

Alec was grateful for Misty's words. He really was trying and it felt good to know that she'd noticed. He really wasn't sure what his future looked like, but he sure was making an effort not to go down the same path he'd already chosen multiple times. 

"I'm sure we'll get to see her before she leaves again," he answers. It wasn't like Ken could come pick her up and whisk her out the door without them seeing. 

Alec smiles a little before giving Misty a sidelong glance. "I think she'll be thrilled to know about the baby. I mean, I'm thrilled and I'm a guy." He grins and looks down again, feeling a little silly, but it was the truth - he really was happy for Misty, even if he hadn't said so before.

It does take a while, and a few times, they could hear both Justin's and Mackenzie's raised voices in the kitchen, but nobody emerged until the atmosphere had settled. 

Coming into the living room, Justin guides the girl with his hand on her shoulder. Today had been a tough one - Mackenzie had taken a couple steps backwards, but it was to be expected sometimes. He knew that in all reality, she was doing quite well for all she'd been through. Not having a father, her mother dying, living in an orphanage, finding her father but not allowed to be with him, being adopted and promptly abused in more ways than one, back to the orphanage, back to fighting to see her father, then finally adopted again and now her beloved father and his wife getting a divorce. They were lucky she was not somewhere like Brookshire right now. It was no wonder she longed for family yet didn't trust Ken and Jeanette as much as they wanted. Too many times she had been betrayed and let down. It was amazing she still had the gumption to stand up for herself, and Justin could only accredit that to her genes. 

Giving her shoulder a little pat, he pushes her forward, prompting her towards the couch. 

Mackenzie trudges over to Misty and Alec, her head bent, but her red eyes were still visible, proving the tears had finally spilled over. "I'm sorry," she apologizes quietly. "I know I shouldn't have run away and come here without asking." She pulls her hands up into her jacket sleeves, shifting her weight awkwardly. "I just missed everybody and... and I didn't think my parents would let me come."

As she stops, she glances up to Justin who gives her a nod to continue. 

"And... thank you for lunch and for not getting mad at me. I'm... I'm gonna ask my dad... Ken... if... if I can come back again sometime, if... you'll let me." 

Rosalyn didn't even know what to say. Chad's words were so sweet and kind and comforting... it seemed anything she could say would seem dull in comparison. For sure, he knew which words would make her feel good. For in these moments, she had felt things she'd never dreamed of. And she would cherish those feelings forever. 

"I'll never forget you either," she answers softly, leaving her head resting on his chest. Her finger toys with one of his shirt buttons and she sighs a deep sigh, knowing that even though she wished this to last forever, time had not actually stopped. She would be missed if she didn't show up back to work soon. 

Finally sitting up straight, she gazes into his eyes, simply watching them for several moments. Leaning in closer, she gives his lips a soft kiss before scooting off his lap and standing up. 

Looking down at him, she smiles. "Walk me back?" 

So you know

Once Justin was at the house Misty heads into the living room with Alec just letting Justin do his thing. Looking over at Alec Misty gives a shake of her head. She felt bad for Mackenzie too but if there were a few people they would want her to be around right now it was her family, herself, and Alec because he sure was turning around.

   "Alec, don't say that. Look at Carson he's the one that should be saying that. Your trying to turn around and thats what is important. You've really grown so much it just took you a moment to get you there."

Giving Alec a little pat on the leg Misty sits back and lets out a long sigh. Now it was just about waiting. Having this whole thing come up thought brought up memories about Carson that really she didn't want to think about but were there. It just made everything that was going on hurt a little bit more. 

   "Think we will be able to talk to Mackenzie before they go again? I...want to tell her she's going to be a sister."

Holding Rosalyn close to him still Chad leans his head against her's. This moment he wanted to remember when he was gone. There was a part of him that wanted to stay here lover, have Rosalyn with him longer but he new tomorrow life must continue but what was ahead for him? Was he ready to let go of this gift he was given?

