

"I see." Eli listens, his eyes squinting slightly as if trying to imagine all that Scarlet did on her trips.

"Seems... pretty exciting." He nods and cleans the rest of the food off his plate before washing it down with another swig of coke. "Traveling... adventure. I can see you liking that."

Grinning a little, he fishes out his wallet to pay for both their meals. "And I thought painting motorcycles was exciting. Looks like you got me beat."

Setting the money to the side for the waiter to take, he swirls the ice around in his glass so he can finish off the pop. There was a slightly strange tone to his voice, most difficult to identify. "Miss ya? Just throw me a Tomb Raider movie and that'll tide me over." He winks at Scarlet before sliding from his seat to stand up. "But what am I saying? We haven't even been on a date yet."

A smile creases his lips and he turns to swagger to the door, opening it up for Scarlet. "Melady. Your chariot awaits."

Miss me

Giving a short laugh at Eli's comment Scarlet can't help it. Men, typical men. Giving a shake of her head the grin stayed on her lips. Taking another peace of beef and chewing it for a moment before speaking again. Her eyes seemed to twinkle a little more as she talked about her job showing she did enjoy it almost as much as riding.

"State, Nation, and world wide...all three. Most is just state to state. The world wide jobs come maybe three or four times a year and they pay well enough that, thats all I really need."

Leaning back in her chair and wiping her mouth Scarlet lets out a thoughtful sigh. Her tummy was defiantly starting to get full.

"I just got request today to take a trip out to New York in a few weeks. Looks like its going to be an interesting one. Have to check up one some pottery the South West Academy museum is looking into buying."

Looking across the table at Eli Scarlet leans forward her arms crossed in front to hold her weight.

"If your worried about missing me I'm never gone for more than a few days unless I run into a problem."


Hearing Scarlet's initial answer, Eli stops chewing for a moment, his one eyebrow quirking at a peculiar angle. Had he heard her correctly?

Receiving the rest of her explanation though, he understands, and his eyebrow lowers and he continues chewing thoughtfully. "Wow... sounds like quite a job." He spears another shrimp with his fork and takes it between his teeth, still trying to picture Scarlet in that role. "Mm... Laura Croft was okay... looked good in a wetsuit."

A little mischievous grin sneaks out and he moves on quickly. "So does this... hunting... take you statewide, nationwide, or worldwide? All the time or once in a while?"

Better Looks

"First date...I can deal with that."

Giving a grin and heading inside Scarlet felt at easy being here with Eli. Things the other day had gotten a little strange but non the less she had broken the ice and now they were eating lunch on there first date.

Finally getting her order of broccoli and beef Scarlet started to eat slavering the taste. It had been a while since she last had Chinese but now she was thankful it tasted so good.

Hearing Eli's question Scarlet takes a peace of broccoli with her chop sticks thinking for a moment before answering. Finally looking up and giving a small smile her tone was calm and cool.

"I'm a bounty hunter."

Letting the comment linger and sink in for a moment Scarlet's lips finally turn up into a grin. Not wanting Eli to die to much from shock another chuckle comes out.

"Don't worry, I don't hunt humans. I get payed to find artifacts that belong in museums, or go look into differnt items for places to see if what is said is the truth before they buy the item kind of undercover."

Taking a sip of her water Scarlet lets the cool liquid slide down her throat. It was obvious she was thinking again before she spoke.

"I guess you could say I'm like Tome Raider, except Laura Croft has the better looks."

Looking up at Eli and searching his face Scarlet wondered what he was thinking now. Her job was not one you ran into every day but she liked it and it kept her busy. It took her to different and interesting places as well. At times it was lonely but things were almost moving, and changing and sometimes that was best. But who new maybe sometime Eli could go on an adventure with her.


Feeling the little squeeze from Scarlet, a grin emerges on Eli's face. Dismounting his bike, he locks their helmets to it and pockets his keys.

