

Not being able to help his laughter Dan new that must be Jade's step dad that had answered the phone. He seemed like a nice guy, and it was nicer to head how he teased Jade. The laughter in her own voice showed that they alone got along good and that made Dan happy to know that. Family was important.

Finally hearing Jade's voice and her comment Dan gives a laugh again. It was nice to hear her happy, and talking to her over the phone had a differnt element to it. He kind of liked it.

"Hey there Beautiful. I think I kind of like you Step Dad."

Giving a smile even thought Dan couldn't see her he really couldn't help it. Even just talking to Jade on the phone made him do just that.

"So, how has you Christmas been so far? Get everything you wanted?"

Giving a little jump not knowing anyone else was behind her and still being edgy in a new place not knowing if the Agency new she was here or not Thirteen turns her head quickly. But seeing it was Trent she relaxed just a little still a look of surprise was on her face.

Looking back to the horse and seeing her father's hand on top of her helping with the brushing a warm feeling seemed to wash over. Even after everything that happened yesterday just having the man that was her father that close to her gave her a new happy feeling.

"The curry brush is that green over over there to get the dust out...right?"

Though Thirteen was bursting with questions she wanted answered to, and different things she wanted to tell her father about herself even though there wasn't much after yesterday if she learned anything it was to slow down a little. She didn't even know if her Dad was going to stick around long, and she didn't want to start thinking about everything if he wasn't. She did really want to get to know him though.

Hearing Gunner's voice on the other end and instant smile formed on Bree's face as she sat up a little straighter on the bed than she had in a while. Her eyes seemed to twinkle as life shown in them again. Gunner seemed to be Bree's medicine.

"Happy Un-Merry Christmas Gunner. I've missed you so much."

Bree couldn't help the small tear that rolled from her eye as she brought her legs up to her chest. It almost felt like she was a child again, but she really did miss Gunner more than she had said though she new her Uncle new.

"I've been look at the starts a lot hoping you were looking too. It helped me feel close to you."

Bree gave another sniff drawing silent as she tried to keep her own emotions in check. The only had a short time to talk she didn't want to wast what little time was there crying.

"I feel like Romeo and Juliet you know only worse. As soon as I can, I am going to come and see you. I promise."

Leaning her head against Mick's her own little chuckle coming out at her brother's comment her eyes don't leave his for the longest moment. Just soaking in everything about him she had missed so much, and feeling close to him again.

"How could I not wait for you? We have a family together, and I love you so much."

Finally breaking the gaze Rosetta turns her head catching sight of Dylan over by the door. Pulling away from Mick just a little bit but not to far like he might vanish again if she did Rosetta gives her step son a warm smile.

"Hey Dylan. Its good to see you again. We have some breakfast left over if you'd like any or I could make you some new stuff."

Looking up and seeing his Dad walk in the door BJ got instantly excited but was told to wait while Mick and Rosetta had each other embraced Wendy held the boy back. Like a rocket ready to be set off the BJ was bursting with energy to see his dad again.

Finally moving her hand Wendy gave a smile and a nod to BJ telling him it was ok now. Giving a little hop BJ runs full speed for Mick but stops turning around and grabbing his checker bored before heading to Mick again throwing his arms around his legs and holding them tight.

"DAD!!!!! I've missed you!!! I sink you would never come home."

No circles

Gunner hears Bree's voice and a smile resurfaces. "Hey, you." He pauses, knowing she'd recognize his voice. "It's just your friendly vampire wanting to say merry Christmas."

"Dan? You mean the Dan we've been hearing all about?" Ben had answered Jade's phone and his tone was a teasing one.

"Ben!" Jade's shriek could be heard in the background. "Give me the phone!"

Ben laughs and backs away from her, carrying her phone with him that he'd happened to answer as it had rung. "Now, now, calm down, Jade." He laughs again, talking to Dan once more. "You'd think she missed you or something. Dan this, Dan that... it's nonstop, I tell ya."

"Cut it out!" Jade wails. "I want to talk to him!"

"Hear that?" Ben ducks Jade's flailing arms as he continues to talk to Dan. "If I didn't know better, I'd think she was in love or something."

"Ben!!!" Jade's face was completely red as she begs him to stop his teasing.

"Alright, okay," he relents. "Here you go."

Grabbing her phone, Jade backs into another room before saying anything to Dan. "I want you to know I am completely mortified," she states flatly, then pauses, beginning to smile, her tone changing. "But I suppose if it meant talking to you, it's worth it... Hi."

Eric grimaces, showing that he really would rather get the pain medication then leave. But he knew too well to argue with Angel.

