

Jason gives Misty a wry grin before shaking his head. "Nah... no tea for me. I'll sit up with you though. I won't be able to sleep for a while yet." 

Sitting down at the kitchen table, he leaves the living room to Alec. "Maybe on more night after this and Reese will take me off guard duty," he comments

Rosalyn smiles and gives Chad a squeeze. "I think for pulling up dead plants you'll do just fine. If you pull up something you're not supposed to, we can always blame the dogs, too." 

Going to her tiptoes, she's just about to kiss his lips when they're interrupted. 

"Hey, Rosalyn, do you..." Clint's voice trails off as he pauses in the doorway, empty coffee cup in hand, while one of his eyebrows quirks at the scene. "...have any more coffee made?"

Rosalyn sighs and rolls her eyes, withdrawing from Chad. "Yes, impatient one. There is coffee for you and everybody else. It just got done." 

Clint clears his throat and wanders to the pot to pour himself some. Giving Chad a sidelong glance, it would be hard to tell what he was thinking. Did he approve? Disapprove? His expression was too hard to read. 

Garret catches Victoria stirring out of the corner of his eye, and he hoped Medridge was not as observant. He dared not look in her direction, since he knew good and well why the atmosphere had just become tense. Swallowing his own emotions though, he's quick to wrap up the rest of the conversation before taking his leave. 

Heading with a brisk pace outside, he aims for the rose garden to appear on duty until he could disappear amongst the flowers for a few short moments. Easing down on a bench, he leans his arms on his knees and willed himself not to throw up. It was bad enough, realizing how awful a thing it was to steal infants and raise them in a place like this. What was worse was seeing the abomination of it now while remembering the times he'd actually helped kidnap babies. It had happened. He had done it. More than once. And only now was he seeing the blood on his hands. And it made him sick. 

Not Sure

Still holding Rosalyn Chad just lets her lean into him. He didn't mind at all and just feeling her close and knowing he was sheltering her make her feel good. In a way it made him feel good as well, knowing he could help her feel safe.

   "If he doesn't accepts me than I will deal with it. As long as you still do and your mind wont change than how could I go wrong?"

Just looking down at Rosalyn Chad gives a smile and looks into her eyes. He didn't mind what they were doing as long as they were together. That was what he cared about the most. Just being with her and spending time doing some of the things she did in a normal day.

   "Not sure how good in a garden I can be but I sure can try my best if you are willing to give me a little direction. I think it might be fun to help you after all."

Wondering into the kitchen again Misty goes to the tea pot to start some tea. She would be going to sleep soon so some warm tea would be nice before that. Grabbing a cup and than turning to Jason Misty gives a smile before holding up a cup for him too. She didn't want to call it a night yet even though Alec had claimed the couch so this was the next best thing.

   "Want some tea too? I am gonna be up for a little bit still I think. Seems the little trooper wants to move around a bunch tonight."

Misty gives a smile to Jason as she lays a hand on her tummy. It was still early in her term but  the baby was a Bank's after all so it didn't surprise it was on the active side already. With this pregnancy she figured there would be lots of stuff that wasn't normal.

Sitting across the room on one of the couches Victora sat quietly listing. She hadn't been on many missions as of late but her grandfather had kept her sitting on many meeting that had to deal with the whole Carson issue. It had been a long hall and now hearing it was being dropped shocked her a little.

Hearing about the new plan with the baby Victoria couldn't help but sit up a little straighter. She was still silence because she new saying anything would give something away that made her heart soft but looking to Garret she new he would be able to see a slight bit of fear in her eyes. Taking a child from there mother it was part of what the agency did to train sosomeone but every time it happened it still hurt to think about it.