

As Ty takes the guitar Libby smiled and gave a small nod. She was happy her new found friend would play the game with her. Giving a chuckle at his comment she did nothing to draw attention to it.

After a few moments of setting the game up and than reading off the songs so Ty could pick the one he wanted the game started. Laughter rang from the room as Libby showed Ty how to play, did her own stuff and even tryed to be silly about it.

"Oh Green....red, red....AHHH they had to throw in an orange and mess me up didn't they."

Laughing again and moving on to more songs time passed quicker than anyone realized. It deffintly was nice having someone worth wild to hang out with. Singing along with the song on the last few notes Libby does a fake bow as it ends. Panting for breath as she turns to Ty.

"Your pretty good at this. Keep practicing and you might give me a run for my money."

Giving a little jump at JT's firm tone Amanda backs away a little bit. Not that she was scaired but only shocked for a moment still not knowing what was going on. Being pulled back to look at JT Amanda now notices how he was dressed and found it slightly odd. Though in the back of her mind she couldn't help but see his more charming features in the black getup.

"You will have a chance to tell me while we drive than. Get in the back with Bree, here is my medical kit. See if you can clean her arms up a bit they look like they are getting infected."

Not thinking twice Amanda goes to her car again she didnt know what she was getting herself into or why. But she could tell by the look in JT's eyes he needed the help badly and that was good enough for her.


Relieved that Amanda was coming, JT hangs up his phone and waits. He swivels in his seat to lean back and check on Bree, checking her pulse and responsiveness. He wasn't happy, but she was stable at the moment and that's all he could ask for.

Not long after his call, he spots headlights in the distance. He braces himself in case it is not a friend, but as it pulls up behind his car, he sees it's Amanda. He's out of the car by the time she gets to the back door and doesn't even have time to step into the lights from her car or to say anything before she's checking on Bree.

"No!" His response was short and harsh. "I've got to get her out of town."

Knowing that Amanda might fight him because of the doctor in her, he takes her by the shoulders and moves her away from the car so she can actually see him. He was still in black, his hair matted and sweaty and his face was still showing smeared face paint.

Looking her in the eye, his tone is stern. "Look, I don't have time to explain everything now. I got a whole squad of cops on my tail." His gaze begs her to believe him, his hands still on her shoulders. "I've got to get to Texas. Now if I can borrow your car, I'll have it driven back. Either that, or you'll have to come with us and drive so I can help Bree. But no matter what, I've got to get out of state. Please, Amanda... I'd only be asking you for this if I really needed it. Bree and I both need this vehicle, with or without you. Please... you have to trust me. But you've got to tell me in the next thirty seconds."

Ty squints a little at Libby, a smile playing with his lips again. She really was different. Shaking his head, he rolls his eyes and sets his cup down. "Cakewalk, huh?."

Reaching out, he takes the guitar and puts the strap up and over his shoulder. If Libby wanted him to play that badly, he would. He thought it looked like fun and if she didn't care he couldn't get through the words, then he didn't have a problem sticking around. "Alright. You read and I'll follow."

Late Hour

Searching Ty's face for a long moment. Being informed he couldn't read Libby didn't bat an eye. Thinking for a long second she picks up her drink and take a long sip. She could tell by the look on Ty's face he was embarrassed and the last thing Libby wanted to do was embarrass him even more.

Continuing to hold the guitar out to Ty Libby's air doesn't change. Its the same as when he first came into the arcade. She did in fact still want to play with him. Not being able to read was a silly reason to be held back from having fun.

"Here, you can play anyways. I'll just read off the song we are able to play right now and you can tell me what one sounds like a good one to try. Than from there its a cake walk. I know you will have fun playing."

Letting out his own frustrated growl Dalton wanted to do more. Interrupt radio signals, or something. He felt so helpless just having to sit back and watch.

Giving a glance over to Scott he gives a nod. He would never be able to sleep even if he tryed right now. So he might as well stay with Scott.

"Lets take to clear this stuff down while we wait. I'm not going any where eather."

Rolling over in bed at the sound of the phone Amanda sits up in bed squinting at the alarm clock. It wasnt unusal to get a phone call this late from the hospital but normally they would use her pager.

Sitting up and flipping the little bedside light on Amanda takes her glasses from the dresser and puts them on before picking up the phone. Her voice was sleepy evident that, that is what she had been going.


