
Bar and Grill

Giving Eli a nod as they walked back into the shop Scarlet lead the way once again. Getting inside and to the counter Scarlet just leaned against is slightly waiting for Eli to get all the paper work.

As he throws out the questions Scarlet answers them not minding some of the stuff was being repeated she new how filling out forms went.

"Its a Honda Rebel."

Turn around from the where she was leaning her back on the counter she could now look at Eli again. A soft sassy grin formed on her lips as he ask her once more.

"My last name is Carver and I like at 18 Busher st. My cell number is 563-9087 And I am free anytime to bring my bike in as long as it fit into your tight work loads."

Looking up at Eli letting her eyes meet his she stands there grinning at his comment. Just letting her eyes glitter and tant Eli's she thinks before speaking again.

"I don't think that question is on the form. This must be something new I have to pass for you huh?"

Giving a grin and chuckle Scarlet gives a shake of her head before looking up at Eli piercing her lips for a moment before she lets them slid into a grin again.

" I like eating at the bar and grill down town, and than sometimes at the Olive Garden too."

Continuing to hold Scott Hope didn't care he could get up. She didn't mind him being in her lap one bit. Continuing to rub his back and hair she did all she could to help him calm.

"Its ok Scott, you don't need to say sorry. You can lay here with me. I don't mind keeping you close to me right now."

Leaning her head back against the wall Hope closes her eyes for a moment feeling Scott fingers interlock with hers she gently gives it a squeeze back hearing his comment.

"I know you do Hun, I know you do...I hate them for what they did to you as well. Your safe now. I love you Scott."

Closing her eyes leaning aganst the wall she didnt fall into sleep but only state where her minded needed to heal the cracks that had been made. Still totally know what was going on around the room. She would see a little with Scott than go to talk Alec and Reese.


Eli's eyebrows rise as he feels Scarlet's hand wander up his arm and across his shoulders as she moves around to the other side. His eyes follow her the whole way, watching her as she lowers again to look at the bike.

"I might be able to connect the two," he muses. Though his mind had taken a detour and he was scrambling to get back on track. "C'mon and I'll fill out a bit of paperwork so the shop knows what's happening."

Leading the way back inside, Sandy's nowhere to be seen, so Eli goes around the desk himself, rifling through some papers until he finds the right forms. "Alright... so you got a Honda... and what model was it again?"

Jotting down the information, he proceeds to ask Scarlet her last name again, her phone number, and figures out what day to bring her bike in for the job.

Still looking down at the form and having rattled off all the questions, Eli glances up at her. "Oh, and what's your favorite restaurant?"

Too weak to pull away and still too confused to even think straight, Scott lets himself rest in Hope's arms as they sat on the floor. He shook all over, not understanding what Hope meant. He felt like he'd been stuck in some horrid dream, yet it had been so real. It was a place he never wanted to go again.

Shaking all over, Scott continues to cry, his emotions all askew. Sliding down farther, he winds up curled up beside her with his head in her lap, his arms tucked around himself. He didn't try to push her away though... she was the only thing to comfort him right now and as confused as he was, he needed that.

Scott didn't know how much time passes, but eventually he didn't even have the energy to cry anymore. He just lay in a heap, totally exhausted, his body forced to rest. Slowly, his trembling lessens and his pulse begins to return to a normal pace. He would have fallen asleep, but his mind was still trying to recover and sleep wasn't something is subconscious wanted to do.

Swallowing hard, Scott just lets Hope run her hand through his hair, needing that kind of gentle comfort. "I'm... I'm sorry," he manages to whimper. "I had no control... or anything and I-"

He stops himself, not even sure where he'd been headed. He tries to move a little, but gives up. His body felt like one big dead weight. "I can't get up," he murmurs. "I'm sorry."

Pausing again, his fingers of one hand finds hers, his grip tightening. "I hate them," he whispers as one last stray tear escapes to roll down his cheek.

With all I am

As Eli wonders closer Scarlet looks up at him a moment before down at the pictures again. As his hand brushes her she can't help but notice the feeling of it. It was rough, but still have a light soft tone to it. Scarlet couldn't help it that her saucy grin grew every intention of flirting linger ing the air but rolling off her tong so smooth one might have to think if she was or not.

"You have no idea how hard I try and strive for things not to be plane. Everyone needs a little spice in there life."

Cocking her head she takes a step back for a moment looking at the bike, before moving around Eli her own hand goes up his am and across his back as she pass behind him going to the other side of the bike. Squatting down she study's that side for a long moment before looking up at Eli again.

"I think I like the idea of the mist. I don't know if it would be possible to make it climb up the top so the two connect the image, or make go twords the back part here so look like it was fading. Than if you did the two pictures in the liquid crystal pain and than the mist in a solid color to make it stand out more that would look pretty cool."

Scarlet's eyes continue to sparkle as they show a bit of excitement in them as she continues to let idea's pass through her own mind. It was easy for anyone to see what was enjoying talking about this with Eli. It was cool to think about making her bike her own and even better to know Eli was doing it for her.

Standing quietly and watching Alec her own stomach turned as he watched him giving a small slaps to stop. She wanted to run to him, she wanted Alec to stop already but she remained by Reese her arms across hugging herself.

Looking at Alec as her told her it was what he though it felt like someone was clenching her heart and twisting, ripping it out of her chest.

"You can still help him though right?"

Not getting an answer Hope just continues to watch, taking in Scott, taking in Alec and doing all she could not to scream herself. As everything continues Hope can't help but jump at the brutality even if Alec wasn't hurting Scott physically she couldn't help but wonder mentally how he would hold up.

Seeing Reese go to step in Hope tries to stop him, himself but seeing him fall Hope was by his side making sure he was ok before looking at Alec and Scott again. Inside she was so scared that she didn't even realize she was squeezing Reese's hand.

Finally letting go again though Hope stands to try and get out of the way. Keeping her arms around self as Alec forced Scott to look at her she new fear was written all over her own face now.

Once Alec and Reese were outside the door Hope rushed to Scott's side throwing her arms around him and putting him to her. Her own tears fell from her eyes, she'd been so scared, and she hurt so bad but Alec had done it. He had brought Scott back to them.

"Shhh...its ok Scott...your ok. Alec isn't going to hurt you. Something happened and it makes you completely shut down. He just had to jump start your brain again. Its ok...I promise its ok."

Still holding him Hope rocks and forth a little running one hand through his hair, and giving him gentile kiss to the forehead.

"Its ok...its ok. I love you Scott...I love you with everything I am."


Eli tilts his head a little, watching Scarlet walk away before he picks up the pace and follows her outside. Her wink hadn't escaped him, but he bites his lip from throwing her any comments in front of Sandy.

Out into fresh air, he follows to Scarlet's bike and walks up close, running his hand over the handle bars. "Honda. Nice. Got one myself. Different model though."

He eyes where she wants the painting done and nods thoughtfully. "Yeah... yeah that should work alright. If you want, I could add a little pizaz. Like, um..." He wanders closer and gestures to the pictures again, his hand brushing hers. "Maybe a mist or clouds behind 'em, kinda make 'em match. Or if you want something bolder we could go with a splash of light or something." He shrugs. "Plain works too though - whatever's your style and whatever your wallet can handle."

He gives her a crooked grin. "I have a feeling you're not the plain type though."

As Reese watches Hope, his own heart hurt. This wasn't right. None of this was. If someone didn't believe in Agency cruelty, then they should see this because this was ultimate torture.

Alec continues to study the scene, watching Scott, Hope and Reese as well. Once asked what he wanted them to do though, he still has to think for a moment. "Just stay back a bit and let me see what I can do. There's no magic button... I just gotta play it by ear."

Walking to the corner, he approaches slowly, looking down at Scott. "Got a bit of an overload problem here, don't we, Mr. Johnson?" Knowing that Scott had yet to look at his face, Alec lowers himself to his eye level and snaps his fingers in front of Scott's eye. "Time to come back to reality."

Scott's mumbling ceases for just a moment and he almost focuses before falling back into his blank stare again.

"C'mon, Scott... gimme something here." Alec gives Scott's face a couple light slaps.

Reese grits his teeth, not liking this, but he remains quiet.

Scott blinks, his mind feeling like it had just hiccuped. Everything around him was blurry and skewed. There was a form before him but it just didn't look right. There were strange colors and nothing looked like it was real. He stops rocking and squints at someone who was right in front of him.

