

Getting back to her cubicle Katie sits down just setting her papers on the desk for a moment and leaning back in her chair. She could tell something was wrong with Jason though she didn't know what. She also had to respect his own need for privacy too.

"Ok, not a problem. You know how to get me if you need to talk."

Giving some tugs on Jason's warm emotions she comforts him the best she can before getting back to her own work. She'd leave Jason alone for now not wanting to invade his space.

Sitting in front of the tv it takes Scarlet a moment to feel her phone vibrate in her pocket and than takes another moment for her to get it out. Finally though retrieving it she looks at the number and a small grin forms on her lips.

"Hello, this is Scarlet."

Hearing Eli's voice and having confirmation that it really was him on the other end Scarlet stands to put her cup in the sink. Hearing about the delay on her bike Scarlet can't help but have the hairs on her neck bristle for a moment but than remembering who it was working on her bike she calmed again. She did trust Eli, and if there was something really wrong he would tell her.


Thinking for a moment Scarlet liked the idea of having lunch again with Eli though she didn't want to jump on it to quick and sound despite. So just letting it linger for a moment she turns around and leans her back on the counter for a moment before replying.

"I think lunch sounds great as long as you dont mind coming to pick me up again first."

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