
Should have been more

Chance sticks close to Destiny, making just a couple calls to TJY on the way to the cemetery to ensure Jason would be there as well. It was a quieter ride than normal as they head across town. Not surprising though. Chance really didn't know what to say, but it seemed Destiny didn't mind anyway, so quiet it remains.

Once they arrive at the gravesite, Chance is on guard. His body language relays confidence, while his eyes continuously roam the area. He lets Destiny lead the way, though keeps a close eye out on everybody who was there, taking in their faces and the way they looked at Destiny. Some threw him questioning glances, but he ignored them. Probably many hadn't expected a man to be with Destiny, let alone one who was obviously carrying at least one gun.

As they walk, Chance's eyes sweep the perimeter. His earpiece and mic in place, he speaks quietly but clearly. "Where are ya, Jason?"

"Over on the east side."

Chance looks and sure enough, Jason was beside a tree at a good vantage point. "Alright. Let me know if you see anything weird."

Jason watches as Chance and Destiny walk, giving them a little wave.
I think there should have been more agents here. I just don't feel right about it. We're here to protect Destiny, but there's too much open space. Why would Chance only want one other man? Or is he that cocky that he thinks he can do it all himself?

Ty gives Libby the best smile he can, grateful for her words and presence. He was fortunate... not only for the company and two doctors who were friends, but that TJY had somehow always been able to get the equipment they wanted and needed, where at other places, people would have to go to hospitals for these kinds of procedures.

"Thanks, Libby." Ty squeezes her hand. "I couldn't do this without you."

And so it begins. Seconds turn into minutes and minutes turn into hours. Ty is put through and array of tests, some requiring only lying still and some requiring him to answer questions or observe things on a monitor so Rick and Misty could watch his brain patterns. None of it made sense to him, but apparently it did to Rick and Misty, so he simply did as he was told.

After a few hours though, he was growing weary and almost regretted coming. But he didn't complain. Eventually, he was back on the bed, resting as he laid on his side, wishing he were at home. Looking to Libby who was sitting near him, he gives her a weary grin. "Aren't you glad I asked you to waste your day down here with me?"

Over at the desk, Rick observes different results, consulting Misty about what they were seeing. "Everything seems to be adding up fine," he muses. "This is a tough one. He's not stupid though, that much is for sure. He's a mathematical genius and there's no reason he shouldn't be able to learn how to read."

Sighing, he rubs his tired eyes. "He said the words run together... that the letters don't make sense and it gets somewhat blurry. But it's not his eyes - he has perfect vision. Did he say something about being able to read a menu at a restaurant?"

Nerves and sadness

Standing with Ty inside the infirmary Libby kept her hand in his. She new he was nervous and couldnt blame him, if it had been here she'd be the same way. Doing her best to give Ty a reasuring smile Libby didn't mind being here with him at all.

"I am sure there is nothing wrong with you, but if there happens to be something wrong, I like you just the same as I do now, and nothing will change."

Giving his hand a slight squeeze Libby's eyes give a sparkle as her eyes search Ty's face trying to give him the hope, and knowledge that everything would be ok she felt.

"Everything is gonna be ok!"

Misty gives a nod to Rick a she gets a few things together. She understood what he was saying and was happy to help. Working along side Rick was something she liked doing a great deal.

"In the end, I think this will be a good thing too."

Giving a small returned smile Destiny leans her head into Chance's hand just feeling his fingers and warmth on her skin. Just knowing Chance was close to her once again it seemed to help sooth just a little bit of the pain.

"It wont last forever, but it's already lasted to long."

Letting out a long sigh Destiny did take not to who Chance looked and if it hadn't been the day it would she would of made some comment about it but it goes left unsaid knowing there would be another day for it.

Turning back around and finishing making the tea and coffee Destiny new Chance would stay close and she was thankful for that. Once the tea was finished and they had drank every last drop it was time to go. With a heavy heart Destiny grabbed her pursed and headed out making sure to stop and wait for Chance a normal ruteen now, it just came by nature to wait and make sure he was there. Not to mention now she wanted him close.

Getting into the car and going it doesn't take to long to get to the grave site where everything would be held at once. Taking note there were more people there than Destiny had expected. Friends of her parents mostly, and alot of the faces she didnt know. On top of being sad it did make her a little nervous too.

Staying close to Chance Destiny pointed the way on where they were to go so she could talk to the minister before it started.

Something wrong

With Destiny getting up and going, Chance knew he had to, too. Watching her go down the hall, he sighs. It was gonna be touch for her today. The funny thing was that a week ago, he would have dreaded it, had she needed a shoulder to cry on. Today, he was glad it was him who would get to put his arm around her once it was all over.

Rubbing a hand over his face to try and wake up, the little nagging feeling in his gut worsened. He was walking a very dangerous line. Whose side was he on? It used to not matter. But if he continued this path with Destiny, would he still be able to do his job? It was that question that led straight back to that little nagging feeling.

Pushing it aside, Chance finally gets up and wanders to the desk. Someone was waiting to chat with him. Destiny would be in the shower for a few minutes, so it was safe.

Once Destiny does appear though, the chat box has been closed, and hearing her voice, Chance closes his computer too. Turning around and seeing her, a small smile appears. He wished it wasn't the day of her parent's funeral. Otherwise he might tell her how cute she looked. He'd have to do it at another time.

