

As the man begins to speak, Cindy instantly catches the past-tense words and chest tightens. Hearing about an explosion, her hands cease their fidgeting with the towel, and she blinks, unable to even think of what the coming news might be. It was too horrible to believe.

But that horror was exactly what she heard. She didn't hear the hope in his voice. She didn't see the hope in the situation. Wes... her husband... her world... was missing in action, and that meant he was as good as dead - it didn't mean hope. The military would only waste so much time searching for a man who they were sure died in an explosion. And even if they did find him, it would only be to bury what was left.

Cindy's eyes lower to the dog tags and she swallows hard. Her whole body felt rigid, in a strange form of shock. But deep down below the stun, below the grief, below the anguish... there was a boiling anger.

Reaching out slowly, she accepts the tags and looks at them, running her thumb over the words. She felt as if she had just been shot through the heart - a fate that seemed much more preferable than this. Tears pooled in her eyes, but they did not yet flow.

Looking up, she stares the officer in the eye, her jaw clenched. She could see his own sorrow. She could see the pity. "Thank you," she manages hoarsely. "I'm sure this was difficult for you. I see you care - but you needn't worry about me." Her tone grew more cold with each word. "I've been abandoned once before to raise a child on my own. I can do it again."

Closing her fist over the dog tags, she retreats a step, dismissing the officer with her body language. "If you'll excuse me, I was right in the middle of work."

Zach's eyes widen as he looks over at Beth, then he laughs. "An ice cream's true revenge."

Still grinning, he keeps working - slowly - on his own ice cream while his eyes wander the little park. "I like it here. Might be a nice spot for a picnic sometime," he hints.

Taking the last bite of his cone, he stands up and brushes off his hands. After chewing, he studies the swing for a moment before stepping into the flexible seat. A silly grin emerges. "This is the way my sister and I used to swing." Using his body to gain some movement, eventually he's swinging back and forth, still standing on the swing. "Of course..." he speaks as he moves back and forth beside Beth, catching her with his eyes at each pass. "...I used to do this little upside down thing too, that I would never dare try now. I'd be too scared of cracking open my noggin."

Spying a familiar pickup truck approaching, Dylan's pulse quickens. He doesn't get up yet though, first wanting to make sure it really was a ranch truck, and then make sure it was Dan and not somebody else.

Relieved that it is indeed Dan, he swallows hard but remains seated. His eyes drift to the ground, unwilling to look his older friend in the eye. He doesn't even look up when his backpack is lifted. The joke about Dan smelling good doesn't manage to crack even a smile.

After hesitating another moment, Dylan finally gets to his feet. In just a month, he'd dropped weight, he was pale, and his eyes had gained back their dark, hollow look... and he knew it. There was no hiding it - not this time. His gaze remains glued to the ground, his hands tucked safely in his hoodie pocket.

The offer for supper reminds him of the painful ache in his gut. He thought maybe he'd rather throw up than eat, but since he hadn't had a meal in two days, there probably wasn't anything to throw up at this point. He shakes his head though. He was starving... yet he wasn't hungry.

"Whatever you want to do," he finally responds. He wouldn't keep Dan from doing whatever he wanted. After all... Dylan was at his mercy.

Heading for the truck, he slides in the passenger seat and waits for Dan. Buckling up, he hunches over slightly to try and ease his stomach pain, leaning his head against the window. He didn't know what to say or do now that he was here.


Letting out a long sigh the officer finally looks up at Cindy. His face was thin and the hole one side was burned, though his blue eyes still pierced though. Just looking at Cindy a small part of him wondered if without knowing it she new him.

"Cindy Henson...My name is Officer Shawn Charles. I was one of your husbands closest friends and trusted soldiers. Miss Henson there was an accident at the last town we went too. An explosion. Some of us barely escaped with out lives and some of us did not."

Officer Charles pauses for a moment still standing tall but taking a moment to collect his own thoughts. This was hard for him but he new it would be worse for Cindy he only wished he could soften the blow.