Alec looks into Scott's good eye, searching for anything that would give hope to this situation. "Level fifteen security code," he commands firmly.

Scott blinks again. "One one five three zero six one zero... two."

Alec turns a little to look up at Hope. "Yeah, it's like I thought. The information's just taken over. He can answer cues, which proves my theory. He just needs to think about something else long enough for him to get a grip." Swiveling his gaze back to Scott, he nods. "Alright. Code six six two."

Scott hesitates a moment, starting to rock a little again. A bead of sweat runs down the side of his face. "Security breach. Abort mission."

"Newton, Zackary... clearance level."



"Hunter. Three-year training. Five foot nine. Green eyes, brown hair. Two hundred ten pounds. Mental analysis: ninety-percent secure."

The more commands Alec gave, the more readily the answers came from Scott. Soon he was concentrating on answering the questions and stops rocking again. After a short while of the same back and forth method, Alec asks one last question. "Lab twenty-six. Key code."

"Two five five two six."

"Write it down." Alec holds out a piece of paper and pencil.

Scott blinks.

"Write it down," Alec says again, more firmly. He takes Scott's hand and forces him to hold the pencil. "Write."

"Two five five two six."

Alec's eyes narrow, his tone growing even more firm. "Display data."

"Two five-"

"Display data!"

Scott's gaze drops to the paper and pencil. He recognized the command, but getting any other portion of his brain to work was difficult. He squint and almost winces as he takes the paper. It almost hurt to try and think enough to write down the number he'd been repeating.

Alec watches him intently, waiting until Scott was halfway through the number. It was the opening he needed, how ever small it was. Scott was being forced to use a different part of his brain in order to write something down, and with any luck, a good shove would open that crack wider, allowing it to trigger his mind back to where it needed to be. It was a memory that Alec would go for.

Without looking away from Scott, he speaks to Hope. "Don't interfere," he warns. Without giving Scott any clue, he rips the pencil and paper from him, gets to his feet and yanks Scott up with him, just to whip him around and shove him back down to the floor, pinning him on his back with his forearm to his throat.

Scott cries out in surprise and a bit of pain, shocked by the move.

Alec straddles him and doesn't give him an inch. "Move and you're dead," he threatens.

Like a light switch going on, Scott's eyes widen. He had heard those words once before, spoken by that same voice with the same angry tone. But... but the Agency never struck the same place twice... no.... they had. Suddenly, Scott's eye begins to focus and the fog begins to clear. What was so abstract began to take on a realistic shape and all of a sudden, he was staring into the face of someone he knew. Someone who had hurt him, threatened him, scared him and had hurt his dog. That night comes rushing back into his mind. And like a wave crashing against the shore, it destroys the mental block - the block that had been formed by an onslaught of Agency data.

"No!" Scott screams and begins to fight back, set into a panic by suddenly having been attacked by an Agency man. His fist comes up and connects with Alec's jaw.

Alec's head is knocked to the side and he glares at Scott, though is more annoyed than angry. "That hurt," he chides and goes to hold down Scott's hands again.

Somehow though, Scott is quicker and he's thin enough that he manages to roll over and try to crawl away. Alec pounces on him and for several moments, both are in a brawl on the floor. Scott's fists fly and his feet kick at whatever he can. The bedside table is knocked over, sending the lamp flying with a crash and Alec cries out as a piece of glass winds up in his hand. Reese steps in to try and break it up, but in the process he is tripped and falls backward, slamming into the dresser and winding up on the floor himself.

"Let me go!" Scott screams. Sweat pours down his face and neck as he fights. "I won't talk! I won't!" He was stuck in that night, running alongside reality but not there yet.

"Cut it out!" Alec barks, trying to regain control again as Scott gets to his feet and tries to bolt. Alec is right behind him and grabs him in a choke hold. "I don't want to hurt you," he growls. "Your girlfriend wouldn't take that too kindly and neither would mine."

Whipping Scott around, his arm is still around his throat and he forces Scott to see Hope. "We're not in your house," he hisses. "Look."

"No! Let me go! I'm not going back!" Scott kicks and screams, clawing at Alec's arm to release him.

"Look at her!" Alec demands, fighting to keep Scott focused. Taking his free hand, he grabs the side of Scott's head and twists it so he has to face Hope. "Open your eyes, Scott! Look at her!"

Everything had been spinning and finally Scott's good eye lands on Hope. He squints, finding it hard to breathe under Alec's grip, his pulse still racing like mad while he soaks himself in sweat. He was so afraid. So very afraid. But those eyes... he knew those eyes... he knew that face.... it was one that could be trusted. He trusted that face.

Slowly, he begins to stop fighting, his body terribly weakened from the struggle. "Hope?" he whimpers. His eyes race around the room. It wasn't that night. He wasn't home. This was... this was a different room. Brookshire... Hope.... It all comes rushing back to him as all of the overbearing data is shoved back and suppressed once again, allowing his mind to clear.

Alec feels him starting to relax, and loosens his grip. "Where are we, Scott?" he asks calmly.

"Brookshire." Scott's knees buckle and he hangs in Alec's grip. "We're at Brookshire." All of his energy spent, he can't even stand on his own anymore.

Alec slowly lets Scott sink to the floor before straightening and taking a step back. His job was done and he gives a nod to Hope. Scott's mind was functioning again and now it was her turn. Looking over to Reese, he takes another step back, proving that he was getting out of the way so no harm could be done.

Scott stares up at Hope, then bends forward to bury his face in his hands. He had just lived a horrid nightmare all over again. His mind and emotions had been ravaged uncontrollably and it was taking its toll. His shoulders begin to shake as he starts to sob. He hurt all over, he was drenched in sweat, trembling all over and on the verge of passing out as the tears continue to fall. The trauma he felt was indescribable.

Reese rubs his shoulder gingerly and steps towards the door, motioning for Alec to come with. They'd leave Hope alone for right now though would stay right outside in the hall in case she needed them.

A wink O.O

For a moment Scarlet can feel her heart sink though she wouldn't have give up that easy. She would of just asked to come back when he did have time but being cut to the chase as Eli says he can try and squeeze her in anyways brings her lips to curl up at the corners.

"The only time I don't ride my bike is when its snows, and thats hardly ever. I'm parked out from follow me."

Taking the pictures back from Eli Scarlet turns and heads for the door before throwing Eli a little wink. Turning and continuing to watch Scarlet new Eli would follow. Going to the left as she exited she made her way over to a black Honda Rebel.

Walking over to it and running her hand over it Scarlet leans on it a little bit crossing her arms over her chest.

"This is my baby."

Standing straight again Scarlet leans over the bike a little pointing to the right side plate up at the front.

"I was think one of the pictures could go on this side, and than the other on the other side. Unless you think something else would look better. You are the artiest after all."

Looking back to Eli again the sun light seems to bounce off of Scarlet's eyes making them just stand out even more as she gives another smile to Eli.

Happy that Reese finally gave in and would let Alec up to see Scott Hope follows behind him. She didn't know what to expect and honestly she was scared to death.

Stepping inside the door as they got to Scott's room Hope's heart jumped into her throat seeing Scott on the floor. His eyes were so blank, like he was looking at everything but nothing at all. It put a crack even deeper.

Slowly walking over to Scott Hope bends down and place a hand on his back cocking her head a little to look into Scott's bank eyes. Alec had said seeing her wouldn't change Scott but in a way she hoped anyways.

"Scott its me Hope. I don't know if you can hear me or not but I just wanted to let you know I was here, and I love you every much. We are doing what we can to help you and no matter what I just want you to know everything I do is because I love you."

Wrapping her other arm around Scott Hope pulls him into a hug some tears rolling down her eyes and landing where they may. Her heart was broken, her love was broken and for the first time when it really matter she couldn't fix it.

Finally letting Scott go and standing Hope turns to Alec and Reese, the tails of tear than ran down her cheeks.

"Ok, so now what do you need us to do?"


Eli's eyes roam Scarlet's face as she talks, the corner of his mouth hinting at a smile. "Alright... let's see what you got." He takes the papers and looks at them, cocking his head. "Little tattoo job on your bike, eh?"

He traces the pictures with his finger before he purses his lips, then nods. "Yeah... we're booked pretty full at the moment but.." He hands the papers back to her. "This wouldn't take too long. Got your bike here? I could take a look and see what I'm up against."

Reese is not happy with this whole thing, but he knew that Hope was skilled and knew what she was talking about. But was her head on straight with this? Because it was Scott? He had to question that.

