

Giving a smile to Mick Katie nods a little. She could of guessed if anyone noticed someone missing it would have been Mick. Her Uncle had always been one for detail and when it came to anyone at the ranch it was a little extra just to make sure everything was alright.

   "Yeah, everything is ok. Sorry if I made you guys worry."

Just leaving her stuff in the car for now and keeping the cloths she had on now on Katie walks twords Mick heading for the barn before stopping. Looking at her Uncle for a seconded a million and one thoughts passed through her mind. She new he'd be able to read her face but she just didn't feel like talking about it. Maybe by the afternoon she would be able to talk things out with Hunter and everything would be ok.

   "Have any extra work that need to be done today since I am getting a late start?"

Entering the house Ryan's own laughter rings through out. It was always great when Eli and Tal where together. They were such a trip she could just laugh watching them all day go at it. The best part was afterwards it was like nothing had happened and everything was ok. 

Heading into the kitchen and grabbing some plates Ryan was hungry as well and the smell of the food was making her stomach growl. Going for the napkins Ryan stops as the message play and she hers Alec's voice. That was a voice she hasn't heard in a long time and it not liked she wanted too. Hearing it now though it was so sad, broken...and Ryan just listens leaning against the counter.

He was sorry, he missed her, he was asking for forgiveness...Ryan could feel her stomach churn. Her heart pounded in her chest as she looked down at the ground digging her toe into the tile. So many feelings were going through her that she had no idea where to start in trying to figure it out. As the message ends Ryan just continues to stand in silence. She could feel the hot tears that wanted to form in her eye but she held them off. It was hard, it hurt and her eyes stung. Why should she feel sorry for this man, and shed on more tear for him? Why did it feel like her heart was being ripped open all over again.

Clearing her throat and pushing off the counter Ryan claps her hands together before turning around and grabbing the plates walking them over to Eli.

   "Alright lets get this show on the road. Put the movie in, get the food dished out and I'll be right back."

Locking eyes with her brother Katie new he'd be able to read that she needed a minute to collect herself. She'd be ok, the night would go on like planned and they would enjoy each other company Ryan just needed that second to collect herself.

Going into the bathroom and splashing water into her face Ryan closes her eyes for a second. Memories of her time spent with Ryan comes back to her and for a second a tear rolls down her cheek. Everything had seemed so good than. But Alec had messed that up not Ryan. Splashing some water on her face again . Knowing she was ok now Ryan leaves the bathroom and comes into the living room sitting down next to Tal.

   "Alright I am ready to eat...so much the chicken can be a hurd and I wouldn't care."

Phone Message

Hunter didn't like how quiet the ride was. He didn't like how quiet things were between him and Katie right now either, but there wasn't a whole lot he could do about that now. 

Heading back to the ranch, the sun started to just barely peek over the horizon, lighting the way. Unfortunately, it also told of what time it was, and Hunter's original plan of being back before anyone else was up... well... yeah, that plan was shot to pieces. 

Managing to stay awake and drive safely, once back to the ranch, Hunter parks near the garage once more. The barn was already alive with a handful of people. The ranch was waking up. 

Only after glancing to where Katie parked and seeing disinterest, he heads to his bunkhouse alone. 

"Well, good morning." It was Mick who had spotted Katie first. He'd already seen her car and Hunter's bike gone and had wondered what had been happening this morning so early. Someone else had suggested perhaps they'd gone out to watch the sunrise, but even then, there still wasn't a reason for both vehicles being gone. 

Having wandered from the barn, Mick cocks his head at his niece. "Everything okay? Noticed your car gone and we weren't sure what had happened." 

Staring out the window at the rain, Alec felt a mixture of boredom and depression. He had more work to do in the shed, but with the weather like this, he wouldn't be able to fix the windows or patch the roof. It would have to wait, leaving him with some odd jobs around the house. But his mind was far from the tasks. Instead, he wished he had lunch plans. Or a dinner date. Or just a plan to hang out this evening... with Ryan. Would he ever be able to forget? Would he ever be able to move on? It didn't seem fair that every day she was all he could think about. She was gone. He'd messed up. It was over. There was nothing he could do about it. If only he could just say he was sorry.

Glancing over to the phone, he bites his lip. Could he?

"I got it, I got it."

"No you don't. Here, let me help."

"I got it!"


Tal gives Eli a grin and nods. "Yes. Now open the door and let me in."

Standing at the apartment door, Eli throws his sister a withering look. "Your boyfriend doesn't know when to quit."

