

Carson returns Misty's kiss and grins. "Thanks for waiting - this has been one ridiculous day."

He reaches to the cupboard to retrieve some glasses before getting some ice as well.

In the living room, Con stands and returns Jamie's glance. He gives a little shrug. He had no idea why Carson was acting so odd, but he figured it would be best just to try and enjoy the evening now that they could proceed with supper. Putting his arm around Jamie's shoulders, he walks with her to the dining room table.

The evening seems to go well and the atmosphere is rather pleasant, despite the late start. Carson and Con get to laughing at the dinner table over something, winding up in soda pop needing to be cleaned up after the laughter with a mouthful didn't work so well.

Once dinner was over and the four were just sitting around chatting, a few yawns start, but it was rather early to call it a night yet.

"Okay, who wants to play some cards?" Carson raises his hand.

Con looks at Jamie, hoping she didn't want to go home yet. "I'm in, if my wife will let me," he teases.

Axel grins and kisses Jess' nose. "Thanks... for being patient with me. I couldn't ask for anything more."

Dancing slowly for a few more minutes in silence, Axel finally comes to a stop and takes Jess' hand to lead her to the living room. Easing down on the couch, he puts his arm around her shoulders, holding her close.

"I'm sorry, Jess... I haven't been fair to you lately."

Sighing, he thinks a little bit more. "When Liz was here... you know she spent the night. And um... she caught me sleep walking. Not a surprise - I still do it all the time. But she caught me going outside right through my little alarm system."

It didn't seem like much. Someone who didn't know his background wouldn't understand. But to Axel... it was an extremely important detail. He swallows hard. He doesn't realize his fingers were lightly rubbing Jess' shoulder with nervousness.

"Back when... that day I was arrested. I had a similar alarm rigged. Remember I told you that I finally realized I was innocent because the alarm was still intact? That I couldn't have gone out without knowing it?"

He shrugs lamely. "When Liz caught me there... that blew my whole theory. I could have left that night. I could have done what they all said. I could have come back and reset my alarm without even knowing it."

He bites his lip, feeling again the desperation. "I want to believe I'm innocent, Jess... but I still can't prove it, even to myself."

Pausing at the TJY door, Pete cocks his head, listening to Trey. He wanted to smile, but he refrains. He really was surprised, though. In just one evening, Trey had made a big step. What had Ariel done last night? He wondered.

Crossing his arms, Pete thinks for several moments. "Well... I can certainly try. I haven't known Ariel to hang out anywhere but he beach parties since they tend to be calmer but... maybe I can think of something to convince her to come."

He finally grins. "I'll figure out how to get here there and you can figure out what to say. But take my advice... honesty is always best and knowing Ariel, that's all she'd want."

Comfort, Love, Content

As Carson comes into the house Misty perks up a little bit. Tossing a smile in Carson's direction Misty lets out a sigh of re-leaf he was ok. Hearing his reason for being late Misty gives a nod but almost finding it hard to convince herself that it made sense but she let it go.

"I'm happy your ok sweet babe. I was getting worried."

Going into the kitchen Misty leans in and gives Carson a kiss before baking up again and yelling into the living room.

"Well the table is set if you guys want to sit down. I'll bring the stuff out. Hun can you find the drinks please."

Standing throwing a strange look to Con. Something felt off though she wouldn't say anything. Maybe it was just her imagination but Carson was extra chipper almost in a nervous say and seemed to ramble a lot too. Strange.

Taking Axel's hang Jess smiles standing and just letting his wrap his arms around her. Jess felt so safe in his arms. The comfort, the love, everything she needed to feel completely content.

Looking up into his eyes Jess own sparkle in the dim light as she leans up and gives him a soft kiss on the lips before pulling away.

"How could I turn you down humm? I think thats just not possible. I'm always here when you ready, and willing to give you space as long as I know your ok."

Jess new Axel needed his alone time sometimes and it could streach for days on end, but she was willing to give him that as long as he did let her know he was ok and he always did. It was just part of the relationship they had come to an understanding on and it seemed to work out for the most part.

Seeing they were back at TJY Trey lets out another sigh. This time is was more of a here we are again. He new he should be thankful he had a place to say but this...this was not what he was use to this was not home.

Giving a chuckle and a smerk at Pete and his comment for a moment it was almost like he could read his mind. Getting out of the car and closing the door behind him Trey walks to catch up. Getting to the door he stops again and looks to Pete one more time.

"I'll help with you paper work if you...can do something for me."

