

Sparky's returned kiss, his arms around her, his hands running up and down her back sent shock waves up and down Faith's spine. She could feel her knees start to weaken, as her heart seemed to race faster than ever before. Time around her seemed to stop, as everything faded away. It was just Sparky and herself, in this moment with theses emotions.

Feeling Sparky start to move to the ground Faith was all to thankful to continues the kiss but sit in his lap before she fell down. His sweet lips seemed to be almost like an addiction and one more kiss would never be enough. His warmth, his tastes, the way his arms wrapped around her it offered so much. Safety, love, Friendship that ran much deeper, as there heart over flowed. Time stoped, yet time slipped by, and seconds turned into minutes that they sat there in the moment.

All to soon though Faith hears a snort behind her, and can feel the horses breath close to them. She didn't want this moment to end, she didn't want to kiss to stop but she cant help the small giggle that escapes her lips breaking the kiss. Keeping her arms around Sparky's neck a million sorrys shown in her eys as she cocks her head and gives a head jolt motioning to the horse behind her.

"I think we have an audience interested in what we are doing."

Faith looks over her shoulder as she is met by a wet noise. Shaking her head and laughing at Twilight, before looking back at Sparky and smiling her eyes dancing, the dark shadow of doubt seemed to be chased away. After this, she new Sparky cared to much to walk away, as she did for him.


Faiths words and actions blended together in such a way to make Sparky's pulse race. He didn't know what she did to him... but it was mesmerizing. The way her hand brushed his forehead as she took his hat... the soft determination in her voice... the way she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her lips to his. Everything... absolutely everything pulled him to her as if there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Returning her kiss, his arms slip around her waist, his one hand gently running up and down her back. Retreating just to cock his head another way, he continues the kiss, his heart beating loudly in his head. With his eyes closed, he couldn't see the world around him - all he could do was feel Faith in his arms, taste her kiss and dream.

Leaning back against the wall, Sparky slowly slides down into the clean stall bedding, forcing Faith to sit in his lap. Not breaking the kiss, he just holds her close as if thinking maybe if he hoped enough, the moment wouldn't end.


Angelica gives a nod and a small laugh as she looks up at David again. She had worked with him for so many years she new it wasnt hard for him to tell when she liked something or not.

"I...think I am having way to much fun."

Thinking for a long moment as she took another bite of her salad Angelica mulled over Davids words. Fax, text message, mail, letters...Text message. Sifting through the papers that Dalton had given her Angelica looks for something that might have caught her eyes. Finally finding it she smiles.

"Bree's parents use Sprint for there cell phone. My sister happens to use sprint as well and I remember her complain once about when she wants to delete a text she has to go online and delete it as well. I wonder...if we can get into there account and pull up there texts. There might be something there that would help."

Angelica smile as she sips her water again just looking across the table at David. His features now seemed softer than when she had last seen him. Still professional but more layed back. He fallen into the roll nicly and still held such profession, Angelica was happy to know he was doing well.

As JT's arms wrap around her Bree curls tighter into his arms. The comfort she was seeking was there, maybe not from the man she was hopping but her Uncle would always be just as good.

Leaning her head into his shoulde Bree just crys a million tears seem to come out, it had been so long if ever since she had last cryed. And now she was letting it all out.

The time slowly went by and Bree's tears turned to sobs, than whimpers, but finally stopped as she still layed nestled and curled up in JT's lap. Moving her head a little showed she was still awake, but she felt so drained now. just shifting a little she looks up at her Uncle trying to give a small smile her tired whisper comes forth.

"I never...got to say thank you. For rescuing me. Gunner will be ok...right?"

Feeling Sparky's hand on her face Faith leans her head into it a little closing her eyes. So soft, and light his touch was and how it made her heart jump.

"Because if things were easy, it just wouldn't be life."

