
No Matter

     "I'd do anything for you,. You should know that."

Turning to look at Kirk again Adison smiled. She didn't know what she would do either. It was a scary thought she didn't like.

   "No matter what happens tomorrow...I will always be here for you. I'll always be a phone call away. You are one of the most important people in my life, and that wont ever change."

Taking his hand after he took the popcorn from her hair Adison just held it for a long moment. She didn't say it but she was scared for tomorrow. Life could change in a heart beat, and she didn't know if she was ready for that. 

Don't know

Kirk was about to start another argument about whose fault it was, when Adison's more serious comment stopped him. He sighed again, and for a few moments, he just reamined quiet, staring up at the ceiling.

Eventually, he rolled onto his side and propped himself up in one elbow. Studying her face, his own wore a sad kind of look. "I won't try to stop you." His voice had grown quiet. "It means a lot...thst you'd do that."

He swallowed hard, then grinned a litle as he reached over and flicked a piece of popcorn from her hair. "If I lose my badge... I don't know what I'm gonna do. I..." He bit his lip. "I don't know what I'd do somewhere else without you to keep me in line, ya know?"


As Kirk rolls over Adison just lays there next to him. Letting out a long sigh and a small chuckle she just shakes her head. There was a mess in the living room, she didn't care, the movie played on and she didn't care.

   "I didnt force you to eat all those you know. And maybe if you hadn't started the rough housing youd be fine"

Why did tomorrow have to come? Why did all this have to happen. She just didn't understand. But she wasn't going to let him do it along.

   "Tomorrow you are not going alone. I'm going too, even if I have to wait outside. I'm not letting you go through this alone."


"Are you kidding? I've seen this movie at least twenty times." Kirk closed his eyes. "See? It's at the part where they crash land on the island."

Grinning as he opened his eyes again, he sighed. Well, she'd done it again. She always could make him smile, even on his worst days. But...what would happen after tomorrow?

He looked down at her eyes for several quiet moments, wondering how much longer he'd have the luxury of this kind of evening. If he came out on the losing end tomorrow....would that be the starting point to them not spending as much time together? He suddenly realized he'd gotten lost in her gaze, and blinked.

Sliding off of her, he rolled onto his back and let out a long breath before closing his eyes. "Ugh...too many gummy worms. This is all your fault."

*runs away screaming*

Just laying there completely out of breath Adison turns her head a little and blow Kirks hair he had just blown into her face, back into his own. She continued to laugh as she tried to catch her breath. She didn't like giving up, but maybe this one it would be ok.

   "Alright...alright...you win...this time. But you owe me lunch, and more gummy worms."

Bringing her free hand up to Kirk's face she brushed the hair out of his face and just smiled. It was good to see him laugh and smile after he hadn't the last few weeks with this whole Elite business. Things would be ok, they just had to be. She couldn't lose this, if he had to get a new job maybe there times wouldn't match and...the thought of seeing less of him was sad.  But that was tomorrow. She wanted to finish today on a good note.

   "You relize...I have no idea what is going on with the movie now...right? Not that I mind to much."


Kirk really hadn't intended on things getting out of hand, but his competitive nature just wouldn't stop. Tackled, he yelled and grabbed Adison, while trying not to laugh. It didnt work though, as the laughter bubbled out while he attempted to win the wrestling match.

By now, popcorn and loose gummy worms both were strewn all over, and the movie was going completely ignored. Eventually, Kirk was sprawled on top of Adison, just using his weight as he layed on her, to keep her down. Panting, his hair was all askew, his eyes dancing with mischief.

"Come on... Give up... You know it's a losing battle." He blew a strand of hair out of his face, which was only inches from hers. "Besides, winner buys lunch tomorrow, so if you let me win now, that means you win tomorrow."

well than


Being flipped again Adison was half laughing, half panting and half crying from the laughter. Just looking up at Kirk for a long moment Adison struggles a little.

   "Now what would the nice lady across the hall think if she saw this MMMMM....?"

Squirming some more finally Adison was able to get a foot under her and push Kirk off of her. Getting to her knees again quickly Adison sprang forward tackling Kirk like a wild animal.

Oh bother

Kirk let out his own wail as Adison distracted him and managed to shove him down and pin him. "Not fair? Since when did I ever promise to play fair?"

Breathing heavily, he paused, just looking up at her for a moment before he sprang back to life. Using just a quick combination, he turned the tables. In the end, he was straddling her stomach, simply sitting up straight and chewing on some popcorn as he paid attention to the droning movie.

"Hey," he mused. "This is comfy. Don't move now."


