

Heading outside Katie was sad to leave Jeff but on the other hand happy she got to ride on the bike with Hunter. Getting "lost" sounded like fun and just and extra way to get her mind detracted. It was definitely not something she minded to much at the moment.

   "I think getting lost with you for a little while sounds like a better plan than going back to the ranch at the moment."

Putting her helmet on and than mounting the bike Katie leans into Hunter wrapping her arms around him. She found this rather comfortable and not awkward feeling at all, maybe it helped she had been on a bike before but a much different style. If asked what one she liked better it would be hard to choose.

   "Though I don't know if its really considered getting lost when any way you take I can pretty much tell you how to get back to the ranch without back tracking."

Feeling someone move on top of him Dalton doesn't stir to much. He remembered where he was, and who he was with but the feeling of just being so comfortable had taken over and he didn't want to move at all and rune that. 

As Dani comes up and gives him a kiss Dalton can't resist kissing her back. It was just not possible at all for him to do that. Even if he did want to pretend he was sleeping so he could stay in this very spot it was just not possible at all.

   "Mmm....I like pie as much as the next guy but that would mean we would have to get up and I am so comfortable."

Finally opening one eye and than the other he smiles down at Dani. Bring his hand to her face he just run it over her cheek her skin so soft under his touch. 

   "Alright you found my weakness besides you...pie!"

As the water brings the food Misty can almost feel her mouth really water. Looking down at her peta it really did look better than it had in her head. She couldn't wait to dig into the salad, peta, meat, feta...this baby was going to have good taste for food if it was the last thing she did.

Looking up at Jason Misty gives a laugh but lingers on his words for a moment. She could pick where they eat more often. Did he mean they would be eating a lot together? If they were she didn't mind at all she loved Jason's company.

   "When it comes to Greek food I really don't think there is much you can order that doesn't taste good. And I just like eating diverse things so it doesn't get boring."

Picking up her knife and fork Misty doesn't wast another moment talking as she digs in. Savoring every bit as if it might be the last one one the plate. It had been a long time since Misty had, had this and it tasted amazing. 

Finishing the bite she had in her mouth she looks across the table at Jason again giving a smile. Bumping his food on mistake her eyes widen a little bit before she gives a little laugh and taps his food again.

   "Sorry about that."

Get Lost

"Yeah..." Jason was glad Alec hadn't been more traumatized than he had. "I'll tell anybody with confidence that I've got full control over that dog but... he still has a mind I haven't been able to figure out. I wish Reese would let him back on the force. I know he's caused some trouble but... it's not because he's mean. It's obvious he always chooses to act how he thinks he should... just sometimes direct orders don't make sense and when that happens, he gets in trouble."

Like attacking Alec - he'd only been protecting Jason. Like biting Hal - he'd only been protecting Thirteen. Jason sighs, truly missing having his dog working alongside him. But there wasn't much he could do. And unfortunately, he knew that no matter how well-behaved he could get Trooper, there was always that chance that the dog would take the logical route, regardless of orders. But not all orders were logical and that's where things could potentially go sour.

"Oh, well." Jason lets the subject drop, knowing that it would only go in circles. Sitting back as the waiter returns with the food, he takes a deep breath over his plate. "Mmm... this smells good."

And it tasted good too. Misty had made a good choice and after a prayer and taking a few bites, Jason nods. "You're a good picker." He laughs. "I ought to have you pick where to eat more often."

The credits of the movie roll by as dramatic music plays. Dani's eyes flutter open and she realizes that she had indeed missed almost the entire movie. Surely she hadn't been asleep all that long though. 

Feeling her head slowly rise and fall, a smile spreads on her lips. She was still with Dalton. He hadn't woken her - he was such a sweetheart. 

Yawning, she stretches a little and turns, putting her arms under her chin, still on his chest, and watches his face for a moment. Leaning up, she gives him just a little kiss on the lips before sliding back down again. "Psst..." she whispers. "Do you still want some pie?" 

Jeff chuckles and returns Katie's hug and kiss on the cheek. "I love you too, Kiddo." Giving her a silly look, he smirks. "What? Me cause trouble?" He shakes his head. "On the contrary, there's a hot nurse on this floor - her name is Linda. Maybe if I behave myself, she'll take Mark's place." 

The nurse who was in the room throws him a shooting glare and swats his arm. "That'll be enough of that, Mr. Pent. You're not supposed to get all excited, remember?" 

Jeff stifles a laugh, giving Katie an amused look that the nurse can't see. "Get going. I'll see you tomorrow." 

Hunter waves and nods. "Later, Jeff." 

"Yeah. Take it easy on them roads now, ya hear?" 

Hunter chuckles and nods. "You bet." 