Sighing deeply, he puts his hands on his hips and just looks at her, then Alec, then back again, then back to Alec. "Why do you want to help? Goes against your nature doesn't it?"

Alec bristles and gives Hope a sidelong glance. He wouldn't stick around if this is what he got for it. "Look, Hope asked me for help and I said yes. Scott doesn't have much of a chance if this is what we think it is, but the only chance he does have is if you let me see him. Think of it this way - could it get much worse?"

Reese grits his teeth, but he finally nods. "Alright. But first time you mess up, it's the last straw. Got it?"

Alec gives Reese a somewhat sarcastic salute. "Got it."

"Come on. I'll go up with you."

The walk only takes a couple minutes, and Reese is opening Scott's door. Scott hasn't moved, still sitting in the corner, still rocking and still mumbling. His eyes focus on nothing and he doesn't even seem to notice that anyone is there.

Reese steps to the side, letting Hope and Alec in. His eyes venture to Hope. "Jenny said there's been no change," he mentions quietly. "I tried talking to him but... he didn't respond."

Alec hangs back, deciding not to do anything until Hope had given him the go-ahead. He looks at Scott across the room, studying him and watching him closely.


Looking back at Reese Hope new he wasn't happy, and she new that the moment she let Alec come with her. But it was worth a try, and she would try everything she could right now.

Waiting for Reese and Alec to go back and forth Hope stays quiet not wanting to interrupt or try and talk with getting cut off. So just standing there and listing to Reese Hope's eyes never move from him. Finally though as he brings his question back to her she gives a small nod.

"Alec went over everything in the car with me Reese and what he said sounds pretty sound. This is out only option right now to try and keep Scott here, because I know he doesn't belong some where else. With my medical study it makes seance what Alec wants to do."

Letting out a long sigh Hope looks to Alec and than back to Reese. Her eyes pleaded with him. She was at a lose with this whole thing and was doing her best to do what she could for Scott.

"I believe Alec with this. He is an Ex Agency agent, he knows about this stuff more than we do, and I believe him he is not going to hurt Scott. This is our only option left Reese...please?"

Looking at the pictures on the wall again as she waited for Eli the woman eyes careful took in all the detailed work and images that had been put on many of the cars and bikes. The work was beyond beautiful. So much time, and effort went into make them looks perfect and she liked that.

Hearing the male voice behind her the woman turns around to look Eli in the eye. A grin forms on her lips as she is quiet for a moment seeming to gaze into his eyes. Not breaking her stair her from him she takes his hand in her own giving it a shake.

"Nice to meet you Eli I'm Scarlet Carver."

Letting the silence fall again Scarlet lets her hand slide slowly from Eli's still looking deep into his eyes. He looked even better up close and in person than Scarlet though. His eye just seem so bright, his face so rough but soft at the same time, and his body...don't get her started on that. trying to snap herself out of the trance she seemed to have been in Scarlet shifts her weight a little bit before talking again.

"I've seen your work and heard a lot about you work and was hoping maybe could get you to do some detail on my bike in liquid crystal temperature paint. They arnt anything extravagant, but they are a decent size. If you need to see the pictures I have them with me. It would just be one on each side."

Holding out two slips of paper for Eli to look at Scarlet new it wasn't much detail in them but also she new if Eli wanted to put his own flair on them to he could and she wouldn't mind as long as the general idea was there.


The woman behind the desk wore a nametag that read Sandy, and she smiles as the female customer approaches. "Hello."

Hearing the request, Sandy chuckles. "You're the second one today who asked for him. Pretty soon he's going to have to clone himself to get all his work done."

Closing a notepad and pushing aside some paperwork, she stands from the desk. "If you wouldn't mind waiting here, I'll see if Eli is free to talk with you." Heading to the far right, she goes through a door with a window that led into the garage. The scents that wafted into the office were those of exhaust, metal and paint. Within a few moments, Sandy returns.

"Eli's right in the middle of something, but he'll be right with you."

It takes about ten minutes for Eli to appear, wiping his hands on a rag. His black t-shirt with the shop logo was tucked into his jeans, a chain hanging from his beltloop back to his wallet in his pocket. A black bandanna held his hair back from his face and eyes.

Looking to Sandy, his eyes follow her pointing to the woman standing looking at the pictures on the wall. One of his eyebrows seems to quirk on its own as he gives her a once-over. Ambling closer, he tucks the rag into his back pocket and extends his hand. "Hi. Eli McKade. What can I do for you?"

Alec thinks for a long moment, then shakes his head. "I don't know what I'm going to do. Not yet."

Falling into silence, he's quiet again, not speaking until they arrive at Brookshire. Looking around out the windows, he takes in his surroundings, then talks, keeping Hope in the car briefly. He'd mulled over his options all the way over here and was now ready to tell her what he thought.

"I'll have to see what kind of shape Scott is in... but if my guess is correct, he needs something like a jumpstart on his mind...like a shock to restart his brain. Whatever happened or whoever he saw triggered all that data that he doesn't know how to control yet. It was bad enough that instead of him seeing it, being bothered then watching it fade, it's stayed in the forefront. I've seen it happen before on those at the Agency who have failed the program and gone nuts instead. The brain just doesn't know how to handle all of that information So.." He shrugs. "...it's like the host becomes a walking hard drive and their brain concentrates only on the data, forgetting about all its other functions. It'd be something like if I had a truckload of paperwork for you and just came in and piled it up on your desk. It would be a mountain and you wouldn't be able to see around it or get up and go anywhere. You'd just be... surrounded and all you'd see would be that paperwork."

Alec pauses, making sure Hope is tracking with him. "If that's the case, which I won't know until I see Scott, then he needs something to blast a hole in that mountain. He needs something to trigger an avalanche so the blockage is moved out of the way and to the background again so his brain can wake up and say, 'Oh yeah, here I am. There are people I know, there are things to do, where have I been?'"

He purses his lips, still thinking. "I don't know how I'm gonna do it or what will trigger his mind to reconnect with reality. He's got to focus on something other than the Agency data in order for me to get my foot in the door. It might just take a good whack upside the head that will distract him enough for his brain to say, 'Whoa, what just happened?' But I'm guessing it'll take more than that. Somehow, his brain has to be forced to use something other than the part that's processing all that data. It might be getting him to talk or using a simple skill like walking or writing - just enough for a distraction to get him to think about something other than the data. Once it does, there's the opening."

Resting his hand on the door handle, he looks to Hope still, his eyes searching hers. "I may have to make him revisit some memories or try to get him to see who I am. Lots of times strong emotions help and when he sees me, he feels anger and fear. He might be too far gone and not react at all. Or, he could have an outburst. It would be better if he had an outburst because then his brain would be distracted enough to quit hanging onto the data. If that happens, he has a better chance of pulling through and coming back to reality. And then..."

He lets out a long sigh. "If we can get him to focus again, it's even more important that he gains control. Because if it isn't done soon, one of these days he just won't be able to come back from one of these episodes. I have my doubts about today even. I know you're a religious person so... if you're gonna pray, do it now."

Inside the building, Reese had been pacing, waiting for Hope. Seeing her car, he exits and walks towards it, then stops, realizing she's not alone.

Seeing both Hope and Alec exit, the hair on the back of his neck bristles, his worried expression turning to one of irritation. Approaching, he looks to Alec then Hope. "What is the blazes is he doing here?"

Alec holds up his hands. "I'm just here to help, big guy. She asked me. I didn't break out and I didn't put a gun to her head and tell her to drive here."

Reese's eyes narrow. "Very funny." He looks sternly back to Hope again. "Are you crazy? Scott's been traumatized and you want to bring someone from the Agency to see him?" It was bad enough that he'd just seen Scott in such shape, and now thinking it might worsen made him even more upset. "Alec is not going up there," he states flatly.

Alec opens his mouth, but hesitates. "Look, it may take me being there."

"You haven't seen him. You don't know what kind of shape he's in."

"I don't have to. But if this is what I think it is, it's gonna take drastic measures and that's why I'm here."

Reese looks back to Hope, still upset. "Is this true?"

Second Guess

"He is gonna hate me even more for doing this you know. Its worth it and all but it still sucks. I just dont want to see anything bad happen to him."

Hope new her small talk was lame but that had a two hour drive she had to at least talk to someone and Alec didn't seem all that bad. Her comment could make one think she was talking about Reese but really she was talking about Scott. When this was all over Hope could only hope he wouldn't to much.