Being pulled suddenly over Kirk's shoulder Adison squealed. He laughter only grew as her tickled her. He new how much she hated that and yet he did it anyways...he was lucky she liked him.


Aidson gasped for air as the tickling continued. As the popcorn bowl goes fly she can't help the look on her face as she busts out laughing some more.
   "Oh...No....Ah...its your....fault it spilled....You can...clean it up."

Reaching behind her Adison grabs a hand full of the spilled popcorn and throws it at Kirk. Giving her the advantage she needed to get the upper hand and forcing the couch backwards as she pins him to the ground.

   "You play dirty you know that? Tickling is not fair."

Hearing Hunter's reply Katie found it slightly odd and couldn't help feel something was wrong. She really didn't have much room to ask though.

   "Oh...ok. Well have fun, be safe. I'll call you when I am on my way home."

Hanging up the phone Katie couldn't help the slight look of concern but tried her best to hide it. She'd had a good day, and had a good night so why was it now she felt like she was guilty for something. Trying to push the feeling away though Katie went back to the group and slipped her phone in her pocket.

   "Looks like it will just be me joining for pizza, but I wouldn't miss it for the world."


Feeling Adison run her fingers through his hair, Kirk sighed and relaxed a little, closing his eyes. They flew open again  though when she kissed his forehead, and he rolled his gaze upward almost cross-eyed as he grinned. 

"Yeah well... I guess you're right. And there's no smoke here either. That's a..." He stopped as the gummy worm hit him on the nose and he laughed. "Twerp," he teased. Swallowing his own sugary bite, he reached up behind him and grabbed Adison around the waist. "You asked for it," he warned. Without hesitating, he pulled, forcing her to slide down headfirst over his shoulder and upside down into his lap before he started to tickle her ribs. The last time he'd done that, she'd caught his face with her fist, but at this point, all caution was gone. There were too many other serious things to think about...this didn't have to be one of them.

A flailing arm caught the bowl of popcorn, which sent the kernels flying in all directions. Kirk didn't let up on the tickling. "You are so gonna help me clean that up."

Hunter leaned on his motorcycle and listened to Katie, glancing over his shoulder to where the concert was still going on, though it was almost over. "Um..." He hesitated. "You know what, I got a text from a buddy out at the desert race so I think I'm gonna head that way. I'll talk to you later though, okay? Eat an extra slice for me."

Still sitting nearby, Jason finished the orange juice just to make Jen happy, and tossed the bottle in a nearby can. It sounded like Katie was going to come with them for pizza. That was a good thing...right? He stood and ran a hand through his sweaty hair. He needed to pull himself together, and fast.

"I think he's in his last song," Phil mentioned about Kyle. "It wont take long to tear things down and load up if we all pitch in."

Jason nodded absentmindedly. "Yeah. Sounds like we're coming for pizza too so Carson will have a crowd tonight."


   "Ya know I told my mom the same thing. I can sleep when I'm dead. She wasn't to happy with that."

Ashlee started to her own work just happy someone was there to keep her company. She didn't mind being alone but having someone there to chat with was nice too. About to say something else to Travis Ashlee stop hearing Eric's voice.

   "Hey Eric, we are in here."

Hearing his offer to go riding she couldn't help the new smile on her face. She'd missed spending time with Eric even if she understood. She still missed it.

   "Yes definitely. I miss riding with you."

Ashlee looks to Travis and than looks to Eric again. The day had only started and she felt like she had already won some grand prize. Spening time with Travis, spending time with Eric what else could possible go right at the moment.

   "Do you want to help us? We are just feeding the horses."

Adison couldn't be more comfortable right now. Baggy sweats pants, and over size hoodie she stole from Kirk, her hair down, and her favorite spot in the house on the couch. As the movie played and a new gummy worm was placed in her hand she smiled down at him. She could tell he was still worried about tomorrow even if he didn't say anything. In all honestly she was worried too. What would she do without her best friend at work.

Not thinking to much of it Adison starts to run her fingers through Kirk's long hair. It wasn't a strange thing for her to do. She had done it before. Kirk had such nice hair, she often told him it was a crime to have better hair than hers. 

Taking a bit of the worm that was put into her hand she leaned over Kirk and placed a kiss on his for head. Just continue to look down at him she grinned. 
   "I'm just full of good ideas you know. Anyways this is better than spending time in a noisy bar."

Still looking at him Adison takes the gummy worm and bites it before thwacking Kirk on the noes with it and sitting up again. Continuing to watch the movie once again still fiddling with her hair.

Keeping her eye on everything Katie made sure things continued to be safe for Jason, and the bands. They all sounded great tonight and she wasn't going to let that get runed.

