
Cling to you

Entering the movie theater Cassy didn't mind leaving the conversation behind for now. Looking up and down the rack Cassy really didn't know what she was in the mood for. Going to the other side so the rack was between them Cassy looks over it and gives a grin to Leo.

"Lets see...I don't want anything scary because than I'll have to cling to you."

Taking her finger Cassy pokes one of the movies making it fall from the self in front of Leo with a clatter. Giving a laugh she moves on as she picks it up continuing to talk to her.

"I don't think I want anything to romantic because than I might cry"

Using her finger Cassy pokes another moves making it fall on the opposite side once again not being able to contain the laugh this time.

"How about Pirates of the Caribbean. Everyone likes that movie."

This time using two fingers Cassy pokes two of the movies off the shelf before looking around as they hit the floor with a bang. Than looking across as Leo once again she opens her eyes wide for a moment before letting them return to normal as she pursed her lips, but she eyes held the strong smile.


They were juts words... but maybe they sunk in a little deeper than Leo would admit. Cassy really did genuinely like him and that was something. Just friends or not, it did make something deep down feel good.

Opening his mouth to respond, Leo doesn't have a chance as the line moves and he's forced to pay and receive their food. He hands the bag over to Cassy and gets their drinks settled in the cup holders before getting back out onto the road. He takes the long route and wonders if she would even notice.

"Kinda hard when I really don't know what makes me happy anymore." Leo picks up right where they'd left off. "Everything just frustrates me at the moment."

Catching an unexpected red light, he slams on the breaks, the drinks teetering precariously out the edges of the cup holders. "Oh... forgot, we need to go pick up a movie." Turning on his blinker, he heads to the nearest movie rental place, leaving behind their conversation for now.

Letting the food stay in the car, he goes inside with Cassy, wandering the aisles, though letting her do the deciding. He'd meant it when he said she could pick - he'd watch anything she picked out, even if it wasn't his favorite genre. "Whatcha looking for tonight?" he asks, tilting his head to read the video spines. "Action? Drama? Romance? Comedy?" For now, the topic of movies was much more liked than the topic of himself.

How I

"You can learn to like you with out changing who you are, or maybe you do need to change who you are. I guess I don't have the answers I can only speak for myself."

Closing her eyes for a moment Cassy stops and thinks.

"..and by the way your mark on my world is not you dropping a wrench. Its the work you are doing for me, and the dance I shared with you so long ago. Thats how I remember you."

Turning her head to look at Leo Cassy gives a soft smile, and she couldn't help the twinkle in her eye from frustration, but something about it just seemed to glimmer brighter.

"Do what makes you happy Leo because thats always whats important. Just makes sure its what you want, and you know it will make you happy. Sease the day and don't hesitate, jump forward and get what you want. Don't just sit and do nothing. Go out and makes yourself happy like you deserve."

I don't like

Leo wants to defend himself, but really, he had no defense. He knew running away wasn't the answer and it was his bad mood doing most of the talking. At the same time though, he felt as though he just wanted to break away from everything and start with a clean slate.

Trying to focus, he places their order and continues through the line. He does hear Cassy's quiet comment as he stops behind the other car, and his eyes drift over to look at her for a moment. "I got a handful of people who might admit the same thing," he counters. "One of them is Ryan. Unfortunately, she found something better. See... that's what it is with me." His tone grows a bit frustrated. "So people like me... maybe I'm just a nice guy, I don't know. But nothing I do gets me any further than I am right now. My mark on the world is just where I keep dropping my wrench instead of making something of myself. I'm just... me."

Sighing again, he leans his head against the window, reaching down to turn a little bit of air on. "I don't like me," he mumbles.

The way you are

"Running away never fixs anything Leo, no matter how much you want it to."

Letting out another sigh and shaking her head Cassy felt so horrible knowing Leo was like this and there was nothing she could do to change it. Leo had a think skull this much Cassy had learned just for talking to him a short while.

"I'll take a number two med, with iced tea please."

Leaning back in the seat again Cassy looks out the window for a long moment before talking again. She liked Leo the way he was, she liked that he danced, and worked in an auto shop. She liked he was a klutz sometimes it made her feel like her own injury had someone to share with.

"I like you the way you are anyways....From day one I always liked you."

Cassy's voice was soft, she wasn't even sure if Leo would of herd her or not, not to mention even answer her. It was just how she felt, she liked Leo, he was different from Steve and she liked it. He helped fill an empty hole even if he wanted to be just friends he still filled something inside of her.


Leo's fingers continue to strum the steering wheel and he wishes the line were moving faster. Though he doesn't look at Cassy, he is listening and mulling over her words. He understood what she was saying, but couldn't really ingest it at the moment.

