
Sweet Kiss

Laying on the bail with Jade Dan gives a faint chuckle. Dinner had been the last thing on his mind tonight as she shared the last few hours awake with Jade. Every moment they spent more time together, it just made his feeling grow a little more.

Looking up at the star lit sky Dan lets out a sigh of contentment. Things seemed to be going so well the last few days Dan couldnt help feeling guilty for being so content and happen. Rolling onto his side to look at Jade if there had been a shooting star in the sky he had missed it.

Bringing a hand to Jade's face as he leaned over her slightly Dan's fingers mapped her curves, gentily brushing a few hair strands from her face. A smile forming on his lips as he looked down at her.

"I see a shooting star every morning and every night, Its always there to remind me everything will be alright."

Bringing his face close to her Dan can feel his pales pick up and his heart starting to race. His hand shaking a little as he ran it over the side of Jade's face. Moving his head up a little Dan first kiss Jade's for head, before moving to her nose. His voice coming out as a soft horse whisper.

"Your my shooting star Jade!"

Bring his lips to her own Dan moves his one hand under her as his other finds the back of her head to support it. Holding her a little tighter bringing her closer to himself. Feeling her warmth, in his arms. It was so comforting, it made Dan feel so good, he just let the feelings wash over them in this moment not in any hurry to end it.

Giving a laugh and shaking her head Misty just watches Carson at the stove while he sang. It was nice to get this alone time with him. Things had been so crazy the last few weeks, alone time had not been an option. So now being here it was nice, Misty really had missed the one on one time.

As Carson comes in for the kiss Misty wraps her arms around him her own hang finding the back on his head as she runs her fingers through his hair. It was moments like this, that made the long periods of not seeing him really worth it

When Carson pulls away to go back to the food so it didnt busy Misty lets out a groan not wanting to end there kiss yet.

"Mmmm...I think I could skip on food as long as I had your sweet kiss. Thats about the only thing I need to sustain me."

Sitting down on the bed Amanda lets out a tired sigh. She been so determined not to fall asleep last last many hours that she became so tired, she couldn't sleep. But now that she was winding down, they were safe and she felt the soft bed under her, she eyes just didnt say to stay open.

Taking off her sweat shirt to have just her tank top underneath is on she throws it on the floor next to the bed. She also places her cell on the night stand. Drawing the covers back on the bed she gets under them but doesn't lay down yet. Looking over at JT she gives a smile and a tired nod of her head.

"Your welcome. I know you would do the same for me if I asked. Friends don't leave friends stranded ya know. Everything is gonna be ok JT."

Finally laying down in the bed her head hits the pillow and she is almost instintly out, but before she falls into the dream world she manages to make one finally statement.

"I don't consider this a date ether, so you still owe me one."

Feeling Sparky's hand take her Faith gives a smile. Most people would think she was just smiling in reply to Cindy. Only Sparky new the secreat of what was going on under the table. Giving a gentil squeeze back Faith was happy.

Sparky was so soft, yet so strong at the same time. One could tell for those he cared about he would fight till the end for. Feeling safe was important to Faith and there was no doubt with Sparky she felt that.

Faith's own foot finds Sparky's again under the table but this time it was in a more soft natured manner. Gentily rubbing it with her own.

Social Interaction

Though not pulling away from the banter, a little bit of color did come to Sparky's face at a couple of Wes' comments. No, he didn't usually interact quite like this, but tonight... he just felt good. And his reason wasn't a secret, but for now it was nice to know it was just between him and Faith.

"I'm not getting sick," he quips. "I'm just giving you what you've always deserved. It's about time I got around to doing it."

Getting tickled, Kaylee lets out a delighted squeal, banging her spoon on the high chair next to her daddy. Looking over at Sparky, she shrieks and shakes her head, then giggles, thoroughly enjoying this scene.

Sparky can't help but laugh at his niece. "She's going to have a good sense of humor... she's gonna need it, being in this family."

Under the table, Sparky's hand creeps over to Faith's, giving it a little squeeze. She had a great sense of humor and he loved it.

Cindy grins at her husband, the nods in agreement to Faith. "I think you're absolutely right." Catching Wes' eye, her gaze showed the love and admiration that hadn't dimmed at all since their wedding day.

"Thank you." JT wished he could thank Rosetta more, but he didn't think there was a way he could. "This means a lot, Rosetta... I hope one day I can repay you."

The offer for a bed to sleep in was so good that JT couldn't refuse. "That's probably a good idea.The sooner I get some sleep, the sooner I can function again." Standing, he nods and looks down at Rosetta again. "Your kindness won't be forgotten."

