

Giving a laugh and a wave Ryan starts out of the building again. Getting to her car Ryan pulls out her phone to call the shop and let them know she was going to be late but going to hit the button she notices its dead.

"You peace of crap."

Ryan toss the phone into the drivers seat and heads out of the parking lot. If she was lucky maybe her driving skills could come in handy and get her to work in a half way decent time.

Sitting with Sparky Faith pays close attachen to how he was rubbing the saddle also listing to his words closely like she always did. His voice was like a soft rain, or the wind blowing a chime, it was soft yet song, soothing, yet sent chills up her back.

"Ok, I got the front."

Taking the rag from Sparky Faith puts a little oil on it before placing it on the saddle. Gently starting to work the saddle her hands moved a little awkward not use to doing this, but she did her best to find a rhythm and  fall into step with Sparky.

Faith enjoyed spending time with Sparky and working along side him. Learning new stuff each day was fun, and it was nice to know that she to could help out around the ranch even with the little things. Not to mention the smell of oil, horses, and barns was one she quickly started liking.

Looking up at Sparky and giving a smile Faith's eyes sparkled, showing she truly was enjoying herself. Though it was only a minor thing to her it was great.

"I am doing ok?"

Finally pulling into the shop parking lot Ryan shoves the ticket into her pocket. It had been her own fault she got pulled over. She shouldn't have been speeding at all in town. But she was here now, and only...25 minutes late. Rolling her eyes at herself Ryan enters the shop not saying anything as she goes to the break room and puts her jacket in there. Than the time clock to punch in. Coming back out into the garage she takes in a few breaths before looking around at everone.

"Sorry Sorry I know I am late. I lost track of time."

Seeing her brother Ryan waves and smiles before going over to her work place. It wouldn't be hard to make up for lost time but it was just the fact that this had been the first time she had been late.Looking up at her bro as she tired the bandanna around her hair to pull it back she gives a sideways smile.

"Come to take my job from me because I was late?"


"No problem." Jason waves to Ryan. He'd come back upstairs once he'd made sure everything stayed calm with Alec, knowing that he wasn't needed. "Tell Axel hi when you see him."

Looking back down to his desk, he hadn't thought about Trooper until Ryan says something. Glancing up again, he grins. "He's the most dedicated Agent we've got. Come here, Trooper."

Hearing his name and the tone of his master's voice, Trooper is satisfied to leave Ryan's side, and he wanders back into Jason's office. Turning around, he sits and looks to Ryan, giving a soft woof.

Jason chuckles. "He says you're alright and he'll be glad to escort you again when needed."

"...so this is to keep the leather from drying out." Sitting with Faith in the tack room, Sparky had a western saddle set up in front of them and he was showing her how to clean and oil it.

His fingers moved skillfully around the leaher, his hands at home. "Gotta make sure oil gets in all the cracks and crevices and as long as it's soaking it up, you can't use too much."

He holds out the rag to Faith. "You can take the front end and I'll take the back."


Making her way through TJY once again Ryan made a few wrong turns but finally found herself in the area with the offices and cubicles again. Heading across the floor feeling Trooper close behind her Ryan makes a b-line for Jason's office. Seeing the door open she knocks before opening it a little feather.

"Hey, thanks for letting me see Alec. He seemed to be ok around me. I'm running late now for work, but I will more than likly be back some other time. Thanks again Jason."

Turning to leave Ryan could still feel Trooper following her. Looking down at the dog her smile widens a little.

"As much as I would like to take you with me I don't think you master would approve. You don't have to protect me now."

Moving forward again Ryan can still feel the dog taking a few steps with her. Looking down at Trooper again she lets out a sigh before looking up at Jason who was behind his desk.

"Seems my shadow still wants to follow."


Sensing the sudden urgency to get going, Trooper stands up, looking between Ryan and the door. He yawns, his large mouth showing all of his teeth and his tail wags once as he waits.

Alec lifts an eyebrow at Ryan's suggestion that she return sometime and with lunch to boot. He couldn't help but wonder if she really meant it, or if it was just a passing thought that would be forgotten. Had he curbed whatever craving she had to see someone in jail or was she a more dedicated visitor?

