

Carson could feel a small wave of relief when Misty agrees to go with him. He'd feared perhaps she would refuse. Offering her a crooked smile, he nods. "Okay. Come on." Leading the way, he heads through TJY and out to his car.

The ride to the Sandwich Basket is very quiet, and even after they order and seat themselves at an outside table to enjoy the sunshine, conversation is all but none.

Carson works on a sub sandwich but it didn't taste all that good today. He didn't think it was the food though - it was him and his sour stomach. Eventually he sets his sub down and sighs.

"Misty, I..." His eyes attach themselves to his food basket. "I'm sorry... about last night. I was kinda hurt how you said I lied, I guess, but I shouldn't have blown up at you." He shrugs. "I don't know what happened with the phone but I didn't mean to worry you or upset you, especially when we had company over."

His gaze finally rises to look at her. "So yeah... I'm really sorry."

"Hey, Ariel. It's Pete.... Mm-hmm... yeah, it's all good.... It's fine. It all worked out.... Yeah.... Hey, listen, are you coming to the party tomorrow?" Pete swivels in his chair at his desk, giving Trey a sidelong glance. He was doing as promised - calling Ariel to try and get her to show up at the party tomorrow night.

"No, it's downtown. The Sunrise... Yeah, I know you don't usually, but it shouldn't be too rowdy or anything...." He grimaces at Trey. Ariel was balking. "I know. But really, it's mostly gonna be the same crowd - you know must of 'em are pretty good at not getting out of hand." It was true - most of the people he knew at these get-togethers might drink a little and get a little loud, but never got out of hand or did anything to get into trouble. He even saw friends from church now and again, and Ariel certainly was one of those that just wanted to have good clean fun, emphasis on the clean. Pete had never experienced anything there that would be cause for concern though, even for the young ladies. He wasn't surprised Ariel was wary of a different kind of party though.

"...Right... well, I'll be there... Yeah. Hang out with me if you want.... Eh, work can wait. Come on..." Pete rolls his eyes. She had no idea how difficult she was being. "Ahh, 'maybe' is as good as a 'yes.' So that's a yes, right?"

He grins. "Good. Uh yeah... about nine o'clock..... Yep, see you there. Alright..... Bye."

Hanging up, Pete turns back to Trey. "Well, there you go, Bud. She'll be there tomorrow night."

"Okay. Thanks, Stacy." Mick nods. "I've been through this once with Dylan before... but things are kinda different now so I'm not really sure what's going to happen. Thanks for staying extra alert though."

Opening the door for her, he lets her go back inside and follows. They needn't discuss this anymore for now. What would be would be and they just needed to wait on Dylan now...

...."No, I don't want any lunch!" Dylan raises his voice, swinging glare at Jade. First Mick then Jeff then Sparky, now Jade. "How many people do I have to tell that to?!"

Jade blinks and takes a step back from where he was sweeping the barn aisle. "Alright already. Sheesh. I was just wondering if you were hungry after you skipped breakfast." And since he hadn't come to supper the night before either. She knew he'd probably snagged a snack when no one was around, but it still concerned her.

Dylan grips the broom tightly. "You keeping track now or what? Dad have you watching me to make sure I get my three solid meals a day?"

Though her brother snapping at her stung a bit, Jade throws up her arms in disgust. "Oh shut up. You know that's not true. If I'da known you were this sensitive today, I wouldn't have asked. I'll see you later." Spinning on her heel she stalks away, not giving him another chance to respond.

Dylan watches her leave then growls angrily before continuing to sweep. He wipes the sweat from his brow, fighting the mild dizzy spell. He wanted one thing right now, and one thing only. But he was out. And there was no source to get more.

Pausing his work, he takes a deep breath. He could do this. He had to. He could beat this thing.

Jade stalks over to the nearest pasture fence to lean on and take a deep breath. She wasn't stupid. She knew what was happening. And it pained her to see her brother suffering. She wished there was something she could do, but she knew there wasn't. Why did Dylan have to do this? Why did he have to make all those bad choices? Would he make it through this? Would he wind up just eventually going back to that life again later? Was this really the last time? What did the others think? Surely most everyone knew. Did Dylan even realize how obvious his problem had become? Why wasn't her dad doing anything about it? Why had he told her to remain silent as well and let Dylan deal with it in his own time? She just didn't understand!

