? I am kinda in the mood for that."

Thinking for a second about Ariel's question Trey study's her face for a long moment.  He wondered if she would miss him if he was going to be busy or not. Did she care and want him to still see her. He wasn't sure but he new he wasn't ready to say goodbye yet.

   "Well, I don't have a job yet...and when I do I will have more money to do things with you. So as long as you want to keep seeing me too than I'd like too."

As Rosalyn's arms go around his neck Chad can't help but pick her up a little bit and holding her tight. He was happy to see her again and seeing how excited she was, was nice and he was happy to see her this happy to see him. 

   "Mmmmmm....why else would I be here but to see you."

Putting Rosalyn down again Chad brings his hands to the side of her face tilting her head up a little bit to look into her eyes. Seeing there depth and the lift they captured him like they always did. His own heart pounded in his chest.

   "I wanted to take some time off and I figure what was a better way to spend it than with you."

Leaning into her Chad's eyes twinkle as he goes to put a kiss on her lips. Just letting how much he missed her and how happy he was to see her. Letting his hand slip behind her head he holds Rosalyn with his other arm. Just letting the kiss linger a little longer Chad finally pulls away. His eyes sparkled more now than they had his voice but a whisper.

   ""I wanted to surprise you...did it work? Are you happy I surprised you?"



Jason returns Misty's kiss lightly before smiling and drawing away. "Okay. I'm done for the day so I'm gonna go wait outside." Giving her shoulder a squeeze, he retreats to the hall. Going out tonight would be nice. He could use a distraction. There were things inside he knew he was ignoring, but he'd deal with them later. Right now, he just wanted to enjoy an evening with Misty and forget about work and anything else. It was easy to do that with her... she just somehow had a way of making the world's problems disappear. 

A smile spreads on Hunter's face and he straightens up. "Good. 'Cause I'm running on adrenaline and sugar, and I need someone to keep an eye on me... a real... close eye." Giving her a sly look, he waits until she's ready to go before slinging an arm over her shoulders and heading for the door. He didn't care what Jason thought... or anybody else. This was his girlfriend and he was proud of it. 

Getting outside to the motorcycle, he's got the spare helmet all ready to hand to her. "Okay, Princess. Your wish is my command. Where are we going?" His knee was begging him for a break after riding all day, but he didn't care. This was his first night back and he was not going to waste it by sitting at home all evening. This was his evening to spend with Katie, and that was that. 

Ariel gives Trey a little smirk as a light blush returns to her cheeks. "I'm good at sharing," she muses, "And whipped cream is always a must. So you got yourself a deal." 

Grinning, she takes another bite of her chicken and lets her eyes lock with Trey's for a moment. He seemed extra happy tonight, and it was nice. Maybe he really was finally starting to settle in. Whatever the cause, the rough edges seemed to be smoothing off, revealing more than the spoiled rich kid Pete had described in the beginning.

"So now that you're staying, you gonna get so busy that I won't see you anymore?"

Still rather leery about this whole thing and suddenly hearing someone's voice, Rosalyn whirls around. As her gaze fall on Chad, her eyes widen in shock and her heart skips a beat. Stunned, all she can do is stand there, hearing his poetry. His hand on her shoulder sent a tingle all the way down her spine, and she looks up at him, wondering if perhaps she was dreaming. He was really... here? Really? He'd come all this way... for her? 

"Chad..." As her surprise morphs into excitement, her shocked expression turns into a beaming smile. Standing on her tiptoes, she throws her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "Oh my goodness.... what on earth are you doing here??" 

Drawing back, her hands remain on his shoulders, her eyes sparkling as her heart raced. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?!" 


Whip Cream

Feeling Jason's arms wrap around her Misty can't help the smile that spread across her lips. Even with her eyes closed she could tell it was Jason who was around her. His smell, the feel of his arms around her. It was just something she could feel and tell.

   "Mmmm...there are left overs in there he can eat. I think us going out for some dinner sounds good."

Looking down at her paperwork and than across her desk at Rick she takes note he is looking away. Leaning back and tilting her head up to Jason Misty grins before giving him a kiss on the lips and than pulling away again.

   "I'm almost done here for the day than we can head out...ok?"

Looking up at Hunter's voice Katie gives her head a little shake and a laugh. She'd finished up the stuff for Gunner and now was working on the last little bit of stuff she had to do. Finally finishing it up Katie shuts her computer off and puts some files away in her desk before standing and coming a little closer to Hunter.

   "Now...you can kidnap me...and I'll like it."

Catching Ariel's eye as it follows the cake Trey can't help but give a little laugh. The dessert did look rather good though and how could you not follow up a good meal with out dessert.

   "Mmmmm...Sure I can as long as we can both share it."

Trey's eyes sparkle for the perhaps the first time. Now that he had deiced to stay there seemed to be a peace about him. Maybe he was relizeing things didn't have to be how they use to be or now he could spend more time with Ariel, maybe it was even both.

   "Oh, and some whip cream."

Standing off to the side Chad waits...Rosalyn would be along shortly and he could feel his heart start to race already. As she steps in though and his eyes catch her she looked even prettier now than when he has last seen her. She was a sight for sore eyes, for a warm soul, and he could feel his heart kick it up even more than he though she might hear. How she had this affect on him Chad didn't know but he new she was special..unlike anyone else. 

Stepping out from behind the shadows Chad has to resist walking up to her and giving her a kiss. Remembering what she had told him about not being safe that last thing he wanted to do was scare the crap out of her. So instead till she new he was there he would do something different.

   "Let me be your sun, I will shine when day is done. Let me be the one, Love for you I cannot hide And a lake of tears I've cried. Was love but a dream, With a passion so extreme? Fairy tales are dreams! I need you here, you need me, This is our reality."