As Jason came on stage with Kyle she couldn't help but cheer a little louder herself. They always sounded great together so this was a really nice extra treat. As the song started to play, and they started to sing Katie felt her heart almost stop. That song, those words. Without even relizing it her eyes locked with Jason's as a smile spread across her lips. 

Memoires from along ago flooded her mind. So many feelings were mixed with those. Katie wouldn't regret being here, but she couldn't help the small pain she felt too. She missed Jason, and she couldn't deny that.

As he disappeared from the stage Katie tried to shake herself from the fog she felt and cheered again. She had to go backstage and make sure everything there was ok. No matter her feeling at the moment Jason's safety came first and she'd have to remember that.

Coming around the corner Katie smiles at the mention of pizza. No matter what, somethings never changed. Pizza was a tradition and she wasn't about to break that. Not when it wasn't often everyone was in he same place at the same time. 

   "Pizza sounds great to me. Let me just call Hunter and see if he wants to come."

Stepping to the side and away from some noise Katie dials Hunters number waiting for him to answer.

   "Hey. Jen said she saw you at the concert tonight. Thanks for coming, even if I couldn't stand with you this time. Everyone is going to grab pizza at Mom and Pops and I was wondering if you'd like to meet us there and have some pizza too. They all said they wouldn't mind to have you join us."

Just can't recall

Travis smiled his greeting at Ashlee as he petted the horse. "Don't worry. I have a reputation of sleeping through my alarm, so this might be a once in a lifetime occurrence." 

Taking the pail of grain, he nodded. "I think I can handle that. I'm not quite as sore today, so I should be okay as long as I don't start trying to throw hay bales around." He gave the mare her grain first, then shrugged at Ashlee's question. "Eh. I've slept better. But that's okay. There's always time to sleep later on." 

"Hey, Ash." Eric unintentionally interrupted them as he entered the barn. He'd just left the girls in the main house in Becky and Jade's capable hands so he could help out with chores. "Thought if you wanted to, we could take a ride today." He knew he'd been neglecting her lately and felt badly. Now that the immediate threat was gone, they could relax just a little bit, which left him time again for some fun.

Kirk looked down at Adison, and was unable to keep a little smile from emerging. If it weren't for her, he wouldn't think twice about going to the bar. But she'd helped him realize that was not the best plan, so he'd been trying to avoid the old habits. And tonight...once again, she was saving him from himself.

He finally sighed and slung his arm over her shoulders to pull her down the hall with him. "Okay. You win. But not a word about how many gummy worms I eat. Even if I puke later."

It didn't take long to make a couple stops then get back to his place. And it wasn't long after that, that Kirk was back in his comfy clothes, sitting on the floor, leaned back against the couch where Adison sat. They both had coffee, their choice of candy, and a big bowl of popcorn was being worked on, too. The sci-fi movie was one they'd both seen together at least ten times, but it was one of their favorites, especially when one of them was down.

Kirk sucked on the end of a gummy worm, and laid his head back on the couch cushion. Though he wanted to keep complaining about work, he refrained, just wanting to chill. He was still upset on the inside though, and no amount of sugar was going to fix that.

Reaching back up over his head, he felt around until he found Adison's hand, and deposited a new gummy worm. "Here. Payment for the good idea."

"You better," Mike quipped as he stepped off the porch. "He's almost as famous as Kyle...almost." 

"Hey," Jason growled teasingly. "Don't remind me he's the one on his way to stardom and not us."

"Eh..." Phil got to his own truck and shrugged. "Who wants to travel the world, have their face on an album, write songs for a living and live on a grand estate?" He paused, then shook his head. "Nah. Sounds terrible."

Jason laughed and got into his own truck, waiting for Katie to get in. He couldn't help his smile - this was what he loved to do away from work, and it had been too long since their last concert. "Okay...here we go... Hang on, Hero." 

...It was a fun concert. JetStream, along with Cryptic opened for Kyle, who put on a show with his band as good as ever. The park was lit up with stage lights, the music spreading all across that end of town. It was warmer than it had been, and everybody was hot but having a good time. Though the smallest band, JetStream sounded great, proving that Jason, Mike and Phil had worked hard, and Axel joined them for one of their songs. Cryptic was a little louder and drove even more energy into the crowd. Though a small event, comparatively speaking, it was large enough to draw quite a few people, providing the kind of atmosphere to keep everyone on their feet. Once Kyle's band took the stage, the enthusiasm heightened even more. Just his sheer presence made those watching want to get up and dance. His smile never faded, along with his nonstop singing, keyboard playing and moving around - a lot - onstage. Anyone who knew him personally would just have to laugh at his sheer energy. He'd collapse later, but for now, he was nonstop.

