
Kinda need...

Relieved to hear Katie answer her phone, Hunter's eyes open again. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Well... sort'f. I mean..." 

Getting poked in the shoulder by the police officer to hurry up, he shoots a glare in his direction. It was hard enough to think straight without being rushed. 

"Look, um... I... I... need a fav'r. A big'n. In my bunk there's a, um..." Hunter squints, trying to use the right words. "A bag. A ziploc bag in the top drawer of the dr'ss'r. It's got some money in it." Quite a bit, actually. "I sorta... need it." 

He glances around the room at the station. Three other guys sat in the corner all having their cuts and bruises tended to. He, on the other hand, had come away with barely a mark. 

Focusing on the phone conversation again, he rubs his forehead. "See, I'm... it's, a... well..."

Getting poked again, he swats at the officer's hand. 

"Can you br'ng that to the police s'tion in town?" He was trying really hard not to slur his words but he wasn't so sure it was working. "I kinda need, uh, bailed out." 

He cringes, not knowing if Katie would come or if she'd hang up on him. If she didn't, he'd be here all night and the next night too. If she did, he had an hour to get more sober before getting out of this mess. 

Jared smirks a little, rolling his eyes as he still feels a might stupid for having fallen. It was Grace's question though that sends his gaze to the ground. His shoulders drop and he fidgets with his hands in his lap until finally he nods. 

"Yeah... yeah I did remember something... I think." 

He shrugs lamely. "It wasn't good though. I mean..." How could he explain what he was feeling? He might be able to tell her about this memory, but not the one he'd thought about in the car. 

Finally raising his eyes again, he searches her face, worry coursing through his gaze. "What if I really was a bad person? I mean... what if I was really, really... not nice? I... I don't know if I wanna remember anymore." 

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