Swiping angrily at a tear, she scoffs into the wind. Why should she care anyway? Dylan could care less about her. When she'd finally seen him after he'd come back and given him a hug, it hadn't even been returned. There was still no smile. Nothing to say that he was glad she was there. Nothing. it was the same as always. She loved her brother to death but it was never returned, and it was getting harder to just not shut him off completely. Especially now. Especially when she had to stand back and watch him stubbornly try to survive on his own.

Keep an eye

Sitting at her desk lost in work Misty doesn't even notice someone come into the infirmary and she was so tired at the same time she couldn't feel someone behind her. Put seeing the flower come over her shoulder and than Carson's voice Misty can't help that the corners of her lips twitch as she reaches up and take the flower.

She was hungry, not eating this morning was catching up with her. Being mad was wearing on her too. Maybe she should go, everything could be ok. This could be a chance to talk, or at least try to get over yesterday right?

"I guess I am hungry so I should eat something and I do have some time for lunch."

Closing what she was working on Misty stands and goes over to the closet and pulls out her jacket putting it on. Going back to her desk she grabs her wallet and looks to Carson trying to give a little smile.

"I'm ready. You pick the place."

Listing to Mick Stacy gives a nod. She had a feeling something was up with Dylan and he might have gained some bad habits back. But didn't know for sure and didn't want to jump the gun. Many things pointed to that though.

"Yeah I had a feeling about that. I have been trying to keep a closer eye on him and didn't want to jump to quickly like last time."

Stacy cross her arms as she thinks for a moment before speaking again.

"I do believe Dylan wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone though. I'll make sure I stay alert though just in case. I'll keep you posted as well. Let me know if you notice anythign too."


"Carson... this was supposed to be without onions." Dani hands back a plate of food through the kitchen window.

Carson growls in frustration and takes it back to remake.

Watching him for several moments, Dani furrows her brow. She was worried about him, which was unusual. Sure, her brother got in a bad mood every now and then - everybody did. Everybody had bad days too. What bothered her was that Carson's bad day was lasting more than a day. He used to smile and laugh and go out and mingle with customers. But for the last week or two, he'd been downright antisocial around the restaurant, moody, and snapping at his waitresses was becoming much too frequent.

Finally brave enough to wander into the kitchen, Dani comes up beside him at the counter to help out with the food. She opted to not complain about his mood. "You okay?" she asks softly.

Her tone was gentle enough that Carson couldn't get mad at her. His shoulders drop slightly but he keeps his eyes on the food. "I don't know."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Naw... just..." He sighs. and turns to put the food in the oven. "Misty and I had a fight and I just can't concentrate today."

Dani frowns and lays a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm sure it will all be okay. Everybody argues."

"Yeah... I guess you're right." Carson shrugs. "I guess it's so rare for her and me that I don't know what to do with myself when it happens."

Dani offers him a smile. "If I know you, you'll think of something."

...Lunchtime. It was the busiest time of day for Mom and Pop's, but Carson had left it in the hands of Dani, Thirteen and Herb for just an hour or so.

Entering the infirmary slowly, Carson felt more awkward here than he had in a long time. It wasn't a good feeling. Spying Misty very involved with the work at her desk, he approaches quietly, walking around out of her line of sight. Coming up behind her, he stops and watches for a moment. Then a long-stemmed daisy slithers over her shoulder.

"Care to join an Aussie for lunch?" he asks softly.

Sparky keeps a close eye on Dylan as the young man finishes cleaning a stall and hauls the wheelbarrow down the barn aisle. It had been a few days since he'd shown up again, and things were still a bit awkward, but it seemed he was genuinely trying to fit back in around here once more. As far as Sparky knew, his nephew had started his schoolwork again and he'd been seen spending a little bit of time with Ashlee. He'd also gotten back in the saddle to help Sparky exercise the horses as well. There was just one thing...

