
No circles

Gunner hears Bree's voice and a smile resurfaces. "Hey, you." He pauses, knowing she'd recognize his voice. "It's just your friendly vampire wanting to say merry Christmas."

"Dan? You mean the Dan we've been hearing all about?" Ben had answered Jade's phone and his tone was a teasing one.

"Ben!" Jade's shriek could be heard in the background. "Give me the phone!"

Ben laughs and backs away from her, carrying her phone with him that he'd happened to answer as it had rung. "Now, now, calm down, Jade." He laughs again, talking to Dan once more. "You'd think she missed you or something. Dan this, Dan that... it's nonstop, I tell ya."

"Cut it out!" Jade wails. "I want to talk to him!"

"Hear that?" Ben ducks Jade's flailing arms as he continues to talk to Dan. "If I didn't know better, I'd think she was in love or something."

"Ben!!!" Jade's face was completely red as she begs him to stop his teasing.

"Alright, okay," he relents. "Here you go."

Grabbing her phone, Jade backs into another room before saying anything to Dan. "I want you to know I am completely mortified," she states flatly, then pauses, beginning to smile, her tone changing. "But I suppose if it meant talking to you, it's worth it... Hi."

Eric grimaces, showing that he really would rather get the pain medication then leave. But he knew too well to argue with Angel.

Stripping, he winces a little as she pokes and prods, not wanting to admit how much it hurt. He'd been kicked by a horse on that same leg once and the bruising brought back not-so-fond memories of that experience.

Sighing as he dresses again, he nods reluctantly to wearing a brace. "Yeah, yeah, I know... take it easy, stay off it and all that. At least half will come true since I can't drive and my rig's in the shop, so you can take comfort in the fact that you can watch me like a hawk all you want."

He grins at Angel, showing he was trying not to be grouchy about it. "I'll tell ya if anything gets worse," he promises. "And... thanks. If you weren't here, they woulda kept me at the hospital and I wouldn't have been able to come."

Mick's eyes dance as Rosetta shouts his name and embraces him. Wrapping his arms around her, he hugs her tightly with a soft chuckle. "Mmm.... I missed you too, more than you'll ever know."

Being drawn into her kiss, he doesn't hesitate to return it with deep passion. He'd been gone for too long. His hat slides back on his head, but he ignores it, just wanting to live this moment with his wife.

At a nearby table, Jeff's eyebrows rise and a grin comes to his face. Seeing that his sister and brother-in-law were ignoring present company, he clears his throat, but that does no good. Starting to laugh, he looks over to Sparky and Faith, then back to Rosetta and Mick. "Wooee... I'd say somebody was missed."

Hearing Jeff, Mick can't help but laugh, breaking the kiss. Leaning his forehead against Rosetta's, his eyes were clear and his gaze so strong. "I love you," he whispers. "Thank you for waiting for me."

Dylan shifts his weight uncomfortably, still standing back by the door. His hands were stuffed in his hoodie, his facial expression far from anything close to a smile. His eyes were dark and defiant, yet he was hesitant, almost shy.

Watching his dad and stepmom a moment, his eyes drop again. Was that Wendy in the corner? He vaguely remembered her. Was that baby a new cousin? He wondered. The boy must be BJ, the one Mick had warned Dylan to not be a bad influence or else. Cousin/brother... the whole family was messed up. And who was that over there with Sparky? At least he thought it was Sparky from what he could remember. He felt so out of place.

Leaning back against the wall, his stance is defensive, just waiting to be told what to do next.

Ryder grins as he stands next to Thirteen gently brushing the mare in the barn aisle. Jim had helped them retrieve the mare and had given them a couple brushes to use. The mare stood quietly, sighing deeply and almost falling asleep under the pampering.

Ryder nods to the mare's almost-closed eyes and chuckles, trying to get Thirteen to laugh too. He'd tried extra hard this morning to see her smile. After last night's little fiasco, he just wanted to make it home without too much more damage.

"Hey, Ryder, you still in here?" Jim's voice came from a stall somewhere around the corner.


"Come here a minute would you?"

Ryder sets his brush aside and nods to Thirteen. "I'll be right back," he assures. "You can keep brushing." Heading off to find Jim, he discovers him remounting a hay rack but needing a second pair of hands.

Trent wipes the remaining oil from his hands and sighs deeply. He'd gladly stay here all day, but his legs were getting stiff. He knew when to quit, especially with the weather as chilly as it was.

Rising from his seat, he stretches then returns the saddle to its rightful stand. Exiting the tack room, he wanders in the direction the the door, figuring on going back to his bunk for a while then coming back to clean some stalls later.

But what he sees, stops him in his tracks. From behind, Thirteen wouldn't be able to see him, but he could see her. She was brushing the mare so gently... timidly. Trent's stomach turns. He wanted to go the back way out now, but something kept him from doing that. Words flew through his mind... words of others that scolded him for his actions and secrets. Condemning words that convicted him and brought on the guilt all over again. He should just leave. But she was so innocent... so alone...

A hand slips around Thirteen, to rest on top of her fingers, curling around the brush she was using. Guiding the brush up to the mare's withers, the brush is drawn back in a firmer stroke.

"No circles with a soft brush," Trent instructs gently. "This kind you just use long firm strokes." He guides her hand back up again and down along the mare's back. Up, and down once more, the bristles combing out all of the dust, making the coat shine. "The rubber curry is her favorite though."

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