Tal smirks, shifting the two pizza boxes in his arm so he could carry them more easily. He was so tired of not having been able to do ANYthing, that finally being off crutches, he was bound and determined to at least help with something, even if it was just carrying pizza. His right leg was still in a knee-high air cast but at least he could put weight on it again, and he had therapy twice a week for a while until he could gain back full mobility. He didn't have to wear a neck brace anymore, and though still experiencing some pain, his spine was healing well. As far as his right hand went, he'd had to have several more surgeries on it, so for now, it was still wrapped and in a brace to keep it immobile. He didn't complain though, priding himself in getting so good at doing things with his left hand. In truth, he was bored out of his mind, being off work so long. When alone, he let himself feel depressed, but he tried to never let on to Ryan or Eli. They were still being way too kind to him for him to give them the impression he didn't appreciate it. "I'll quit when I'm dead."

"Yeah, yeah." Juggling the bottle of pop and six pack of beer, Eli gets the door open, ushering in Tal and Ryan, taking a big whiff of the chicken wings as she passed with the box. "Mmmm, I could eat a whole herd of chickens."

"Herd?" Tal snickers as he sets the pizza down on the kitchen table. "Don't you mean flock?"

Eli pauses a moment and blinks before shrugging and shutting the door. "Whatever."

Tal laughs and throws Ryan a wink. "Somebody missed that day in school when they learned about animals."

"Oh, hush." Eli swats his shoulder before depositing the drinks on the counter. "Ryan, you wanna get the plates and stuff?" He wanders into the living room, tossing the rented DVD on the table and going to the answering machine in the corner. Seeing one message, he hits play before wandering away to throw his keys where they belonged and listen at the same time.

"Hey, Ryan... it's Alec..."

Eli stops in his tracks and turns back around to stare at the machine, taken off guard by the familiar voice.

In the kitchen, Tal pauses what he's doing, lifting his eyebrows slightly and glancing at Ryan. Alec had called? Why?

The apartment grows quiet as the message plays.

"Um... I know you're at work.. I... I just um... I don't know... I can't even begin to tell you how much I miss you." His voice cracks and there's a slight pause. "I have never felt lower in my life and... if it weren't for my sister-in-law, I'd probably be living under a bridge right about now. I'm... I'm not telling you this so you'll feel sorry for me. I just... I want you to know that I'm sincere. Um... I'm not calling 'cause I want anything... I know you're settled and happy without me in your life. But, um... I guess I just wanted you to know that I miss you. I never knew a man could live with his heart torn in two, but I guess I'm walking proof. Doesn't seem much like living though."

With his leg starting to throb from standing too long, Tal sinks quietly into a kitchen chair, keeping an eye on Ryan, and wondering what this phone message might be making her feel.

"They say you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone and... it's so true. I've been a complete fool and if I could only find a way to go back in time, I would. There are so many things I'd do differently. I never would have left. I never would have hurt you or said the things I did, or hurt someone you cared about. I... I never would have let you go. I feel as though I was given the most precious gift in the world... you. And I rejected that gift, tramping it in the dirt. And never have I felt more despicable."

As there's another pause, Eli rests on the arm of the couch, listening carefully. Was this guy serious? Or was this another ploy? Alec was a good actor, but Eli couldn't remember when he'd heard Alec's voice quite like this... so desperate... so.... broken.

"I can't believe the things I did and I know you never want to see me again - I deserve that... and more. All I've done is hurt you, and... I just... if I never got another chance to say it, I just want you to know how incredibly sorry I am. I... I apologize to you... Eli... and Tal." His voice cracks once more, but this time he doesn't stop, the tears evident in his wavering tone. "You're the only woman I've ever loved, Ryan... and thank you... for giving that to me. Thank you for teaching me how to love... and be loved. I know your feelings for me are gone. All I have is an awful ache, wishing I just had one more chance. And knowing I never will makes my life a miserable one."

There's a slight moment of quiet as he sniffs. "I hope that someday you can find it in your heart to forgive me, even though I don't deserve it. I don't deserve you - I never have. I... I love you, Ryan. I just don't know how not to. If I ever -"


The recorder had cut the message off at the maximum amount of time, leaving the end of Alec's thought lost. There was no second message - he hadn't called back to finish.