   "You are so very special and don't let anyone ever make you feel or tell you differently."

Closing his eyes and soaking in Rosalyn's warmth the way she felt in his arms. It was just so perfect and it was like a puzzle with the last peace. He was an amazing woman who turned his head, made his heart race, and lite a spark in him.

   "I just want you to know that over the last few days the moments we shared have no just fun and games. You've touched a part of my hear thats been blocked for so long. You Rosalyn single handily sparked my heart, and found my passion I had locked away. Going ahead from here I want you to know I'll never forget you for as long as I am breathing."

Kissing her head again Chad was happy for this moment. It might be there last together before leaving and it was this moment he was going to let last for as long as they could. He'd let her go not knowing if he'd ever be able to hold her again but there was a quiet, silent hope in his heart that he would.

Bad Influence

Realizing Chad was turning around, Rosalyn unlocks her ankles to avoid being scraped against the tree. As he lowers himself to the ground, she bends her knees to kneel, still straddling his lap. Once free of his kiss, her breath is rapid as her lungs try to keep up with the oxygen she needed. Just leaving her eyes closed, she leans her head against his, her hands resting on his shoulders now. Her heart was pounding a hundred miles an hour while she tried to catch her breath, and everything tingled. It felt like a very sudden stop to something extraordinarily wonderful, but she knew better than to try and continue it. They were way too close to the line of losing their heads in the heat of this moment, and if anything, she was grateful that Chad had been the first to pull away. It only served to heighten her respect for him. 

His soft words were like gentle music to her ears. Somebody liked her. Appreciated her. Wanted her. Whether it was just surface feelings, all based on physical attraction, short-lived or not... she couldn't help it that it made her feel good. At the very least, she had discovered that something about her really was special, and maybe she really did still have a chance at a relationship with somebody someday. Even if Chad was only attracted to her outside appearance, it still made her feel desirable.

Why he was thanking her though, she didn't know. Still breathing hard, she tries to process his words, wondering what it was about this that he was so grateful for. She'd done nothing but let him give her some physical affection. Had he really enjoyed it as much as she? 

Remaining in his lap with one leg on either side of him, she curls into him closer, burying her face against his neck. Sliding her arms around his neck as well, she hugs him tightly. "You're an amazing man," she murmurs softly. And she knew this was it. It was the beginning and the end. She wouldn't be upset though. She knew he had another life and this was just a whirlwind vacation with a twist. What she could do was take these moments, tuck them safely away in her heart and remember them always. Her first real kiss. Her first time with so many flutters in her heart. Her first time being pursued, if only for a couple days. 

Finally her breathing begins to slow as her body relaxes again. Finding her legs starting to cramp, she pries herself away from him to readjust, sitting sideways on his lap instead. Leaning her head on his chest, she listens to his heartbeat, mixed with the sweet sounds of nature around them. 

"I've never felt so special," she admits softly. "I'm glad you came." 

Flipping shut his cell phone, Justin continues his drive. The timing of the call couldn't have been better - he was already on his way into North Springs to see his mom. That would have to be postponed though. Unfortunately, he knew that the situation with Mackenzie couldn't be good. He'd been making headway with her. It had been slow, but he'd seen it. What had happened? Why had she run away?

His concern for the little girl increases as theories enter his mind. His only option now was to get to Misty's house and find out what was really going on. The only hard part was knowing that he needed to call Ken - and now. If Mackenzie had run away, her parents had a right to know that he knew where she was. He was a little surprised they hadn't called him already. The tricky part would be convincing Ken to let him talk to her before barging in. He could do it.... he had half an hour to talk.

Flipping his phone back open, he keeps one eye on the road as he drives.

Hearing Justin would be there soon, Mackenzie gives a little huff, but she doesn't argue.

Alec sees Misty looking at the snack and he smirks at her comment. "What? This isn't good enough?"

Mackenzie perks up a little. "It was a snack."