Sighing, Sparky goes back to resetting the hay rack in another stall. A shadow though, pauses him yet again. Looking up, he sees Mick. "Yes?"

Mick shrugs. "Just wondering how Dylan's doing. He doesn't talk to me now any more than he did before he left, ya know."

Sparky straightens, fingering his screwdriver as he leans on the open stall door. He knew Mick still struggled with the fact that Dylan worked and talked with him instead of his own father. But Sparky wouldn't turn down his nephew - if Dylan talked to anybody at all, it was a good thing. Sparky studies his brother's face. "He's doing alright."

Mick senses hesitance. "But...?"

Sparky's eyes lower and he fiddles with the screwdriver.

"What? What is it?"

Sparky shrugs.

Mick steps closer. "Tyler..."

Sparky's gaze shoots back up, annoyed. "Well, I just... I don't think Dylan's being completely honest."

"With what?"

"With... what he... might still be doing... since he came back."

"As in...?"

"I dunno. I... think he's on something."

Mick nods slowly. "Yeah. That's what I think too."

Sparky's eyebrows rise. He'd thought Mick would be upset with him for such an accusation against his son. "You do?"

"Mm-hmm... I thought so from the first time I saw him when he got back. I've talked to a few of the others too, and you and I aren't the only ones that have noticed."


"Yeah. I just wondered if you saw it too."

"Unfortunately." Sparky purses his lips in thought. He'd seen that look in Dylan's eye. The strange behavior. The odd moods. The poor physical condition. "You gonna confront him?"

"Nope." Mick shakes his head. "This time it's gotta be his choice."

"You're just gonna ignore it?"

"No... whatever it is he's got is pretty heavy - he doesn't think anybody's noticed the needle marks on his arm. But if..." Mick would rather not say it aloud, but he knew it was best. "...if it's heroin like it was before, he's gonna run out. And he has nowhere to go..."

"...Coming to supper?"

Dylan stops and turns around, en route to his bunk. He shakes his head at Sparky. "I, um.... I got a headache - I think I'm just gonna go lie down."

Sparky lifts an eyebrow but doesn't question him. He did wonder, though, if Mick had been right, when they'd spoken earlier. "Okay. You want me to tell Angel you want something f-"

"No." Dylan's answer cuts him off. "I mean... I'm fine. Thanks."

"Yeah, okay." Sparky shrugs. "Well if you need anything, holler."

Dylan watches as his uncle heads to the dining hall before continuing on to his bunk. Getting inside, he kicks off his boots and flops down on the bed. His head felt like it was splitting open, and the thought of food was rather nauseating. No... tonight he'd rather sleep. And in the morning... he had a feeling that it would be worse than it was now, but he could pretend, right?

Sparky continues on to the dining hall where most of the others were already. Glancing across the room he catches Mick's eye and shakes his head slightly. Mick nods in responds.

Weaving through the tables, Mick makes his way over to where Stacy was. "Stacy..." He motions to the door. "Can I have a word with you for just a moment?" He wouldn't keep her long, since supper was almost ready.

Leading the way out onto the porch, he sighs and tips his hat back a little. "I just wanted to make sure you were aware of something. Knowing you, you probably already figured it out, but..." He shakes his head. "I'm not a hundred percent sure, but Dylan's got all the signs of being on drugs. I've got a feeling he's about ready to run out, if he hasn't already, and things could get difficult. I wanted you to be aware, first, because of Ashlee, and second, because I don't know if Dylan will try to leave again, but I need you to keep your eye out for that."

He shrugs lamely. He still felt like a failure of a father, but there was no point in not facing the truth. "That's all I wanted to tell you."

Past or Future

Hearing Carson moving around and not being in a deep sleep to start with Misty stirs just a bit. Not getting up though like she normally did she just continues to lay in bed staring into the dark. She was still angry with Carson over what happened last night. It had been totally uncalled for and the words still hurt. Misty couldn't remember the last time she had felt like this.

