
New Ones

Alec gives Ryan a crooked grin, a bit of life sparking in his eyes. "I don't try to look good for just anybody, ya know..." Returning the wave, he knew that she had to go, and their time was over. And for a few moments, he just stands, watching the door even after she'd gone. 

Finishing the last couple swallows of coffee, Alec tosses the cup in a trash can before heading back outside. Standing under the small overhang, he sighs as he looks at the rain. It had let up a little bit at least. Looking down the road, Ryan's car was long gone. Had he cut her lunch break short? He wondered. 

Finally starting forward, his mind doesn't let him let go of the brief conversation with Ryan. It had felt really good just to have a light chat with her. But in all reality... he did mean what he'd said... She really had ended up with the better man. Tal wasn't the type to lie, cheat on her or beat up somebody she loved. He respected her and treated her right. And Alec... comparatively speaking, he was a real jerk. Ryan was definitely better off with Tal. 

And the ache in Alec's heart returns. 

Jared wasn't sure if it was Grace's words or her touch that made his heart beat faster, and he wondered if she could feel it under her palm. His eyes drift down for a moment before coming back up and locking with her gaze. Reaching up, he covers her hand with his own, just letting his palm rest against her fingers while his thumb runs along hers.

"I guess I do have some good memories to hold," he replies softly. "But I'm kinda enjoying making new ones too..." 

Leaning a little closer towards her, his face pauses just inches from hers, close enough to feel her breath on his cheek. His hand grips hers a little tighter as he searches her eyes for signs of what she did or didn't want from him. 

Carson bites his lip at Misty's tone, his shoulders dropping just a little more. He hadn't really expected much but maybe he still had some lingering hope - that was quickly being destroyed. 

Taking a step inside the room, he stops as Misty mentions him bleeding, and he looks down quickly to discover she was right. He hadn't even noticed. "Sorry." Sucking on the top of his hand to get rid of the excess blood, he then uses his other palm to put pressure on it so it would stop bleeding.

Daring a few more steps he shakes his head slowly. "I don't need anything... Just wanted Rick to release me was all." Studying Misty, he comes just a little closer. Oh how he longed for just one kind word... one soft glance. But her eyes were as cold as steel. 

"No... I take that back... I do need something." His eyes continue hunting for any sign of warmth. "I need you." His voice is quiet... defeated. "I've been living a nightmare without you, Misty. And I've worked so hard to keep you safe... I don't understand why you won't even talk to me." Tears spring into his eyes, making them sting. "Our marriage is important enough for me to fight for it... I thought it was to you too." 

Jaz blinks, genuinely surprised at Nate's stated purpose for being here. "Um... yeah... come in, please." She opens the door wider so he can enter, before she shuts and locks it once more. 

Looking up at him, she studies his face for a moment. He really meant it... he really had come back just to check on her. And today, when she was feeling most low, it struck a chord down deep. 

"Thank you for coming, but... I'm not okay." Wrapping her arms around herself, she walks into the living room to sit on the edge of the couch. Her eyes stare down at the coffee table. "This whole thing... from the beginning... it's been one nightmare after another. I told myself years ago that the Agency wouldn't break me but this... I don't know how much longer I can hold on." 

Her voice begins to waver and a new tear trickles down her face. "They took my house... killed my dog... forced me to come here. All this time, I've been so alone. Carson's been here, but..." She pauses to swallow as several more tears fall. "...but he's so wrapped up in his own world that... that I don't even matter. All I wanted was a hug..." Her voice cracks and she keeps her eyes on the table. She felt silly for spilling everything to Nate, yet she just couldn't hold it in any longer and he was an easy target. "I know his reasons for not wanting to touch me. I understand and I respect him but... but to have been so close to a man at one point and now receive no warmth at all, it... it's just hard."

Bending over, her shoulders shake as the tears come in earnest now. "And now it's all fallen apart and I don't know what to do. I don't like it here. I hate being alone and... and I'm so scared..." 


Giving another small smile to Alec Ryan slightly nods resisting her own urge to put a hand on Alec's shoulder. That would not be good, that would not be right and not help anything. No she wouldn't do that. Though it took a lot to hold it back.

   "You didn't rune my lunch, just try not to be such a downer next time. It's kind of a turn off."

Flashing another smile to show she was joking slightly. Giving a nod and a small wave Ryan turns heading twords the door before stopping and turn back to Alec.

   "I'll see you around. Keep taking care of yourself, it seems like so far your doing a great job. You look good!"

Grace can't help but laugh at the next few pictures. Jared was right he sure didn't look happy that he had to have those hats on. It was kind of cute at the same time though there was just something about his look that even though it was a scowl there was a twinkle behind it. Maybe there was a hidden pleasure to the hats.

   "I think it's kind cute with the crooked hat and that little scowl on your face."

Glancing at Jared and seeing him look down to her lips and than back up she can't help the smile that spread on her lips. There was a tingle down her spin and for a moment she wished Jared would of just gone for it. Over the last month she'd grown close to him, gotten to know him, and she started to care. It was something she couldn't help but some where along the way...she'd fallen for him even if she had a hard time admitting it to herself. 

   "You know...have a book like this is good. It keeps your memories alive, and as long as they are than the person is never truly gone. They can live here..."

Taking her hand Grace places it over Jared's heart and just lets her hands rest there. In his heart he dad would always be and Grace new that. If Jared could remember the good times, it would help heal the bad and that was what she was aiming at. 

Hearing Carson's voice Misty looks up quickly form her desk. Studying him for a moment Rick had been right he really did look like crap. It was easy to tell he hadn't been taking care of himself and it made Misty slightly sad. 

   "It's the infirmary I can't tell you no."

Letting out a sigh and looking down at her paperwork Misty leave it for now. Maybe Carson needed help, this was her job and she couldn't turn him away not when he was sick no matter what her personal feelings to him were.

   "Rick's not here right now but I can help you. Did you need more pain meds, something to help you sleep, another IV since the one you had it would seem you took out. You're dripping blood on my floor."

As Jaz opens the door Nate stands a little taller. He was happy he'd gotten the right apartment and that he'd open the door for him with out shooting first. Giving a nod and a reassuring smile he wanted her to feel comfortable yet trying to remain a little bit different in case anyone one was watching. He didn't want Jaz to be in anymore danger.

   "No, No...Carson is going to be ok. He's in good hands with the TJY Drs. I came for you actually. Can I come in? I think standing here in the open is not the best of ideas. I promise I mean you no hard though I just want to take and make sure your ok."