Setting his hand on her shoulder Chad can't help the smile that spread across his lips. He was happy he'd come back, he was happy to surprise Rosalyn and now he was just hoping she was happy to see him too.


Giving a laugh Katie was about to say something to Hunter when Jason's voice startles her. Recovering quickly and sitting up a little straighter she takes the papers from Jason just watching him for a second. There was a strange look in his eye and Katie couldn't quite make it out, anger, sadness, she wasn't sure.

   "Alright, I'll have these done Gunner before I go. Thanks Jason."

Finally looking away from him Katie puts the papers on the table as both guys go back and forth for a second. She could feel the hairs on her neck rise a little bit. It almost sounded like both of them were battling for her but that was silly...seeing as Jason had Misty...right?

Once Jason was gone Katie let out a long sigh before turning slightly to look at Hunter. Giving a small smile and a nod she liked the idea of a motorcycle ride. To feel free...yes she did like that.

   "Ok, If you want to wait in the break room that would be great. I might be a little longer now that I have some more work but I will try and hurry. I'll take you up on that bike ride too."

Leaning back Katie gives Hunter a kiss again before getting up off his lap so he could move and she could sit down once again. She wouldn't be much longer than what she had originally said.

Looking back at Ariel Trey just studys her for a long moment as she talks. The soft glow from the restront looked so pretty making the reflections as her hair framed her face nicely. She really was very pretty and Trey new it when he'd try to look away and couldn't.

   "Thanks for the confidence Ariel it...really does mean a lot."

Moving back a little as there food comes Trey could feel his stomach growling. He new he was hungry but he had no idea he was this hungry. Everything looked good though and he had good company it was great.

   "You look really pretty tonight. I like when your hair is down it looks so soft."

...Three days later...

Pulling into the ranch drive way the jeeps wheels crackled on the stones. No one would notice the jeep...it had never been seen here before so that wouldn't give anything away. Finding a parking place Chad just sits there for a second a smile spread across his lips. He's said he was going to take some time off and what a better way to do that than come to one of the most peaceful places he'd ever been.

Spotting BJ playing in the lawn Chad looks down at his watch taking note to the time and where Rosalyn probley was right now. Getting out of the jeep and going over to him he squats down giving a smile.

   "Hey there...can you do me a favor? Can you go to the mess hall and give this note to Rosalyn?"

Typed on the paper was the words: Meet me in the Barn. Chad had deiced to type so Rosalyn wouldn't notice it was his writing. Seeing BJ run off twords the mess hall he stands and turns making his way to the barn. With any luck not many people would be there and he'd be able to surprise her.


Trying to concentrate was futile. Jason growls in frustration before giving in and shutting off his computer. He didn't know why all of a sudden he couldn't get his brain to function. Or maybe he did. It was stupid either way. Grabbing his keys, he leaves his office, locking the door behind himself. Going to the infirmary, he nods to Rick but heads over to Misty's desk. Coming up behind her, he bends down, slinging his arms over her shoulders and leaning his head down to kiss her cheek. "You wouldn't be interested in dinner out tonight, would you? Let Alec fend for himself?" 

"Okeedoke." Hunter stands up and ruffles Katie's hair playfully before finally leaving her cubicle. Hanging out in the break room wasn't exactly the highlight of the day, and he did find himself dozing off once or twice, but a Mountain Dew from the pop machine helped.

Once an hour rolled around, he meanders back out to the main floor and to Katie's cubicle once again. This time he leans over the wall, giving her a forlorn look. "Can I kidnap you yet?"

Trey's compliment makes Ariel blush and she looks down at her plate, smiling shyly. Why she wasn't able to just brush it off, she wasn't sure, but he really was being sweet. "Thanks..." 

Taking a bite of her chicken, she nods with approval. "This is really good. Thank you, Trey... for bringing me here tonight." 

Glancing up again, she catches his eye and smiles. It was kind of nice to just enjoy his company without being concerned about keeping him out of trouble or monitoring him for Pete. Still... where was this going? 

Movement catches her eye and she looks over to a nearby table where a some kind of chocolate dessert was served to a couple who had started to share it. "Mmm..." She tosses Trey a sly grin. "You buying me dessert too?"

In the barn? Rosalyn furrows her brow as she reads the note for the third time after thanking BJ and shooing him from the just-cleaned kitchen. Some man had given BJ the note? The boy apparently didn't recognize the visitor, and that alone sent Rosalyn's mind racing. Was this a prank? Something worse? One never could be too careful around here. 

Taking off her apron, she walks into the dining room to find it empty. So much for asking someone else's advice. Well... it was just here at the ranch... the barn was safe. One scream and she'd have a whole handful of men coming to her rescue.

Sighing, she finally heads outside. Pulling back her hair as she walks, she spies a strange vehicle. Did that belong to the strange man? Coming closer, she sees the license plates. Nevada? Stopping for a moment, she thinks. No... no, it couldn't be. No, it was probably someone from TJY or something like that. Maybe this had something to do with Katie. Surely it wasn't.... 

She stops her brain before her thoughts could turn into hopes, and she resumes her route to the barn. Tucking the note in her pocket, she squints in the dim interior, glancing around. Looked like most everybody was off doing work somewhere else at the moment, and the barn was pretty quiet except for a few horses who nickered their greeting. 

A little irritated along with being confused, Rosalyn walks in a bit further. There was also the possibility that it was one of the guys around here just playing a joke out of boredom. If that were it, she'd get them back for sure. 

Setting her hands on her hips, she glances down another aisle. "Hello?" 


As Katie shifts on his lap, Hunter sets his chin down on her shoulder to stare at what she was doing. "You sure you can't just skip out early?" He turns his head to give her neck several teasing kisses before he chuckles softly. "You might not get any work done at all with me here anyway."

Having gone unnoticed while standing by the hallway, Jason's fingers fiddle with the papers in his hand while his eyes remain on Katie's cubicle. There was a strange kind of emotion bubbling deep down, but he had yet to label it. And perhaps...he didn't want to either.

