

Ariel chuckles and nods. "Yeah, lets." Finishing off her fruit punch, she slides off the stool and turns to go, but then looks back over her shoulder. Retrieving the flowers, she looks up at Trey with a little grin. Now she was ready.

Walking with him across the floor, she finally spots Pete standing near a table, chatting with some other people, a soda pop in his hand. Approaching casually, Ariel gives him a rather peeved look.

Pete excuses himself quickly from the table and looks back and forth between Trey and Ariel before landing on Ariel. "What? What did I do to you?"

"Oh, you know. Just watch out for the payback."

Pete tries not to smile, but it doesn't work very well. "You're looking nice tonight."

"Thanks. So are you."

Pete glances to Trey and gives him a wry grin. "Mingling, are we?"

Ashlee's words bring Eric's brushing to a sudden halt, and his eyebrows rise slightly. He shouldn't have been surprised. She was a bright girl who observed a lot. But it wasn't exactly something he'd hoped she'd notice.

Her question brings a serious but soft expression to his face. He might as well level with her, if she'd figured out that much. Tipping his hat back a little, he leans on Static's back and studies Ashlee for a moment or two. "I hope so," he finally answers. "It's not gonna be easy for him though. Something like that..." He shakes his head. "It's easy to get into and hard to get back out again. Thankfully, he's trying to get out. But he's gonna be pretty sick for a few days."

Focusing on the brush for a moment, he finally looks back at Ashlee. "The best we can do is let his dad help him through this. Then when it's over, Dylan's gonna need to know that he's still got friends who care about him. Right now it's his body that's retaliating. When that's over, it's going to be his mind, and that can be worse. But... as long as he knows we're still here for him even after all of this... I think he'll be okay."

Be ok

Finally sitting completely down Trey figured it was safe. He understood a little what Ariel was saying but trying was all he had right now. There was a lot he was going to have to work through and learn so a promise was not something he wanted to commit to.

As Ariel brings her hand to the side of Trey's face he can feel a little color coming to his cheeks. Her hand was soft, and warm, not the cold lifeless touch he had felt before in other people. Ariel really was someone special to be able to warm his cold heart.


Trey holds up his cup and clinks it gently against hers. Taking a sip and letting the bubbly liquid go down his throat Trey spins around on the bar stool and leans aganst the bar looking at all the people there right now. It was busy but not to busy.

"Want to see if we can find Pete somewhere and see what he's up too?"

Looking over the horse at Eric Ashlee gives a smile as she continued to brush Static. Seeing Eric glance at the house every now and than Ashlee lets out a small sigh. No one new she new about Dylan and she didn't think she needed to talk about it till now.

"I know about Dylan Eric and why I haven't seen him as much."

Drawing quiet again Ashlee leans on the horse a little and picks at the brush pulling lose hair from it. Thinking for a moment she wondered how long it would take Dylan to get everything out of his system. She worried about Dylan and prayed once again he would be ok.

"Is....is Dylan going to be ok?"

Stacy takes up a new place outside the house on the pouch swing. She wasn't sure how long but it was where most of her days would be spend. She was happy that the nights were worm she wouldn't mind much sleeping here. She was a cop after all and she was use to worse than this. If Mick needed her she would be waiting.

Stick close

Mick nods in agreement. "Thanks. Do what you want, but I might suggest Clint and Wendy first, just since I'm not sure Cindy needs anything else to worry about right now. I do agree about getting BJ away from it though. He thinks a lot of Dylan, surprisingly, and I don't want to scare him either."

...After making arrangements, it was a short while later that Mick returned to Dylan's bunkhouse, then a couple hours after that, when he opted to move him to the house. With Dan's help, he gets his son to his feet long enough to coax him to the house and get him into the spare bedroom.

Lying down on the new bed, Dylan wasn't sure, but for some reason, it felt softer than his own. Shaking as another wave of chills hit, he burrows farther under the blankets, not caring anymore about getting up. Unfortunately, the worst was yet to come.