Hearing JT's voice on the other line Amanda sits up a little straighter, it wasnt every day he called her let alone at this time of night. Something had to be wrong. Hearing that JT needed to use her Amanda was a little hesitant not knowing all the details. But she new she could trust JT and if she was there too what would be the harm.

"Give me about ten minutes and I will be there."

Hanging up the phone Amanda is quick to get out of bed, throw on some sweat pants, and over sized sweat shirt, and pull up the hood. Something told her to bring her Dr bag as well so she did.

In under 5 minutes Amanda had her stuff together, and was locking the door behind her. The drive sixty-two wouldn't take long. She could make it there in less than 3 minutes.

Once on the road Amanda slows her speed down not sure exactly where JT was on this dark road. But seeing the reflection of the car in her headlights She pulls behind the car and gets out.

"JT, whats going on?"

Glancing into the back seat and seeing the condition of his passenger Amanda's heart leaps knowing who she was. Not really giving him a chance to reply she had the back seat open and was leaning in looking over Bree.

"What happened? You need to get Bree to a hospital not take her out of town. You should know that from looking at her."

Amanda's eyes held worry and question not knowing what was going on and what had happened to Bree.


Ty watches Libby play, grinning as he sees how good she is. Leaning back against the wall, he tucks one hand halfway in his jeans pocket, cocking his head a little. This young woman was different... nice. And she actually wanted to interact with him. It was definitely better than nodding off on the couch while watching a boring B movie to kill the free time.

Libby's question though, brings him back to reality. Looking her in the eye, he knows he really doesn't have a choice here. He could fake it and maybe get away with it, but Libby was smart. And if he declined, she might think he didn't want to play the game with her, which wasn't true.

Sipping on his rootbeer, he knew that he was taking an awfully long time to answer her. He wanted to avoid this. Most of the time, people either decided he was too stupid to do anything, or they tried to baby him through whatever it was they were doing. Even on the rare occasion that a friend genuinely wanted to help, his embarrassment and frustration kept that at a distance. No matter what, it always ended badly.

Finally, Ty shrugs. "I can give it a whirl, but... I can't pick the songs or anything." His thumb taps on the lid of his cup, making nervous noise. "Look, Libby..." He tries not to be embarrassed. He tries not to let it show, but he knew his eyes would give him away. She'd find out sooner or later anyway. "...I can't read."

He purses his lips and nods once. It was a fact. "So yeah... my choices of games are a bit limited here."

Gunner has never known quite the same pain in his heart as he feels right now, looking into eyes so empty that were so full of life the last time he saw them. "Oh, Bree." Taking her hand, he kisses it gently, putting his own palm against her face. "What did they do to you, huh?"

Standing up, he takes Bree and shifts her in the bed, making sure one blanket stayed wrapped around her. Then slipping his arms under her, he lifts her up so her head can rest on his shoulder. "Alright... let's get you out of here."

Just as Gunner is ready to leave the room, JT suddenly backs through the door, shutting it almost all the way. He puts a finger to his lips and Gunner holds Bree a little tighter. Passing footsteps are heard out in the hall. Once they die away, JT cracks the door and makes sure the coast is clear. Before leaving though, he takes a step towards Gunner, reaching out to touch Bree's hair. Righteous anger flowed through him. It was hard to see her in the dark, but her lack of movement and response told him that she was not in good shape. She was strong, and she could recover, but JT didn't know if he could ever forgive his sister and brother-in-law for this.

"We gotta go," Gunner urges.

JT shoves aside his feelings for now and turns back to the hall, leading the way.

"You're clear on hall two." Scott doesn't take his eyes off the cameras. "Dalton, bring up cam five."

Gunner walks easily with the precious cargo in his arms. JT stays in the lead, his gun drawn, but hoping he did not have to use it. Only having to duck into a supply room once on Dalton's cue, they made it down to the ground level once again, heading to the same door they'd come in.

Scott sees movement on one of the cameras the same time Dalton does. "Gunner, JT, don't go around that corner. Repeat, don't move. Two bogies at the door."

Gunner and JT skid to a halt and look at each other with worry. JT is quick to glance around. There were no doors. No empty rooms. The only escape route was through the two men or back down a long hall.

"Get of there," Scott warns. "They're coming your way." He gives Dalton a worried glance. Where the two doctors had come from, he didn't know. Somehow they must have slipped under the other cameras. The only good thing was they hadn't gone outside yet and discovered the guard who was... Scott's eyes widen. He'd thought too soon.