Moving forward again after having paused upon Hunter's joyous arrival,  Jason aims for Katie's cubicle. Rapping his knuckles on the wall, he reaches over to hand Katie the papers. "Data entry. Gunner needs an organized report before you leave for the day. Sorry."

As his gaze wanders slightly, his eyes lock with Hunter's. "Boss is pretty cranky today. If I were you, I'd go have a seat in the break room 'til Katie's ready to go - it's down the hall. Unless you wanna risk getting her in trouble."

Hunter keeps his arms around Katie, not intimidated by Jason's curt tone. Instead of recoiling, he smiles. "Thanks. If I can get her to move, I might just do that. At the moment though, it seems she's glued to me pretty good."

Jason tries not to let his irritation show and he simply shrugs. "Suit yourself." His eye drift back to Katie for just a moment before he turns and heads back to his own office.

Only after they're alone again does Hunter's smile fade, but still behind Katie, his expression goes unseen. His grip tightens just a little as he gives her a squeeze. "He's probably right. I should let you work. I can hang out here or just meet you later if you want. Although if you let me wait, you can get a motorcycle ride..."

Jaz wasn't too sure about all that Jamie was saying, but she didn't particularly like the odd little churn deep down in her heart. It was the same feeling she'd gotten when Carson had talked to her about God too. 

Not really wanting to continue the subject right now, she sits back and nods at the opportunity to move on. "Yeah, I feel okay here. I wish I didn't have to keep looking over my shoulder, but I'd rather be here than back at the apartment." 

Being picked up and taken to the restaurant, Ariel was pleased with Trey's choice. She was glad she'd chosen to wear her peasant skirt and blouse - nothing fancy but nice enough to be comfortable in this atmosphere. Her hair fell over her shoulders as the dim light caressed her face in a slight glow. 

Hearing that Trey had decided to stay, a smile spreads on her lips. "I'm glad you decided to stay." She knew that it would probably be better for him that he stayed - away from all the bad dealings that had gone on in Mexico. It was a wise choice to remain here and start another life away from all that. 

Cocking her head, she is unafraid to study his eyes for several quiet moments. What was behind his gaze? What was going on in that head of his? What was he thinking about behind that cryptic look? 

Quirking a little grin, she finally drops he gaze to take a sip of her water. "You'll be able to find a place, no problem. This city has its faults, but it's got a lot of opportunities too. And... seems like you got a few people looking out for you. You'll be on your feet in no time. Of that, I have no doubt."

Did this mean that he would continue pursuing a friendship with her? Did he want more than that, now that he knew he'd be staying? Whether or not he did was a mystery behind those eyes.

Hearing someone come into the dining room, Rosalyn wipes her hands on a dish towel and abandons the dishes for now to poke her head through the doorway.

"Junk... junk... bill... junk." Becky smirks at Mick as she pauses cleaning tables to look through the mail he'd just handed her. "Thanks a lot."

Mick laughs and shrugs. "Sorry." He flips through the rest of the handful of envelopes. "Looks like you might have gotten the best deal of the day."

"Ew. Well, don't forget to duck."

Mick grins and heads back for the door. "Uh-huh."

Rosalyn sighs and slips back into the kitchen. It really hadn't been all that long since she'd gotten a letter from Chad. But it was longer than usual between correspondence, and, if she were to be honest with herself, it felt like forever.

Returning to the sink, she runs her hands through the dishwater's bubbles, watching them pop in her palm. Was the future to pop just like that? Was the hope she'd actually dared to hope going to burst like these tiny bubbles? There were millions of reasons she might not have heard from Chad again. Maybe his letter got lost in the mail. But none of his others had. Maybe he was just extremely busy with work, and traveling a lot. But... he'd always found time to write in spite of that before.

Sighing again, Rosalyn resumes washing the waiting dishes. She was being silly. First, to be so worried he'd forgotten about her, and second.... well... to be so worried. 

Forgive yourself

Having Hunter pull her into his lap Katie gives a little laugh, his arms around her just holding her in his lap felt so nice. She'd missed this warmth, this comfort and the patter of her heart with him around. Leaning into him she wouldn't pass up the time now since she had him here and to herself.

   "Well...I don't have to much more. Maybe like an hour if you want to stick around till I am done."

Looking at Hunter again and leaning into him giving him a kiss Katie rests her head against his for a moment. Than still sitting in his lap Katie turns the chair back to her desk to start working once more so she could be done sooner than later.

Thinking again Jamie is quiet for a moment. Gathering her thoughts and trying to figure out everything in her head  before she said it. This seemed like a perfect opportunity from God to show there face, and show how someone can change she did want to pass it up but she didn't want to scare Jaz away either.

   "I personally believe that Carson is telling the truth. In my heart I've seen the change from him, and I saw how he wanted to get Misty back so badly this time. If he'd been doing anything but trying to save Misty I don't think he would have tried so hard."

Looking across the table at Con Jamie gives a smile. Con had helped her so much with him she'd achieved great things and helped forgive her own self  and everyone else. Between God and Con he helped keep her head on right.

   "Before you can forgive anyone else you need to learn to forgive yourself. Thats where God comes in because he forgives you witch enables you to forgive yourself."

Searching Jaz face Jamie hoped that it made sense to her and if it did she would ask more questions. Hearing Con had to go back to work Jamie looks to him and gives a smile with a little nod.  She was happy he had considered ask if they needed someone else to come over. 

   "I think...we should be ok. Once you leave I'll make sure to lock the doors and everything. As long as Jaz feel safe as well."

Pulling into Ariel's driveway Tray gives a little beep of the horn. He had the top down since this might be one of the nicer days as fall was coming quickly. They might as well enjoy it while they could. He didn't mind the cold though either, after being here for a while his skin still enjoyed the coolness instead of the heat and dry air of Mexico.