Tal looks down at his hands before glancing back up to Ryan again and swallowing hard. Never had he heard a more pitiful... hurt... sorrowful voice in all his life. Personally, he was scared to death of Alec. He hadn't told anyone that, but it was true. He wouldn't let Alec run his life, but just Alec's voice made his hair stand on end. Even so, somewhere deep down, his heart felt a little pang for this man who had gone so far down the wrong path, that surely it must be a depressing place to live. And if it panged his own heart... what did it do to Ryan's?


Sipping her coffee again Katie just lets the silence linger for a little while longer. With nothing much that could be said Katie really didn't have anything to say at all. She couldn't act like everything was ok either not now, not yet. She wouldn't be mad forever but Hunter just had to give her time to get over it.

Finishing her coffee off and letting the waitress know she was done Katie gives her a small smile before looking back to Hunter. Thinking about his question she wasn't sure the answer. If he drove in front he might speed if she drove in front she wouldn't know if anything would happen. It was just one big question game.

   "You can follow me I guess."

Sliding out of the booth Katie lays a little money down on the table for a tip before leaving the coffee shop. Making sure Hunter was with her they start the slow walk back to her car and Hunter's bike. Getting back there Katie doesn't say much before getting in her car and waiting to see Hunter and taking off.

Rolling down her window a little bit for the cool air, and hurting her music up it would be how Katie would not keep herself awake. Once back at the ranch she would have her work to throw herself into and that would drive her on. By mid afternoon though a nap might be calling her.

Looking over at Jared and giving a large smile she nods. She was happy that she had made Jared feel good. He deserved it no matter how is past was marked and scared...she was a firm believer in there here and now and he'd yet to show her how much of a horrible guy he was.

   "Not a problem at all. I better get you home now though before your mom thinks I kidnapped you."


Impatience? Irritation? Hunter wasn't sure what he heard in Katie's tone, but he figured that at this point, arguing would do nothing but stir up more trouble. Of course, he could just as easily walk right out of here and head for his bike but... that would probably just make things worse. 

Sliding back down into the booth, his one knee bounces nervously under the table as he watches Katie work on her cup of coffee. He'd really caused her a lot of trouble tonight, hadn't he? For a brief moment, he remembers that first night they'd met. His behavior tonight wasn't too far from what it had been then. Why did that thought bother him? And why was he still battling guilt? Why did making Katie unhappy bother him so much? 

Picking up a pack of sugar, he plays with it to keep his hands busy... and his mind alert. After having had only about half an hour's sleep, he was running on far less than he should be, especially with an hour's drive ahead of him. Not that he wanted to sleep anyway - that would just start the whole nightmare cycle all over again. 

Looking at Katie again, his stomach turns just a little. Was she gonna stay mad at him for all this? Would things be different now? He hoped not, but he wasn't really sure what to do about it. 

"So.... you want me to follow you, or you follow me on the way back?" 

Helped back to the car, Jared was glad to be seated again. His body was exhausted from today's activities - more so than if he'd been in a good mood and had had a normal session. 

Buckling himself in, Grace's words about never being alone continue to echo through his mind. Was that really true? Or was it just something nice to say to keep up someone's spirits? 

Waiting to leave but finding Grace just sitting and letting the car idle, he looks at her, lifting an eyebrow in question. Was something wrong? 

Handed the paper with her phone number, he stares at it for several moments. She was... really giving him her personal number? As a friend? He'd had no one else in the world to call but... now he had her? Really? 

A small smile spreads on his lips and he pockets the paper for safe keeping. "Thanks, Grace... you, um..." He clears his throat. "You got a talent for making a guy feel good, I guess." He nods. "I appreciate knowing that I'm not alone..." Searching her eyes, he wonders for a moment at their depth. "That means as lot to me." 

Ok with you

   "And drinking and getting yourself in trouble doesn't solve anything either."

Watching as Hunter leaves Katie lets out a sigh before putting her cup down and running a hand over her face. After everything Katie just didn't get it. It was like the old Hunter was back, and the Hunter she had grow to care so much about, the Hunter she had shared a few special moment's with was gone. Katie new it was the liquor that did that but Katie could only hope Hunter would know enough to get help if he needed it.

Waving the waitress over Katie asks for another cup of coffee. She might as well drink another one because when she got back she wouldn't be going back to bed anyways. She'd start on her chores even if it would be slightly early.

As Hunter comes back and Katie watches him she shakes her head a little bit holding in a sigh. She'd been dragged out, than had been denied going home unless Hunter drove his bike witch was unsafe, now he could wait.

   "Congrats you passed your sabriaty test. But I'd like to finish my coffee if thats ok with you. Than we can go."

