
Different Night

Hearing Chance's confirmation he would take care of his family till they could join him was a releaf. He didn't know Chance, but there was something about him that he new he really meant it. Giving a nod Xander didn't need to say anything else about his family. There was other things to talk about an arrange. He felt nervous that was for sure, this was going to be a whole new life once he was out from being undercover. For him and his family, he just hoped they would all adjust well.

Taking the ticket and looking at it Xander was slightly surprised by how early the fight was. He'd have to be up even earlier to get there in time and it was starting to get late. He couldn't help biut feel tonight was going to be a sleepless night.

   "Bright and Early, sure do know how to run a guy ragged. I'll be ready though."

Knowing it was best that Chance go now Xander stands and walks with his to the door his hands in his pocket. Giving a nod as Chance and a wave he shuts the room before leaning against it for a long moment. This was really happening. Finally pushing off the door he wondered into the kitchen and puts his arms around Abby before turning to the kids and smiling.

Leaning into Xander Addy is silent for a long moment. She could tell something was wrong just by how silent he was. Turning and looking up at him her eyes held much question. Cocking her head and looking up at her husband she finally speaks.

    "It's finally happening isnt it?"

Xander looked down at his wife his eyes filled with sarrow for a long moment. No one would ever know how his heart was breaking even if he didn't say anything. He new how much Abby loves this place, and this was the kids home. IT was going to be so hard and he new it.

   "It is...we wont be back this time either."

Abby couldn't help the tear that slipped out of her eye as she buried her face into Xander's chest. Feeling him squeeze her she felt so bad she was crying now. This had to be just as hard on him as it was them.

   "I know when I married you what I was getting into, I new this could happen but its still hard. I'll follow you anywhere, and never regret it, even if I am crying."

Giving Abby a hug his heart broke even more. When he had married her so long ago, and they decied it was time to start a family, had it really been the right thing. Was he being selfish wanting this? He was just so thankful she was understanding and willing to stick it out.

    "I have to leave tomorrow morning around five. The gentalmen who was just here is from The Elite, his name is Chance and he will be here at the house to make sure you guys are ok till you can join me in Texas. Pack as much as you can, and what you want to bring right away, the rest we can put in storage, and get it later. Well also sell the house later on as well. It's going to be ok..I'm so sorry this is happening. I love you!"

   "I love you too Xander...always."

Tonight would be a different kind of night for the family...the kids would stay up late, games would be played, more snacks would be eaten than normal, and laughing would ring through the house for one of the last times. Till finally all three were asleep..Xander would carry the boys to bed, and Abby would carry there little girl to bed, before they both went to bed. The morning would come early, but it was worth it to be with his family.

Just letting Rosalyn talk with her dad over everything Chad's expression never changed so Rosalyn would know he meant what he said. But his eyes were soft, and caring. He really had meant what he said and he really did want to keep her safe. Whatever she decided though he would respect. He would just have to do a little maneuvering to change things around.

Chad couldn't help but be a little suprised by Jim writing a check for Rosalyn but at the same time he was revealed so it helped her make up her mind. If she was close, he could keep her safe and not have to worry.

   "I'll take good care of her for you Jim, that I can promise."

Once Jim was gone Chad sat on the couch just watching Rosalyn walk the floor. He new she was probley was nervous, and rightfully so. Though he was sure about all he said, he was nervous too. He didn't know what to expect from all of this.

   "I am sure."

He'd said it so many times but he didn't get irritated or upset. He just wanted to keep assuring her that everything was ok, He'd do it till he was blue in the face. Finally as she asked again Chad stood and stopped Rosalyn in her tracks. Taking her face in his hands he tilts it so she can look at him in he eyes. Giving a soft smile his eyes sparkled looking down at her filled with love.

   "I don't know what to expect with this whole thing. But I know I want to keep you safe, and that is something I am absolutely sure about. We will worry about everything else as it comes. Take one day at a time is all we can do. I think once you are there though you are going to fall in love with it. When its safe, and you are ready to come back...we will...ok? Than I can worry about the next step of finding a place here to stay."

Getting in the van and having a blanket put around her Grace curled into it and wrapped it tight trying her best to stop she shaking. Now that she was safe in the van and the adrenaline was gone she couldn't help how much she was shaking. She just wanted to be gone from this place. 

Taking the bottle from Wyatt Grace nodded taking a sip before putting the cap back on and leaning her head back aganst the van wall. She was tired, oh so tried.