Watching her leave, he remains silent, seeing that Trooper followed her back out. The room became deathly quiet again and he could hear his own pulse thumping in his head. He couldn't stop the feelings that rose, reminding him that he had enjoyed the company. He hadn't wanted it. If asked, he'd say he didn't care. But on the inside... he wished for more. He'd get it though...

Having had one leg tucked up under the other, he reaches down to his pantleg, sliding out a playing card. Flipping it over, he runs his thumb over the ace of spades. Ryan would be back.

"Where is she?"

"I don't know. Not time yet."

"She's usually here early."

"Well where's Leo?"

"Don't know that either. He's been gone a lot lately."

Eli stands to one side of the shop, fiddling with a wrench as he listens to the other guys talk back and forth while they worked. It was true... Ryan was late and Leo wasn't around... again. Eli had been meaning to ask Ryan about it. Leo, that is. He'd been evasive lately... never available in the evenings, often times on the phone with a woman, and distracted. But he wouldn't talk about it. Eli had his suspicions, but he hated to accuse Leo of two-timing Ryan. If that's what it was though, he'd find out and he'd get justice. No one two-timed his sister.


As Alec announces his hand and Ryan lost a smile forms on her own face. She's always liked playing cards but he had picked the one game she wasn't good at. Taking the cards and putting them all together Ryan sets them down again before picking up the paper and doing the points.

"Well, it looks like you whipped me this time around."

Looking across the Cot at Alec Ryan caught sight of the look that loomed in his eyes. Seeing the glimmer that he was having fun a smile didn't need to confirm it. If at least for a few hours Alec had been entertained than that was enough to make her happy.

Wanting to play another hand Ryan looks down at her watch, Seeing the time she cant help the curse that slipped from her lips. She had 10 min to get to work and it was at least take 15 if traffic was good, taking in count time to leave the building and letting Jason know she was going now.

Taking the cards and gathering them together Ryan puts them back into the package and sticks them in her pocket along with her pen.

"I have to go, I am going to be late for work. Since you won, I'll bring lunch next time, and more magazines."

Moving across the room Ryan leaves not saying much else, heading back out into TJY to try and find Jason.


Alec finds Ryan's comment about the cards a little strange, but he says nothing. Smirking a little at the receipt and suggestion of points, he nods. "Alright. Let's start twenty-five each with two for the ante."

Shuffling his cards around in his hand, he studies them for a moment before setting a couple aside, face down. "Two cards," he announces, letting Ryan deal them to him before adding them to his hand.

Once she's decided on cards as well, he starts the bid at just a few points and their game begins. A series of hands, calls, raising bids and fluctuating points ensues. Alec proves his skill at playing, knowing when to bid and when to fold, and being quite the bluffer. His face stays solemn the whole time, making it nearly impossible for anyone to tell if he was having a good time or not. But he stays in the game, never offering small talk, but never suggesting he was bored either.

Trooper eventually lies down, satisfied that everyone was safe, though his eyes are open and his ears perked, always on guard.

"Flush." Alec lays down his cards, knowing he had this hand won. His face so desperately wanted to smile, but his lips remain settled in a firm line. Only his eyes show a glimmer far far away that hinted he might be enjoying this.

In reality, time had gone by quickly, and he wasn't about to remind Ryan that she had to leave or she'd be late for work.

Ha ha ha

Ryan can't help but laugh at Alec's comment even if it was a pretty dry and morbid joke. At least he tried to have a scene of humor.

"Ha ha...smart Alec. Get it smart Al...never mind."

Ryan rolls her eyes at herself, and looks at Trooper as he comes over. She didn't mind the dog, but Ryan did find it funny that he followed Jason's direction to a T. For a moment she wondered how much they had to train the dog to do so.

Bringing her attachen back to Alec and the cards She picks up her own looking at them for a moment. Putting the cards down again Ryan reachs into her pocket and pulls out a oil pen for writing on cards, and an car receat.

"Since we don't have anything else..."

