

Following Dylan to the other side Ashlee can't help but laugh a little. He never lied when he has said he wasn't all that great he just didn't tell the whole truth either. It was funny though thinking about it now he could teach her how to play better.

   "Well, maybe you can show me a few things. Since everyone else is busy I'd say we are on our own at the moment with..."

Ashlee looks up and around the course taking a quick count to how many holes were left to play.

   "...thirteen more holes to go I think mom and Eric will catch up sooner or later. Right?"

She was having such a blast today even if right now her mom was busy. Just spending a little time with Dylan and having some fun was nice. She really did enjoy it and was happy this night had happened. Dylan had learned to smile a little more, her mom was happy, Eric was happy and that in turn made Ashlee very happy too.

Feeling Eric's lips on her palm they were so soft, so gentile Stacy's eyes never leave his own. His eyes held so much in them, so much that she felt like she could fall forever never growing tired of searching for each emotion, for each world that they held. 

At thee arms that held her tightened just a little Stacy could feel Eric's words held true. It was a nice feeling, a warm feeling something she really hadn't felt in so long. She just wanted to move even closer to Eric and lay her head on his shoulder feeling his shelter around her. It had been a long time of standing on her own and protecting her daughter would this be her second chance to be protected herself?

   "I can handle yours with care, and help mend it. God has given a second chance maybe to find the happiness we so long for. Even in the most unexpected places who are we to turn away a gift from God."

Stacy lets the smile pass over her face again. Her words soft, strong but true. There meaning coming from deep within her. There was a sparkle of hope in her eyes, though she new that moving slow was the best option for both of them it was a joyful one.

   "Next to my daughter, your the second best surprise God has given me."

Great Care

Dylan bites his lip to keep himself from laughing and he nods at Ashlee. "Of course... making it through there is the hardest part."

Wandering to the other side of the windmill, they were now out of sight of Stacy and Eric. "I gotta admit..." Dylan gains a sheepish expression. "Back home, I used to play mini golf all the time. Me and some buddies would hang out at the local course. Kinda.... caused some trouble sometimes...." He shrugs. "But I wound up playing a lot and learning a few tricks."

Eric's heart beat hard within his chest, his eyes never leaving Stacy's. Great care. Oh, how he had great care. He knew what pain felt like. He knew how hard it was to pick up the pieces. He knew the same need to be handled with that same great care. She had a fragile heart - so did he.

As Stacy's hand moves up to his face and then to his hair, his eyes fall shut for a moment. Her touch sent shivers down his spine as if she possessed great power in such a simple gesture. As her hand moves down a little, he turns his head to stop it, his lips meeting her palm to kiss it gently.

Turning his eyes back to hers, he moves his arms tighter around her so she was closer and the gap between them was no more. She did something to him nobody else did. She made his heart beat a new rhythm that was exciting and scary at the same time. He hadn't wanted this. He hadn't expected this. It felt oh so sudden and out of the blue. But he couldn't deny the bolts of electricity that shot through his veins. His lips longed to kiss her again... his arms longed to hold her closer, tighter.

But he knew he mustn't. Not here. Not now. Not so soon. Not with fragile hearts.

"I can try," he whispers. "Two broken hearts can find it hard to mend at the same time... but... but I'll handle yours with great care.... if you do the same for me."


Watching Dylan Ashlee can't believe how easy he made it look. If Ashlee didn't know better she would think Dylan had been practicing for a long long time.

   "I can't believe..how...GAH!"

Going over to where her ball had stopped Ashlee picks it up and than looks around before returning it to the start and setting it down. Watching the windmill she did her best to try and time is. Taking aim she puts getting it through it hits one of the side and bounces so it dosnt make it in the cup but does make it through.

   "Well at least I go it to the other side...right?"

As the soft wind blew Stacy can't help the smile that spreads on her lips to go with the red color to her cheeks. She could feel her heart beating fast, and faster. His words hitting her ears...he..wanted a chance? Did she dare give any man the chance to touch her heart again? Could she take that risk?

   "Even a heart with many scars still beats the same. A body that has been broken still needs love. A chance is hard to give but it something that will come as long as great care is taken to hold the heart."

Was this crazy to talk like this? To take a liking so quickly to Eric? She playing it safe had always worked, but now with Eric...where was that safe net? Why did her heart thump, and why did she feel like her stomach was in knots.

Bringing her hand to Eric's face Stacy runs it along the side and than her fingers through his hair. Feeling the soft stands under her fingers. Maybe it was because he was like her...that she was willing to trust.



Dylan rolls his eyes. "Yes, they do have it bad. I think they  forgot we're here too."

Watching Ashlee's putt, he gives her a little smirk. "All you gotta do is pay attention to timing. Besides..." He looks around. There were no other players nearby, and Stacy and Eric were still back at the last hole. "Nobody else saw that shot."

Moving up, he demonstrates. "Here, I'll show you. All you gotta do is wait for the windmill propeller and guess how fast the ball is gonna travel..." He waits and putts, sending the ball through the windmill without a hitch. "...like so."

He turns and a grin slips out. "You try."

Eric's eyes continue to search Stacy's as she speaks, soaking in her words. As she takes off his hat, he swallows hard. He hadn't forgotten that she liked him better without his hat. Was this... real? It felt like it.

"Scars make a heart harder to win," he responds softly. A breeze combs through his now-free hair. He knew she had scars. So did he. Did that make this impossible?

"Do I stand a chance?" Once the words left his mouth, he regretted them. They were too forward. They implied too much. Too much for two people who were just getting to know each other. Too much for tonight.

He bites his lip, hoping he hadn't ruined the moment.

More than a ten

Looking back at Eric and feeling his arms around her Stacy didn't mind. They felt safe, that felt welcoming, they felt like they had so much love to give if only given the chance. Though it scared Stacy just a little to think about being this comfortable with a man again there was something else in Eric's eyes that told her it was ok. He was like her, lost, and looking for that happiness.

   "I don't believe there are rules to another game. Than again...if your talking about the hear and now...the only game I see is golf. For a trusted heart, a heart that holds scares is not an item in a game but a trophy in witch could be won."

Realizing her own words that were slightly on the romantic side it was Stacy's turn to feel the color coming to her cheeks. Bringing her hand to the side of Eric's face Stacy brushes it before taking his hat off and smiling even more. Definitely more than a ten.

Getting to the hole and putting the ball down Ashlee can't help but look back at her mom and Eric before shaking her head and looking to Dylan raising an eyebrow.

   "Is it just me, or do they definitely have it bad?"

Playfuly mimicking a real golfing game Ashlee yells out...


Before hitting the ball and sending it down the green and bouncing it off one of the windmills propellers. Giving grunt she rolls her eyes.

   "I guess my mind is now else where. Thank goodness you good at this game."


As Stacy turns around and kisses him, Eric doesn't even have time to react. His putter is dropped and his eyes go wide. As she withdraws, his hands automatically rest around her waist and he blinks in surprise, completely forgetting that they were in the presence of the two kids. His eyes lock onto Stacy's, a million and one thoughts racing through his gaze. But one silent question stood out from the others: had she only been teasing, or did she really feel something more for him?

Getting poked, Dylan whirls around, having been stunned by the little scene himself. He bites his lip and nods. "Uh.... yeah..." He clears his throat. "I see a windmill at the next one. I think it's calling our names." Setting a hand on Ashlee, he steers her to the next little course, although he does glance over his shoulder once. "You go first... they'll catch up."

Eric blinks again. "No that's.... not normal," he agrees. His cheeks were beet red by now, but there wasn't much he could do about that. A smile slowly spreads across his lips. "I think I mighta underestimated you," he whispers. His hands tighten just slightly around her waist. "Are we just playing golf? I'm afraid I don't know the rules of any other game..."


Just letting her smile grow even more Beth leans her head into Zach's hand a little bit. His touch was warm, soft, caring, not something to fear at all. Beth could feel her heart start to beat a little faster, as a flutter moved in her stomach.