Leaving the bedroom door slightly ajar, Mick stands with Dan in the hallway and sighs. He nods though. "Thanks for all your help. I may need you again. In the meantime, if you could let Jade know what's going on, that'd be good. I need to tell Stacy too so she can stick close."

Grooming Static, the sound of curry combs and brushes filled the barn aisle. Eric looked over at Ashlee on the other side, grinning a little as she worked at helping him with his horse. Static wasn't a small Appaloosa by any means, but she wasn't afraid, and the gelding seemed to take a liking to her, too.

Although he worked, Eric's eyes wandered every once in a while to outside where he could just see the main house. He'd gotten wind of what was happening with Dylan as word spread through the family. He wasn't sure what Ashlee knew though, or what Stacy wanted her to know, so he'd asked her to help him out in the barn so she didn't go looking for Dylan.

Ariel grins a little and turns to sip her drink again, taking a moment to think. Swiveling the stool back so she was looking at Trey again, she sighs. "Yes... we all mess up sometimes. Nobody's perfect no matter how hard we try." She pauses, pursing her lips. "It's just some of those things we do to mess up are less acceptable than others... Getting upset is one thing. Trying to drink it away is another. Speaking your mind before thinking is one thing. Being mean is another. And if we always just say, 'I'll try, but I know I'm gonna mess up again,' then it kinda defeats the purpose of trying to change."

Reaching out slowly, Ariel cradles the side of Trey's face with her palm. "But I don't really want to slap you. I do appreciate you coming tonight. It was very sweet of you, and I really do like the flowers. I've... never been given flowers before."

Letting her hand drop, she straightens a little again and stirs the ice in her punch. Giving Trey a sidelong glance, a new smile creeps out and she shakes her head. "What am I gonna do with you, hmm?" Sighing, she lifts her glass in a toast. "To us. And the sometimes-rough road of making friendships."


Looking down for a moment Trey can feel his heart still racing as he wasent sure what Ariel was saying. This was all new to him and rather confusing. He tried his best to understand though and most of what she said he figured she would. If he was her he'd say the same thing. Giving a little smile Trey nods too.

"Well, I guess I do deserve the slap so...you can do both if you want. Not to hard though I don't wanna knock any teeth loose."

Running a hand though his wet hair Trey just lets it fall anywhere. He didn't know what else to say, or what else to do. He's been wrong and he new it. He's acted wrong and he new it.

"I guess, I leave the ball in your court and I will accept it for what it is. I can't promise you anything because...even if I try will all I can not to...I'm human and I'll just mess up again. But I can try my best to try and do better."

Giving a nod to Mick Dan had no probley sitting with Dylan. He's rather someone be with him than not alone anyways. Patting Dylan's hand lightly for a moment Dan at in one of the chairs by the bed just letting Dylan know he was there and everything would be ok.

...Looking up from her desk Rosetta could tell something was wrong more than the news of Mick's brother. Her own heart gave a leap and as he explains about Dylan she gives a nod. They new it would happen sooner or later it was just the question of when.

"That is completely fine. I would just like to see first I could find someone for BJ to stay with for a little bit. Not that I think Dylan would hurt him, but I think he would get scared and that wont help anything. Maybe Cindy or Wendy and Clint will watch him."


Dylan tries his best to focus, thinking on Dan's words. The last time Dylan had been caught, he'd been much angrier at the world, trusting no one, and locked up at the McClain ranch. This time he was angry at some but not everyone, he was mostly angry with himself, and he had a small few people he could trust. But in the end, because this time it had been completely his choice to go back to that way of life, he felt he must be the stupidest person alive. All he'd wanted was to get away from here... forget about the world... find someone who believed in him rather than never trusting him. But all he'd found was misery and a bunch of people that couldn't care less about him.

Staring at the outstretched phone, then glancing up to see Dan's eyes, Dylan blinks back new tears. Mick already knew? It shouldn't be a surprise. But was Dan right? Would Mick really not hate him? What if he got mad though? Yelled at him? Turned his back on him?