Stripping, he winces a little as she pokes and prods, not wanting to admit how much it hurt. He'd been kicked by a horse on that same leg once and the bruising brought back not-so-fond memories of that experience.

Sighing as he dresses again, he nods reluctantly to wearing a brace. "Yeah, yeah, I know... take it easy, stay off it and all that. At least half will come true since I can't drive and my rig's in the shop, so you can take comfort in the fact that you can watch me like a hawk all you want."

He grins at Angel, showing he was trying not to be grouchy about it. "I'll tell ya if anything gets worse," he promises. "And... thanks. If you weren't here, they woulda kept me at the hospital and I wouldn't have been able to come."

Mick's eyes dance as Rosetta shouts his name and embraces him. Wrapping his arms around her, he hugs her tightly with a soft chuckle. "Mmm.... I missed you too, more than you'll ever know."

Being drawn into her kiss, he doesn't hesitate to return it with deep passion. He'd been gone for too long. His hat slides back on his head, but he ignores it, just wanting to live this moment with his wife.

At a nearby table, Jeff's eyebrows rise and a grin comes to his face. Seeing that his sister and brother-in-law were ignoring present company, he clears his throat, but that does no good. Starting to laugh, he looks over to Sparky and Faith, then back to Rosetta and Mick. "Wooee... I'd say somebody was missed."

Hearing Jeff, Mick can't help but laugh, breaking the kiss. Leaning his forehead against Rosetta's, his eyes were clear and his gaze so strong. "I love you," he whispers. "Thank you for waiting for me."

Dylan shifts his weight uncomfortably, still standing back by the door. His hands were stuffed in his hoodie, his facial expression far from anything close to a smile. His eyes were dark and defiant, yet he was hesitant, almost shy.

Watching his dad and stepmom a moment, his eyes drop again. Was that Wendy in the corner? He vaguely remembered her. Was that baby a new cousin? He wondered. The boy must be BJ, the one Mick had warned Dylan to not be a bad influence or else. Cousin/brother... the whole family was messed up. And who was that over there with Sparky? At least he thought it was Sparky from what he could remember. He felt so out of place.

Leaning back against the wall, his stance is defensive, just waiting to be told what to do next.

Ryder grins as he stands next to Thirteen gently brushing the mare in the barn aisle. Jim had helped them retrieve the mare and had given them a couple brushes to use. The mare stood quietly, sighing deeply and almost falling asleep under the pampering.

Ryder nods to the mare's almost-closed eyes and chuckles, trying to get Thirteen to laugh too. He'd tried extra hard this morning to see her smile. After last night's little fiasco, he just wanted to make it home without too much more damage.

"Hey, Ryder, you still in here?" Jim's voice came from a stall somewhere around the corner.


"Come here a minute would you?"

Ryder sets his brush aside and nods to Thirteen. "I'll be right back," he assures. "You can keep brushing." Heading off to find Jim, he discovers him remounting a hay rack but needing a second pair of hands.

Trent wipes the remaining oil from his hands and sighs deeply. He'd gladly stay here all day, but his legs were getting stiff. He knew when to quit, especially with the weather as chilly as it was.

Rising from his seat, he stretches then returns the saddle to its rightful stand. Exiting the tack room, he wanders in the direction the the door, figuring on going back to his bunk for a while then coming back to clean some stalls later.

But what he sees, stops him in his tracks. From behind, Thirteen wouldn't be able to see him, but he could see her. She was brushing the mare so gently... timidly. Trent's stomach turns. He wanted to go the back way out now, but something kept him from doing that. Words flew through his mind... words of others that scolded him for his actions and secrets. Condemning words that convicted him and brought on the guilt all over again. He should just leave. But she was so innocent... so alone...

A hand slips around Thirteen, to rest on top of her fingers, curling around the brush she was using. Guiding the brush up to the mare's withers, the brush is drawn back in a firmer stroke.

"No circles with a soft brush," Trent instructs gently. "This kind you just use long firm strokes." He guides her hand back up again and down along the mare's back. Up, and down once more, the bristles combing out all of the dust, making the coat shine. "The rubber curry is her favorite though."

Phone Calls

Leaning back in his truck Dan's bags at his sides He watched the soft falling snow. He'd checked out of his hotel already, and would be heading home soon. The time away, the quiet on his own without bars was well spent. He's come to terms with his self, and had started the forgiving process. Something he had put off for way to long. But Dan new now what he wanted in life, and Jade had helped with that. For him to be totally committed to her He needed to let go, Jade's words of forever lingering in his mind.

