

Helped into bed and forced to accept what Angel wanted to do, Jeff remains silent, grouchily compliant. He hurt from head to toe and felt hot. If they all hadn't made such a big deal, he wouldn't feel this poorly now. 

Left alone with Katie, his eyes were dim. "So much for going for that ride with you this afternoon." Struggling just a little, he manages to kick off his boots, letting them fall to the floor with a thud. 

Sinking his head back into his pillow, he looks at his arm where the IV had been inserted and he sighs. Another dizzy wave hits and he closes his eyes. "Ya know... this is not how I pictured myself before I turned at least eighty." 

Outside, Mick paces until he sees Angel emerge. Though Jeff had ordered him out, he hadn't gone far, just in case. Following Angel towards the mess hall, he frowns at her concern. "I know. I can't figure out what's got under his craw lately. He's been moody for the last two weeks and refuses to slow down. He was okay before that and took it easy when he needed to. Now he's fighting for all he's worth." 

As they get to the mess hall, he stops before entering, turning to study Angel's face. "I don't want Katie to go through any of this either but I don't know how to stop it. There's gotta be some way to get through his thick skull."

Alec chuckles and nods. "No harm in starting early. That just means you're excited." He did wonder how Carson would be involved or if he even wanted to be, but he'd keep those questions to himself. 
Downing the rest of his coffee, he stifles a yawn and stretches. "Thanks for breakfast. It hit the spot." Finding the wall clock, he thinks for a moment, coughing. "I guess if I head home, I can pick up my other clothes and get back here around noon. If you're working today and want me to do something around here while you're gone, I can." 


As Jeff goes to the floor Angel was quick to bend down with Katie's help and get him back up in the bed. She was thankful at least Katie was there still to help because she did need it. Getting Jeff into bed Angel sets to work hooking up and IV to Jeff for fluids and placing a warm cloth on his neck to cool him down.

Going to the bathroom Katie grabs a cup and gets puts some water into it. Bring it back out to Jeff and having Angel hand her the pill Katie gives a small smile.

   "Here this will help you relax a little."

Angel watches as Katie helps her and she gives a small sigh. She didn't understand what was going on with Jeff and why he was fighting against her so much. Jeff had never been like this before and she didn't know how much more he could take before he really would end up in the hospital.

   "Katie I am going to go back to the office and see about getting a cooling pack. I'll be back and bring you both some food ok?"

Turning Angel leaves the office to greet Mick outside once again. Stepping down off the porch she has him follow her.

   "I don't know whats gotten into him Mick but if he doesn't slow down I am going to have no choose but to send him to the hospital. He's going to end up hurting himself if he doesn't listen and I can't stand by and watch that. I only hope though it really dosnt come down to that. Katie had been though enough as it is."


Jeff only growls his frustration at Angel, turning his back on them. He really did just want to be left alone. Couldn't they see that? He'd take a nap, he'd wake up fine and everything would be okay. Why couldn't they just respect his privacy and what he wanted to do with his own life?

Katie's soft voice sends a pang to his heart and he glances over his shoulder at her. He was upset that she was in on ganging up on him, but even more upset with the fact that she was seeing him like this at all. She shouldn't have to see him weak. Sick. Helpless. Yet she was begging him to give in. Couldn't she see that he was fighting not to become a worthless ranch hand with nothing to do but sit around? Couldn't she see he needed his freedom? But he never had been able to say no to those eyes, even before she knew he was her father.

His shoulders drop in surrender. "Fine."

Mick steps closer and takes his arm to help him to the bed, but Jeff gives Mick's hand a violent brushoff before glaring at him. "Get out," he hisses. "You're not needed here."

Though the words stung, Mick backs off with hands raised. "Alright... but I'll be back if Angel needs me to."

Jeff rolls his eyes in disgust. "Just go before I make you."

Mick knew good and well that Jeff couldn't physically handle anybody right now, but he wouldn't argue and make things worse. Turning to go back outside, he shrugs lamely at Angel. "I guess he's all yours. Good luck." He throws Katie a sympathetic look, but that's all he can do right now.

Once Mick is out of the bunkhouse, Jeff's knees buckle, sending him to the floor next to his bed as sweat pours down his neck.

Just Cant

Angel does her best to stay calm but was very happy that Mick was there to help. If she had been here alone she doubted she would of even got into the door. She was upset and didn't understand what was going on with Jeff but she did know from looking at him he needed fluids, something to relax with, and to take it easy like she had instructed.

   "Jeff, if you don't calm down and let me help you than I will have to force you to go to a hospital where they will make you. I can't keep doing this here if you wont help yourself too because I don't have the tools."

Looking to Mick Angel's eyes were filled with worry but she meant what she said. Here she didn't have the tools for someone who was going to fight against her. It would only end in someones getting even more hurt and she wasn't going to let that happen.