"Can you at least tell me what your going to do Alec so I know whats going on and don't have to be a sitting duck? I know its going to be hard, but...I'd rather know than not know. I think it would be easier that way."

Drawing closer to the hosp Hope's own heart pounded in her chest. It was ever so rare she doubted herself but when I can to Scott she did so much. Hope just had to continue moving forward and trusting what she was doing was right. Part of her wanted Reese to stop them, and part didn't, Hope just didn't know how this was going to turn out at all.

Sitting in front of the tv Ryan flips the channels. It was to rainy outside to work on her car, and she had already been deny being able to see Alec for a reason unknown. After putting up a little fuss she new they wouldn't tell her anything.

So now she was home and just sitting with nothing to do her mind wondering what was going on with Alec now. She could only hope everything would be ok.

The small bell on the door tinkles as its opened. A woman about the age of twenty eight enters removing her sunglasses and sliding them into her pocked on her leather jacket. Her hair was a raven black, and her eyes were a deep blue color that shined in the light, her lips a full color red not from makeup but just there natural color. Walking her boots made a taping sound on the floor, and her jean's though ripped in a few place fit her well and looked nice.

Slowly making her way over to the wall the young woman looks at all the photoes. Some of the differnt art work that had been done on bikes and cars, along with other that showed before and afters of cars that had dents taken out. Continuing to look her eyes find the one she had been looking. Eli McKade, new to the town but his sister was well known and thats what brought this woman here.

Tuning back to the woman behind the counter Scarlet walks over and leans on it a little bit before saying anything to the woman.

"I have some work I'd like done on my bike by Eli McKade."

Another world away

Alec couldn't help the surprise that passed in his eyes. He had thought Hope would make it more difficult than this, thinking her words had been a trap. But apparently he'd said the right thing. He blinks. He had?

Listening to her call to Reese surprised him even more. She knew he wouldn't approve, and she was doing it anyway? She cared about Scott that much that she would trust Alec himself? An ex-Agency crook? Go against Reese's wishes?

Her prompting brings Alec's mind back around and he gives his head a little shake as if clearing cobwebs. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he grits his teeth as his sore ribs protest, but he ignores them, going for his sneakers. Once he's got something on his feet, he grabs his denim jacket and stands up, nodding to Hope. "Lead the way. You'll have to talk my way out of here with Hal on the prowl."

It does take a bit of convincing for Hal to let Alec go, but trusting Hope, he finally gives in without Reese's direct clearance. Once outside, Alec obediently follows Hope to her car, showing no signs of running off just yet. He's quiet as they start the two-hour drive, though after a while, he finally breaks the silence. "If Scott's in as bad a shape as I think he is, this isn't gonna be easy for you," he mentions. Though his voice was matter-of-fact with his usual cool tone, if one listened hard enough they might just catch the slightest warmth coming through in a form almost resembling concern for Hope. "Seeing me is gonna be one of those visual triggers, not to mention he's angry and probably still a bit scared of me. You should be prepared to see him do anything, though I expect him to get physical." It was obvious, and a bit surprising, that Alec was already forming some sort of plan in his mind of what he would do and what would happen.

Reese fumbles in his pocket as he keeps one hand on the steering wheel, muttering to himself as he misses the call. Finally getting his cell phone out, he glares at it, reminded that these jeans had smaller pockets.

Listening to the voicemail as he drives, his eyes go wide. Who was Hope bringing? Who did she know he would not be happy about? And why would she do something she knew he wouldn't approve of? That didn't seem like her.

Shutting his phone, he tries to think of who on earth Hope was talking about. Was it Alec? Was she daring to bring Alec with her? Surely not. Not only was Alec not allowed to leave the premises, but he could run off, hold her hostage, not to mention Scott seeing him could be a disaster. Surely she didn't mean Alec... did she?

Reese almost calls her back, but then decides against it. There was no point. She'd already made up her mind and was probably on the road too by now. He'd just wait and see. At least he'd get to Brookshire first to see what the situation was like before she came.

Once he did get there though, he was at a loss. Shown to Scott's room, he was informed by Jenny that if nothing changed, Scott would have to be transferred by that evening because there was nothing they could do for him. And entering, Reese's heart gave a lurch.

Scott sat in the very corner of his room, tucked back against the wall in the shadow. His arms were wrapped around his legs, his eyes open but staring into nothingness. He was rocking himself and mumbling quietly, totally oblivious to anything going on around him. Even when Reese kneels in front of him and touches his shoulder, Scott doesn't even acknowledge his presence.

"Scott? Scott, it's Reese... can you talk to me?"

Nothing. It was as if Scott didn't even know he was there. All he did was rock and mumble words that made no sense to Reese at all. It sounded like he was reading sheets of computer data.

Standing again, Reese tries to keep his mind focused as he goes back out into the hall, just catching Jenny before she went back downstairs. "Jenny... who was it that was here yesterday?"

She shakes her head slowly. "I'm not sure, Mr. Reese. He was a tall man with dark hair, but when we checked the registry later that day, there was no signature. He must have distracted the nurse at the front counter because he never actually wrote anything - he just pretended to."

"How old was the man? Can you take a guess?"

"Mm... I would say late sixties maybe?" Jenny scrunches her nose. "I'm bad with ages though, so I'm really not sure."

"What about security tapes?"

Jenny shakes her head. "Dr. Hawks already checked and there were no shots of the visitor, surprisingly. Not that he could find anyway. Do you think it was someone Scott knew? I mean... do you think that the visitor is connected with his breakdown?"

"I don't know, Jenny... I don't know."


All day

Continuing to look at Alec Hope squints her eyes a little bit studying him, looking for the meaning in his words and breaking down what he was saying. Finally a smile forms on her face and she gives a nod.

"First off, my name is Hope not babe, and next your answer was exactly what I wanted to hear, it takes a man with some kind of heart to not swear on another life. As for an agency scum bag, I don't see one where so I guess were good."

Still Hope's own gaze didnt break from Alec's as she just continued to look back at him. His words, though some might have stun to think of anything bad happing to Scott, they didn't make her flinch.

Continuing to look at Alec Hope reaches for the phone in her pocket pulling it out and dialing Reese's number. She new he was probley driving right now so she would catch him on the road but that was ok. Hearing his voice mail pick up Hope leave a vage message but one that let him know she was on the way.

"Reese, its Hope. Listen I am bringing someone with me to see Scott. Your probably going to be pretty upset with me when you find out who but right about now I'll do anything to keep him out of being transported to where he doesn't belong. So this person says he can help, and I believe him. I'll see you shortly."

Hanging up the phone Hope nods to Alec's shoes her eyes still locked with his. For some strange reason she did believe him. Maybe it was that look of wanting to help, and the small soft side that shined through the cold hard steal. She could only hope she wasn't wrong.

"Well come on get your shoes on we don't have all day."

Trust me

Alec gives Hope a wry grin. "I don't swear on anybody's anything, babe. If that's a threat to put Ryan away if I decide to high-tail it, you can forget it. But if you think you can trust the word of an Agency scumbag, then let me come."

He looks Hope in the eye, not breaking his gaze. "If what you're saying about Scott is true, I can imagine his state. And if that's true, then he's gonna need a shock... and it ain't gonna be pretty." Alec dares her to blink first. "You want his brain to rot? Give him a sedative and stick him in the loony bin. You want him responsive? Let him see me. It'll be a mess, I guarantee, but he needs something to jar his brain and seeing friendly people won't cut it. Either that or..."

He shrugs. "I'm sure if you call up the Agency, they'd be glad to send in one of their men to do the job."

Alec quirks one eyebrow. "If you wanna play stubborn and make me swear, then you're on your own. Trust me, and I'll come."

That much

Looking Alec in the eye Hope knows he's not lieing, and though she new very little about The Agency but he was right this wasn't there Style. The Agency was cruel and wouldnt want anything to be helping in there long painful road.

"At this point, I'll do anything for Scott."

Hearing Alec's request to go with her Hope can feel a bit of surprise inside, but doesn't let it show on her face. Thinking for a long moment Hope looks down at her hands. She could probably get into big trouble for letting Alec out and going with her. She already new if she asked Reese he would say no, and if she didn't ask at all than she would be in even more trouble. But this was for Scott...maybe it was worth it.

"Can you swair to me on your friend Ryan's freedom not to run away or hurt Scott? If you can do that, you can come with me."