"Mmm... if you have the urge to kiss me, you're right, we better not call this a date since it couldn't have been a date the other night, due to that kiss, so today would still be the first date. And you know my rule." Eli's eyes glint with coyness as he looks at Scarlet. There was something about her that didn't allow him to walk away. She'd made him feel a little uncomfortable the other night, but there was still something in those eyes of hers... something that drew him in. There was a whole lot more to this woman than the tough exterior she proudly wore. Something that said she would be herself only around those with whom she really felt comfortable, and he was catching sight of it. It was intriguing... almost an accidental seductiveness.

"Maybe." Eli has a hard time bringing himself back around to Scarlet's question and he knows he'd been caught staring at her. "I have a lot of favorites," he admits. "Today it was Chinese."

Going to the door, he holds it open for her, letting her go in first. It really was a tiny place, and it was obvious that much of their business was done through takeout rather than those dining in. Eli finds a table near the front window though so they can sit and eat. A short while later, he's enjoying some shrimp, and chatting about his work at the body shop. It wasn't very deep - just some smalltalk to pass the time as they eat.

"I don't think you've told me yet what you do," he mentions, taking a sip of his coke. "What occupies your time and brings home the money?"

Carson grins at Jason and Katie's interaction, knowing there was a whole lot more between them than outsiders would guess. "Special?" He thumbs to the little sign on the counter. "Chicken parmesan. Though what you smell is the supreme pizza I got in the oven."

"Hey," Jason interrupts. "Speaking of pizza. Could you handle a party next week? Got a JetStream gig and we'd like to hang out here afterward if you'll stay open."

"Sure." Carson doesn't even hesitate. He liked it when the bands hung out at Mom and Pop's, more than he'd ever said. He almost felt like they were his friends too, though he wasn't really a part of their groups. Both JetStream and Cryptic liked to spend time here and Carson enjoyed it. "Just name the night, I'll keep 'er open for you guys. Big group?"

"Nah... just the band and maybe a couple others."

"Alright. I'll get Misty to come in and help me so I don't leave her hanging alone at home."

Leo cringes a little at the mention of the phone. "Aw, sorry... I think I dropped the phone and didn't figure it was important enough to bother you with another call."

Accepting the bowl of soup, he sits up a little straighter, overcoming his dizziness for now. Taking a slow spoonful, he chews a tender piece of chicken, then lets the soup slide down his throat. Closing his eyes, he takes a deep breath. "Mmm... I shoulda known this would be good." He takes another bite. Even though he was clearly sick, it was also obvious that the soup really did hit the spot.

"Don't apologize," he counters quietly. "I'm... glad you barged in." He offers a little smile. He hadn't changed his mind about being just friends, but Cassy was a good friend... a true friend.


Continuing to hold onto Eli while he drove Scarlet didn't mind where they were going as long as they went. She liked driving, but riding was just as nice not minding at all that for once she got to just hold on.

Finally coming to there destination Scarlet was only a little sad the ride had to end already. Still sitting behind Eli Scarlet takes her own helmet off letting her hair fall down still in the ponytail. Looking at the restraint for a long moment never had she eat here before, but it looked like an ok place.

Holding her helmet against her with one arm her other still rested on Eli's side as she cocked her head before tighting her arm in a half hug. Letting go Scarlet gets off the bike still grinning at Eli and giving a nod her eyes twinkling in the beams of sun light.

"I've never been here before, but who doesn't like Chinese. Better becareful some people say its a romantic type of food. I might think this is a date..unless another kiss is involved than we don't have to consider it a date."

Still grinning her eyes had soften just a little bit with a timid gleam in them. Stepping twords the building Scarlet stops and turns back to Eli waiting for him to follow along with her.

"So...is Chinese your favorite?"

Finally finding everything she needed Cassy wasted no time warming up the soup, putting some crackers on a plate, and making some tea for Leo. Cassy didnt mind hurting for everything she rather enjoyed it know and hoping this would make Leo feel even a little better. Even if he could take care of himself it was nice helping him.

Humming to herself Cassy quickly washed the few dishes she had dirtied before taking the try with the food and drink. Bringing it back in to Leo she moved a few things on the night stand to the side before setting the stuff down.

"Here you go, home made chicken noddle soup, and some chamomile tea for your throat."

Sitting down on the edge of the bed again after taking the wash cloth from his forehead so he could sit up and heat a little. Cassy gives a smile again before talking a little on the quiet side knowing his head was hurting.