Watching Angel and Mick Katie eyes go to her father and she soften a little along with her own tone. She just wanted him to be ok. Truly ok because right now he wasn't and it worried her.

   "Please dad just let them help you before something happens. I can't lose you to right now...I just...cant."


Unable to get a word in edgewise, it was probably best, as Jeff's blood begins to boil. He couldn't remember any time that he'd been upset with Katie like this, and he probably would have said something regrettable, had she stuck around.

Left alone again, he growls at the closed door before managing to turn and make it back to his bed. With his boots still on, he flops angrily down on the mattress. All it does is serve to bring back his shortness of breath though, making him even madder. Selfish? Really? Prideful? Just because he didn't like being constantly ill? Just because he wanted to put in a full day's work and be useful? Just because he wanted to live life instead of spending his last days lying around in bed?

Overhearing Katie and Angel, Mick is right on his feet when asked. "You bet. Right behind you." He didn't know what on earth had gotten into his brother-in-law. Jeff had always been stubborn about doing too much, but it hadn't been this bad in a long time, and never this bad since his health had declined to this point. Did he have a death wish?

Following Angel to the bunkhouse, he sees Katie coming too, with Angel's bag, and he feels rather sorry for her. She shouldn't have to be dealing with this. If Jeff would have just used his head this morning, none of this would have happened. Maybe Mick should have put his foot down.

Stepping up on the porch, he knocks then goes to enter, but finds the handle locked. "Jeff?" He knocks again. "Open the door."

Still lying on his stomach, Jeff turns his face to glare at the door. "No!"

"Jeffrey Pent! Don't make me walk all the way over to the office to get a key." Mick rattles the doorknob. "Come on!"

Groaning, Jeff gets up again, staggering a little as the dizziness returns. Unlocking the door, he opens it only a crack then rolls his eyes at seeing Angel. "Guys, I'm fine. Please. Just let me take a peaceful nap, will ya?"

"Just let-"

"All you're doing is raising my blood pressure." Jeff is careful to aim his glare at Mick and Angel and not Katie. "So just leave... me... alone."

Mick would have given up, had he not seen the sweat trickle down the side of Jeff's face. He wasn't well, and he needed help. "No." Pushing against the door, the weight is too much for Jeff, and Mick manages to get inside.

Jeff steps backward, swaying as he puts a hand to his head. "Get out of here, Mick! Just get out!"

"You need help."

"The only thing I need is to be left alone!" Jeff's head starts to pound and his heartrate increases. "I'm fine!"

"Angel?" Mick turns to her with question. "What do you want to do?"


Katie can feel her own irritation rise even more. Jeff might being trying to be strong but at the same time he was being selfish. Thinking he could do more than he could and pushing himself to the limits and making himself ill when he new not too.

   "You can wait here but I am going to get Angel come to you and if you want to be angry with me than you can. But you should stop being so selfish and doing what you want to do when you know you can't. When you push yourself are you thinking about anyone else or you own pride? Crap happens and you deal with it not continuously make yourself sick till one day you have to leave everyone who loves you behind because you didn't want to feel weak. It's stupid, selfish, and unfair of you to do that."

Turning Katie could feel the tears roll out of her eyes. They were hot and angry but she meant what she said. It wasn't fair and she hated to think of something bad happening to him because he just wouldn't listen. 

Leaving the bunk house Katie makes her way back to the dinning hall and enters going to the table where Angel and the other sat. She was out of breath and tears still filled her eyes but what was more scary was just how upset she was, more anger and disappointment than anything else.

   "Angel its dad he wont come and see you but he needs too. Can you come to his bunk please? You might want to bring someone else with you too...he's not to happy."

Looking up at Katie Angel stands and gives a nod though she herself was frustrated herself and felt bad for Katie. She didn't understand why Jeff just wouldn't listen.

   "Alright Katie can you go to my office and grab my bag, I'll head to the bunk. Mick can you come with me please?"

Angel new Jeff might put up a fight and though he was weak she wouldn't be able to hold him still to do anything to help him alone, and on top of that she hoped Katie wouldn't have to see her father fight. It was something she shouldn't have too.


Alec chuckles and nods. "No harm in starting early. That just means you're excited." He did wonder how Carson would be involved or if he even wanted to be, but he'd keep those questions to himself. 

Downing the rest of his coffee, he stifles a yawn and stretches. "Thanks for breakfast. It hit the spot." Finding the wall clock, he thinks for a moment, coughing. "I guess if I head home, I can pick up my other clothes and get back here around noon. If you're working today and want me to do something around here while you're gone, I can." 

Jeff bristles and gives Katie an annoyed sidelong glance. "I didn't overdo anything, and I am not going to Angel." He was exhausted, his muscles were fatigued, maybe he was dehydrated, his chest hurt and he was dizzy. Of course it was more than just his equilibrium off - it was an attack of overexertion. But he wasn't going to feel weak. He wasn't going to keep letting people tell him to take it easy and do nothing. 

