
Lover Boy

Soon even to Cassy the tv started to drown out as her eyes became heavy, finally closing a smile on her lips, and her arm still around Leo.

Only once in the night did Cassy wake feeling Leo was burning up again. Gently getting out of the best and going to the bathroom to grab a cool cloth for his head. Sitting on the edge of the bed with Leo till the fever broke Cassy soon crawled back into the bed behind him draping her arm over his side drifting off to sleep again.

As the sun peeked through the widow Cassy shifts in bed just a little. Realizing her arm was over a body she freeze for a second almost forgetting where she was. Remembering finally that she had spend the night with Leo to keep an eye on him she relaxes again.

"Good Morning!"

Cassy whispers. Finally shifting on the bed softly as to not wake Leo Cassy swings her legs over the edge of the bed just sitting there for a long moment before stretching her arms up. After she woke up a little more maybe she would make some breakfast for Leo and herself. That would be something nice to do.

Shifting her weight and squinting her eyes at the sun that shone right in the window onto the couch Ryan gave a stretch but was constricted just a little on the couch. Opening her eyes more and seeing Eli a grin forms no her face. They must have been exhausted to have passed out here.

Spying the bowl of popcorn that some how didnt end on the floor all over the place Ryan's grin grows even more. Taking a handful she takes aim before letting it go all over Eli, in his face, hair down his shirt. A laugh followed as she gasped for air talking.

"Rise and Shin Lover Boy!"

In honor of

"Kiss kiss? You kidding me?" Eli takes a handful of popcorn, not minding a bit if Ryan snuggled in behind him. He'd called her a foot-warmer before and wouldn't be afraid to do it again.

Even with his statement of distaste though, he's already changing the channel from where he'd had it. It had, in fact, turned out to be a romance movie, but he wasn't about to tell Ryan that. "Ahh, here we go." He turns up the volume a little, settling on a different channel. "How about a good ol' shoot 'em up western? In honor of Pops."

Leo makes himself comfortable next to Cassy, too sick to mind her staying with him for the night. Tilting his head so he can see the tv, it was fun watching the old shows. They're funny enough that they start him laughing and he can't fall asleep just yet. His head hurt when he laughed, but the shows were too funny not to laugh, and finding the humor along with Cassy made it even more fun.

Eventually though, his tiredness finally wins out and he falls to sleep to the sounds of canned laughter from I Love Lucy. Somewhere in the night, he feels himself burning up again, but this time there's someone there to help him through and bring the cool cloth for his head. By the time the morning light is starting to peek around the curtains in his room, his fever had finally broken, and he was sleeping peacefully.