
Little Man

"I've never seen a horse close up before. Do you think maybe we..can go see them later?"

Taking a sip of her coffee Thirteen looks out the window and than back to Ryder giving a smile. She read about horses before but never been up close. Thirteen always thought they were pretty.

Suddenly feeling a tug on her shirt Thirteen gives a jump looking down quick to see a set of big blue eyes looking back at her.

BJ stared up at the woman who looked so much like Katie. Seeing her the other day he had been shy but now his curiosity seemed to get the better of him.

"You look like Katie. Does that mean your related to her?"

Looking up at Ryder with question and a tiny bit of awkwardness. She'd never really delt with kids before. Looking back down at the small boy a smile formed on her face, though she had to think about the questions for a long moment before giving she a shake of her head.

"I wish I was little man, but I'm not."

Thinking for a long moment BJ scrunches his nose up as he thinks. Finally reaching out BJ takes Thirteen's hand in his own. Smiling back up at her his eyes give the famous Henson twinkle.

"You can be part of my family if you want."

Letting go BJ turns and runs across the dinning hall and into the room where his toys were starting to play with them again.

Watching the boy run off Thirteen looks up at Gunner, a small glisten behind her eye. Her words seemed to get caught in her own throat not sure what to say.

Continuing to move around the Kitchen Katie felt right at home here finding everything she was looking for and not thinking twice.

No problem, you have a nice time with the family and give Kaylee an extra kiss for me.

Placing the bacon into a frying pan Katie than moves to the eggs again and to move them around a little to prevent them from sticking.

Mmmm...some alone time with you will be nice, and together with the family as well .

Flipping some pancakes next Katie goes back to the eggs taking them off the burned and placing them in a bowl. Moving to the other stove and doing the same with the sausage and bacon as well.

I wouldn't mind hearing you play the guitar. We have been so busy lately I haven't had much time to listen to it. So I am all for you playing a little.

Finally finished with everything Katie whips her hands off on her apron before leaning against the counter for a moment continuing to talk to Jason. Being silent and talking was normal now, it no longer felt strange or awkward.

Ok, I'll see you in a little bit. Love ya J, have a nice visit.

Cutting off her communication with Jason for now while he was with his moment Katie started to bring the plates out into the dinning room smiling at her meal creation.

"Breakfast is served everyone. Help yourself!"

Easing herself down on Alec's cot Ryan was a little surprised when he made no smart comment back. But seeing the look in his eye she could see the confutation yet a gratefulness at the same time. Being offered some frys Ryan holds up her hand.

"No thank you, I had something on my way over."

Continuing to just watch him Ryan leans back so her own back was against the wall. She liked just seeing Alec's expressions and reading what layed behind him. Seeing the tiny bit of happiness that shined through that maybe he didn't even know was there.

Hearing Alec's question Ryan is quiet for just a moment thinking about how she wanted to answer it. Finally clearing her throat Ryan answers Alec.

"Because everyone deserves share this special time of year with someone. I guess I consider you a friend to now that I have spend more than a few hours with you. Its not everyone I let touch my special cards you know."

Ryan gives Alec a smile not sure if he would understand or even agree with what she was saying. It was her reason thought and it didn't matter what he thought.


Walking with Thirteen, Ryder lets her link her arm through his and he slowly leads the way to the bigger building across the driveway.

"I slept like a joey. No city noise was the best sound I've heard since moving to the US."

Getting to the dining hall, he opens the door for her and lets her go in first, following close behind. After pouring some coffee and being told breakfast would be soon, Ryder leads the way to a table by the window, making sure Thirteen didn't mind.

Easing down into his chair, only then does he realize that Trent is closeby, alone and seeming to not be all that interested in his surroundings. It was just as well... Ryder did feel somewhat guilty for bringing Thirteen here, so if nothing came of it, then perhaps it would be best.

Trent can't help it that his eyes followed Jasmine as she walked in with Ryder. She looked so much like her mother, yet she was a striking resemblance to his side of the family too. The combination was lethal - she was a beautiful young woman. Trent was all too glad that she had Ryder looking out for her. Surely things had turned out for the best.

Jason smiles as he pulls himself from bed. Feeling Katie's tug on his emotions was a nice way to wake up.

I think I'm gonna eat breakfast here. Spend time with Mom. Don't get too used to me not being around though - I'll be up to the ranch sometime after.

He yawns and grabs his clothes, heading down the hall to the bathroom.