Giving a smile Dan reaches for his cell phone Dan opens his car door and gets out once again, taking in the cold air. It wasn't often he saw snow, and he needed to call Jade before heading home. It was Christmas after all, and something he couldn't not do. So why not enjoy both at the same time.

Dialing her cell number Dan waits to here the familiar voice answer on the other end. He missed her something fierce, and couldn't wait to see her again. Being away, and Jade being so far away too he understood just how much he missed and cared for her a great deal. Continuing to let the phone ring Dan waited.

Finally hearing the mail voice on the other end of Jade's phone Dan guess it would be her step father, or another family member who had gathered at the house to be with family.

"Hi, this is Dan, and I was wondering if Jade was available to talk."

Eating another peace of bacon Katie couldn't keep the smile off her face. Last night things had been crazy, and there heart went out to a few family members Katie still felt so at home, and stress free away from work Being with Jason, that was icing on the cake.

Feeling his warm and loving emotions come her way it sends a chill up Katie's spine. One she often felt when he left off good emotions, and one she would never tire of. It was such a nice feeling. She could never explain it to anyone else other than it felt good.

I think a Christmas horse ride sounds amazing. Not to mention if we are careful and take the trail that leads a little ways into the mountains there is some snow left and it will look so pretty. Unless you have some where else you would like to ride.

Kaite draws Jason's happy, loving, and content emotions a little more, making them flow to her faster showing she was so happy.

As long as I am with you we could ride down the street and I would be happy.

Holding Chase in her lap Wendy bounced him up and down gently as BJ held the baby's tiny hand as he played with his new toys. Keeping Chase entertained and happy.
Wendy didn't mind keeping watch over Chase and BJ while the others were moving around getting stuff ready, cleaning up, she enjoyed the kids, and watching the two interact was cute.

Smiling at Eric as she see him Angel knows why he was there and had been faxed over his x-rays and other paper work she might need on what happened.

"Ok, before I give you anything I wanna take a look at your leg. Just to make sure it looks ok."

Turning around and grabbing some gloves Angel waits for Eric to lower his pants. She new he didnt want to show her, and she was prepared for the worse but she needed to see it, and there was no saying no to her.

Kneeling down Angel tried to be as gentile as she could lifting Eric's leg. Seeing the purple bruse that ran down his leg Angel could tell his leg took the brunt of everything. Pressing on it in a few differnt places Angel new it probably hurt but she had to do it. Looking up at Eric her eyes say she is sorry.

"Well, you got a pretty nasty bruise on your muscle. I'm going to give to a brace to where. I know you wont stay off it like you need to but it will help at least take some weight off of it. I want you to promise me you will rest it as much as you can. Even if it feels good enough not to. When your sitting down it needs to stay raised."

Standing Angel takes the gloves off and goes to wash her hands grabbing a few painkillers on the way back along with the leg brace. Looking down at Eric her eyes show she really meant what she said.

"I mean it Eric, if you don't you could end up hurting yourself worse ok? If the pain gets worse you need to tell me, and in a few days I wanna take a look again."

Angel gives him a soft smile. She was always a Dr. first even to her friends wanting to make sure she kept them healthy and not worse would go wrong with them.

Looking up as her Uncle comes into the room Bree didn't show much emotion on her face. This was just another day to her, that held nothing much. The others were smiling, and laughing, Bree wished she could laugh to but she just wasn't in the mood.

Seeing the phone in JT's hand Bree eyes held hope, was she really going to be able to talk to Gunner. To hear his sweet voice was her Christmas wish really going to come true. Taking the phone her hand shook, it was to good to be true and thought she hoped with all her heart she didn't want to be let down to hard.


Standing over the the medium size Christmas tree Rosetta study's the ornaments that were on it. There were many memories on that tree. Home made ones, ones given as gifts, it always made Rosetta smile looking them over and remembering.

Feeling the slight movement behind her before Mick even spoke Rosetta could smell his sent. As strange as it sounded, she had his own smell that Rosetta had come to love and know. But hearing his voice confirmed he was really there.

Feeling chills shoot down her spin Rosetta turned around quicker than she ever had before looking into her husbands eyes.


Throwing her arms around his neck Rosetta held him tightly her face nuzzled into his neck. She'd missed him so much, she'd felt so lonely, and now he was back. Tears ran from Rosetta's eyes showing how happy she was to see him. It had felt like it had been so long. Pulling away and lookin into his eyes Rosetta moves Mick's head back giving a big smile. He never looked so good in his life.

"Oh Mick I missed you so much."