They new enough about Ryan and what she did in her spare time that if they had to they could put her away. Hope hated to have to play that way but if in sure Alec wouldn't try anything stupid than it had to be. Once getting Alec's confirmation than she would see about asking Reese about Alec.

Feeling Gunner drap his arms over her shoulders Bree turns her head a little and gives a laugh. Bringing her own hands to his arms and holding them for a moment leaning back slightly.

"Missed driving that much huh?"

Turning and giving a kiss to Gunner's nose Bree goes over to the vase that sat with a cork in it, on top of the fridge. Bringing it down she shakes it just a little hearing something rattle on the inside. A grin pass on her lips.

"Anything that important that Uncle JT doesn't want to lose something important he always puts it in this jar."

Opening it up and dumping it out one to the counter some money and paper along with Gunner's keys. Grabbing them and throwing them over her shoulder Bree new Gunner would catch them while she put the other stuff away.

Once placing the jar back on the fridge Bree turns around her eyes laced with humor. Giving a nod and grabbing her own keys to slid them in her pocket she was ready.

"Alright, lets hit the road. I haven't had one of those root beer less floats in a long while, let alone with a vampire."

Throwing down the money for the food and grabbing his own jacket Dan stands from the table giving there waitress a nod of his head before following Dylan out. Hearing his comment about making his sister happy brought a smile to his face. It was nice to know he made Jade that happy and it was nice to hear Dylan say thank you.

Not drawing much attachen to it Dan walks a little closer to Dylan throwing his arm around his shoulder in a playful manor as they continued to walk to the car. Finally letting him go only once they got there, and were ready to get in.

With you

Alec is sitting on the infirmary bed, just having been looked over by Rick and told he could go back downstairs tonight. He was still sore, but he'd much rather hibernate downstairs than be in the middle of traffic like he had been. Especially now that he was banned from visitors. He hadn't been told as much, but he had a hunch that Ryan had been turned away this morning and it made him mad. He didn't want to tell Reese the truth... he didn't. But... he missed his friend too.

Just ready to lay back in the bed again, he looks up quickly as Hope approaches him. He was a little surprised. Even though he'd given them information recently, he didn't really expect her back. Unless this was about his own mental state and not Scott.

He was wrong.

Listening to Hope, his eyebrows rise. "Nervous breakdown, huh?" He shakes his head slowly. "I don't know if the Agency had anything to do with visiting him or not and that's the truth." His eyes show he's not lying. "But I will say that it's not their style. They'd rather just let nature take its course and see a guy go insane the slow cruel way."

Cocking his head, he really thinks about it, wondering what could have happened. Searching Hope's eyes, he squints a little. "But if Scott really did crash... you can't take it the easy way anymore. It's gonna take a drastic measure and I'm not sure you're up to it."

He looks towards the door then back at her again. "Take me with you."

It doesn't take Gunner long to get ready, though he does take a little more time than normal, enjoying the shower again and trying to find his clothes since it had been a while since he'd been here.

Once finished though, he's back in the living room, lacing up his boots and hunting for his car keys. "Yo, Bree... where did your uncle hide my keys?"

He wanders into the kitchen to find her, coming up behind her and draping his arms over her shoulders. "Two floats with our names on them are getting warm... but I'm not letting you drive. So help me find my keys."

Dylan thinks a moment then shakes his head. "Naw... I don't need anything other than some more nerve."

Picking up his still-wet jacket, he stands up, ready to go, too. But as he turns to go to the door, he glances back over his shoulder. "And by the way... thanks for making my sister smile. I don't think I've seen her so happy before."

Giving a little shrug, he starts for the door again.

More Help

The more the kiss come the more Bree enjoys them and falls deeper in love with Gunner. Small giggles escaped her lips every here and there but not in a way that would make Gunner think she was laughing at him, but that she was enjoying herself.

Feeling Gunner's hug Bree new that there sweet affection was done for now and thought it did make her sad, she new that life had to go on, and other things needed to be done.

As Gunner stands and flops her back on the couch again throwing the blanket over her head Bree claws at it laughing as she pulled it off. Watching Gunner go into the other room she stands from the couch herself.

"Mmm....a date with two floats, can I have the cute one?"

Shaking her head again Bree makes her way to the bathroom that was connected to her own room. Before they went anywhere she would have to clean herself up too and at look like she was human if she wasn't going to act like it.

Looking up as Reese enters the room Hope gives him a small smile and a nod. She new why he was here but she new he might need to talk anyways and she was thankful he cared enough to tell her. If Dr. Hawks hadn't called her only a little while before she never would have know so just knowing Reese was filling her in was very nice.

"Thank you for letting me know Reese. I have a few things I need to figure out. I will meet you up there."

Offering a small smile Hope looks down at her paper work for a long while. Since she had talked to Dr. Hawks her mind had been racing with wonder on who had been to see Scott and what had happened. If he really did have a nervous break down there was nothing that said he would even talk to her. So going in unprepared would do no good.

Waiting for Reese to leave Hope gathers a few things together before heading out of her office. Taking the short trip from her office to where Alec was being kept Hope gives a knock on the door before entering.

"Hey Alec, I know I've asked a lot of you already but I was wondering if you could help me again. Scott had a visitor last night and the Dr. don't know who it was but he's had a nervous break down. Do you if the Angecy might have sent anyone to push Scott father along into going crazy so he wouldn't talk to anyone?"

Looking back at Alec Hope new it was a lot of ask. She had already asked him so much but he was the only one she new of that might have an answer or some kind of key to what happened to Scott last night.

"Ha, I think you will do just fine back there. As long as you work hard, and you Dad see that you are trying and you talk to him about everything going on, I think things will work out just fine."

Giving a small laugh and a stretch Dan continues to streach with his arms folded on the table. Dylan was an ok kid, miss understood and confused but he was ok all in all. This was part of God's plan and Dan new if given the opportunity it would work out great, and he would work in Dylan's life. That was deffintly something worth working twords.

"Well, I am ready to go back when you are. Its no rush, and if you need anything while we are in time just let me know."


"Mm-hmm..." Gunner just lets their time together continue, taking advantage of the fact that neither one of them needed to be anywhere else right now. If t here was one thing Gunner was learning, it was to take each moment he had and live it.

Eventually though, he finally does pull away with a few more short kisses and a deep sigh. He pulls Bree down to hug her close, but knows he can't stay this way forever.

"Alright, up and at 'em!" Without warning, he shoots up and stands, pulling Bree right up with him, just to dump her back on the couch and throw the blanket over her head. Heading for the hallway, he hollers over his shoulder. "This rare breed has to see a vampire about a dog. Don't go too far though... we have a date with two sinkable floats."

Reese hangs up his phone, concern raging in his eyes. This wasn't good.

Standing up, he opts to go to Hope's office instead of using the phone. Heading for the hall, he barely acknowledges others he meets along the way. The morning had been great - everyone was in good spirits after Gunner's release yesterday. But now suddenly one small storm cloud had become much more ominous.

"Hope?" Reese taps on her door and opens it slowly. He knew she was planning to leave to go to Brookshire shortly, so it was just as well that he caught her now.

Stepping inside, he closes the door behind him, signaling that he had something serious to say. "Um... I just got a call from Jenny at Brookshire. Something... something happened."

Reese shakes his head, unsure about any of this and not wanting to upset Hope either. "It's Scott." He knew he just needed to say it - there was no beating around the bush with Hope. "Jenny said they don't know what happened, but they're diagnosing it as a nervous breakdown. He had a visitor yesterday and a while after that, Jenny said Scott just went to pieces. He won't talk, won't move and just sits in his room. She said he's babbling things that don't make any sense. But if they can't pull him through, they'll have to move him to a difference facility."

Reese swallows hard. This wasn't good, especially after the information Alec had shared... had Scott finally broken under the strain? Were they too late to help him? A small voice was in the back of Reese's mind, telling him to go talk to Alec, but his stubbornness was winning over. There was no way he was going to tell Alec about this and involve him further... that wouldn't be right at all... would it?

"I'm going up there myself... so if you want to ride together, we can."

Dylan almost retorts with a comment about not caring what Mick thought - if he wanted to go see the dirtbike track, he would. But this time, he holds his tongue. "Yeah... that'd be cool. If I survive getting back to the ranch that is."

Smirking a little, he finishes off his pop and sets his cup aside. He looks over his shoulder to see the front windows, noting that it was still pouring rain outside. At least it hadn't been doing this when BJ had gotten lost. He supposed that was one good thing.