Trey swallows hard for a moment before looking to Pete again. It was kind of hard to admit this. But he new he would need Pete's help.

"There is this girl I think I owe an apology too and...."

Rubbing his hand along the back of his neck for a minute Trey wasn't sure what he was gonna do.

"...I need you to convince her to come to the party tomorrow too but...don't tell her I am gonna be there. She might not come. I...I was pretty bad to her yesterday. Than I gotta....figure out how to say sorry and mean it."


Con smiles warmly at Misty and shakes his head. "It's fine. I bet something last minute happened at the restaurant." He was a bit more worried than hungry though. It wasn't like Carson to be more than five minutes late...

Ten minutes later, Carson's car pulls into the driveway...

"Honey, I'm home!" Carson slides through the front door, carrying a grocery sack. He immediately spots Misty, Con and Jamie in the living room and his wide smile turns rather crooked. "I am soooo sorry, guys." He kicks off his sneakers and sheds his jacket. "Got out of the restaurant later than I wanted, then I got stuck behind a car accident on the way to the store. By the time I got there, I was already late but I couldn't call 'cause my cell phone had died." He rolls his eyes and heads to the kitchen, still talking over his shoulder. "Then on the way here, would you believe I'd forgotten about the accident so I took that route here and wound up waiting again? I think I left my brain at Mom and Pop's."

Putting the soda pop on the counter, Carson sees that supper had been held, and his gut twists a little. "Holy cow, you guys must be starving. I'm hungry and I haven't been sitting here smelling supper for the last hour."

"Juice, I got." Axel nods and sets about pouring them both glasses of juice. Joining her at the table, he cocks his head and just looks across at her for several moments before reaching over to take her hand and pray for the meal.

Conversation was light while they ate. Axel keeps the topic mostly on Jess and how she was and what she was doing at work. He suggested going to the lake for a picnic over the weekend, or going to a concert - where he wasn't needed as part of the band.

Once the meal was over, Axel clears a few of the dishes but doesn't leave the kitchen. Instead, he turns off the overhead light so just the light above the sink is on, leaving the room in a soft glow. The music was still playing softly, and Axel goes to Jess, holding out his hands. Grinning, he pulls her close to him and sways gently to the music. With his hand around her waist, his eyes gaze down into hers.

"Thanks for coming over." His voice was quiet and just as gentle as the music. "I thought maybe you'd turn me down since I haven't been around much this week."

Trey's mention of the party makes Pete's eyebrows rise. He was certainly surprised at that. He would have been relieved if he would have gotten back to TJY without a fight - Trey's lack of temper was much more than he'd hoped for.

Before he can answer though, he hears Trey's final comment, and it reminds him just where this young man really was - in a pretty tough spot, as far as trust and family and friends were concerned. And that... was why Pete had not informed Reese of what had happened.

Reaching TJY and finding a free parking space, Pete shuts off the car and finally turns to look at Trey, setting his sunglasses on his head. A smile curls his lips. "Don't expect to figure out the trust thing overnight... I still haven't gotten there completely and I've been working on it for years." He gives a short chuckle. "As far as the party goes... yeah... yeah, I think I'll come. You won't be the only one not drinking though - I got an early morning tomorrow."

Giving Trey's arm a friendly light punch, he opens his door. "Come on. If you want, I got some paperwork I could use some help with unless you'd rather go down to the dungeon."


Jess can feel her cheeks turn a little red. It was nice to get such a good comment from Axel. She new he always though she looked good but it just felt good when he noticed he had just done a little extra. Axel always made her feel good, and she liked it.

"You looks pretty dashing yourself tonight."

Looking twords the table where Axel pointed to the flowers Jess smile grew even more. Going over and leaning closer to smell the aroma of the flowers Jess already new right where she was going to put them. On her night stand so she could go to bed looking at them and wake up the same way.

"I think I'll take some juice if you have some."

Sitting down at her spot at the table Jess smells the flowers again. It had been so sweet of Axel to do this. He just made her heart melt all the time. The feelings she got when he would surprise her it was just amazing. Now that the mood was set Jess didn't want to ask about his strange mood lately. Maybe after dinner would be a better time?

Sitting and just listing to Pete Trey fiddles with the coffee cup before taking another sip. He wanted to be mad, he wanted to be angry and yell at Pete. If it had been yesterday he was sure he would, but today...something about today he didn't feel much like yelling.

Looking out the window and letting out a sigh Trey wasn't quite sure how to feel. He'd enjoyed his time with Ariel and Pete, than last night with Ariel being so sweet and now Pete not telling Reese he was even gone and drunk off his butt it made Trey wonder if he even had a right to be mad anymore.