"Mam, Lieutenant Wes Henson is Missing in Action. We combed the area and for many dead but his body was not found. So we still have hope he is alive...."

And that hoped the extent of his wounds were not bad so that if it took a few more days he would still be alive.

"Amongst the rubble we found his dog tags and it was only right that I brought them to you and informed you of what has happened and that we are doing everything in our power to find your husband. You were Wes world and for that I believe in my heart he is still out there alive and fighting his way to come back to you."

The officer draws silent again holding out the tags to Cindy also ready incise she needed arms to keep her up, to hold or comfort her. It was his duty, and more important than that this was his best friends wife he wanted to be there for her.


Hearing a knock at the door, Cindy ceases her work at the kitchen sink. Grabbing a dishtowel, she wipes her hands as she walks. She glances in the living room to make sure Kaylee was still playing peacefully then makes it to the door.

Opening it up just a crack at first, she's confused to see the uniformed man. Widening the door more, her confusion shifts to a dreadful worry. What was going on? Why was this man here? Did this have anything to do with Wes? Why hadn't someone just called or written a letter like they usually did?

Trying to shove aside all her worries, she forces a smile, still drying her hands on the towel. "Hi... can I help you?"

Dog Tags

Taking a lick of her own ice cream Beth gives a smile as she follows Zach. Today she had chosen strawberry swirl ice cream with nerds on top. It had been a good choose and she really was enjoying it.

"This definitely is better than the ice cream in my freezer. I'm happy we picked this more than the movie."

Seeing Zach sit down on the swing Beth can't help but chuckle. Zach's sense of humor was great and just seeing him not worried about what he did was refreshing. In a way it showed her too that it was ok to just have fun with life.

Taking her own seat on the slide Beth turns to see Zach and she licks the cone again. Getting a sharp pain in her head though she brings her free hand up to it and squints her eyes.

"Gah, Brain freeze!"

Getting back from morning chores Dan sheds his shirt and sits down on his bed to take his books off. It had been a long morning and he was ready for the long needed shower. Hearing his phone beep though Dan picks it up from the night stand. Not knowing what the number was he hits the voice mail button and listens.

Hearing Dylan's voice on the other end Dan doesn't even have to think twice on what the answer to that was. Getting in the shower he makes it quick before heading to find Jade and let her know he would be back soon so she didn't worry. The drive there and back would be long but it was well worth it.

...Three hours later Dan was pulling into the little gas station in Charlesburg. It was starting to get a little dark out but the lights that kicked on helped light everything back up. Letting his eyes scan the area finally he makes out a figure and he parts.

Walking over to Dylan Dan gives a small smile looking down at his friend. He looked thin, his eye's sunken in, it made Dan's heart clench.

"Hey, Sorry it took so long. I figured if you were going to be stuck in a car with me for two hours you might want me to smell good."

Dan gives a little chuckle at his own joke before bending and picking up Dylan's bag to help him. His stomach grumbles at the same time and he relized he hadn't had any lunch and it would be past dinner when they got back.

"Are you hungry? I forgot to grab something for lunch and it will be well past dinner when we get back. I think I saw a burger joint on my way in."

The crunching of gravel can be herd as the dirty jeep moved up the driveway to the little house. The driver dressed in full army uniform sat in the driver seat. Quiet, solom the jeep seemed to moan with air that was inside. Parking the driver gets out carrying a bag on his arm. In his other hand was a set of dog tags. Without looking closely it was hard to make out what they said.

Walking up the sidewalk with a limp it was easy to tell something had happened preventing him to pull all his weight on it. Getting to the porch His head lowered the man wasn't sure how to break the news. Hesitating for a moment he finally knocks on the door. Standing tall, proud, and honored like the army taught him his head till hung slightly his own face covered waiting for the answer.

Dead End

"Alright then." Zach stands up from the table, taking the lead with a smile. "Then how about we head on over to the mall and see what's playing and if we don't like anything, we'll figure something else out..."

..."Mmm." Zach licks his ice cream cone with satisfaction. There hadn't been any good movies playing, so he and Beth had wound up walking around the mall for a while and finally getting ice cream to eat at the little park.