There were two extra beds indeed and never had a bed looked so good. JT picks the one closest to Bree's bed, checking on her once more before bedding down. Kicking off his shoes, he pulls his hoodie off to sleep in his t-shirt and jeans. Glancing over to Amanda, he just watches her for a moment. "Thank you too," he mentions quietly. "I couldn't have done this without you."

Jade lies on the hay bales, looking up through the open hatch in the barn roof. Supper hadn't really been thought of, and had basically gone ignored after chore time. The hayloft was a warm lookout spot for stargazing on such a clear night, and the even stack of hay bales was the perfect for lying back and watching the small patch of space.

"Oh!" Jade giggles and points, her arm bumping Dan as she moves. "I so saw a shooting star. Did you see it too?"

"Oh, baby, you drive me crazy, crazy..." Carson sings at the top of his lungs, bobbing his head to the rock 'n roll on the radio. Dancing at the stove, he stirs supper, the scent of Italian food filling the apartment.

Grabbing the half-bottle of beer from the counter, he takes a small swig before spinning around and slinging his arm over Misty's shoulders, pulling her in a circle. "Crazy, I tell you... crazy!"

Cocking his head, he kisses her lips, letting it linger as his free hand makes it up her back to rake through her hair. The food on the stove starts to hiss though, and he's forced to return to their meal. "You sure you want supper?" he asks over his shoulder. "It seems to be interrupting our..." He quirks a grin. "...social interaction."


Leaning into Sparky was they walk with his arm around her Faith slips her own behind him. The walk was nice, the air was on the chilled side, but it felt good anyways. Faith didnt think she could ever tire of the outside air like some people who wanted to be locked inside all day.

Getting the the dinning hall and having the door opened for her Faith smiles as she enter the room. Waiting for Sparky to enter and decide where they would sit, following along and sitting down. 

As the jokes start to fly with Sparky and his brother Faith has a hard time not laughing. Seeing the smiles in every ones at the tables eyes was nice, and Sparky being in a good mood was even better. Faith just watches and listened a giggle coming forth here and there.

Taking a drink at the same time his brother makes his teasing comment Wes almost choaks looking at him with a little surprise on his face. Sparky sure was in rare form tonight but it was a breath of fresh air knowing he seemed happy.

Putting his arm around Cindy Wes looks to her and than his brother giving a shake of his head. Humor danced in his eyes.

"You know thats not a good way to show you love me."

Turning slightly to see Kaylee next to him Wes gives her tummy a little tickle.

"And dont you get any ideas from you mother so when I get back I have TWO ladys ganging up on me ok?"

Shaking his head again as the banter around the table continues Wes couldnt help but laugh. It felt good, and it was nice to have something to laugh about.

"What has gotten into you Sparky, I have never receved a beating from you like this is....well ever."

Looking to Faith he gives a smile knowing she had been taking care of him while he was sick.

"Better keep a close eye on him, he might still be coming down with something. And by the way..that tool box WAS my best friend. At least it never picked on me."

Not helping how much she was laughing Faith's sides started to hurt. To see a family so close, and to hear all the jokes that were being passed around Faith could learn much about this family and loved every moment of it. It felt good, it felt warm.

Giving another laugh as she goes for her glass of water Faith looks to Cindy and shakes her head replacing her glass on the table once again.

"I don't think we would love them any other way though."

Sitting with JT and Amanda Rosetta listens closly to what he said taking in every detail knowing she had to. See could see the look in his eyes, they really did need to stay here, and the fear not for himself but for Bree could be seen. How could Rosetta turn him away? She would never do that to a friend.

"I would never turn a friend away. You, Amanda, and Bree can stay here as long as you need. This is a big ranch there are lots of places to hid if the cops show up.But I doubt it. The law dosnt come out here often unless we are the ones who call."

Taking a sip of her own drink she looks between the two.

"You guys are exhausted. There is another two beds in the room with Bree. Why don't you try and get some sleep. The ranch is your home for now, and your welcome to anything here. Don't be scared to take, use, or go anywhere here."

Grow up

Accepting Faith's hand, Sparky interlocks his fingers with hers, giving them a squeeze. The kiss to the cheek came as a surprise though and his eyebrows rise, a quirky grin coming to his face, along with a twinkle in his eye. "Say now... I could get used to this."

Chuckling, he shakes his head and starts for the exit. Instead of continuing with his hand in hers though, tonight he dares to release her fingers and slip his arm around her shoulders instead.

Once to the dining room, he lets her walk in first, holding the door, then spying a couple chairs by Jim and Becky. Wes and Cindy were visiting tonight as well.