 Seeing Ariel come out Trey gives a smile and a wave. He's told her it was a surprise where they were going and he still was sticking to that. Dressed a little nicer than normal there was still a casual feel about him, and his hair was on the messy but in a neat way.

   "Hey there Sunshine..ready?"

Pulling out of the drive way and heading down town the ride is a little quiet but Trey does his best to keep up the conversation as much as he could. Though in the back of his mind the burning subject of what he wanted to talk about was dieing to come out. It wasn't anything to important but it was something he wanted to talk with Ariel about.

Finally getting to the resonant he had chosen and parked he was happy with the outside and how it looked. Fancy but not overly fancy so they way they were dressed was completely fine. Getting out and going to open Ariel's door as well it wasn't long before they were inside, comfortable, and had there food ordered.

   "So...I know its not super important but I wanted to talk to you first about it. I've deiced...to stay here in Nevada. I miss home, and I miss my family there but...there are people here who I'll miss too and want to get to know better."

Putting down the straw wrapper and looking up at Ariel she would be on of the people he'd missed. Even though they had it a little rough there for a short time he'd still miss her and he enjoyed her company too. 

   "I'm gonna call mom and dad tomorrow and ask them to send my stuff once TJY finds me a place. I have money saved up in an account so I know I'll be ok for a little bit till I can find a stable job so...thats that. I just hope I can find some place ok, ya know?"



Hunter's smile remains, and for several moments, he's quiet, just studying Katie's face. His heart was thumping in his chest from the excitement of surprising her, from feeling her sweet kiss, and from seeing how pleased she was to see him again. He'd believed her texts that she'd missed him, but her reception now proved it, and it made him feel good. 

"Dinner sounds like a wonderful idea, as long as you pick where and let it be my treat." 

Without warning, he spins Katie around and flops down in her chair before pulling her into his lap and wrapping his arms around her waist. "So..." He peers around her shoulder at her computer. "How much work you got left today?" He wriggles his fingers teasingly on her ribs. "'Cause I'm starving."

Jaz squints a little at Jamie, trying to figure out just how a woman like her could not only forgive Carson, but move past it all and see him as a changed man. Granted, Jaz had seen a changed man too, but Carson hadn't ever harmed her either. 

"God, huh?" She takes another bite of her sandwich, skeptical of that whole thing. "Carson's been talking about God a lot. Prays all the time. Kinda strange seeing him do that. When I knew him last, he woulda laughed at the word 'prayer,' let alone been into religion." 

Con gives her a soft sort of smile. "Funny thing is... he's still not into religion."

Jaz furrows her brow, confused. 

Con lets her wonder for a minute before going on. "There's a big difference between having a relationship with God and religion. Religion is what man's created to make him feel good about rules, regulations and control. A relationship with God is the true way to a changed heart."

Jaz mulls over that thought for a few moments, not quite sure she fully understood, but it seemed to make a little bit of sense at least. Not that it was for her, but it made sense for people who wanted something like that. "Well, I'm not so sure about the whole God thing, but I do have to admit that Carson's a different man. The guy he used to be wouldn't have put up such a fight to save his wife, that's for sure. I didn't think I'd ever see a man who would do anything - even give his life - for someone he loved. He proved me wrong, I guess." She shrugs. "It's a bummer there'll probably be people who won't believe that he and I didn't have something going on, but we didn't." 

Con nods. "There are consequences to everything." Finishing off his food, he glances at his watch and sighs. "I gotta get back to the office. You two ladies be okay 'til this evening, or you want me to send one of the guys back here to keep an eye on things?" His question was directed more to Jamie than Jaz - he knew both women could take care of themselves quite well when in danger, but that didn't mean that he took his responsibility lightly either.

Ariel quirks an eyebrow at Trey's invitation. He did seem rather persistent - she'd give him that. She wasn't sure how she felt about him though... He was nice and all, but was there anything more? She really didn't know. He was cute and he'd been quite sweet lately. But did she want anything more than friends? At this point, she just couldn't decide what she really wanted. After starting out the way they had, she still saw a lost little boy who needed a babysitter more than anything else. Colt had warned her not to treat him like a kid, but remembering some of the ways Trey had been, it wasn't always easy. It probably didn't help that she worked with kids on a daily basis, but that really was beside the point. At the moment, she really didn't know whether Trey deserved to be treated like a man or not. On the plus side though, she did like being picked up in Pete's car.

Giving a light laugh, she grabs a glass from the cupboard to pour herself some iced tea. "Pete's car is always fun. And..." 

She pauses as she takes a sip of tea, taking another moment to decide her answer. "I don't have anything going on tonight. If I stay home, I'll just end up working or falling asleep with five cats in front of the television." She shrugs to Slinky, who was intently staring up at her.

"So yeah, we can do dinner. Where we going, and what time you wanna swing by?"

...After feeding the cats, tidying up the living room, showering and changing clothes, there wasn't a whole lot of time left before Trey would come. Ariel grimaces at herself in the mirror, while trying to figure out what to do with her hair. Finally she just leaves it down, letting it fall wherever it wanted. 

Ready to go, she sits near the living room window, watching the street so Trey wouldn't have to wait long. 


As Hunter's hand slides behind her head Katie backs away just a little bit. She new what was coming and she was trying to make it a little easier. She didn't care who was around really she was just so happy to see Hunter, everything else drowned out, and he was all that mattered at the moment.

Katie could feel her heart start to race as Hunter's lips touch her own. It had been a while and she really had missed him. Deeping the kiss a little Katie let him know she missed him. Pulling away Katie can't help but look up at Hunter and give a big grin.

   "Well if thats only going to last you an hour than we should do dinner tonight so you can get another one."