   "You certainly can pick me up next week for dinner. But you need to tell me if I need to dress up special or not. I don't want to be in jeans to a fancy restront or something."

Beth really was excited, it was something new that she had never done before. She couldn't help the small bit of nerves but she wondered if that was the feeling anyone got when they went out on there first date. It was new and exciting and she couldn't wait. 

Coming to the next hole and seeing the look on Eric's face after Dylan's comment Ashlee did her best not to laugh just watching the two go back and forth. Though Dylan did all he could to hide he was having fun, and his smile Ashlee could see it was there. It made her feel good that he was finally able to do that as well.

Taking a step back Stacy moves out of the way as Dylan and Eric playfully go at it. In a way it was slightly funny and Stacy was happy to see Dylan loosen up a bit to have fun. As Eric steps behind her though Stacy holds up her hands. 

   "Hey...How am I being pulled into this I am odd duty."

Moving around slightly as Eric moves behind her to keep out of the way of Dylan Stacy rolls her eyes. She couldn't believe she was being dragged into this for no reason. Thought he corners of her mouth did turn upward slightly.

   "You want me to do something huh?"

Turning around quickly to face Eric Stacy places both her hands on either side of his face to pulls it a little closer to her. Leaning her head sideways Stacy moves into Eric and places a kiss on his lips. Pulling away she still smiles at him. Maybe it was because she was comfortable it took over, or maybe it was the inner desire why Stacy did not know.

   "There...I did something though...its not normal cop methods."

Ashlee's laughs come to a stop as her own eyes go wide. Did her mom really just...kiss Eric? She can't help another laugh though as she moves closer to Dylan. Poking him with her club she nods to the next hole.

   "I umm...think we should skip this one...it looks....preoccupied."

 Giving a smile to Jared Grace had noticed that his fingers had loosened and had started to curled around her. It did not scare her to draw her to take offense. She was just happy that Jared was relaxed now.

   "Your very welcome Jared. I do think its best though that this ends our session for today. After having the flash back I don't want to do to much to quickly since you mind is not trying to wrap around the new information."

Moving around and unhooking a few of the wires Grace places the ice packs on Jared's legs like she had the day before. Cleaning up some of empty containers that held stuff in them earlier. Most of the food she had made was gone and what wasn't she would eat tonight or leave it for Jared if he liked.

   "I'm happy I got to share your tasting with you. I have to admit...it was kind of fun."

Katie smiles and laughs a little at Carson's playful gesture. She'd never tire of it, or dislike looking at the sparkle in his eyes. It was a silent understanding of each other they had.

   "Oh you know you can anytime, about anything. I'm always around."

Giving Carson a pat on the arm Katie new she better be getting back to work, and she should let Carson do the same. The talk had been short but it made Katie feel a little better in the end and for that...she was thankful.


Zach can't help another laugh as a little more color comes to his face. Maybe he should pick the place after all. He's about to comment when Beth's explanation sets him back a little.

"Really?" He spoke before he thought. "You've never been on a date? Someone as pretty and fun as you?" He really was very surprised. A new smile spreads on his face. "Then I guess I'm doubly honored that you said yes. For that, I'll certainly pick the place." 

A slight gust of wind stirs the air around them and Zach reaches over slowly to brush aside a wisp of Beth's hair from her face. His grin only widens. "Next week then. Will you let me pick you up?" 

Eric quirks an eyebrow, unsure about Stacy's statement. Stepping up to take his turn, it takes him three tries. Bending to pick up the ball, he grimaces. "Correction... we don't stand a chance." 

It was all in good fun though, and that's exactly how the evening was - fun. Dylan and Ashlee stayed in the lead by a good margin... not surprisingly after Dylan pulls off several more hole-in-ones, proving his first try had not been a fluke. Eric had a ball being on Stacy's "team" though, enjoying the evening like he hadn't in years. Seeing Ashlee having such a good time was icing on the cake, and seeing Dylan having a good time was also pleasing...

"...You've got to be kidding." Eric stares at the next little course and shakes his head. 

Dylan's jaw tightens, keeping him from laughing. He follows Eric's gaze to the heart-shaped tunnel with a cute little sign that read "tunnel of love." A water trap ran the length of the tunnel as well, with the hole barely visible on the other side. Dylan pats Eric's arm. "You're up, Romeo." 

"Ro...." Eric shoots Dylan a withering look while his face gains a bit of heat. "Why you..."

Dylan holds up his club in defense. "Hey now, play nice. It's your turn to go first. Unless you're chicken."

"Chicken? Never!" Eric sets his ball down, unable to even look at Stacy at this point. Aiming for what seemed an eternity, he gives the ball a whack...harder than intended. It jumps into the air, hits the tunnel rim and comes flying right back again - right towards Dylan. 

Ducking quickly, Dylan's head is missed by inches. Giving Eric a wide-eyed look, he points his club at him. "You did that on purpose." 

"I did not!" Eric chokes on a laugh. "I ain't good enough to do that on purpose, you know that!" 

Dylan advances with his club. Eric backs up and slips back around behind Stacy to use her as a shield, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Help me. You're the cop around here." 

Jared does his best to do what Grace says, trying to bring himself out of his panic attack. It had been so sudden and caught him so much by surprise. Leaning back and closing his eyes, he tries to imagine what she was telling him. A soft blanket was his pick. Something warm... fuzzy... comforting... 

He nods a little to let her know he was listening to her and he takes several deep breaths. Slowly, slowly his hands begin to relax. Her touch was so soft... gentle. Her fingers running over his skin gave him the same feeling as the thought of that blanket. 

"I'm... I'm okay," he breathes. "It was just... a shock." The accident was the last thing he thought he'd remember, let alone how it had felt. 

As his hand relaxes even more, the muscles finally loosen up enough to move them again and he's able to let go of the blanket. Grace's touch seemed so lulling and comforting. His hand instinctively turns, his fingers curling gently around hers. 

Realizing what he was doing, Jared's eyes open and he withdraws quickly. "Th...thank you, Grace. "I think I'm okay now." 

Con grins a little and nods at Trey. "Yeah, it's fine with me. I'm staying in to work over lunch tomorrow anyway and if Jamie wants to drag me somewhere, I'll make her drive us in her car." 

"Oh, Conrad," Cindy chides. "Drag you? As if she'd need to do any such thing."

Con laughs. "Okay, so I'd follow her anywhere."

"Besides that, I think it would be rather hard to drag someone like you." Cindy laughs too and shakes her head. Looking back to Trey, she gives him another smile. "We'll meet at Mom and Pop's at noon then." 

Carson drops his gaze to the counter, a little grin quirking the corner of his mouth. "Aw, I'm not so special Katie..." He glances back up at her. "But thanks. You're not so bad yourself." 

He reaches out to brush her cheek playfully with his finger. "You're welcome to vent anytime you want... as long as I can do the same to you sometime."


Leaning on the counter Katie gives a small sigh. Carson did have a point maybe Jason did think she was doing something with Hunter too. But it was a topic both of them didn't talk about. Katie could tell from the last time Jason would rather not talk about it. Maybe they both would rather not for fear it might be true.

   "I guess your right Carson. The smart think to do really would be to talk to him about it I guess. It's just finding the right moment when he's not scatting around the subject to do so."

Sitting up straight again Katie just looks at Carson for a long moment. He'd come along way from when she first met him and she had grown so close to him. She was proud to call him her friend

   "Ya know Carson...Misty sure is lucky. It's been so long now she would probley be lost without you. I think we all would. You hold a special place in all our hearts. Thanks for letting me vent to you."

Looking at Kaylee for a second gives a little laugh just listening to the little girl babble on and on. He didn't mind listing to her even if she made no sense.  Her little voice and giggles made him smile.

Hearing Con offer his truck Trey looks to him shock written all over his face. Con really would let him drive his truck? Did he trust him that much, or was he trying to trust him that much? Trey couldn't get over the shock and he continues to look at Con. 

Finally relizing though that he had been standing there looking at him for maybe far to long he finally looks away and shifts a little bit still holding on to Kaylee. Leaning his head aganst hers for a moment he finally was able to talk again.