"Sorry I kind of barged into your house. The front door was unlocked and I just wanted to make sure you were ok and all since ya hung up on me earlier."

Giving a wave to Carson as they enter Katie takes a look around the room seeing they really could pick where ever they wanted without a problem. It was almost a half hour before lunch when it would get really busy and for the most part Katie was happy for that. It just seemed a little more personal when they were able to just stand and talk a little.

"How could we stay away from this place? Its just fast book is more convenient, though I fear I put on a few pounds from it."

Looking back to Jason she ducks just a little wondering if she would get an elbow to the side or not. Rolling her own eyes at his comment about being free.

You better watch you buddy, one of these days your gonna be tied down too.

Pulling on Jason's emotions to make him laugh or at least smile it was easy to tell she was playing around with him. Not so long ago she had asked him every day to marry her, but not she'd learn that it would come with time and just having him here was what was important.

"Ha..I hardly tell him what to do, I only direct him on the right path."

Wrapping her arm around Jason's wast Katie pulls him a little closer in a playing manor. She liked interacting with there friends, even if it had been a while it was still nice to know somethings never changed.

"Mmm...something smells good. Whats the special today?"

Don't stop

Eli grins and puts his bike in gear. It starts forward with a little jolt, though he shifts as smoothly as he can. His bike wasn't built for the comfort of a second passenger, but as long as he felt Scarlet hanging on to him, he wouldn't worry. Steering out of the parking lot, he can already feel her sense of balance, not having to compensate for any awkward movement behind him. Having witnessed her skill the other night, he knows she'll be fine as he lets his bike speed up. Hitting a back street, he lets the motorcycle go, zipping past the buildings and hitting at least two yellow...orange lights. It would seem he has no idea where he's going, but soon it's evident that he'd purposely taken the long way around town, just to wind up at Tou Han's, the little Chinese takeout place which would have been a straight shot from the auto shop had he been driving with logic. The restaurant really was a hole in the wall, with only a few tables to sit at, but the food was worth it.

Parking on the street, Eli lets his bike ease over onto the kickstand, and he cuts the engine, removing his helmet. Glancing over his shoulder, he eyes Scarlet. "Chinese alright?"

Leo musters up a wry grin at Cassy, and doesn't object to her telling him how she would help. He didn't have the energy to argue with her anyway.

When she comes back with a cold cloth, he looks at her gratefully. He could take care of himself alright, but having a bit of help really did make a difference. Relaxing under the cool wetness of the cloth, he turns more on his back so the cloth wouldn't slide off and sighs deeply, pulling his blankets up as the chills start again.

Trying to just let Cassy help, he stays in bed, hearing her in the kitchen, and was tempted to holler where things were. She was smart enough to figure it out though, so he remains silent, willing himself not to fall asleep before she came back. Soon the aroma from the warming soup was making his mouth water.

Jason returns Katie's kiss and grins as she backs up. "I'm ready now. Let's go before the lunch rush."

Heading from TJY, they drive the short distance to Mom and Pop's, finding it fairly quiet today. The little bell on the door signals their arrival, and Carson looks out from the kitchen, a smile spreading on his face. "Oy, look who the cat drug in."

With only a few customers, he comes out from the kitchen, his baseball cap backward on his head, and wiping his hands on a towel. "Trying to make yourself strangers, or what?"

Jason grins and leans an elbow on the counter. "Blame Reese for not calling you to duty more often."

"Either that, or blame you two for being traitors and eating somewhere else for lunch," Carson teases.

Jason laughs and shakes his head. "You know this is our favorite... even if you're the one cooking."

Carson smirks and whacks Jason with his towel. He looks sternly at Katie. "Keep him under control, will you?"

"Hey, I'm not the one tied down," Jason defends. "I'm still free."

Another grin spreads on Carson's face. "You poor thing."

When Jason and Carson started getting along, no one could really tell. They'd gone from friends, to enemies to coworkers to acquaintances, and now seemed to be settling into a decent friendship once more, though perhaps with stronger roots this time. Maybe there really was no specific point in time when they ceased their head-butting, but now they could work alongside together, and the banter was quite frequent whenever they were together. The past maybe wasn't forgotten, but it was being set aside.

