
Any reason

Looking up as Jason enters the office Dalton raises an eyebrow. It wasn't often Jason came here, and no that he was Dalton could feel himself turn stiff just a little knowing it had to do with Scott more than likely and he hated to think what might have happened to his friend now.

"Hey Jason."

Waiting for him to continue it comes all too soon as Dalton can feel the blood pool in his own face though he kept a lid on his temper. He'd never met Austin face to face before but he had heard enough not to really want to ether. Just seeing him from time to time had been bad enough knowing about what he had done to Scott. And now to think he was trying something again?

"Maybe its best he skipped town. Might be the safest option for him."

Dalton didn't mean for his words to be so cold knowing it was Jason grandfather and all he just couldn't help it. He hated knowing when someone heart another close to him. Looking up at Jason his eyes reflect an apology though he says no words about it.

"Thanks for letting me know. If you find anything else out or any other way I can help just ask. I'll do all I can."

"Been thinking since this morning huh? I guess this wasn't a spear of the moment set back huh? But than any reason to put my arms around you again is fine."

Not being able to help the small laugh that escaped her lips laced with a small shy tone to it Scarlet didn't linger on the comment but kept the conversation rolling.

"Nope, twenty minutes should be the prefect time to get my jacket and helmet and think of somewhere to eat. I guess I will see you than."

Hanging up the phone Scarlet gives another smile slipping it into her pocket once again before turning and finishing up a few things around her apartment. Once finished she grabbed her jacket, a stack of meal coupons deciding maybe she could put some to use, and head out to her small porch to sit and wait for Eli.

Too soon

Jason lets the conversation drop for now. He could feel Katie trying to comfort him, and he's grateful, pushing a few warm emotions back to her. But deeper than that, the turmoil still churned. He needed to think it through and get it sorted out before his emotions got the best of him.

Looking down, he realizes that he'd been scratching his scarred palm as it had gained a slight burning sensation. Early warning system? He sighs and tries to get back to work.

It isn't until later in the day that Jason finally gives himself a short break from work. Wandering to the break room, he pauses by Dalton's open door. It was still strange not seeing Scott there too. It was doubtful he'd ever be back.

Changing his route, Jason knocks and enters the office instead of going for a can of pop. "Hey, Dalton..." He knew he'd be welcomed, so he sits in an extra chair, giving a little sigh. Hulk had a right to know about any updates on his little friend. "Found out it was Austin who scared Scott the other day... now Austin's skipped town."

A wry grin forms on Eli's face and he twirls the phone cord around his finger. "Oh, I think I could come pick you up. Your pick where we eat today though. I've been braindead since I got up this morning."

Fiddling with a pen, he lets one of his legs bounce absentmindedly. "Grab your helmet and wait for me... I can be there in..." He glances at a clock. "Twenty minutes, unless that's too soon."


Getting back to her cubicle Katie sits down just setting her papers on the desk for a moment and leaning back in her chair. She could tell something was wrong with Jason though she didn't know what. She also had to respect his own need for privacy too.

"Ok, not a problem. You know how to get me if you need to talk."

Giving some tugs on Jason's warm emotions she comforts him the best she can before getting back to her own work. She'd leave Jason alone for now not wanting to invade his space.

Sitting in front of the tv it takes Scarlet a moment to feel her phone vibrate in her pocket and than takes another moment for her to get it out. Finally though retrieving it she looks at the number and a small grin forms on her lips.

"Hello, this is Scarlet."

Hearing Eli's voice and having confirmation that it really was him on the other end Scarlet stands to put her cup in the sink. Hearing about the delay on her bike Scarlet can't help but have the hairs on her neck bristle for a moment but than remembering who it was working on her bike she calmed again. She did trust Eli, and if there was something really wrong he would tell her.


Thinking for a moment Scarlet liked the idea of having lunch again with Eli though she didn't want to jump on it to quick and sound despite. So just letting it linger for a moment she turns around and leans her back on the counter for a moment before replying.

"I think lunch sounds great as long as you dont mind coming to pick me up again first."


Having an extra tug on his emotions, Jason winces a little, but lets Katie do it, knowing he hadn't been fair to her.

Yeah... yeah, I'm okay. Just Reese was in here, needed to talk to me...

He knew his emotions would betray him. He was upset and either he could shut down and Katie would know he was upset, or he could just let her feel it and she'd know he was upset. Either way, he couldn't hide it. His negative emotions slither out in between the others.

I don't want to talk about it right now. Maybe later.

Eli swivels back and forth in the office chair just behind the window where he could see the entrance and waiting room. Holding the phone to his ear, he waits for an answer while fiddling with a notepad in his free hand. Why was he calling anyway? That was a good question.

Finally hearing the voice he was trying to reach, he straightens up and leans his elbows on the messy desk. "Hey, Scarlet... it's Eli. There's been a delay with your bike but not a big one. Wondered if I could make it up to you.... lunch or something."