Turning her head into Hunter's hand a little bit Katie liked the feel of his skin against her. His hands rough but gentile as they brushed her skin. She'd missed them, had longed to feel them and now here he was standing in front of her. Katie was very happy about that.

   "Oh how I missed you too. It was a nice surprise."

Hearing Jaz question Jamie takes a sip of her tea quiet for a second. She almost could have guessed that was what Jaz was going to ask. Her scar had faded but it was still easy to make out it hardly ever went unnoticed unless someone new her well.

   "No, your information is correct, but what you don't know is I forgave Carson a long long long time ago for what he'd done. God helped me through it, and now Carson is just another man who's changed I've seen it. "

Setting her cup down and Looking up at Jaz Jamie gives a smile. She could see the confusion in her eyes and she didn't blame her..it was hard for someone to take in for sure.

   "Forgiveness and God are two powerful things. Never underestimate them."

Hearing Ariel's voice on the other line Trey sits up a little straighter. With how long the phone had been going off he didn't think she would have answered. But he was happy she did.

   "Hey there. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to have dinner tonight? Pete said I could use his car again.

Trey picks at a string on the blanket. He'd enjoyed being able to pick Ariel up and not have to rely on her coming to get him. It was a nice change and he hoped she was enjoying it too.

No Idea

Katie's reaction brings a wide smile to Hunter's face and his arms automatically wrap around her, holding her tight. Laughing, he draws back a little to look down at her, his eyes twinkling. "Well, you know there's only one thing to do when you can't think of anything to say." 

Not caring where they were or if anybody was watching, Hunter's hand slides up behind Katie's head and without waiting for her to respond, he leans down and presses his lips to hers. Giving her a long, deep kiss, he finally pulls back with another smile. "Mmmmm, I've been waiting to do that ever since you left the ranch." He sighs with content. "That'll tide me over for... a couple hours maybe, tops." 

Grinning, he lets his hand cradle her face, his thumb caressing her cheek. "Man, I've missed you." His eyes were tired, but bright with life as he locks with her gaze. "You have no idea how hard it was not to tell you I was coming home today." 

Toying with her food for  a couple more seconds, Jaz finally looks up at Jamie again, the same question written on her face. "Well, I... I don't know, I just... I can't remember everything I was told, but I thought you were a victim when Carson was still with the Agency. But hearing the way you both talk about him, I must be mistaken." 

Having just gotten home from work and lovingly greeted her cats, Ariel sets down her purse and keys wearily. It had been a long day and she was bushed. 

Feeling her phone start to ring in her pocket, she furrows her brow, wondering who was calling her. Checking the number, she chuckles. Having just talked to her brother yesterday about Trey, it was rather amusing he was calling her today. 

Heading to the kitchen to get something to drink, and followed by a train of meowing cats, she answers the call. "Hi, Trey. What's up?" 



Deep in her work Katie didn't even notice anyone come into her cubicle or into it. She was behind a little today after over sleeping and she really didn't want to stay to late tonight so she was now trying to crunch everything.

As the hands go over her eyes Katie sits up a little straighter in surprised. Hearing the voice though a smile spreads across her face. Her heart seemed to start racing as excitement. She'd been waiting so long for him to come home and now that he was here she couldn't help it.


Standing from her chair and turning around Katie throws her arms around him and burys her face into his shoulder. Taking in a big whif he still smelled like the ranch but he smelled of his motorcycle and leather too. It was a smell she had found was "his" smell.

   "I've missed you...Wow...I thought I new what to saw when I saw you again but now...now I don't know."

Sitting across from Con and next to Jaz Jamie listens to the questions that were asked and answered. She didn't mind being quiet and just listing to everything and take it all in. She felt bad for Jaz and her heart did go out. Her own situation what seemed like long ago was different but she'd been trapped too and she new how frighting it was.

   "Crazy or not I do give Carson credit for at least trying. I think it's silly he is trying alone but..considering where he was a while ago He's really come a long way."

Looking at Jaz and seeing her looking back at her Misty gives a smile. She was wondering what Jaz was thinking about as she looked at her. What thought's were running through her mind.

   "If you have a question your free to ask it. I promise we don't bite at all."

Laying on his bed in the small cell that was still his room Trey lets out a sigh. He'd been taking so long making up his mind if he wanted to stay or go and he new it was just dragging. He'd been hanging out with Pete and Ariel here and there and it was nice and he had a good time but he wondered would they really stick with him or if he stayed would they shy away?

Reaching for his phone and pulling it out he dials Ariel's number. He didn't know if she would answer or not but he wanted to know if she would like to have dinner tonight. He'd like to talk to her about a few things too. 


Lying on his stomach in bed after supper, Hunter reads Katie's text and smiles broadly. He needed to get to sleep, but he'd answer her one more time.

To: Katie
From: Hunter
Soon Babe... soon. :)

Still smiling, he rolls his eyes. He couldn't help one more.

To: Katie
From: Hunter
Sweet dreams, princess. 
More texts tomorrow. Promise.

Yawning and burying his head further into his pillow, he keeps his phone close, even though he does try to go to sleep. There'd be no late night card games tonight.

The rest of the day was long, and the night even longer. But with the help of another couple shots from Rick, Carson was forced to sleep away the hours, giving his body no choice but to rest. And in the morning after sleeping late, he was prompted to at least eat some toast and have some orange juice, which he took without complaint. He remained in his room, quiet enough that Rick was rather concerned, but let him be for now. At noon, Susanne brought him some chicken noodle soup for lunch. She didn't say much... Carson couldn't tell if she was upset with him or not, but at least it didn't look like she hated him. After eating half the soup he laid back down again, his mind wandering to the infirmary over and over and over again. But today, he didn't go. Today, he kept himself from seeing Misty. And it hurt. It hurt so badly. But it was true... she really did hate him and didn't want him back. And all his presence did was upset her. Instead of being a comfort and joy to her, he was a menace and stress. All because he'd lied to save her? It was a rotten reward. 