Jason chuckles and slings an arm around Katie's shoulders. "Don't feel too sorry for me. She likes to tell me what to do, regardless of whether or not we're wearing rings."

Carson tosses Katie a wink. "Don't stop. He needs it."


Giving a little jump Katie had felt Jason getting a little closer but she didn't mind pretending anyways. Spinning around and grinning at Jason her eyes twinkle.

"Eating at Mom and Pop's would be nice. I haven't been there in so long. I hope poor Ryder doesn't think its because of his cooking."

Standing Katie wonders over to the wall and lean twords Jason a little. Bringing her lips to his she press them firmly to his for a long lingering moment before backing up only one step so she was still semi close to him.

"I'm ready whenever you are."

Giving another smirk Scarlet gives a slight nod to his comment about being ok before stand straight again. Her eyes twinkling as she looks at Eli the sassy being present but the little shy glint hiding that maybe only Eli would see.

Turning and following him out of the shop Scarlet goes to her bike and grabs her helmet before coming back over to him. Slipping the helmet on Scarlet climbs on the back of his bike. Wrapping her arms around his wast she leans her chin onto his shoulder.

"Ok, I'm ready, and I don't mind where we eat."

Giving a smile Cassy moves a little closer to the bed heading Leo's acceptance to her being there. She was happy he wasnt mad, or told her to leave. It felt good him wanting her there.

Sitting down on the edge of the bed Cassy gives a small chuckle. He had original told her not to come but how could she not?

"When it came down to wanting to know if you were ok or not...no listen was not an option."

Placing her hand on Leo's head Cassy can tell he has a fever. She wondered if he had any cold medicine in the bathroom yet she would only feed him the soup and tea for now hoping it would bring him a little comfort to get some rest.

"Ok let me get a cool cloth for your head and warm up some of that soup for you. It's homemade something my mom use to make. I hope you'll like it."

Giving Leo's hand a little pat Cassy stands and leaves the room. Rummaging around for a little bit she finds a wash cloth and puts some cool water on it before going back into Leo's room. Placing the cloth on his head Cassy gives another smile before leaving once again to head to the kitchen and find her way around for bowls, and other items.

Never listen

Eli chuckles and shakes his head. "Nah... not too much. The guys are just bored - they'll do anything to occupy themselves, even if it's razzing a guy about his personal life."

Accepting Scarlet's keys, his fingers curl around them for a moment before turning write out a tag, then hang them on a peg board with a bunch of other keys. Lunch. Did he want to? "I've been alright," he responds to her question. Cocking his head, he gives her an obvious once-over. "Looks like you're doing well yourself."

He leans over to rest his elbows on the counter, bringing himself closer to her. "I think I could get away with stopping for a bite to eat. Can't let a customer starve, now can I?" Tossing her a wink, he straightens up and heads back into the garage, reappearing only a minute later with his jacket and helmet. "Grab your helmet... I got an hour."

Leading the way out to his bike, he mounts up and starts the engine, waiting for Scarlet to get on behind him.

Leo was half asleep when he thinks he hears movement in his apartment. Surely it must be his imagination. He closes his eyes again and ignores it. If someone was stealing his stuff, he couldn't defend himself anyway.

Then hearing Cassy's voice though, his questions were answered. Lying on his side, he pries his eyes open to see her blurry form standing near the bed. "Cassy?" he mumbles. Hearing why she was there, Leo couldn't help the nice little warm feeling he got. Even if he would have told her not to come and he didn't need her to, he was feeling poorly enough that right about now, her sweet company would be nice. Even he had to admit that. Today was a day that he wouldn't mind some attention.

A little grin makes its way to his lips. "Never listen to a guy, do you?" he croaks. "I'm glad. Soup sounds fantastic."

Great idea. We'll eat, go for a walk, then stop by Mom and Pop's. I haven't seen him much lately either. Haven't needed him for any cases around here and I just haven't been eating down there either. Or... we could just eat at Mom and Pop's in the first place, and kill two birds with one stone.

"Boo." Jason pops around the corner to look down over Katie's cubicle wall, a smile on his face.