JetStream and Cryptic hung out behind the outdoor stage while the concert continued, planning to socialize after the event. As Kyle was heading into the last couple songs though, he insisted that Jason come back on and join them. Though not having expected it, Jason, of course, came back on with his guitar, familiar with the song Kyle wanted to sing with him, and easily took the lead.

He didn't let it show, but on the inside, Jason was leery. It was worrisome enough without being surrounded by a crowd of innocent people when there was a hit out on him. But Katie had been here the whole time, and he knew her hawk eyes were at work, even if it looked like she was just enjoying the show. As he sang the chosen song though, a new kind of uneasiness rose within him... and it had nothing to do with having an assassin on the loose.

Off to the side, Hunter enjoyed the show along with the crowd. He'd told Katie he'd be there if he could get enough work done on his car, so he'd gotten here late, but now knew to keep his distance on this occasion. She was on duty, and he wasn't about to distract her. But that didn't mean he couldn't at least be here for the music.

I don’t quite remember,
What it was like for us.
What it was like without our worries,
What it was like just to live.

I don’t quite remember,
How it felt back then.
What it was like to dance in the rain,
What it was like just to love.

Ohhh, what happened to that little boy?
Ohhh, what happened to that little girl?
What happened to the days gone by?
What happened to the summer nights?
Ohhh, what happened?
What happened to us?

As Jason's fingers moved along his guitar strings, his eyes swept the crowd. Then they landed on Katie.

I don’t quite remember,
What it was like for us,
What it was like with childlike faith,
What it was like to just be free.

I don’t quite remember,
How it felt back then.
What it was like to feel the wind,
What it was like to shed real tears.

Ohhh, what happened to that little boy?
Ohhh, what happened to that little girl?
What happened to the days gone by?
What happened to the summer nights?
Ohhh, what happened?
What happened to us?

Hunter caught sight of Jason's intent stare, and wondered if something suspicious had been sighted in the audience. Following his gaze though, he realized that was far from the truth. Jason's eyes were locked with Katie's.

I don’t quite remember,
Ohhh, I can’t quite recall.
Time is lost in a spinning world,
I’m caught up in the fog.
I don’t quite remember,
How it felt back then.
But when I see your face,
When I see your eyes.
Time stands still and,
It all comes back to me.

Jason couldn't help it. Everything about tonight, from getting ready for the concert, to being onstage, to singing and finding Katie in the crowd...it all brought back all the memories and emotions connected with every single performance. He could control a lot of things, but his heart wasn't one of them.

How it felt to hold you.
How it felt to love you.
How it felt to dream with you.
It all comes back to me.

Hunter looked back and forth between Jason and Katie. And what he saw, he would never be able to deny. He didn't want to see it. He didn't want to admit it. He wished he hadn't come tonight. But there was no doubt that feelings - deep feelings - still existed.

Ohhh, what happened to that little boy?
Ohhh, what happened to that little girl?
What happened to the days gone by?
What happened to the summer nights?
Ohhh, what happened?
What happened to us?
Mmmm, what happened?
I just can’t recall.
I just can’t recall.

Oh, but Jason could recall. As the last few notes died away, he finally broke his stare at Katie and refocused on the audience to wave and smile as they clapped their approval. Turning, he exchanged an enthusiastic hug with Kyle before exiting to the back of the stage, disappearing out of sight.

Sitting with the other guys from JetStream and Cryptic, Jen was the first to catch the odd look on Jason's face. "Hey, you sounded great with Kyle.... you alright?"

"Huh?" Jason set his guitar aside. "Oh, yeah. Yeah." He forced a smile. Katie would be back here any second. "I'm alright."

Concerned, Jen rolled to their cooler and grabbed a bottle of orange juice, then tossed it to him. "You look a bit pale. Sure you're okay?"

He nodded, but accepted the juice anyway. He knew good and well it wasn't low blood sugar that was the problem, and he needed to shake this. Fast. He took a swig before easing down to sit on a crate. "What time is it?"

"Mm. Almost nine-thirty."

"Pizza afterward!" Rocky announced. "Already called down to Mom and Pop's and Carson's willing to stay open for us."

"Good on him," Joel quipped, attempting an Australian accent.

Taylor rolled her eyes. "Keep working on that one. Jase, you joining us, or you gotta stay scarce?"

"Um..." Jason glanced around at the others, then grinned. "That kinda depends on my bodyguard, I guess. If she.." His voice trailed off as Katie came around the corner, and his eyes dropped.