Heading to the table, Sparky eases down next to Faith, nodding to Wes and Cindy. "Hey, you two." His eyes have a teasing glint in them tonight. "What's the occasion?"

Cindy laughs. "Oh, you know me... sometimes I just get so bored with my hubby that I have to come and socialize." Turning to Wes, she grins and hugs his arm, knowing that he knew good and well she was teasing. They both came down to eat with everyone at least once a week just to be with the family.

Sparky chuckles and leans his elbows on the table, looking around to see all who was there. "Yeah well... you knew you picked the boring brother of the family when you married him."

Cindy's jaw drops in mock surprise. It was rare to see Sparky in such a teasing mood, but she played right along. "I can't believe you'd say that about your own brother."

"What? It's true." Sparky reaches for a glass of water. "Always hanging out under a car all day... that toolbox was his best friend before you came along. It was really quite sad."

Cindy almost dies laughing. Looking across to Faith, she rolls her eyes. "These boys will never grow up."

JT watches Angel closely, even though he trusts her. He doesn't want to leave the room, and almost has to be pried away, but he follows Rosetta anyway, walking with her and Amanda back into the other room. Instead of socializing right away though, they pick a quiet table in the corner. There were others here that JT would love to see again, but right now there were more important things at hand.

Getting settled down, JT knows he's running on pure adrenaline. He was so tired. But he needed to give Rosetta the whole story.

With a little bit of food and a few hellos to others who spotted them, JT explains the whole story to Rosetta, not leaving out the fact that they were pretty much fugitives and if any police came around, they would need to hide.

"I know this puts you and the ranch in a bad position... so if you'd rather us move on, I'll respect that and you can pretend we were never here." Oh, but his eyes begged her to let them stay. Not for him, but for Bree.

His gaze glances to Amanda, then back to Rosetta, not knowing what would happen now.


Holding out her hand to Sparky Faith gives a smile. She was happy Saprky took the joke well that ended up really turning into a flirt.

"A broken down cowboy huh? I don't see any of those around so I guess the very handsome cowboy in front of me it fit fine."

Locking her fingers with his own Faith just smiles as she looks up at him.Happy to be there with him once again. Drawing a little close Faith stands on her tip toes and gives Sparky a light kiss in the cheek.

"I wouldnt rather anyone else to sit next to me. Ready for dinner?"

As JT starts to ramble really fast Rosetta just blinks only being able to get pits and peaces. Knowing he said that Bree needed Angel Rosetta goes over to the phone on the desk by the window and dials a number.

"Hey Angel I have a girl here who needs an IV. She's in pretty rough shape...Yeah..ok."

Within minutes Angel is there with stuff to set up for an IV and check Bree over even if JT had already she needed to again.

"Hi there Bree. My name is Angle. I'm going to take a look at you ok? And than this, this is going to help get you strong again. I promise it wont hurt alright?"

Bree just looks up at Angel and than looks to JT. She didnt know if she was scaired or not. But if JT had braught her here than it should be ok right? He'd never do anything to hurt her?

Looking to Amanda and JT Rosetta motions them out of the room again gentily shutting the door behind her to let Angel work, and giving Bree a little quiet.

"She'll be ok with Angel for a little bit. Why dont you to come and sit down at the table with me. Supper was just going to start and you both look like you could use some food as well. Than over the meal you can give me the slower verson of your story. That way I can understand whats going on better so I can help you."


Sparky's just closing up a stall door when Faith comes up behind him. Spinning around, he falters for just a moment, blinking as a smile appears. "Well now..."

He takes off his gloves and wanders closer to her. "I don't think I've seen a guy around here who's deserves the company of a pretty girl like you."

He spreads his arms a little, looking down at himself. He'd been in the barn almost all day and looked like it. "But, if you don't mind a broken down cowboy, I'd be glad to take that seat."

JT doesn't have to be told twice and he follows Rosetta with Bree, setting her down carefully on the bed and making sure she was covered warmly before straightening again and looking to his old friend. "I'm sorry to barge in on you like this. Gunner Franklin suggested it first and I agreed. We need a place to hide out. This is my niece, Bree, and her parents are trying to keep her in a mental facility even though she's perfectly sane. Gunner and I broke her out and well..."

He stops, taking a deep breath. He was so tired. "The police don't know yet where we are... and I don't want to put you guys in this position but we had no where else to go. We just need a place to hide out until we can get some legal proof to win our case."

Wiping some sweat from his brow, he glances to Amanda. "And this is Dr. Amanda Fuller. She's a fellow doctor at the hospital I work at and..." He looks her in the eye for a moment, though still talking to Rosetta. "...she's a good friend."