Ryan shakes her head again not being able to help the stupid smile on her face.

"...we can use points. Maybe next time I will bring a bag of chips we can use or something. Oh and please be careful with the cards. They are pretty special to me and very old."

Smiling at JT as he opens the door Rosetta gives a nod. Her eyes searching JT's tired eyes and it made her heart hurt even more.

"JT...Scott and Hope are here. They want to help. Hope said she things if she does an evaluation on Bree, and see what was done to her at the hospital she might be able to prove she is not crazy, and giving a decent reason to why you guys broke her out. No one knows your here yet, Scott had to come pick up some stuff he let Mick barrow and Hope is an old friend of mine so it wont be suspicious"

Rosetta steps back from the door a little motioning to the kitchen where the two were.

"I didn't know if Bree would be up to talking with Hope now, or if you wanted to talk to them both first."

Amanda sat up on the bed, moving to the edge setting the book down on the nightstand. Hearing someone was at the door, and wanted to talk to JT and Bree she was on edge herself wondering if they were friend or foe.


JT hears Rosetta's voice and at first, he hesitates. But he knows he can trust her.

Getting up from the bed, he goes to the door, unlocking it and opening it to see her. "Yes?"

"Arsenic." Alec's humor was so dry that without a smile one might think he was actually serious until he picks up his cards. "Poker," he reiterates. "'Course there's nothing to bet with."

Looking over to Ryan, he gives her a once over. "Unless it's not money we're talking about."

All of a sudden, Trooper is at the cot, surveying the card game. He turns to sit near Ryan's spot and looks to Alec, flashing his teeth for just a moment but not growling.

The hair on Alec's neck stands up. He hadn't been born with a hatred of dogs. It had come later after an experience he didn't care to relive. And right now, he wished Trooper didn't exist. "Or... we can play for nothing," he concludes lamely.


Sitting sipping her coffee Rosetta gives a thoughtful nod listing to what Scott said. Though they hadn't interacted much when Gunner was here Rosetta new who he was, and once in a great while he would come down for a meal. She couldn't help but feel bad for him, yet proud that he cared for Bree enough to do this at the same time.

"It was very noble of him to do that, but I do hope he can be helped so he doesn't face jail for to long if at all. And Hope your here to help Bree?"

Hope looks across the table at her long time friend. She was going to try anyways and see if at least she could make it that no one would snag Bree and ship her back if she came home anyways.

"I was hopping that if I evaluated Bree I could prove she is not crazy and at least make it so she could come home. Not to mention show the brutality that was used on her when she is perfectly well maybe that would give a little leverage for Gunner and JT on why they broke her out, because technically she was being torched."

Looking over to Hope Rosetta gives a smile. Hope had always done what she could to help those who were weak. She was good at her job, and she new just what allys to take.Rosetta could of hopped for a better reunion than this for seeing Hope again, but this was what it was and new she had a job to do here.

"Ok, gives me a second to go make sure JT is up, and see if Bree is well enough to talk with. Give me a second I'll be back."

Standing and putting her cup into the sink Rosetta makes her way out of the kitchen and into the dinning area going over to the small door. Giving a few knocks on the door before leaning close to it, to talk through.

"JT its Rosetta. Its ok to open the door."

Searching Alec's eyes Ryan rolls her own at his comment. If he had finished his statement she might have been tempted on throwing the deck of cards at his head and than they would of been back at square one, so she was happy he stopped.

Watching Alec as he moves around on the cot, and taking note to the empty space on the cot a small smile makes its way to the corners of her mouth. Taking a few steps twords the cot Ryan stops for a moment looking back at the door and than to Alec again, the grin on her face growing.

Sititng down on the cot sideways Ryan gets comfortable before gently taking the cards from the pack. Not to past to rip it as it was about to fall apart as it was from being so old. Shuffling the cards Ryan finally deals the cards out before looking up at Alec again.

"I delt now you pick your poison. Gin, Poker, War, Six card draw....name it"


Alec squints one eye, pondering Ryan's offer. He twirls the tennis ball in his hands. "I always feel like playing."