"We're talking pizza," Jen commented to her. "You wanna join us? I saw Hunter out there - he's more than welcome to come, too if he wants."

Organized Chaos

Sinking down in a chair next to Kirk Adison couldn't believe what she was hearing. How on earth could anyone accuse Kirk of being a traitor, and threaten to lose his badge. It was the dumbest thing she ever heard and she hated the thought of it. Kirk was a good agent. One of the best, her best friend in the office and out. They couldn't just get rid of him.

   "I can't believe this. That has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard. After all the hours you have put in here...to have them think that."

Standing when He stood Adison was surprised at his mention of beer. He'd been doing so good cutting back to hear him say he wanted on now only proved how upset he was and it hurt. She new it was not her fault, but still She hurt when he hurt.

Following him quickly to the door she couldn't let him do this. Not when he had been doing so well.
What kind of friend would she be to just sit back and let him fall off the horse. Once in the hall and he had turned to her again Adison smiles. Reaching out she laid a hand on his arm and looked up at her. Her look was of sympathy, of sorrow. She didnt want her friend to hurt.

   "I have a better idea. Why don't we grab some coffee, some candy, and a go back to your place for a movie night? That way tomorrow you will be ready, and wont have a hang over to add more fuel to the fire."

Smiling and looking up at the others came into the room Katie couldn't help but laugh. She had missed this indeed. They called it organization, but it was chaos and how Katie had missed it. It was the best organized chaos she had ever seen. 

   "That sounds like a plan to me."

Standing Katie made sure she had everything she needed before heading for the door. Stepping out first she did a sweep of the area before moving out of the way for the others. Giving a wave to everyone else she chuckled as they all piled out of the door.

   "See you guys on the flip side. I'll make sure J gets there in one piece."

Giving a yawn and wondering into the barn Ashlee gives a smile seeing Travis. She new he said he'd be here, but he had also said he wasn't a morning person. So to see him here before her was a bit of a surprise. 

   "Good Morning. You beat me to it. I better watch it or you are going to make me look bad."

Ashlee smiles coming in more and giving a streach. Going over to the wall she grabs a bucket that had some feed in it, and a pitch fork. She new Travis still couldn't do much but just having the company was nice too.

   "If you want you can start put some feed in for each of them and I'll toss some hay. Just got at your own speed and if you get tired or sore just rest. I wont be upset. It will be nice to just have the company. Did you sleep well last night?"


Garret really wasn't sure he understood about Maggie, but he wouldn't press the issue. He knew good and well, one of these days something would surface and she'd find out who he really was. But until then, he'd just let things roll as they were. There was little point in stirring the pot when things seemed to be on an even keel. 

Nate's response to the final question though did put Garret on edge. There was more. He could see it and he could feel it. Nate wouldn't lie to him - he knew that - but something wasn't being said, and it bothered him. He searched Nate's face for answers, but couldn't find any. Laura had startled him...that could mean any number of things. What had he really done? 

"Okay." He'd figure it out eventually. But he didn't like thinking he'd come close to hurting Laura. He wasn't even sure why. He was a killer. Hurting people was what he did. But something about this was different, and it bothered him. Deeply. 

Glancing around Nate, he saw Maggie returning with Laura. It looked like they were bringing him lunch. 

Laura smiled at Nate as she passed, letting him know she was okay for the moment. She'd let Maggie carry in the warmed-up bowl of soup, while she held a glass of orange juice, a glass of water, and some more meds. "Good to see you awake, Garret." 

He straightened a little in the bed and nodded. "Awake is better than dead."

"Indeed it is." Laura set down the glasses on the nightstand and handed him the pills. "Here's those, and if you can, it would probably be a good idea to try and drink both of these. You haven't had much liquid and you're probably dehydrated, which isn't helping things any." 

Garret cocked his head. She wasn't looking him in the eye when she talked. Why not? Was her hand trembling? He looked back to Nate. Something definitely felt strange. He kept his mouth shut though, and just nodded. "Feels like it. Thank you."

Laura smiled and turned to nod to Maggie. "Let him eat, and when he's done you can bring the bowl back, okay?"

Kirk didn't even move his eyes from his blank computer. "They're questioning my honesty in my reports. They think I contradict myself too many times, and I've been accused of being compromised by the Elite team because of the way I have represented them." He continued to swivel in his chair. "In other words, they don't understand a lick of what I wrote, and since I'm not a hundred percent on board with closing down the Elite, they think surely I must have been bribed." 

He stopped moving and finally looked up at Adison. Fire blazed in his eyes. Anger didn't even cover it. To think that someone would even consider the notion that he'd take a bribe, let alone not report an attempt was beyond appalling. This is what he got for giving years of his life to service? 