Leaning in Rosetta's lips press against Micks as she forgets about everyone else in the room. Not caring if they were watching or not. Rosetta's heart raced as she was filled with happiness. Her on arm finding Micks back as the other one ran though his hair. Letting the kiss linger and not end to soon.

Merry Christmas

Though curious as to where his niece had gone, JT doesn't ask. He never pried into Bree's business and she never pried into his - it was just the way they worked.

Trying to relax wasn't too hard. The family seemed to recover from the little episode a few minutes ago - at least they were trying to enough that it seemed to work. The music picked back up again, the rest of the gifts were handed out, and the absence of the other three was filled in by laughter and chatting once again.

Ryder gives Thirteen an encouraging nod and takes her hand, heading for the door. Bundled up, he takes her to her bunk but doesn't leave right away. Instead, he sits with her and finds a chick flick on television to watch with her. He doesn't make her talk about what had happened, but just holds her, trying to help her relax.

It wasn't until after Thirteen had fallen asleep and Ryder had made sure she had a blanket pulled up over her on the bed that he quietly left. Once in his own bunk, it took quite a while for sleep to overtake his mind. He felt bad for Thirteen, and he felt a might guilty too, for not having told her about Trent sooner. He knew he'd made a promise that he couldn't break, but still, he probably hadn't been fair to her either, and he just hoped that she wouldn't be mad at him for it.

Eric grins and nods. He knew he'd been wrong to hit Trent, but knowing Rosetta forgave him was enough to make him stay up with her.

"Yeah... I guess I've been on the road a lot lately, huh?" He takes another sip of coffee. "Maybe God's gonna use this to tell me to slow down a little."

As the evening wore on, people began filtering to their own homes or accommodations. Cindy left with Wes and a sleeping Kaylee. Clint wanted to stay up but he knew he needed to go with Wendy and get Chase to bed for the night too. JT made sure Bree was able to get to bed and to sleep before he did as well, wishing Amanda a merry Christmas before he did. Jim and Becky didn't stay too long, and Rosalyn ended up almost falling asleep in her chair, so she'd opted to call it a night as well. Luke stuck around a while to help clean up a few things, but as the late hours came, so did the pain, so he and Angel finally left too. Eventually, Jason and Katie were gone, leaving Sparky and Faith in a quiet corner talking, and Rosetta, Eric and Jeff chatting at their table still.

Though some would wish the evening to go on forever, body's eventually needed to rest and the dining hall was left dark and quiet. There was such a mix of emotions, so extreme. There was a happiness for the season and for the family being together and having such a good time. There was a sadness and a bit of anger connected to what was going on with Trent. And there was a longing for some who weren't there with them.

But time is a funny thing in that when the sun rises again, so often the world looks different than the day before. There's a freshness in the air and an opportunity to start again. The bad wasn't the end after all, and there's one more chance for the good to continue... for the warmth to wash over the ready souls again.

Breakfast was over and morning chores were almost done. The first few hours of daylight had been good. There was still a bit of tension in the air, but between Jeff's teasing, Clint's crazy antics at the breakfast table and Jason teaming up with Eric, laughter drove away the storm clouds.

Trent had not been seen yet today, but everyone else had made it in eventually, including the three fugitives and four visitors. It was a new day after all, and it was Christmas. Peace was available to all as each one found their own ways to grasp it.

So I was thinking about a nice ride this afternoon, just you and me. I know it's cold but... A Christmas horseback ride with you is pretty enticing.

Jason looks across the table to Katie, his emotions those of love and just a want to spend some extra special time with her on this special day. They'd have the rest of the morning then all evening with everyone else... gifts had almost all been exchanged already, so they only needed to make sure they were back in time for supper. So that left a little free time - at least that's what Jason was hoping for.

Eric eases slowly down into a chair in Angel's office, having just come over a while after breakfast. He's spoken with her earlier, so she knew he was here for some pain killers.

"I told the doctor at the hospital I didn't need nothin' but..." He grimaces a little. "This leg of mine seems pretty intent on making me miserable."

Trent emerges from his bunkhouse for the first time that morning. He hadn't gone to breakfast, and he hadn't socialized afterward. It was the tack room he was headed for now... the small confines of leather and oil that was his only haven. People would come and go, but for the most part, it was as private as it got, besides cooping himself up in his own bunk.

Stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets, he wanders to the barn, his head bent low. Thankfully, he made it inside without meeting anybody else. Slipping into the tack room, he shuts the door and finds a saddle to work on, setting it up in a warm corner to clean and oil. He could imagine the rest of his family thinking it was about time for him to leave and get out of their hair... and really, he deserved to get kicked out. Maybe it was time. What Bree had said the night before made sense but... in the long run, maybe it would be best if he just tried to start over somewhere else instead of trying to make up for a past that never could be forgiven.

His eyes were sad and tired. He'd hardly slept at all. Maybe even a few tears had been shed. He couldn't help but wonder though... was Thirteen even still here?

"Bree?" JT taps on the spare room door and lets himself in. After getting her up for breakfast, he'd seen her come back here to hibernate again.

"You awake?" He offers her a gentle smile, glad to see that she hadn't fallen back to sleep again. "I got something for ya..." Both knew that this was an abnormal Christmas. Normally they would have shopped til they dropped on Christmas Eve then had their own little party with junk food, gifts and cheesy movies. Today though, they were without all of that - JT only had one gift to give, and it had taken him all morning and a lot of string pulling to make it happen.

Taking his hand from behind his back, it held the room's cordless phone he'd taken earlier. "There's somebody who wants to talk to you."

On the other end, Gunner waits, hearing JT's muffled voice, apparently talking to Bree. He leans back still in his cell, but amused with David's style of getting the job done. He had a phone and he had it for fifteen minutes.

And while the morning progressed, not many would notice a familiar truck coming up the driveway. It was Christmas after all... and sometimes extra special blessings came when no one would thing they would. Especially when secrets had been kept so well over the phone.

Parking by the garage, the two occupants get out, one more grudgingly than the other. A bag or two was retrieved and the driver waits for the younger passenger to come around and trudge up the porch steps.

A few people were still in the dining hall - it was bet upon that the person sought after would be in here and not the main house at this time of the morning. And the assumption was correct.

Mick gestures to Dylan, that he can sit down wherever he likes, though his son remains standing, staring at the floor. It was obvious the teenager wasn't happy, but wasn't a risk to running off either. Mick's own focus was singular at this point. There was just one person he was concerned with seeing. His eyes were tired... he had a weary look about him and had lost a little weight, but he was back... and he was back for good this time.

Setting his bag down, Mick's gaze finds Rosetta at the other end of the room. Her back was turned, so he motions for some of the others to keep quiet and they play along. Coming up behind her near the kitchen, the brim of his hat brushes the back of her head. "Merry Christmas," he whispers.

Snow was falling... again. Jade had enjoyed just the light amount in Texas, but back in Colorado, it was piling up. And after just two days, she was already getting tired of it. She felt like a caged animal. Back in town, she already missed the wide open spaces and being able to roam the ranch. She was back in her bedroom again with all her things... but it just wasn't the same anymore.

Pacing the bay window in the living room, her mother chides her.

"Good grief, Jade... what's your problem?"

"Sorry. Bored."

"Well if that's the case, come help me with the turkey."

It was back to a traditional Christmas. Jade's mom, stepfather, grandparents and a few cousins and aunts and uncles would be coming over. Surprisingly, she and her mom had already had a talk about Dylan and her mom had finally come to the point of admitting she really couldn't offer Dylan anything other than the same old situation again so maybe it really was better for him to be in Texas. She'd made a comment about not really liking Dylan being around Mick, but Jade had let it slide, not wanting to get into it. She wasn't exactly on good terms with her father at this point either. Ben had been okay... he'd always been nice though, so Jade was alright with being around him again. Nobody really wanted her to live in Texas, but her mom had agreed maybe a change of scenery would be good - though she fully expected Jade to eventually return to Colorado for college. The only one totally opposed to Texas was Jade's grandmother, who had nothing good to say about it at all, let alone Mick. Comments were made that Jade never should have had to put up with, but not wanting to be miserable, she'd kept her mouth shut. Seeds of doubt had been planted, but so far none had thwarted any plans too severely.

Then there was Dan. Jade's mom had seemed to find a little romance amusing, but Jade had the feeling that she had no idea how serious she really was about it. She missed Dan something awful just being gone this short amount of time. She liked Texas, she liked the ranch, and she really did want to get on better terms with her father. But it was Dan whom she'd fallen in love with, and he was a pretty major puzzle piece in her deciding to return to Texas for good. She hadn't told her mom about the conflict with her dad and Dan... but she'd already made up her mind that if her dad wouldn't let her live on the ranch as long as she was dating Dan, she'd find a place as close as she could. At least it would be closer than Colorado.



"I've been calling you!" Her mother sets her hands on her hips, mildly annoyed though she chuckles. "Where's your head today, hmm? Come to the kitchen and help me."