   "If...if you really don't mind me taking your truck..that would..be great. Than...thank you!"

Sitting down on the bed again when Jared said he didn't want her to call in the Dr all Grace can do is listen to him, watch him, and make sure he was ok and didn't go into shock. She could only imagine how he must be feeling right now.

Hearing next that he can't let go Grace looks down to Jared's hands that were clenched on the bed sheet. In a way it was kind of normal for something like that to happen. All he needed to do was relax a little bit. Reaching her hand out Grace lays her hands on top of his. They were soft, cool, but warm at the same time. Gentility She rubs her fingers over his and around the top of his hand.

   "Just relax Jared...think of a cool breeze, a warm bath, a soft blanket. Breath in and out..gently open let your fingers relax."

Continuing to just rub his hand softly Grace did her best to try and help him relax. It was the best she could do and she hoped it helped.

Watching Dylan Ashlee's eyes go wide as he gets a hole in one. Soon after she couldn't help the shreak as she jumps up and down claping her hands a grin on her face.

  "Ha, well now we know who the Mini golf player is."

Stacy can't help but laugh as she takes her own turn. Not getting it in the first hit she does in the second and stands proud.

   "Hey now thats better than I though. We might have a chance after all."

   "Help you pick something out...thats not a date. You need to pick it out yourself and surprise me. Thats the point of a date."

Beth gives a smile to Zach. If this was going to be her first date by golly it was going to be done right no matter what. Giving a laugh her smiles grows a little more as she looks at Zach, his might be confused by her comment just a little.

   "I've never been on a date before, so at least for the first time...I'd like it to be done the right way."



Carson remains standing behind the counter, just listening and not interrupting. It was obvious Katie needed to talk, so he let her, not caring how long it took. He pretty much knew all there was to know about her and Jason and how they'd lost their connection. That's where his knowledge ended though - anything that had happened after that was news to him. 

Leaning to rest his elbows on the counter, he turns his head to study Katie's face. What she was talking about really bothered her and he could see it. What he didn't expect was the question it all led up to. 

Lifting his eyebrows, it takes him a moment to respond. And when he does, a dry chuckle escapes. "Figured I was a good person to ask, ay?" He gives her a quick grin though, letting her know it was okay. Who else could she ask? And she felt badly enough the way it was, he wouldn't tease her.

Sighing, he shakes his head. "There's lots of things, I guess. Little things." He thinks about himself and all the times he'd tried to hide his actions. "Not being around like usual... going off without notice... forgetting things... lying... sometimes being moody." 

Growing just a little uncomfortable, he shifts his weight and scratches at a water stain on the counter with his thumbnail. Finally looking at Katie again, he purses his lips. "Jason never struck me as the kind of man to go cheating on you. But if you think he is, maybe you should ask him." He cocks his head. "Sounds like you've spent enough time with this Hunter guy that Jason could be having the same doubts about you. I know you're not cheating on Jason... but spending time alone with another fella probably isn't gonna solve things. It just makes you look guilty too." 

He shrugs. "Jason might just be having fun hanging out with his buddies. There's nothing wrong with that. If he was spending all that time with just Sandy, then I'd wonder but... I really don't know, Katie. Why don't you ask him about it?"

"I don't mind picking you up," Cindy assures. "I was thinking about going to Mom and Pop's, and I'd feel bad if I let you walk." 

Kaylee bounces a little in Trey's arm, murmuring incoherently while finding an interesting seam in his shirt to play with. 

"Or you could borrow my pickup," Con offers. He had a feeling Trey didn't like being dependent on others for rides, and didn't mind if he wanted to take his truck. He didn't trust Trey a hundred percent, but he was willing anyway. 

"No...no..." Jared shakes his head, not wanting the doctor, and not able to remember anything else - or not wanting to. 

Closing his eyes tight, he leans back in his pillow, trying to obey Grace and keep breathing, though it was difficult for a few moments until the panic begins to subside. His hands start to cramp from holding the sheets so tightly.

"I... it..." He swallows hard. Opening his eyes again he stares at Grace. "I didn't expect to... to remember that." He sucks in his breath, still trembling. It had happened so fast... the accident. But now he remembered the sheer terror that had shot through his veins as for that split second he had seen the oncoming vehicle. And the pain. His unconsciousness had been almost instantaneous, but there had been a moment of incredible pain. His fear had been like no other, and he had known he would surely die. 

Sweat trickles down the side of his face, but gradually his pulse begins to slow. His eyes focus on Grace again and he manages a pitiful little laugh. "I can't... I can't let go." He looks down at his hands, unable to uncurl his fingers.

Dylan smirks and rolls his eyes, taking the cue to take his turn. Setting down his red ball, he eyes the hole for a moment before putting. The ball shoots quickly across the green track, hitting the wall to zig-zag to the far end before bouncing lightly off the far wall and dropping neatly into the hole. 

Eric's mouth hangs open. "Are you kidding me?"

Dylan turns around and puts the club up across his shoulders. "What?"

"What do you mean what?" Eric quirks an eyebrow at him. "I thought you said you weren't any good at this."

"I never said that." The corner of Dylan's mouth upturns just slightly. 

"Uh-huh." Eric shake his head and looks over at Stacy. "I think we got a bluffer on our hands. You and I don't stand a chance now." 

Zach can't help his laugh and he shakes his head, finding Beth's reaction cute. "Yeah... yeah, I did mean it as a date I guess, so I'm glad you said yes." 

Grinning, he shrugs. "I don't know where to take you though." He laughs again. "You'll have to help me pick."


Katie can't help but smile. Carson was almost close to her like Con, she looked up to him. Even if some people couldn't see past his past she could, and she new he had changed his ways. What mattered was the here and now and he'd give his life to God. It gave Katie hope that anyone could change as long as they were willing too.

   "I don't know if I should explain the short version or the long..long...long version."

Knowing that maybe Carson didn't have all the time in the world and though it was slow now that didn't mean it would be slow a few minutes for now she would give him the short version. Going into explanation about there connection, and how Jason had been having with his friends and how she had found a friend in Hunter. It had always been easy to talk with Carson maybe because he had no judgment to give anyone but only help and understanding. 

   "...So He hangs out with his friends once or twice a week and Sandy is always there too. I met her she seems nice but...just the smile the come to his face when he sees her or texts her...I just...He looks so happy. Do you think...I mean...what...what are the signs someone is cheating on you?"

Looking down at Kaylee as she comes over Trey gives a small smile to her before bending down to be eye to eye. His sister made his heart thump, and now that the walls had been broken it made it beat so much differently. There was a love there, and a yurning to protect. It mad Trey slightly sad to think they would be leaving soon and who new when he would see them again. 

   "How about a hug first?"

Wrapping his arms around Kaylee he gives her a big hug and picks her up at the same time. Holding her close for several moments before finally letting go and just holding her on his side giving her a kiss on the nose. 

Looking back to his mother Trey gives a small nod. He had pretty much all the time in the world right now. Nothing really held him back or kept him from planning anything. He might as well enjoy it while he could. The money he had saved up wouldn't last forever and he had to find a job sooner or later witch would limit his time greatly. 

   "Tomorrow for lunch sounds good. Umm...if you don't want to pick me up I can talk to where ever. I don't mind mind."

Trey had been use to having his own car but here he did not so walking would have to work just as good. Not that he hated it to much. The weather was nice out and as long as it wasn't raining he was fine with it. It made him kind of feel like he had independence too witch was a nice feeling.

Seeing Jared's face almost go white Grace stands up and move closer to him. Gently laying a hand on his shoulder. She softly called his name and asked if he was ok but getting no response it made her worry. She wasn't sure what was going on a hundred percent but she could feel her own heart race.

   "Jared...Jared...what is it?"

Hearing that he remembered getting hit Grace sits down on the bed again her keeps her hand on his arm. The fear that played in his eyes made her worried but she wanted to stay close, she didn't want him to lose reality or think he was along. Did he remember anything else? 

   "Do...do you remember anything else? Should I fetch the Dr?"

