
To say Hello

Standing in Reese office Ryan couldn't help but wonder what was going on now. The last time she had been in here it had been for about an hour she'd been question and hounded about Alec. She'd never had much luck in this office so she wasn't expecting it now.

Just listing to Reese Ryan nods once or twice just to let him know she was listing. She really hadn't though about Alec lying about everything. Not that she thought he wouldnt, or couldnt but she just hadn't though he did.

Waiting for Reese to finish talking Ryan cross her arms across her chest letting out a long sigh looking back at Reese. She wasn't cocky, but she held her head high not backing into a corner like a child. Her voice was firm but different from when she had talked to Jason knowing talking to the big boss was just a little bit different.

"I don't know anything more that what I have already told you people two times now. As for if Alec says anything I will keep what you said in mind and consider what I tell you. I don't make a habit of running right off to someone else and blabbing stuff I have been told. But like I said I'll keep it in mind."

Turning and going to the door Ryan stops before going out. Looking over her shoulder at Reese Ryan gives a small smile.

"You can call me Ryan by the way. Ms. McKade was my mother and she's been gone for a while now."

Leaving Reese office Ryan lets the door fall softly shut behind her moving her way through where Susanne was and than out into the cubicle area. Crossing that and coming to the infirmary Ryan gives it a small knock before entering. Giving a smile to Rick and Misty she says noting making her way over to Alec's bed.

"You look like your slightly better today. How do you really feel though?"

Ryan gives Alec a grin as she draws closer to the bed. The bruises were taking on a yellow color that at least mean they were healing.

Leaning in Ryan press her lips to Alec's to say hello her hand finding the side of is face letting it linger for a long moment before pulling away to let him answer her questions.

Entering Dr. Hawks office Hope offers a smile and lets the bag from her shoulder slip down to the ground as she sat down in one of the very comfortable chairs. Hearing the Dr wanted to fill her in on a few things made Hope feel good knowing they wanted to keep in the loop. Not only because Scott was her pashent but because of her close bond with him too.

Just listing and nodding her head slightly Hope took in what the Dr was saying with an open mind. Happy to have what someone else though about the situation out on the table so maybe she could see another angle.

"Thats a very intresting though you have about Scott's eating and it does making a lot of sense. So in a way its not his own fault, he just needs to train himself again. I would guess as well he is in a consistent about of pain mentally, and physically that maybe he cant even tell hunger pains apart from the other things he is feeling."

The wheels in Hope's head starts turning thinking and continuing to process everything. It was important to take in everything and remember the details.

As Dr Hawks starts to talk again Hope eyes seem to change a little. It hurt to think Scott didn't even want to take pictures anymore when it had been something he'd loved so much. Thats why she made sure to bring his camera with them.

"Yes, I can take it and put it in my car. That way when Scott is ready it will be there for him. Hearing something like he threw an item that meant so much to him away really stings you know because its a sure sign of just how far he's drifted."

Letting out a sigh and running a hand over her tired face Hope nods again. She'd told Scott she would come ever day no matter if he wanted to see her or not and she was happy the Dr agreed.

"Yes, I figured it would be the best thing even if he didn't want to see me I would come letting him know I was here, keep myself busy someplace for about an hour and than let him know when I was going again. I figured it would help him show I wasn't giving up on him, and I would be there when he was ready. I am happy you agree with me on that Dr. I do thank you for keeping me posted on what was going on as well."

Busy trying to tape on of the binding of a book that desperately needed to be throw out, Libby had refused to do so yet. If she could just get the tape to hold in the right place the book could at least get a years more use. Wrapped up in her work and having earphones in she hadn't hurt Ty enter the room.

As the song ended though that she was listing to Ty talked at the same time so she could hear him. Giving a jump Libby takes the ear phones from her ears and turns in her chair putting the book she was working on down.

Seeing Ty standing there a smile spreads across Libby's face. It was a nice surprise to see him there. Standing from her chair she looks back at the books and gives a little laugh.

"As hard as I can. You'd never believe how long it takes to repair just one book. Feels like I am never going to catch up."

Looking back to Ty again her eyes sparkle her heart giving a little flutter. She really was happy he had come to see her and only hoped it was not because he had ill news to tell her.