"Yep. Good ice cream. Glad we tried it out - now I know where to go when I get a craving for mint chip." He wanders across the grass, passing the picnic table where most would sit and, instead, aims for the swing set.

Easing into one of the swings, he hangs onto his ice cream cone with one hand while holding the swing's chain with the other, lest he lose his balance and his cold treat right along with it. Glancing down and seeing the swing was just a little bit too low for his longer legs, he grins. "I'll pretend I'm short," he muses.

Eric finally lets his laugh come out, his eyes twinkling with humor. "Well, I guess they all gotta have something to talk about - otherwise it might get too boring around here."

Getting to the dining hall, he holds the door open for Stacy then follows her inside. It was going to be a good day.

All alone in a darkened world,
This road leads on forever.
Shackles taunt an aching soul,
Doors stay locked without a key.
Cinderblocks inside the blood,
Weigh down every move.
Nothing left but hollowness,
Nothing left but pain.

Dylan readjusts his backpack on his shoulder, his sneakers crunching on the gravel shoulder of the road. Hearing a car coming up behind him, he turns to show his thumb.

Gotta make this dead end work,
Blindly thrash through crumbling walls.
Gotta make this dead end work,
It’s jump the fence or off the ledge.
Sweating bullets pierce the heart,
Nothing left to live.
Gotta make this dead end work,
Gotta break the mold.

The rumble of truck engines and the smell of fuel invade Dylan's senses. Trudging away from the truck stop, he walks under the lights until they are no more and only the stars guide his steps along the highway.

Up against the raging storm,
Thunder rolls forever.
Sharpened knives cut the soul,
Locked inside the emptiness.
Wounds torn open bleeding still,
Stain each step in vain.
Nothing left but loneliness,
Nothing left but hate.

Gotta make this dead end work,
Blindly thrash through crumbling walls.
Gotta make this dead end work,
It’s jump the fence or off the ledge.
Sweating bullets piece the heart,
Nothing left to live.
Gotta make this dead end work,
Gotta break the mold.

A clap of thunder shakes Dylan from his sleep. Curled up under the bridge, he can hear the rain start to pour and he pulls his hoodie in a little tighter around himself. It would be light soon. He'd try to catch another ride and maybe he'd make the state line this time.

Do or die in a heartless world,
Brutality reigns supreme.
Dead ends live where others stopped,
Just try to stop my flight.
Do or die in a heartless world,
Black and white now crimson red.
Dead ends birthed where cowards stopped,
Just try to break my will.
Just try.

It had been four days since Dylan's last contact with Dan. Standing outside the gas station, he stares at the road. The ranch was so much closer. But no one he'd asked was headed in that direction. And chances were less than slim that he'd be able to thumb a ride anywhere from here on out - there simply wasn't enough traffic out in the middle of nowhere like this.

Gotta make this dead end work,
Blindly thrash through crumbling walls.
Gotta make this dead end work,
It’s jump the fence or off the ledge.
Sweating bullets piece the heart,
Nothing left to live.
Gotta make this dead end work,
Gotta break the mold.

"Dan? I... it's Dylan." He chews on his lip, fidgeting with the payphone as he leaves a message on Dan's voicemail. "I... I'm in Charlesburg and I... um... can you... can you come get me? I'm at the gas station on the edge of town. Um... yeah. It doesn't matter what time. Don't call - I'm on a payphone. So, um... I hope you get this. If not, I'll hitchhike. Thanks."

Hanging up the phone, Dylan wanders around the side of the gas station building and slides down against the brick to sit on the curb and wait. This was the only gas station in this tiny town so he wasn't worried about Dan finding him. The question was when. Even if Dan got the message and left immediately, it was a two hour drive from the ranch.

Dylan glances at his watch. It was only noon. He might have a long wait. But his legs were too tired to try and walk any further. If Dan didn't show up by dark, he'd find somewhere to sleep and set out in the morning.