"I don't know, Cass..." The nickname came out without him even realizing it. "After today, I'm thinking more along the lines of finding a new hobby... something different... something fresh."

After thinking a moment, he gives a short, dry laugh. "As if. Maybe I can make a hobby out of fixing toilets or something."

Finally making it through the drive thru line, he looks to Cassy with question. "What'll you have? My treat since I'm being a grouch."


Thinking for a long moment as Leo gives her the low down Cassy could have guessed he had been able to let Ryan go. She could see it in his eyes, and hear it in his voice when he talked sometimes.

"Maybe you guys need to talk without walking away, even if it gets heated. I just might be something you need to do to clear the air and help you move on."

Drawing silent again Cassy takes a moment to look at the menu as her brain continues to turn thinking about what else Leo had to say.

"Your mood could be affecting your preforming as well. If in a bad mood or sad it could keep your mind at bay from pulling out your true potential. Maybe if you practice with me we can get you to use your emotions in the dance, and draw out another strength. Your one of the best dancers I know and because some snob likes someone else should be no reason you lost a spot you deserve. We should show her up...I mean...you should anyways."

One too many

Leo gives a little sigh, but goes ahead and turns the car towards Wendy's. "Sorry. I know you were looking forward to a night out, but you're right... I don't feel much like being out and about. Staying in sounds good. You get to pick the movie though to make up for it, okay?"

It only takes a few minutes to get into the line at the drive thru, and Leo stops behind another few cars. Leaning his elbow by the window, he rests his head on his curled hand, his other hand tapping lightly on the steering wheel. "I... had words with my ex." It sounded ridiculous, but he knew Cassy wouldn't mind him talking about it. "It wasn't bad, just... well, it was my fault. I guess I just haven't been able to let go."

His eyes bounce between the cars in front of him and the menu board. "Then I found out I'm at the bottom of the stack again down at Baxtor. One long nap later, I was late to pick you up, but my head feels like it got one too many kicks today."

If I didn't

Continuing to study Leo Cassy can see the lines on his face of stress. Rolling her eyes at his comment Cassy turns a little facing him more.

"Why don't we grab some fast food and a movie in. I can tell your not in the mood to be out and thats ok."

Cocking her head a little to look him in the eye Cassy tried to read what was wrong but she couldn't. Maybe it really was one of those days, but she hated Leo thinking it bored her.

"You don't bore me Leo. If I hadn't of wanted to know what was wrong I wouldn't have asked. As for you apology, its ok I get like that too sometimes."


Leo forces a smile as Cassy gets into the car. Her eyes were bright and she smelled nice. It was good he'd shown up. He didn't want to disappoint that face.

Hearing her question, he puts the car in gear and pulls out of the parking lot, not really wanting to answer her. He would lie to her though. But he need not go into details. "Yeah... just one of those days, I guess." He gives her a sidelong glance and half a tired smile. "I won't bore you with the details, but I'll apologize in advance if I'm not very good company tonight."

He stops at a red light and looks down the available streets. "So - where to eat?"


Hearing the honk of a horn Cassy gets up and goes to the window looking out. Seeing Leo's car before a smile spreads on her face. She had been starting to think he had changed his mind, but seeing he was here after all made her heart jump.

Going into the bathroom quickly to straighten her black shirt, and jeans Cassy puts on a little perfume before grabbing her light jacket and heading out the door. Her hair pulled back with a hairband, a few strands of hair still finding her face.

Still smiling and getting into the car Cassy gets a whiff of Leo's aftershave. She always loved what he worn, it smelled so nice and light.

"I was starting to think I'd eat alone tonight. I'm happy I waited for you. Everything ok?"

Studying Leo's face for a long moment Cassy wasnt sure if there was something behind his eyes, almost like a sad longing or if she was just imagining things.


Leo doesn't stick around long at the garage. Within minutes, he's cleaned up his bay, clocked out and left the shop. Axel still observes quietly from his corner, watching both Leo and Ryan. He wished there was something he could do, but unfortunately, he knew that this was their battle. It wasn't his place to take sides, try to figure out who was right or wrong, or stick his nose into their business. It didn't mean he couldn't pray though.

By the time Leo reached Baxtor Studio, he was halfway dry, though it still was obvious he'd been out in the rain. Dashing inside, he shakes off some of the water and runs his hand through his hair, looking around for some of the people he knew. Greeting a few, he heads down to the corner office where the bulletin board was. If he'd been here last night, he wouldn't have to check the listing, but he'd missed, so he was left to finding out himself. It always made his stomach queezy. He could have called Rich, but he hadn't wanted to bother. It was better just to find his name on the list and...

He sighs. Jerry got the leading role... again. Leo hadn't even gotten a good part in the play at all - he was so far down on the list, it would be a wonder if they even missed him if he didn't show up.