Turning back at Dan, he cocks his head a little bit. This guy was alright... and if he was going to be Dylan's brother-in-law, he might as well get along, right? No point in making any more enemies than he already had.


Giving a little laugh Bree kiss Gunner again knowing it did in fact tickle him but she wanted to do it anyways because he liked the way it felt under her fingers. Just being in a moment like this with Gunner Bree liked it. It was different but welcomed.

"Ok well..."

Bree stops talking for a moment as Gunner's lips meet her's again just holding the rest of her sentience till after the kiss. Feeling his fingers on the back of her head causes Bree to shiver just a little as a tingle goes down her spin.

"...when you ready...let me know..."

Bringing her hand to the side of Gunner's face Bree cradles his face in her head, tilting her own head a little and pressing her lips to his. Bree's heart beating so fast she was sure Gunner could feel it.

"...so I can get off of you first...since I'm on top."

Just looking down into Gunner's eyes again for a moment Bree felt so captivated by them. So big, so bold, full of color, and full of the life she had first sensed in them. Leaning in again Bree doesn't pull away so quickly just letting the passion flow. The kiss deeping as the both enjoyed the moment that was intended for them.

Taking another bit of his burger Dan thinks for a long moment. Since he had gotten out of jail really he hadn't taken interest in much other than working so it took him a little longer thing think.

"Well, I like horses, spending time with you sister...readying. I've watched dirt biking before but never did it myself. I know the have a nice track a little father into town, maybe sometime if Mick says its ok we can go check it out."

Finshing off his burger Dan smiles at Dylan. He was ready when even Dylan was but he didn't want to rush him. He was rather enjoying having someone else to chat with, even if Dylan had nothing else to say.

I promise

Not sure how to have smalltalk after such a deep subject, Dylan shrugs lamely. "I dunno."

He picks up a fry again to chew on it, his eyes roaming the room. He shrugs again. "I like dirtbikes. Parents didn't want me riding, but I did anyway. Guess I don't have too many hobbies... spent too much time getting into trouble, I suppose."

His finger runs around the rim of his glass and he looks back to Dan. "You?"

Gunner grins and returns Bree's kiss, enjoying their deeper passion. It was different... it was more than they'd shared before... he liked it.

Squirming just a little, he brings his hand up to stop Bree's fingers from moving on his chest. "You know that tickles," he teases quietly.

He chuckles and nods. "Yeah, breeds don't come much rarer than me. I might even go as far to say that I'm the only one of my kind." Moving his arm up a little, his hand slides up to the back of her head, bringing her closer to him so he can kiss her again.

"Floats," he murmurs. "Yeah... that would be good." He returns to kissing her.

"Soon... I'll get up..." He turns his head a little as he kisses her lips some more.

"I promise." He tightens his grip around her, wanting to feel what it really was like to just be passionate without jail bars in the way.


Dan gives a simple nod, that was better than nothing. At least Dylan would come back and at least try. That was more than he had hopped for, and if it was keep Dylan safe, and at least getting him to tell his story than Dan was happy.

"Ok, its a deal than. If you need to go, or you need anything else just let me know and I will see what I can do."

Looking down at his meal again Dan starts to take a few bits now a little more content with the situation, and feeling a tad bit of his hunger coming back to him.

"So Dylan...what are some things you do like?"

Squinting her own eyes open as the rays of light had come into the living room, it dosnt take Bree long to remember where she was. Feeling Gunner under her still Bree gives a tiny stretch but dosnt move much. Her own side felt sore, but she hate the idea of moving.

"I could stay like this forever. But than again we would miss out on the rootless floats, and I think thats a crime worth being punished for."

Shifting a little again so Bree could be closer to Gunner's face she lays her hand on his chest, her fingers finding the soft curls there to gently run her fingers through. Bringing her face down closer to his Bree press her lips to Gunner letting it linger for a long moment. Putting away but not moving to far she smiles down at him her eyes searching the depths of his.

"I never met a vampire who felt so warm before. You must be one of those rare breeds."


All day

Dylan gives a deep sigh, not knowing if this was really a good idea or not. Logic reminded him that he had no where else to go and at least back at the ranch he knew he'd get warm meals and a roof over his head. That was more than he had hitchhiking back to Colorado or anywhere else.

What about making good with his dad? He really didn't know if that could ever work or not. But... he was tired of living this way. He was tired of the constant fight. And there still was a part of him deep down that was simply a little boy looking for his father's love and approval. He never would outgrow that, and if he had a chance to satisfy it then... was it worth swallowing his pride?

"Okay." He shrugs. "I don't have any better offers right now, so... I'll come back. But I don't promise it'll be for weeks. Dad was ready to knock my block off last night and if he comes at me like that again, I'm taking off."

Gunner feels Bree's kiss and hears her words of love, giving her a little squeeze in response. He would have expressed more, but he was just too tired. He had someone to chase away the darkness tonight and he knew he would have the first good night sleep in way too long.

And he was right.

Shifting slightly, Gunner groans a little. His entire body was stiff. He must not have moved a muscle all night. He starts to stretch, then remembers that he's not alone, so he doesn't move too much, not wanting to disturb his couch partner.

Managing to open his eyes, he takes note that it's much brighter in the living room than he'd expected. Squinting a little and trying to get his eyes to adjust, he finds the clock on the back wall. No wonder it was light and he was aching. It was almost eleven o'clock. Talk about a good long night's sleep. Even now though, he felt like he could just about go right back to sleep. He was so warm and comfortable. He hadn't even heart JT get up and leave hours prior.

Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly then yawns, moving just a little bit, his head sinking further down into his pillow. He couldn't feel the arm that had been wrapped around Bree all night - it was way past having fallen asleep and was numb now, but he didn't move it yet.

"Can we just stay here all day?" he mumbles groggily.

Kiss Chest, no OJ promise!!!!! O.O

"I know you didn't want him to get hurt, and Mick knows you didn't want him to get hurt, but he did get hurt. BJ is a special kind of kid ya know. He's smart for his age and understand a lot more than people know. But he's also just a kid and I think people forget that sometimes."

Taking his napkin and whipping his mouth Dan looks across the table again and cocks his head to the side for a moment studying Dylan. He was a sixteen year old boy with a head as thick as his fathers, who didn't like to be told what to do, so telling him to go back to the ranch just wouldn't do and Dylan would always feel it wasn't his choose.

" I do think you should go back and at least try to talk with Mick. How about this...come back with me, give it a few more weeks at the ranch and really try to like to talk with you dad, and work things out. After those few weeks are up you still hate it there, and you want to leave. I'll drive you to where every it is you want to go. But you have to at least put an effort twords working on things with you Dad. What do you say?"

Smiling through the darkness as Gunner shift Bree gives a little grunt as he bops her in the head but says nothing to on it knowing it was an accident. Just giving a laugh here and there Bree did her best to keep her voice down and not wake her Uncle.

Finally as Gunner is comfortable Bree lays half on top of him getting comfortable himself. Laying her head on his chest and feeling his warm skin under her face mixed with the rippled from his chest, and the rhythm of his breath seemed to make her eyes even heaver.

Feeling so safe wrapped in Gunner's arms Bree new tonight she would get a goodnight rest with no fear making its way into her dreams. Moving her head one more time Bree gives Gunner's chest a kiss than lays her head down again. Finding his fingers with her own she lays them on top of them. Staring into the night and just enjoying feeling Gunner so close, finally Bree's eyes fall shut but not before a whisper slips from her lips.

"I love you Gunner."


Dylan continues to look down even when Dan begins to speak. Feeling so lost today though, the words actually begin to sink in past his pride. And for the first time since this whole thing started, there was a part of Dylan that didn't feel alone.

Finally, his eyes drift upward to meet Dan's. His gaze was full of frustration for this battle, anger - more at himself than anything else, and embarrassment. There were two things happening inside of him. One was his own battle with what had happened to him and what was still going on, and one was his bitterness towards his father for feeling abandoned as a child.

Playing with his napkin, he mulls over Dan's advice to talk to Mick. Would it really do any good? Especially after what had happened with BJ? "I... don't know that he even wants to talk to me," he admits. Not after... well, with BJ and all." He shrugs lamely. "I didn't mean for the kid to get hurt, ya know. He was just being a pain and I didn't know he'd get lost." He looks at Dan almost pleadingly. "I didn't want him to. I just... I don't like him hanging around me and.... I guess I was irresponsible just like my dad said."