Putting Jared's arm around her neck and helping him up Grace helps him slowly back to the car. She didn't mind going slow like she had told him before. Life was to short to be in a rush all the time, and stopping to enjoy the roses was so much better.

   "I understand what your saying, but your never alone Jared even if it feels like you are."

Getting to the car and helping Jared inside Grace goes around to the driver side and sits down. Starting the car up she sits there for a long second with it idling. Turning to look at Jared Grace takes a peace of paper from the middle section of the car and grabs a pen too. Jotting down a number she hands  it to Jared.

   "I'll always talk when you feel lonely or come spend time doing stuff together. And not your therapist but as your friend."


Hunter would have preferred Katie yelling at him than hearing that disappointment in her voice. He didn't know why it bothered him so much... maybe he'd forgotten what it was like to have someone he respected enough, that when he disappointed them, it hurt. No matter the reason, Katie's tone did nothing but cut him to the quick, and he didn't like it.

"Chatting hasn't solved anything," he mutters, blocking out the guilt and pain.

Chugging down the last of his coffee, he sets his cup aside and rises from the table. "I'll be right back." Heading for the restroom, he takes advantage of being alone to splash some cold water on his face and just stare at himself in the mirror for a few good long moments. Who was he?

Ever since coming here, he'd had a great time. But it was almost as if he had forgotten his buried battles. The ones that liked to creep up on him when he least expected it. His past. His anger. His drinking.

He swallows hard. Was that last one really a battle? Could he have said no tonight? Could he really say no to drinking altogether? Or... was he more dependent on it than he'd thought?

Drying his face and hands, he returns to the table but doesn't sit down. Closing his eyes, he stretches out his arms and touches his nose a couple times, then demonstrates walking a very straight line before standing on one foot to prove his balance. "Can we go now? I promise not to tip over or drive into the ditch." 

Grace's gesture brings a new warmth to Jared. Her touch to his hand was... real. She cared. Her lips were soft like a cool, gentle breeze. She cared enough to share comfort to him. And that was worth more than Jared could express. 

Curling his fingers around hers just a little, he finally nods. "I know... I just... I guess I was hoping to find out that I was at least a halfway decent guy and..." Color comes to his cheeks as he remembers that previous brief memory. "...and now I'm not even sure I was that. Even if I can change it... be different... I was hoping I could at least find some people I remembered so I wouldn't be so alone anymore, but... I'm beginning to wonder if anybody I knew would even want anything to do with me anyway." 

Wont Mind

Katie gives a small snort taking another sip of her coffee and just letting Hunter continue. Leaning back in the booth she her feet were stretched out across it does Katie speak taking note that Hunter was done talking for the moment.

   "I guess thats what happens to most guys that show shrivalry now a days. Everyone thinks its flirting."

Looking down in her glass she  swishes the liquid around mixing what was in the bottom of the glass. It was always the bottom of the cup that had the sludge and gross stuff but it was what whipped you to wake up.

   "Staying away from the bar is a good thing. I learned that one myself, blah."

Other than that Katie really didn't know what to say. Sometimes she had lots of things to say and than at points like this she just felt so disappointed. After seeing his true self shinning through so bright just to have him revert back to this it hurt, and was hard. 

   "Next time you can't sleep wake me up and we can chat, I wont mind that quite as much."

Next Time

Still refusing to look up, Hunter digests Katie's words. They left a more bitter taste than the coffee he was trying to keep down. 

He'd said he wanted a drink... not that he'd just had one. And what did she really care anyway? She knew he liked a good drink and she'd never complained before. So he'd had a few too many... so what? His plan was to go to the bar, do whatever he wanted, then get back to the ranch before he was even missed. He hadn't wanted to stir up trouble or get Katie out of bed. It had just... happened. And as far as respect went... well, okay, maybe he hadn't been very respectful. But it went both ways - she hadn't exactly shown respect by ordering him around. 

Leaning back in his seat, Hunter lets out a deep, long sigh. If it were anybody else, he'd ignore them. He'd keep up his walls, square his shoulders and walk away. But this was Katie. This was someone who cared, and she already knew half his story anyway. He might not be thinking totally clearly right now, but he did know that if he didn't tell her what happened, he'd be risking a lot more than an argument. 

"I couldn't sleep." That was nothing new. Unfortunately. "I had that same stupid nightmare and I just wanted to forget about it for a while." 

He fiddles with the cup in his hands, knowing that the coffee was doing him good, but really not wanting to drink any more. He takes a sip anyway. 