The unconscious guard is spotted. The doctors reach the emergency phone by the door.

Scott's stomach churns. "Gunner, they called the cops. Get out of there, now."

Gunner and JT had just turned around to go for the hallway, and now break into a run. "Scott, what happened?" Gunner hisses.

"They found the guard."

"Great. What's door three look like?"

"Locked down, but head for it. Go." Scott brings up another screen and hands the task off to Dalton. "Get that thing unlocked. I'm gonna try to find out how long they got before the cops get there.

The next few minutes are a nightmare. The two doctors had found Gunner and JT and had cornered them near one of the exits, but a shot from JT had forced them to stay back. Panic was setting in and it wasn't good.

"We gotta get out of here." Gunner holds Bree close, breathing heavily. "Hang with us, Bree... we're gonna get you out."

JT waits for the click of the door, his hand resting on the handle. "Alright, lets move."

"You're too late guys," Scott warns. "The cops are right outside." The outside security camera showed five cruisers and about eight officers with flashlights and guns drawn. "They're armed and know you two are inside. I intercepted the communication - they don't know who you are, but they know you've got Bree."

"Great." Gunner leans against the wall and tries to think.

"What if we-"

"We're going out." Gunner cuts off JT. "I'm taking Bree and you're gonna walk behind me with the gun so nobody fires. We're going to walk straight down to the car."

"Are you mad? They'll gun us down."

"Not with a patient they won't. Bree's our ticket out." Gunner looks up to one of the cameras, speaking into his mic. "Dalton... Scott... your job is done. I want you to close up and go home so you've got an alibi. Shut down our communication link so they can't trace it." He pauses, giving a nod. "Thank you."

Once JT signals he's ready with his pistol, the door is unlatched and they walk out into the beams of flashlights and the shouts to halt and lower weapons. But when the police see JT's got a gun and that he patient is still with them, they back off, trying to talk them out of it.

Gunner squints in the lights, but continues to walk, straight and tall. His eyes remain on the walkway down through the open gate and to the car across the street. Lights flash and shouting resounds in his ears, but he ignores it all. Fire blazed behind his gaze, his tight jaw hidden under the black and green of paint that had become war paint.

JT's back pressed against Gunners as he walked backward, his handgun stretched out and threatening any officer who made a move towards them.

Scott throws off his mic with a growl and runs his hands through his hair. "They're never gonna get out of there... I knew they needed a bigger team." Sighing, he looks to Dalton. They could still hear the police radio communication, but it didn't look good. "I don't know about you, I'm not going home until I know what happened."

Gunner and JT walk across the street and to the car, Gunner managing to get the door open and setting Bree in the back seat. He runs his hand along her face for a moment, not wanting to leave her. But he knew he had to. "Hang in there... I'll see you soon. I promise."

Standing again, he shuts the door and looks to JT, who was still threatening the police. "I want you to take her out of here."

"But what about you?"

"If we both go, they're going to follow us and we'll never make it. If I stay and give myself up, it'll give you enough of a head start to get out of here."


"You gotta do it, JT... please... give me the gun and go."

JT's eyes fill with indecision. But right now, Bree was most important to him. "Alright."

Handing off the handgun, he slips into the car and starts the engine.

Gunner is quick to step away and wave the gun around, keeping the cops away. When an officer advances, he puts the gun to his own head. "Back off!" he barks.

"Sir, calm down. Take it easy."

Gunner knew that the police would always try to avoid a suicide. He keeps the gun to his head. "Take it easy?" he shouts angrily. "I'll take it easy." He fires a shot in the air, then puts the barrel back to his head. He hears the car leaving down the street and knows that JT is out of sight.

Keeping the police occupied for a few more minutes, he finally lowers his gun. They quickly advance on him with ready handcuffs. It was over.

Heading down the road, JT guns it, not caring about red lights or stop signs. He heads to the edge of town, continually looking in his mirror to make sure the cops have not found out yet. Just as he hits the back road that will lead him straight to the highway he was aiming for, his car gives a sputter.

"No... no, no, not now, you bucket of bolts!" JT slams his hand on the steering wheel, but it doesn't do any good. "No!"