"It's a nice surprise to see you. I thought for sure by now you would be fast asleep in dream land."

Hard at work

Reese sighs deeply, having to agree with Phinox. "Yeah... I think you're right. I just wish I knew what he was scared of... or what he thinks he needs to be scared of. There's got to be a missing piece somewhere."

Leaning back, he scans his desk and holds up his hands. "I guess that's it for now. Thanks, Phinox. I may come to you again."

Ty grins a little as Libby gets comfortable with him, liking everything from her hand in his, to her foot wrapping around his. It just felt... good. Would he feel stupid tomorrow? He had no idea. But he might as well live and enjoy now for what it was worth and worry about feeling stupid later.

Eventually, it was Wyatt who broke up the scene as he got home from work to find both asleep on the couch. It was late, and Ty hated to say goodnight, but he knew he must. So all that was left was watching Libby drive away as he stood on the porch, tracking the tail lights of her pickup until they were gone.

By noon the next day, Alec is sitting up in bed, starting to feel better as his bruises have begun to lessen. Still in pain though, he doesn't move around much yet, mostly sleeping or bothering Misty when she walked by. Supper with Ryan last night had been enjoyed, though he would rather not have had the audience of Rick... however when coming up for air after a goodnight kiss, Rick was suddenly nowhere to be found.

Ryan had said she'd be back today, so Alec waited - he had nothing better to do. Little did he know that Ryan was already here, but Reese had summoned her into his office.

Reese looks across his desk at Ryan, very calmly, almost gently. "Miss McKade... I know we don't have a great history here, so I'll make this brief. All I ask is that you hear me out."

He sighs, knowing Ryan probably wouldn't like what he had to say. "Another agent and I suspect that Alec is lying about his kidnapping. We're not sure why or for what gain, but I need not list all the things he's contradicted himself with, telling us his story. It's very obvious that he's lying. The problem is, that we need to know why."

He purses his lips. "Contrary to what you may think, I'm not out to get Alec and I'm not trying to trap him or prove he's bad. This is for his own safety, and for all ours too. Playing around with the Agency is extremely dangerous and we need to figure out why Alec is lying before it's too late."

Reese pauses, searching Ryan's eyes. "If you know anything, or if Alec tells you anything differently than he already has, please.... please for everyone's safety, let me know. But as long as we know Alec is lying, I can't let him out anymore. We need to know the truth."

"Glad to see you again, Doctor Garrison." Dr. Hawks smiles as he sits down on the corner of his desk in his office, having taken time to talk to Hope when she'd arrived to see Scott again.

"I just thought I'd let you know a few things before you saw Scott again. I have some concerns, and I guess I wanted to know your perspective and just forewarn you as well."

He folds his hands and shifts a little, thinking. "Scott still isn't eating. He had a piece of bread and some juice last night, but that's all he had the night before, too. He says he isn't hungry. Personally, I think it's been so long since he's eaten well and regularly, that he's forgotten what hungry feels like. Even when he was in a state of improvement, it would be my guess that he wasn't eating all that well then either. He's let himself get so far that hunger isn't important to him anymore. He doesn't know when his body is asking for food. That's half the battle - the other half is making him actually care enough to learn how to eat again."

Dr. Hawks sighs, though he doesn't want to worry Hope too much. He did want to be honest with her though. "Scott's aid, Jenny, who you met, she told me that she found Scott's camera in the garbage yesterday morning. She took it to lot and found so it wouldn't be thrown away. I thought perhaps you would like to take it instead though. I read that photography was Scott's main hobby, so I'm assuming he threw his camera out as a statement that his hobby doesn't matter while he's here. He feels his life has been taken from him, so what's the point in trying to do something he enjoys."

Pausing again, Dr. Hawks lets Hope process everything he was telling her. "Obviously you know very well the psychological patterns of patients, though I'm sure it's different being as close as you are to Scott. I know he probably doesn't want to see you but... even if he hates you, your persistence and consistency in coming is one of the best things you can do."

It was pretty unusual to see Ty in a library, for obvious reasons. There wasn't much point to him being there when he couldn't read, and usually he was sleeping during the hours it was open. He should be sleeping now since he had to work tonight, but the bike ride had felt good. It was a nice day out and the exercise had been what he needed.