Though he feared the worst, somewhere deep down, Dylan knew better. And somewhere deep down was that little boy that still hoped his daddy would rescue him.

"Okay," he finally relents quietly. "You win."

Taking the phone, he hand shakes but he makes the call... "Dad? ... I...I'm at my bunk... Can... can you come?"

It takes mere minutes for Mick to arrive. He didn't know what was going on, but he had a feeling what it was about. Sure enough, when he walks in, the scene didn't surprise him. Dylan's state was all too familiar.

Kneeling beside Dan, Mick studies Dylan's face. "What's up, hmm?"

Dylan shivers. "You... you already know."

He did. And it was killing him inside, despite his calm demeanor. "When was the last time?"

Dylan looks to Dan for reassurance before answering. "Day before... before yesterday."

Mick reaches out and feels Dylan's warm forehead. "I need to know, Dylan... what was it?"

Dylan doesn't have the energy to lie. "Same as last time."



Mick sighs deeply. He wanted to wring Dylan's neck and hug him at the same time. "Okay... well... now we have a start. Come on up off the floor and back into bed."

With Dan's help, Mick gets Dylan back in his bed with an extra blanket over him. Standing near the door, Mick sets his hands on his hips, trying to think of what should be done. He looks to Dan, grateful. "Thanks... for all you've done. I want to move Dylan to the house - the next couple days are gonna be rough and it'll be easier to take care of him. I gotta talk to Rosetta first though. Would you stay here and keep an eye on him for just a while?"

...Leaving Dylan in good hands, Mick heads to the office quickly, hunting down Rosetta. Finding her at the desk, he was glad. "Hey, Babe..." His face was wrought with worry. "Dylan finally hit bottom. He's starting to go through withdrawal and is already pretty bad. Dan's with him now, but I'd like it if I could bring Dylan to the house. I wanted to check with you first though. If it's anything like last time, he'll probably get desperate in another day or so and it could get ugly. I won't bring him here if you don't want me to."

Looking quickly to the side as someone sits next to her, Ariel can't help her surprise. Trey was the last person she'd expected to see here tonight, and the look in her eye proved it. "Hi... Trey..." She wasn't upset he was there, but she was rather confused.

Seeing the flowers, then eying Trey rather suspiciously, she finally understood why Pete had been so insistent about tonight. Now he really owed her. Her hands remain cupped around her glass, her expression remaining rather dull but not upset.

Trey was apologizing? Surprise number two. She looks back at the flowers. They really were lovely, and it really was a sweet gesture. Interrupted by the bartender, she doesn't get a chance to respond, but simply continues listening to Trey, giving him time to say whatever he wanted.

His rather romantic words make her cheeks flush slightly and she finds herself glancing back down to her fruit punch before looking back at the flowers again. She had to admit that he was making her feel special whether she wanted him to or not. She hadn't thought he had it in him to say things like that. Surprise number three.

When Trey seemed to be finished, Ariel finally looks back up at him, just studying his face for several moments. Though the music was loud and more people were milling about, it felt kind of quiet in their corner at the end of the bar. She gives Trey a small smile before fingering the flowers and picking up one of the daisies to smell. Nodding, she places it back with the bunch.

Taking a deep breath, she folds her hands, cocking her head at him. "Thank you... Trey. The flowers are lovely and... I accept your apology and forgive you."

Pursing her lips, she thinks for another moment or two. "I'd like to tell you it'll all be okay now and we can just go right back to hanging out at the beach." Looking into Trey's big dark eyes, it was hard not to melt right on the spot. "But I guess I just don't know." She had to be honest. "I do still want you as a friend. I never didn't. And I know that when I told you about the truth of why I started spending time with you, that it hurt your feelings. But when you got so upset..."

Her eyes glance down for a moment. Her palms suddenly felt clammy. "...I saw something in your eyes that, quite honestly, scared me. It wasn't just what you said... it was how you said it. There was almost a hate in your tone and..."