Shaking his head, he tries to get over his dizziness, letting go of Katie. "I don't know about you, but I'm going to get some lunch, so come on. Don't make me sit alone." 

Almost to the door, he loses his balance and runs up against the wall to keep from falling. Gritting his teeth, he glares at the floor, knowing good and well that no, he couldn't walk fine, and there was no way Katie was going to let him go to the mess hall. 

"Or... maybe I'll just stay here," he concludes. Looking over at her, he grins. "I suppose running into walls in the dining hall wouldn't look too good," he kids. 

A little more

Giving a smile as Alec asks about the baby she was happy he was excited and though he didn't say it she could see the look in his eye that said he was. She was more than happy to have him apart of the babys life as long as he continued to walk the right bath and stay clean.

   "I'm only about two months or so along so there is still lots of time left but that just gives me time to straighten things out and get ready."

Finishing off her own bit of toast Misty pushes her plate aside. It was nice having breakfast with Alec and if he was around more at least the house wouldn't be to quiet. In a way she was thankful for that. It would just be nice knowing someone else was in the house too encase anything happened.

   "Still trying to get ideas for the room. I know it's early and all but I guess I'm just a little excited myself and want to start on it. That way I can slowly add and dont have to do it all at once."

 Helping her father up Katie just watches him. He was good at trying to hide anythings about himself but this was something she could see though. She new without him saying it he over did it this morning and she was a little bit aggravated with him for it. He new better and yet he did it anyways.

   "Or you could of over done it this morning like everyone keeps telling you not too."

Letting out a sigh Katie continues to hold Jeff up as he gets his footing. Seeing the waves of dizzyness though Katie didn't like it and she was worried knowing something could be really wrong.

   "Come on, I'm going to take you to Angel because I think there is a little more than just your equilibrium off. I'd rather not have you keel over so I can more dinners with you. Can you walk ok?"

How far?

Being told the truth about Misty and Carson and that it was Carson who had left for another woman, Alec remains quiet. Part of him felt a strange sense of guilt. He'd cheated on Ryan with another woman, even if at the time he'd felt he was doing it to protect her. Would he have, if he'd been married to her? He couldn't answer that. Regardless, he himself made mistakes, and he was as bad as anybody... but he'd respected Carson and looked at him as a stable, good man, worthy of following - whether he'd ever expressed that or not. And now... he saw that Carson was just as stupid as he was. Maybe he didn't have the right to judge because he'd done the same kind of things himself, but he felt badly for Misty - doubly so, knowing she was pregnant.

Not given the chance to comment, Alec lets Misty change the conversation back around again, seeing that she really didn't want to talk about it anymore. He couldn't blame her. She'd been dealt a rotten hand. He was glad to know that she and Jason weren't the cause of the breakup though. At least she had a good friend and... maybe Alec hadn't gotten along all that well with Jason, but he knew Jason was a good man and was glad he was around to help out. 

Giving her a little nod, he forces a small smile at her confirmation about him staying there. "Thanks. This... this really means a lot to me. I, um... I guess I've been taking a lot of things for granted, ya know? Thought I could do everything myself and just have it my way all the time." He shrugs. "Wish it wouldn't have taken the hard way to get me to see it but... I guess that's what I get for my stubborn pride." 

Finishing off his eggs and bacon, he moves on to his coffee, sighing deeply. Yes... a good breakfast felt awfully good. 

"Congratulations, by the way." Another smile surfaces. He wasn't allowed to interact with Mackenzie, but it sounded like Misty would let him be an uncle to her baby and that... gave him a nice warm feeling. "How far along are you?" 

Though not even having heard Katie, the shake to his shoulder rouses Jeff and he opens his eyes. Looking up at her, he wishes he'd been able to get over this before anybody missed him. 

He nods to her and gives her a wry grin. "Hey, Kiddo. Sorry... just needed to take a quick breather and I guess I dozed off." 

His chest still felt tight but at least his breathing was halfway normal now. Maybe he could get away with no one knowing he'd overdone it this morning. "I do want some lunch though so I'm glad you came looking for me. Otherwise I mighta missed it completely." 

Getting his aching muscles to move, it hurt worse than he thought it would, though he tries not to let it show. Once he's on his feet though and tries to take a step, his hand goes to Katie's shoulder to steady himself as a wave of dizziness hits him. "Mm... okay..." He chuckles, making light of it. "I think my equilibrium is just a weebit off kilter here. Just give me a second."


Searching Alec's face Misty could see many questions that lingered there about everything that was going on. She new it was maybe a shock to him and he couldn't help but wonder and make up his own thoughts. But maybe even if she didn't want to talk about it, it was best if she told him what was going on so nothing got two out of hand.