Shifting his eyes back to Rosetta, he nods. "I do need Angel, just to get Bree settled. She's coming down off of meds she never should have been given and she's had hardly any nourishment."


Spending the rest of the morning with Sparky helping him brush out Twilight and do a few other things around the barn Faith really did enjoy herself. It was nice to find odd things to do and learn about stuff around the barn not to mention being close to Sparky at the same time.

As the day moved on, both of them took there separate ways. Faith knowing Sparky had something to take care of that she wasnt able to help with. So heading out once again she had done more exploring. Around the ranch, in the woods just trying to get bearings. Finally finding herself back at the bunk she was shairing with Annie around the time of supper.

Cleaning herself up takes up what little time she had left. Her hair neatly tied back in a pony tail on the side, a tiny bit of nude colored eye shadow was applied but not much. Faith some times used it to bring out her eyes more, but liked the natural look better knowing she didn't need make up. Finding a good pare of her form fitted jeans, and a light blue shirt Faith was ready for dinner.

Grabbing her jean jacket before exiting the bunk Faith makes her way to where she new Sparky would be. In a few quick strides she was stepping into the barn. It was quiet as most people were to dinner now. Wondering up and down the isles finally Faith found the one she was looking for.

Giving a grin she folds her hands in front of herself rocking gently on her heels before stopping and looking at Sparky. A twinkle, and a hint of laughter was in her eyes.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me. There was this gentilmen I met this morning who said he wanted first dibs on the seat at dinner next to me. I cant seem to find him now, perhapes maybe you would like to take that seat?"

Faith's smile grew as she took a few more steps twords Sparky.

Laughter comes from the dinning hall as Rosetta and a few others set up for the nightly meal. As the door opens letting the cool air in Rosetta looks up. Not reconising the woman who entered first Rosetta was about to make a greeting but stops when she see JT.

It hadn't been to long since the last time she saw him, so it was easy to tell who he was. Other than the dirt and grim that said he was having a rough day.

"Good heavens JT, whats going on?"

Going over to him it takes a few moments to notice she was carrying someone but seeing the tuffs of blond hair from underneath the blanket Rosetta's eyes widen just a little. Still not knowing what was going on it dosn't take her long to react though knowing JT.

"Follow me, let me give you some place to lay her down."

Direction the visitors to follow she heads across the dinning hall and to the bedroom that was connected. Giving a nod to the bed for Bree Rosetta goes to the closet to grab a few extra blankets that had been cleaned to put over top of Bree.

"First, should I phone Angel?"

She new it might seem like a silly question to ask seeing as JT was a Dr. but she new he probley didnt have any of his things here.

"And next..what on earth is going on are you guys ok?"


Sparky's lips break into a genuine smile that reveals the emotions he felt. There were risks here and he knew it. They had a significant age difference, culture differences, and the fact that Faith might not make it through her next surgery. But it just didn't seem to matter. Not this time.

He leans his face into Faith's hand, enjoying her so much. It had happened quickly and he'd been sick half the time... but even so, the angel in his dreams was real and he knew who she was.

Sighing deeply, he gives her face one last brush with his fingers. "Then I guess it's up to our hearts to take us in the right direction."

A clatter signals that Twilight had shifted her weight, sending the forgotten brushes to the floor. Sparky chuckles. "We better finish cleaning this little girl first though. But after that, I get first dibs on that chair next to you at supper."

Jim leans back against the wall around the corner, his mind going in so many directions at once. This was none of his business and he knew that. But... there were a whole lot of red flags here that concerned him. Was Sparky really serious about this? About Faith? Who just got there? Who was so much younger than he? Jim knew it didn't really matter but...

Pushing off the wall, he ambles in the opposite direction from where he'd seen Faith and Sparky standing together. He wouldn't say anything... for now.

It was several hours later. Darkness was upon the ranch, and people were starting to gather for supper once again.

Sparky held back in the barn, waiting to see if Faith would show up and walk with him to the dining hall. After finishing up with Twilight earlier, they hadn't talked too much as they'd been interrupted with other tasks. But even with as much time as they'd spent together, he was looking forward to siting with her again at supper. As far as he knew, their relationship was still pretty quiet... and he was okay with that. They were just playing things by ear and he liked it that way.

As the ranch prepared for the night, a car comes down the road. Never had weary eyes been so thankful to see the sign for the ranch. JT was behind the wheel again and relieved to have finally arrived.