Parking his bike out front, he spies Libby's truck and heads for the library's front door. Once inside, he isn't sure where to go, but asking directions, he finds the stairway that leads downstairs. Wandering around for a few minutes, he finally finds the room where Libby was working. Ambling in, he looks at all the books around him, his nose catching the scent of old books and dust. "Hey... looks like someone's hard at work."

Wrapped up

Phinox thinks for a long moment on what Reese was saying and all the questions he had. It might have been a while since he was with the Agency but he had made a job out of remembering everything he could. His training, the training of other along with other stuff only to be able to help the Elite that much more.

"If he really was set back here by the Elite from my experience he would in fact do a whole lot better with his lying. With his story each time its something different and that causes holes and gaps. Trying to over up for people like the Agency you wouldn't want to cause holes because we would start looking into it."

Straightening a little more in his chair Phinox falls quest again thinking for a long moment just letting the silence in the room take over. Processing everything in his own mind before he spoke again.

"The Agency knows he's been here, they wouldn't feed him back in forth because they know we have people like Carson on our side. We can make him tell us anything about the Agecny if held onto long enough. They wouldn't risk it like that. It would be better for them to kill Alec off and send someone new in undercover than have someone who had been captured."

Standing and pacing a little Phinox brings a hand to his chin. He wasn't sure why Alec would be lying to be honest, and he didn't have a full answer for Reese. His only thoughts were assumptions and putting half peaces together.

"If I was to guess by his actions I would say he's scared and thats why he is lying. Working for the Agency again...No I don't think so I think they would of killed him where he stood even after he said he told us nothing. It feels like he's lying because he's running from something as to what..I don't know. It could very well be the Agency did try to kill him."

Moving up to the couch with Ty Libby didn't object as she make herself comfortable in front of Ty. Leaning her head down on top of the pillow Libby let out a content sigh. Would this last longer than a day? Libby didn't know but she did hope. Being with Ty was so nice, and the way he treated her made her feel so good compared to those at home.

Keeping her fingers locked with Ty's Libby said nothing laying there with Ty. His arm around her she felt safe, and ready to watch the rest of the movie now. Her foot finding his Libby links it around his just resting it there, being totally wrapped up with Ty.


Ty didn't know how long they'd been embracing or how long the slow kiss had continued. He had not expected to experience this with Libby, but now that he was here, it felt so good.

Eventually he knows that they need to pull away, lest they make some bad decisions. But he lets the kiss linger for a few more moments, drinking in the last bit of incredibly warm feelings. Drawing back slightly, a smile comes to his lips and he gives Libby's nose a soft little kiss. "I think we both won," he concludes quietly.

Still grinning, he pulls himself up, relieving the weight from Libby. Helping her up off the floor too, he keeps her hand in his, pulling her back to the couch with him. Then lying on his side, he eases her down with him so she could lie in front of him. With his chin right above her head, he could still see the television, and his arm drapes around her waist, tucking her in closely to him, her back against his stomach and chest.

Kissing the top of her head, he settles his own head into a throw pillow before finding the remote and rewinding the movie.

Reese lets out a little groan and rubs his forehead wearily. "Why is he lying?" He looks over to the chairs on the other side of the desk where Phinox was sitting after bringing the report on Alec. "And he's not even doing a good job." He shrugs. "That would indicate panic to me... but why? I mean, you're right - any decent Agency member is going to not only have a keen sense of direction, but they could lie through their teeth and no one would ever know. Alec is messing up his story big time."

Still thinking, he shakes his head. "Maybe he wanted it to seem real... you know, an average person might contradict themselves a few times if they'd been through trauma like a kidnapping. But would he really think that we would view him as average? But then we're still back to square one - why would he lie at all?"

Looking at Phinox, he just lets the wheels in his mind turn for a few moments. "Do you think he was sent back here for a purpose? I mean... bad intentions from the Agency? Make it look like they tried to kill him, then send him here to feed them information? He should still lie better if that was the case, but setting that aside, it's possible, isn't it? I mean, he's been helping us a bit lately, sure but... if they made a better deal with him or he finally got that freedom he wants... do you think he would come back here and double-cross us?"