
Hated them

Sitting with Ty Libby curls into him a little. Her bruises and cuts had healed, any only a few let some scars but the remnants of what happened was starting to fad other than the pain in ones heart. But with the help of those who cared it became a little easier to deal.

"Oh, thank you Ty. I had been looking in the paper but I felt strange living with someone I didn't know. But since you know Dani thats a little more comforting."

Taking the paper from Ty Libby holds it looking at it for a long moment. Turning her head to see Ty Libby leans over and gives him a soft kiss on his lips. She'd enjoyed staying with him and Wyatt but she also new that finding her own space would be nice too.

"Maybe after you go to work tonight I'll swing by Mom and Pop's to talk with her. Thank you Ty."

Hearing Justin talk about his mom again Beth listens. A small smile seemed to spread across her lips hearing about how she screamed over a little turtle. Though the smile once more was gone as fast as it came.

"Maybe only for a few hours she would have. My mom was always the one that liked different kind of strange things. Dad always hated them though and they didn't last long. "

Watching Justin again as he works with the fish again Beth gives a little cringe as she watches him with the pliers trying to get the hook out of his mouth. Not because it was slimy and gross but she couldn't help but wondering if the poor fish was hurting, even if it was just part of the food chain.

Hearing Justin's question asking if she wanted to reel the fish in Beth gives a little shake of her head as she pulls one of her knees close to her chest and leans her arm on it.

"No thank you. I'll....just...watch."

She didn't mind just sitting there and watching as her eyes still roamed the area. Just taking everything in it could almost be so easy to see it had been a long time since she had simply just enjoyed being outside for the fun of it.

Giving another laugh just because Chance himself was laughing Destiny shakes her head as she pulls the mugs out of the microwave. Putting the tea bags in and adding the milk and suger Destiny finally goes into the other room.

Coming over to Chance who was standing by the back of the couch Destiny gives a little laugh as she holds up the cup for him.

"Here you go just the way you like it."

Taking a sip of her own Destiny gives a smile and a small laugh again. Moving around to the couch Destiny eases down. The night was slowly coming to an end and now matter how she wanted it to stop it just wouldn't.

"How about we pop that movie in now?"

Another bass

Hearing Destiny start to laugh, Chance can't hold it in any longer and he starts to laugh too. Wandering towards the kitchen, he keeps his laughter quiet, though it doesn't last long. Leaning on the doorframe, he watches Destiny and shakes his head too.

"Next time I'll knock." He laughs some more, finding it even more funny with each passing moment. His eyes start to water and he puts a hand to his side as it aches. "I'm sorry but... but and... and the mouse and..."

Bending over, he has to walk away from the kitchen before he makes too much of a scene, going to lean on the back of the couch and trying to catch his breath.

A smile creases Justin's lips as he hears about Troy. At least Beth was talking to him. He'd been afraid she would simply lapse into total silence. "Troy, huh?"

He chuckles and sets the hook to begin a fight with another bass. "My brother and I had a turtle once... but when it got out of the aquarium, Ma made us get rid of it. Apparently she found it by the toilet in the bathroom though it's just as well we were down at the creek and couldn't hear her scream."

Landing the good-sized bass, Justin has trouble getting the hook out and has to revert to the pliers in his back pocket to finally dislodge it. "We never did bring critters in the house after that," he continues wryly. "I think we knew if we did, we'd be the ones kicked out and not the critter."

No sooner does he have the bass on the stringer with the other one, than the bobber on his other rod goes under the water. Acting quickly, he picks up that rod and sets the hook. "Feels like another bass," he muses.

Holding the bending rod steady, he looks over to Beth. "Wanna reel him in?"

Ty yawns and downs his glass of milk before wandering back into the living room and flopping down next to Libby to watch the rest of the B movie that was playing on television. He'd been asleep for several hours after getting home from work, and had opted to at least get some time in with Libby before he had to head out again tonight.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Fishing in his jeans pocket, he pulls out a piece of paper with a phone number scribbled on it. "Got a lead on a place for you. Someone looking for a roommate. Her name is Dani Banks... about your age." He thinks for a minute. "She's the blonde waitress down at Mom and Pop's... her brother works contract for TJY. Anyway... I know she's safe and all. Her brother got married and moved out a while back but she's wanting some company. So... I got her number for you. Or I guess you could drop by Mom and Pop's and see her too, if you're interested."


Looking at Chance Destiny can see the humor in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitch. She couldn't help the grin on her own face as she turned around to head to the kitchen. Throwing a comment over her shoulder a little humor could be sounded in his own voice.

"You can laugh its ok. I know I was to laugh anyways."

Continuing into the kitchen laughter can be heard as Destiny just lets it out. She was so embarrassed that laugh was really the only thing she could do. Taking the glasses from the cupboard and filling them with water Destiny's face still holds the stupid grin.

"Well, I guess at least a was semi I dressed right? It could of been a lot more embarrassing."

Giving another chuckle and continuing to make the tea Destiny gives a shake of her head. This whole thing was really silly, and now thinking about there reactions it was a little silly.

Sitting the little ways away Beth watches as Justen sets up his both of his poles. Closing paying attachen to what he was doing but not saying anything. She had never seen someone set up a pole before and it was rather interesting. Once he was done though Beth returns her eyes to the water just watching the soft rippled, and taking in the quiet sounds around her.

Turning her head again as Justin draws closer and starts to talk Beth stays quiet just listing. So Justin had lost his dad too before he should have? Was that why he liked helping people because he had his own problems he new how to over come?

"It is pretty here. The sounds are really nice too."

Beth wasn't sure what to talk about. Should she talk about fishing? Nature? The dogs? Maybe a little about herself? That was a topic that seemed to make her more nervous just thinking about it. If she offered information would just keep asking more questions?

Picking a peace of grass Beth playing his it for a long moment, taking another peace and tieing it to the other, than taking another and tieing it.

"My sister and I had a turtle we found at a pond once. My mom said we could bring it home. His name was Troy."

Beth rolls her eyes at herself. That was really something great to talk about a turtle she once had. Real smart thinking. Just turning her eyes to the water again Beth's eyes wonder to where some noise was over in the brush but just realizing it was the Dog's Beth relaxes again.