"So I came to town looking for a bar." He shrugs. "Figured I'd have a couple shots and leave, but... I guess I lost count." 

That was true. He had lost count. He'd alternated between shots of bourbon and glasses of beer, getting rowdy with some of the other guys who were there. He fit right in... like always. 

Another lame shrug is all he has to offer. Why he felt so guilty telling her all this, he just didn't know. So what if he'd drank too much? What did it really matter? Why should he care about telling Katie? Even if it didn't make sense... it still brought on the guilt. 

"I got into a fight with some other guy. All I'd done was pick up a girl's empty glass she'd dropped and her boyfriend thought I was hitting on her." Hunter waves a hand in the air. "And that was that. I had four guys on top of me - if I hadn't fought back, I woulda been beaten to a pulp so..." So he'd fought back alright. With everything he had. In addition to a couple chairs and broken beer bottles. Skill was on his side though, allowing him to walk away the victor as far as injuries went. Those four guys had paid for their willingness to fight. Hunter had walked away unscathed. 

"I guess I roughed a couple of 'em up pretty good and some things in the bar got knocked around. The cops got called. When they showed up I was..." 

His eyes were still glued to the table. He was drunk is what he'd been. It took quite a bit of alcohol to get him that far - Katie was right about him handling his liquor - but once drunk, he was out of control. "I suppose I was a handful," he concludes. She didn't need to know how much he'd fought the police officers, or that it had taken three of them just to get him through the door.

Taking another sip of coffee, he grimaces. If he finished the whole thing, would Katie let him drive? 

"So that's all it was. I got pulled downtown with the others, had one phone call and you know the rest." He nods. That was it. Yes, he'd turned to the bottle. Yes, he'd gotten drunk. Yes, he'd gotten in a fight. Yes, he'd gotten himself arrested. And that's all there was to it. 

"Next time I'll know better to avoid that bar." 


Sitting with her cup of coffee Katie is quiet as she sips the warm liquid. Tonight rather this morning it was not a comfortable sitting nor enjoyable. She really didn't want to talk much not with her being tired and irritated and Hunter intoxicated. But as he talks Katie looks at him. If he wanted to say anything that was up to him.

   "Hunter, it was hardly one drink. You can hold your liquor better than anyone I know and the way your words slurred it was more than on."

Katie lets out a small sigh and shakes her head. The whole situation was just messed up and it hurt to understand what was going on that cause Hunter to do this. On top of that she was a bit offended that Hunter would both telling a fib.

   "I really wanna know what happened Hunter but you didn't have enough respect to come back to the ranch with me and insisted on having the upper hand so at least have the respect to tell me the truth or nothing at all."

She still had respect for Hunter, she still cared a great deal for him but right now she was hurting. In the morning would she forgive Hunter? Yeah more than likely she would, just right now she was hurting. 

   "Than again sitting here in silence is worse."

Couldn't Help It

Seeing Katie relent to at least getting some coffee, Hunter relaxes a little. Pocketing his keys, he waits for her to take the lead, following into step beside her... albeit a little wobbly at times. 

He remains silent the entire walk, half the time stewing about everything, and half the time battling an overwhelming sensation of guilt. He used to be able to get into any trouble he wanted without the consequence of a guilty conscience. But all of a sudden, it just wasn't working that way anymore and it was quite uncomfortable. 

Finding the coffee shop, he quietly follows Katie, ordering a cup of black coffee. That was the only thing that would do any good at this point. Soon he was seated across from her at a small table, slowly sipping the very hot, strong drink. It was quiet in here... hardly a soul was up at this hour to be here. 

Staring down into the swirling black, Hunter is reminded of his nightmare and why he'd come to town in the first place. He lets his eyes drift to the table instead. But even though he tried to pretend he was alone, he could feel Katie's eyes. He could feel her disappointment. He could feel her irritation. And none of it felt good. 

She didn't need to know details, right? So she'd come when he called. That didn't mean he had to talk about what happened, right? Who cared? Whose business was it anyway? Right? 

There was that nagging guilt again. Katie was his friend. Whether he was drunk or sober, he knew that truth and knew that silence was unfair. 

"I just wanted a drink." Breaking the silence felt like he had shattered some form of peace. He keeps his eyes down. "I couldn't help it some guy picked a fight." 


Katie was tired, Katie was sore, Katie had to be up for work in a few hours to start he own work and now, now she was running on a few hours of sleep and Hunter wanted to play his games. If she gave in went to get coffee would she be letting Hunter win? Was this about anyone winning or was this about Hunter's safety.