"Reese said we'd give you protection if you wanted it, at least until this thing dies down. Carson's still convinced we can find the guy behind all this." Con leans back in the kitchen chair having come home from work for lunch. Taking a sip of his water, he cocks his head, studying Jaz. "What do you think?" 

"I think Carson's delusional. I have from the beginning." Jaz nibbles on her BLT, enjoying even the simple sandwich. It really did taste good. She'd slept better last night than she had in a long while and had even slept late. She also appreciated Con and Jamie letting her do so. 

Con quirks an eyebrow and exchanges a glance with Jamie before looking back at Jaz. "Delusional?"

"Thinking he can outsmart the Agency." Jaz shakes her head. "I told him it wouldn't work - that he couldn't take them down himself. But he's always been thickheaded."

"That much is true." 

Jaz is quiet for a few moments before daring to look over at Jamie and noticing again the faded scar on her face. Her mouth opens to say something, but she shuts it again, looking back at her lunch. What she'd really like to know was whether or not Carson gave her that scar, and if he had, why these two people didn't hate him.

The air was filled with the sound of crickets chirping their nightly song. The sky was dotted with stars, signaling clear weather. And a chilly breeze blew - a reminder that morning was a long way off yet. It was the middle of the night, perfect for travel.

"I... really don't know how to thank you." Hunter stares back at Mick, feeling an odd sort of churn in his stomach. Or was it his heart? He was all ready to go. His bike was packed. He'd said his goodbyes to everyone else last night after supper. And his keys were in hand.

Mick smiles warmly and shakes his head as they stand in the driveway. "That's 'cause you don't have to."

"I feel like I do." Hunter tries to swallow the lump in his throat as he shifts his weight. It had been a long time since he'd felt anything like this. "I feel so ready to leave, yet... a part of me doesn't want to."

Mick chuckles. "That just means you'll be back."

Hunter sighs but nods. He knew it was time. It was time for him to return to Nevada. Time for him to return to his life. Time for him to move on. He holds out his hand for a handshake. "Goodbye, Mick."

Mick grasps his hand firmly before pulling him in for a hug instead. Drawing back, his hand gives Hunter's shoulder a strong pat. "You are welcome here anytime, Hunter. I mean that. Day or night. You're part of this family now whether you like it or not."

Hunter bites his lip as his emotions increase their churning. "You know, I..." He pauses to clear his throat. "I told Dylan once that I was jealous of him... that I wished I had a dad like you." He nods as he takes a deep breath but he's not sure he can say what he really wants, while still remaining composed.

Mick's smile returns and he nods his understanding. "Consider yourself adopted. I don't think Rosetta will mind."

A laugh surfaces, as do the unwanted tears, but Hunter ignores them as he holds his smile. "I will be back," he promises.

"Good. Now get going before you lose too much time. You've got a young lady waiting on you."

Hunter nods again and finally turns to walk to his bike. Donning his helmet and firing up the engine he exchanges a final wave with Mick before heading down the driveway. Almost to the road, a figure appears from the shadows, and he stops, taking off his helmet.

Dylan wanders closer, his hands tucked in his pockets. "You leaving for good?" he asks loudly over the motorcycle's idling engine.

Hunter shakes his head. "Wild horses couldn't keep me away."

Dylan eyes him for a moment before nodding. "Good." He holds out his hand. "Don't kill yourself on your trip. I hate funerals."

Hunter laughs, knowing that was as close to, "I'm gonna miss you," as he was going to get, and he gives Dylan's hand a hearty shake. "You got it."

Dylan steps back from the bike again and gives a wave, waiting until Hunter was zipping down the road before he turns and wanders back up the driveway. He sees Mick still standing near the barn, and his pace slows, but he finds himself continuing his path until coming up in front of him. "Little late for an old man like you to be up, isn't it?"

Mick's eyebrows rise until he sees a rare teasing glint in Dylan's eyes and a grin creeps across his mouth. "Me? An old man? Boy, I feel younger every day."

Dylan returns a faint sort of smile before turning and aiming for his bunk. After only a couple steps though, he stops and turns, just studying his father for several minutes. "You staying home for supper tonight, right?"

Mick nods. Being one o'clock in the morning, it really was the next day, and it was their usual day to have supper at home - him, Rosetta and BJ.

Dylan shrugs. "Mind if I come over?"

It takes all Mick has not to act too excited. Dylan had come over several times lately with Hunter, but this was the first time he'd asked on his own without being invited or prompted. A wide smile forms. "I don't mind a bit."

"Okay." Dylan gives a little shrug before turning back around and once more heading for his bunkhouse.

Watching his son for several minutes, Mick draws in a rather shaky breath before turning his gaze to the sky. Thank you... for a new son... and a son who is slowly returning. Guide their paths... and please help me be the father I need to be. 

It turned out to be a great day for traveling, as far as the weather and traffic went. Hunter was able to make few stops and also made very good time... perhaps better time than he should have, while pressing the speed limit with his motorcycle. Arriving in Nevada at least an hour sooner than anticipated though, was a nice bonus.

Having not told Katie he was coming home today, he'd texted her on his stops, never lying, but purposely giving her the impression he was still back at the ranch. Now late afternoon, he was exhausted from the trip, but pleased that there was still half a day remaining before he'd consider going to bed. He'd had longer nights than this and survived...

...Ambling across the main floor of TJY, his leather jacket creaks slightly, his motorcycle boots thumping rhythmically on the tiles. Seeing a few people notice him, he raises a finger to his lips for them to keep quiet. The stares returned were leery, but he didn't care.

Getting to Katie's cubicle, he slips silently in behind her chair, staring over her shoulder for a moment as she worked on her computer. Moving quickly, he puts his hands over her eyes while remaining behind her. "Guess who. And if you're wrong, I'm going back to Texas."