Grace would of told him even this was a good start to remember but how scared he looks kept her from doing so at least now. She would wait till he calmed, till he was more stable, till the shock would ware off. To much to soon could be dangerous and she new it. The last thing she wanted was to push him over the edge.

   "Breath Jared, keep breathing ok!"

Holding her putter and purple ball Ashlee looks to Dylan and gives a grin. This mini golf place looked like fun. It was dark but everything was lit up nicely. There were trees, and water falls, plastic animles to make the setting look like a real jungle it was better that she could of imagined.

   "You think we should let them go first so they can try and get a jump on us?"

Ashlee gives a laugh before turning to her mom and gesturing for her to stop up to the hole and make her first turn. She liked teasing her and Eric maybe because he new they could take it but it was fun and a little friendly competition never hurt anyone.

Shaking her head and smiling at her daughter Stacy new this was going to be bad. She hadn't played mini golf for a long time and even when she did, she was never very good at it. Stepping up to the hole and setting her green ball down she stands ready. Giving the ball a tap it going down the turf and hits the wall before heading for the hole and coming to a top.

   "Look...its rigged already."

Ashlee gives a laugh before looking to Dylan and giving him a nod. He could go first she didn't mind at all. Who knows maybe he was better than he thought anyways.

Beth continues to smile as Zach talks about making his day off fun. She really had, had a nice time too. It was fun to hang out with him and just have a good time. It was much better than spending the time inside doing nothing. Zach didn't seem to mind the times when she was quiet either, witch was nice and it made her feel comfortable.

As Zach asks about doing dinner sometime Beth searches his face. Something about the way he asked was different. It was almost like it was more than just a friend thing but she wasnt sure. Maybe she was looking into to it a little to much. She been to lunch with him though...so why not say yes? She liked being around him and spending time with him.

   "I'm not one hundred percent sure but... As you asking me on a date? If you are...than...yes...if not your not...forget I even asked and yes anyways."

Beth couldn't help but laugh as she new how toung tired she was sounding. She couldn't back track now least she sound even sillyer than she already did.


Carson barely heard the bell on the door and when Katie starts rattling off numbers, his eyes stayed focused on his paper. When he looks up though, he was grinning. "Hey, Kat." 

Leaning on the counter, he cocks his head, trying to read her face. Was she here on Elite business? Was he in trouble? No... no it didn't look like it. Was something wrong? Maybe. She didn't look very happy. 

"I've always got time for you. What's up?"

Having Trey suddenly appear, Cindy's eyes fill with hope. Con almost laughs, since they'd just been talking about him. Seeing how Trey interacted with Kaylee, he smiles. 

Kaylee squeals and points at her brother. "Trey!" 

Cindy smiles up at her son, so happy that he was still willing to talk to her. And he wanted to do lunch again? That was even better. Her smile widens. "I'd love to. I'm leaving in another day or two... how about lunch tomorrow? I can come pick you up..." 

Con was glad to see them interacting so well. It was a sign of hope for something better. Leaning down close to Kaylee's ear, he whispers something to her. She looks around for a moment then slides down off his knee to trot over to Trey. Holding her arms in the air she looks up at him. "Up! Up!" 

Jared grins. "Then I'll just have to find a good job that pays enough so I can afford you."

Taking a sip of orange juice this time, the taste makes his tongue tingle. And for no more than a split second, he was sitting at a kitchen table. 

Almost dropping the cup, his smile fades and his eyes stare off into space as his mind tries desperately not to lose the image. A kitchen... a woman... blonde... Wait, there was something more... he was leaving? A porch... a car... bending to pick up something off the street? Then he...

Jared sucks in a quick breath, starting to shake in a panic attack. He'd seen it. He'd seen the bus. Right before he'd.... He gives a little jump as the violent, painful memory flashes through his mind. It was the most frightening thing he'd ever experienced. 

Terror was in his gaze as he finally looks back to Grace. His face was pale and his hands were gripping the bedsheets so tightly that his knuckles were white. Still trembling, he swallows hard, feeling as though his heart was going to beat right out of his chest. "The accident," he whimpers. "I... I remember... getting hit..."

Eric laughs and shakes his head at Stacy. "I have a feeling we don't stand a chance against those two."

As their food arrives, conversation pauses for a prayer then everyone digging in to their food. Everything was cooked very well, each dish tasting oh so good.

The evening was very enjoyable, and by the time the plates were empty, everyone was stuffed. It didn't stop them from still wanting to play miniature golf though, so it wasn't long before they were at the course, staring at hole number one.

Eric puts the score card and little pencil in his shirt pocket and gestures to the others. "Okay, you guys figure out who's going first."

"Mmm... lunch, animal shelter, ice cream, antiques... and all with a friend." Zach grins, giving Beth a sidelong glance. Sitting on the sidewalk bench with her, they'd just been resting their feet and watching passersby. "Thanks for making my boring day off work not so boring, Beth."

He really had had a good time today. Beth was sweet and fun and had a good sense of humor... He could tell there was a more sheltered side of her - a side that had shyness and hesitance in it. But it hadn't hindered their fun, and it really had been a whole lot better than staying home and doing nothing today.

Shifting a little to see her better, his grin turns into one a little more crooked. "You, um... on one of your nights off next week... I mean... would you want to do dinner sometime?"


Letting out another long sigh Katie sat on the pouch step with her one knee up to her chest as she watched the rain drops. No Jason today he had called off work and Katie guessed to hang with his friends, no Hunter either he was off doing his own thing. So it was just Katie and the rain and her own thoughts.

Some days were good, and some days were bad. There were moment's when Katie found hope, hope that things would Jason would be ok. She loved him, and somewhere she new he loved her too. There was hope that things would work out. But than the days of hope were followed with the ones that had none. Where Hunter's words would come back to haunt her. She would never think Jason would do something like that to her...but everything pointed to that. Was he slipping away? Was she losing him? Katie wondered if someone else could give her some insight.

...Pulling outside of Mom and Pop's Katie quickly makes her way inside doing her best to stay at least a little dry. Opening the door the little bell tingles and Katie spots Carson at the counter. Coming over and sitting down on the stool Katie is quiet for a second before giving a small grin.

   "5...8...63...9...and..Heya Carson."

Katie new she was being a little annoying but she also new that Carson might find a little humor in it. She was trying to get his attachen while he was deep in thought anyways. Not to mention she new that he wouldn't be messed up that easy.

Why she had come here to talk was simple Carson was one of her friends and there was one simple question she wanted to ask and with Carson's background she new she could with out offending him.

   "You got a moment we can talk?"

Coming up from down below Trey slips into the break room to grab a candy bar and pop from the vending mashean. Exiting Trey scan's the cubicles his eyes landing on where his mother and sister sat. He's been meaning to call her again so they could have lunch or something again before she left but he'd forgotten day after day. Now that she was here though...was it to late?

   "Hey there Squirt."

Trey reaches out and brushes Kaylee's cheek with his finger before backing away to continue to let Con play with his sister. Looking to Cindy Trey gives a little smirk. Something inside hoped he wasn't to late and there was still time to spend with them before she left.

   "I...know your busy right now but I was wondering if before...you guys left if you wanted to have lunch again or...or...something?"

Grace can't help but laugh again. Aside from Jared's eyes she liked his sense of humor as well. He was funny, and she enjoyed hearing the humor. It was refreshing and nice to see he had that still even if sometimes it brought color to her cheeks.

Seeing the look on Jared's face as he takes a sip of the grapefruit juice Grace can't help but bring a hand to her mouth and give a laugh. Taking that juice away and playing something else in the spot she gives a nod.

   "I've never been a fan of grapefruit juice myself."

Shaking her head a little bit Grace was pleased to see she was able to flirt with Jared too. At least it wouldn't be a one way street that way. 

   "Ha, Cook for you full time huh? I don't know in that case I might have to start charging you something."

Ashlee gives a laugh as she takes a sip of her Pop. It was good to see the humor going around even Dylan's though it was dry maybe that was just him. 