Pulling into the driveway, he scans the area. He'd only been here a few times and it had been many years ago. Things had changed a lot, but the layout was still similar. "Here we are." He gives a sidelong glance to Amanda. "Pray they're as inviting as I'd hoped."

Parking near the garage, he sees a few figures moving inside the dining hall. Shadows moved by the barn too. He wasn't sure if anyone had noticed their presence yet or not, but a barking dog proved that surely someone knew they were there.

JT gets out of the car and moves around to the back again, leaning down to Bree. "Bree, hon... we're here... we're going to get you into a nice bed, okay? But you gotta get up first."

Helping her gently, he gets her up, but doesn't make her walk. Instead he takes her in his arms, keeping the warm blanket around her. He nods to Amanda. "Get the door, woulda ya? Thanks."

Taking a deep breath, he looks to the dining hall. That's where the lights were on... he could head for the main house but he didn't know if anyone was there or not. Walking slowly, he heads up the porch, letting Amanda take the lead, then open the door.

Uninvited, he steps inside with Amanda, holding Bree close. He knew they must all look a sight. But as his eyes scan the surprised faces, he finds Rosetta. He'd seen her last when Katie had been in the hospital and was glad of it. Otherwise his intrusion might not be taken well. At least it hadn't been so many years for them... just for some of the others.

"Rosetta?" His eyes begged her, his voice filled with desperation. "We need your help... please?"


Turning around and looking up at Sparky Faith's eyes search his for a long moment. How he ever though his age would bother her was beyond her. Looking deep into those blue eyes Faith could see so much life still left in him, yet the understanding of life, and the yurning to care for someone.

"I've learned to let me heart do the guiding, and I follow. So far its lead me to some pretty good things."

Smiling Faith brings her own hand to Sparky's face, Running her fingers over his eyes, and than cheek, than his jaw she finally just cradles his face in her hand. Still looking deep into his eyes. Her voice was soft to match the smile on her lips.

"One moment at a time, one step at a time, one day at a time. Every moment should be lived as our last. I am will to just let what will happen happy, and continue to let me heart guild me."

If you are

Sparky can just see Faith's eyes, and he saw they held so much hope. It surprised him just a little. It was obvious that Faith had feelings for him, but he hadn't expected that kind of hope. She really did want him to say that age didn't bother him either.

Did it?

Slowly, Sparky turns Faith around so he can see her full in the face. Reaching up, he picks a little piece of straw out of her hair. The brim of his hat was tilted back slightly, showing his eyes full view.

Resting his hands on her shoulders, he just studies her gaze. "How could your age bother me? You're young and vibrant and you've got more peace and warmth than any other woman I've met. And I'm not ashamed to tell you that."

Sighing deeply, he cocks his head a little. "I don't know what I feel or why I feel it right now... but I know I don't want it to end if you don't. I'm enjoying it too much."

His hand moves and runs softly down the side of her face. His voice was still so quiet and mellow. "No... no, your age doesn't bother me. I just want you to have what you deserve. I don't want to hold you back or make things more difficult."

His eyes lock with hers again. "I'm... willing... to just let things come as they will... if you are."

Old Man

Feeling Sparky nuzzle his head in closer to her Faith can feel a chill run up her spin but not from being cold. It was from being so warm, and feeling something she had never felt before.

Hearing Sparky's question Faith wondered if the question of age would come up sooner or later. She figured it was the best time to discuses it seeing as they were being father affectionate. If there was a problem it would be better to nip it in the bud now than continue on and wind up broken later on.

A small smile forms on Faith's lips as she turns her head slightly to be able to semi see Sparky but making sure his arms stayed around her.

"I don't know how old you are. But I do know how young you are. 48 is hardly an old man.Does my age bother you?"

There was a hopeful look in Faith eyes that his answer was no, but there was a small worry that he would say yes. She always thought herself mature for her age, and Sparky didnt seem the type to let something like that bother him, but deep down what if it did. Faith new that if it did, even in this short time her heart would break.


Sparky's eyes remain closed as he soaks in this strange warm feeling that was slowly washing over him. It wasn't like anything he'd felt before. He'd had a few girlfriends... Mel had been the latest. But it wasn't like this... none of them had been. This was... different. Nicer. Warmer. More comfortable. Yet... he still wondered... was it right?

Faith's kiss to his hand feels like the kiss of an angel, and he nuzzles his head in more to hers. Twilight was going completely forgotten, but the dozing mare didn't seem to mind a bit.

Sparky rocks just a little, his brow furrowing. "Faith..." His voice was still very quiet. "Do you..." He stops, feeling just a bit silly. But he had to ask. "Do you know how old I am?"