Tell Angel

Grace can't help but laugh again as she looks at the set of pictures. It sure did look like he was ready to get back at whoever had got him with the pie in the face but the twinkle in his eye was no an angry one. There was more playfulness than anything and Grace new in that pic he was human.

Getting to the last page Grace was a little sad to bring the book to a close but at the same time it had been fun and get enjoyed herself. Just learning that much more about Jared was nice. Looking to him and giving a smile and a nod he would see her soon.

   "You bet ya, and without you even knowing it you've been absentmindedly moving your toes so I wouldn't say you didn't work today as well."

Sliding off the bed and turning Grace hims a small nod. She'd seen Jared moving his toes while they were looking at the pictures but she had not said anything. If she drew attachen to it he might stop, or considerate to hard on it and than it wouldn't work.

   "I'll see you soon Jared, take care of yourself till than."

Getting Hunter's messages Katie smile. Home now herself and snuggled on the couch watching TV Katie was dozing but her phone woke her. She didn't mind since it was Hunter and she'd been waiting for his reply.

To: Hunter
From: Katie

Hey a brace is not bad at all. I think thats something
easy to deal with. I'm glad Angel is happy that your
healing well.

Katie had been missing him lots. In a way it was just boring without him around and she didn't have much to do but sit and do nothing at all.

To: Hunter
From: Katie

Poor UNO, I'd say bring her with you but
something about about a kitty on the back of does
not sound good. I miss eating with you too. They
are to quiet now. Tell Angel to let you come
home now.


Jared looks a little closer at the picture and shakes his head. "I have no idea what that was about. I don't remember it at all." He grins. "But knowing me, I did get back at whoever did it. I was awfully good at that." 

Before he knew it, they were turning the last page in the album and their hot chocolate was long gone. Jared was feeling quite tired, but...it had been worth it. Now though, he knew that Grace had probably stayed much longer than planned, and she more than likely had things she needed to do. 

Flipping the album shut, he turns his head to just study Grace's face for several moments. This was the first day in quiet a while that he felt like maybe, just maybe, life might be worth living again. And he owed it to her. 

"So... see you again in a couple days? I promise I'll actually be ready for therapy on my legs this time."

It was several hours before Hunter finds himself wandering back into the ranch yard and heading for his bunk. Though unusually quiet, it would take a good eye to notice any tears had fallen. And if anyone did notice, they didn't draw attention to it. 

After touching base with a few of the guys and promising he'd be at supper, he continues to his bunkhouse where he flops down on his bed to chill for just a short while before he'd clean up for the evening. Having left his cell phone here while going off by himself, he checks it now, smiling at receiving a text from Katie. He hoped she hadn't worried when he hadn't answered right away, but most likely she had just assumed he was busy.

To: Katie
From: Hunter
Hey Babe. :) Yeah knee is doing pretty well
actually. Got a brace Ima have to wear all
the time for a while. But I can hack that. 
Angel seems pleased with the progress. 

To: Katie
From: Hunter
Miss u bunches too. I like the meals here but
miss sitting with u. No one to play footsie
with. ;) Altho I gotta tell u... UNO isnt 
gonna be happy when I leave. U might have a 
bit of competition there! lol

Prying himself from his bed, he goes to take a shower then enjoy supper with the others. Tonight would be a little different... but a good different. And he would have so much to tell Katie when he saw her again. It was just too much to text.

Jaz manages to give Nate a little smile, grateful for all his help. Following him out to the car, it was a quiet trip to TJY, but somehow, Jaz felt herself able to relax just a little bit. She felt safe with Nate - an Elite agent who was trying to help and keeping her protected. 

Once at TJY, it wasn't long before finding out that Jamie had agreed to letting her stay with her and Con. After checking to make sure Carson really was okay, Jaz hangs out for a while before eventually going home with Jamie. She felt quite awkward, but also grateful. Sleeping in the spare bedroom, knowing that a big guy like Con was there was comforting in a way, and she appreciated it.


As Jared backs away to look at the pictures again Grace still smiles looking down again. There moment had come and gone for now but it was something she would remember. It had been special to her made her heart flutter there was no forgetting that.

  "Your a little monkey. I like this picture there is just...something about it. You look like your having fun."

Moving a little closer to Jared and down slightly in the bed to get comfortable Grace continues to look at all the pictures. She really was enjoying herself and it was nice having Jared explain them to her. It was a way of getting to know him just little better.

   "Hey what about this one? It looks like someone put a pie in your face, but you have that look like you got them back too."

Hearing Jaz say she would come back to TJY with him Nate was happy. He really did want her safe and taken care of for now. He just cared about her. Giving a nod to her as she goes to pack her bag Nate new he'd come back to get the rest of her stuff if he needed to and didn't mind at all.

   "Take your time I'm not in much of a hurry."

Sitting down on the couch Nate sits and wait while looking around a little bit and taking everything in the room in. Maybe trying to get a feel for this while thing but at the same time He wondered how much of this room was real and how much was just another part of the show.

As Jaz comes back into the room Nate stands once again and offers her a friendly smile. He wanted to make sure she had whatever she needed for now and they would be back. He'd be sure of that himself. Turning and making his way to the door he looks over he shoulder a little bit.

   "You're very welcome Jaz. I'd rather you safe than stuck here alone."

To: Hunter
From: Katie

Some days seem longer than others and its on those
days I miss you and sitting at the ranch the most. 
Hows the knee and your ride the other day? Did it 
hold up ok?


Been a while...

Seeing Grace smile, Jared feels a sense of relief - she hadn't minded his affection. She approved. 

Caressing her cheek with his thumb, he finally draws back, still holding her hand and giving it an extra squeeze. Did he really have feelings for her? Feelings deeper than friendship? Yes... he did. 