"Hey, Leo!" Joe gives him a hearty whack on the back. "Where were you last night? Janet made the final call. I almost gave you a ring."

"Nah." Leo shrugs. "Didn't matter much." He points to the list.

"Yeah..." Joe frowns a little. "I wasn't too happy about that."

"Jerry deserves it."

"He's no better than you are."

"Apparently he is," Leo counters. "I haven't had a leading role since Cassy was here."

Joe quirks an eyebrow. "Cassy... Cassy..."

"Cassy Howard. You know... brunette... about this tall." Leo motions with his hand. "Petite. Real pretty."

"Oh yeah!" Joe nods. "I remember now. That was that last time you had a lead?"

"Yep. Maybe it wasn't me after all."

"Hey." Joe gives Leo's arm a thump. "You usually don't care about the spotlight. I need not mention that in our last production you were second in line from the top, but besides that, what gives?"

"I don't know." Leo leans back against the wall and folds his arms. "Guess I'm just in a bad mood."

"I'll say." Joe smirks at him. "If it's 'cause of this though-"

"No, it's not," Leo cuts him off. "This isn't a surprise. I'm lucky to be on stage at all."

"Would you quit doing that?!"


"Putting yourself down!" Joe sets his hands on his hips. "So Janet threw you in the backseat this time. She's got a thing for Jerry, we all know that. Doesn't mean you're any less deserving."

"Did you know that she got complaints about my role the last time?"

Joe's face falls. "What?"

"Yeah." Leo tries to smile a little. "She got complaints about me playing that part in the musical."

"From who?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does!"

"Look, some people just don't think I fit the bill!" Leo throws up his arms. "Regardless of my dancing, they don't like me, and they've got pull with Janet, so I might as well just run the lights and stay off the stage."

Joe's eyes narrow, though his anger wasn't towards Leo, but others. "You know you're a good dancer, right?"

Leo shrugs. "Whatever."

"No, I mean it. You're good. You're not the best, but who is? We're all learning here. I've been here ten years longer than you, and I'm still not where I wanna be. But you can't quit just because someone put you in the back seat. Your time will come."

"I'm not so sure of that." Leo shakes his head. He'd been right when talking to Cassy. He was a jack of all trades and a master of none. "Look, I gotta go."

"You be back for practice tomorrow... right?"

"Yeah, probably." Leo gives a short laugh. "That's what idiots do - they keep coming back for more."

"Leo, you're not an idiot!"

"Today... today, I think I am." Leo sighs. "Thanks, Joe. Glad you're on my side and I appreciate it. I'm just having a rough day. I'm sure I'll be back tomorrow night and I'll be glad to take any part Janet gives me. Just... don't make a big deal out of it, okay? I'd rather hide in the shadows on this one."

"Alright. Take it easy, okay? I'm worried about you."

"I'm fine." Leo pats Joe's shoulder. "I'll talk to you later."

"Can I call you tonight?"

Leo waves as he walks away. If Joe wanted to call him, he could. Getting back outside into the rain, Leo slides into his car and just sits for several long minutes. Was it just one of those days? Or was everything really falling apart? He'd been doing alright, he'd thought, but now he seemed to be back where he started all over again. Alone, feeling low and not knowing where he was headed. Would he ever figure out where his life was going? Maybe it was good that Ryan had dumped him. Maybe she knew he was a loser - better for her then.

Driving back to his apartment, he sacks out on his couch, face down in the cushions without bothering to change out of his wet clothes. By now, he needed to at least start getting ready to go over to Cassy's, but he just didn't feel like getting up yet...

Leo's eyes fly open and he blinks in his dim living room. Grunting a little he tries to right himself from the awkward position in which he'd fallen asleep. A cushion slides off the couch and he almost falls off with it. Sitting up, he runs his hands over his face sleepily. His hair had dried in every direction, and his eyes stung.

Stumbling to the bathroom, he splashes some water on his face, trying to wake up. He almost felt like he had a hangover. Making it back to the kitchen, he hunts for something to drink, downing some iced tea right from the pitcher, he aims for the living room again, flopping back down on his couch. Just as he's reaching for the television remote though, he remembers. Cassy.

Looking at the clock, he swears under his breath and stands up again, going right back to the bathroom, this time for a shower. He was going to be late.

A hot shower, clean clothes and a bit of aftershave later, Leo is skidding out the door and trotting to his car. He really didn't feel like going out tonight, but he felt even less like calling Cassy and canceling. He knew she'd been looking forward to food and a movie. He might be having a bad day but that didn't mean he had to make her day a bad one too.

Driving across town, he finds her apartment and parks, giving his horn one honk and waits. Fifteen minutes late wasn't too bad. He could have called, but what excuse would he have had? Better to just show up. He'd offered to drive so he wouldn't back out now.