Just feeling Sparky's arms around her Faith felt there warmth, and she liked it. The saftly, the protection they offered, in a way it felt like a dream. To feel this close to someone in such a short amount of time. But if this was a dream Faith defiantly didnt want to wake up yet.

Bringing both her hands to lay them over top of his own Faith's thumbs just ran up and down on his skin. Just soaking in the feeling she felt, and the trumping of her heart, the twittering of her stomach, as her eyes just seemed to twinkle a little more.

"That feeling is sheared, I'm not sure what I am doing ether, or why I feel this way around you, but I like it and I don't think I want it to end.It feels to good, and I enjoy being around you."

Faith's voice was soft as she just stood there in Sparky's arms still leaning against him slightly.Enjoying the moment, enjoying the time with him, and letting these feelings wash over them both. Taking his one hand in her own Faith lifts it to her lips pressing them against it for a moment. Than replacing it where was it she keep his arms wrapped around her.

So help me

Having Faith lean back against him, Sparky could be a little surprised, but he wasn't. He couldn't deny that his intentions had been to be close to her anyway. Her soft skin on his face felt so smooth and warm.

As Faith brings her hand up to his arm, he feels his arm crook just a little more, liking the feel of her in his embrace. Hearing her words, his eyes close for a moment. What was he doing? Was this even right?

Following his heart instead of his mind or the warnings at the back of his conscience, before he knows it, both arms had slipped around her and were holding her close, his head resting against hers. "I hope you don't get too lost," he replies quietly. "I might not be able to find you then."

Tilting his face, a soft kiss is planted in her hair before his head returns to rest against hers. "So help me, Faith... I don't know what you're doing to me."


Giving a soft chuckle Faith makes her way to the horse where Sparky told her to stand. Letting the horse sniff her and than scratching her next Faith smiles at Sparky listing to him closly.

"Hey there girl, your such a pretty horse arnt you."

Looking over the horses neck at Sparky Faith just continues to watch him. His movements, the simple way he turned his head it all seemed so graceful to Faith. She couldnt help but be mesmerized by him.

Seeing his motions for her to come by him Faith does so. Being positioned in front of him she didnt mind, and feeling his arms around her wasnt nice ether. Following Sparky's instructions Faith gentily brushes the horse enjoying ever moment of it.

Feeling Sparky so close to her again Faith cant help it that her heart starts to race one more, and a tingle shoots down her spin as Sparky's breath brushes her neck. His arm wrapped around her she felt so sacure and safe, something that hadn't been felt in a while.

Leaning back into Sparky for a moment Faith seemed to get lost in his own sweet smell and the smell of apple oats as well. Tilting her head just a little to rest aganst his, she moved her head up and down to rube her skin on his in a soft mannor. Her other hand letting go of the brush and slipping out of the leather strap letting it rest on the horse back for now. Bringing her free hand up to Sparky's arm that was across her Faith lets her fingers run up and down his arm lightly.

"I've never felt this way before Sparky. It's like...I get lost but in a good way."

The words slipped from her mouth before she could even stop them. What was said, was now said she couldnt take it back. She only hope it didnt freak Sparky out to much.


Sparky was totally unaware that he had company, so when Faith speaks, he jumps, turning around quickly. What she said brought a little color to his face, though he can't help but smile. He didn't think anyone had said they thought he had a nice voice before... and for some reason, knowing Faith liked it felt good.

He chuckles softly and goes back to brushing Twilight's coat. "Well... the horses don't seem to mind when I talk to them. I guess learning how to calm an animal with your voice teaches you how to be calm and quiet."

As if proving it, Twilight's head hangs a little as she starts to fall asleep. Sparky grins and scratches her neck. She was the horse that he was going to have Faith interact with this morning, but someone had already put her out in the pasture.

Turning to Faith, he waves her over. "Come here. This little girl is the one you'll get to ride tomorrow."

Bringing Faith to Twilight's head, he motions her to mimic him, letting the mare smell their palms. She nickers softly and nuzzles into Faith's arm, looking for attention.

Sparky still smiles, allowing Twilight to get used to Faith while moving back down to her withers to continue brushing. Keeping an eye on Faith, it's a few moments before he gestures to her to move closer. "Here. Let me show you how to brush her. She'll like you more for it."

Situating Faith in front of him between him and the horse, he puts her right hand through the leather strap on the brush, and her left through the strap on the curry. With his arms around her, he lays his hands on top of hers to guide the brushes, demonstrating the movement and pressure.