Letting out a sigh Katie wanted so bad to argue, to have the upper hand, to have a smart comeback but something stopped her. There was something that just told her to let it go and move on. This was not about her, this was about Hunter and making sure he was safe.

   "There is no options Hunter, from the moment I came to get you there wasn't."

Turning back to her car and opening it Katie grabs her purse from the passenger side and  shuts the door again locking it. It was going to be a rough day that was for sure but maybe some coffee would help the day to just slip by. 

   "Come on lets walk to the nearest coffee place."


Hunter's body language becomes even more visibly defensive as Katie talks. His scowl remains, though he doesn't interrupt. Part of him knew she was right. And part of him just wanted to do things his way. Like always. Tonight had been a prime example of him just letting go and having his way - he was in control, no body else. No one, and no stupid nightmares.

"Don't tell me what to do." His voice was quiet, but held an anger he'd never used with Katie before.

Spinning on his heel, he takes several strides towards his motorcycle before stopping, folding his arms and keeping his back to Katie. She was his friend. More than a friend. Maybe. He respected her. A lot. She'd come here to help him tonight. She always made sense. She was just looking out for his best interests. But she was still trying to tell him what to do! His teeth grit together even harder.

Finally turning back around, his glare is aimed straight at Katie. "I'm not going back to the ranch without my bike. That either means I ride on it now or we go somewhere to get a cup of coffee until you're satisfied I can keep my balance and we pick it back up on the way out of town. That is the choice. But don't play your 'officer of the law' card with me in the meantime."

More than a day

Looking at Hunter now Katie was becoming slightly irritated. She was tired, woken up from a dead sleep and anyone that new her new that was never a good idea. On top of that Katie new Hunter was not sober and that always made him that much more difficultly. Folding her arms across her chest she looks to Hunter taking a step forward.

   "Your not fine, your far from it, and coming into town in the first place was a wast of time and gas money so its already to late to use that line."

Standing a little straighter and dropping her hands to her side Katie jingles her keys in her had for a second being on guard. She was Hunter's friend but she was also and officer for the Elite, there were rules, and morals she had to follow. Letting someone go for something because they were a friend could put her own job in jeopardy not to mention the last thing she wanted was for anything to happen to Hunter because he was being pig headed.

   "Hunter, your going to leave your bike here for the time being and ride back to the ranch with me or we can turn around and go right back into that police station and spend some more time there till you can ride your bike in the morning. Your choose but something tells me if we go back in there your going to be books for more than just a night or two."

Katie does her best to keep her voice calm but firm. She wouldn't let on how agitated or irritated at this point she was. With Hunter being less than sober it wouldn't do any good anyways so there was no point.

Your Choice

Hunters neutral facial expression turns into a scowl and his grip on his keys tighten. "I'm fine," he states flatly. "I'm not gonna go back to the ranch just to turn around and come back here again - it's a waste of time and gas money."

He takes a step towards his bike, still eying Katie. He knew that he could probably drive okay, but he also knew he wasn't completely sober either. But he didn't care.

"I'll follow you," he reiterates. "Or if it'll make you feel better, you can follow me, but if you do that, I'm more liable to speed. Your choice."

Rule and Rune

Hearing Jared's comment about not wanting to remember anymore again Grace just feels a little sadder again. This had to be hard and could only imagine. To not remember and than remember maybe you were not such a great person it had to suck big time, and since becoming closer to Jared it wrenched her heart.

   "If given the chance I am sure your brother would forgive you but you might need to give him some time so he can see you have changed. He might not want to get hurt again and thats what keeps him at bay."

Taking Jared's hand in her own Grace just holds it for a long moment before bring it to her lips and giving it a small kiss. It was a gesture of friendship more than something romantic, it was a comfort. In a way she wished she could wave her finger and make it ok.

   "Remembering can be hard and hurt, sometimes out past is masked with stuff we are not very proud of but dont let it rule, and rune your future."

Paying what she needed too and walking with the office to get Hunter Katie doesn't say much. Just following, than leading letting Hunter get what had been taken from him and than leaving. Katie didn't know what to say. She was disappointed, tired, and confused still on what was going on or happened.

Getting outside and going twords her car Katie stops hearing Hunter say he would follow her. Cocking her head to one side Katie just looks at him for a few second. Did he really think she was going to let him drive him bike while he was still slightly drunk? He might not be as bad as when he first called but he still was drunk.