"I have to go before the board in charge of the Elite, which includes police chief Brown, the DA, Barnes himself, Judge Holdings and three or four impartial witnesses whose names and positions I've forgotten. Basically I'm on unofficial trial, and should it go badly, I'll lose my badge." 

Pursing his lips, he stood and grabbed his jacket and keys. "And that will take place tomorrow morning at eight o'clock sharp. So. Tonight, I'm going to go get that beer I've been so good at telling 'no' to this week." His tone was icy cold as he controlled his temper. "And I might even go for something harder than that. And who knows? By the time I'm done, maybe I'll even manage to forget about this for a few blissfully ignorant hours and at least in the morning I'll have a legit reason for this splitting headache." He pointed to his own head. "If you want to come along for the party, be my guest. But I can't guarantee I'm going to be very good company." 

He stalked to the door, but stopped before getting out in the hall, and hung his head. Adison didn't deserve his attitude. He glanced over his shoulder with a look of apology, and softened his tone. "Actually...a friend sounds pretty good...especially if she can keep me from doing something stupid like all that."

It was just a slight gesture. A gesture that meant nothing. There was no thought behind it. No meaning. Nothing more than an offhanded wave or haphazard wink. Regardless, Katie's brief touch to his hand sent a tingle shooting up Jason's arm. He forced himself not to react and just leaned down to lace up his other boot, ironically glad for her comment which would explain why his cheeks had just reddened again. 

He was quiet until he realized she'd just asked him a question, then he had to think about exactly what it was. Giving her a sidelong glance, it took him just a moment. "Hmm? Oh..." He gave a short laugh. "I suppose. You know me. Prepared but nervous anyway. Never fails." He shrugged. "But I guess if I wasn't nervous I wouldn't get the nice adrenaline rush as I go out on stage and I'd hate to miss that." 

Resting his elbows on his knees, he turned his head, just letting his eyes linger on Katie for a moment. It just felt like things were right again. Like all this time she hadn't been here, there had been a missing piece. But it wasn't the same now. Things had changed...and Jason needed to remember that. 

"Did I hear someone talking about adrenaline?" Mike came wandering out, dressed and cleaned up, ready to go. He grinned at Jason. "I know, you need your fix." 

Jason smirked. "Maybe. I could be addicted to much worse things." 

"Uh-huh." Jen wheeled back from the kitchen. "Like being on time. Phil!" she yelled to her brother. "Are you ready or what?" 

"Yeah, yeah," came the muffled response from down the hall. 

Jason stood up and clapped his hands together loudly. "Bus is rolling out!" He glanced to Katie again. "Wanna ride in my pickup with me? I'll make sure we come back to pick up your car later, and Wyatt will pick up where you leave off."

Travis nodded slowly, grateful for Angel's offer. He didn't know if he'd take her up on it or not, but...she seemed super nice, and so far he really liked her. He couldn't deny the connection he felt - she was his aunt, after all. 

"Okay. I'll, um... I'll let you know." He finally stood again. "Thanks. I...appreciate all you're doing for me. It was a crappy way to meet you but I'm glad at least I got an aunt out of the deal. 

He gave her a little smile, then turned to head to the other room. "See you in the morning." Even though he was tired, it would take a while for him to eventually fall asleep. So much was on his mind. He'd thought the biggest deal would be finding a job. That was nothing compared to all this...

...Early morning. Travis yawned, but he'd managed to get up, dressed, and was on his way to the barn right before chores were started. He waved to one of the guys. Jeff? He thought he remembered that was his name, but wasn't a hundred percent sure. Maybe it was Sparky. Oh, well. 

Wandering inside, he squinted in the dim light. Not seeing Ashlee right off the bat, he stopped by a stall and was greeted by a tall, chestnut mare. "Hey, sweetheart," he crooned, and scratched her cheek lovingly. "Hungry, huh? Me too. But you come first this morning, I promise."


Thinking for a second about Garret's comment Nate does say anything. He had wondered about his sister too, if maybe she thought Garret was something he wasn't but he new the truth and he new she didn't think that at all.

   "You know, I don't think she is misguided at all. She knows who you were because she has asked questions about you. But she can see past that when a lot of other people can't. I think because even though it's different, she knows what its like to have people think badly of you because you are different. She's good like that."

Coming over to Garret and feeling his head Nate was happy that the fever had gone down a little. Smiling again at his comment about Maggie not leaving his side Nate nods a little.

