

Watching as Dylan stands Ashlee just watches him for a moment before standing again herself. Maybe she shouldn't have sat so soon. Did it make him leery and scare him away? She was hoping for a longer conversation that that but at least it was a start. Hearing his offer about going back into the night she is broke her thought and a smile slips to her lips. It was a nice offer.

"I think I can find my way and if not thats ok. Getting lost is not so bad, because the only way to really find ones way is to be lost first. Thanks though that was very nice of you."

Taking her own papers she had set on the table and turns to head to the door. Stopping though Ashlee turns around and looks at Dylan again before cocking her head. Lifting her free hand she gives a wave. She'd be seeing more of Dylan and she couldn't help but be excited about it. He was cute, and seemed like a pretty cool guy.

"I'll see you around Dylan. Maybe we can sit and do some school work together sometime. Have a good night."

Standing at the stove and string the pot of spaghetti sauce Ryan smiles a little that was followed by a little laugh. She really didn't think cooking was anything special, she just picked up on different things here and there through he life. But she was pleased it made Tal happy and if he didn't mind watching her cook that it was ok.

"You can stop thanking me all the time. You are more than welcome here anytime you want to be and its nice to not be alone on the cold nights when Eli is out."

There was so much truth to that statement that Ryan really hadn't thought about until after she said it. The nights had been pretty lonely the last few weeks since when Eli was gone there was no one else around.

Moving on through she moves her neck from one side to the other as she lets the sauce simmer for a moment. Since this morning her neck had been killing her, but she hadn't noticed it again till a little while ago. Maybe when she did her dive bomb it aggravated it again.

"Man, I think I slept on my neck wrong. Its killing me."

Looking at Rick and listing to what he said Katie lets him talk taking in everything he said. As he continued though her gaze glanced to Jason and she just watched him sleep. He looked...peaceful right now yet on the inside a terrible war was raging what would win in the end was uncertain and maybe thats what scared Katie the most. Turning her attachen back to Rick Katie gives a nod.

"Yeah I'll stay with him at night. I'd like that...than I know he's doing ok myself and it would put me at ease too."

Looking down at her lap for a moment Katie fingers one of the crackers for a long moment. Lots of thoughts ran through her mind. No one had to say anything but she already new that Jason was fading fast. It was something she could feel even without there emotional connection, just one of those gut feeling.

"Any break troughs on how to help Jason? Or at least some time of light at the end of the tunnal?"