The little quirk at the very edge of his mouth proves he was not referring to cards. But he doesn't follow that route any further. He knew Ryan was too smart for that game.

Sitting up a bit straighter, Alec slides to one end of the cot, turning sideways and gesturing to the now-empty middle. "Your deal if you want it." He shrugs lamely, his blue eyes staring up at her with a strange mixture of dullness and taunting.

Relief flashes in Scott's eyes as Rosetta tells him that JT and Bree are safe and he nods, grateful for her honesty. "Nevada? Well... not great. Generally yeah, but Gunner's in jail and they're not planning on letting him out. I think Angelica was talking to him today. That's um, our lawyer. But without proof, Gunner doesn't have a very good chance. Even with proof, he's in trouble. But... as long as Bree's safe and stays safe, I don't think he cares much."

Few rounds

As the ball flys at Ryan she does not flinch or show fear that it would of hit her at all. Though on the inside her heart was racing wondering what his motives were.

To Ryan Alec's own eyes betrayed him. Could it be she has seen the lies of many in her line of entertainment, or simply she was able to see through the emotions on the outside of this one man. Whatever it was she could see the longing in his eyes and almost the excitement in the thought of playing.

"Well, I don't have to be into work for another hour and I don't have anything else to do till than so why not I mean I am already here."

Pushing off the wall again Ryan takes a few steps twords Alec still holding the cards in he hand. Eli new she was out, and probably wouldn't be back before work, Leo was working already so really she didn't have anything else to do.

"If you feel like maybe liking to play today, we can go a few hands."


Alec's eyes narrow slightly and again, his mouth hints that there's a smile just dying to emerge but it's kept at bay. "Oh, I'm sure you don't do anything but keep your head on straight. Unless you count coming here. That one still has me stumped."

Spying the deck of cards as she draws them out of her pocket, one could almost see him itching to play. He bites his lip, weighing his options. He'd had nothing to do for so long... a simple deck of cards was like heaven. But he wasn't here to enjoy himself. He was here to think about freedom and getting away from here. He wasn't here to socialize. He was here to keep his enemies.

"Not really," he lies. Taking the ball he throws it so it ricochets off the wall just left of Ryan's head, showing that either he was lucky or had very good aim. He doesn't let it fly again though, his eyes returning to the cards. "Well maybe... sometimes... I didn't think you were staying that long though."

Do you...

Ryan gives a smile and a small laugh. Not at Alec but just in the observation she made. In a way she kind of found it funny, that he seemed so cold but now she could see the soft look in his eye, and the softness to his voice.

"Ha, you must have a good memory than."

Finding her way back to the wall across from Alec Ryan leans against it again. It was comfortable having her back leaning against something. Searching Alec's face again Ryan speaks softly, on his comment. At least is was something to talk on.

"It might be a soft spot, but in a lot of people I don't think its a weakness, if you can keep your head on straight that is."

Putting her hands into pockets once again Ryan's hand hits the small object that she had forgotten was even there. Pulling out the old pack of cards she just holds it for a long moment before finally looking up at Alec. Holding up the cards she smiles.

"Do you like to play cards?"

Trying to start a conversation

Alec gives a little scoff. "Nah... just found it with a bunch of other writings once. I don't know why I remembered it. No real point - just fills my brain with useless content."

The tennis ball bounces off the wall a few more times. "Though I suppose it comes in handy when women seem to like that sort of thing." He stops playing with the ball and looks at Ryan again. "You're different. Cars, grease and adrenaline rushes. One thing that always fascinated me though, was discovering that despite the outside, all women have a soft middle and a weakness for TLC and a good poem." 

Alec pauses, wondering at his own talking. He didn't want to talk to anybody. He'd been downright stubborn about it and wouldn't even talk to Hope anymore, other than spouting off in anger. But all anyone ever did was yell at him anyway, ordering him around. Ryan was... different. She'd come  because she'd wanted to, not because she had to. And knowing that dragged to the surface that natural desire to communicate and interact. No matter how cold Alec was, he was still human. Somewhere, way down deep, he still desired companionship.

"At least... that's what I've observed."