  "Ok, I can take Dylan and mom can take Eric sounds good to me."

Stacy take another shake of her head. Seeing the smile on Ashlee's face was worth everything and seeing Dylan coming out of his shell a little more was pleasing to her too.

   "I dont know the teams might still be uneavan because I am not that great too but I will gladly be on Eric's team."


In Love

Hunter rolls his eyes. "Well there's your problem. Chocolate must be consumed daily." He winks at her. "You're welcome. I think you're worth it." 

Although the late evening had been fun, reality was still in control, forcing the hands of time to turn too quickly. In obedience, Hunter and Katie were back on the road after finishing their treat. Hunter took the ride back a little slower this time. Rather than running away from something, he was returning to it, and that slowed his speed. As the lights of town came into view, Hunter again wondered if this was it. Was this just a taste of enjoyment that would not be again, or was it just the beginning?

As it turned out, Hunter would see Katie several more times. A week later, he called her for another late lakeside stroll. After that, she called him once and they again had dinner where talk mostly revolved around both of them venting but still enjoying each other's company. An afternoon at the lake would follow, along with an after-lunch ice cream another day.

Hunter knew he was walking a fine line with Jason in the background. Though he and Katie only met when Jason was busy, Hunter knew there was a chance that no matter how innocent his time with Katie was, it could potentially cause problems. But something about her kept his concerns at bay. She was fun. Quiet. Nice. In a way, she reminded Hunter of what he'd been missing out on - good clean fun. She didn't come on to him. She didn't expect him to spend the night at her place. She didn't go for the partying and drinking. Even when it was just the two of them, Hunter never had to question her intentions or motives. She was feeling left out and needed a friend. He wasn't feeling left out of anything, but did need a friend. Together they seemed to give each other what they most wanted for the time being - simple, plain companionship.

In the process, they naturally got to know each other more. Katie would tell him more about herself and he began to understand a little more about the whole connection thing with Jason. She continued to vent about Jason as well, and Hunter asked her again if she thought he was cheating on her, but didn't bring it up again when he saw how sad that thought made her. He shared more about himself and where he'd been since Break Out. He told her about how he'd liked Alice and why he'd been so upset with Kyle. And he apologized to her for hitting someone who was her friend. 

Though unplanned and perhaps a little confusing, Hunter started spending a little less time with his buddies and more time alone. His pictures were finally added to his shelf and his box emptied. Now having Katie as a friend, that helped him avoid any more public disturbances for fear of the Elite arresting him again and Katie deciding she didn't want to see him. He still hung out at the races and frequented the bars though, still struggling to discover where he belonged. Perhaps his biggest struggle of all, though, was fighting what was deep inside of him - the desire to let go of his hurts and return to being the man he'd once been - the man with a heart for God, with conviction of right and wrong, with purity, and with integrity. But where he sat now was on the edge of a dangerous vortex. One wrong step would cause him to fall into a place from which there would be no return. And every day, he teetered precariously on the edge, despite his conscious gnawing away at his gut. 

Jason stood at the porch screen door, his fingers hooked in his jeans pockets as he stared out at the rain. 

"Earth to Jason..."

He turns quickly and grins at Sandy. "You guys decided or what?" 

"UNO!" Rusty holds up a worn pack of cards as he, his girlfriend Theresa, and Will sat at the kitchen table of his house. 

Jason rolls his eyes. "Do you know how much UNO I've played in my life?"

"Not enough, for sure," Rusty quips. "Come on. I'll let you win the first round."

Jason looks back at Sandy with wide eyes. "He really thinks I need his help to win." 

"Apparently." Sandy laughs. "How about you prove him wrong." 

"I'll say." Jason wanders back to the table and sits down, taking a sip of his pop. "Alright, Rusty. Deal 'em up." He'd taken an impromptu day off work today, starting out with the morning spent with his mom and Kaylee, then coming over to Rusty's for lunch and some games. He had vacation time piling up, so he'd been spending it little by little lately. Some days off were sick days when his knee didn't feel like cooperating, and other days off were vacation to spend with his mom, or his friends, though usually his socializing with friends came after work in the evenings. He'd spent time with them once or twice a week, usually just hanging out for pizza, games, or just sitting around and gabbing. It was relaxing for Jason - something that helped him get his mind off his everyday worries. Being around old friends was a little taste of what he'd had as a kid - it was like experiencing part of his childhood over again and he liked that. Maybe because he'd never been able to socialize as much as he'd wanted while in high school. He'd always been too busy with Austin and TJY. It almost felt like he was getting a kind of second chance to just hang out with friends. Texting Rusty and Sandy had become fun too, giving him communication even when he wasn't hanging out with them, and one of them always wound up making him laugh about something.

Every day Jason recognized his feelings a little bit more. It was slow, but he was beginning to finally realize Rick was right - it would just take time. He was feeling more positive things lately though, and that was encouraging.

As far as he and Katie were concerned, he really wasn't sure what to think. The last couple weeks, they'd seemed.... distant. He knew she was bothered by him spending time with his other friends, but he was just trying to find a piece of himself again and wasn't doing anything wrong. He wished she would understand that, but she didn't seem to. He knew she loved him and wanted to spend time with him, but somewhere along the way, he'd lost himself... his individuality. For so long he and Katie had been almost one... it was always the two of them... always the pair. Jason didn't feel like just Jason anymore, and getting out and doing different things was helping him find out who he really was again. It was a new experience, and something he hadn't realized he'd needed until now. 

He loved Katie for sure, and didn't want things to change between them. He knew she was having a hard time with her own feelings too, so, in a way, he hoped that him spending a little time away from her would help her as it was helping him. They didn't talk about it though. It was just an unspoken topic that neither wanted to speak of, lest they feel more tension than they already did. 

One thing that did bother Jason though, was knowing that Katie had seen Hunter several more times. Though he trusted her, he didn't like it. He was always with a group of friends... Katie was spending time alone with Hunter. After their first little tense exchange though, Jason had let it lie. Was something going on between her and Hunter? He hoped not. He didn't think so. He trusted Katie more than that. But it still didn't set right with him. She'd seemed to have pulled away from him a little bit lately, and deep down, he'd wondered if it had anything to do with Hunter. For now though, he just let things go out of respect.

It would all work out. Of that, Jason was confident. The more time that passed, the more they would feel, and the more they'd get themselves back on track. It would just take time. He would feel better. Katie would feel better. And they would come out stronger in the end.


Carson fiddles with some numbers, leaning on the counter at Mom and Pop's. It was a strangely quiet day - maybe because of the rain. He wouldn't complain though - they'd had a good week so far and one down day wouldn't put them in a jam. For the moment, he was here alone. Aerith would be coming in later, and he'd let Dani go for a while since things were so slow. Now he was just catching up on some paperwork while thinking of the changes he wanted to make around here. Anything to keep his mind off less than pleasant subjects.

"I'll probably go home in a few days." Cindy sits in Con's cubicle, just taking a few minutes to talk with an old friend.

Con nods, balancing Kaylee on his knee. She was quite content to snuggle up to him, never fearing his size. "Have you seen Trey again?"

"No." Cindy sighs. "I... thought he might call me but he hasn't. I promised myself I wouldn't push him though so I've stayed back. It's been a good trip though. I needed some time with Jason and I had at least one good time with Trey so I can't complain. It's been nice getting away from the ranch for a while."

Con studies her face, only now realizing how tired she looked. These past few months had really done a number on her, and he wished there was something he could do. "Will you stay in Texas then?"

Cindy shrugs. "I'm really not sure. I have a house there... the ranch families are my family too now... but I don't like being away from Jason - and Trey now either. My house is full of memories I'd rather not face. I don't know if that will ever go away. But..." She takes a deep breath. "I owe it to myself and to Wes to at least give it a fair try. If after a while I just can't take it, I might consider moving back here. I'll just have to wait and see. In the meantime though, at least I don't have to worry about Jason dying or not knowing my other son."

"And Kaylee keeps you on your toes." Con grins and bounces Kaylee around, making her giggle.

Cindy laughs. "That she does." 