By Noon

Following Eric out of the hayloft Stacy does her best to keep up with Eric and brush herself off at the same time. She wasn't that dirty but she did the best she could to look half way decent. Stopping in her tracks though as Sparky catches her attachen Stacy can't help but have her cheeks feel red.


Turning with Eric and walking out of the barn Stacy couldn't help but laugh at his comment. She almost felt like a young girl again who was caught with her hand in the cookie jar. In a way it kind of felt refreshing to feel that young again for a moment and she couldn't help but live it up.

"By noon its going to be all over the ranch I bet. Simply horrifying."

Beth gives a smile at Zach. She was thankful for his willingness to help. It mean a lot to her and knowing someone else there to help introduce her would make the whole thing a little bit easier. She still hadn't gotten the hang of how to introduce herself yet, but she had to start somewhere.

"I'm not sure what movies are out right now but I'll be willing to go check it out if you like."

Giving a smile Beth was having a fun day and she wasn't quite ready to stop yet. It was nice doing something different and having someone to do it with. This was definitely was a good time.


Invited to join Stacy for coffee, Eric thinks for a moment that he'd better just go clean himself up and get started on chores. But... He cocks his head and looks up at her. If he passed up the offer, then perhaps he really hadn't retained what he'd learned here, sitting and watching the sunrise. Life was short.

He smiles as he stands and brushes some hay off himself. "I'd like that," he accepts. "And I'm gonna need plenty coffee today." He chuckles and leads the way to the ladder.

As they both descend on the barn floor, Eric spies someone looking around the corner at them with raised eyebrows. His cheeks flush slightly and he clears his throat. "Morning."

Sparky wanders into full view, the curiosity evident on his face as he looks between both Eric and Stacy. "Yeah... good morning."

Eric deliberately offers no explanation as to why he'd been up in the hayloft with Stacy, and simply turns for the door, leaving Sparky to continue chores. Once outside as they walk, Eric throws Stacy a sidelong glance that accompanies a stifled laugh. "Scandalous," he mutters teasingly. "Simply scandalous."

Dylan reads Dan's text message... over... and over... and one more time. Inner walls were crumbling one by one, leaving him feeling vulnerable and wanting only one thing - safety. From this life. From himself.

His thumbs hover above the mini keyboard on the phone.

Bang, bang, bang. "Dylan!"

He jumps and looks to the locked door.

"C'mon - let us in - I forgot the key!"

Dylan glances back at the phone. Searching the text messages he quickly erases the conversation he'd just had before stuffing the phone in his pocket and rising to get the door. Dan's last message would go unanswered.

Zach grins and nods. "I think that would be great. If you'd like, sometime you can come down on a day I'm there and I can introduce you and show you around."

Sighing deeply with a full stomach, he glances at his watch then back at Beth. "You still... wanna go see a movie or something? I have no idea what's playing or what you even like."

Whole Life

Shifting just a little Stacy sits up a little straighter her eyes just roaming the sky as the sun started to change the sky. The warmth of the colors just seeming to warm she skin, and put a joy in her heart she would carry with her the rest of the day. On this morning It was one that would last for ever with her.

"I think I like your corner. Thanks for sharing it with me. I think...I needed this."

Looking to Eric Stacy cocks her head for just a moment watching as the colors from the sky dance across his face making there patterns and just accenting his features. Finally breaking her gaze though come color comes to her cheeks and she watches the sun rise.

Just sitting a little while longer Stacy stands and walks closer to the barn opening leaning on the frame before turning and giving a satisfied nod. She new soon the sun would be completely up and the start would need to be started.

"Well I better get snag some coffee while there is some left before I am in big trouble. Care to join me?"

Re: Text Message
To: Dylan
From: Dan

Ashlee trusts you or she wouldn't have befriended you.
I trust you Dylan,
and so does Jade. Even if you can't
see it we all trust and love you very
much. You have
got to keep moving ahead because I know you can,

You are so much stronger than you think Dylan. You're
an amazing
young man who has a whole life ahead of
him as long as you take ahold of
it and make you
own. There are lots of people cheering you on and

backing you up on that one!