His head starts to hang again. "Do you... really think I should go back?"

A grin sneaks onto Gunner's face at Bree's comment, though his eyes stay closed. Sensing the light go out, he sighs deeply, right on the edge of sleep. Not expecting company though, his eyes open as he feels Bree climbing onto the couch with him and nesting down in what was left of a space between him and the back cushions.

Smiling in the dark, he shakes his head. "This'll never do," he mumbles. He raises himself halfway up and twists around, pulling off his t-shirt. Rooting around, he's pretty sure he bumps Bree in the head with his elbow at least once until he's on his back, with her halfway on top of him and halfway still in between him and the couch so she can rest her head on his chest.

Grabbing the soft blanket from the back of the couch, he throws one end of it so it covers them and settles his head back with a deep sigh, Bree's head moving with his lung's motion. One arm was tucked around her, while the other rested on the outside, his hand lying somewhere near hers.

Weak Human

Continuing to just sit back and listen to Dylan Dan gives a small nod here and there proving he was listing. Hearing his story Dan's face didn't really change much though his eyes did flood with emotions. It was easy to see just from looking at Dylan he was telling the truth and yet it still bothered him to talk about it.

Once Dylan was done Dan sits up and folds his hands on the table. Letting the silence just fall over the table for a long moment Dan just collects his thoughts thinking for a long moment how ironic that he was the one Dylan had deiced to talk to.

"Dylan, I believe you and I am probably the last person that is good to give you any kind of advice with out looking like a hypocrite. I don't even talk to my father anymore, its been well over five years. I should of put more effort into trying to contact him but I guess I was ashamed of my own self."

Dan stops again thinking. It really was true, Dan never put any effort into talking to his Dad after he got out of jail when maybe he should of. It had been so long was it really worth it now?

"I can tell you one thing though Dylan, before I came down to go to lunch I saw the look in your dad's eye when he saw you at the end of the driveway and there was so much love and sorrow that filled his eyes. and if you were to just tell him the truth, I know he would believe you. He dosnt think your a loser, I don't know why he never wanted anything to do with you as a kid, and I cant even guess but he wanted to be part of your life now, and thats something I wouldnt want to pass up."

Giving a nod and a sip of his pop just thinking again for a moment.

"Unfortunately out past will always follow us, and we will always remember the past, but thats because it will help us in the future when what we choose to do. I think one of the biggest steps we have to take though is forgiving ourselves. Thats the hardest thing to do."

That had been the hardest thing for Dan. Forgiving himself for what he did, and drying to live with the nightmares he had every night. It hadn't been an easy task.

"Weak...no human, you and me both. Drugs, alcohol....the ways of the world that temp who we are. Your not weak Dylan, just human and if these people are still after you I think its gives you an even better reason for telling you dad because he can keep you safe and anyone else who might get hurt so they could get to you. Its your desition but you keep saying you mess up left and right...maybe not its time to do the smart thing, and let your dad know! The choose is yours."

As the night drew to an end Bree could feel her own eyes starting to close and as Gunner makes it final they they were going home Bree didn't try and fight back. She had, had enough of the fun for one day and she could feel her own eyes start to close and she was feeling a little claustrophobic.

Once getting home and seeing Gunner crash on the couch after staying awake for a little while longer Bree can't help but laugh. He was so tired, and he deserved a good rest how could she not let him have it.

Giving over to the couch and sitting on the edge for a moment Bree rubs his back still smiling. Leaning down a little she gives him a kiss on the side of the face letting it linger for a moment.

"Yeah I will be here tonight. I am way to tired to drive home. So that means no running around the house in your boxers."

Giving a small laugh and standing from the couch Bree walks over to the light and turns it off. Standing in the dark room for a moment and watching Gunner's form on the couch almost like he might disappear Bree turns but than turns back to the couch again. Making her way back to the couch a little Bree squeeze herself between Gunner and the back of the couch making herself comfortable even if she was squished a little. Drapping her arm over Gunner's back she smiles before closing her eyes.

"Good Night Gunner."

Up in the night

Gunner's eyes widen at Bree's comment and he turns to her, letting out a low growl. He leans in towards her neck, but turns at the last second just to put his head on her shoulder instead of playing a vampire. "A bed... no bars... mmmm yeah, I think I can handle that... especially the door on the bathroom." Once his head has rested on her shoulder for a few moments though, his eyes fall shut, the grin slowly fading from his face.

Out of nowhere, he snaps up and stands abruptly, almost dumping his punch on the floor. "Okay, that's it, time to go. I can't stay awake another minute."

Still having Bree's hand in his, he pulls her up out of the chair and drags her to the door. "G'night y'all! Thanks for the party!"

The others laugh and wave, all knowing it was getting a bit late and glad that he'd been there for a while at all. JT sees Gunner and Bree disappear and downs the rest of his punch quickly. "I better go or they're gonna leave me here without a car." Grinning, he waves to the group and heads out quickly to follow the other two out.

The car ride doesn't take too long and Gunner winds up riding shotgun just so he can talk to JT and stay awake until they get back. Running on pure adrenaline, he manages to stay up a little while longer. Once JT has gone to bed though, Gunner kicks his shoes off and barely makes it to the couch to flop down on his stomach, not even bothering to turn out the light.

"Are you staying?" he mumbles to Bree into the cushions. "I don't wanna get up in the night and think there's not a lady in the house."

The party was over. TJY was cleaned up. People were going home and Reese was one of the few who was left. It wasn't for a pleasant task though. He'd been tempted to put this off, but he knew he needed to get it done before anything else happened.

"What?" Alec is sitting up in the infirmary bed, soon to be released to his room on the lower level again. He was going stir crazy, but at least Ryan had visited. Now though... "You can't do that."

"I can keep out whoever I want to keep out," Reese retorts as he stands beside the bed, his arms crossed. "You won't talk, Ryan won't be allowed back."

"I've been telling you the truth!"

"Then try sticking with the same story for once." Reese's eyes narrow. "I'm through playing games, Alec. Either you talk or Ryan will be escorted out next time she tries to come. It's that simple."

Alec glares at Reese, feeling his insides churn.

"Think about it." Reese turns to leave. "I'll be here in the morning."

Dylan thinks for several long moments as his jaw muscles work out his tension without realizing it, just like his father. Everyone thought he'd caved to peer pressure or had just been stupid... the problem was that he hadn't given them anything else to believe. After recent events, something deep down just wanted someone to believe in him again. And if it wasn't going to be his father, anybody would do. Would Dan really listen? Would he really believe him? Dylan had heard Dan had a past of his own... maybe there really was some sort of connection there.

"I didn't want to do it." On the surface, Dylan didn't want to talk about this at all. But something deeper wanted release from these chains.

"My friends were crap... and I knew it. But I didn't have anybody else." He shrugs lamely. "I wasn't doin' good in school and I don't know... I didn't get along with Ben, and me and my mom weren't doing real well so... I hung out with the losers. Got in a bit of trouble now and again. Got picked up by the cops a couple times, but it wasn't anything major enough to send me away."

Dylan's eyes drift to the table where he picks up another french fry to play with. "One night there was a party. I snuck out of the house to go 'cause I was already grounded. Most of the others were getting drunk or smoking weed out back. I drank once in a while, but never did any more than that... always figured I was smart enough to stay away from anything else whether they offered it to me or not. I hung around for awhile then a few of my buddies dragged me into a back room. They didn't tell me what was going on - I thought they were just fooling around or something. Then they sat me down and held me in a chair. I think they were half drunk themselves and they thought it was pretty funny."

He pauses and rubs his arm where one could still faintly see the marks of needles. "I... tried to get away when I saw them come out with the needle. They were laughing. Talking about seein' me high in the clouds. I tried to fight them off but they were stronger." He shrugs lamely. "So they shot me up."

It was obvious from the look in his eye that even though he tried to be tough about the whole thing, that it really bothered him still. It had been a very bad experience that haunted him still, though he'd never admitted it. He'd told people at he McClains that his nightmares had just been about a fire or something, when in reality, they were of that night.

He looks away for a moment, finding something else to focus on, then eats a fry, not even sure himself if he was going to go on. But after a sip of his pop, he does, still not looking up at Dan. He was too afraid he'd find disbelief or disappointment.