It was Jared's turn to feel heat in his face, although he does laugh. "Now wait a minute," he chides Grace. "You gave me permission to flirt with you, but nobody said anything about the other way around." 

He takes a sip of grapefruit juice and grimaces. "Okay - that one goes on the B list." 

Eying Grace with amusement, his gaze roams her face until landing on her own eyes. "For the record, you can flirt with me all you want. I gotta have something to help me with my ego, right? I mean, that got run over by a bus too." 

Taking a nibble of a chicken finger and murmurs his approval, accompanied by a sigh of content. "I think I'm in love. Can I take you home to be my cook?" 

"Competition, eh?" Eric laughs. "You're not gonna get much from me, I'll tell you that right now. I've been the worst player in the family for years." 

Dylan quirks an eyebrow. "Good, then maybe I stand a chance."

Surprised to hear any humor from Dylan, it takes Eric just a moment to laugh again. "I imagine you do at that. We should have teams just so I have a chance." 

"Well you're not gonna be on mine." Dylan's mouth twitched. "I think Ashlee would have you beat hands down." 

"And that's why Stacy's going to help me out." Eric gives Stacy a nudge. "Right?"


Following Hunter back to her own belongings Katie slips her socks and shoes on. In a way this almost felt like a fairy tail was ending. The only difference was She was with a good friend, and her prince charming was at home. Maybe Katie had taken this whole thing on wrong, maybe things would get better if she just gave it time.

Seeing Hunter hold the bottle out to her and the candy bar than his comment that followed Katie couldn't help but laugh. Taking the offered candy bar and the bottle of pop Katie takes a sip than hands it back. Unwrapping the candy bar and starting to eat it she couldn't help but murmur of satisfaction.

   "It's been ages since I have had chocolate. Or it seems likes its been ages anyways. Thanks Hunter."

Ashlee thinks for a long moment. A movie sounded like fun, but mini golf sounded just as good. It was hard to try and deiced between the two things. She new both of them would be fun, but what one to choose.

   "Awwww....Mini Golf. I think that would be prefect. Than we could all chat and there could be a little competition in there too."

It would give them more time to chat, and spend time with each other. A movie would be nice but they would sit in quiet and in a way that would kind of defeat the reason for going out. So mini golf it was.

As Jared eats one things Grace puts out another, Fruit, Juice, and moves into some lunch items, little sandwiches, little burgers, chicken fingers so much more. She enjoyed watching Jared try each thing and the faces that fold stores.

And his eyes...Grace can't help for a moment to get lost in them. They were deep and full of emotions, they lit up his whole face even if they seemed to have lost hope at the moment. She could only imagine what they must be like when he was happy. 

Realizing she was maybe looking into Jared's eyes for a little to long and he had just asked her a question Grace gives a blink before looking down quickly her cheeks getting a crimson tone.

   "Umm...sometimes yes, no to this existent though. I dont know Jared there is just something about you. Maybe its your eyes...maybe I want to see how good they look when they sparkle. Just one of those things I guess that can't be explained."

 Looking up at Jared though her cheeks were still red there was a smile on her face. She felt a bit silly though she didn't know why. Nore could she believe she had just rambles off everything she had to him. This was definitely out of her zone.



Hunter sighs deeply and lets his eyes travel up to Katie. "I suppose reality demands a look at the clock. I think all clocks should be gathered in one pile and A-bombed." He knew they should at least start heading back towards the bike. He was enjoying himself, but after all, he was with someone else's girl... alone... late at night. The last thing he needed was an irate boyfriend coming after him.

Getting to his feet, he brushes the sand off his shirt and jeans. "Okay... if we must."

Ambling back the way they'd come, his pace is much slower this time. It was dark but at least the moonlight was bright enough to see enough details in the sand not to trip and fall or step on driftwood. Getting back to their shoes and socks, he puts them back on, lacing his boots back up again. Once they were back at the bike though, he doesn't mount up right away. Instead, he goes for the treat he'd bought earlier.

Retrieving his Mountain Dew and the two Milky Way candy bars, he takes a long swig of the drink and nods with satisfaction. He then holds out a candy bar and the bottle to Katie. "I promise I didn't backwash and I don't have cooties."

Dylan realizes that Stacy's eyes were aimed at this end of the table and he exchanges a quick glance with Ashlee. "I'm... just along for the ride," he responds. A movie sounded okay. Miniature golf sounded kinda fun. But he really did feel that he was just tagging along and whatever the others decided would be okay with him.

He shrugs. "I'm okay with whatever Ash wants to do."

Eric leans back in his seat and grins. He knew a movie would be enjoyed if that's what was chosen, but miniature golf might provide more interaction and result in more fun for the group. Ultimately, it was up to Ashlee since it was her birthday though. "What'dya say, birthday girl?" 

"Hey, Grace," Jared greets, perking up as she enters the room. After she started on his legs then brought him the food, his eyes widen. "I didn't think you were kidding but... you weren't kidding." He chuckles. "Good thing I passed on the oatmeal this morning." 

Taking a nibble of bacon, he smiles. "Mmm... Bacon had to have been one of my weaknesses." 

Glancing up at Grace, his eyes, were a bit dark from a hopelessness that had begun to settle over him. But despite the shadows, there was a depth there that held a world of potential just waiting to be released. A flicker of spirit...life. "So are you this nice to all your patients?"

"Reese - Alec's outside city limits."

"Aw for crying out loud." Reese glares at his phone as Hal called him on the intercom. "Do you know anything else?"

"Nope. I think he's probably on his motorcycle. He's stopped though, right outside town, so I don't know what he's doing."

"Idiot." Reese sighs. "Okay, thanks." Collecting his thoughts, he dials Wyatt but can't reach him. This time he dials Gunner. "Brent?"

Gunner cringes. Reese only called him that if he was in a bad mood. "Yeah?"

"Connect with Hal then go pick up Alec. He's outside town."

"He's not supposed to be?"

"No!" Reese's exasperation is evident. "He knows good and well he's not supposed to be outside town. We let him roam free and he finally pushed it too far. I want him back here now."

"Okay, okay." Gunner grabs his badge and chain and slings it around his neck. "I'm on my way."

Alec sits on his motorcycle, parked along the shoulder of the main highway. He sat ten feet on the other side of the city limits sign, staring off down the road at passing traffic. Holding his helmet, the breeze combed his hair. He didn't feel it though. He was waiting. Just... waiting.

The past week had felt as if he'd been running in place - never accomplishing anything, but feeling utterly exhausted anyway. Nothing felt right. Nothing was anything more than miserable. He'd gotten word that Tal was still in the hospital but recovering well. Surprisingly, he was glad to hear it. But all it did was remind him what a wretched being he was. So here he sat... awaiting what he deserved.

It wasn't long before he sees a black vehicle pull up behind him. Watching in his mirror, he notes that it's Gunner. He sighs but stays seated.

Confused, Gunner exits the SUV and approaches slowly, finding this whole thing very peculiar. He almost expected some kind of ambush. "Alec?"

Alec turns his head slightly. "Here to take me in?"

"Yeah, well, that's pretty much the case." Gunner searches his eyes. "What's the deal?"

Alec shrugs. "Gonna cuff me?"

Gunner's apprehension lingers. Why was Alec so calm? It was almost scary. "I don't think I need to do that. If you're willing to go in, I'll let you ride and I'll follow you."

"Okay." Alec dons his helmet and starts the engine.

Still confused, Gunner just tries to shrug it off. Maybe Alec was always this weird and he just hadn't noticed. Once inside the vehicle again, he waits for Alec to leave first, then follows him back into town and to TJY...

"So what is it this time, huh?" Reese glares at Alec across his office desk. "Just decided to play hooky so one of my men would waste his time coming after you? Do you think this is some kind of joke?"

Alec's eyes remain on the floor and he says nothing.

"If you want me to take your bike away, I can," Reese threatens. "You won't get as far on foot. I know you came by it through under-the-table deals but I turned a blind eye because I wanted to let you have some freedom. But this is ridiculous. What were you doing anyway?!"