The car gives one last lurch before he has to baby it onto the shoulder where it dies. He knew that there was no point in trying to get out and see what was wrong. "God, now what do I do??" He was desperate. Throwing off his baseball cap, he wipes some of his face paint off and takes off his gloves. He turns to check and make sure Bree was okay, giving her arm a gentle pat. "Hang in there, kiddo."

Taking his cell phone, he stares at it. He couldn't call Scott or Dalton. Once the cops figured out who Gunner was, they'd be all over other Elite agents and they'd never get out of the state. But who else was there?

One name came to mind but JT hesitates. Was it worth the risk? At this point, it was the only chance he'd get. He knew she wasn't working tonight.

Dialing, he waits, knowing that he probably will have woken her. "Amanda? It's JT... Jack Timble... look... I don't have time to explain and I'm sorry.... but I need a car and I need it bad. I'm out on sixty-two with a dead engine and I've got to get out of town tonight. Please... you're the only one I could call. Can you help me?"


Libby gives a laugh at Ty's comment about not knowing music to be able to play the game. So far she had, had a blast showing Ty everything. He seemed intrested in what she had to say as well witch was always a plus.

"Thats actually true to an existent. If you know how to play the guitar normally your going to always want to play the way your really meant to. So that can really mess you up when starting out. But knowing the beats so you can get into the rhythm of the song helps as the same time."

Setting the extra guitar down Libby smile. She was happy that at last Ty would watch and than maybe try afterwards.

Pulling the strap around her shoulders and than putting it into place Libby starts it up. Stopping on the song page she just looks at it for a long moment deciding what song she wanted to choose.

"Lets see, how about we try...Living on a Prayer first. Thats one of my favorites."

Standing up the phone Libby puts her fingers into place on the guitar lining them up with the different colors. As the music starts Libby becomes totally focused on the screen as the different color buttons come up and her fingers move at the same time hitting the colors show to make the beat. Her foot seems to tap to the beat as well trying to keep rhythm for her.

After a few minutes the song ends and Libby seemed to be panting for breath. Wiggling her fingers she looks back to Ty and smiles.

"You want to try with me now with me? Its pretty easy once you get the hang of it and I promise not to put it on expert mode till you think your ready."

After making sure the mics were working and everyone was coming in clear Dalton's eyes scan the computers as his fingers continue to work.

"Watch on your way out, the east hallway. Not always but sometimes I have seen a nurse walking there. Doing who knows what i dont know."

Continuing to just watch Dalton inserts the video feed where needed so no one was the wiser on who was in the hallways or even Bree's room. It was risky, and Dalton didn't know how long he could hold it but his only hope was that everything would be smooth as fast.

"Ok, camera's are good go on through."

In the still corner of the room an almost lifeless body is curled up. The gentil rocking was the only movement she made. Bree's mind had retreated to the dark corners to hide, and block out any pain.

Bruses lined Bree arms and wrists, makings left by the meds that had been injected, the straps that hald her down and the dark circles from the shock treatments. This kind of treatment was held off for the worse pasents, the ones who really were crazy and yet it still was hardly used. The fact alone that Bree wasnt in a coma was amazing.

Looking up at a voice Bree looks at Gunner scanning his face, but the only look on her own was a blank stair. There was no light in her eyes, there was no hidden smile, or smart joke emptiness is what looked back.

But moving her hand slowly Bree reached out to touch Gunner's face. Running her fingers over the side, his cheek in his jawbone as if she was trying to pull herself awake again but just couldnt.


Scott is glad for the extra swig of sugar and caffeine and accepts the can from Dalton, giving him a grateful look. Most days he was fine, but then every once in a while if he was taken by surprise, the old fear came back.

Gunner listens intently to what Dalton had to say, nodding as he processed. "Sounds great." He glances to JT. "You still in this?"

JT gives a little scoff. "You kidding me? I hit the end of my limit today, Gunner. We're getting her out of there."

Gunner would have smiled had he been in a better mood. Instead, he looks back to the two other men. "Alright... give us all you got."

They had an hour and a half. At that time, they would have a window to get in past the guards at the security gate. Once they were past, they'd head for the side entrance. They would have to get around or go through one guard - there was no way around that one, but Gunner didn't let that pause their plans.

While they made their way inside, Dalton and Scott would work on the inside security cameras, making sure hallway one, five, three, seven and eleven were secure, along with Bree's room. Gunner's plan was to slip in unnoticed, get Bree, then simply slip back out again. The trick would be avoiding the night workers. There wouldn't be as many during the day, but it was still a risk. It was agreed that if someone saw them, they would high-tail it. But no one was to be harmed unless their own lives were in danger. JT and Gunner both agreed to this.