Opening her eyes again, she studys his own as he talks. Knowing and understanding what he was saying Faith thought for a long moment. Retreating for a moment one might think she was walking away but reaching over the stall Faith sets the flowers on the bail of hay on the other side.

Than coming back to where Sparky was standing she stepped up close to him not saying anything. Her heart thumbed, and her stomach seemed to flutter even more. Reaching up Faith removes his hat tossing it over the the stall to land next to her flowers.

Wrapping her arms around his neck and standing on her tip toes so she was eye level with him. A smile formed on her lips, and a glint in her eyes.

"If you stand to close to the edge, I'll stand with you. So if you fall I can catch you and you wont ever have to find the peaces of you heart again."

Leaning in Faith press her lips to Sparky letting the emotion flow through her, but pulling away for a moment she smiles searching his eyes again.

"I don't know how it happend, but I am head over heels for you. These emotions, and feelings I feel I can't stop them nor do I want to."

Coming back again Faith press her lips to Sparky's the kiss, the sweetness, it washed over her as her one had found the back of his head, and the other was still wrapped around his next. This was her answer to him, heartache is not what she saw, and trying was all to worth it.


Somewhere in the middle of Angelica's talking, David is far away, half listening. Instead of his eyes on the papers, they were lingering on his hand where she'd brushed against him. Sighing, he realizes she's stopped talking. "Hmm? Oh... no, I think we're even. I think we got everything covered that we can at this point." 

Returning to his partially warm food, he takes another bite. "We do need some harder facts though. We need to get a hold on something written... an agreement... money changing hands... financial records... anything that would prove the hidden dealings. Anyone like this always messes up somewhere or misses something. They think they've got it covered, but eventually..." He gestures with his fork. "Eventually they slip up. Voicemails... text messages... things they don't think anybody else will ever see."

Leaning back, he looks into Angelica's eyes, seeing their spark. She loved this work even more than he did, if that was possible. A grin tweaks the corner of his mouth. "You're having way too much fun with this."

Nodding, he thinks some more. "If this guy of yours wants to do more digging, let him. Just have him be careful. If he got this far without getting caught, I got a pretty good idea he's good."

JT had thought his heart couldn't hurt more, but he'd been wrong. Seeing Bree's tears and hearing her words, his heart feels like it's breaking into a million pieces. As she lies her head in his lap, he rubs her shoulders and runs a hand through her hair. "It's okay, Bree... it's okay," he soothes.

Taking her hands, he stops her from hitting the ground anymore, and he pulls her in even closer so he can wrap his arms around her. "Everything's going to work out, you'll see. You'll get to see Gunner again, I promise."

Rocking a little, he closes his eyes, begging God to end this pain, if not his own, then just Bree's. "Shh... just relax. It'll be okay."

"Tyler." Sparky grins and cocks his head, looking down at Faith. His tone is deep and mellow. "For some reason, I don't mind it when you call me that."

Reaching out, he brushes the side of her face with his hand. "Why can't just one thing in life be simple? Why do people have to go and make it more complicated than it has to be?"

Pursing his lips, he gives a little sigh, but doesn't break eye contact. "What do you think, Faith? Is it worth a go? Or is heartache down the road for both of us? Tell me now because I'm so close to the edge that if another second passes and it ends up failing, I'll never find all the pieces of my heart again."

Thank you

Angelia beams not being able to give a little laugh. She was happy David was thinking like she had on Bree seeing a Dr. Even though she was one step a head at least she new it was bring thought by someone else.

"There is already someone on there way to see Bree. As soon as she knows anything she will be contacting me, and sending me her paper work."

Taking a sip of her lemon water for a moment Angelica just swallows it whipping her mouth. She could feel her mouth going dry already from rambling so much but that's what always had made her a good lawyer. Her ability to talk and talk on the same topic but never repeat herself.

