

Seeing Katie laugh, Hunter's smile widens. Her teasing makes him laugh too. "Hey, I could stand like this all day." He keeps his foot in the air. "I studied under the flamingos." 

Finally setting his foot back down in the water, he shakes his head. Still grinning, he studies her for a moment, enjoying her laughter "There it is... there's the spark that was missing."

Turning quickly back to the water, he hooks his hands in his pockets and just stares out into the darkness. "If I didn't have to ride my bike back, I'd go for a swim," he muses. "Maybe that'll be for next time." He tosses Katie a sidelong glance, accompanied by a new grin. Would there be a next time? Who knew. Maybe she'd go home tonight, call Jason and they'd work things out and Hunter would be back to sorting through boxes on his evenings alone. No matter... he was having fun tonight and would remember it. 

Scanning the beach, he squints to the far end where the large rocks jutted out into the water. "Race ya to the rocks," he dares. 

Ashlee's words struck Dylan and he concentrates on his water glass. Was life the same as riding a horse? He wondered. 

Still thinking about that, his attention is brought back around as he's nudged by Ashlee's elbow. Following her gaze he looks at Stacy and Eric a moment before giving Ashlee a bit of a wry expression. He'd seen those two making eyes at each other long before this, and nobody knew just what he'd seen in the barn recently. "Could they be any more obvious?" he questions under his breath. 

Only after speaking does he wonder if Ashlee thought it was a good thing or not. There was only one way to find out so he didn't end up sticking his foot in his mouth. "Bother you?" 

"If I got any slower, the snails would pass me by." Eric gives Stacy a rather sly look. "Besides... what do you want with my file anyway? Have I been flagged as a suspicious character, or do you just want to check me out?" 

Thinking Grace is going to leave, Jared is surprised when she returns to sit on the bed. Hearing what she'd like to do, his face resembles something of surprise and fascination. 

"You... you'd do that? For me?" 

He had a feeling she wouldn't do this for just any patient. But why him? 

"Um... yeah, if... if you want to. I mean, I'm not gonna turn down food that hasn't been cooked here. Anything but pineapple I guess... I hear I'm allergic to that." 

His expression remains inquisitive though. "You'd really take the time?"

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