Alec finally raises his dim eyes. "I broke the rule. You gonna report it and have me sent to prison?"

"For sitting alongside the road and wasting our time? Unfortunately, that would seem a rather petty reason, don't you think?"

Alec shrugs. "A rule is a rule. The judge wouldn't be too happy to know I'd done that."

"No, he wouldn't. But I'm not going to report it."

"Why not? I thought you were honest."

"I am honest! I'm also trying to save your hide! Can you not see I care?!"

Alec jumps a little at Reese's loud tone. "If it's just your program you're worried about, I'm sure you can find some way of making it so the program doesn't have to end even if you put me away. Obviously I'm a unique case, and besides, you already have Carson and Gage and Phinox, and even Misty, as proof of rehabilitation."

Reese furrows his brow, just not understanding. "You make it sound as if you want to go to prison."

"It'd be better than this."

Reese was still confused. He didn't know why all of a sudden Alec would choose prison over this. But if that was the case, then keeping him here was a better punishment. "Fine. Then you stay and let this be a lesson to you."

"You can't keep me here if I keep breaking the law."

Reese gets to his feet and leans halfway across his desk, wearing a stern glare. "Alec Banks, if you're trying to bring this program down by getting yourself thrown into prison, then I got news for you - it isn't going to work. This is just a game to you. But you're losing. Guys like you don't win. You just keep playing til we tell you to stop. That's the way it works. Do I make myself clear?"

Alec swallows hard. "Perfectly."


Still leaning against the rock Katie breaths deep still catching her breath. She wondered if the small things like looking at stars, going for a fun, playing with seashells where the same things in life she'd let pass her by. Not having a connection now they took on a whole new meaning. Maybe all she and Jason needed was some time to slow down, to do something special together, just them.

   "I think we both need to take more time to look at them and remember life is to fast to just ignore the small things."

Finally leaning away from the rock and looking over at Hunter Katie smiles. It was getting later...than it already was but she had, had such a good night. In a way she didn't want it to end. Spending time with Hunter as a friend was nice and she wondered would this be the last? If it was, it was fun while it lasted.

    "It's getting late, you think we should call it a night or wast a few more hours?"

Once everyone had ordered Stacy looks around the table again and gives a smile. She'd been paying attachen to Dylan and Ashlee but not as atently as one would think. She wanted to give them there own place to chat and have a nice time. So far she though she'd done a good job. 

   "So, after this would you guys like to see a movie, or go mini golfing or something?"

Stacy new it sounded kind of kidish to say it the way she had but thats not how she meant it. She just wanted Ashlee to have a nice day and have some fun with Dylan. Sometimes acting like a kid was the best way specially if you missed out on that part of your life.

Walking down the hall holding a brown paper bag Grace smiled to the drs and nurses and she walked. She been up late last night cooking and putting a few things together for Jared today. She didn't mind she never fell asleep till one or two anyways so it didn't bother her to much. 

   "Good Morning Jared."

Entering the room Grace slightly closes the door behind her just leaving enough room that it wasn't closed, but no one could see in least she get in trouble for feeding Jared stuff he new she shouldn't.

Setting the bag of food down and removing her jacket Grace sets to work setting everything up on Jared's legs like she had the day before. This would also help the time pass quickly for him so he wasn't bored out of him mind.

Finished with that She goes to grab the tray she could set a few things down on before pulling out a place. The portions for each item were not big but that was so Jared could try everything and not get full.

   "Alright first up we have...Eggs, Bacon, Toast, Sausage and a little pancake. I figured we could start with some breakfast food. Also have some Milk, OJ, Apple juice, and grapefruit juice."

Foot O.o

"Okay.... See ya tomorrow." Jared gives Grace a little wave. Once she was gone, he leans his head back into his pillow, and wonders if all that had really happened. Why was Grace being so nice to him? Not that he minded... On the contrary, he had really enjoyed her company today. It was just interesting that she was giving him this much attention. Already he was looking forward to tomorrow. And it was the first time since being in here that he was looking forward to anything. 

The next morning, being woken early again doesn't seem quiet as bad, and instead of trying to go back to sleep, he flips on the television to stay awake.

Eric own face flushed crimson as he choked on another laugh. He didn't know if he was all that special, or if what Ashlee said was true, but the girl's innocent statement, coupled with Stacy's embarrassment was too much not to laugh at. His foot taps Stacy's under the table, letting her know he was more amused than anything else, and she need not be embarrassed. He was sure he wasn't the only man she'd paid attention to, but it was probably time to end this conversation.

Spying their waiter, he waves him over, trying to control his laughter. "I think we're ready to order now.... And if we're not, we're ordering anyway."

Once they've all ordered, things quiet down a little bit. The restaurant was starting to fill up now, so the chatter and noises around them were enough to fill any silences. Eric runs his finger around the rim of his water glass, a slight grin still visible on his lips. He'd let Stacy pick the next topic though - he wasn't going to be to blame for another subject that might get out of hand again. Although... it was still funny.

"Oh my... and I only wanted one nice thing. I should have asked for more." Hunter laughs and just stays lying where he is, still trying to catch his breath. "I'm not sure me being me is really a good thing though. At least you might find some opposition on that one." 

A shooting star suddenly zips across the dark sky and Hunter smiles. "Been a while since I've taken time to watch the stars... I guess I kinda miss it."



Trying to keep up with Hunter and seeing the rocks coming quickly Katie was thankful. It was a hard task to keep up with someone and laugh at the same time. Sinking down next to Hunter Katie could feel her lungs burning but in a way it felt kind of nice.

   "Something nice huh? Lets see..."

Katie brings a finger to her lips to think for a long moment about what to say. Though it really didn't take her long to come up with something letting Hunter just hang on seemed to be part of the fun.

   "Your funny, nice, good sense of a humor, and...your Hunter."

Seeing Dylan's grin it makes Ashlee's grow even larger. He tried to hide it but it slipped though anyways and she saw it. But she wouldn't bring to much attachen to it now least she embarrass him.

   "I have to say I've never seen her like this around someone before so I am not sure. You must be special Eric."


Stacy's face gets even more red at her daughters comment. Though she wasn't upset with her she was still embarrassed.

   "What Mom its the trust!!"

   "Well that might be true but you don't have to tell everyone."

Picking up her bag and slinging it over her shoulder Grace turns and gives a nod to him again. Smiling she was ready to drop her stuff off and head to the store to see what she could come up with. 

   "Tomrrow it is...we can do the food testing while we work on your legs."

Giving a knowing nod she heads for the door once again.

   "I'll see you bright and early." 


Jared just shakes his head, still finding it hard to believe that Grace was being so kind. "I like to eat too... at least I think I do... I'm not sure after being in here for so long." 

He smirks but a smile breaks through. "I don't know why you're being so nice but... thanks. Sorta makes me forget about all my complaints for a while." 

His fingers fiddle with his blanket again. "So um... see you... tomorrow?" 

Stacy's comment makes Eric's eyes go huge until he laughs outright. Her slip of the tongue proved he wasn't the only one that sometimes spoke before thinking, and although his own cheeks were red, it was too funny not to laugh. 

"Hey, hey..." He interrupts her, knowing the kids were listening now. "That's not fair, changing the subject." He looks at Ashlee and winks. "Does she do this often?"

 Dylan hides a grin and keeps his eyes on the table. Seeing Eric and Stacy having fun like this was... different. But somehow, he liked it. 

"What?!" Hunter is late in taking off at a sprint behind Katie, caught off guard by her bluff. "Why you little..." 

Trying to catch up, at least his legs were longer than Katie's, bringing him up to her side. "Slow?" he pants. "Stick in the mud... scared... slow..." He pushes to keep up with her. "What is it with you anyway?!" 

Reaching the end of the beach neck-and-neck with Katie, Hunter slams into one of the rocks to bring the run to a sudden halt. Sinking down into the sand, he flops onto his back with his arms spread out wide and laughs, trying to catch his breath. "For all the... the insults..." He gasps for air. "You have to say at least...one thing nice now." 