"Thanks for not telling Reese."

Just continuing to look out the window Trey falls quiet again as they drive. The silence was something Trey welcomed normally, being alone was something he was use to but now...he'd tasted what it was like to have people around, to have friends, to have someone care and being alone just...didn't feel the same anymore.

Letting the silence linger a little more Trey lets out another sigh as he finally looks to Pete. He new he looked like crap, and he felt it. Not just pyscaly but emotionally too.

"Got wind that tomorrow there is going to be a really killer party down town. I doubt I'll drink but wanna come with me?"

Trey is silent again for a moment before speaking again. He new he was skipping around but its how his brain was working right now.

"Bare with me...this whole people caring thing and putting trust in them...its new."

Fingering her phone Misty gives a smile to Con and Jamie. She felt bad that they were kind of just sitting there. She was hungry they must be, she wanted to do something a little more entertaining they probable did too. Some fun night this turned out to be.

As Misty looks down at the phone again she only hopped Carson was ok. It was unlike him not to call if he was going to be late and it made Misty worry. She'd tried calling him but it went right to voice mail.

"I'm sure Carson will be here any second. I'm sorry about this guys."


Jess' greeting makes Axel smile and he returns the hug. "I did have to do this," he corrects. Pulling back a little, he searches her eyes. "Because all I've done this past week is disappoint you." Leaning in closer, his kiss to her lips is long and slow as he holds her tightly.

Drawing back, he rests his forehead against hers, another smile appearing. "Besides... the way you look tonight, I'm not so sure I would have wanted to take you out anyway. I might have ended up with some competition."

Grinning, he lets her go and gestures to the table. "The seat with the flowers is yours. What would you like to drink?"

Pete sighs and shakes his head. "Maybe it's just a lame attempt at saying we're sorry." He keeps his eyes on the road. "Thing is, Trey, we both always cared. We didn't know you, and we didn't know what kind of a guy you are... and we wanted you to trust someone so we could make sure you were safe to be around TJY.... but that doesn't mean we didn't genuinely care."

Reaching a stop sign, he slows the car to a stop and shrugs. "It's twisted, I know. But it's the truth. And today... well, I guess we both found out that you're not a threat, and somewhere along the way we really did start to consider you a friend. Maybe what we... what I... did was wrong. Maybe I shouldn't have gone about things the way I did. Maybe you didn't need the little show of me being on your side and against Reese when really, he knew everything I was doing."

Pete knew that this part of it was new information to Trey, which could make things worse. But at this point, truth was more important. "Ariel and I - we never meant to hurt you. For all we knew, you weren't even going to stick around this long. To be honest, I didn't think you'd still be at TJY at this point. I thought you woulda split or your parents woulda called for you to go back."

Taking a right turn, he opts for a slightly longer route back to TJY. "That's not an excuse, but it's all I got. I'm sorry you got hurt. It was no one's intention, and you deserved better." He gives Trey a sidelong glance before looking back at the road. "You probably hate my guts - I know I would. But for what it's worth, the show's over and... I still want to be your friend. Me not telling Reese about all this... First off, while I think you were stupid, there's no point in getting you in trouble for it. And second, it's the best and only offer for a truce that I've got. But whether you take it or leave it, my lips are still sealed."

Jason helps himself to a slice of pizza, only now realizing how hungry he was. Katie's day seemed rather boring. What had made days so interesting before? Their constant communication? Surely there had been more to it than that. Surely they had more connecting them than just a stupid drug-induced phenomenon.

Her question brings a shrug. "Taking it as easy as my sanity will allow. I'm just glad the surgery wasn't as extensive as Rick had thought it might need to be, so I can at least be home and not at TJY or the hospital. And yes - he's called me a million times. I think he's afraid I'm gonna go run a marathon or something."

Reaching the crust on his pizza, he nibbles at it but really doesn't want just bread. Tossing it in the box, he retrieves another piece.

Quiet. Silence. No words. It was driving Jason mad. It wasn't so much of a lack of connection, but that he knew they both had things to say they weren't saying. Whether they were afraid or just didn't want to face the truth, he didn't know. But he knew she knew it too.

Five-forty-five. Con offers Misty a smile as he sits with Jamie on the couch in the living room. Carson hadn't shown up yet... forty-five minutes after he should have been home. Con felt badly - he knew Misty was trying her hardest to keep supper warm and have fun anyway. But Carson hadn't called, and there was a tension in the air.