Heading outside with Katie, and getting to the bike, he gives her the extra helmet once more before donning his own. Mounting up and waiting until Katie was on too, he revs up the engine and aims for the road. Stopping at the intersection though, he looks both ways. "We can head back," he muses. "Or... we could get 'lost' which would take us much longer to get back to the ranch..."


Just letting Dani get comfortable Dalton didn't mind at all. She was light enough to that it didn't hurt for her to lay on him like she was and even if it did he would probley never say anything about it. He liked it to much and there was no awkward feeling attached. 

Feeling Dani's breath become a little more shallow Dalton can't help the smile that became a little bigger now on his lips. Shifting just a little bit he looks at the tv to watch the movie but soon his eyes become heavy too. 

He didn't want to go through not yet. He was to comfortable so he would rest here for a little while. He could always wake Dani in a little bit and than he could go home. Right now it was to nice just feeling her close to him. Soon his own eyes drifted shut.

Sitting at the restront Misty gives a glance around. It seemed nice here, it was clean and atmosphere seemed light and cheery. She had always hoped a nice Greek place had been put in and now it seemed like they had she was happy.

Helping Jason pick something out Misty does her best to explain what each thing is, how its cooked and a few of the spices that are on it. She wasn't an expert but she could deffinitly good by and only after a short time did they both have there orders placed.

Taking a sip of her OJ and hearing Jason's comment Misty thinks for a long moment. Alec really hadn't said anything to her about it but if she had to guess she would say the whole thing turned out alright. Maybe just maybe Alec wouldn't fear Trooper to much now.

   "I'm not to sure. He really didn't say anything to me about it. By the end of the night though it seemed he was a little more comfortable So I think thats good."

Misty new Jason had forgotten and it had been an honest mistake but maybe it was a mistake that had done some good. In the long run everything worked out, everything was ok and it still had been a great night.

Giving a little cringe and shaking her head Katie didn't want to think about Jeff getting a bath. She couldn't image how embarrassing that would be. Though she doesn't say anything she just smiles as she stands.

   "I guess we should go and save ourselves. Want us to pick you up tomorrow? I promise we will drive me car and not the bike."

Laughing Katie bends down to Jeff and gives him a kiss and a soft hug. She did hate having to say goodby to him. Over the course of her short life already she had seen the inside of a hospital to much. but that was just part of life she guessed. 

   "I love you Dad. Don't cause to much trouble for the nurses your last night."


Dani smiles through Dalton's last string of kisses before being brought in and held tightly. Sliding her arms around his neck, she burrows into him, hiding her face in his neck and just enjoying the sensation of being wrapped in his arms. She just felt so... safe. Everything about him, she loved. She loved how warm he was. She loved his heart. She loved the tantalizing scent of his cologne. She loved his voice. His kisses. His hugs. Standing next to him, he seemed a giant, and she loved that too. Would there ever be a time when they wouldn't have to part? When they wouldn't have to say goodbye at the end of the day? She wondered. 

For now though, she was content, collecting as many of these moments as she could, as long as Dalton would have her.  

"Mmm..." She sighs deeply, cuddling in even more. "I've seen the movie five times already anyway," she mumbles. 

Feeling the rise and fall of Dalton's breath beneath her, she felt so relaxed... so warm. Scooting down a little so her head was resting on his chest, she intertwines her legs with his, stuffing one foot down between the couch cushions for extra coziness. Hearing his heartbeat, she smiles. Letting him comb his one hand through her hair, she finds his other with her fingers, just wanting to hold his hand so she could feel him. 

Though trying to see part of the movie, her eyelids grow so heavy, and she gives in, just closing her eyes. She knew she was falling asleep. But he'd wake her up when he wanted, she was sure...

Jason gives a little roll of his eyes, thinking about Rick. During the last couple weeks, there were a few times Jason hadn't felt so great, and Rick had discovered Jason's blood sugar starting to act up again. Though in the past the biggest problem had been crashes, Rick wanted to keep a close eye on him and monitor what was going on, so he'd told Jason to just eat normally but avoid too many sweets because he wanted to see if Jason's body was compensating or not, and if he had too much sugar, Rick wouldn't be able to tell if he'd crash on a normal day or not. Needless to say, Jason listened... most of the time.

"Greek, huh?" He nods in agreement. "You'll have to help me order though - I've never been to a Greek restaurant before..."

Offering to drive, they leave Misty's car at TJY for now, and Jason has her tell him which way to go since he wasn't sure where the new place was. Once there and settled with a little bit of help ordering something that sounded good, the evening was already starting to be enjoyable. 