"We pretty much need to take this thing one step at a time. Get Bree safe from going back to Crescentview is the first step. Than from there maybe we will be able to get our hands on stuff to do with her parents. I am not quite sure where to start looking though. People with a lot of power like them tend to hide well. I wonder if I could get on the inside some how...what do you think? I could always try and see if my friend can do some more digging of his own. Only thing is, I don't want him to get caught and pulled into this mess ether."

Angelica felt so concentrated on this work that she didn't even realize er hand brushed David's resting there for a moment before reaching back for her briefcase again to pull out more papers. Most of them talked about Bree's parents, and what they owned, where they eat at...even down to what shampoo they used. It really wasnt much but Angelica was thankful for anything Dalton had dug up. Who new if they looked through everything maybe there was something.

" So do you know anything more maybe I left out or didnt know?"

Continuing to look up at the sky Bree gently moves her fingers against the sky. The sides of her face still wet as the small tears over spilled them Bree doesn't turn her head to look at JT continuing to look at the sky she finally whispers trying to keep her voice from shaking.

"I'm looking...for the palm of Bree. I have to find it....Gunner's hand is not far from it, our fingers lock together, and I want to hold his hand."

It was hard fighting her emotions, her heart acked, and even though she was surrounded by people who would be her friend at the ranch Bree felt so alone without him.

Not being ablut to hold the tears back as she felt so frustrated not being able to find the starts her sniffles grow..turning her self into JT's lap her shoulders shake from her tears.

"I cant find it....I cant find his hand."

Her fists softly pound the ground, not to hurt herself but from her own pain and frustration, she just wanted to talk to Gunner, to hold him..she missed him so much.

Standing in the stall with Twilight Faith gives a small laugh as the horse takes the apple from her hand. The small whiskers on her chin, and her toung tickling her palm.

"I figured you deserved a tear after your work out. I bet you liked stretching your legs huh?"

 Scratching the horses chin Faith didnt even hear Sparky come up. She was lost in a wold of her own with the horse. The soft coat, the gentle sounds of the barn. Faith had become so use to them she found them more than soothing. Leaning her face against Twilight's nose she give her a gentile kiss, her words were soft.

"I better not feed you to many apples I dont know when I will get to give you a work out again. I know Sparky cares for me, and likes me a great deal but...I dont think his family does. Maybe he is going to change his mi...."

Faith's words are cut off as she gives a small jump not expecting the stall door to open. Turning around quickly and seeing Sparky standing there a small smile forms on her lips as her heart starts to race. Was it from worry and wonder what would happened next, or could it been from just the simple sight of him, and the longing for his arms to be around her and his lips pressed to her own.

Seeing the flowers being held out to her Faith can't help it as her smiles grows even bigger, and her eyes that had filled with a little worry seemed to twinkle now. No one had given her such a pressies gift before. Stepping forward Faith takes them from Sparky and holds them for a long moment before finally bringing her face down to them and putting her nose in. Taking a big long whiff she in hails the sweet smell and a small moan would conferm to anyone she liked them.

Looking up at Sparky again Faith trys to study his eyes but cant get a good enough view as his hat was casting a shadow over his face. Taking a few more steps closer she brings her finger up to the brim like she had so many times before and pushes his hand up a little. Now being able to see those steel blue eyes she had fallen so deep into she searching falling once again. Finding her voice her words come on in a soft whisper like a song on the summer breeze. Wrapped in emotion she didn't even realize she didn't use english words for thank you.

"Vi tackas Tyler, the flowers are beautiful."


David's eyebrows rise as Angelica talks, forgetting about his food for the time being. He listens carefully, waiting until she's finished to comment. "Good gracious... you  must have made some new friends. How did you manage to get the full story and all those facts so fast? I thought I was coming to give you information, not the other way around!"

He shakes his head and laughs. "Never mind. Don't tell me. Bottom line - what you told me lines up with everything Jack, or JT, has told me. He wanted to keep things on the up-and-up. Wanted to solve things through all the right channels to make sure there were no mistakes. I'm assuming it was Gunner that convinced him to derail and go after Bree himself."

