

For a bref moment Beth feels as though there was tension in the room. It was strange to feel this, with two people she had never felt it with before. Even if she had only seen Zach a few other times it had never been there and now it was. The air, it seemed to almost be thick enough to cut with a knife.


Beth wasn't sure what to say next. It felt like she should say something or offer maybe an explanation to what Justin did but she was cut off to quickly as Justin bids his farewell. Being slightly confused Beth gives a small wave.

"Give me a call later if you want. I'll be up late after work."

Once Justin was gone Beth turns back to Zach. Her look was one that was slightly apoligetic. If she had felt the tension than there was no doubt that Zach did too. Not really knowing Justin it must have been even worse for him.

"That was strange, Justin is not normally like that. I'm sorry if that was awkward for you or anything."

Starting to walk again Beth new she had to or this whole thing would get her worked up. She wasn't sure why it happened but it bothered her and she hoped both her friends were ok. Maybe in this setting it was just to strange to them. But something just made Beth wants to explain a little more to Zach.

"Justin doesn't really work here. He just comes times to help people here. His Uncle is a Dr here. I met him not to long ago when our paths crossed a while ago. He was the first friend I ever had and he helped me a lot without me even knowing it. Now I do say he is one of my best friends. There is a lot more to the story there but maybe I can explain that over another cup of coffee sometime. Its a long story and..."

Truth was she never told anyone but Justin so the thought of telling someone else kind of scared her. Maybe if she could take some time to think about it, and maybe in a more comfortable setting she would be ok.

"...It's not that I dont trust you but its hard for me and I think coffee would be a more comfortable place to explain everything."

As Eric shoots the foam Ashlee's way she giggles and looks over the horses brawd back at him squinting her eyes.

"Oh sure your in on it too now hummm?"

Going back to work for a moment Ashlee is quiet but slowly a grin forms on her lips as she takes a hand full of bubbles and throws them over the horse and in Eric's direction. Trying to hold in a laugh she goes back to work trying to get the dirt. Though a small little snicker does slip out.


Scott sits on his living room floor cross-legged with Domino curled up in his lap. He leans back against the wall and studies the photos he had just taped up to the opposite wall. There were many. He wouldn't leave them there. But this was the best way to sort out which ones were the best or his favorites.

"You got some good ones there..."

Scott gives half a sidelong glance to Brian, who was on the couch. "Yeah." They hadn't spoken much today. Last night had not been a good one. Scott had woken up at midnight with a nightmare and it had taken Brian an hour to calm him down. Sleep was restless after that, and the circles under Scott's eyes today proved it. But he had gotten up... and he was trying to make it through the day as normally as he could. It was only lunchtime now though and he was exhausted. Taking a break to look at his recent pictures was the only thing that didn't make him even more tired.

Brian sips his iced tea and eyes the photos again. "She's a very beautiful woman."

Scott studies the pictures of Hope he'd captured when they'd gotten together a couple times this week at the park, and once more for supper at her place. Some pictures were color. Some black and white. She was smiling. Laughing with Domino. Or staring back at the camera with a pensive look. It didn't matter the angle - Brian was right. "Yes she is."

"Been having fun spending a little time with her again?"


Quiet settles over the room again for several moments until Brian speaks again. "Think you'll date her again?"

Scott looks down and strokes Domino's fur, deep in thought. Things had been kind of like old times... kind of. "I don't know."

"Why wouldn't you?"

"Would you?"

"What do you mean?"

Scott sighs. "Look at me." He glances up at Brian again. "I can't even handle being alone. I don't know if it will get better. I don't know if I'll have a relapse. I don't know if I can handle anything beyond sleeping and eating." He shrugs. "I can't put her through that."

Brian thinks for a moment. "Shouldn't that be her choice?"

"Maybe. But I won't watch her suffer because of me. I... I can tell she wants what we had but... I just can't do it. Not until I feel whole again... and I don't know if or when that will be."

Brian nods slowly. "I think I understand. Just don't sell yourself, or her, short."

Things are surprisingly quiet for a moment after Beth's introduction until Zach makes the first move. "Hi." He extends his hand.

Justin eyes it for just a second before accepting it in a firm grip. "Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, same here." Zach smiles, but Justin staring at him makes him reduce his enthusiasm just a bit. "You, um... work here?"

"Nah." Justin looks down at the dogs and tells them to chill for a moment and they sit obediently. For some reason, he felt very uncomfortable right now. He wasn't sure why, though. Beth seemed very happy and that was a good thing, right? Zach looked clean-cut and seemed nice as far as a first impression went. So what was it that was bothering Justin so much?

Zach waits for a further explanation but when none comes, he clears his throat. "Oh."

Their eyes meet again for a brief but tense moment until Justin glances to Beth, giving her another small smile. "Well, I don't want to keep you two. I'll catch you tomorrow or something."

Eric grins at Ashlee talking to the horse as he works on the other side. He didn't mind this kind of work either... grooming the horses had always been a favorite thing to do, almost as much as riding.

Glancing over the mare's back, he flicks a glop of foamy soap in Ashlee's direction before quickly looking away and continuing to work.


Walking down the hall with Zach Beth gives a laugh. Seeing Justin Beth was a bit surprised but smiles anyways. Even if she didn't plan on bumping into him it was nice to see him there anyways. Now she could introduce him to Zach as well. It meant a lot for her to be able to do that.

Feeling the cold lick on her hand Beth gives a laugh before petting both the dogs on the head. She loved both the dogs. They were so pretty and calm spirited she loved spending time with them just as much as Justin. Standing up again Beth gives another smile before turning half way between Justin and Zach.

"Morning Justin. Zach this is my best friend Justin. He's the only I was telling you about that likes my cherry pie. Justin this is my friend Zach I was talking to you about the other day."

Following Eric outside to gather the horses that needed to be washed Ashlee does her best to calm down a little be as to not get the horses excited too. Helping Eric tie her outside Ashlee waits for her next direction as she softly talks to the horse.

"We are gonna give you a nice good iching. Mmmm...Did you have fun in the mud?"

Doing what Eric said Ashlee moves in circles creating even more soap bubbles as she goes along. Pressing hard the soap slowly starts a turn a little to a different color.

"This makes me think of when mom washes my hair when I was a kid. It always felt good when she pressed her fingers on my head. I use to LOVE that."

Continuing to wash the horse Ashlee pays attachen to cretin areas that were more dirty than the others. Giving a laugh as the horse swishes its hair in her direction bubbles following her.

"Hey throw the bubbles at him not me silly."