"Um... anyway, I don't remember much else about that night. I think the guys brought some girls in or something and I don't remember what happened but I don't think I did things I should have. Somehow I got home. I almost thought it had all been a bad dream 'cept the mark was still on my arm. I didn't say anything to anybody 'cause I knew there was no way they'd believe me. 'Oh sure, Dylan, they "forced" you.' So I kept my mouth shut over the weekend. Only thing was, come Monday, I was wanting whatever they'd given me real bad."

Dylan's face gains color, proving how embarrassed he was. "I... I tried to get past it. Figured if I just waited it out, I'd be okay. I didn't want to get hooked... I knew it was bad stuff. But... after school that day, on my way home, those same guys nabbed me again. And... it happened all over again. They threatened me... said if I told anyone, they'd hurt my mom and sister. They were serious so I... got scared. A few more times just like that and... they got what they wanted - me, addicted to their drugs."

He starts on another fry then lets it drop back to his plate, feeling sick in his gut just thinking about it all again. "I kept wondering what the point was... them getting me addicted. It didn't make sense. But all I ever got was hearing them boast about how much they'd got paid." He scoffs in disbelief. "Someone paid them to get me high. It got bad enough that it wasn't even hard for me anymore to get the stuff. Mostly I found 'em after school or at night when I'd sneak out of the house. Sometimes they'd make me do things for 'em for a fix. Nobody ever got hurt, but I stole more than one thing from the school. I only heard them talking once or twice and it sounded like someone was still payin' them, and they were just taking advantage by getting me to do things for them."

Dylan swallows hard, looking at his hands. "I wanted out so bad, I just... I was too weak. I couldn't say no anymore. Every time I tried, I just..." This was the worst part. Admitting he'd wanted off the stuff but couldn't do it. It just proved how weak he was.

"Eventually, there was a bunch who said they were goin' for a one-way joyride. I just wanted to get out of town and leave it all. So... I went with. I figured I was enough of a mess I deserved whatever I got. There were guys, girls... I don't remember much other than trying to forget and not caring what I did with who or how or how many." He scoffs again. "Yeah... Mama's little boy done did things that'd make her heart stop."

Dylan stops once more, not even sure why he should go on. This was the first time he'd told anybody any of this. The trouble, the drugs, the girls... all of it. He might as well finish now. "Next thing I remember is being totally doped up and the gang from TJY found us. I... found out Dad was involved and it just made me mad 'cause..." He shrugs. "He didn't care about taking care of me when I was a kid, and now he showed up to tell me how to live, while showing off how he was weak-willed himself."

Emotion floods Dylan's eyes as his gaze remains downcast. His hands grip each other so tightly that his knuckles turn white. "I hated it the whole time, Dan. I never once got enjoyment out of sticking myself or getting higher than a kite or doing stupid things while I was there. I just... I couldn't help it and every time I came back around, I wanted to go walk in front of a mac truck 'cause I felt so stupid. I hid it all well but it didn't matter."

Pausing again, he tries to stay in control. "Part of me was glad to be at the McClain's. I finally got off that stuff but they all automatically thought I was just some punk kid who'd had too much fun... even my dad. I knew that my story was impossible to believe. I just wanted to be gone but they wouldn't let me. I didn't want anything to do with my dad, but he had to be there too... I suppose the rest isn't worth saying. You know how things went after I got here."

Dylan still avoids Dan's eyes. "So that's it. I was stupid. I couldn't even stop myself from getting hooked by some mongrel high school thugs. I was born a loser and always will be. Family thinks so and they're right. Doesn't matter what I do now... I'll always have been a druggie and a petty crook." His thumb runs along the table, his food now forgotten. There was only one thing left. "And they're still after me."


Taking another bit of is own burger Dan turns a little listing to Dylan and puts his feel up on the booth seat and leaning his back in the crack where the wall and booth met so he could still listen to Dylan and look him in the eye.

Just staying silent Dan chews on his frys or takes a drink of his pop not interrupting Dylan but listening to him. Oh yes how Dylan reminded him of himself in his younger years. Just wanting someone to listen, or just someone to believe him. It was hard road to travel when everything was stacked against you.

"I'd believe you and listen because I have been down that road a time or two myself, and when no one will listen it sucks."

Dan gives a small nod to Dylan, he was in face more than what people though on the outside, and his closet had there own hidden skeletons tucked away. He was far from perfect and maybe that was why he felt even more to Dylan. But Dan left the ball in Dylan's court again if he wanted to keep talking he could Dan would just listen.

Keeping close to Gunner at TJY Bree can't stop smiling. Her cheeks were starting to hurt but she didn't care, the smile never moved. How could she be so happy and not smile? It was just not possible.

Hearing Gunner's comment to Susanne Bree can't help the short laugh the escaped her lips from Susanne's own confusion.

"Thats later."

And as the night continues the laughs do, and the fun just keep rolling, a few different times color coming to Bree's cheeks as she was talked about, or Gunner would tell someone else she was the best thing in the world. Being in the spot light with Gunner was different, and she liked it even more because it was with him.

As the night continues and Bree follows Gunner to the quiet part of the room Bree didn't mind at all. It was nice being around the people, but just time alone with Gunner was good to where she could hear her own thoughts.

Looking up at Gunner still holding his hand Bree's eyes twinkle a little as she just looks back into Gunner's.

"I am happy he drove too. I think I am gonna be snuggling in the back with you and possible pass out myself. I bet its going to feel nice not sleeping on that horrible cell bed and having a potty with a door..."

Bree's lips curl a little as she slipped her next comment in.

"...and not having bars in the way of doing your vamperic duty.


Dylan surprises even himself by listening quietly to Dan. Maybe he was down far enough that anything close to advice wasn't so repulsive anymore. Maybe for once he was confused enough that answers didn't seem so bad.

Was it true that his dad really didn't hate him? Was it true that he would listen? Was it true that Mick had let Dylan go because he really didn't want to push him away? Dylan wondered.

He chews on another french fry, still quiet for a few moments and mulling over what Dan had said. "He wouldn't believe me," he finally responds. "Who would believe someone who said they'd wanted nothing to do with drugs but who'd been found as a doped up addict? Who would believe someone who said it wasn't their choice, rather than saying they'd caved to peer pressure?" He scoffs at the idea.

"Why do I act like I do? Because it's more believable." Glancing up, he finally looks into Dan's eyes. His own gaze betrayed him as it begged for a chance to tell his story to someone who would listen. No parents to chide him, no counselors to coax him, no sister to tell him what to do. He was tired of living in this lonely, quiet world. But who could he trust to believe him? Who could he trust to just... listen?

It took a while and there was quite a bit of chaos, but once the dust settled and darkness had settled over the sky, finally everyone was together again in the rec room at TJY. It was the best room for a party and even Gunner had been surprised at the work they'd put into dolling up the room. Apparently most had been pretty confident that the case wouldn't last past today, and everyone was thankful they'd been right.

"We're so glad to have you back, Brent." Susanne's eyes shine as she gives Gunner a little hug.

Gunner smirks at her. "You know better than to call me by my given name," he teases.

"Oh, pooh." Susanne rolls her eyes. "Don't make me sorry for ordering a cake."

"Mmm... cake. We got blood to drink?"


"Never mind." Gunner gives Bree a sidelong glance, knowing she'd probably be the only one who got the joke.

Just about everybody greets him and shakes his had, seeming to be very pleased he was back. It felt odd in a way... to Gunner, it felt like he'd never left, yet at the same time, it felt like years had passed.

"Speech! Speech!"

Gunner whirls around, his eyes narrowing. "Conrad," he growls. "Don't you dare."

Con grins and holds up his cup of punch. "I dared. Speech!"

As the others chime in, Gunner shakes his head. "Alright, alright! If you lot would quiet down, maybe a man could get a word in edgewise." Once the room is quiet, he looks around at all the faces then chuckles. "I don't know what you want me to say. Thanks for... waiting for me and... for having this party. Makes a guy feel good. I'm glad to be back, that's for sure."

"What's the best part about getting out of jail?" Jason teases.

"That's easy. Holding this girl's hand and getting back into my own clothes again."

Several people laugh, though a few murmur, "Awww," as they see him holding Bree's hand.

"I expect you to be to work at seven in the morning," Reese comments dryly. He can't help but smile though. "No, I think you've earned a couple days of R&R."

As the little party continues, Gunner finally finds his way to a more quiet corner, totally exhausted but not wanting to be rude and leave. Sitting next to Bree against the far wall, his hand is still in hers. "Good thing your uncle drove," he muses. "I don't think I could make it back across town without falling asleep."