"Brush her down, one, two, three..." His hand guides hers gently, moving the bristles through the soft hair. "...then scrape, one two." He brings her arm to the other side, scraping the curry down the brush to clean out the dust. In doing so, his own arm is wrapped a little tighter around her than intended, and for a moment, he pauses, swallowing hard. His chin is just about where her shoulder is, his face enveloped in the sweet scent of her hair.

His voice comes as a whisper as he forces himself to move the brushes back again. "...and repeat."


Wandering around the ranch for most of the afternoon Faith had let Sparky sleep in peace giving him his own space for a little bit. Many of her thoughts revolved around Saprky while she found herself in one of the pastures sitting on a large rock.

How quickly she had taken a liking to him, and how much fun she enjoyed being around him. There was just something about the way he carried himself that seemed to draw Faith in. It was a feeling she had never felt before and though it was a little scary only because it was unknown it wasnt enough to keep her away.

Sparky was older but she didn't care. Age was a number that defined nothing. He'd already proven he could be witty, smile and move just as quick as anyone her own age. She couldnt help but wonder though if they went past friendship how would people react?

As the time slowly passed Faith found herself wondering again enjoying the cool air. Finding herself at the barn she makes her way inside. It was quiet except for what sounded like soft music, and maybe the faint hint that Sparky was here.

Wondering quietly twords the back Faith does her best to move undecided. Standing in the door way she listens to Saprky for a long moment, just listing and watching a smile forming on her face. As his poem comes to an end Faith steps a little father into the room for a moment feeling bad she has eased droped, but than felt silly for thinking that.

"I thought you had a nice voice the moment I ment you. Its soothing, calming...and well I think you just confirmed it. Sorry I couldn't help but listen in."

Leaning aganst one of the posts near Sparky Faith continues to watch him. Taking in the sights of him, and the pretty horse. It felt good nice, so good here, every moment was something special.

Looking down at JT and Bree Amanda was happy they were only a few hours away. JT needed some searous sleep in a nice bed alone with Bree. She was tired as well but was less worryed about herself than the other two. They had been though heck and back, and there bodys needed time to recover.

Feeling her uncles hand on her face she leans into it just a little bit but doesn't look up. Her mind still felt so dark, and lonly, like her mind was lost in the dark stop. As peaces of what happened to her started to come back in dream form and they scared her even more though she didn't say anything. She wasn't sure how to feel, or what to do other than miss Gunner terribly and fear she would never see him again.

Looking up at her uncle finally at the mention of the apple juice and the worried tone. Just looking at him for a long moment. Finally sitting up slowly Bree reaches for the cup and takes a few sips before handing it back to him.

Smacking her lips together at the tangy taste Bree sits back as her stomach grows. She didn't feel hungry and she didn't want to eat though her stomach told her otherwise. She just wanted to get to where ever they were going and get into bed to sleep.


Sparky's eyes narrow at Faith, though his expression is still a teasing one. "Well at least I'd have someone hugging me all day instead of picking on me."

"Aw, feeling picked on?" Jim teases.

Sparky finally has enough control to stop laughing, and he quirks an eyebrow at his brother. "Maybe." Another elbow is shot in Annie's direction, bumping her arm as she tries to take a drink. "Be glad I've been sick. Otherwise, y'all would be in trouble."

In the meantime, his boot has moved again, this time to simply tap Faith's foot.

The day moves along slowly. Sparky winds up needing a nap around lunchtime, exhausted from trying to do work while still recuperating. It doesn't take him long though, to be up and going again, and he finds himself near the back of the barn in a quiet corner, grooming a little bay mare. The radio was going a ways away, playing a country tune, but most of the other hands were working on outdoor tasks right now.

The quiet seemed to allow more time for thinking, and Sparky found his mind wandering in many directions, but usually coming full circle back to Faith. She was so nice... so sweet. He didn't know why he couldn't help but think about her, yet he didn't mind... not really. He did question his own motives though. It was apparent that she didn't mind his flirting with her earlier, and he had to admit he enjoyed it. But was he just taking advantage of her kindness? He'd wound up casually inquiring of Annie about Faith's age and had discovered she was a good fifteen years younger than himself. Was it even right that he'd been flirting with her? Sure, it was harmless enough, but... in the long run, was it really an idea he should be entertaining?

Movement from the mare brings his mind back around and he continues brushing her, determined to make her coat shine. He grins when she bobs her head with pleasure.

"Yeah... you like that, don't you, hmm? Just remember to be this sweet tomorrow and maybe I'll have another apple for you."

Leaning on her back, he picks at a knot in her mane just above her withers. He was oblivious to anyone coming or going around him as his voice came low and soothing to keep the horse calm, poem he recited to only horse's ears.