   "How about you ride with me and than tomorrow we can come back and get you bike. I'd feel more comfortable with that and I think it would be smarter than you trying to drive right now."


"Thanks..." Ending the call, Hunter hangs up, relieved Katie was going to come. He really didn't want to spend the night here. 

"Alright, come on." An officer takes him by the arm to  lead him back to the cell. 

"Aw, get off." Hunter yanks his arm loose, accompanied by a glare. "I'm not gont' run 'way."

"Watch your attitude or you might wish you could," the officer warns.

Through one door and just a short ways down a wide hall, Hunter is not-so-gently shoved into a waiting cell. Unfortunately, he knew all too well the sound of the closing door and the loud lock, signalling he wasn't going anywhere. He didn't really care though. 

Flopping down on a hard bench, his eyes roam to adjoining cell where the other guys had been placed. Thankfully, there were bars separating them or else there might be another brawl right here. Several glares were thrown in Hunter's direction - all of them were still nursing their surface wounds. 

Leaning back against the wall, Hunter closes his eyes. He had an hour to sober up. An hour to figure out what he was going to tell Katie...

...The officer standing at the counter, nods a greeting to Katie. "Maxwell.... Maxwell..." He flips through some papers before rolling his eyes. "Ah yes. He told us someone was coming. He's lucky we're letting him get bailed out at all after the trouble he gave us. If he'd been sober, we probably would have been harder on him."

Letting Katie know how much bail was, then processing the paperwork, finally the officer takes her down to the cell. 

Hearing the lock, Hunter looks up quickly after having just been dozing off. Seeing Katie, he stands, but hesitates a moment. She looked... disappointed. Had she been told what happened? It wasn't obvious one way or the other. He didn't have a smile for her this time... only eyes that searched her face before glancing at the floor as he exits the cell. Silently following back out to the front office, he walks tall, his shoulders square. As he's released, he's given back his wallet and keys. 

"I do not want to see you again." The officer's tone was strict. "You're fortunate we didn't write up any more charges."

Hunter doesn't respond, but simply does what's needed so he can leave. Still silent on their way out, once he and Katie are outside the station and standing on the sidewalk, he fiddles with his keys, glancing to his bike, then finally to his side at Katie. He was more sober than when he'd called her, though his eyes weren't completely clear yet. "Thanks for coming." He chews on the inside of his lip, feeling like a little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He didn't really want to talk about it either. He didn't want to have to tell Katie what he'd done or all the trouble he'd gotten himself into in just a few hours' time. She had been enjoying her time with him... trusted him... respected him... if she knew what had happened, all that could very well go out the window. "I'll um... follow you back to the ranch?" Maybe she'd just let the matter slide?

Jared wanted to believe Grace, but he wasn't sure if he did or not. Was a person what they were born as, or did they decide how they turned out? And her comment about God threw him just a little. What did God have to do with it? Why should he care? And why would God - if there was a God - care about him anyway? 

Then there was his family. He wasn't so sure Grace was right about that one though. His eyes remain glued to the sand. "I think I've already seen evidence that my brother doesn't forgive me," he responds quietly. 

Eventually he looks up at Grace, his eyes showing his hurt and confusion. "I... I don't think I want to remember anymore."

Hunter Maxwell

Sitting up in bed and rubbing her eyes Katie wasn't sure if it was her own tiredness that was keeping her from understanding Hunter or if it was his slired words. Last thing her new was Hunter was in his bunk but now he wasn't? Katie thought for sure if his bike had started up she would of heard it. She wasn't a heavy sleeper and a noise out of the normal would wake her. That had started after working for the Elite it was just a defense mecanisum.

   "I don't understand...your..."

Continuing to listen to Hunter Katie finally thinks she understand. Hunter must have left sometime in the night without anyone knowing it and the bar had been his destination. How he was at the police station and was going to be held. Letting out a long sigh and running a hand over her face Katie looks at the clock again.

   "Oh Hunter...."

It was more of an I pity you and the situation you got yourself in than an I'm angry at you. Granted she was disappointed but that didn't mean she was going to turn her back on him. Poop happened, and if it had been Katie sitting there she probley would have called Hunter and she new in a heart beat he would be there.

   "Alright hold tight, I'll be right there."