Leaning back against the wall again, he turns his focus back to the photos, leaving the moment with Grace to remain where it was - in the past, not to be spoiled by explanation or justification. It was what it was - nothing more, nothing less. 

"And this was a trip to the zoo apparently." Jared arcs an eyebrow at a picture of him hanging off a monkey statue. "But I... don't remember that." He grins, settling in closer to Grace. "Justin was always the quirker, not me. Must've been a rare moment."

Nate's question seems to go unnoticed for a moment as Jaz furrows her brow. "Con... as in Con Gibbs?" She'd heard about him - bad from the Agency, good from Carson. Wasn't his wife the one Carson had something to do with right before changing sides? Jaz couldn't remember. But if that was the case, maybe they didn't like Carson. And if they didn't like Carson, then there was a good chance they wouldn't like her. But if Con had seemed positive then...

Bringing her thoughts back into focus, she looks at Nate for a moment, hoping she could trust him as much as she felt she could. "Um... I'll... I'll come with you to TJY." Standing, she runs a hand through her hair trying to think of all she might need. At least her tears were dry for now. She wouldn't make Nate stay here though - he had better things to do. "Just... give me a couple minutes to throw a bag together in case I don't get back here right away."

It really didn't take her much longer than those couple minutes to gather a couple sets of clothes and a few personal items, thrown into a backpack. After all, she didn't have that much to begin with. After slipping on a pair of flipflops and pulling her hair back into a low ponytail, she finds Nate again, backpack slung over her shoulder. "Okay... I'm ready, and... thank you. I really appreciate this." 

"The nice thing is, that it doesn't matter where we've been or how far off the path we've strayed. He's still there waiting - unmoving and unchanging. No matter what we've done, His love and forgiveness covers it. And despite what we may think, He always wants us to talk to Him, no matter what we're feeling, good or bad. For me... well, I guess I learned a while back that life was a whole lot easier when I let Him share my burdens, rather than trying to do it all myself. I could handle a lot - but not enough. He didn't mind that it took me so long to realize it, and He was more than willing to take me in and give me the peace I'd needed but fought for so many years." 

Hunter sits under the tree in the pasture, his eyes watching the clouds roll by. It felt like just yesterday he and Katie were sitting here... yet almost like a lifetime as well. Time was funny. In a way though, the way he was feeling, it almost did seem as though a lifetime had passed for him. The way he thought... the way he processed things... the way he felt deep inside.

Mick's words from the day before had come back to him. Hunter had been helping him fix the hay baler and conversation had somehow turned to God. It was one of the few times Hunter had been willing to discuss it and... Mick really had made a lot of sense. Whether or not he had though, there was an undeniable ache in the pit of Hunter's heart, and he knew good and well what it was from. He'd known all along - he'd just been unwilling to admit it. 

Squinting at the sunlight sky, he sighs deeply. He'd realized many things over the last few weeks. Things about himself. About why he did some of the things he did. About issues he'd avoided for so long. His parents - his father in particular. Kyle. His drinking. Having felt little love growing up and having been rejected as he was, it was no wonder he reacted the way he did to any rejection after that. It just... hadn't made sense until now. It was no wonder he'd overreacted with Kyle - with Alice and the whole Break Out incident. His wanderings all had to do with him running away from what he was really feeling. And his drinking... it was just a lousy habit of trying to numb what he'd thought were just surface feelings - when in reality it had been the deeper wounds he'd been trying to bury. 

It all made sense now. He'd just never thought through it before. He'd never taken the time to look at his hurt and figure out why it was there to begin with. And now that answers were falling into place... there was just one more piece missing. One more thing to do before true healing could begin. Before he could start letting go of the things he needed to.

"God... I know it's been a while..."

"So you dating him, or what?" Colt crunches on a potato chip, sitting with Ariel in the grass by the pasture fence as they ate lunch. 

Ariel shrugs and takes a sip from her water bottle. "Naw. I mean, we've gone out a few times, but that's it. Last I knew, he still hadn't decided if he was even staying or going back to Mexico - not exactly something I want to get involved with if he's just gonna take off." 

Colt quirks an eyebrow. "He's still staying with the Elite?" 

"Yeah. I don't think he likes it, so I don't know why he won't make up his mind. They've even offered to help him find his own place."

"Hmm. Sounds like he would rather go back home to me."

"I can't tell." Ariel finishes of her sandwich, chewing thoughtfully. "He's got an awfully thick wall. Every once in a while I see through it and get a glimmer of the guy inside, but then he's right back to hiding himself." 

"Maybe he has a lot to hide." 

Ariel smirks at her brother. "You still don't like him, do you?" 

"Well, first impressions do a lot." Colt recalls seeing Trey drunk at Ariel's place. "What I see is a spoiled guy with little self-control and who is taking advantage of his situation by living free until he can get his butt in gear and make up his mind for himself. Maybe if he had his mommy, he'd-" Colt stops short as he receives a whack over the head - a hard one. "Ouch!" 

Ariel scowls at him. "Must you be so doggone negative all the time?"

"I just call it as I see it." Colt rubs his head. "Maybe that was harsh, but you know I'm picky when it comes to guys who hit on my sister." 

Ariel can't help her grin. "And if I wasn't your sister?" 

Colt shrugs. "Then I'd say he's a guy who seems to have little direction, and I'd feel kinda bad for him."

"Hmm." Ariel is skeptical, but she accepts it. 

Colt munches on a couple more chips, squinting out across the pasture. He always enjoyed the days when his sister could join him at the stable... even if he might not admit it aloud. "Think he'd like to come to the church picnic?" 

"Don't know. I can ask though." Ariel gives him a sidelong glance, her grin returning. "You ol' softy, you." 

Colt's lips curl into a smile. "Just don't tell anybody. Might ruin my reputation."

Ariel scoffs. "Don't fool yourself - everybody knows you're a softy."