   "And she probable wont. It's hard for her to know the difference between when she is sick and needs to go to the hospital because she might die, and when other people are sick. She might be different, but she has the weight of the world on her shoulders. "

Turning to leave Nate stops again to look at Garret. That was like a loaded question and Nate wondered how Garret would handle it. He new it was an honestly mistake, but would Garret. He just didn't know how it would go.

   "You didn't hurt anyone. Laura startled you yesterday, but as soon as you realized it was her everything was ok. No one got hurt."

Flipping off her computer Adison was late leaving work. It had been a long one, with much paper work. Glancing over to Kirk's desk she is surprised herself to see him sit down again. He was still here too? This couldn't be good at all and the look on Kirk's face confirmed it.

   "Hey, I'd ask if everything looks ok, but...your face says a lot. Need some company?"

   "Jen's always been good like that, cant blame her for caring now can we?"

Just looking at Jason for a long moment a grin spread across her lips. Reaching over she pats his hand.

    "Not to mention Jen is right about your look. Hot hot hot.:

Katie give a laugh as she sits back again. She'd been here just for a little while now and had been watching everything that had been going on. The guys getting ready, Jen making sure everything was just right. If Katie was honest with herself she did miss it. This was one of her favorite past times to spend with Jason. It brought so many memories Katie couldn't help but smile.

   "I wouldn't miss out on being your bodyguard for the world. It will be great to see you guys preform again. Ready for tonight?"

   "There is always something around here we can put you to work on. Just talk with Rosetta and Mick and they can find something that would be perfect for you."

Thinking a long moment again Angel searches Travis face. When he talked about home and his mom something felt off to her. She wasn't sure what it was, or why but she could definitely tell there was a little bit of bad blood there and it pained her. Travis was a good kid from what she could tell. 

   "If you need help getting any of your stuff, or someone to drive you I don't mind at all. I'd be more to help."


Garret's head snapped up at the sound of Nate's voice. He'd had no idea he'd been standing there. Sighing a little, he shrugged. "Feel like crap." His dim eyes proved that without him even saying it. His fingers fiddled with the seam in his jeans pant leg. "Maggie's been sweet. A little misguided as far as who she thinks I really am, but otherwise..." He leaned his head back on the wall and closed his eyes. Maggie made him want to smile and made him uncomfortable all at the same time. "She'll hardly leave my side." 

He opened his eyes again and stared at Nate for a long moment. "One of these days, something will happen and she'll figure out I'm not worth her effort. But until then... I won't burst her bubble." Anything to not see those tears again. 

As a thought came to mind, his brow furrowed. "Did I...hurt someone...last night?" All he had right now was a foggy recollection of pinning someone to the floor. But he wasn't sure if it had been reality or a dream. 

Kirk just smirked and walked away from Tod, leaving him be...for now. The guy deserved what he got for blackmailing Adison, and Kirk had little to no tolerance for something like that.

Getting back to his desk, he tried to to focus on his current cases, but it wasn't easy between phone calls, a meeting with the DA...and his mind continuously wandering back to the Elite. He hadn't expected to be impacted like that by the little team...but he had. And he was worried for them.

By the end of the day, he was entirely worn out. Just ready to pack it in and go home, he was called, yet again, into Barnes' office. And a half hour later, he was back at his desk, now staring at his blank computer screen as he slouched in his chair, swiveling back and forth. He'd been too quick to think his job with the Elite was over. And now...he wasn't so sure he was prepared for this. 

"Nuh-uh." Jen shook her head and motioned for Jason to kneel down next to her wheelchair. Taking the bottle of gel from him, she squirted some in her hand then ran her fingers through his hair, smoothing it down on the sides, then giving it some short, messy spikes on top. "There."

Jason smirked as he stood back up and looked in the hall mirror. They were at Phil's getting ready for tonight's event. Phil was in the bedroom, Mike was in the bathroom, and poor Katie had been dragged along as the bodyguard, and had to wait for them to get going.

Jen nodded her satisfaction. "You gonna wear that shirt?"

Jason glanced down at his plain black tee. "Yeah, why?"

"Good. Keep those bluejeans on, but tuck in your shirt."

He smirked again. "Seriously?"

"Uh-huh. And wear your motorcycle boots." She grinned. "Mm-mmm."

Jason's cheeks grew hot. She did this to him every time, and every time she got him to blush. He smacked her - lightly - upside the head before turning to tuck in his shirt and adjust his belt. "Happy now?"


"Good, 'cause this is about all the preening I can take." He turned around and only now remembered Katie was in the living room with them. He gave her a sheepish grin. "Bet you don't miss this part of the old days. All us guys whining about Jen's motherly love."