An hour after arriving at TJY, Gunner and JT were now armed with sidearms. Each had donned black gloves and both still wore their caps. Dark face paint had been applied, giving them ample cover in the dark. The only light areas were those of their own eyes.

Scott surveys them from behind the desk. "It looks like you're going to get dropped into deep Africa or something."

"Feels like it." Gunner smirks. "At least in Africa we'd have trees."

Scott nods and sighs. It was going to be a long night. But both he and Dalton had agreed to work as late as required. "Good luck, you two. Test out the mics as soon as you get there but before you get out of the car."

"Right." Gunner nods and looks to JT. "Ready?"

"I was born ready."

Watching the two men leave, Scott shakes his head. "I hope they know what they're doing. They should have more backup than this." He knew the reasons they couldn't, but it was going to make the mission much harder...

The car was parked across the street from Crescentview. Gunner didn't like being that close, but they would need the vehicle nearby for when they came back out with Bree. Both men check their earpieces and mics.

"Testing... one, two, Scott, buddy, you there?"

Scott grins, hearing Gunner's voice. "Roger that." He looks to Dalton to make sure he was up and running too. "All's clear. JT?"

"Hearing you loud and clear."

"Good deal." Scott's eyes look at both screens, working together with Dalton seamlessly to bring up the right camera shots for the facility. "Two guards at the front gate, ready to switch. One of 'em is smoking at the moment."

Gunner takes his binoculars and zooms in on the security booth. "Got 'em."

"Watch your left flank going in. We got a blind spot, but I think there's nothing but a bush." Scott looks back and forth between computers. "Be ready to go in five... four... three..."

Gunner and JT slip out of the car and are sure to shut the doors quietly before slinking across the street and sticking to the shadows. Right on time, the guards leave their posts. There was a thirty-second window where JT and Gunner could scale the gate.

As soon as it's clear, both start climbing, neither saying a word, and concentrating on just getting to the other side. Both drop silently to the ground, crouch, then sneak into the bushes right as the new guards come.

Gunner makes eye contact with JT and gestures to the side of the building. JT nods.

Scott waits, knowing that the two men were quiet for a reason. If he and Dalton didn't see them on camera, it was a good thing.

Gunner and JT wait for a passing light before jogging along the perimeter and then flattening themselves up against the building. Making their way around the side, they met the guard that could cause the most trouble. Staying hidden, Gunner waits a moment, then takes a deep breath. Stepping out of the shadows, he grabs the guard from behind, disarming him and putting a hand over his mouth at the same time. The guard gives a cry but it's too muffled for anyone to hear. He struggles with Gunner for several moments, but after being put in a chokehold, it's not long before a lack of oxygen puts him to sleep. Gunner lets him slide to the ground and is breathing heavily. He looks to JT and nods, keeping his voice low.

"Alright, Dalton, we're going in the east door."

JT grabs the guard's key card and swipes it on the pad by the door. It clicks and they know they're in.

"Kill the cameras," Gunner whispers to Dalton.

Entrance into the building and down the hall went without a hitch. There were even fewer people than planned on and Gunner and JT had a relatively easy job getting through the building and up to Bree's room. Heading down the hall, JT's gun is drawn and he watches Gunner's back as he waits for Scott and Dalton's signal that the electronic door was open.

Slipping into the dark room, Gunner squints, trying to figure out where everything was. His leg bumps a table and he stops, then he spots the small bed in the corner and the figure curled up and still. His hear leaps into his throat and he tries to keep his emotions at bay for now.

Approaching quietly but quickly, he kneels in front of the bed. "Bree?" he whispers, running a hand through her hair. "Bree... it's me.... I'm getting you out of here... can you wake up?

Ty follows along behind Libby, finding most of what she had to say interesting. Some games he recognized and tagged them in his mind for the future. Games he knew were the safest.

Getting to the last room, Ty quirks an eyebrow. He'd heard about this game before, but had never played it. A smile quirks the corner of his mouth. "I've been told you don't have to know a lick of music to play."

Taking another sip of his pop, he eyes Libby a moment, contemplating her offer for him to try. He didn't know what it entailed, and that was dangerous. "Let me watch you first," he suggests.