Hanging up the phone and getting out of bed Katie gets dressed quickly before garbing her purse. Leaving the bunk and going over to Hunter's Katie enters and goes to his dresser like directed. Searching under his socks and under where she finds the bag he was talking about. Just holding it for a long moment Katie had never seen so much money in one place before. She could only guess it was from racing. Stuffing it in her purse Katie leaves the bunk and heads to her car starting it and driving away.

...An hour later Katie was pulling into the police station parking lot. Getting out of the car and going inside Katie goes up to the desk and waits for someone to help her. Finally someone comes over and she gives a little smile.

   "Is Hunter Maxwell booked here?"

Seeing the worry on Jared's face Grace felt bad for him. He really looked like this whole thing bothered him and it made her heart ache a little more for the whole situation. His legs were giving him problems, his memories wernt so happy.  Grace couldn't start to imagine how he must feel but she could guess not good.

   "Ahhhhh....Jared. If you weren't such a good person in the past that doesn't mean you cant be a good person now. The past does not define us, its our actions on the future that make us who we are. If you find out you were not such a great person you have time now to fix that. I know one person who has already forgiven you without you asking...God."

Grace gives a smile to Jared and cocks her head a little to the side. She new he didn't remember much so know if he was a god following person or not was hard but that didn't mean she couldn't slip things in here and there.

  "And...I am sure your family would forgive you too."

Kinda need...

Relieved to hear Katie answer her phone, Hunter's eyes open again. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Well... sort'f. I mean..." 

Getting poked in the shoulder by the police officer to hurry up, he shoots a glare in his direction. It was hard enough to think straight without being rushed. 

"Look, um... I... I... need a fav'r. A big'n. In my bunk there's a, um..." Hunter squints, trying to use the right words. "A bag. A ziploc bag in the top drawer of the dr'ss'r. It's got some money in it." Quite a bit, actually. "I sorta... need it." 

He glances around the room at the station. Three other guys sat in the corner all having their cuts and bruises tended to. He, on the other hand, had come away with barely a mark. 

Focusing on the phone conversation again, he rubs his forehead. "See, I'm... it's, a... well..."

Getting poked again, he swats at the officer's hand. 

"Can you br'ng that to the police s'tion in town?" He was trying really hard not to slur his words but he wasn't so sure it was working. "I kinda need, uh, bailed out." 

He cringes, not knowing if Katie would come or if she'd hang up on him. If she didn't, he'd be here all night and the next night too. If she did, he had an hour to get more sober before getting out of this mess. 

Jared smirks a little, rolling his eyes as he still feels a might stupid for having fallen. It was Grace's question though that sends his gaze to the ground. His shoulders drop and he fidgets with his hands in his lap until finally he nods. 

"Yeah... yeah I did remember something... I think." 

He shrugs lamely. "It wasn't good though. I mean..." How could he explain what he was feeling? He might be able to tell her about this memory, but not the one he'd thought about in the car. 

Finally raising his eyes again, he searches her face, worry coursing through his gaze. "What if I really was a bad person? I mean... what if I was really, really... not nice? I... I don't know if I wanna remember anymore." 

Sleepy Confustion

Groaning and rolling over Katie squints in the dark as the light from her phone going off. Picking up her phone and looking at the number Katie sets the phone down again. She had no idea what the number was or who it would be calling this early in the morning. She had two more hours of sleep before chores started, sleep....she just wanted more sleep.

Rolling back over with her back to the phone Katie closes her eyes to try and sleep one more. Though not hearing the phone anymore and could still see the flashing lights with her eyes closed. Opening them and letting out a growl rolls over again and picks up the phone. It could be something important or an emergency.


Hearing Hunter's voice on the other line Katie was slightly confused. Last she new he was in his bunk just a few down. At least thats where they had last parted, and if he needed her why didn't he just come knock on the door. Confusion takes over as she tries to shakes the sleepy fog from her mind.

   "Hunter...whats going on...are you ok?"

Continuing to swing Beth was having fun and every once a while stealing a glance at Jared here and there. The breeze was nice, and the arm warm it was a nice combination.

Noticing that Jared seemed far off and it looked like he was losing his balance Grace reaches out to try and steady him. Being to late though he comes tumbling down and all she can do is watch in shock. Once he hits the ground Grace is at a stop and by his side. 

   "I give you a nine out of ten. For a guy who can't fly you did pretty good."

Setting a hand on Jared's shoulder and sitting down in the sad with him Grace gives him a soft smile. She new something had happened to throw him off and she really could only guess it was a memorie. Good or bad it had startled him a little maybe.

   "Did you remember something just now Jared? I saw the same look on your face as I did in the car."