

Just letting the silence linger over them for the few long moment they did Hope kept her hand in Scott's. Not fearing the silence with Scott it was just different to have there be no words it was nice just shearing the space with him.

As he does speak again though Hope can feel the icy tone and it stings. She wasn't sure if he meant for the day or ever, but even if he did mean for ever she wouldn't listen. She'd promised she would be here and she would stick to it even if it did hurt.

"Ok, I'll be waiting outside for a while than head home. I'll be back tomorrow and in the mean time you know how to get a hold of me."

Giving Scott's hand another gentile squeeze Hope stands picking up the chair and taking it out of the room with her again setting it to the left side of the door sitting down with a heavy sigh.

Leaning her head back for a long while on the cool tial of the wall her head pounded. She wanted to do more for Scott but there was really nothing more she could. Remembering her conversation with Reese earlier.

Pulling out her phone again and dialing the number Hope waits not sure if Reese would answer his phone or not seeing as she was calling his cell this time not knowing if he was in the office still or not.

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