Looking into the distance where Hunter talked about racing too Katie just cocks her head for a second. A nice evening, the cool water and soft sand and a race? Was a good night this was and what a fun time it had been.

   "A race huh? I don't know about....SIKE!!!!"

Dashing through the water Katie splashes behind her. She know she was getting a little bit wet but it wasn't much so she new sooner or later it would be alright.

   "Now added to everything else...I think your slow."

Ashlee gives a smile as she sakes her head. Seeing her mom with Eric didn't bother her like seeing her mom with Jeff. There was just something about Eric she really liked.

   "Nah, I like Eric and he's always been kind to me. My mom deserves to be happy too, and I like seeing her happy."

   "Ohhh I've already checked you out..."

Realizing what she said Stacy's cheeks go red. She didn't mean it like that. She simply ment she had checked the first out when she had caught him speeding. 

   "I mean....umm....I ment....Sooo....everyone know what they want to eat?"

Giving another big smile Grace gives a nod. She loved to cook, and it might be fun not to mention for some reason just seeing Jared sitting there, knowing nothing about his past is made her sad.

   "Of course I would. I like cooking and...I think it would be nice to put my talents to use. Oh and I'll make sure nothing with pineapple."

There was hope locked in there some where...Grace new it. Maybe something told her Jared needed someone a friend in his life, and God too. This could be the way, maybe she could messenger, only God new the answer to that but who was she to say no to a calling. 

   "Not to mention if I make it that means I can eat some of it too and I LOVE to eat."


Seeing Katie laugh, Hunter's smile widens. Her teasing makes him laugh too. "Hey, I could stand like this all day." He keeps his foot in the air. "I studied under the flamingos." 

Finally setting his foot back down in the water, he shakes his head. Still grinning, he studies her for a moment, enjoying her laughter "There it is... there's the spark that was missing."

Turning quickly back to the water, he hooks his hands in his pockets and just stares out into the darkness. "If I didn't have to ride my bike back, I'd go for a swim," he muses. "Maybe that'll be for next time." He tosses Katie a sidelong glance, accompanied by a new grin. Would there be a next time? Who knew. Maybe she'd go home tonight, call Jason and they'd work things out and Hunter would be back to sorting through boxes on his evenings alone. No matter... he was having fun tonight and would remember it. 

Scanning the beach, he squints to the far end where the large rocks jutted out into the water. "Race ya to the rocks," he dares. 

Ashlee's words struck Dylan and he concentrates on his water glass. Was life the same as riding a horse? He wondered. 

Still thinking about that, his attention is brought back around as he's nudged by Ashlee's elbow. Following her gaze he looks at Stacy and Eric a moment before giving Ashlee a bit of a wry expression. He'd seen those two making eyes at each other long before this, and nobody knew just what he'd seen in the barn recently. "Could they be any more obvious?" he questions under his breath. 

Only after speaking does he wonder if Ashlee thought it was a good thing or not. There was only one way to find out so he didn't end up sticking his foot in his mouth. "Bother you?" 

"If I got any slower, the snails would pass me by." Eric gives Stacy a rather sly look. "Besides... what do you want with my file anyway? Have I been flagged as a suspicious character, or do you just want to check me out?" 

Thinking Grace is going to leave, Jared is surprised when she returns to sit on the bed. Hearing what she'd like to do, his face resembles something of surprise and fascination. 

"You... you'd do that? For me?" 

He had a feeling she wouldn't do this for just any patient. But why him? 

"Um... yeah, if... if you want to. I mean, I'm not gonna turn down food that hasn't been cooked here. Anything but pineapple I guess... I hear I'm allergic to that." 

His expression remains inquisitive though. "You'd really take the time?"

Slowed Down

Finished with the heat Grace moves around the room throw some stuff away and putting other stuff back into her bag. Stopping and looking at Jared again her cocks her head for a second her smile never seemed to fade.

   "We are doing to do this method for a week, than after that we will do it once a week. Every night though on your own I wasn't you to ice your legs, and put heal on them. Since your not using the muscles regularly you need to continue with the hot and cold to keep the blood flowing so they wont lock up anymore than they have."

Cleaning everything up Grace goes to the door to Jared's room and closes it slightly. She wanted to keep his spirits up and maybe even help a little bit with his past and she had a good idea. Coming over to JAred again she sits on the edge of the bed and gives a whisper.

   "So I know I am only a PT Dr but I was thinking tomorrow...maybe I can bring in some different samples of food you can try. It's one step forward in remember what you like and don't like, it would be something other and Hospital food, and it might be fun. What do you think?"

Taking a sip of her pop and sucking on an ice cube for a moment Ashlee gives a nod. Finally crunching down on it and chewing it she was able to reply.

   "I'll have to remember that...always get back on right away. Its...kinda like life I guess. We all mess up we are human, but taking a few steps back is ok as long as we move forward again."

It was nice chatting with Dylan like this. They had talked before for sure but this was more sit down, and having a extended conversation and Ashlee liked it. Looking over at her mom and Eric she quirks an eye brow before giving Dylan a little elbow and nodding twords them. A grin spread across her lips, she wondered if that look in her mom's eyes was the look of someone maybe becoming head over heels for another person.

Stacy gives a laugh sipping her coffee. Her eyes twinkle again as she looks over at Eric. Something about this night was special, maybe because it was his daughters birthday or maybe it was something else, but it felt so natural.

   "Well maybe if you slowed down, I wouldn't have to look up a file on you."

Katie can't help but laugh again loudly that she almost lost her footing. Regaining her balance though she continues to laugh. It felt good to laugh, a breath of fresh air, a spice in a dull food. Maybe this was why Jason had started spending more time with his friends...maybe this was what she had been missing.

   "Ohhhhh....a seashell...I shall carish it forever."

Taking a few steps forward Katie takes the seashell from Hunter's toe and holds it close to her pretending to show it some love. Looking up at Hunter Katie gives another laugh.

   "I think you better put both feet back on the ground before you fall on your butt."



A fighter... was he really? Jared's cheeks gain just a bit more color as he gives Grace a sheepish sort of grin. "That wouldn't be so bad. Even a black sheep's gotta fight for something, right?" 

It was a somewhat encouraging thought. And even that was better than nothing at this point. Maybe Grace was right. Maybe he could ask some different questions of his mother and brother. Questions that might not be so sensitive. Simple things. Jared really didn't have a whole lot of hope when it came to his memory, but it would be nice to know a few more things. He knew he would be in the hospital for a while yet, but he'd like it if he at least had something to go on when he was finally released. 

"So, um... how often do we do this stuff with my legs and all that?" 

"Eh... falling off isn't so bad." Dylan shrugs. "Sparky always makes me get right back on again. He says if a rider doesn't, it'll just make it all the harder to get back on later. I figure he's right. Although I'm probably just more stubborn than anything and don't want Sharpshooter to think he beat me." 

His finger draws little designs in the sweat of his water glass. He hadn't talked this much since... well, it had been a while. It was better than just sitting in awkward silence though.

Eric's one eyebrow arcs and he grins back at Stacy. "Ah...so now I actually know your age for sure. I should have tried that method sooner. Although I must say, it ain't fair that you've got everybody's files. It means I don't got any secrets, and that is definitely not to my advantage." 

Leaning back in his chair, his grin becomes a full smile, his eyes twinkling. "I'll have to think up some new stuff just so I can say there's something you don't know about me."

Hunter can't help but laugh at Katie and he shakes his head. "First I'm a stick in the mud, and now I'm scared. Within five minutes, you have totally destroyed my entire reputation - you do realize this, don't you?" 

Smirking at her, he finally takes a step into the water so it comes up to his ankles. Swishing around a little bit, he stops short, his eyes going wide. "It may not bite, but I swear I just felt a nibble on my toe."

Pausing again, he furrows his brow. "Oh, wait... no... my bad." Lifting his foot out of the water, he had picked up a seashell with his toes. Remaining balanced on one leg, he lifts his dripping foot towards Katie. "Here have a shell," he teases.