Standing up, he stretches and nods. "Yeah, sure... tea sounds good." He checks his watch and yawns. "I got just enough time to hit the shower and get some other clothes on, so give me a few minutes."

He checks the monitors once before he goes to make sure everything is clear before leaving it unguarded. Using the hall closet, he retrieves his clothes and makes a quick job out of taking his shower. Coming back out into the living room, his hair was still damp and just a little messy but not unattractively so. Today his black silk shirt was tucked into a pair of black pants, sporting a thin belt. A faint scent of aftershave lingers in the air as he dons his holsters both for his side and hip. He doesn't skip over his derringer or knife today either. A group setting was a bodyguard's nightmare.

Wandering to the kitchen, he finds Destiny and tries his best at a new smile for her. "Thanks for making tea... that's gonna be hard getting used to having to make my own all the time again." His grin is a teasing one as he brushes her cheek with the back of his hand. He knew that humor was not easy to come by today, even though he tried.

He cocks his head. "The day won't last forever," he mentions quietly.

After another night at work, Ty was back to TJY, but this time not mop floors. Entering the infirmary, he's more hesitant than usual, but having Libby with him helped.

Rick turns from his work at the counter and smiles. "Hello, Ty. Hello, Libby."

Ty nods, then sees Misty and gives her a little wave. "Hi."

Rick holds his smile. "You ready?"

"Um. Yeah."

Rick chuckles. "If it's any comfort, I've been wanting to use this new equipment anyway so this is as good a trial as any."

Ty smirks. "No comfort. But thanks for trying."

Another chuckles comes and Rick points to the table. "Have a seat. We'll be right with you."

Ty swallows hard and does as he's told, sitting, then looking to Libby. He was usually confident, or at least hid any fear. But today... today he wasn't so sure. He wanted Rick and Misty to find something, and on the other hand, he didn't. "What if... what if they find something wrong with me?"

Nearby, Rick hears the question aimed at Libby, and he looks to Misty, speaking quietly. "I don't think there's anything wrong with him, though I am concerned with the things he's told me. I want to have a brain scan then put him through several tests to check his responses. Gonna take a while but... I think it will be worth it."


Bringing her own hand to Alec's face Ryan returns the kiss. She'd gotten use to him spending the nights with them that him going back early just seemed odd but she understood and the sooner Reese let him have his apartment the more she could see him.

"Ok, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow than."

Giving Alec another kiss Ryan finally gets out of her car and waits for Alec to do the same before locking the doors for the night and heading inside. Tomorrow would be an interesting night not only because it was race night but because Roth would get what was long time coming to him.

Feeling Chance's hand run through her hair and hearing his voice Destiny new he was awake now. She had been herself for the last hour or so but she deiced to stay put and hope maybe the day would just pass by. But no matter how long she sat there reality was still knocking at the door and she new today she had to face.

"Yeah, I'm awake...just didn't feel like moving yet. I was way to comfortable. Guess I should now though."

Sitting up on the couch and swinging her legs over the edge Destiny just sits there for a long moment playing with a loss string on her pants. Finally letting out a long sigh Destiny stands.

"I'm gonna head and take my shower, promise I was scream at any mice today!"

She tried to find humor in her own comment but today it just seemed like it wouldn't come. Her spirit was heavy with having to lay her parents to rest.

Disappearing into the bathroom is wasn't long after that the sound of running water was herd, and than soon stopped. Leaving the bathroom and coming back into the living room a plane black dress that came to Destiny's knees, along with a pare of black high heels was what she wore today. Her hair pushed back by a nice little black headband, and just a little makeup. There was no point in wearing much as it would probably get washed off by tears.

Stopping in the living room Destiny trys her best to give a small smile to Chance. At least he was there, and she wouldn't feel totally alone she was in fact happy for that.

"I think I'm going to make some coffee before we go...would you like any tea?"

Rise and shine

Alec shakes his head at Ryan's question, not really knowing what he wanted tonight. "The car's at your place so take me there but I should probably just go back to the dungeon - keep Reese happy at least part of the time so he still works on that apartment for me." It didn't sound like fun, but it was the best thing he could think of right now.

Getting back to the apartment, Alec sits for a moment, still contemplating his next move. This was the only place he ever really felt like he belonged, even if Eli was rough on him sometimes. But freedom wasn't free, he was learning. It had a price and he was still paying.

He gives a little sigh, then turns to Ryan, leaning over to give her a kiss, his palm cradling her cheek. "Goodnight, Ry... I'll see you tomorrow night."

Chance's eyes crack open, his brain slow to comprehend that there was a soft light in the living room. Feeling lethargic, it takes him several moments to realize what day it was, what happened yesterday, where he was, and that it must be morning.

Moving his arm, he feels the bundle of warmth on top and beside of him, remembering now that Destiny was with him. They must have fallen asleep on the couch again, too comfortable to move after the movie was done. And once again, he'd had an amazingly good night's sleep.

But now reality was back and the cold hard truth was that they needed to get up and face Destiny's parent's funeral today.

Gently, Chance runs his fingers through Destiny's hair to wake her up. "Hey, Sleepy," he greets quietly. "Rise and shine."