Feeling Carson come over to her and receiving the kiss to the cheek Misty doesn't reply, or even move. She continued to just lay there hoping Carson would just thinking she was asleep. And when he leaves with nothing else being said Misty was glad. She was still made at him and not ready to forgive him.

Letting out a sigh and rolling onto her back Misty closes her eyes for a moment as a few more hot tears rolled down her face. She wanted to so desperately go out and enjoy a cup of coffee with her hubby like she did every morning but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. She couldn't let Carson know last night was and ok thing.

Knowing finally Carson had left for the day Misty gets out of bed and wonders to the kitchen to get she own coffee and than shower. She didn't want to work, she felt sick to her stomach and looking into the bathroom mirror it was easy to tell she had a restless night, and had been crying. She just wanted to crawl into a hole even if she new she couldn't.

...An hour and a half later Misty enters TJY. She was pretty late and she new it but she simply didn't care. Her attemts at trying to hide how tired she was, and her red eyes failed. As soon as she took her sunglasses off it would be clean on her face. Maybe she could bury herself into her research or something exciting was going on today so no one would notice. Sitting at her desk Misty could only hope.

Finishing with the kiss and snuggling in deeper with him on the couch Jess just listens to the beating of his head the soft rythem of his breathing just lulling her. It was times like this that Jess cherished the most. The quiet ones where just hearts talked, and actions spoke louder than words.

"You don't owe me anything Axel but if you would still like to take me out on night I wont fight you on it."

Giving Axel a squeeze she lets out a soft happy sigh. She was content, no matter what would happen from here out she was content and completely in love with Axel. There was no doubt in her mind. Not past or future would change that.


Carson sits alone for a long time, nursing his beer until it's gone. Tonight, he could go for something stronger.

Eventually he does get up, but after putting away the empty bottle, he doesn't go to the bedroom. Instead, he hesitates in the hallway before turning back to the living room. Grabbing a blanket, he flops down on the couch and tries to get comfortable on the cushions. He couldn't remember the last time he'd chosen not to go to bed with his wife. A lump rises in his throat but he tries to ignore it. Things would be fine... they would work out... they would be fine...

...It was only a few hours before Carson was rising again for his morning run. When he gets back to the house to shower, it was still dark outside. Opening the bedroom door quietly, he slips in to find clean clothes for the day.

Once dressed, he checks the clock. He really didn't want to work today. But he had no choice.

Ready to leave, he pauses at the door and looks back over his shoulder at Misty's sleeping form. Was she really asleep? He had his doubts. She'd probably heard him moving about.

Sighing, he wanders quietly to her side of the bed. His heart hurt. He felt rotten. He'd let her down. He wanted to erase the previous night from their history. But he couldn't. And he knew... this was only the beginning of the pain.

Bending down, he kisses Misty's cheek. "I love you," he whispers.

Finally leaving the room, he goes to the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee before leaving for Mom and Pop's.

Axel didn't know how much time had passed. He didn't really care though. It wasn't often he allowed himself to fall into these moments with Jess... to be this intimate... to just allow himself and her to express their feelings like this. But tonight he had, and he enjoyed it...

...The soft classical music still played in the background. The living room was dark. Axel was leaned back in the corner of the couch with Jess tucked under his arm. They had long since ceased making out and were just quietly enjoying each other's company now. Axel's hand absentmindedly wandered up and down her arm, his other hand having found her own to hold. With her head so close on his shoulder and chest, he kisses the top of it gently.

"I still owe you dinner out," he muses quietly.


Misty continues to wash the dishes as she feels a hot tear run from her eye down her cheek. She was angry and hurt she just wanted to scream. She new she could keep her mouth shut and not say anything else but she couldn't help it.

"Actually dropping it wont make me feel better. What will is you not over reacting next time I ask a question."

Letting the sink drain Misty whipes her hands off before heading for bed. Shaking her head as she got to the door way Misty didn't want to go to bed angry but there was nothing more to be said. She new tempers were hot and that would continue to make things worse.

Continuing Misty shuts the door behind her before changing into her pjs. Flopping down on the bed she bury her face into the pillow. Tonight would be a nite she cried herself to sleep, something she hadn't done in a long time.