Don't know what everybody's got planned, but they said something last night about getting the group together tonight for some singing and gift opening, then tomorrow having a special Christmas dinner. Sounded right good to me.

Jason splashes some cold water on his face and washes up, opening the cupboard to find the toothbrush and a few other items that were always kept for him here. It made him feel good, knowing his mom and Wes both made sure this was one of his homes.

Figured we might have a little alone time sometime today, but I'm just as happy being with everybody else if you are.

Brushing his teeth and giving himself a quick shave, Jason keeps up his silent conversation as naturally as if Katie was standing right there with him.

Though it's cold enough out, it might be a good excuse to cozy up on the couch later tonight if we can get it to ourselves. I have a funny feeling, though, a few others might beat us to it.

He grins as he thinks of Sparky and Faith.

But if that's the case, I guess we can settle for a blanket in front of the fireplace in the dining room. If I can keep myself from getting conned into playing the guitar that is... though for some reason I have another funny feeling about that.

His smile widens as he pulls on a clean shirt.

As if we never get alone time.

They were able to spend so much time together after work and on the weekends that it was beyond habit now and Jason hadn't tired of it. Christmas was special, but being with the family was the biggest thing right now.

Hearing a squeal from the kitchen, Jason is alerted to the fact that his mother isn't alone with breakfast.

I'm gonna go help Kaylee make a mess at the breakfast table. If anybody asks, I'll be around in a bit.

Startled by someone's presence, Alec sits up quickly, his magazine going back under his pillow in the blink of an eye. Staring up at Ryan, he can't hide his surprise. He really hadn't expected her back at all, let alone today.

Eying the bag, his ears perk a little at Ryan's announcement of what she had brought. Magazines? He couldn't help but want to see those. Food? She'd tried again? Interesting. His stomach gives a little growl. A Christmas gift? What was up with that?

Sitting cross-legged, Alec remains silent for several moments. He had no idea how to react. His first instinct was to tell Ryan to get lost - he didn't need her company and no he didn't want it today or any other day. But for some reason, the words never made it quite as far as his mouth this time.

Reaching for the bag, he pulls out the sack of food first. After so long of tv dinners or over-nuked leftovers served daily by Hal, the fast food was something not to be taken lightly and certainly not thrown to a dog. This time, Alec wasn't going to try his luck.

Still saying nothing, he unwraps the burger and takes a bite. Greasy or not, it sure did taste good. He might not want to admit it, but his tastebuds were all over it. Feeling the cot move, he glances up to see that Ryan had sat down, but his eyes go back to his food. Swallowing a bite, he tires out a french fry, finding it tasted oh-so good after going for so long without them.

Halfway through his burger, he reaches for the magazines, his eyes showing interest whether he wanted them to or not. Sandwich in one hand, his other flips through the smooth pages, taking in the picture of cars and articles about engine performance, racing and more.

Still no words came as he polished off the burger. Having a good quantity of fries though, he finds himself tilting them towards Ryan if she wanted any. It was the best he could do without actually saying, "thank you" for the food.

Wiping his hands on his jeans, he hesitantly pulls out the little wrapped package. His finger runs along the edge and his eyes glance up to Ryan again. Skepticism was in his gaze. Food and magazines was one thing... but an additional gift? What was the catch?

Eventually, he tugs at the tape and more carefully than one might expect, he opens the little gift. Folding the paper into a square and setting it aside with the magazines to keep, he holds the small box in his palm for a moment, still skeptical. Finally though, he opens it and draws out the chain. Holding it in his fingers, he rubs the strong links with his thumb, wondering why on earth Ryan had given him something like this.

Just staring at it, unfamiliar feelings tried to push their way to the surface. Something inside, deep down almost hurt. He could almost hear the crack being made in his thick wall of defense. It was a small gift, but it was as hard hit to a brittle foundation.

Clutching the chain, he raises his head to Ryan once more, studying her for several more silent moments. But it was only one word he spoke. And this time, malice was not in his tone.


Green Paper

When the darkness of night comes it doesn't always mean its bedtime. For those few people, forcing there eyes to stay open is for good cause. Being with friends, family, loved ones this is just another opportunity for some quiet time together. But than soon as the birds start to chirp they signal the soft colors on the horizon and everyone knows its time for bed.

Moving around the kitchen Katie had already told Becky to take it easy. She was handling breakfast this morning. Now she was just moving around getting things ready and going to start any moment. Though it had been a late night and morning came early she still felt refreshed having no problem getting up.