Giving another laugh Katie couldn't help but give another giggle. Her communication with Jason was always nice and she did enjoy it. The warm emotions, the tickling feeling it was always such a comfort.

Mmm...I am keeping my book open for tomorrow than because I defiantly don't want to miss out on it.

Continuing to make the copys she needed Katie raises a bit of question as Jason tells her to hang on. Instantly feeling the strain on her own emotions as Jason cuts his flow off Katie gives a gasp as she grabs onto the copier slightly to keep herself standing up.

It wasn't screaming pain that Katie felt with this as Jason's emotions were still open a little but but it defiantly did not feel good and there was slight pain there.

After a few moments though Katie could feel the emotional flow open up again and could feel Jason. Though she didn't mean to she couldn't help but tung a little hard on his own emotions showing her discomfort and the craving for the full emotions once again. Though she was happy he warned her, at least she had been able to brace herself before impact.

Yeah..I'm ok. I think I almost broke the copier though.

Katie finally lets go of the copier retreaving her work a bit of humor laced in her thoughts at her comment. and exiting the room now wondering what was going on and if everything was ok.

Is everything ok?


If I can manage to get out from under Reese, it's a date.

Jason's lips turn up at the corners just a little as he writes his notes.

Alec sighs and shakes his head. "You gonna let me in on the joke or what?"

"Nope." Jason grins at him. "But you're free to go now."

Alec rolls his eyes and stands up. "Thanks. Now I get to go... sit somewhere."

"Better than getting locked up somewhere."

"Sure." Alec waves him off. "See ya around." Limping, he gets back out into the hall and wanders towards the stairs, figuring he'd go sit in his room. His ankle hurt anyway.

Hearing about Scott, Reese just shakes his head and finally wanders around to his car door to get in. "Yeah... yeah, I'll keep you in the loop, don't worry. This thing gets more confusing all the time. I'm not about ready to give up now."

After the call has ended, Reese makes it back to TJY with one goal in mind. Getting inside, he aims straight for Jason's office.


Jason looks up, startled after having just dismissed Alec. "Yeah?"

"A moment?"

"Um... sure?"

Reese steps into his office and closes the door before taking several steps closer to Jason's desk. "I have something to ask you."

The seriousness of Reese's tone puts Jason's emotions on edge. "Okay...?"

"Do you know where Austin is?"

Jason bristles. He'd been on so-so terms with his grandfather the last time he'd seen him, but there were still an awful lot of negative emotions tied up in that history. What did Reese want now? Jason didn't necessarily want this conversation to be broadcast, but he had yet to discover where the switch was so Katie couldn't just hear everything. The only two options were to let Katie in on it now, or cut her off. He didn't like the latter, but... with this topic, he'd rather share it with Katie on his own terms.

Sorry, Hero. Hang in there a minute, okay? I'll be right back.

Closing his eyes for just a moment, he shuts down his emotional flow. Not a hundred percent to cause too much distress, but enough to block communication and cause discomfort on both their ends. He tries not to cringe. "I have no idea where Austin is. I haven't seen him in ages. Why?"

"Apparently he's the one that saw Scott recently, and on top of that, it looks as though he's now skipped town. I don't like it and I just wondered if you knew anything."

A bit of anger tries to bubble out and Jason keeps a lid on it. Once again, Austin had proved what a miserable backstabber he was. And now he'd even left without word. How nice of him. "No... sorry, I don't. But if I hear anything, you'll be the first to know."

"Good enough." Reese nods. "Thank you. That's all."

Once Jason is left alone again, he leans back in his chair, now dealing with a headache from his brief shutdown. Opening up again slowly, he gently prods.

You okay?


Finding what Reese said was interesting it only made Hope a little more upset. It felt like it was only more of a hint that maybe he was doing something to harm Scott. Why would he skip town soon after pushing Scott over the edge?

Bringing her track of thought back around again to Reese question about Scott Hope trys to clear her mind the best she can.

"He was sitting with me and he just remembered. I asked him if he remembered what Austin said to him. He was thinking about it and than he just passed out. He hit his head pretty hard but he's ok."

Letting out another small sigh Hope couldn't help but feel a shift in everything coming. It didn't feel like a good one and it made her worry even more about everything that was going on.

"If you find anything else about Austin can you keep me in the loop please?"

Once in the copy room Katie leans against the copy mashean not making any copy right away closing her eyes a small laugh of her own slips out from Jason.

Mmm...That sounds so nice...I could defiantly go for some kiss time and cuddle time.

Hearing a noise in the door way Katie opens her eyes and see Dalton stairing at her an eyebrow cocked. A bit of color comes to her own face as she gives a little wave.

Shaking his head a smile slips out on Dalton's face as she moves away from the doorway.

"I'll leave you be and make copys later."

Once gone Katie can't help but laugh again as she turns to the copyer and starts to do what she needed.

I think we should call off tomorrow and just have some us time. I think it would be nice, and at least at the beach I would get your in trouble for not working.


