
Another world away

Alec couldn't help the surprise that passed in his eyes. He had thought Hope would make it more difficult than this, thinking her words had been a trap. But apparently he'd said the right thing. He blinks. He had?

Listening to her call to Reese surprised him even more. She knew he wouldn't approve, and she was doing it anyway? She cared about Scott that much that she would trust Alec himself? An ex-Agency crook? Go against Reese's wishes?

Her prompting brings Alec's mind back around and he gives his head a little shake as if clearing cobwebs. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he grits his teeth as his sore ribs protest, but he ignores them, going for his sneakers. Once he's got something on his feet, he grabs his denim jacket and stands up, nodding to Hope. "Lead the way. You'll have to talk my way out of here with Hal on the prowl."

It does take a bit of convincing for Hal to let Alec go, but trusting Hope, he finally gives in without Reese's direct clearance. Once outside, Alec obediently follows Hope to her car, showing no signs of running off just yet. He's quiet as they start the two-hour drive, though after a while, he finally breaks the silence. "If Scott's in as bad a shape as I think he is, this isn't gonna be easy for you," he mentions. Though his voice was matter-of-fact with his usual cool tone, if one listened hard enough they might just catch the slightest warmth coming through in a form almost resembling concern for Hope. "Seeing me is gonna be one of those visual triggers, not to mention he's angry and probably still a bit scared of me. You should be prepared to see him do anything, though I expect him to get physical." It was obvious, and a bit surprising, that Alec was already forming some sort of plan in his mind of what he would do and what would happen.

Reese fumbles in his pocket as he keeps one hand on the steering wheel, muttering to himself as he misses the call. Finally getting his cell phone out, he glares at it, reminded that these jeans had smaller pockets.

Listening to the voicemail as he drives, his eyes go wide. Who was Hope bringing? Who did she know he would not be happy about? And why would she do something she knew he wouldn't approve of? That didn't seem like her.

Shutting his phone, he tries to think of who on earth Hope was talking about. Was it Alec? Was she daring to bring Alec with her? Surely not. Not only was Alec not allowed to leave the premises, but he could run off, hold her hostage, not to mention Scott seeing him could be a disaster. Surely she didn't mean Alec... did she?

Reese almost calls her back, but then decides against it. There was no point. She'd already made up her mind and was probably on the road too by now. He'd just wait and see. At least he'd get to Brookshire first to see what the situation was like before she came.

Once he did get there though, he was at a loss. Shown to Scott's room, he was informed by Jenny that if nothing changed, Scott would have to be transferred by that evening because there was nothing they could do for him. And entering, Reese's heart gave a lurch.

Scott sat in the very corner of his room, tucked back against the wall in the shadow. His arms were wrapped around his legs, his eyes open but staring into nothingness. He was rocking himself and mumbling quietly, totally oblivious to anything going on around him. Even when Reese kneels in front of him and touches his shoulder, Scott doesn't even acknowledge his presence.

"Scott? Scott, it's Reese... can you talk to me?"

Nothing. It was as if Scott didn't even know he was there. All he did was rock and mumble words that made no sense to Reese at all. It sounded like he was reading sheets of computer data.

Standing again, Reese tries to keep his mind focused as he goes back out into the hall, just catching Jenny before she went back downstairs. "Jenny... who was it that was here yesterday?"

She shakes her head slowly. "I'm not sure, Mr. Reese. He was a tall man with dark hair, but when we checked the registry later that day, there was no signature. He must have distracted the nurse at the front counter because he never actually wrote anything - he just pretended to."

"How old was the man? Can you take a guess?"

"Mm... I would say late sixties maybe?" Jenny scrunches her nose. "I'm bad with ages though, so I'm really not sure."

"What about security tapes?"

Jenny shakes her head. "Dr. Hawks already checked and there were no shots of the visitor, surprisingly. Not that he could find anyway. Do you think it was someone Scott knew? I mean... do you think that the visitor is connected with his breakdown?"

"I don't know, Jenny... I don't know."

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