   "Carson was cheating on me for months...maybe even years I am not sure. But thats why he left. It wasn't till after I got his note admitting it I told him he was going to be a father but he'd never get a chance to see the baby. I...I know its his right but I dont want the child knowing a man like that. Not someone who is still in so many tangled webs."

Looking down at her plate again and taking her fork again Misty pokes at the eggs for a second as she still trys to control her emotions. Everything was still new, and it still hurt to think about how she had been betrayed but She had to let Alec know he was family.

   "And Jason...he's been a very good friend of mine from the Elite for a long time. He's a good guy, and a great friend."

Letting out a small sigh Misty looks up at Alec again and gives a small smile. She was doing her best to hold herself together in front of him. Moving on to the next topic Misty was thankful for. It was still hard talking about everything so a little at a time was enough for her.

   "You can have a place to sleep, food to eat, and a little extra money to help you get on your feet. I can't pay you much but the other two things will make up for that. I don't mind at all and am happy to help. Like I said, your family no matter what."

Letting out a small sigh that Mick new nothing Katie couldn't help but be a little worried. She new Jeff was about as thick headed as she was. Thats where she got it from and she new he was over doing it, but he just wouldn't listen to reason about it. 

   "I'll check his bunk than. Thanks Mick."

Leaving the mess hall and walking to the bunk house Katie tucks her hands in her pockets. It was a nice day out today better than it had looked this morning anyways. After her talk with Hunter last night she was feeling a little bit better even if she was slightly sad for her friend situation.

Getting to the bunk and knocking on the door Katie waits, and waits. Not hearing anything she checks the door to see if its unlocked. Seeing it was she enters slowly.


Seeing the form in the bed Katie comes over very slowly. If he had worked that hard this morning now maybe he was just over tired. Kaite shakes her head and she lays a hand on his shoulder and gives him a little shake.

   "Dad, lunch is ready you going to join us?"

Unvoiced Questions

"I'll eat just about anything," Alec admits. "My taste buds still are off a bit I think, but for the most part there's not much I don't like... especially when it's been poptarts or skipping breakfast for a while now." That much was true. His eating habits hadn't exactly been healthy lately. He still favored bold flavors, especially sour like lemonade, but was continually trying to move past the affects of the Agency drug. At least other things actually tasted good to him now... as did this breakfast. 

Eating the food Misty had prepared, he has to force himself not to eat too quickly. Maybe he hadn't realized how much he'd missed real food. Another dose of cough syrup calms his cough a bit as well, and feeling a little better physically helped his mood too. 

As Misty addresses him, he pauses eating to look over at her, curious as to what she meant by an offer. The curiosity is quickly replaced by surprise though at the news of her pregnancy. His eyebrows rise as his eyes widen. He wouldn't have guessed she and Carson would ever have a kid with how Carson was. He wonders for a moment if perhaps Carson was a jerk enough to have left because of Misty being pregnant. He hoped not, though. Alec had done a lot of bad things, but that would even cross the line in his book. 

Left speechless, he just listens. Work around the house? Wait, what was that about Jason? She and he weren't...? Alec was confused now. Surely there wasn't something between Misty and Jason and that's why Carson had left. Right?

Alec blinks, realizing he'd left Misty hanging in silence. "Um..." The thought of being around here more was definitely appealing when comparing it to his own dingy apartment and being alone. He could help out, sure. He was more than capable, and if he could get a couple good meals out of it, that sure was better than what he had now. 

"Yeah..." He was still surprised she'd offered at all, and was still unsure how to take it all. Shaking his head, he apologizes. "I'm sorry, I just... I keep thinking you being kind to me is gonna run out or something and this is... really nice of you." Searching her face, he finally nods. "I'd like to help out here. I don't need to get paid though. If... if maybe I could just share a few meals? And maybe just... just stay on the couch for a little while? Until I find a job?" He didn't have much time left before Reese was going to kick him out of his apartment anyway, and until he did find a job, he wouldn't have anywhere to live. He'd be foolish to turn down Misty's offer. "I don't wanna get in your way or anything though. I still got a week or two left at the apartment 'til I have to be out, I think." 

Sitting at the table with some of the others, Mick looks up at Katie and smiles. It was nice having her around here again and he'd enjoyed seeing more of her. Her question makes him furrow his brow though, a little concerned. 

"No... he didn't say anything to me, and I'd hardly think he'd eat by himself when you're around." That wouldn't be like Jeff at all. He didn't always socialize with the gang at mealtime, but he'd never skip out with Katie around. 

Mick shakes his head. "He was working pretty hard this morning but when I asked if he was okay he bit my head off. A while ago he headed to his bunk to clean up before lunch." He shrugs. "Maybe he's just ticked off at me. Might be worth you checking on him though."