Pouring some eggs into a pan for scrambled eggs Katie closes her eyes for a moment feeling Jason's warm emotions. A smile spreading across her face as pulls on Jason's good feelings wanting to soak up some more.

Good Morning. I did actually. Better than I have in a while. Are you going to stay at your Mom's for breakfast or should I make you something too?

Opening the door Thirteen's hair was still a little wet as she had only gotten out of the shower a few minutes ago. Giving a smile to Ryder there was a tired look in her eye, but a soft gleam shown through even more. She'd braved the night and though she didn't get much sleep was a little tired now she still had done it. She was proud of herself.

" I sure am ready for some food. I've been up for about an hour, but I didn't know when you would be awake so I figured I'd wait."

Grabbing her jacket and exiting the bunk house Thirteen links arms with Ryder as they walk across the crisp grass. Taking a deep break, the fresh air felt good in Thirteen's lungs.

"How did you sleep last night?"

Heading across TJY Ryan new her way pretty well to where Alec was kept by now. It seemed strange going to see him without Trooper there but she new Hal would be watching. A plastic bag in her hand Ryan came to the familiar door. Giving a know and than entering Ryan gives a smile at Alec.

"Hey there, figured you'd like some company today. Got some more magazines for you, some food, and a small Christmas gift too."

Setting the bag down on Alec's cot there were 4 different magazines inside, some burger king, and a nice little package wrapped in green paper that contained a thick gold chain.

"Pretty quiet around here today huh?"

Christmas Eve

JT is on his back with his arm up over his eyes but he nods to Amanda's question. "She's alright. Not any better though. Worse, if anything. It's more than being love sick though... I didn't realize how much she'd really become attached to Gunner. I guess maybe I don't even understand it, but I know the cure is getting them back together."

Sighing deeply, he moves his arm down and turns his head to see Amanda. "All she wants for Christmas is a phone call to Gunner. I gotta make it happen. Maybe if I get a hold of Scott or Dalton they can help me out."

Jeff and Jason's eyebrows rise and they glance to each other, both nodding and speaking to Katie at the same time. "You're on."

The evening proceeds, some loving the time together with families, some already fast asleep, and some wishing the night would overtake their thoughts and give them rest as well. But no matter the thoughts and hearts, the sun never rests, and all too soon, it's rising again, casting it's warmth over the frosty landscape.

Jason rolls over in bed, the smell of bacon hitting his nose. He'd come to his mom and Wes' last night instead of finding a bunkhouse. Surprisingly, they'd still been up, though Kaylee had been asleep for hours. It was a nice quiet time to talk until the wee hours of the morning when all were too tired to stay up any longer. Surprisingly enough though, Jason wasn't all that tired now that it was time to get up again.

Stretching his muscles, he greets the one he knew would be awake and probably in the ranch kitchen by now. He'd promised to help with lunch, but he'd stick around here for breakfast.

Morning, sunshine. Sleep well?

Trent sits in the far corner as usual, sipping a hot cup of coffee. Dark lines under his eyes told of his weariness, though he tried to cover it up. No one had said anything to him about Jasmine being here, and for that at least, he was thankful. Many here knew she was his daughter, though some still did not, and he was just as glad that this whole thing not be made into a big deal. So his routine was the same... get up, drink coffee alone, then go make himself useful in a quiet corner somewhere, probably cleaning tack if no one else was.

Ryder knocks his knuckles on Thirteen's door, his hat and jacket on after getting up a while earlier, now fresh and ready to start the day. "Rise and shine!" he calls. "Breakfast time!"

Christmas Eve. Alec crosses another day off the calendar and wanders out of his room to the hall way, looking down the empty corridor. It was quiet... quieter than usual. Many agents were gone for the holidays. It would be a prime time to try and do something, but for once, Alec just didn't have the energy to make a break for it. As far as he knew, Hal was still here and still watching the cameras. It would be a waste of time to try and get out today, fewer people or not.

Sighing, he goes back to his cot and lies down, grabbing the car magazine he'd now read over and over again. He just about had it memorized, but it was about the only thing that kept his mind occupied at this point. He hadn't seen hide nor hair of his visitor again. Left to his own thoughts, he wondered if maybe she was out of town too for the holidays. This was going to be quite the Christmas... he just had to remember it was simply another day in the year and not dwell on the memories of parties with his own gang back at the Agency, or even further back, Christmases with his mom.