
An awful mess

Justin had just taken a bite of his food when Beth comments about naming a rabbit. Choking on a laugh, he has to control himself, lest he spit out his food. He coughs, his eyes watering, and he has to take a sip of his drink before he really does choke. Noticing right off how red Beth's cheeks were, along with the change in subjects, he doesn't let her get away with it.

Under his breath, a soft tune comes out. "Do you ears hang low, do they wobble to and fro..." Holding back another laugh and leaving the song unfinished, he waits for Beth to look at him before he scrunches up his nose and shows his top front teeth, mimicking a rabbit. He can't hold the expression for long though as another silly smile emerges. "I don't know, but if I were a bunny rabbit, I think I'd cause an awful mess in an apartment," he muses.

He manages to take another bite of food, though the humor remains in his eyes. "Though you might come up with the first rabbit ever who couldn't get enough of your cooking."

Alec's eyes roam Ryan's after he returned another kiss and listened to her words. "Mmm... Speed is your specialty," he answers. "I wouldn't want to be left in a cloud of dust."

His thumb traces around her eye and down her cheek, across her lips and back again. "As long as you're not planning on running away though, I'll just keep on enjoying this freedom." Shifting to kiss her lips again then her cheek, then her neck on one side then the other, he eventually moves back up again, grinning.

Shifting around on the couch, he turns and takes Ryan with him, winding up on his back with her between his legs so she could be more comfortable. His hand moves to cradle the side of her face and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'll have you know that I never thought this heart of mine would ever feel anything ever again," he mentions quietly. "Thank you for teaching it how."

Chuck's question was not what Susanne had expected at all, but she had to admit that she liked it. Not only did he attend a familiar church regularly but he was bold enough to ask her to go with him, which meant it was probably pretty important to him.

The corner of her mouth is tugged upward though and her eyes narrow slightly. "You could have just asked me outright about my faith, you know." A grin finally emerges. "I'll think about it. But it has nothing to do with church itself - I don't like missing a Sunday away from it, and God is my life. Going with you though... sorta feels like an announcement that I'm yours." True or not, it's the way it felt to her, and she wasn't comfortable with that yet. Dinner was one thing... walking into church arm-in-arm was another - at least to her. Chuck was right and church was like family to her too. If she walked into her own church with a man, it was almost like bringing him home. At this point, she wasn't convinced this would last long enough for that ever to happen.

Placing an elbow on the table, she rests her chin on her hand. "What else?" She not only wanted him to ask more questions, but she wanted to move the conversation along in case he asked her to go with him again and she wasn't sure she could say no a second time.