"Well a snack can be a meal!"

She rolls her eyes. "You don't have kids, do you?"

Alec points to Misty. "She doesn't either yet!"

"But she's a woman."


"So women automatically know how to take care of kids."

Now it's Alec's turn to roll his eyes. "I guess maybe I could go for something other than apples and peanut butter too."

During the next half hour or so, a light lunch is enjoyed and Mackenzie does eat, and even opens up a little bit to talk about school or her adopted sister. She avoids conversation about her parents or Carson though, or even why she'd come here at all. That wouldn't come until Justin arrived.

And he did. It had been about forty-five minutes, but he had accomplished getting Ken to allow him time with the girl. After arriving, he greets everyone until he requests he be left alone with Mackenzie in the kitchen.

Alec sits on the couch in the living room, unable to hear what was quietly being said in the next room over. He eyes Misty for a few moments before dropping his gaze. "I kinda feel sorry for her ya know? Carson didn't want me around her at all - even kicked me out of the restaurant once 'cause she was there. I just... wanted to get to know her was all. But I know I'd be a bad influence, so I guess he was right."


Feeling the small gasp from Rosalyn it was a confirmation to Chad that was he was doing was ok and she didn't mind. So he just let it be what it was and continued as the waves of emotions and feelings washed over him sending his body into a state he'd never felt before. It was exciting, exhilarating, it was the feeling of someone returning affection to him, that they wanted him to continue and needed him too.

As Rosalyn unbuttons Chad's shirt a little more and he feelings both her hands on his chest he can't help but deepen the little just a little more still. She had no idea what he did to him, the chills where only the start. Her hands were so soft, and light he'd never though someone's touch alone could do that to him.

Wanting to continue this kiss forever with Chad new it was best if they didn't. Moving away from the tree but letting her keeps her legs around him he moves so his own back was now aganst it and he slides down to the ground.  Keeping his arms around her and letting the kiss last a few seconds longer before Chad finally breaks away. 

Leaning his head against Rosalyn's to catch his breath Chad can't help the smile that spread across his lips once again. This was unexpected and maybe thats why it felt so perfect. To anyone else it might be crazy but this to him was special and Rosalyn had given him more than a fun time. She have him a perpous, and made him feel wanted, and needed. A feeling he'd lacked for so long and now she had restored it.

   "I wish this moment could last forever, the day would never end and we could sit under the tree and just be together."

Letting out a sigh and pulling her close to him Chad leaned his head against hers. There was a fine line he didn't dare cross, and he's stopped himself out of respect. This gift had been so precious he didn't dare spoil it even if the ending was a little abroupted. He just hoped Rosalyn wouldn't think it was something to do with her. Letting his voice be strong but a whisper he kiss the top of her head leaning his face into her hair.

   "Thank you Rosalyn, thank you!"

Oh good gracious

Chad's murmur confirmed to Rosalyn she was doing something right, so she didn't stop. Just soaking in all of these new feelings, it felt as though time were racing, yet standing still at the same moment.

Suddenly feeling Chad lifting her up and pressing himself to her, holding her against the tree, she sucks in a sharp breath of surprise. She automatically wraps her legs around his waist, crossing her ankles to keep from sliding. His kisses were sweet... deep... filled with passion she didn't even know existed.

The sensation of him kissing down her neck made her tingle all over and she keeps her eyes closed, rolling her head back to give him more room. Letting her fingers find their own way, she feels down his shirt, opening up another button or two so her other hand can reach his chest as well. Both of her palms rest against his warm skin, sliding up to the back of his neck to toy with his hair, then back down again, just absorbing the feeling, wanting to remember exactly what this felt like for when it was gone.

Rolling her head back again, she finds his lips with hers once more to return his passion. A sensual greeting. A thank you. A statement of feelings buried deep down. Her fingers grip his shirt collar as she deepens the kiss, her heart longing just to be needed... loved... held.