"And the mare with flowing golden mane,
Took pride in ground she overcame.
The rider proud upon her back,
Fought soul and might for gaining that,
Which men revered and women cheered,
The job no man desired.

"Over mountain hills with stones,
Fields and valleys far from home.
The rider took upon himself,
The risk of life, the risk of health,
To bring the news for all to read,
Express they called it then.

"But mightier, the horse's heart,
Nostril's flared right from the start.
Sweat flowed down her painted brow,
No one ever could see how,
She kept the pace, swore to race,
To bring the precious mail."

"How ya doing, babe?" JT kneels outside the open door of the car, once again, brushing aside Bree's hair from her face. "We're almost there... just a couple more hours."

He looks up to Amanda, his eyes so tired and so full of worry. They'd come a long way... all he wanted was to get to the ranch where he knew it was safe. Then he could relax... but not before.

"Bree..." He tries to rouse her again. "Drink some apple juice? For me?"


Dalton sits back in his own chair putting his hands behind his head land putting one of his feet on the desk. He didn't want to work ether right now his mind was going in a million places at once.

"Well if Gunner can get someone like Angelica I think there could be a strong case, special is Hope backs it up by proving Bree is not crazy."

Continuing to think while he talked Dalton took a swig of his mountain dew looking up at the cealing for a moment before back at Scott. He didn't feel bad about what they did, not after knowing what was going on.

"Maybe they went about the wrong way, but they did it for a good reason. They were torching a person who didn't need that. They could of really messed her up, if they haven't already. I think if done right, we could build a strong case."

As Sparky shoots up from his seat Faith's own eyes widen a little. Having no idea Sparky would be that ticklish it surprised her a little bit. Bringing a hand to her mouth Faith's own eyes seem to water as she trys to hold the laugh in.

"I think...he's gone loco maybe?"

Not being able to help it anymore Faith busts out into her own laughter. Her sides starting to hurt and her eyes watering with tears finding the whole thing quite amusing. She hadnt felt this comfortable in a long time.

Receiving the shove Faith looks down and than back at Sparky again her eyes dancing with him. She was waiting for the payback wondering what he would bring.

"You better eat your food Spark or its gonna get cold, and everyone calls those dr's to help you hug yourself."

Faith sticks out her toung a little bit at Sparky.


The friendly banter continues between siblings, Luke only helping to make matters worse. But no one realizes what Faith is up to.

Out of nowhere, Sparky gives a howl and shoots up from his seat. The movement is so severe that it jolts the whole table, sending silverware flying and glasses almost toppling over. Jim and Luke's eyes widen and they look at each other then up at Sparky who by now had a red face. Jim blinks. "What on earth..."

Sparky's gaze swings down to Faith, the laughter starting to build inside of him as his eyes begin to water.

Luke looks up at him skeptically. "You alright there, buddy?"

"No." Sparky chokes on a laugh. "I am not alright, sitting here with this lot!" He couldn't lay blame though... no one knew that Faith had just tickled him, and if that was exposed, they'd have to admit to having been teasing each other this whole time. At the moment, he did not want to go down that road.

Sinking down in his chair, he rests his elbows on the table so he can hide his face in his hands while his shoulders start to shake as he laughs.

Jim furrows his brow and look at Annie in bewilderment. "Did he lose his mind while he was sick or what?"

Sparky turns his head just enough that his eyes were visible only to Faith. Still laughing, he throws her a smirk, then reaches over to give her shoulder a playful shove. The glint in his eye said he was royally amused, but payback was coming.

Jeff leans back from the next table over. "Hey, everything alright over there?"

"Oh sure." Luke waves to him. "Other than Sparky losing his marbles and taking it out on guests for which reason we have.... no idea."

All that does is send Sparky laughing again, but he refuses to tell anyone what had really happened, leaving them all quite bewildered.

Scott nods, wandering to the desk to sit next to Dalton again. "Yeah... okay. I know Gunner wanted us out of the loop, but you and I both know we're not going to do that. I figure me going to the ranch is legit and no one should suspect a thing since I have to go there for TJY anyway. And taking Hope isn't all that odd since she's my girlfriend. I doubt this will draw attention from anyone. If it does... I guess we just deal with it then."

Staring blankly at his computer screen, his mind is far from his work. "You think if Hope writes up an official evaluation that says Bree's mentally stable that it will help the case? I mean... I don't know... I guess I'm worried about Gunner, too. Wrong or right, he and JT still broke in there and we helped out. We're gonna have to land a pretty lenient judge if we're going to make it out of this one."