Waiting for their food, Jason sips his water and leans back in his chair, just looking across at Misty. Did she think it as strange as he, that the two of them were out to eat together? It felt so odd and out of place, yet... it felt so relaxing and peaceful too. There were just... no walls. And as Jason's emotions became more clear every day, he was enjoying Misty's company more and more, feeling the good emotions and learning to recognize and embrace them. If he'd noticed one thing, it was that he could find the most good emotions when being around her. Which, again, seemed rather odd, yet... he didn't mind. What was only recently forbidden territory was now... available. 

Grinning, he fishes a piece of ice out of his glass with his tongue to suck on. "So... I forgot to ask earlier - was Alec okay after that whole Trooper thing? I honestly forgot about his fear of dogs and how Trooper had attacked him once." 

Hunter's eyes twinkle with humor as Katie talks about the garbage can. "We would have laughed..."

"...and then helped you out," Jeff finishes, trying not to laugh. Her suggestion to go riding once he was home brings a nod. "Yeah... I... don't know long it'll be 'til I'm not so tired, but..." In his mind, he recalls the word Hunter had just told him. He didn't want to upset Katie anymore. Maybe he'd already known she was that upset, but he really had selfishly ignored it. Maybe she'd been right that he'd just been thinking about himself. The last person on earth he wanted to upset was his daughter - especially now that she was struggling so much with what was going on inside of her anyway. 

For a moment, a sad look passes through his gaze before he forces another smile at Katie. "But as soon as I get enough rest and I've got Angel's approval, I'd love to go for that ride. In the meantime, you better get this boy's hind end in a saddle so you and I don't ride clean away from him." 

"Hey now." Hunter straightens in mock defense. "I'm... I'm... well, I know the front end of a horse from the hind end at least!" 

Jeff grins. "Okay, we'll be nice."

"Good." Hunter nods with satisfaction. "Besides, Mick promised me a riding lesson to see if I can get back in the swing of things." 

"Oh yeah? Well that'll be good." 

"Mr. Pent..." A nurse enters the room and smiles sweetly. "Time to check things over, then Mark will be in." 

Jeff gives Hunter and Katie a sidelong glance before smirking in annoyance. "Mark is the resident bather." 

Hunter bites his lip to keep from laughing. "I'll take that as a cue to leave you be then." 

Jeff clears his throat and nods. "Yeah... it would probably be in your best interest." 

Missed Movie

As Dani comes back once again with another kiss Dalton can't help but feel the warmth on his skin to get even hotter. The was her hands felt, the way she fit in his arms, the softness of her kiss that still held such a powerful touch to it...it all was just perfect.

Starting to feel Dani's soft kisses to his jaw, than ear, than neck Dalton can't help the murmur of satisfaction that escaped his lips as he felt a chill run down his spine too. The feelings that rushed of him, happiness, contentment, love and a pure joy for a woman who love him as much as he loved her. It was a dream Dalton once had to be in love that he thought would never come true till he met Dani.

   "Mmmmm...this...this is the...kind of...thinking...I like and could....do all day."

Returning himself for a few more kiss Dalton's hand continues to rub Dani's back before he finally pulls away and gives her a big smile. A trickle of sweat running down his face. Tightening his arms around her a little bit to bring her into a hug Dalton leans his head against hers taking a whif of her shampoo and closing his eyes slightly.

   "I think we missed most of the movie...not that I am complaining."

Letting his fingers find her hair Dalton gently combs through it as he holds her close. Dalton loved the exciting moments, but he liked the soft moments too. Just knowing he was in charge of keeping this woman safe, that she trusted him to keep her safe. Dalton had thought it many times before but he couldn't help just thinking again how lucky he was. 

Misty can't help but laugh at Jason's comment smiling. Signing off on a peace of paper work Misty pits it in her outbox before closing another folder and putting it into the file box behind her. Standing and coming over to Jason she puts her hands on her hip and taps her foot.

   "Rick already would kill me if he found out I like you eat s'mores last night, I think maybe a small tub of popcorn and a good meal might make up for it."

Honesly Misty had no idea where she wanted to eat. She'd been having some odd cravings because of the baby and everything sounded good to her. She had promised to pick a place though as long as Jason helped her pick the movie.

   "How about we eat at that Greek restront that just opened up a few months back. Athens I think that name is. Haven't had some good Greek food in a long while."

   "Oh yeah? And if I did fall into the garbage can would you have laughed at me or help him? Hmmmm?" 

Sitting down Katie nudges Hunter's foot with her own.  She was happy they had come. Seeing Jeff smile a few times while here really was worth it in the long run. They say laughter is the best medicine and if she was good at making people laugh.

   "So I was thinking...maybe after you come home if your feeling up to it maybe the three of us could take a nice leisure ride into the mountains. It's one of the best hideaways and I think it would be fun. What do you guys think?"