She looks back up at him again. "...and I wasn't sure anymore what kind of a guy you were. Then when you showed up at my place drunk... It wasn't so much why or that you came - I was rather glad you'd come to me instead of going and jumping off a bridge or something. But the guy I thought I'd been hanging out with, I wouldn't have pegged for someone to go and drink away his problems and... I'm not so sure I could handle that again."

Ariel bites her lip, a little smile quirking, and she shakes her head. "Then you go and give me those great big puppy dog eyes and I don't know whether to slap you or hug you."

Heart of Stone

Dan rolls his eyes at Dylan. If the poor kid wasn't in tough shape right now he would of wracked him over the head. Sooner or later he was going to have to understand that Mick wasn't going to hate him for every little thing he did wrong. Nobody was perfect all the time, not even Mick himself.

"I know you have Dylan, I new from the moment I picked you up at the gas station but you wanna know what...I don't think any differently of you. I don't hate you either and Mick wont either because he knows already too. You gotta ask for his help Dylan."

Whipping a few more beads of sweat from Dylan's for head again Dan cocks his own to try and look at the young man in the eyes. He new he was feeling crappy and dizzy but he wanted to catch his gaze even for a moment to let him know things would be ok and would work out.

"If you wont tell Mick you need his help now, than I will. You might think you can do this alone but you wont be able too. No that doesn't make you weak either. Asking for help and leaning on others is what makes you strong. So...are you going to tell you dad, or am I going to have too?"

Dan holds out his cell phone to Dylan. He new the young man wouldn't be able to walk anywhere and he wasn't going to leave him before anyone else came to sit with him so his phone was the next best thing. Mick's number was already programmed into it all he had to do was push the button.

Enter the sunrise and scanning the area Trey's eyes fall onto Ariel. He felt his nerves start to rise and he hated it. It was a feeling he didn't like at all and didn't understand why when it came to her it happened.

Giving a glace to Pete and than back to Ariel Trey gives a short nod. He's catch up with Pete a little bit later. Taking a few steps forward looks down at the bag in his hand. Was he being cheese? To much? Over doing it? He didn't know but he had to try. Pulling a pretty bunch og daisy's out of the bag a single red rose stood out in the middle of them. Tossing the bag in a near by garbage Trey continues on his way to Ariel sliding in beside her on another stool.

"Hey Ariel..."

Hey Ariel....wow great start. Trey couldn't help but feel stupid, valnarubule, and such a nerd right now. Looking down at the flowers Trey trys to get his thoughts together and say the right thing. Maybe he was over thinking this whole thing. What if Ariel rejected him and he looked stupid. Well if she did it was his own fault, so why not just do it. He couldn't look worse than he did the night at her place.

"Ariel...these are for you. I...I know they wont make up for how I acted the other night I was a real jerk and...if your not willing to turst me again than I understand but...I wanted to tell you sorry anyways. Thats why I had Pete ask you to come tonight."

As the bartender comes over to him Trey really could go for a beer but opts out at least for now. Instead he orders a coke with a shot of vanilla in it. Getting the syrup put in after always tasted better he had found out.

"These flowers are for you too. I wanted to tell you that in a group full of girls I've met they have all been the smile like these daisy's, but than I met you and...you just stand out from the rest. Your special like the rose and I'm sorry for letting my anger get the best of me Ariel. I really am..."

Trey could feel his heart beat a mile a minute in his chest. He thought for sure he would of passed out by now if he didn't think it would make him look any sillier than he already did.

"...and I've got a lot of work at friendship, trust, forgiveness, and trying to soften up my heart of stone. But if your willing to put up with me...I...I'd still like to have you as a friend!"


Dylan vaguely thinks he hears someone at the door but isn't sure enough to spend energy responding. Within moments, though, he realizes he's no longer alone and Dan is kneeling beside him. He pries his eyes open enough to give Dan a lethargic look. Yes, he heard him. He knew what was going on, and no, he didn't want Mick. Had he just passed out? It didn't matter.