Digging into his own briefcase, he pulls out a folder, thumbing through some papers. "I checked on a few things on my way over here and it looks like the police have identified JT for sure - they know it was him with Gunner so there's a warrant out for his arrest. Nothing surprising but it's official now." He did not know where JT had taken Bree, or that Hope had already quietly informed Angelica everyone was safe so that Gunner would rest easier.

"So yes... emails. Fantastic. Even if they're not proof of actual dealings yet, it's a start and it at least proves motive and opportunity. I think what we're going to need is a clean mental bill of health from a psychiatrist or counselor, along with proof of her parent's dirty dealings. If we can get a doctor to Bree, we can get half of that accomplished. It's going to be proof of her parents that will be hard. The first will at least keep Bree safe from Crescentview again, but we need to with this whole thing or she'll always be in danger."

JT smiles and shakes his head. "I guarantee you wouldn't be a third wheel. But if you'd feel better having Gunner along, I know Bree would enjoy that too." He thinks for a moment, lapsing back into a bit of sadness and worry. "We just have to get him out of jail first."

Rolling onto his back, he stretches out, deep in thought. "Funny how things turn out isn't it?"

Brief conversations and quietness followed, passing the time of the day. Soon it was suppertime and JT wasn't too surprised that Bree didn't return for the meal. Someone said they'd seen her though, so he wasn't worried until after dark and he began to wonder if she'd wandered too far.

After supper, he heads outside, walking slowly and trying to find his niece. He checks the barns, around the bunkhouses, and any nook where he thought she might be. Growing more concerned, he looks with a little more purpose, asking a few of the ranch hands if they'd seen her again.

Finally he heads around back of the barn where he sees the bundle on the ground. He was relieved and saddened at the same time. Ambling closer, he lowers himself to sit on the cold ground next to Bree, wondering why she hand her hands up in the air. "Hey, kiddo," he greets softly. "Thought I'd lost ya." He'd ask how she was, but he knew the answer already. "What are you doing?"

Sparky hadn't been seen the rest of the day and had not shown up for supper. Someone said he'd gone into town a couple hours prior, but no one had seen him since. There was an odd feeling in the air without him around. Not only was the boss gone, but with Sparky gone too, it just didn't feel right.

One of the ranch pickups comes back into the driveway and parks near the bunk houses, the lights shutting off. Sparky sits quietly in the dark for several minutes, his mind and heart so full.

Sighing, he finally gets out and heads to Annie and Faith's bunkhouse. Finding it empty, he goes and looks in the window of the dining hall, but doesn't see Faith there either. A little concerned, he heads to the barn where a few of the lights were still on.

Wandering inside, he stop and looks around, then heads to the far corner. It was just a hunch, but it was worth following. And he was right. Walking slowly, he approaches the stall, seeing Faith inside with Twilight. Standing a moment, he just watches. Finally though, he unlatches the stall, knowing that it would alert Faith to his presence.

Letting himself in, he doesn't say anything, but just looks at her. Reaching from behind his back, he offers her a small bouquet of flowers. No smile was on his lips, but a softness was still in his eyes. Something had changed... something had shifted. In the depths of those steel blue eyes, partially shielded by his hat, lingered the longing that had formed since knowing Faith. But now there was a shadow... a shadow that cast questions and doubts upon something that only hours before had seemed so simple.

Axel laughs at Jess' stomach and he nods. "I guess I'm getting hungry myself. How about we go out somewhere nicer than fast food? My treat. Then we can definitely come back here."

Gunner stands at the far wall of his cell, looking up  through the tiny window with bars. There were too many lights interfering with the view, making it impossible to see many stars. He could just make out a few of the brighter ones though, assuring him that they were still there.

Just staring at the black expanse, he can feel the painful ache in his heart. "Goodnight, Bree," he whispers.