Jen just laughed and turned to wheel into the kitchen to get a drink.

Jason recovered and sat down to lace up his boots before throwing Katie another glance. "You still alright keeping an eye on things tonight?"

Travis mulled over what Angel was saying, trying to consider all angles, but it was hard. There was so much to think about. Eventually though, he nodded. "Thank you. I..." He stopped, still undecided. "I need to figure out how to get my stuff from my mom's, prolly...but that's my problem." He knew he'd have to go back there and get his own things if he wanted them - if they were still there. And it would not be pleasant.

"So, um...if I do decide to stay for a while, I know it can't be for free. I don't have my own car to be able to drive into town for work, so...is there something I can do here to earn my keep? Or is that something I need to talk to Mick or Rosetta about?"

Nurse Maggie

Looking up at Kirk Tod just glares. It had been bad enough Adison had outed him in front of everyone now he had Kirk too. Just turning he goes back to his work not saying anything. This might be over for now, but he was not happy.

   "Buzz off."

Maggie perked up a little as Garret mentioned the soup. That was a good sign that he wanted more and it made her happy.

   "I'll get you some."

Leaving the room and heading to the kitchen she'd ask Laura to help her get some for Garret. She couldnt help the small laugh as she left the room.  She was thrilled he wanted to eat more.

As Maggie passed by Nate office he stood and smiled to himself.  Walking into Garret's room Nate wanted to check on him now to see how he was doing. Seeing he was at least sitting up please him and it was a good sign Garret was starting to feel better.

   "How is Nurse Maggie taking care of you? Feeling better?"

Angel gives a thoughtful nod as she listens to Travis more. How at his age her own life had been so unclear. She didn't know if she was coming are going and the choices she made were not the best. It seemed like Travis had a good head on his shoulder though and that was important.

   "Of course, just because you stay here now dosn't mean you have to forever. No one will hold you here. Even if you stay, leave, and than come back. We will always be here."

Giving a smile Angle inside would be happy that Travis would stay so she could get to know him, and she would be sad if he left. But she had confadince now that he new he had family she would see him a little more no matter what.

   "Sometimes the best story's are the ones we dont know how to write yet, and just take it as it comes."

Common Ground

Kirk had stopped by someone else's desk to grab some papers when he couldn't help but hear Adison's speech to Tod. He bit his lip to keep from laughing. It wasn't funny. But Tod should have known better than to mess with Adison in the first place. 

Aiming for his own desk, he had to walk past Tod's. As he did, he paused for just a moment to let out a low whistle between his teeth. "Man... that's rough. Getting told off by a girl. If you need to take a moment at the cooler, I'll cover for you."

Maggie's words went straight to Garret's cold heart. She didn't have any other friends? She'd chosen him? A machine made to destroy body and soul? She might be different, but she was so smart in some ways - couldn't she see he was different too? Or was that perhaps why she was drawn to him? Was there really more common ground there than Garret thought? They both struggled to fit the mold.

Unable to look at her tears, he lowered his gaze and changed the subject. "Hey... I think I could handle some more of that soup... You wanna bring me some?" 

He was still feeling mighty miserable, but his stomach did want some food after having had so very little the day before. Left alone for a few minutes, he set the cold cloths aside, slipped his shirt back on, and pulled himself up to sit. Bringing up a knee, he leaned an elbow on it, then rested his head on his arm. He was still hot...but not as hot as he'd been. At least he could think a little straighter, although he was terribly tired. 

As Angel talked, Travis' eyes sank to the floor. He knew she was right. He was old enough to make up his own mind. And maybe she was right, too, that if he made a choice, it didn't have to be forever. "What if I don't know what to write?"

He glanced back up at her and sighed. "I don't think living with my mom is an option anymore. Not after what happened when she came here." Just thinking about the secret of what he'd told her made him physically stiffen. "I'll be lucky if she hasn't gotten rid of all my stuff already." Maybe she wouldn't react quite that harshly, but he wouldn't put it past her, as sad as it sounded. She was his mother...but she wasn't all she appeared to be, either.

Travis leaned back in his chair and pursed his lips. "And... I don't have the money to get my own place. I dont even have a job. Getting kidnapped sort of threw a monkey wrench into an interview I was supposed to have. But even if that had worked, it would take a while to have enough money saved for a new start." Another shrug followed. "And if my dad is gonna stay here, living at his place is out. Not that I'd want to - it's a rickety old cabin with a roof like Swiss cheese." He rolled his eyes.

Letting his gaze travel back to his aunt, he studied her face. "Maybe...this could just be temporary...staying here, I mean. Til I decide what I really want to do?"