Pulling himself up a little bit, he shakes his head. "Nu-uh," he mumbles. "I hafta.... do it... by myself." No one knew. Or did everyone know? Another dizzy spell hits and Dylan puts a hand to his head. Here he was, sitting on the floor, unable to even pick himself up, with Dan staring at him with worry. He felt miserable and stupid. So utterly stupid.

Tears pool in his eyes and he shakes his head again. "I... I did some bad stuff, Dan... I..." He stops and swallows hard, sinking back against the wall again. "I don't want Dad to know... he'll... he'll hate me."

Pete gives Trey a once-over and grins, giving his shoulder a firm pat. "Sounds good to me. I'm ready to forget about work for a while."

Heading out, he leads the way to his car. Once on the road, he turns up the radio to pass the time, although it doesn't take long to make it to the Sunrise. The parking lot was almost full but Pete manages to find a space not too far from the door.

Getting inside, he scans the main room and the bar. Music was playing and colored lights moved about the floor but it wasn't too bad as far as noise went. The stage was home to a DJ tonight instead of a karaoke display, and the bar was in full-swing. Hopefully nobody would get out of hand though.

Setting his hands on his hips, Pete takes a second look around before he finally spots Ariel seated at the far end of the bar. She was alone and looked rather bored. "Well... there she is." Pete nods in her direction before glancing at Trey. "It's all you now."

Swiveling back and forth on the bar stool, Ariel stirs her fruit punch with the straw, watching the ice cubes chase each other around the glass. She was in jeans and cowboy boots tonight, with a silky red blouse under her light, brown leather jacket. She'd decided to pull her hair back in a low ponytail tonight, but hadn't gone to too much trouble to look good. She wouldn't be here at all if Pete hadn't convinced her to come.

Sipping her drink a little, she resumes her stare at the cubes. So far, none of her own friends had shown up, or at least those she liked to hang out with at the beach parties. If Pete didn't show up soon, she'd have to lay into him tomorrow and he'd owe her one.


Looking up front the fence once more Dan looks across the field for Dylan. If he was ever late it was never this long and Dan starts to worry. Calming his own nerves he tries to reason. Maybe Dylan had just forgotten about helping with the fence today and was cleaning stalls. Dan new he wouldn't feel better till he new for sure.

Making his way across the pasture and to the barn he enters looking around for a few moments. Not seeing Dylan and asking a few of the hand but getting no luck Dan's gut twisted. Now leaving the barn Dan goes to Dylan's bunk and gives a knock on the door. Getting no answer he knocks again, nothing, once more.

"Dylan if your in there I am coming in."

Checking the door and finding it unlocked Dan enters the bunk house and looks around before spotting Dylan on the floor by the wall. Rushing over to him and dropping down on the floor Dan could feel his heart race. A million and one things could be wrong right now and for the first time in a while he was petrified. He didn't want to see anything happen to Dylan he new it would crush his family.

"Dylan...Dylan can you hear me? Whats going on?"

Dan checked Dylan's pulse and breaths a sigh of re leaf when he found it. He wasn't dead, and it didn't look like he had, had an OD. It looked more like a withdraw. Taking a handkerchief from his pocket Dan whipes a little bit of the sweat from Dylan's face. He new Mick had to know about this but he had to give Dylan a chance to tell him himself, or at least ask for him to get Mick. If not than he would go on his own.

"Do you want me to go get Mick?"

Looking up as Pete knocks and enters Trey stands. He was ready as he's ever be. His hair was still damp from his shower, he was cleaned up a bit, had a nice white layered button up shirt on and a good pare of jeans, a bit of colon splashed on too.

"I think I am as ready as I am gonna get. Let party it up."

Turning around and grabbing his jean jacket along with a bag he took extra care of carrying Trey joins Pete at the door. Early this morning he'd left to go to the store and a few other places to returned. Seeing Ariel tonight made him a little worried but he did his best to fill himself with confidence anyways.