"Nope - haven't found out a thing." Reese lets out his own sigh and finally turns away from the window to head off the porch and amble down the sidewalk. "I came after Austin for answers, but found an empty house. He's gone. No lights, no car, no furniture. Don't know when he skipped, but he's definitely not here anymore. Beats me if he's even still in town. That's what I'm gonna ask Jason. If anybody knew, he would."

Giving a little groan, he leans on his car and looks out into the street, trying to deal with the mixture of feelings he had. He was upset about Scott, he was angry at Austin, and he was confused about this whole thing.

"What happened anyway? You said Scott was just waking up? How did he finally remember it was Austin?"

Jason is totally absorbed in his conversation with Alec, doing as requested by Reese and gaining information about a certain Agency project. Listening to Alec and nodding, he suddenly chokes on a laugh that seemed to surface all on its own.

Alec stops talking and quirks an eyebrow, cocking his head. "Yes?"

Jason bites his lip and turns in his chair, putting a hand over his mouth in a casual gesture.

Hey! Not fair! I'm trying to be serious here!

"Sorry. Nothing. Go on, please."

Alec wasn't ready to buy it, and his eyes narrow slightly. "Was it something I said?"

"No!" Jason shakes his head and tries to concentrate again, looking at his notes. "You said it was Lars Tummel who was in charge of that raid."


Jason's mind starts to wander again.

The beach. Mmmm... that sounds nice. It's nice and warm out today too. Barefoot on the beach...setting sun... little cuddle time on a blanket under the rising stars....

"Hellooo." Alec waves a hand in front of Jason's face.

"What? Oh. Sorry."

"What's your problem anyway?"

"Nothing... nothing." Jason tries to cover it up again. "Distracted. Sorry. Go on."

Work... work.... go do something or... something. You're getting me in trouble.

His emotions are teasing as he tries to stay focused on two things at once.


Continuing to lean back against the wall Hope quirks an eyebrow hearing Reese voice before lifting her head from the wall and shifting a little in the chair.

"I'm just sitting outside Scott's room at the moment and I know our conversation was cut short earlyer so I though I would call back."

Hope lets out a sigh she was stressed, she was tired, but she was unwilling to give up yet.

"Have you found anything out with Austin? Why he came to see Scott?"

Tag your it!

Katie can't help the smile that spreads across her face as she pass Jason's office on the way to the copy mashean. Pulling on a few of his different emotions at once in a playful manor.

Why do we have to be at work when it's so nice out?

Continuing to walk Katie couldn't help the smile on her face. She didn't want to be at work today. It was so nice out, and she just wished they could go to the beach or be anywhere but this stuffy building.


Scott is about to respond to Hope, but changes his mind as she walks away. He'd let her go. She'd find out tomorrow.

Rolling onto his side, he tries to rest, not even knowing how long he'd have to stay here instead of his room. It didn't really matter. Nightmares would follow him anywhere anyway.

Reese hears his phone ringing and waits several moments before fishing it out of his pocket. Turning from the door, he answers it, finding that it was Hope. "Oh, hey. I was gonna call you when I got back to the office."

He wanders across the porch and takes one last look through the window of the house. "Not sure what's going on, but I have a feeling it's bigger than Scott. I gotta go talk to Jason. But first, what's up?"


Just letting the silence linger over them for the few long moment they did Hope kept her hand in Scott's. Not fearing the silence with Scott it was just different to have there be no words it was nice just shearing the space with him.

As he does speak again though Hope can feel the icy tone and it stings. She wasn't sure if he meant for the day or ever, but even if he did mean for ever she wouldn't listen. She'd promised she would be here and she would stick to it even if it did hurt.

"Ok, I'll be waiting outside for a while than head home. I'll be back tomorrow and in the mean time you know how to get a hold of me."

Giving Scott's hand another gentile squeeze Hope stands picking up the chair and taking it out of the room with her again setting it to the left side of the door sitting down with a heavy sigh.

Leaning her head back for a long while on the cool tial of the wall her head pounded. She wanted to do more for Scott but there was really nothing more she could. Remembering her conversation with Reese earlier.

Pulling out her phone again and dialing the number Hope waits not sure if Reese would answer his phone or not seeing as she was calling his cell this time not knowing if he was in the office still or not.


Scott keeps his sights on the ceiling. "You weren't hounding me," he counters. "It was just... too much or something."

Sighing, he closes his eyes. "Yeah... hurts. Guess it'll take more than that to keep me out."

Growing quiet again, one might think he's drifted off to sleep, what with some of the medication he'd been given. But in reality, his mind was alert and processing much more than he'd like to admit. Feeling Hope's hand on his, he doesn't move much, just letting the silence reign for several long minutes. Eventually he speaks, though his eyes remain closed.

"I want to be alone..." His voice was quiet but strained. "Don't... come back until.... I call you. I just... I want to be alone."